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In This Issue:

Calendar 2

Parshat Terumah 3

The Soille Scene 4

Staff Spotlight 6

Preschool Pages 7-8

Community News 9

Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool

3630 Afton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300

March 3, 2017 Parsha Terumah 5 Adar 5777 Light Candles 5:30 pm

Third Grade Invention Convention In Miss Lane's class, the students have been learning about what it means to be an inventor and an engineer. The unit started with the students watching videos about the things students can invent when they set their minds to it and was followed by guest lectures from an engineer, a consultant from SpaceX and an inventor. The unit culminated in an Invention Convention where the students each built a new invention, redesigned a previous invention to improve upon it, or created a model of an invention they would like to invent. During a gallery walk on Tuesday, the students explained why their inventions were unique and awesome and how they worked. Then, the students each received their first patent! It was a great success and the students were extremely happy with their creativity and ingenuity.

First grade had a super fun visit from Super Dentist this week. What a fun way to learn healthy habits:)

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 3, 2017 - 5 Adar 5777

Calendar of Events

Head of School: Rabbi Simcha Weiser [email protected]

Assistant Head of School: Rabbi Meir Cohen [email protected]

Director of School Operations: Estelle Workman [email protected]

Director of Enrollment: Beth Licha [email protected]

Dean of Students: Giovanna Reinking [email protected]

Preschool Director: Rachel Eden [email protected]

Business Manager: Klara Lapp [email protected]

Director of Development: Joyce Arovas [email protected]


Geoffrey Berg

Members at Large:

Josh Cohen Iliana Glovinsky

Moises Eilemberg Gavin Horn

Allen Gruber Hilary Kleinman

Yonina Kaplan Philip Silverman

Michael Leeman Yvonne Venger

Marilyn Williams Marcia Wollner

Missy Wrotslavsky Brian Zimmerman

Our Administrative Team: Board of Directors:

February March

March 3-4, 2017 Soille Hebrew Day Shabbaton @ Beth Jacob Congregation March 6, 2017 No School—Faculty Development March 8, 2017 5th Grade Poetry Jam March 13, 2017 9 am Start Shushan Purim 1 pm Dismissal Passover Candy orders due March 14, 2017 8th Grade County Science Fair Set Up

March 16, 2017 8th Grade County Science Fair Awards Ceremony—SDSU March 17, 2017 K, 2nd & 4th Grade fieldtrip to JCC/Willy Wonka Play June 4, 2017 Annual June Gala New Children’s Museum 5:30 pm

SPIRIT DAYS ADAR is here! Students can dress up for these special themed days as we get ready for PURIM:

Cartoon Character – A preview to Comic Con Tuesday, March 7

Back in Time – Now that’s a decade to remember (or to forget) Wed, March 8

Future You – A personal crystal ball Friday, March 10

Shushan Purim – Costume of your choice Monday, March 13


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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 3, 2017 - 5 Adar 5777

Parshat Terumah OVERVIEW: Parshat Terumah (Ex: 25 – 27:19) G-d commands Moshe to build a Mishkan (Sanctuary) and supplies him with detailed instructions. The Children of Israel are asked to contribute precious metals and stones, fabrics, skins, oil and spices. In the Mishkan's outer courtyard are an altar for the burnt offerings and a laver for washing. The Tent of Meeting is divided by a curtain into two chambers. The outer chamber is accessible only to the kohanim, the descendants of Aharon. This contains the table of showbreads, the menorah, and the golden altar for incense. The innermost chamber, the Holy of Holies, may be entered only by the kohen gadol, and only once a year, on Yom Kippur. Here is the ark that held the Ten Commandments inscribed on the two tablets of stone that G-d gave to the Jewish nation on Mount Sinai. All of the utensils and vessels, as well as the construction of the Mishkan, are described in great detail. © 2017 Ohr Somayach International

DRASHA: One of the great deficiencies and dangers that face organized religions, and certainly Judaism as well, is its necessary connection to fundraising. In a perfect world, religion would be completely separate from the necessity to obtain and dispense money – in fact, from any monetary consideration whatsoever. However since this perfect world has not yet been achieved, the problems and influence of money on religion, both individually and institutionally, are many and powerful. The necessity to raise funds gives birth to all sorts of schemes in which the prevailing attitude often times is that the greatness of supporting Torah and Judaism justifies the use of otherwise questionable means. I need not identify or enumerate the numerous cases that have led to individual and institutional grief and public shame because of this type of mindset. The building of the Tabernacle / Mishkan, the story of whose construction starts to be told to us in this week’s Torah reading, was accomplished by the voluntary donations of the individual Jews encamped in the desert of Sinai, in response to the call and appeal of Moshe. We do not find that this fundraising effort was in any way sullied by graft, greed, commissions or overhead expenses. Moshe will make a full accounting for all of the donations received and will detail exactly how they were processed and built into the construction of the holy edifice. And when it appeared to Moshe that there was sufficient material and donations to complete the task, he calls a halt to the fundraising

efforts. Moshe’s efforts were blessed by G-d and became the ideal paradigm, never again equaled in Jewish world history, of a completely notable and transparent fundraising campaign. This was not the case in the time of the kings of Judah when funds were required to refurbish the Temple of Solomon. The fund-raising dragged on for years in the priestly clan and the public grumbled over the manner in which it was conducted. Finally the King had to acquiesce to some sort of looser arrangement regarding the accounting and spending of the funds that were donated in order to be able to finally complete the project. Moshe and his generation and their ability to transcend the lure of money were no longer present. As the generations have declined since Sinai, that paradigm of Moshe has tended to recede even further. There is no practical benefit in bemoaning this fact. For religion and religious institutions to survive, expand and become influential, money is necessary. And when money becomes therefore necessary, all of the dangers that money brings with it enter our camp and unfortunately sometimes even seem to dominate it. We should always demand transparency and honesty when dealing with public and charitable funds. Eventually Heaven separates the pure silver from the dross which always seems to encompass it. But we should insist, for our part, that holiness is built by holy means and just and responsible behavior. Shabat shalom Rabbi Berel Wein © 2017

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 3, 2017 - 5 Adar 5777

Adar Spirit Week

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 3, 2017 - 5 Adar 5777

The Soille Scene

Fifth Grade Continental Congress The Founding Fathers made an appearance in the 5th grade last Friday for the reenactment of the Continental Congress. Among them were famous men such as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Adams, and John Hancock. Delegates to the Congress debated the resolution of American Independence. Every delegate decided to sign the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson even after hearing from King George III. It was a great way to make history come alive for each student, as they took a perspective and advocated for it among their peers!

Our talented Grade 5 teacher—Ms Courtney Cox, spent a week this past summer in Williamsburg, VA immersed in a special program for educators, living in Colonial times and reliving the history of the pre-Revolutionary period. With the special training, an added depth of insight added further inspiration to this exciting unit.

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 3, 2017 - 5 Adar 5777

The Soille Scene

Remember on Wednesdays…

Breakfast cart from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

Soup during lunch: Upcoming soup: Yummy Tortilla Soup for $3 per cup. Order take-out for $6.

Order Challah by Wednesday @ noon for delivery to Hebrew Day on Friday. Click here to order.

Order delicious homemade salads for Shabbat by Wed. @ 5 p.m. Contact Vicki Rosenberg, [email protected]

Order your Pesach Candy! Order Bartons Passover Candy from Hebrew Day

Deadline: March 13th

Parve & Dairy Selections Available

(many prices have been reduced!

Two Ways to Order:

Order Form: See a Hebrew Day student with the catalog and order form

Online: Go to; Online Store; Go to Customer-Guest Login and register. On the left sidebar go to “Passover” and start your order. At checkout, put the Hebrew Day code #: 704640 in the Student ID section.

All orders will be shipped in time for Pesach! For further information contact Louisa Liebman, [email protected].

Student Takeover @ Hebrew Day

Although not reported in the main stream media, a shocking series

of events took place on Friday at Hebrew Day School, and

thankfully, KOLENU is here to give you the full story.

At 7:30 a.m. a group of costumed students somehow breached the

school's elaborate security, and disposed of all the adults in the

building. Now the stage was set. Unsuspecting students reported

to classes, began davening and learning, and no one noticed that

every teacher was an imposter. (so much for heretofore touted

student / teacher relationships of our faculty.)

How was the plot foiled? Somehow it became clear to the 3rd

graders that Morah Michal could not possibly be already 7 months

pregnant with her next child (Award Winning Science Program??)

and once that was unwound, adults began reappearing in every

class. All that remains is to have the trauma counselors undue the

damage that may have occurred while the children were teaching.

A Justice Department task force is looking into the matter.

Happy Adar!!

Another BABY?!?!

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 3, 2017 - 5 Adar 5777

Hebrew Day Staff Spotlight This week’s Staff Spotlight: Gigi Appel What is your role at Hebrew Day?

I am the librarian for pre-k all the way to fifth grade. I also teach computers for first and second grade and

coordinate the aftercare program. I also like to help out wherever I’m needed in any kind of subbing position.

In the summer, you can find me in the preschool as part of their staff.

Tell us a little bit about your history such as where you grew up, brothers and sisters . . .

I grew up in Chula Vista with my mother, father, and big sister, Ilse. My family is full of teachers and

administrators, so I always grew up around schools and seeing the people I admire in positions of helping

others. I grew up being a total oddball, but my family and teachers always made me feel like that was

completely okay and that I could use that energy to also help others.

What/who made the most impact on you during your school years?

Growing up, I had an extremely patient principal. Her name was Mrs. Hanson and she was probably one of the first teachers that I had that I

could vent to. In middle school, I had a very hard time with myself and growing pains were very hard. She stood by my side and would always

hear me out when I felt like no one would listen to me. I know she probably grew tired of me constantly stumbling into her office because of

my defiance or my needs to rebel, and yet, she never let me see it on her face. She would listen, give me advice, and then I’d be on my way.

She made me feel like I had an advocate, no matter what. I have always strived to be the kind of person she was.

What are some of your talents, activities or hobbies that occupy your time when not at work?

I really enjoy expressing myself through art. When I was younger, I used to write a lot of poetry, but now I like to paint or make collages out of

old comic books. Another thing that I greatly enjoy is playing games! Video games, tabletop games, card games, even Dungeons & Dragons are

things that fill my life. I also enjoy binge watching my favorite shows and movies, as well as catching up on various books (because, really, who

can choose just one?!).

Who is someone you look up to and why?

My family has filled the various roles that a role model would. Growing up, no one could compare to my sister. I looked up to her and the way

that she had carried herself and the way that she always exuded such confidence, even when I know she didn’t feel that way. I still look up to

her and her strength and the true patience and love that she has always shown me. My mother is a definition of a warrior. She has chronic pain

and has dealt with the worst circumstances, daily, and yet, she is the kindest woman with the most gentle touch. However, she never fears

what others will say, and she speaks her mind with force and pride. I hope to sound like her one day. And my father, who has worked with

children with learning and physical disabilities for over 25 years, has really inspired me. He has always helped me stay grounded and to always

remember why I do what I do and to always do it with a full heart.

What do you like most about working at Hebrew Day?

I have always been that obnoxious person that talks about loving their job. The kids I get to work with are smart, kind, honest, hilarious

characters. I am constantly learning from them. I love that when I am in aftercare, I get to see sides of the students that other teachers and

staff don’t get to see. In library, I get to experience some of my favorite literature with these students and we can cry together and laugh

together and discuss these topics together. Overall, I love being part of their growth process.

What does “Jewish Learning for Successful Living” mean to you?

I didn’t grow up Jewish, so I feel like I have also been learning a lot about “Jewish Learning for Successful Living”, and what I have learned, is

that not only does this school teach our students about secular studies, but we also teach them about Jewish morals and lessons. They learn,

through their classes and stories in the Torah, how certain choices in life will mold and shape who they are, in the long run. The lessons they

learn from us today, will help mold how they make adult decisions in their future. For example, they learn about bravery and strength through

the story of Queen Esther. Our teachers make these lessons relevant and real for our students.

Tell us about a moment you had a great impact on students during your time as a teacher.

One of my favorite moments happened this year in my first grade computer class. We have been working on our five-finger typing, and I had

given them a hard level to finish, but once they finished, they were awarded with free time. I had one student that kept struggling and cried in

his frustration. He pushed and persistent and I stood by him the whole time cheering him on and helping read the letters to him out loud, and

he passed! He was so thrilled and I was beside myself with pure pride.

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 3, 2017 - 5 Adar 5777

Preschool Pages

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 3, 2017 - 5 Adar 5777

Preschool Pages

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 3, 2017 - 5 Adar 5777

Community News Soille Hebrew Day Gala—Sunday, June 4th

Save the date of Sunday, June 4th for our annual Gala at the New Children’s Museum. We our honoring Mrs. Emily Einhorn for her leadership and devotion to the community. Mrs. Einhorn is a past parent (students Estee and Max) and Vice President of Hebrew Day, is a past Chair of the Jewish Community Foundation, and serves as Vice Chair of the Leichtag Foundation.

Selwyn and Hilary Isakow are Honorary Co-Chairs of the event.

Gala Underwriting Opportunities

Become a Gala Underwriter so that 100% of the Gala costs will be 100% underwritten and all Gala proceeds can go back to Hebrew Day. Contact Joyce Arovas, [email protected] for information.

Recycle your ink cartridges

Bring in your used ink cartridges to Hebrew Day!

Do you know what it means to be a

Legacy Donor to Hebrew Day?

Legacy Donors are people just like you who are committed to

Jewish education and have made a commitment to leave a

gift to Hebrew Day in their will or estate. We welcome all

Hebrew Day legacy donors into our Legacy Circle.

What does a Legacy Gift do?

Legacy gifts to Hebrew Day keep the school strong and secure

for the next generations of Jewish students in San Diego.

On Thursday, March 23rd, the San Diego Jewish Community

Foundation is hosting a community event for Legacy Donors

from all of the Jewish organizations in San Diego. If you are a

current Legacy Donor, you are invited to attend. If you intend

to become a Legacy Donor and / or would like more

information about the community event, contact Joyce

Arovas, [email protected] or 858-279-3300, ext. 107.

Join a Gala Committee! Dinner

Ad Journal Auction Venue

We love hearing your ideas! Contact Estelle, [email protected] for details

Tribute Journal Messages Start sending in your message for our beautiful Tribute Journal. The Journal is also a full calendar for next school year. Put in a message to your children, grandchildren or teachers. Buy an ad for your business and / or solicit ads from businesses you patronize. Ad Form is found in the back of this Kolenu.

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Whether you treat others or treat yourself, indulge in a box of

fine chocolates & candies!


You will help support the

Grade Israel Trip! 8


Prices have been reduced on the Dairy Free

(pareve) and Milk Chocolate Selections. To order:

or Go online to

“Passover” on the left

sidebar. Order, & then @ Checkout use Student ID Code:


For More Info. Email:

[email protected]

register as Guest Login: Click,


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Your Support is greatly appreciated!

Please place your orders by

Friday, March 3rd & pick up

Total # of Boxes:

Total $: ____Dz./$_____

Cash or Check only,

please, place your order

at the front desk or Email:

[email protected]

Hamantashen for Sale: Help support the 4th grade trip to Sacramento, and enjoy a

classic Purim treat!

Friday March 10th from the dismissal

line or outside the school’s kitchen. All

desserts are baked here by volunteers and are

Pareve/ Dairy-free!

Choose Your Flavor / Number of Dozen / Total

ale! ake B S

Chocolate: Strawberry Poppy-seed Apricot Assorted

$10/1Dz. ____





Yes! I would love to support 4th grade! Your Name____________ / Tel. or Email: __________

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3/15 Fideo Pasta Soup




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Beth Jacob Congregation4855 College AvenueSan Diego, CA 92115


Sunday March 12th4:30pm - 8:00pm

Adult Member (13 and up) - $18Child Member (ages 5-12) - $12

Adult Non Member (13 and up) - $25Child Non Member (ages 5-12) - $18

Ages 4 and under - FREE

FeaturingDelicious FoodCostume ContestMusic by Mordy Estersohn

Game TruckLaser Tag or 619 287-9890

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