Page 1: Some of the buses through the years NEWS - Letter Dec 2018.pdfFirst invented in Denmark in 1949, the pieces were originally

DACT, The Abbey, Market Square, Daventry, NN11 4XG . TEL 01327 701665 /6

Editor Tony Doyle




Tel :01327 701665 / 6 / 7










Join us for some

good days out

01327 701665


Registered Charity No:- 1170448

Some of the buses through the years

Travel Token Appeal is now closed (NT Tokens business has closed down) –Thank you so much for hunting

out your old tokens – you raised the magnificent sum of £2,650. All donations really do make a difference.

What a team. Thank you does not begin to describe how grateful we are for all the hard work put in by

our fabulous volunteers. We are continually inspired by your generosity, commitment and effort that has

helped so many people. The words “thank you” seem insufficient, but we want every volunteer to know

how much you are appreciated, not just at Christmas, but every day. Tony



10AM – 4PM



Rob Kinning – Chief Executive

October 1993 to October 2018 - 25 amazing years of DACT in Daventry – our Silver Jubilee!! What a roller-

coaster journey this has been. We want to celebrate our Anniversary year (2018/19) in a fitting way sometime

next year (details to follow in the New Year) to honour all those who have been a part of this ongoing success

story. We would not be where we are today without an amazing combination of Volunteers, Trustees, and

dedicated staff past and present who have heavily invested in this truly outstanding Charity. We are currently

compiling some ideas for the 25th celebration, but if you have any suggestions or contributions to help this be

memorable please contact us to let us know.

2018 has been another year of development which has included the building of the DACT Mobility Shop

extension. Whilst this has taken longer than any of us wanted or expected, it is now completed and we can’t wait

to see this becoming a thriving community hub for Daventry District with a greatly increased range of mobility

products and services, including a new Mobility Advice and Information Hub. The Official opening of the new

extension will take place in the New Year, date to be advised.

As we approach Christmas, one of my favourite times of the year, let me encourage you to do something that our

volunteers are doing every day of the year - they do not focus on what they ‘can’t do’, but rather on what they

‘can do’ – the results of this are witnessed by the huge number of letters and cards we receive regularly at our

Office from people who use our services and who say how blessed they are by what DACT contribute to

community life. Be a blessing to someone today and let’s continue to positively affect our world.

God bless you and yours this Christmas.


Transport 01327 701665

DACT Mobility 01327 312555

2018 1993

STOP PRESS :- DACT wins awards, see page 2

Page 2: Some of the buses through the years NEWS - Letter Dec 2018.pdfFirst invented in Denmark in 1949, the pieces were originally

Help support DACT by registering


Shop at your usual places and the

donation happens in the back

round; its easy.

Helping DACT in this

way will not cost you a penny


The DACT Office will be CLOSING on Friday Dec 21st and will re-open on Wednesday Jan

2nd Book your car journeys very early – late bookings risk no drivers being available


CAR PASSENGERS Book your journey

as soon as you have the appointment; it

can cause problems if you book late. We

are very busy, please help us help you.

DACT Days Out – Meet new friends and have

fun days out, it’s easy and enjoyable Always put your name on the reserve list. We often

put on a second bus if we get enough names.

Minibus Bookings

There are 7 minibuses and

they book up fast. Get in

early with your bookings.


DACT NEEDS YOUR HELP We have been nominated for the Masonic

Charitable Foundation Tercentenary

Award Fund. To celebrate the 300th

anniversary of the United Grand Lodge

the Masons are giving away £3 million to

300 hundred charities nationwide and

DACT is one of them. We need your

votes to maximise the amount of money

we will receive. The vote is online but

even if you don’t go online you can still

help, you could ask your friends and

relatives to vote for us and spread the

word to others. The link to vote is, please vote it could

mean the difference of many thousands

of pounds to DACT’s funds.

Each of the nominated charities will receive a grant, but the public

vote will determine how much they receive, ranging from £4,000 to

£25,000. Those who want to vote should visit the MCF website, select the Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire

page and vote for the charity of their choice. The voting period is

from Monday, 12 June until Monday, 31 July

At the prestigious Northampton Community

DIAL A RIDE will operate on Friday 28th of December during the Christmas week.

Book early if you want to travel. - The next Dial a Ride will be on the 4th January

The DACT Mobility Shop will be open on Christmas eve Monday 24/12/18 till

lunchtime for last- minute shopping, then closed for the rest of the Christmas week.

Lifetime Achievement Award

NEW Mobility Shop The new DACT Mobility Shop is now open. We are busy expanding our range so there is more

choice of equipment that will suit your requirements. Our new Advice & Information Hub will be

able to answer your questions on your mobility needs. Pop in and see what we have to offer; you’re

welcome to just have a chat and a look around. This new initiative will hopefully help DACT

services into the future by raising some much needed extra funds. The building was built through

the efforts of the DACT team fund-raising to enable this all to happen. We are always looking for

ways of securing DACT’s future and this is the latest project to help us get there. Our brilliant

volunteers have been working hard to make the new shop ready for you to come and look round.

Come and have a look round!!!!!

At the prestigious Northampton Community Foundation

awards night DACT as an organisation was awarded the

Lifetime Achievement Award. This award recognises the

positive impact in the community an organisation has made.

On the night we were able to take 3 volunteers with us to

see if we had won; we wish we could have taken all of the

volunteers to celebrate this wonderful accolade. This award

is for everyone who volunteers for and supports DACT

Lady Juliet Townsend Award for Volunteering

The judges in this category were so impressed with the

high standard of the nominees they awarded 3 prizes.

Mary Watson who volunteers at the DACT Mobility Shop

was awarded

runner up for

for her work

in the


Well done to



These awards

reflect on all

volunteers hard

work and


All Volunteers


Page 3: Some of the buses through the years NEWS - Letter Dec 2018.pdfFirst invented in Denmark in 1949, the pieces were originally

1. Whose full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts?

Legacy Giving - Over the last few years we have become aware of a number of people who have made provision in their Will and left DACT a legacy. For obvious reasons we would like to thank those wonderfully caring people now; you are thinking of others in such a pragmatic way. This sort of giving will really help us to help others.

Gift Aid and other personal donations reached a fantastic total of £ 9329.81 for 2016/17.

Thank you so much for helping to support DACT – Your giving really does help us help others.

Chairman’s Report Dennis Clayton, Chairman of Board of Trustees


We have been approached by a few individuals asking about legacy giving, so we are repeating an article

we published in 2012, It's one of those subjects that many people find hard to talk about. However, making

a Will is easy and can give piece of mind to you and your family and friends, knowing they know your

wishes. All gifts and legacies left to registered charities are free from Inheritance and Capital Gains Tax.

You can help others by leaving a lasting legacy – and save tax – by leaving a gift to

Daventry Area Community Transport

Donations are essential in order to maintain and improve the essential service provided by DACT services

in the Daventry District. They are much needed and gratefully received. Why not celebrate your life by

creating a better future for those who, one day, may need vital transport to receive the medical attention

they need. Your support really can make a difference. It is a wonderful opportunity to do something

positive in your lifetime to make an invaluable contribution to our work in the future.

DACT understand that we only receive this special donation because of someone's loss. We do understand

and endeavour to deal with these sorts of donations and the families that make them, with sensitivity, care

and compassion.

Your legacy will make a lasting difference – so Daventry Area Community Transport will be there to serve

the community in the future.

There are several ways you can support DACT in your will.

Residual Gift: After making provision for your family, you leave a proportion of your estate to DACT.

Monetary Gift: By leaving a specific amount as a cash donation to our charity.

A Gift in Kind: Bequeath a gift of property, shares, jewellery or any other items you may wish to leave to

our charity.

What next? There are various ways to make a Will or to make an amendment to your existing Will. If you

simply want to add on a legacy, then drawing up what is known as a Codicil could do this. This is then

simply kept with the original copy of your Will. You will need the following information:

1. Name of the Charity: Daventry Area Community Transport.

2. Address: The Abbey, Market Square, Daventry Northants NN11 4XG. 3. Charity Number 1170448

National Transport Tokens - We have to inform you that we can no longer accept National Transport

Tokens for payment for journeys. There is a minimum amount National Tokens will accept for exchange

for money to reimburse DACT costs. There were only 3 transactions last year, not enough to make a claim.

Sorry for any inconvenience. We will still accept tokens as donations as we can hold onto them for much

longer periods before we exchange them without it effecting DACT finances.

1. Whose full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts?

2. How many of Snow White’s seven dwarfs had a

name which didn’t end in a ‘y’?

3. The world’s smallest breed of dog is named after

the biggest state in Mexico. What is it?

4. First invented in Denmark in 1949, the pieces

were originally called Automatic Binding Bricks.

How do we know them today?

5. What song or tune was written in 1877 by the 16-

year-old British composer Euphemia Allen, who said

that the correct way to play the piece was to ‘chop’

the keys with the fingers turned sideways?

6. What is the highest prime number below 100?

7. Which is the only country that ends with the letter


8. Which sport was originally known as water


9. What do the words trivia, paparazzi, assizes and

grafitti all have in common?

10. Which beloved cartoon character — known as

Topolino in Italy — celebrates his birthday on

November 18?

Read more:



Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on


6. What is the highest prime number below 100?

7. Which is the only country that ends with the letter


8. Which sport was originally known as water


9. What do the words trivia, paparazzi, assizes and

grafitti all have in common?

10. Which beloved cartoon character — known as

Topolino in Italy — celebrates his birthday on

November 18?

1. Barbie 2. Bashful & Doc 3. The Chihuahua 4. Lego 5. Chopsticks

6. 97 7. Iraq 8. Water Polo 9. All Plural 10. Micky Mouse



A free Dial a Ride shopping bus into the Town

Centre for the over 65 yrs, which operates

every Tue & Fri - Ring 01327 701665 / 6

DACT Days Out – Meet new friends and have fun days out, it’s easy and enjoyable Always put your name

on the reserve list if we are fully booked, We often put on a second bus if we get enough names. New

brochure now available for the period January – April 2019

Passenger Corner Comments We want to thank our passengers for all of their wonderful comments about DACT’s Volunteers. It is really good to get such positive feedback. If you can send us comments in writing, this helps us when we are completing grant applications; Grant funders like to hear positive stories. Booking Trips Please try to book any journeys really early - you can’t do it too soon. When you book late it causes a lot of re-arranging in the background to try to fit everyone in. If you do get an appoint- ment at the last minute or you forget to book, still phone us as you know we will always try to help. Legacy Giving Over the last few years we have become aware of a number of people who have made provision in their Will and left DACT a legacy. For obvious reasons we would like to thank those wonderfully caring people now; you are thinking of others in such a pragmatic way. This sort of giving will really help us to help others. Car Passengers Could car passengers please try to have as near to the correct money for their trip as possible? Volunteer Drivers do not carry large amounts of change. Thanks in advance for your help. DACT offers Minibus MiDAS Training – Courses can be Standard or Accessible. If you

need to know more about MiDAS please ring the DACT office on 01327 701665

In partnership with

Northamptonshire ACRE and Daventry District Council are developing

Good Neighbours schemes across Daventry District.

DACT is working in partnership with the ‘Good Neighbour Scheme’ with a view to setting

up Village Travel Clubs where there is no local transport available. Could your village benefit?

Help a Good Neighbour Scheme set up its own Village Travel Club.

You will be able to become a member and benefit from group transport arranged by your local

group to places selected by your own members and at times and dates suited to you.

MiDAS Minibus driver-training can be provided for volunteer drivers.

Contact DACT for more information and help your village to get out and about.

Page 4: Some of the buses through the years NEWS - Letter Dec 2018.pdfFirst invented in Denmark in 1949, the pieces were originally

DACT, The Abbey, Market Square, Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 4XG . TEL 01327 701665 / 6

Please use my gift to help DACT provide community transport in the Daventry district.

My full name Address

Post Code

BANK STANDING ORDER FORM This replaces any previous standing order to DACT

From the account detailed please deduct

£5 £10 £15 £20 £50


Every Month Quarter Year

Commencing day month year

Regularly until further notice

Post Code

Name of account holder

Name of bank and address

Account number Sort Code


Signature Date

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. Paying bank please use the

following reference

I cannot give regularly at the moment but

please accept the enclosed gift £

Payable to Daventry Area Community Transport


Signature Date

Thank you for your support from all at DACT

Registered Charity, No:- 1170448

In order to maximise your donation we will not send out

a receipt unless you tick this box

Pay to Daventry Area Community Transport account

No 10764175 Sort code 20 73 48 Barclays Bank High

Street Daventry Northants NN11 4BQ. Please ensure

any backdated payments are credited

DACT The Abbey Market Square Daventry Northants NN11 4XG

I am a UK taxpayer and would like to treat all donations

I have made for the four years prior to this year, and all

donations I make in future as Gift Aid donations. I understand

that I must have paid an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital

Gains Tax at least equal to the tax you reclaim on my


The DACT Mobility Shop team can give you help and advice on the right

Mobility equipment for your needs. We stock a wide range of goods and can

also get most items the next day if they are out of stock. We offer security

of purchase, being local you can always come back to the shop if you have

a problem. From the internet you have little redress on issues. We are a

friendly team who have your best interests at heart; we will only sell the

right thing for your requirements. Don’t forget to try out the brand-new Mobility

Advice & Information Hub.

Call DACT Mobility on 01327 312555 to talk about your needs or call in to our shop in Daventry Town

Centre, near the bus station and try the equipment on display. All types of mobility aids are supplied.

DACT Mobility Shop New Street Daventry NN11 4BS. *Local Shopping with local Guarantees*

Donations of Scooters and Wheelchairs for recycling help DACT finances


Visit the NEW Mobility Shop in New street Daventry

DACT MOBILITY REPAIRS is here for all of your mobility servicing, repair

and recycling needs. It’s important to make sure your equipment is in good

working order. Call us for any of your needs.

By shopping at

DACT Mobility

you financially

support DACT,

helping us to

help others.


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