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Welded of Shirion - Baal Hermon - the Israeli military

Yeah I know "Shunammite" peaceful means. And peacemaker

See that beautiful girl stands calmly. And peaceful.

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Going where no other teacher or prophet has ever dared.


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A preliminary observation. The Song of Songs is a song whose melody is unknown to us. It was made with an original melody by Solomon. Suzanne Haik-Vantoura is a musicologist who understood that the Masoretic Bible had signs representing musical and gestural notations of musicians and despite the Masoretic notation (signs that represent vowels, tones, expressiveness of the text of the Old Testament in Hebrew) being of the second century AD. C, the notations date back to the musical traditions of antiquity. The Study of the Book of Songs has several schools of interpretation. The author takes loan language studies, geographical references, ecological, historical, social and cultural rights of Israel, its political division, kingdom, tribe, the identify of the family in the ancient oriental times, the literature of antiquity, too the Egypt, as basics for your research. Not satisfied draws some parallels with India, where today we find various cultural points that make us go back in history to the past and the traditions narrated in the Song of Songs. This is one of the most powerfull tools in the toolbox of the author. The modern Israeli society was transformed by his contact with various nations. While maintaining its traditions, has not kept her attire. Or her ornaments. Or some aspects that the Israeli marriage had at the time of antiquity. An Israeli bride dresses herself today similar to an American, English, French or Brazilian bride. And if any Israelite read this study and want to see, at least, how israeli people

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dressed in his past, traveling in time machine, needs by look at India. And for Pakistan. And to Iran The second tool to understand the Song of songs is that it is a song. It's a song, then shares the essence of performing arts, of dance, of song and of music. In a few moments understand this feature will be of great value. Third is understand the beauty of the novel in the Song of Songs. He teaches us extraordinary and wonderful things to trace the parallel spiritual dimension of the Scripture.. Fourth will be used a tool that will sound strange to most scholars of Scripture. "The voice of my beloved is sweet." The Song of Songs invites us to interpret it with sweetness. Without arbitrariness, neither absolutes, no fixed limits. The biblical science uses the word "typology" to say that something is "symbol" of a spiritual reality. There is the "allegorizing" which basically see the symbols, representations, similes, parables evoked by Song. I will use instead of the word "type" the word "representation". And I'll let the pictures of Song of Songs to evoke images, the memories, the reminiscences, the poetic parallels, in beautiful representations of Christ. We go reading the spiritual and prophetic operations contained in Scripture, traveling, without limiting myself to human history. We travel of the eternity past to the eternity future and on the way, walking through the gardens planted by the Holy Spirit, to see Israel, to see the Gentile Church, and the revelation of God, granted to the peoples, tribes, races and nations. I use free of associations in a way that every human being can read the story of his own existence. Remembering. Through the reminiscences. Every girl remembers the first kiss. Every child remembers important events involving them and their parents. When you saw your name on the approved list, the party of graduation from that college. Why do you think the biggest Song of the Holy Spirit is the song, where your beloved girl is magnificently decked and adorned? Churches that prohibit ornaments reinterpreted malignantly the two verses of I Timothy 2:9 and I Peter 3.3 also tore of the Scripture 177 verses of Songs of Songs! Rape of biblical texts, the prohibitions, The texts above teach that the care for inside should supplant the desire to adorn the outside. Femininity is something beautiful in the eyes of the Spirit, which you want to see on the heart of the woman adorned with spiritual gems, likewise that your outside. With a lot of sweetness to the voice of the Beloved must be seen in the whole context of Scripture. When the interpreter of God's Word moves away from a loving vision, free, full, abundant grace, mercy, compassion and joy, perishes, destroys himself. This dimension of understanding the book of Song means to not "impose" symbols. We permit the images to lead us with lightness to other scenes, and with lightness the texts of the book invokes spiritual realities, to meditate on it. What the author saw in the texts does not limit what each reader can see in him or associate. Here have human limitations on who wrote this review, limitations of the knowledge of the Scriptures, cultural, historical, linguistic and spiritual realities limitations. I want to dance with the Shunammite, not force her to walk with me through strange places.

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I filled the text of pictures, because unfortunately I can not fill it of smells! My advice to those classes based on this study to buy essences of lemongrass, myrrh, aloes, calamus, cassia, and distribute the crowd (with return of essences and cleaning of the vials, to present next class). No, I'm not earning commission to make this propaganda of essences.

There is a tremendous difference between David and Solomon. However, dozens of similarities. Solomon inherited his father's musicality and inspiration. A great poet, luthier, a statesman, a singer and instrumentalist. Not stated, but who wrote this study is a musician. And musicians recognizes musicians with relative ease. Solomon manufactures unique instruments and is the author of thousands of songs.(1005 songs). He had a parent who organized the first orchestra of Israel. He lived his childhood and adolescence listening to dozens of inspirational melodies from the mouth of the largest minstrel, the greatest singer, musician and composer Israel. The ease that Solomon has to compose songs, its proximity to David and even with the Temple, his life near the greatest masters of music of his era, Heman, Asaph and Jeduthun, their ability to choose a very special wood for making instruments would yield one day the guitars, guitars, lutes and their relatives, the facts tell us with "mastery" the level of musicianship of Solomon. And lead us to recognize it as spetacular singer. Also because of the girl of Song of Songs recognizes the beauty and softness of his voice. and behold ... the voice of my beloved that is knocking: Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled, for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night ... Solomon wrote about 1005 songs. (I Kings 4.32,33) but only one of these has been preserved. Solomon being the author, the book was probably written after he became king, having acquired many chariots of Egypt, and have expanded their vineyards to the valley of Jezreel. Rabbi Akiba (135 AD) said that this was the most sacred of sacred books of Israel. It was considered sacred by his allegory of the love relationship between Israel and the Lord of the Covenant. As such, it was read by the nation on the occasion of the Feast of the Passover annually. This Song of Love, however, was also appreciated and judged sacred by Israel due to its golden description of conjugal love. This book brings the relationship between husband and wife on a higher plane of spiritual experience and sacred duty, fulfilling the divine order of conjugal intimacy of Genesis 2:24. Also emphasizes the importance of postponing such intimacy, "nor awake my love" (8.4) until the right moment, which is symbolized in marriage. The big difference between Solomon and his father, Solomon masterfully handled a lute, but not the sword. Solomon warred not like his father, he has not been in bloody battles, did not live under the awning of stars with the battalions of mercenaries in dramatic struggles and surviving expense of spectacular deliverances. David had participated in battles until the day that he was physically able to survive a battlefield. A warrior by excellence. Solomon does not have such capabilities, it was not a warrior because of his beloved father had given her a unique gift. The

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Peace. David won all enemies of Israel, fact special throughout its ancient history enjoyed peace, albeit submission by force of some nations, living the peace with all their neighbors. Solomon means peaceful. He is the son of the greatest king of Israel, son of David. His father was a poet, a prophet and a great musician. His mother is Bathsheba, the greatest passion of her father's life and also the source of his greatest sin. David met very young betrothed of one of his bravest warriors. The story of King Arthur and Lancelot's literary response to the tragedy surrounding the episode with Bathsheba. In days of war when her husband was fighting the wars of Israel, Bathsheba was with her maidens bathing in a creek near the king's palace and he watching her bathe, contemplating its extreme beauty, have the desire. Informed with his servants about who is the girl who has bathed beside his castle and discovers that she is the wife of one of his most valiant and noble soldiers. And that belonged to his personal guard known as "the mighty men of David." Moved by the desire to invite him to dine with him at the palace. The girl feels honored and certainly David used all its resources to seduce her. And succeeded. Even married she is willing to have one night with the king and then back home. But this unique extramarital experience becomes pregnant and she warns the king. After several plans to try to cover up their guilt does not work, including to get drunk the husband of his pregnant lover, David wanting to avoid the shame of the event and the exposure of the embarrassing situation to the public decides to put nasty plan in action. Decides to put the husband of Bathsheba in the most dangerous front lines, having at his hand a letter in which he had, without knowing it, his own death. The unfortunate soldier was led to worse battlefront and at some point, abandoned by his companions. Thus fulfills immoral order, unblinking, General Joab. And Uriah dies that night. The king is advised of the death of Uriah and sends servants to warn Bathsheba the sad demise of her husband. Days after he sends collect the beautiful widow lady in his palace. Being considered a noble by all his contemporaries, even more by the fact accept pregnant wife - of another man - above anything suspicious, despite Joab, who knew everything. But while their sordid act been represented the Spirit of God revealed the whole plot to the prophet of the kingdom of David. The unborn child of this illegal marriage, dies. But months later a second child was born. This child is Solomon, whom David called: PEACE. Because now understood that peace he could feel. The guilt of their vile actions had removed the peace of your heart. Until Salomon born. Many tragedies lived David because of this passion, followed of the death of a friend. Including the drama of his daughter Tamar, abused by one of his sons, Amon. Tamar was avenged by a son of another wife of David, Absalom. Absalom would die at the hands of the same general who one day received the letter that Davi sent Uriah to his death.. But his repentance and his future conduct showed him to be one of the most singular men that ever lived on earth. God calls him "my beloved". His songs of praise and worship were so full of the spirit of God that we can still read on your songs prophecies that will be fulfilled on earth. Thousand years before the crucifixion we read in Psalm 22 the exact reconstruction of the scene of Calvary. David grew old and left the kingdom to his son Solomon. Solomon had a troubled past. And under the shadow of an uncertain future Solomon received through a spiritual gift by a dream that would transform his entire life. The Spirit of God is manifest in a dream and asked him what he would like to have. And he answers:

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- Ability to discern between right and wrong. Wisdom to judge with justice the cause of my people. And God granted him what he requested. And at a level that by we unknown. We have a vague notion of his discernment through the books of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs. About their ability to judge human hearts left us a single legal decision, that is, to all who read one of the most intelligent and fair decisions in the history. Almost imperative in law courses to mention the scene of the prostitutes and the sword. Solomon was a great administrator, his wealth narrated in Scripture is for us almost mythical. Shortly before his father's death, when he already aged, it is said that David would feels very cold in a dramatic winter in Israel. Counsellors call for the coming of a young girl to heat the king. A girl from the region of Shunem, Abisaque, is conducted to the palace and its sole mission is to sleeping beside the king to heat it, and so she does until the last days of the winter and of his life, in the winter that David will die. She is known for the name of town where he came from, is Shunammite. Shunem was located at an elevation of land five miles north of the valley of Jezreel. Sunen is known as the current Sulan, Shulen Sulam (Arabic: م سول ; Hebrew: .

It was part of the portion of land given to the descendants of Issachar, facing the Mount Gilboa where King Saul held his last battle and where his sons were also killed. Was Surrounded by orchards and cacti, was directly in front of Carmel, where one day the prophet Elijah would fight against four hundred prophets of Baal. It is part of the region that a day will be called of Galilee. Sunem is the city where, four hundred years after the composition of Song of songs, an infertile girl will have a son who will die and resurrect by the ministry of the prophet Elisha.

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Just south, you could see the sloping road leading to Mount Gilboa. The Shunammite comes from a town that to north has the Jezreel Valley, south to Mount Gilboa. Each piece of the geography of the holy land is covered with meanings. One day this valley, which was a farm at the time of Solomon, will stage the biggest battle taken by human being, prophesied by John in Revelation, the battle of Ar-magedom. Or Battle of Mount Megiddo, in reference to the mountain that is in the middle of the valley of Jezreel. Jesus will walk by this valley one day and will face the armies of the world that will gather to destroy Israel, according to the prophecy given in Revelation.

Sunem in 1914 The Shunammite this time the song does not evoke many realities. Yet. But it is important to see the future to understand the prophetic character of the Song. 400 years after:

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The scene of the resurrection of the son of the Shunammite's future: "Also happened one day that Elisha going to Shunem, there was an important woman, who kept him bread to eat;. Succeeded and that every time he passed thither to eat bread" 2 Kings 4:8 "And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this, which passeth by us is a holy man of God." 2 Kings 4:9 "Let him therefore a small room next to the wall, and we put him there a bed, a table, a chair and a lamp;., And it shall be, when he came to us in thither" 2 Kings 4:10 "Wouldest thou be spoken for to the king or to the captain of the army And she said: I dwell in the midst of my people." 2 Kings 4:13 "And the woman conceived, and bare a son, at the time appointed in the following year, as Elisha had told her." 2 Kings 4:17 "And the child was grown, it fell on a day he went out to be with his father, who was with the reapers, and said to his father: Woe, Woe my head, my head Then he said to a lad, Carry to his mother. "2 Kings 4:18-19 "When she came to the man of God to mount, took on his feet: but Gehazi came to remove it, but said the man of God: Let her, because his soul is sorrowful bitterness, and the LORD hid me, and not told me. "2 Kings 4:27 Return the time of the Song: The beauty of this girl inhabitant of Shunem would be awesome. The girl inhabits the palace now belongs to Solomon. Her beauty is so striking or perhaps for political reasons, a brother of Solomon, Adonijah, who had intended to be the king after the death of David. He asks for Solomon to send the girl to him. Solomon had already received orders to David to deal with the antics of Adonijah. And considering the girl almost like "wife" of his father, Solomon outraged refuses to send her and still condemns him with harsh punishment. Maybe Adonijah would had intent to mistreat the girl, and Solomon interpreted that to send she would actually condemning her to imprisonment, exile or death. Solomon would practice during his lifetime the union of families through marriages with daughters of kings. Becoming relative of the sovereign, prevent war. This union was through her marriage to the daughters of the viziers, the nobles and rulers of many nations. When Solomon wrote the Song in one of his lines he says: "There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, and virgins without number" This puts the time of authoring Song in his youth in the early years of his reign. Because at the end of his reign of more than forty years, Solomon will have accumulated about 1000 women! I Kings 11 King Solomon married many foreign women, besides the Egyptian princess. Many of them come from countries where they worshiped idols - Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon and of the Hittites - 2 although the Lord had given express instructions to their people not to marry people of these nations, because women with whom they were to marry lead worship their gods. Nevertheless, Solomon was allowed to take the love for these women. Three quarters had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines; they were undoubtedly responsible for it have diverted your Lord's heart, especially since the time of his old age. Encouraged him to worship their gods instead of relying entirely on the Lord, as did David his father. 5 Solomon

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gave Ashtaroth worship the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the god Ammon. And in exchange for political gain Solomon had to build a "citadel" to shelter their wives and concubines. And his relationship with these women, we can imagine the palace intrigues, festivals, large celebrations, dances, and the need to accept the religion, cultures and traditions of these women. They could not live the "intimacy" with the king, could not even enjoy his presence alone, most of the time. His wives were entitled to everything that could make your life more comfortable. But bowing down to the whims of so many princesses Solomon practiced acts contrary to their faith. Some religions introduced practices abhorred by God. Including sacrifices of unclean animals, blood rites, hallucinogenics rites, sex cults and even human sacrifices, sacrifices which if not literally performed, were at least ritualized or simulated. While Solomon was young he found condition, in a miraculous way, of live a great love. After he lost himself in trifles, in acts that need rethinking. This self-judgment, this reassessment of his life, of their ideals, of their values and what really mattered after a life full of resources, in a level unimaginable to most of us, we will read in the book of Ecclesiastes. How then, you ask, a man who had 700 wives could have created such a deep song that talks about one great passion? And that he could narrate such love story despite of so great polygamy? Or why God allowed the Song of a subject with so many involvements, a "womanizer" serve as a background for your exclusive love? The Scriptures tell us of human beings with faults, vices and flaws that have received the grace of carrying voice of God, his Word, his love. In the midst of sinful humanity God manifested himself wonderfully, not counting their sins, but blessed and choosing special moments of their lives to communicate in his Word. The Spirit of God has captured a special moment in the life of Solomon, a single moment, although passenger, and used him to speak of his love that never ceases. What has been lived for a few weeks, months or years, is portrayed in magnificent manner, is remembered and preserved by the Spirit chosen between thousand and five songs, a only song that God chose to represent your heart. A moment in the life of a man he blessed, reflecting the same way A MOMENT OF GOD´S LIFE. God is eternal, all human history equals moments of this eternity. From creation until the redemption, of the Resurrection to New Creation, can be a long time for us, because we spent with a shadow. But not for Him The song portrays a love lived by a man generated from a tragedy (the murder of Uriah), from the result of an insane passion (played by David), having lived in the midst of a family marked by incest (Amon and Tamar) and taking become the most powerful and wealthy man who witnessed the land. And despite all this, he fell in love with a peasant girl, a plebeian, a common young girl, who matched this crazy love! And despising the traditions, social differences, managing to finally marry her. And in this love God sees his own odyssey, his love, and his passionate heart.

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Song of songs has many dimensions. He is at once the most beautiful song of human love writing and adorns the most sublime mysteries contained within the prophetic Scriptures. Amounts to a transcendental journey to the interior of God, poetically evoking the magic beauty of divine love, excellence and depth of a love that exceeds our understanding, through a tissue of images, gestures, feelings, shadows, characters, and a love that grows until it reaches the most powerful expression that has been expressed about its meaning, in the eighth chapter. The book grows in intensity and passion, traveling by beautiful landscapes, transporting us to realities that represent the heavens, the earth, the angels, the human spirit, the soul, the dreams, the life and the death, eternity and the prophecy unraveling through a simple story of love, love in a comprehensive manner. The apogee of Song is a jealous cry that impresses us deeply: Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death, cruel as the grave jealousy; the coals thereof are coals of fire, a most vehement flame

. The love that challenges to power and the more disquieted feelings of men, defying money, prestige, fame, and power that dethrones kings. This power, the death, takes to the floor the human pride, burying in the pit of the poor the haughty, leveling the arrogant to the humble, the despot to the errant servant. The death affronts to society, human science, the pride of man. But the death it is not able to declare himself victorious before the love. And even that was able for millennia, in the resurrection of Christ death is affronted with the truth of this immortal, powerful and stunning essence. The Song of Songs prophesy the victory of a power that is as great as the power of death. And he advances in the statement saying that love generates jealousy, monstrous jealousy, so terrifying, so powerful, that graves are not stronger than she. And the her coals are larger than the graves, whose fire is strong, relentless, unquenchable. And it is because of this jealousy that death cannot separate the beloved of your loved. Death does not can resist to such love. The death may not contain the redeemed in their midst, or who died waiting for the coming of the Beloved in his power. Paul declare otherwise this epithet: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Death, or the rulers? " Generated by identically inspiration.

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ORDER OF SONG The book does not tell a story in a linear fashion. Why is this so hard to find the guideline of the plot, to understand the plot of your story. It is told in the form of "Flashback" he is told from memories, will narrate a story where you see things that will happen at a future time, before they happen. And then it will be counted a piece of the past to you place in history. Time does not flow linearly in Song. To accomplish this work of "linearization" of the story the author drank from the nearest source in the drama of our days the sphere of book songs: Indian romantic movies. A list of essential films, in my opinion, to enlarge the reader a view of narrative, poetry and sentiment of the book of songs, the human dimension: Rab ne Bana Jodi Veer Zaara Jab We Meet Song Summary: Presents the romance of Solomon and the Shulamite. King Solomon, while visiting his vineyard of Mount Lebanon, at harvest time, on the migration of doves and various pastoral festivals with thousands of women dancing the ancient traditions of the festivals of Benjamin. He found by chance with the beautiful maiden Shulamith, who was dancing against the will of the brothers. Stoped its obligations to dance at parties, in the party of Benjamin. She seeks his freedom in the arms of a husband! She longs to fall in love with some young and start a family with him and escape this condition of servitude. Only that because she goes to the party the little foxes did more damage in the vineyards. And to see such pomp of Salomon, escapes him. Flees because she also sees it as a culprit for her situation because she works as a SLAVE of vineyards belonging to it. She is treated like a slave by his brothers who forced her to work in the vineyards without any payment… The hard work under the sun does she different from her sisters and old friends girls who lived in the city, Jerusalem. One of its functions was set traps to catch the little foxes. Their escapes and getaways will last days, mostly in the evenings, and in this time the little foxes will create your way to break the crates or gnaw the ropes. Solomon saw such beauty in Sulamite that falls madly in love. One could say that seeing her he lost the heart itself in her gaze. Informed of the situation of the girl put his immense wisdom to work to their advantage. He disguised himself of shepherd to conquer her love. Likewise the girl disguises herself as a shepherdess to conquer him. He spends a night with she and promises of freedom, then mark a romantic encounter frustrated.

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She abandoned, after the destruction caused trouble in the vineyard by foxes, who made there one escarçel, was follow to find him without knowing who he is. She lived subject to the power of guards, both in the fields and in the city of Jerusalem (cf. 5.7). The drama happens to their separation, she goes after him, believing that is in the city and there she is violently beaten. The time is ending, Solomon will leaving Lebanon to return to their activities, because spring is ending. At some point the Shunammite discovers his identity after much questioning. After discovering who he is the drama intensifies. She found out who was the beloved, the most important man of Israel, and he's leaving! After much search she will found him, through an artifice. She found out who was the beloved, the most important man of Israel, and he's leaving! After much searching she find it through an artifice. It shall come into the palace and dance before the king and his guests. Boldly reveal to him dancing in front of the guests in the wine room. (hence the parallel with the book of Esther). After acknowledging his love in front of everyone, Solomon marries her and at the last instant of Song will see a little girl, the fruit of this union. King Solomon had a vineyard in the hill country of Ephraim, about 50 miles north of Jerusalem, near jezreel and Lebanon, near the Golan Heights. Chants 08:11. He leased it to administrators, Songs 8:11, consisting of a mother, two sons, Song 1:6, and a daughter Shulamith, Songs 6:13, and what appeared to be a younger sister, and is called sister is the big surprise ending of the book. She is the daughter of Sulamite. Song 08:08.

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Rabbi calm down! Still! Theologian! Get behind me ignorant prophet! Master do not despair! I am not a slave of systematic theology. Nor slave of spiritualization wandering. This chapter does not mean that I will reread Song of Songs on the basis of some mystical doctrine, of some manual of magical practice or go trough the Camino de Santiago of biblical knowledge, tenderly embracing Freemasonry and too a beautiful ecumenical vision to propose a reconciliation between the Kabbalah and the Way. Calm down, take a deep breath and accompany me. After all, why I would walking wandering by the flock of thy companions ... Jesus is Lord, Savior, risen on the third day, manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, no other name given among men by which we must be saved, every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father that. Jesus rising, gave gifts to men, in him whom also we have the forgiveness of sins. Ready. You can put the handkerchief back into his pocket. Take a painkiller and follow me. The Scriptures germinates how a branches of a vine, in a predominantly magical world. The man seeks to dominate natural forces since the beginning of civilizations. He not only bowed in worship to the deities of antiquity, but also wanted in many cases, receive them powers, virtues, powers to destroy their enemies. We read of Moses in the battle against the magicians of Egypt, magicians educated in magical arts by unknown hand for us, invoking powers to carry out their acts of magic. We read about the meeting with Moses and Balaam with his invocation for spirits through rituals unknown, so such to grant him the power to curse his enemies. Balaam bases your invocation on an ancient belief that each nation had their protective spirits. and that for a nation to overpower the other in war should have more powerful gods. Or negotiate through CHEAT, BUY such divinity of another nation through sacrifices (irrefutable) to the "divinity" for it failed to protect their "own" nation and "allow it to be attacked. There was among the people, nor in most priesthoods or in the prevailing beliefs, the expression ofa Supreme God. Actually a pantheon of deities were equal in strength and power. Even the deities considered "bosses" of the utmost importance, those who ruled over the other in a certain mythology, Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Semitic, Vedic, Nordic, were not "sovereign" in the sense that currently deem to God. The power level was very close between them, giving rise to all kinds of demigods, intermediaries’ gods and powers that could even impede the performance of certain deities. Much of the oblations, offerings, sacrifices of antiquity had a character of SEDUCTION. Mages,

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shamans, priests, they used of all sorts of artifices to "seduce" the gods, inebriate your senses, change their sentences, perverting their threats, distracting them, buying them, and in the latter case, controlling them. The basis of ancient and even modern magic is a human attempt to "control" the spiritual powers. Through words, acts, gestures, rituals. The Egyptians believed, like many civilizations in the "hidden power" of words. They avoided quoting their personal names in the presence of strangers because the persons name was connected to its essence and if the other knew his name and be enemy could use the "name" to invoke curse or curse on the person. Special words should be written on the walls of tombs to provide the dead powers to overcome the dangers of the underworld. Those were magic words written that would be stronger than the crimes committed, causing the scales of divine justice pendesse in your favor. We will see Saul consulting a Pythia a necromancer, a spirit girl who consulted entities believed deceased, in a macabre ritual. And we will read a strange ritual practiced by "Israeli witches" or "false prophetesses" in the book of Ezekiel that does "crochet work" and tied their hands to invoke forces to "hold" or "attach" souls into his hands, meaning a performed magic to change the behavior of the consulted so the "false prophet" spiritually enslaving people changing their acts of wills. Witches. We will read about Jezebel, regarded by Scripture as a pattern of witchcraft, perhaps the biggest "oppressed woman" (inspired, dominated, replete of powers of darkness) that has already trodden the earth, so full of witchcraft that is remembered prophetically in Revelation. We will read about the magic act, practices of divination of Haman in the book of Esther that uses magic rites, he threw runes, bones, mystical stones or anything similar by "choice" the day that he would institute the decree, which fulfilled be tantamount to the Nazi holocaust. We will read about the patriarch Jacob, performing a magic act! In the scene that makes "risk" in branches of trees considered sacred by the people of the region where he lived, causing the sheep unite to produce strong offspring front of them. We will read about Leah running with a bouquet of mandrakes in his hands, plant since antiquity regarded with magical powers to grant female fertility. The tabernacle for the peoples of antiquity was a place of Wizards. Moses when raised his hands to the Red Sea, and does it to open before the eyes of the generals of Pharaoh, makes like a powerful wizard. The pests are "spells", how if the words that Moses truly could to do miracles. Because behind his words was the real magic, the DIVINE POWER. All magic of antiquity and until the present day is based on transmission of spiritual power from a spirit. All psychic activity, all manifestation of supernatural forces is based on the statement or of a one or thousand spirits. In India there are schools of magic, children are separated in certain tribes and called to be trained in the invocation and manifestation of spiritual powers. The children learn to swear, to curse, to kill enemies. They learn how to contact spirits. The Arabian, Jewish, African, or Jamaican mysticism seeks powers usually invoking forces to steal, kill or destroy. Which there is a bloody legacy. And a fate worse than invoking curses for those who practice such arts. But, that is how the prophetic ministry is presented, appears in front of the our eyes as magician powers. The manifestations of the Spirit of God in the Old Testament are extremely magical, it reflect the human pursuit of "control" of all things, and when we read about Samuel invoking God and doing lighten over the entire region, when we read about the powerful beam (fire falling from the sky) and consumes the holocaust of Elijah, or read about the fleece that dries to be left to the taste of dew, as evidence requested by Gideon, are magical acts that we are observing.

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The most magical acts anyone could witness. The resurrection of the dead in the Old Testament was sought by all civilizations! One of the more extraordinary things more full of true divine magic that occurred in the land of the living was the resurrection of the woman of Shunem son. When Elseu knows his death sends Gehazi, his apprentice, disciple, servant and companion for the dead child, carrying his cane in his hands. Elisha said to Gehazi, Put your belt, take my staff in your hand and leaves. If you find one, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not. You shall put my cane on the boy's face. And the orders are for him to carry a baton, a staff, allowing not touch or hug anyone and only stopped for touch the face of the dead child with his cane. The Old Testament prophetic acts are extremely magical. They are coated in a deep resemblance to acts of magic.

Purposely. Magic is the human attempt to accomplish what the Spirit of God does naturally. She is the human yearning by POWER that belongs to God and he gives freely whom he so desired. The magician longs that the psyche, the human soul, the human spirit would be capable of performing with support of millions of souls. Is not achieved neither invoking the magic words. A scene that illustrates this is the magician that seen that Peter performs MIRACLES, tries to buy the gift that the apostle has! The power of darkness is negotiable. But the power of the Spirit is a gift. God is an special miracles worker´s. Therein lies the POWER, it lies the Authority, the Force. By the word of God the whole universe came into being. At the Name of Jesus the evil spirits are submissive. Through the intercession of the Church, the hearts of people are moved! Not for our purposes, but so they can be FREE! The Power of the Spirit brings the magic of MIRACLES. Operates the magic of Cures. Opera magic of PROPHECY. The magic then, in this context, acts as REPRESENTATION, a perfect symbol of divine operation. Few things could represent poetically, so dazzling the POWER of God than a magic act. We live in a transcendent reality, wrapped in a divine universe where angels are real, where the prophecy is manifest where miracles operate the impossible. In churches we see the power of prayer destroying cancer, restoring sight to the blind, and operating fantastic deliverances. We live surrounded the same way the very same evil magic seen in the Old Testament. Thousands of people today rely on the evil authorities and evil powers. In every corner of our cities we read on a wall: "I bring her lover in three days." "Throw up cowries." Some newspapers set witches who call "black magic". In cars of Brazilian cities increase the decals with the figures of "St. George" or a figure that represents spirits invoked in rituals. We live in a world that relies on darkness. Many people walk guided by the voices of beings whose mission is not aid to human. The book of Revelation shows the sad moment when three individuals who dominate the economic and political systems, religious at some point in future history, spewing what the control him. In Song of Songs the Spirit of God paraphrases the magic language, invoke an image. Conjure a vision of your Glory. Evoke the reality of its power, authority he granted the Church. In a spectacular scene in the Book of Songs.

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Preceding the scene seven times the daughters of Jerusalem appears in the poem, and four times they will "conjure". Once they asks, Why the Shunammite conjures so much!

Conjures the daughters of Jerusalem in Ct 2.7; 3.5; 5.8 to 8.4

I charge you, daughters of Jerusalem,

by the gazelles or by the hinds of the field,

not agiteis and not troubled

love until he desires.

I charge you, daughters of Jerusalem,

by the gazelles or by the hinds of the field,

not agiteis and not troubled,

love until he desires.

I charge you, daughters of Jerusalem,

If you find my beloved,

you will say to him?

What am I sickly love.

I charge you,

daughters of Jerusalem,

why agitarias and why inquietarias

love before you want?

What is thy beloved more than a beloved,

O beautiful among women?

What is thy beloved more than a beloved,

thus in conspiracies?

At certain point is writing something that would NEVER be written by an "evangelical"

writer in Scripture Solomon exclaims:

4.9 bewitched my heart, my fiancee sister.

Bewitched my heart, with one look,

with an ornament on your necklace.

And finally the scene:

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Winds in the garden

4:16 Moves around Safon (north wind) and comes Teman

(south wind),

blow upon my garden that the flow of balsams.

That my beloved come to his garden

and eat its delicious fruits

The daughters of Jerusalem are friends of city. Possibly, daughters of nobles,

merchants, daughters of priests. They inhabit the city with the highest fame in Israel,

living in one of the largest metropolises of antiquity. The book of Lamentations of

Jeremiah traces the profile of the young girls of city. Until to walk on the ground with

gracious movements to not stain your feet

They were adorned, possessed a very white skin, and were spoiled.

Never been subjected to hard labor and apparently well-dressed

And were experts in the art of love. The text leads us to women who seem to have the

power to "awaken love", even before the guy fall in love naturally. Evokes "seduction".

They use their physical attributes and skills to arouse passions. But the carnal, sexual

desire does not necessarily mean passion, or love. Does not mean the awakening of a

great love. Means "to force a condition, replacing by chemical stimuli something that

requires a certain period of time to happen. And how is something "forced" leads

directly to another situation. A magical situation. The art of the ancient love potions.

The term that Shunamite uses is very strong and loaded with meaning.

Saul was do a vote and will use a "conjure" of a curse.

After some battle one of the men of Israel conversation with Jonas, son of Saul, and

communicates these terms:

Then one of the people said, Thy father conjures the people, saying, Cursed be the man

that eateth any food this day. And the people were faint. Conjures of Saul consisted of a CURSE. Once the term is used by Paul in the New Testament. Meant a COMMAND. 7 By the Lord conjure you have this letter read to all the brothers. The word conjuration also applied to LOVELY. The casting spells or curses were called, in portuguese, Conjuradores ( One who conjures)…

The hebraic word used in the text of Song of Songs is

Shab. Which is translated to swear an oath, to conjure, to curse. Word that comes from the Latin, "to swear with," is the final scene of many graduation courses:

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It is the moment when the girl lifts the little finger and requires a promise.

Recalling that the breaking of a promise typically causes a breakdown of friendship, breaking the promise, or given rise to a debt or curse. The Shunammite's saying - Swear to me, you all, that will not try to seduce my love! The response after the fourth chorus is amusing: What is thy beloved more than a beloved, That both thou to do swears? - Who said we're interested in him? Who is this "wonderful" guy who you keep talking about? They disdain the beloved Shunamite because ever be suspicious that this was Solomon.

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But leaving the human dimension of the text that is the feud between the girls, we get into the magic questions, poetically speaking, on the text. The Shunammite not curses the girls them based on some text of Scripture. She does no invoke the name of God, or anything that resembles prohibitions of the priesthood to legitimize their "conjuring ". She says, "by the roes of the field." She invokes nature. She asked not to do it, for the love of woodland animals. Sounds like a fairy of Disney´s movies. Looks like a muse these times of ecological outcry in which we live. A fairy tale character. She does not wear priestly terms, even though the Song of Songs being full of images of the temple and of priesthood.. Like an old woman who lives in the forest and makes magic, as the figure of Baba Yaga, witch´s character of the russian tales. She is not a witch, but threatens as it were one. Because she are jealous. And if there is something that remind us a witch, a grandmother is angry. Or a girlfriend with angry. In Song of Songs the name of God appears only in subtle ways. It is a love song and its main purpose is not to worship. The song is not priestly. The purpose of the song is her. His muse. Shunammite is inspiration. Solomon uses all his literary resources for her. Similarly, this song is not for GOD. Is it for the Church. The wonder is that the Song is the Spirit of God singing his passion for her beloved. And his beloved responds to light your world, your universe, the realm of things in your life. And what we see in this text is a witch telling their witches friends: - If you approach of him ... I curses you. If they use magic to try and hook the heart of my beloved, his witches, I curse you! In a figurative sense. The poor girl threatens rich girls with a power that does not have, since it has no idea of how to invoke a curse. Just read the texts of the curses on Mount Ebal granted by Moses, the curses of the law, you will be "delighted" with the "softness" of the curse of the Shunammite. She is a "good witch". Neither curse she knows how invoke.

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The text is very entertaining. Understanding it all that was commented about this theme enlighten us about the expression of the groom: 4.9 Bewitched my heart, my fiancée sister. Bewitched my heart, with one look, With an ornament on your necklace. The "spell" which Solomon speaks is passion. He fell madly in love with the girl. But the terms that uses evoke us the image of magic and of magical. As if caught by an "invisible power" that he cannot explain. What is also very funny. Because it is simply the wisest man who ever lived. And yet he could not understand love. Later already mature when writing Proverbs shall take to him the words of one of the greatest sages of the East who he met in life, Agur, bringing your vision to your collection of sayings, These three things too wonderful for me; There are four that I know of: - The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship at sea; and the way of a man with a virgin. He says "bewitched" and "blames" a piece of collar on the neck of the beloved girl. He teases her saying that she put in him a "piece" bewitched a "talisman" on his collar and that is why he got that way. Again the image of a mage. A witch. He does not use the word "witch" in a pejorative way. Would be for us as the use of "fairy" in tales Europeans. For him because she is your fairy. The fairy by which he fell in love. I particularly prefer mage. Since reading the adventures of the little "pathological maga" (Magica De Spell) in your search of the coin number "one" Scrooge's, which is also used neutrally in Scripture at least twice:

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In the court of King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel was consecrated "magician "and when Jesus is visited by" wise men "from the East. The "wise men" were nothing more than ministers with vast astronomical knowledge, linguistic, mathematical, legal, administrative, cultural, poetic, politician, social, added with reading divination and religious sciences. All this to get to this moment. To the garden. Now we can understand the beauty of the picture:

Winds in the Garden

Move around Zafón! (North Wind) and comes to me, Oh! Temã! (south wind),

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blow upon my garden!

So that it will flow your balsams!

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That my beloved come to his garden and eat its delicious fruits Now yes. This is the scene that unfolds before our astonished eyes. To evil this girl has no vocation but for the good ... How can the "witch of Shunem" (yeah, well noticed, The witches of Salem is a mockery of this passage ) who could barely make a "conjure" of curse arises as a prophet full of unction! And poetically she prophesy the beauty of Pentecost where a "sound as of a rushing mighty wind" fills GARDEN where they were gathered (the upper chamber was wrapped in magnificent gardens) the first church of the New Testament, and prophesy too the Authority of Christ when Jesus rebukes the winds and the sea of Galilee, before a group of terrified disciples. More terrified with the power than the storm. And let it be said in passing that this biblical passage on Song of Songs occurred at sea from Galilee, one maritime walkway to the old tower of Shunem, where it comes from, guess who? The Shunammite. I got dizzy. Well, the view is of a girl who has the power to invoke poetic elements, with the intention of

filling flavor and mix fragrances the unspeakable garden.

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The parallels are striking. The girl did not know curse. Can not to do. The Church of Christ does no curses, not cursed. It does not hurt in response to aggression. She does not hate, even envied, even hated. She not a corrupt font, what certain time pours pure water, and in another instant pours contaminated water. She does not yearn for killing their opponents. Instead, she prays that they may obtain the salvation. She does not pay evil with evil. Why is not their nature. This figure about She does not know how to curse it is gorgeous. His word is always a word of salvation. Which reminds me how threats of perdition invaded the mouths of preachers. And the dozens of studies that forbid church members from viewing certain content to be taxed as cursed. And how many evil eyes can only see hell in everything that is done by mankind, in an act of hypocrisy, which borders on madness. Not awake my love till he wants, please! It is the vocation of the Shunammite in relation to Solomon. And applies to the Church. Not by force, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord. It not does violence against his great love. She no forces spurious interpretations of Scripture to marry his ignorance. She no gives false revelations to garner fake spiritual authority. It uses no human arguments to replace which does not depend on she. Some young girls experimented early sexual life imagines that through pleasure could force their boyfriends to stay with them. Likewise wives disenchanted with their spouses volunteered by her lovers, believing that their love would be enough. Workers became involved with co-workers seeking promotion, recognition, or even a stable relationship. Some girls got pregnant to trap their boyfriends. But love need time to awake himself. No one can love in someone else's shoes. Must be by the person who loves the CORRESPONDENCE. And this is the result of the will of this person. Not awake my love till he please, means you not "emulate" a revelation, no invent a vision, no impose a doctrine, without a clear manifestation of the Spirit in things that are being shared. His peace, His joy, His building, his comfort, his presence. Is when he "wakes up". In the garden the girl is clothed in glory. It acts theatrically, magnificent, POWERFUL. She is the Church coated with spiritual Authority. "These signs shall follow them that believe" in a scene. "Greater works than these will do." The Spirit granting to the Church the dispensation of his authority. She speaks and spiritual realities are manifest! She prophesies and it happens. The reality is transformed through his prayer, through his intercession. The universe hears your voice, and under the anointing of the Spirit, obey her! The full faith, developed, manifesting in a wonderful way the divine power, whether in healing, whether in signs, whether in joy and love unfeigned, in the mixture of fragrances. It is the moment of the song that corresponds to a strong orchestral movement. It is the church in its fullness! It is an image of a goddess. Not because she is a deity. But, the Spirit does not see in her a girl who does not live in the land of men. She in him learns to do extraordinary and unusual things. It is with her acting as if they were of this world. If you saw a woman invoking this wind and obeying him, of course, asked for an autograph imagining it to be the Storm X-man´s or you are running so far. Not something you see every day. She does not belong to this world. She has heavenly characteristics, as powers of some kind of different from our universe.

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The Book of Hebrews tells us about the tragedy of people who reject the Christ, after having tasted the powers of the coming age. However, leaving aside this crisis foretold in this verse calls us note the following spectacular phrase: Hb 6.5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the coming age, Tasted the powers of the coming age. Proved - in the past - the powers of the world to come - the future world. What madness is this? What mystery is this, people today exercising supernatural powers, a sample, a world that has not yet come into existence? This is the scene depicted beautifully in Song of Songs. TODAY we have contact with the magical and wonderful reality that the believer in Christ was named, expressed in another way also there in Hebrews: Hebrews 12:22-24 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels; the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect; and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. So now you finally understand the scene. Winds in the garden Move around Safon (north wind) and comes Teman (south wind), blow upon my garden that its flow balsams. That my beloved come to his garden and eat its delicious fruits Agora que eu já sei chamar o Safon e convocar o Temã, que meu amado venha ao seu jardim, absolutamente perfumado...

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ROMANCE OF SONG The girl is a resident of Shunem, a town located in the Galilee region. A small town, but women whose character will be exalted more than once in Scripture. She is a girl from a poor family, working since childhood, but who attended the various agricultural festivals and religious festivals of its time. There were seven feasts instituted by Moses, over the events of the city of Jerusalem, including pilgrimages of various regions during the celebrations of the newly opened temple, which replaced the ancient tabernacle of the congregation and radically changed the sacred pilgrimage sites, before located in agricultural region of Bethel to the urban landscape of Jerusalem. It was probably the youngest girl in the family and was forced to take care of a vine which was hereditary possession of his family. In a particular scene of text your brothers put the girl to run and catch the foxes that are trying to eat the grapes from the vines. Imagine what it is going after a bunch of hungry foxes within a vineyard immense. With the implementation of new management Solomon invented charges and taxes that increased significantly over the life of Israelites due the finance extravagances by the vanity of the new king. Unlike his father David, Solomon was given to some excesses when it came to maintaining the pageantry, the effusive demonstration of the "glory" of his reign. Solomon introduced the first fleet of ships of Israel, with all the boats design and foreign crew, Crew composed mostly by Tyrians and Phoenicians. Boats built by very expensive timber. Wood was transported for hundreds of miles, and the boats built by driftwood of tens meters in length. Solomon has equipped his army with infantry with race horses, imported from Arabia and Egypt. The horses of Solomon were imported from Egypt and Keve, Cilicia. The price of each horse was 1800 grams of silver. And the spent with his cavalry was immense. It is said that at the height of the cavalry of Solomon the number of stables to keep the animals was around 4000. 1 Kings 4 Throughout the life of Solomon, Judah and Israel lived in complete peace and security in their territories, each citizen under his vine and his fig tree, from Dan to Beersheba. Solomon had four thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horses infantry war. Not satisfied with his cavalry he also requested the construction of 1,400 chariots, chariot to transport arms and archers. 2 Chronicles 1:14 And Solomon gathered chariots and horsemen; coming to have a thousand and four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen. And placed them in the chariot cities and some of the other next to each other in Jerusalem

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. Hermon

View´s Hermon When the Shunammite walked the plains of Lebanon was common to see hundreds of chariots unfold before your eyes. Thousands of knights roamed throughout the kingdom for surveillance of cities and a huge effective soldiers was constantly camped around Jerusalem.

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Jezreel Valley Moreover, the girl lived in a valley next to a large caravans wherever they went, coming from various nations to honor the 'Great King' and to know the mystery of his wisdom, inherited supernaturally region. The great mystery surrounding King Solomon is that he knew and expressed the ears of all who knew him know that is not received from the poles of knowledge of his time. The most notable names of knowledge of his time, and notoriously wise men who acquired such wisdom through various schools of knowledge, which means learning and contact with different civilizations, including the Egyptians and Arabs, were overtaken by a young 23 year old who had no contact with any school or remarkable group of his days. The Queen of Sheba must have passed before their eyes wide when visiting the superb king Capernaum was another nearby town housing the Shunammite, where arrived ports where the ships of Tarshish bringing sandalwood, peacocks, tigers, monkeys and rare birds. Solomon, like his father, was accomplished luthier (maker of musical instruments). Realizing the sound of sandalwood for use of instruments, he designed and built with a group of artisans, lutes. (examples of lutes of antiquity)

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The sandalwood tree (Santalum album) is from India and other parts of Asia

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In India, sandalwood is a sacred tree, and the government has declared a national property to preserve it from the depredations which have been exposed. Your cut is only allowed when the specimen has more than thirty years, at which time naturally begins to die. Monohull sandalwood takes 25 years to acquire a thickness of 6 cm. Solomon performed mighty works, including fortifications, cities, aqueducts (inference) and it was used for forced labor throughout the kingdom. I Kings 9:20-22 Solomon called for forced labor all non-Israelites, descendants of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and jebuzeus, survivors of war and imprisoned by the Israelis, whose descendants continue to work as slaves today. But Solomon did not impose any forced labor of the children of Israel; they were men of war, his captains, the captains of his chariots, officers, squires and charioteers

The girl who worked in the vineyards was treated as a slave by his brothers felt doubly

wronged. While his brothers were honored by the king, who imposed forced labor at

conquered nations, she was treated as foreign, as a prisoner, as a screenshot, as a

survivor of war. Your brothers withdrew her dignity as Israeli and now she was working

as a slave in the land of Solomon vineyard from Lebanon.

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And with absolute certainty, Solomon could be being worshiped throughout the land. But not by her. For her he symbolized usurpation. Tyranny. Slavery. The owner of the whole earth let his cruel brothers serve it up, abused her hard work with a vineyard belonging to someone else. But her brothers said it was her responsibility. We can imagine the rage with which she saw without being able to participate, the manifestations of pomp, glory, military, economic power, which paraded daily before their eyes. And behold, the time spring arrived in the Lebanese lands. The ecology of Israel exploded salsas. The melting snows on Mount Hermon. Rapids and waterfalls were created in various locations. Uphill slopes began the migration of various birds, was the time of mating of various animals, including wild doves and deer from the woods. Forests full of fig, olive and lilies. The shepherds initiates activities withdrawing sheep wool and also had the beginning spring festivities! They started the celebrations of harvests. Among the non-Israelite pastoralists happened festivals of Baal, with reference to the love of his wife Anat, who would bring him back from death in the spring. And with regard to the Jews, happened fabulous dances of the parties of Benjamin. The festivities had not originated in the Law, festivities were civilians, created with cultural character. These celebreties emerged from the vineyards to celebrate or laugh of ancient cheating. Or laugh at a situation created by a thoughtless promise ... consequence of tremendous hostility between the tribes of Israel. The hostility involved a tragedy, the death of the wife of a Levite, raped by five men. Were inhabitants of a Benjamite city. Benjamin refused to deliver them to justice. The situation led to a war, about 120 years before the reign of Solomon. War of Benjamin against all others. After terrible battles all the tribe of Benjamin (Benjamin, "son of happiness) is almost extinct. The last 600 men survived by fleeing to a mountain known as the rock of Rimmon, near Galilee,

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Site which also plays host the Song of Songs. Before the battle the leaders of the tribes cursed himself and ESCONJURAM saying "damned whom offer one of his daughters in marriage to a Benjamite"

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After the war they returned after they wiped out an entire tribe. But as they had cast a curse on themselves, they not could offer womens to survivors. They made a census to see if any tribe had not participated in the war against the Benjamite and discovered that two tribes of them had not participated So they sent a peace treaty to Benjamin. For to go and kidnap the girls they could get among the vineyards of the tribes that did not war. With them should get married so they could grow again. After all "kidnapping" does not mean "offer" ... the girls were not "given" were "taken". The parents of the girls "kidnapped" came complaining to the council of the tribes and leaders convinced him not to try to resume them. Were adequately "rewarded" and so they might have visited their daughters already married. When observed they well-treated as wives and not as servants or slaves, and they would have grandchildren, they reassured. And then the girls from all the tribes who longed to marry also wanted a chance to be abducted. And they began to run in the middle of vineyards playing with your future suitors. And so was born one of the funniest, festive and cheerful feasts of Israel, the Feast of vineyards. Thousands of teenagers danced and sang in search of his loves. And it would be no different for the Shunammite on the Song of Songs. She will blend with the thousands of young people who will enter even where the guards do not allow, running through and inside of the vineyards while fleeing from her suitors. A festival showered the songs, musical instruments, dances, jokes and much wine. And it is in the middle of this whole mess, which will reach King Solomon. The Shunammite participates party watered wine, dancing, singing and shouting. And the king and his soldiers, his nobles, his royal court, its provisions and administrators, with innumerable camels and provisions protected by hundreds of armed knights and soldiers, surrounded by chariots. The girl sees the royal procession and at some point her eyes meet with the king, which curious young should have stopped the procession. Only she flees. She not want to contact the man that explores her through his brothers. The evening will come at some point and Solomon will be immersed in the atmosphere of the various celebrations and arrive up to one of his vineyards to join the party. When we understand the love poem, understand too that he does not openly. Solomon knows that you can not attend the party of the people avowedly. Would not possible take a step without being literally surrounded by hundreds of state officials. So he disguises himself as a shepherd with a group of friends and sneaks for the big party. And it is there that will start. The adventure narrated in the Song of Songs. We can imagine him watching the girls chasing the gamers and finally came the young Shunammite, who dancing, which does not recognize the king, who actually hates. She dances before him and invites him to chase them in the vineyards. After much drinking wine, and he does, as a teenager, and at some point he reaches and drops, both, to the ground. And then he kisses the girl. He does what Ariel was trying with Prince without success

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And then he run! Leaving behind him an inhabitant of Shunem, drunk and absolutely in love. And so begins the Song. Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; because better is thy love than wine The girl tries to find the young man, looking for him because of his clothes, next to groups of pastors who are at festivities. At first I imagined that Solomon did not know who she was. But as we read the Song we find that he deeply investigated the "victim" of his passion. And produced a detailed ruse to get the girl. He used all his resources, his youth, his charm, disguised himself and perhaps even sung and played for her at some point. At any given moment in Song she will praise the melodious voice of the beloved. Shunammite need to find the audacious boy. And similarly he, she will be audacious. Who knows how the girl stole a bunch of goats. At worst, or best someone borrowed the goats. Surely the goats were not her because taking care of the vineyards and chase foxes all day would not give him time to care of goats. he sweet girl cheater, usurping the bewildered group of goats, goes to where is the group of pastors and there will be disguised, Solomon. She finds with your friends. All cheating. The phrase she asks where he leads the sheep to drink water is a lame excuse, just to give a "flirt". In the first sentence she insinuates that no longer wanted to be "wandering" by the feet of his companions ... "I'm lost without you" ... Solomon realizes the insinuations and strategically imagine a place away from the eyes of the crowd, but which is known from very easy access making sure that the girl do not get lost!

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He makes a date next morning, in a place they choose, out of sight of the crowd, near where the herds are in fields outside the city. And over there the conqueror sings, dance and pass her first night of freedom for both. She came in from their chores (she ran away!) And he of real administrative activities. And he for the first time in his life, have someone on your side not because of their position or power. She no know his name. He also does not call her by name. She does not know who he is or where it comes from, and it does not take into account their social position or their past. She really loved him, and he voluntarily and spontaneously, despite having a harem, becomes enamored of humility, honesty, beauty and purity of love of Shunammite. But dawns and the "Cinderella Man" has to leave his' disguise unlike "back to its actual position. But he brand with she a second date. A date where the girl decides against social conditions, taking absurd risks, surrendering to his loved boy. To get away of a life of oppression. What it will be against the will and without the knowledge of his brothers. What if they know are able to kill her. In rainy night he goes to the particular location, but she invents a lame excuse so he does not go into the house, unaware that he also does not have much time to be where she are. When she finally has open the door, Solomon ran away. Not to be discovered, Solomon fled to a festival that will happen at the palace. Seeing that the boy he fell in love is not at the door she goes to the nearest town to find him, desperate. But she was still dressed prepared to receive the Solomon and is treated as a prostitute by the guards surrounding the city. And is saved by the girls in town who recognize her. She gives a description of his loved, but it can be just a dream. Nobody knows where he is or where he went. Then at some point a parade and procession occur, she seen someone it recognizes very well. The bastard. The bandit. So, she fell in love by he!. She had fallen in love just by the man she that despised most. She's confused! But, rather than return to her ordinary life, instead of returning to the oppression of slavery decides to perform an act of insanity. Even bigger than the "encounter" that did not work. The Shunammite will go enter uninvited in royal hall, will go enter on the palace and there will dance before the king and all his nobles. What he did, obscured by shadows, she will publish front of everyone. But for this she will chased by guards, will be hampered by friends Jerusalem´s, will be discovered by the brothers in the city. Yet she will to dance. She will enter on the palace. Somehow she can to dance before the king. At some point, when guests are thrilled and the king enchanted, she lifted the veil and revealed her identity. And before such an act of courage, the king left other artifices and acted the same way. Declares your love for the girl before the whole crowd and decides marrying with her front of the astonished eyes of the"daughters of Jerusalem" The subsequent chapter 6 show a magnificent wedding, the girl honored and dressed as a princess who would become adorned by girls that despised, surrounded by guards who are now his personal protection, accompanied by her mother. Next, Chapter 7 introduces us to the honeymoon and chapter 8 will bring us a surprise. A wonderful surprise. A girl. A girl born of the marriage of Solomon with the Shunammite. Closing the sublime history.

Page 38: Song of songs

The Mystery of SONG OF SONGS God molded the existence and realized of a splendid way. The love in all its dimensions is imagined and pursued him and through him and for him. That integrates, embodies and manifests itself in an incomparable way through Christ. Jesus reflects God, bares him, reveals him, expresses him complete and fully. All that can be known about God through Jesus is manifest to men and to the angels. Paul says that everything exists for Christ, and that without he, nothing was done, was done. Christ gives meaning to the galleries, the interwoven strands that give rise to reality. Him the divine dimensions and life and the existence of all living beings, and all beings converges. Converges the worlds the heavenly places to the ends of the universe, the invisible and eternal dimensions, the regions of darkness and death. Converges over time, and what is beyond their domain. The eternity is contained on him, Christ, and their thoughts range from things prior to the creation of the cosmos to nonexistent things, uncreated things, but by him envisioned! Expected by him beforehand and things to be convened at a predetermined future time. What we are still lacking, the heart of Christ already visualized before we were born. In the dimension of created things, the love, human passion, affection, affection, friendship, desire, longing, lightness of heart, the wonder, the wonder, the epiphany, wonder, admiration, celebration, jealousy, anger, hatred, fear, terror, anguish, the joy, euphoria, tenderness, compassion, candor, the sweetness of the feelings and the change of our senses at the sight of affectionate things, the thrilling impact when faced with dreams fulfilled, when desires manifest when things that make our hearts a furnace, a boiler, a fire, where words can not describe what we perceive or that we turn into feelings, these are all divine gifts and tools of the teaching plan of God, previously designed to reveal the mysteries of God's heart. And to tell us your story, your love and your beauty.

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