Download - Sound gr.6



Larger amplitudeSmaller amplitude

Smaller frequency

Larger frequency

• You hear a louder sound when you hit the drum with greater force. The drum vibrates with more energy making the air vibrate with more energy.

• As sounds travels a greater distance molecules will vibrates with less force, that is why you hear a sound quieter when its source is further away from you.

Sound bouncing off objects

Sound will bounce

of objects, causing


Some organisms

are able to feel

their surroundings

using echo, like

bats and dolphins.

Sound pitch

• The pitch is how high, or low a sound is. A child will usually scream at a high pitch. While a man will shout at a lower pitch.

• Making a vibrating string shorter will result in a higher pitch note. Increasing the tension will also increase the pitch. Try it with rubber bands on a tissue box .

Sound will travel faster in solids than liquids, and slowest in air.

Videos to watch on Youtube

• Sound video


• How the ear works



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