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Page 2: Sound research


Foley effects are sound effects added to the film during post production.

Sounds such as footsteps, clothes rustling, crockery clinking, doors opening and slamming, punches hitting, glass breaking etc are re-created.

The purpose of Foley is to match or replace sound recorded whilst filming.

Foley artists use creativity to make the audience believe that the sound effects are real. Foley effects are used because most of the time, the original sounds captured during filming are obstructed by noise or are not convincing enough.

Page 3: Sound research


A voice over is a production technique where a voice that is not part of the narrative is used.

It is pre-recorded and placed over the top of a film or video.

Voice over’s create a different perspective and can make things more easy to understand. It makes viewers think about what it is like to have this different view other than seeing it visually.

The purpose is to understand the story and moods of the character(s) better. It makes you understand the thoughts or feelings of the narrator and how important the story is.

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Our real media text teaser trailer uses non-diegetic sound to create tension and a dark atmosphere. The sound helps to build up a climax when a scary bit of the teaser is approaching. They also have quite a bit of dialogue in it to help establish what the film is about. The non-diegetic sound started off quite slow and then gradually speeds up to create the climax.

Page 5: Sound research


The teaser uses dialogue to establish what the film is about. There has also been sound added to the teaser by the use of a ticking clock. The non-diegetic sound is used to build tension and the use of a voice over of a phone call is used twice throughout the trailer which gives more insight to the plot.

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It starts off with non-diegetic sound and dialogue and it does this to establish who the characters are and what they do. Then a voice over begins and it gives more insight into the characters shown first and tells the audience when the film is being released in cinemas. There is some use of foley sound e.g. Glass breaking. Also the non-diegetic sound builds up to put the audience on edge and thunder sound is added to create a dark atmosphere.

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