Page 1: SOUTHERN DISTRICT › newsletters › 2018… · benefit dance on October 7. This is a visit nine dance and it is a worthy

GANTTS RANTS PRESIDENT Rick & Mary Gantt 30 Timber Creek Lane Wewoka, OK 74884 405/257-5622 [email protected] 1ST VICE PRESIDENT Lee & Bernice Sly P.O. Box 451 Weleetka, OK 74880 405/786-2264 [email protected] 2ND VICE PRESIDENT Norvell & Mary Dalley 974 Burnside Road Davis, OK 73030 580/622-3901 [email protected] SECRETARY Don & Cindy Schoenecke 990324 S. 3460 Rd. Sparks, OK 74869 918/866-2525 [email protected] TREASURER Larry & Dorothy Currie 100 Ridge Drive Sulphur, OK 73086 580/622-5022 [email protected] [email protected] IMM. PAST PRESIDENT Shawn & Mary Lloyd 1113 W. 10th St. Sulphur, OK 73096 580/618-4679 [email protected] EDUCATION DIRECTOR Skip & L:ou Gates 206 S.W. 2nd Ave. Marietta, OK 73448 580/276-9959 [email protected] HISTORIAN James & Sherry Lytle 400 East Bird Davis, OK 73030 580/369-5215 NEWS EDITOR, TICKET CHAIRMAN Norvell & Mary Dalley 974 Burnside Road Davis, OK 73030 580/622-3901 [email protected] PUBLICITY Larry & Dorothy Currie 100 Ridge Drive Sulphur, OK 73086 580/622-5022 [email protected] [email protected] VISIT NINE Sharon Groomer 406 Stolfa St. S.E. Ardmore, OK 73401 580/222-5303 Madeline Kirby 923 Osage St. Ardmore, OK 73401 580/221-0609

DELEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE Lee & Bernice Sly Joe & Mary French Bob & Bobe Ragsdale Rob Doolen Jamie Henry P.O. Box 451 11497 NS 3620 41315 Cottage Drive 13949 N. 3630 3845 N. 369 Rd Weleetka, OK 74880 Seminole, OK 74868 Shawnee, OK 74804 Sasakwa, Ok 74867 Holdenville, Ok 405/786-2264 405/382-5475 405/706-9976 405/941-3702 74848 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 405/712-3103



Hello Dancers A big thank you to all that came and helped at the BBQ. It was a great dance with Larry Currie working as MC all day and still had time to work the registration desk with Dorothy. Mary Dalley kept the kitchen part going and our Southern dis-trict callers kept the dance floor busy. All our callers did a wonderful job. Thank you Bobby Willis, Dean Lloyd, Larry Currie, Skip Gates, Cecil Burton, State Caller Co-ordinator and beginner caller Ron Ham, from Central district. The next district meeting will be on September 9th, at 2:30, Sulphur United Method-ist church, 2022 W.14th. It's time to elect new officers for 2019. Fall Roundup will be Sept. 14,-16 in Woodward, Ok. It will have a Halloween theme this time so bring a costume. Our assignment is Registration, so be there by noon! Fall Bash will be at the Asbury United Methodist church,508 W. 6th St. Ada, Okla-homa. All dancers need to bring finger foods. This is a district dance and a visit 9 dance. Jim Howard will be our caller that night. We would like to encourage everyone to attend the Shriners Transportation Fund benefit dance on October 7. This is a visit nine dance and it is a worthy benefit for child burn victims. See flyer in the back of this newsletter. Also, Holdenville would appreciate anyone who can come help dance at the Pontotoc County Fair on Satur-day, Sept. 1 from 11 to 1 at the Agra-Plex in Ada See you in a square Rick & Mary Gantt 2018 District President

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DEADLINE FOR THE OCTOBER NEWSLETTER IS SEP-TEMBER 20TH —EMAIL—[email protected] *************************************** CALLER’S CORNER After attending the Central District Seminar in July, we would like to pass along some of the information that we learned about promoting our wonderful hobby. First and foremost is that to have a successful set of lessons we must start planning for those les-sons way in advance of the actual dates for them to happen. We need to start talking with our friends, neighbors, co-workers, and anyone else that we have a conversation with about the bene-fits of Square Dancing. Exercise, Fellowship, Fun and most important the Friendships that can be ours if we will just let it happen. With that in mind each member of a club needs to be a promoter and advertise the benefits that can be had by the person or persons that we are talking with. We need to “Accent the Positive” and not be negative. REMEMBER WE ARE INVITING THEM TO BE OUR GUEST TO SEE THE BEST OF SQUARE DANCING. This means that we all need to past out flyers, tell the benefits of our hobby with a smile and enthu-

siasm, invite every person that you meet to come and join the hobby as well.

Cecil & Barbara Burton Jr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRIVIA FUN 1. Where is the longest Main Street in America

located? 2. Mrs. George Palmer Putnam was better

known by what name? 3. How much liquid does a ten-gallon hat hold? 4. Where is the only place time actually stops? Answers on page 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


6—Robert & Cecily Floyd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DATES TO REMEMBER Sept. 9- District meeting—Sulphur United Methodist Church Sept. 15 & 16—State Roundup—Woodward Oct. 13—District Fall Bash—Ada Nov. 2—State Festival Pre-party—OKC—place TBA Nov. 3—State Festival—1st Presbyterian Church—OKC Nov. 4—State Meeting—Hilton Garden Inn—OKC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

September 9

ACTIVE PAST PRESIDENTS Mark McClanahan—1993 Karen Montross —1999 & 2000 Bill Stout—2003 Dean & Rose Lloyd—1995, 1996 & 2004, 2005, 2012 Norvell & Mary Dalley—2006—2009 Lee & Bernice Sly—2010 Rick & Mary Gantt—2011 Don & Vivian Kampbell—2013 Don & Cindy Schoenecke—2014 Wayne & Linda Davis—2015 Shawn & Mary Lloyd—2016-2017

Page 3: SOUTHERN DISTRICT › newsletters › 2018… · benefit dance on October 7. This is a visit nine dance and it is a worthy

YELLOW ROCKERS PRESIDENT—LARRY & DOROTHY CURRIE (580/622-5022) CALLERS BOBBY & DALAINA WILLIS & LARRY & DOROTHY CURRIE 1ST & 3RD FRIDAY— —8:00 P.M. SULPHUR UNITED METHODIST CHURCH—2022 WEST 14TH On August 3rd, we had a good dance with visitors from Southern Circle, although they didn’t have quite enough to get another banner. (they have a couple of ours already). On August 17th, with our new dancers being so enthusiastic with their new hobby, we had two square of just home folks on the floor all night. With everyone being eager to dance, we hope to be doing some more banner stealing. We had special visiting family attending this dance as we pre-sented 5 children and/or grandchildren of club members with $500.00 scholarships. They were Re-becca Floyd, daughter of Robert & Cecily Floyd; Paige Lee, granddaughter of Willard & Dona John-son (accepted by her mother, Melissa); Cara John-son, daughter-in-law of Willard & Dona Johnson; Kari Larsen, daughter of Larry & Dorothy Currie and Corey Smith, grandson of Norvell & Mary Dalley. Congratulations to these college students. We had a great time at the BBQ on the 18th. The callers did a wonderful job, there were four district callers and the State Caller Coordinator (Larry, Skip, Bobby, Dean & Cecil) keeping the dancers busy on the floor. The food (of course) was a big hit as always. On the 25th we traveled to Southern Circle with a square plus 1 and regained one of our banners. They had sandwiches, homemade ice cream and lots of good sweets. It was wonderful. There was also a square from Boots & Bows so on the opening tip there were three squares on the floor. It would be wonderful if this could happen at all of our dis-trict club dances. We tried to start another set of lessons with almost two squares saying they would attend but in the

end we ended up with one person. Lessons will be put on hold until after the first of the year. We will be back to regular square dance attire be-ginning with our September 7th dance. Come join us for some good dancing and good eats. WE LOVE FOLKS!! COME VISIT US ANYTIME FOR A GOOD TIME!!!!!!!!

Meet our scholarship winners! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS 15—Mary Gantt—B&B 24—Vicky Holland—ST 28—Skip Gates—SC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPCOMING CONVENTIONS

2019—Atlanta, Georgia 2020—Spokane, Washington (June 17-20)

2021—Jackson, Mississippi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

VISIT NINE DANCES Sept. 15—Central District –Norman Silver Spurs 70th anniversary dance (if you aren’t going to State Roundup, try to attend this dance) Sept. 30—Panhandle District—Perryton, TX

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SOUTHERN CIRCLE PRESIDENT—SHARON GROOMER (580/222-5303) CALLER - SKIP & LOU GATES 2ND & 4TH SATURDAY - Eat at 6:30, dance at 7:30 p.m. DICKSON SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 35 EASTGATE LOOP (west of schools in City Hall Bldg.) Hello from Southern Circle! We had a wonderful dance this past Saturday night. Blessed to have a square from both Yellow Rockers and Boots and Bows come looking for a banner. Yellow Rockers got one of theirs back, but guess we are going to have to make a trip to Hol-denville to get ours back! Thanks to all for coming to visit and enjoy some of our homemade ice cream. All who are dealing with health issues are improv-ing but still covet your prayers. Lola Golden is in a skilled nursing facility in Oklahoma City, working on her walking skills. She has a long hard row to hoe ahead of her, please keep her in your prayers! We will not be meeting for workshop the next two Mondays, the 27th is court night in Dickson and the next Monday is Labor Day. We will be selling tickets at the Carter County Fair September 4-8 with an exhibition dance on Friday night. We dance the second and fourth Saturday nights at the Dickson Senior Citizen Center! Come join us any time! Wayne & Linda Davis Reporter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes I cross things off my to-do list that I haven't’ done to remind myself that I control the list. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What if soy milk is just regular milk introducing itself in Spanish.

SPARKS TWISTERS PRESIDENT—DEAN & BECKY EARP (404/258-1241) CALLER—DEAN & ROSE LLOYD 2ND & 4TH THURSDAY—Dance—7:00 p.m.- Sparks Community Center NO NEWS Don & Cindy Schoenecke Reporter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRAYERS Norvell Dalley—Yellow Rockers— health con-cerns Don Kampbell—Yellow Rockers— health con-cerns Wayne & Linda Davis—Southern Circle— Health con-cerns Darrell Smith—Boots & Bows—Cancer Glenda Smith—Boots & Bows—Health concerns Weldon Stubblefield—Southern Circle—Health con-cerns Myrna Perkins—SW District– continued healing Lola Golden—Southern Circle—Hip replacement Glenda Stinson— Boots & Bows—Shoulder Surgery All Square Dancers who have health concerns or losses. All members of our military ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

September 3

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(580/247-5677) CALLER - JONATHAN & KATHERINE MARSHALL 1ST & 3RD SATURDAY— Plus Workshop—7:30 p.m.; Dance - 8:00 p.m. 1000 S. ECHO On Aug. 4th, we had our ice cream social. Glenda Stinson brought all the toppings for a banana split complete with the cherry on top! How special is that! We had two homemade freezers full and lots of desserts including peach cobblers. Nolan and Linda Spaugy surprised us with a visit! I think that they danced every square. Before the evening was over, Ron Ham came over on his motor cycle. They are all from the Shawnee Square 8's. It was a fun evening! Our Aug. 18 dance was cancelled for the District Bar-B-Que in Ada. Clint Elliott and Rick Gantt took that time between dances to redo one of our walls that was decaying. They did a super good job too! Now we just need to have a painting party! lol We had several that attended the B-B-Q and re-ported to have a blast. Mary Gantt out did herself with the center pieces. How unique they were! Aug. 21, we will be going back to Oakridge for the Wewoka Kids Dance. They really love to do the YMCA! Then off to Braum's for ice cream or whatever! Sept. 1, we will be dancing at the Pontotoc County Fair in the Craft building from 11a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We will be dancing up on the stage! Come and join us as it will be great fun and a chance to sell tickets on the car as well. At the time of this writing, it isn't for certain whether we will be dancing at home on Sept. 15 as that is also the weekend for the Fall Round-up and we have seven in our club that are District Officers. So before you make a trip this way, please be sure and call first.

Come and visit as we love visitors!. Come and join in the fun with the Club who has the most enthusiasm and can holler the loudest! Joe & Lynn Marquis Reporter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRIVIA ANSWERS 1. In Island Park, Idaho. It is 33 miles long. 2. Amelia Earhart, famed aviatrix. 3. 3 quarts 4. In a black hole ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OSDF Ticket Car 1979 Corvette

Here are the District ticket prizes that we have de-cided on for 2018. 250 Tickets—$15 Walmart Gift Card 500 Tickets—$25 Boom-a-Rang Gift Card 750 Tickets—$40 Applebee’s Gift Card 1,000 Tickets—$70 Santa Fe Gift Card 2,000 Tickets—$90 Cracker Barrel Gift Card 3,000 + Tickets—$150 Cash On September 29th we will be at PEC Day in Ada at the Agri-plex. The car will be in the parking lot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

MONEY For you can’t take it with you, They’ve told me for years, And I’ve wisdom enough to perceive it. What’s more, from the way that It’s going, I doubt That I’ll even be able to leave it.

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Page 7: SOUTHERN DISTRICT › newsletters › 2018… · benefit dance on October 7. This is a visit nine dance and it is a worthy

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