Page 1: Southwest California Synod Assembly · The Rev. – The Reverend (o rdained minister) Pr. – Pastor (o rdained minister) The Rev. Dr. – The Reverend Doctor (o rdained minister

1Southwest California Synod Assembly

Thursday June 2 through Saturday June 4, 2016Crowne Plaza LAX

Thursday,June 211:00 am Move inSynod office: MoselleSacristy:Worship setup: BallroomA-V setup: BallroomBanner hanging: Ballroom3:30-5:00 pm Workshops Session 1 2nd Floor5:00 – 6:00 pm Dinner Bordeaux/Burgundy6:30-8:00 pm Workshops Session 2 2nd Floor7:00 pm Program walk-thru BallroomFriday,June 39:30 – 11:00 am Workshops Session 3 2nd Floor10:00 am Registration set-up Assembly LobbyDisplay set-up Bordeaux/Burgundy10:30 am Retired Rostered Leaders Brunch Santa Barbara RoomVolunteer Orientation BallroomReference & Counsel meeting Board Room (2nd Fl)11:00 am Registration opens Assembly LobbyOrientation for Assembly voting members BallroomNoon Welcome BallroomIntroduction to the Guidebook app

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2Opening Worship & the Opening of theAssemblyBusiness Session 1Adoption of Credentials, Rules ofProcedure, and AgendaIntroduction of Special Guests & AssemblyPlanning CommitteeHonoring of Anniversaries:Associates in MinistryPastors: 60th, 55th, 50th, 45th, and 40thRecognition of RetirementsKeynote Address: Christine Grumm, LIRSBishop’s ReportElectionsSynod Council Report: Randall FosterGreetings from LSS: Ron DrewsReference & Counsel (1)5:30 pm Business Session 1 ends6:30-7:45 pm DinnerPresentation of the Clarence AndersonAward


8:00 pm Business Session 2 beginsCredentials reportHonoring of Anniversaries:Pastors: 35th, 30th, 25th, 20th, 15th,10th, & 5th


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3Keynote Address: Carlos Pena, VicePresident of the ELCA & ChurchwideRepresentativeTreasurer’s Report: Michael MetzgerGreetings from CLU/PLTS: Brian Stein-WebberNecrologyNight Prayer: Pr. James Boline9:00 pm Business Session 2 endsReception for Youth Santa Barbara Room(2nd Floor)CLU/PLTS Reception Assembly Lobby

Saturday,June 47:15 – 8:25 am Justice Team Meeting and Café Santa Barbara7:30 am “Budget Breakfast”: Michael Metzger(bring your own breakfast) Board Room (2ndFloor)8:30 am Morning Prayer BallroomBusiness Session 3 beginsCredentials reportGreetings from the Pacifica SynodPresentation/Pastor Marj Funk-PihlTreasurer’s Report/BudgetReference & Counsel (2)11:30 am Business Session 3 endsNoon Lunch (box lunches available in AssemblyLobby) Ballroom

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41:00 pm Business Session 4 beginsCredentials reportPresentation of Mission & Ministry FundGrantsReference & Counsel (3)Any other business2:30 pm Business Session 4 endsClosing Worship & the Closing of theAssembly

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Always proclaiming God’s saving Gospel,living out Christ’s Great Commission, and serving all in response to God’s love—through care, advocacy, reconciliation and solidarity with those in need—

the Southwest California Synod will, for the next five years,direct its work toward the following mission goals:

Communicating the Gospel message powerfully and clearly

Shaping the faith of the baptized through education

Fostering congregations in becoming healthy communities

Creating opportunities for its rostered leaders to thrive

Developing at least four geographical area ministry strategies

Establishing clusters of congregations around similar ministries

January, 2015

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GENERAL ELCA TERMSELCA – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (Denominational name).Region 2 – One of 9 regions of the ELCA composed of 5 synods (Southwest California, Pacifica, Sierra

Pacific, Rocky Mountain and Grand Canyon).Churchwide – A term referring to the entire ELCA.Churchwide Offices – ELCA denominational headquarters in Chicago.Luther Center – The name for the facility in Chicago that houses the ELCA Churchwide offices.Presiding Bishop – The elected clergy responsible for the entire ELCA Churchwide; currently serving is

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.


Synod – A geographical group of congregations that are a part of the ELCA. There are 65 synods in theELCA.

SoCalSynod – Southwest California Synod (

Conference – A geographical group of congregations of the synod:1. Central Coast – 9 congregations located between Solvang and Templeton;2. Channel Islands – 14 Congregations between Goleta and Agoura Hills;3. Foothill – 15 congregations in the foothills area between Glendale and Monrovia;4. Greater Long Beach – 13 congregations in Long Beach and surrounding communities;5. LA Metro – 19 congregations including the city of Los Angeles and Santa Monica area;6. San Gabriel Valley – 13 congregations in the San Gabriel Valley;7. South Bay – 15 congregations within a fifteen-mile distance from the coast;8. Tehachapi – 7 congregations in the Lancaster, Palmdale, Frazier Park and Bakersfield areas;9. Twin Valleys – 20 congregations in the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys.

Equipping Leaders for Mission (ELM) – School of Lay Ministry designed to educate and equip laypeople for enhanced participation in congregational and synodical life through personal spiritualdevelopment, biblical enhancement and life-long learning. ELM is a two-year program.


Synod Council – 25-member elected board of directors of the synod.

Bishop – The clergy elected by the Synod Assembly to lead a synod of the ELCA; currently serving theSouthwest California Synod is Bishop Dr. R Guy Erwin.

Vice-President – An elected lay volunteer.

Executive Committee – 4 officers and 4 at-large members of the Synod Council, elected by theCouncil.

Mission Teams – Five (5) Committees of the Synod:

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1. Mission Team for Evangelical Outreach helps the synod and its congregations implementthe Synod’s Mission Goals of “intentional outreach to the diverse populations of our synod,”“the development of new congregations, the transformation of congregations,” and “the re-rooting of congregations in their neighborhoods.” This team assists in implementation of theELCA’s Evangelism Strategy as well as assists in implementation of ethnic strategies adoptedby the Synod.

2. Mission Team for Rostered Leadership provides opportunities to identify and support clergyand lay rostered ministers. This team promotes participation in Conference Collegiums andContinuing Education and relates to the Candidacy Committee assisting those preparing forministry including those enrolled in the TEEM program and First Call Theological Education.

3. Mission Team for Lay Leadership provides opportunities to identify and support lay leadersas they witness and serve in their congregation and in daily life. This team helps the synodand its congregations to implement the Mission Goals of the synod of “intentional outreachto children, youth and young adults” and provides oversight and support for EquippingLeaders for Mission (ELM). This Team relates to the Lutheran Youth Organization, the YoungAdult Task Force, the Synodical Women’s Organization, Men’s Ministry, Lutheran Retreats,Camps and Conferences (LRCC) and Campus Ministries.

4. Mission Team for Justice helps the synod and its congregations, institutions and agenciesaddress issues of justice in public life from Christian perspectives while being guided in theirpublic witness by the Social Statements of the ELCA. This team works closely with theLutheran Office of Public Policy and the California Council of Churches in matters ofadvocacy.

5. Mission Team for Global Partnerships helps the synod and its congregations establishconnections with the global Christian community by supporting growth in Companion Synodrelationships, creating partnerships with congregations in other parts of the world, learningabout issues of globalization, and by lifting up opportunities to accompany global churchesin their mission. We have 3 Companion Synods in Hong Kong, Ethiopia and El Salvador.

Mission and Ministry (Endowment) Committee – administers the Mission and Ministry Fund and isresponsible for the investment of the First Lutheran Los Angeles Fund (FLLAF).

First Lutheran Los Angeles Fund (FLLAF) – created from the sale of the former First, Los Angelesproperty. Disbursement from two-thirds of the income is designated for four purposes: planting andsupport of new congregations, support of congregations in transition and/or transformation,support of candidates for rostered ministry from this Synod preparing for ministry at one of theELCA’s seminaries or colleges and support of existing or new agencies and institutions that aredeemed important for the ongoing life and mission of Christ as lived out through the SouthwestCalifornia Synod.

CLERGY/ROSTERED TITLESThe Rev. – The Reverend (ordained minister)Pr. – Pastor (ordained minister)The Rev. Dr. – The Reverend Doctor (ordained minister who has a doctoral degree)MISS – Minister in Specialized Setting (rostered person who serves in a ministry other than a

congregation, such as a hospital or military chaplain.)Assistant to the Bishop – Synod Staff who assist the bishop in carrying out responsibilities (there are 2

Assistants to the Bishop in the Southwest California Synod)

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DEM – Director for Evangelical Mission who is called by churchwide to serve in the SouthwestCalifornia Synod.

AIM – Associate in Ministry (a rostered lay person who has been theologically trained.)DM – Diaconal Minister (a rostered lay person who is theologically trained and trained in a specialized

ministry.)DEAC – Deaconess (a rostered lay person who is theologically trained and has taken a vow as a

Deaconess.)OLFC– On Leave From Call (a rostered Ordained, AIM, DM or Deaconess who is currently without a call

to a ministry.)INTERIM – A rostered person, usually called to serve a congregation by the Synod Council, who is

serving a ministry in between two called persons.INTERN – A seminary student who is on staff of a ministry, in training as part of his/her theological



Lutheran Office of Public Policy (LOPP) - California – Public issues advocacy ministry in California.

Mission Investment Fund Investment (MIF) – Investment fund of the ELCA to financially assistcongregations.

ELCA Foundation – sustains and grows ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.Through its nationwide network of professional gift planning staff, it assists members in their call tolive as faithful and generous stewards. It also supports and strengthens the ministry ofcongregations, agencies, and institutions through financial education, resources, support andinvestment management services.

RELATED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSSeminary – The theological educational institutions that train clergy, Diaconal Ministers, Deaconesses

and AIMs. There are 9 Lutheran Seminaries in the US.PLTS – Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (Berkeley, CA)CLU – California Lutheran University (Thousand Oaks, CA). The one ELCA university in our region.

There are 27 ELCA colleges and universities nationwide.

OTHER SYNOD MINISTRIESMen In Mission – Men’s ministry of the ELCA.WELCA – Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (women’s ministry of the ELCA).SWO – Synodical Women’s Organization (women’s ministry of the synod).

SYNOD ASSEMBLYVoting Member – active participant elected by a congregation to exercise prayerfully her/his

judgment concerning matters to come before the assembly for a vote. Such matters include budget,elections, resolutions and memorials.

Memorial – a motion made by the synod in assembly requesting action by the Churchwide Assemblyon a broad policy issue. Following passage of a memorial by the synod in assembly, the memorial issent to the Memorials Committee of the ELCA where it is reviewed and recommendations made tothe next Churchwide Assembly.

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Resolution – a request from the Synod Assembly for action that is concrete, specific and within thepower of the assembly to implement.

Reference and Counsel – the committee that advises the assembly on resolutions and memorials thathave been brought to the Synod Assembly. This committee receives resolutions and memorials, andreviews, catalogues and prepares them for distribution to the assembly for action. Reference andCounsel may offer comments relative to constitutional, administrative or practical considerations.

Plenary – session at which all are present.

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LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITYThis synod shall have a Synod Assembly, which shall be its highest legislative authority. (Constitution S7.01)

SEAT AND VOICEThe membership of the Synod Assembly, of which at least 60% of the voting membership shall be composed oflaypersons, shall be constituted as follows:A. All ordained ministers under call on the roster of this synod in attendance at the Synod Assembly shall be

voting members. (Constitution S7.21.)B. Other persons on the rosters of this synod as defined by ELCA bylaw 10.41.01.b. shall be voting members.C. A minimum of two lay members elected by each congregation related to the synod, one of whom shall be

male and one of whom shall be female, shall be voting members. The Synod Council shall establish aformula to provide additional lay representation from congregations on the basis of number of membersin the congregation. Additional members from each congregation shall be equally divided between maleand female except the odd-numbered member, if any, may be either male or female. Each congregationwith fewer than 175 baptized members may elect one additional voting member who is a youth (under18) or young adult (18-30). A congregation with more than 175 baptized members may elect twoadditional voting members who are youth or young adults, one of whom shall be female and one ofwhom shall be male. (Constitution S7.21 and S7.21.A10.)

D. Voting membership shall include the officers of the synod and lay persons serving on the Synod Councilwho are not serving as voting members from their congregation. (S7.28)

E. Retired ordained ministers on the roster of this synod who are serving as interim pastors in acongregation of this synod at the time of the Synod Assembly shall be voting members to the SynodAssembly. (Constitution S7.22.01)

Other retired ordained ministers on the roster of this synod shall be advisory members of the Synod Assemblyhaving voice but not vote. (Constitution S7.22.)The Secretary of the Synod shall be responsible for the certification of all clergy and lay voting members andshall maintain a record of their attendance at this assembly.The ELCA representative and any other such official representative(s) of the Church shall have seat and voice inthe assembly. Like privilege shall be accorded to non-voting members of the Synod Staff; to the chairpersons ofsynod Mission Teams, Ethnic Coalitions and Conferences; the president of the Synodical Women’s Organization;the coordinator of Lutheran Men in Mission; and to the chief executive officer (or their appointee) of theofficially recognized institutions and agencies of the Synod. (S7.23)

FLOOR SEATINGSeating of voting members on the assembly floor shall be in the designated area for voting members. Votingmembers must be seated at tables in the Voting Member Section of the Assembly meeting room in order to beeligible to vote. All vote counting, whether oral, by hand, standing, ballot or electronic device will be done atvoting member tables only. Voting members at other tables or standing in the aisles or doorways will not beincluded in any count.Tables will be provided for advisory and other nonvoting guests. Visitor seating will be in designated areas of theassembly meeting room.

BULLETIN OF REPORTSAll reports published in the Bulletin of Reports shall be received by the assembly without vote.

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SPEECHESEach person, when recognized by the chair, shall state his/her name and congregation or institutionrepresented before beginning to speak. No person shall speak more than two minutes nor more than twice onthe same subject, unless the voting members, by a majority vote, waive the provisions of this rule; provided,however, that this rule shall not apply to messages and reports by agencies and officers of the synod or to guestspeakers to whom special time has been allotted.

APPROPRIATION OF FUNDSAny proposal to appropriate funds, whether by amendment to the budget or otherwise, which is presented to ameeting of the Synod Assembly without the prior approval of the Synod Council shall be referred to theExecutive Committee for a report and recommendation prior to action by the Synod Assembly and shall requirea two-thirds majority vote by the assembly for adoption. (Constitution S10.04)

MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONSAny voting member may make a motion from the floor, which is germane to any pending question. Motions andresolutions of a general character that are not germane to a pending question must be processed through theCommittee on Reference and Counsel in the following manner:A. Resolutions from any institution, agency, synod mission team, coalition, congregation, or individual must

bear the signatures of at least five people who are members of the Southwest California Synod. Theresolutions shall be given in writing to the Committee on Reference and Counsel by 60 days prior to thestart of the Assembly.

B. All other resolutions that are not received by the Committee on Reference and Counsel 60 days prior to thestart of the Assembly shall be placed on the assembly agenda as new business only and would require atwo-thirds vote of voting members requesting the resolution be put before the assembly before it may beconsidered.

Resolutions not considered by the Synod Assembly will be referred to the Synod Council for consideration.

DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALSAll materials for distribution to voting members at the Synod Assembly shall be delivered to the Synod Office byMay 1. The synod secretary is responsible for distribution of all materials. After the assembly is in session,permission to distribute materials must be secured from the Committee on Reference and Counsel.

ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDERRobert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern parliamentary procedure of the Synod Assembly.(Constitution S7.32)

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The Rev. Donald E. Wilkowski 04/27/2015

The Rev. Gerald Swanson 07/03/2015

The Rev. Daniel L. Knudsen 10/26/2015

The Rev. John William Bowman 02/23/2016

The Rev. George Spindt 03/27/2016

The Rev. Charles Daniel Witmer 04/05/2016

The Rev. Leonard E. Dalberg 04/21/2016

AIM Freda Johnson 05/05/2016


The Rev. Harold G. Banks from Florida-Bahamas Synod 01/07/2015

The Rev. Lisa Dahill from Indiana-Kentucky Synod on 08/24/2015

The Rev. Margaret (Peg) Schultz-Akerson from Sierra Pacific Synod on 12/30/2015

The Rev. Gene Leiter from Southeastern Minnesota Synod on 03/02/2016


The Rev. Arne Bergland transferred to Montana Synod on 05/01/2015

The Rev. Glen Egertson transferred to Pacifica Synod on 06/01/2015

The Rev. Timothy A. Thorstenson transferred to Rocky Mountain Synod on 06/26/2015

The Rev. Brian S. Elster transferred to Central States Synod on 08/16/2015

The Rev. Gary T. Stevenson transferred to Sierra Pacific on 09/14/2015

The Rev. Terry Tuvey Allen transferred to Pacifica Synod on 10/01/2015

The Rev. Howard D. Stendahl transferred to Southwestern Texas Synod on 03/03/2016

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The Rev. Veli-Matti Karkkainen 11/01/2015

The Rev. Jonathan Hemphill 11/08/2015


Diaconal Minister Martha Santrizos on 12/06/2015


The Rev James A. Fuller effective 07/01/2015

The Rev Larry W. Wagner effective 09/01/2015

The Rev Russell Gordon effective 09/01/2015

The Rev. Lynn Bruer effective 10/01/2015

The Rev Donald (Barry) Vail effective 10/01/2015

The Rev Kathleen A. Richter effective 11/01/2015

The Rev Elvin E. Sauerwald effective 08/01/2015

The Rev. Charles Carlson effective 02/24/2016

The Rev Patricia Muran effective 03/01/2016

The Rev Kenneth R. Simon effective 05/01/2016


The Rev. Daniel E. Carlson called as pastor at Mt. Carmel, San Luis Obispo, effective 05/10/2015 The Rev. Valerie C. Carlson called as pastor at Mt. Carmel, San Luis Obispo effective 5/10/2015

The Rev. Scott C. Fritz called as pastor at Trinity, Long Beach, effective 05/17/2015

The Rev. Janet L. Hansted called as pastor at St. Luke's, Woodland Hills, effective 08/09/2015

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The Rev. Stephanie Jaeger called as pastor at St. Matthew’s, North Hollywood effective 02/07/2016


Diaconal Minister Kevin Sumner-Eisenbraun called through Companion Hospice in Simi Valley as Chaplain effective 02/01/2015

The Rev. Anna-Kari J. Johnson called through Congregational & Synodical Mission Unit to serve as Associate Program Director effective 08/15/2015

The Rev. Lisa Dahill called through California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks to serve as Associate Professor of Religion effective 08/24/2015

The Rev. Dan Gibson called as Interim Pastor at First, Carson effective 09/19/2015

The Rev. Jonathan Hemphill called as Pastor at Another Level Ministries, Gardena effective 09/19/2015

Diaconal Minister Martha Santrizos called through Trinity, Santa Barbara to serve as Social Justice Coordinator effective 09/19/2015

The Rev. Veli-Matti Karkkaiñen called as Pastor at Finnish Immigrant Community, Santa Monica effective 9/19/2015

The Rev. Ruth Sievert called as Interim Pastor at St Stephens, Granada Hills effective 10/15/2015

The Rev. Lynn Enloe called as Interim Pastor at Holy Cross, Ojai effective 02/01/2016 (synod council approval needed)

The Rev. Margaret (Peg) Schultz-Akerson called as Interim Pastor at Lutheran Church of the Master, Los Angeles effective 02/20/2016

The Rev. Reginald Hansome called as Interim Pastor at American, Burbank effective 03/27/2016 (synod council approval needed)


The Rev. Stacy Payne on Family Leave ends spring 2017 10/03/2015

The Rev. Howard Stendahl 10/09/2015

The Rev. Deborah Andersen 12/05/2015

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The Rev. Ioan Ittu 01/01/2016

The Rev. Shel Hess 04/01/2016

Final 05/11/2016

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Significant Anniversaries


30th AnniversaryAIM Claonne (Kay) CordesCommissioned in the American Lutheran Church on December 5, 1986

A graduate of American Lutheran Bible School, Kay Cordes served as theSecretary/Lay Ministry Coordinator of Ascension, Thousand Oaks for 31 years,retiring in December of 2000. An advocate for the needs and concerns of churchoffice workers and an active member of the Association of Lay Professionals and theChurch Staff Workers Association (where she held the positions of Chapter President,Chapter Secretary, and National Secretary), she was part of the talk force that createdThe Parish Secretary’s Handbook, published by Augsburg. She and her husband Dave are blessed withtwo daughters.

AIM Judith GetzinCommissioned in the American Lutheran Church on December 5, 1986

A graduate of Milwaukee-Downer College in Wisconsin, Judith Getzin was firstcalled as the Office Manager for the Lutheran Bible Camp Association of SouthernCalifornia (now Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences). She then served asbookkeeper with the Southwest California Synod office until her retirement in2003. She has volunteered as the treasurer of WELCA as well as conferencepresident and treasurer of the predecessor American Lutheran Church Women.

Judith is active at Resurrection, Redondo Beach - singing in the choir and serving as treasurer for thechurch. When she left the Synod Office in 2003, she continued working at the theatre where she had beenHouse Manager. She then became the Volunteer Coordinator and Senior House Manager. She and herhusband Ken enjoy travel and family time, supporting their two teenage granddaughters’ activities –marching band and ballet. They are looking forward to their voyage to the Panama Canal later this year.

AIM Elizabeth KebschullCommissioned in the American Lutheran Church on September 30, 1986

A graduate of Concordia College in Seward, Nebraska, Elizabeth Kebschull taught 4th,5th, and 6th grades at First St. John Lutheran School in Chicago, Illinois. With herhusband, Lowell, she travelled to Taiwan and taught Kindergarten at Chaiyi ChristianSchool as was as ESL to Junior and Senior High School Students. Returning to theUnited States in 1977, she taught at Trinity Lutheran School in Portland, Oregon beforetaking the position of Day Care Director at Ascension Lutheran School, Torrance. She

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earned her Masters in Education at California State University in 1985. After returning to teaching at FirstLutheran School, Torrance, she became First Lutheran’s Principal until her retirement in 2003. Elizabethand Lowell have four children.

AIM Agnes McClainCommissioned in the Lutheran Church in America on February, 1986

A native of Montgomery, Alabama, Agnes McClain participated as a child in theMontgomery Bus Boycott. She earned her B.A. in psychology and M.S. in counselingfrom California State University, Los Angeles and holds California CommunityCollege credentials as a Counselor, Student Personnel Worker, Instructor andSupervisor.

Agnes worked at KCET, the Rakestraw Community Center, the Westside Area Planning Council, and theNAACP. She also volunteered in a variety of social justice and civil rights organizations. She became theAssistant Director of the CLC Urban Studies Program at Angelica, Los Angeles and a Lay Associate atHoly Trinity, Inglewood. Her first call was as Associate Director of the Los Angeles Metro Ministry.

In 1992 she joined the staff of the Southwest California Synod where she served for over 20 years, first asan Assistant to the Bishop for Urban and Cultural Ministry and then as the Assistant to the Bishop forRostered Mission Leadership. She has travelled on behalf of the church to Ethiopia, Asia, and Europe,and has been involved with New City Parish, the ELCA’s Commission for Women, and LutheransConcerned. She has two daughters.

Ordained Minister

60th Anniversary

Reverend Edward BuschOrdained July 1, 1956

Reverend Busch was born on April 11, 1931 in San Diego to Leonard andEster Busch, and grew up in La Mesa, CA. He attended St. Johns College inWinfield, Kansas and then Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, graduating in1956. While on his internship in Brooklyn, NY he married Dona Jean (Dobie)Dobelstein.

His first call was to two LCMS mission congregations, Peace in Greencastle,Indiana and Holy Cross in Crawfordsville, Indiana, where he was ordained on July 1, 1956. He thenserved as assistant pastor at Emmaus in Denver, Colorado and then at Redeemer in Colorado Springs.

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After suffering a series of seizures, he resigned in 1968 and returned with his family to La Mesa for aperiod of recovery. In 1973 he earned his Ph.D in Religion at Claremont Graduate School. In themeantime, he was called to Hope, Glendora, CA (LCMS) in 1971. Rev. Busch left Hope after the 1973Missouri Synod convention, where as a delegate he spoke in favor of the St. Louis faculty, which wasbeing branded as “false teachers.”

However, a number of the members of Hope decided to start a new church in La Verne and called Rev.Busch as their pastor. He served at Our Savior Lutheran church (later Rock of the Foothills) from 1975 to1991, as part of the AELC, then the LCA, and finally the ELCA. He then served as the Chaplain Pastor atSolheim Lutheran Home and Church.

After retiring in 2001, Rev. and Dona Jean Busch joined Salem Lutheran in Glendale. Rev. Busch servedas interim at Salem; Emmanuel, North Hollywood; Church of Hope, Canyon Country; and HolyShepherd, Chatsworth. He still makes shut in calls and teaches Bible classes at Salem.

Edward and Dona Jean Busch, who passed away in 2002, have been blessed with two children, fivegrandchildren, and two great grandchildren.

Reverend Philip NatwickOrdained May 27, 1956

Philip Natwick was born in Sioux City, Iowa and attended high school in bothMeckling and Nunda, South Dakota, where his father was a pastor. Aftergraduating from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, he attended Luther Seminary.Following graduation, he served parishes in Clark, South Dakota; Eau Claire,Wisconsin; Encino, California; Eugene, Oregon; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; andGranada Hills, California, where he served until his retirement in 1993.

He and his wife Dolores currently live in Granada Hills, enjoying retirement and visiting their fivechildren and nine grandchildren, all of whom live on the West Coast.

50th AnniversaryRevered Wendell BrownOrdained June 26, 1966

Ordained on June 26, 1966, Wendell Brown served congregations in the SierraPacific Synod, retiring in 2009. In 2012 he transferred to the SouthwestCalifornia Synod and preached at congregations in San Luis Obispo, SantaMaria, Lompoc, and Paso Robles, also serving an interim ministry at Hope,Atascadero.

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Reverend Charles CarlsonOrdained June 25, 1966

After graduating from Luther with a B.A. in history, Charles Carlson attendedLuther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and then the Lutheran TheologicalSeminary in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

As a member of the Luther College Concert percussion section from 1958 - 1962,he toured with the band in Norway in 1961 as part of Luther College’s 100th celebration. He served sixcongregations prior to becoming Chaplain of Solheim Lutheran Home on July 1, 2000.

Pastor Charlie is a sports fan, enjoys golfing; and is a member of the GO GO Dodgers Fan Club. He wasprivileged to throw out the first ceremonial pitch at Dodger Stadium in 2009, and has an awesomecollection of Dodger Bobbleheads. He was married to Gladys for 47 years until her death caused by ALSdisease, which she fought valiantly for nearly two years. They were blessed with six children, and ninegrandchildren.

Reverend Karl KniseleyOrdained June 5, 1966

Karl and Sally Kniseley have been married 54 years with four children and 14grandchildren. Following his graduation from CSULA, they went toBerkeley, Sally to complete her RN program and Karl to graduate from PLTS in1966 with his M.Div. Later he completed a D.Min. at Fuller Seminary, and postgraduate work at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.

Rev. Kniseley served in parish ministry for 22 years: Sanger, Glendale, San Joseand Los Angeles. He later served under call as President of the Lutheran Hospital Society HealthcareFoundation, later to be the Unihealth America Foundation, for 13 years. The foundation addressed issuesof bioethics, chaplaincy services, community health services, educational seminars for UnihealthHospitals and healthcare practitioners. International seminars were held in conjunction with USCLaw School's Institute of healthcare policy and UCLA's School of Public Health.

He also served as adjunct faculty for the USC school of Nursing and the USF MPA program. Followingretirement, he served in interim ministry (5 parishes) and pulpit supply. Karl and Sally have lived inGlendale for the last 30 years. Both Rev. Kniseley and his recently retired brother Jim are thirdgeneration Lutheran pastors.

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Reverend Ernst Frederick TonsingOrdained June 19, 1966

The Reverend Ernst Tonsing graduated from Pacific Lutheran in Berkeley in1966 with his M.Div and completed a Ph.D at the University of California atSanta Barbara in 1978. After serving at Augustana Lutheran in Portland,Oregon from 1966 to 1969, he was called to graduate study in 1969 and then toteach Bibles studies and Greek at California Lutheran College (now CaliforniaLutheran University) in Thousand Oaks. He retired in 2003.

Reverend William B. WeinerthOrdained May 29, 1966

Rev. Weinerth served at Trinity Lutheran in Ventura, as well as congregations inTustin and Minnesota before he was called to specialized ministry as CommunityServices Coordinator for the Ventura County Department of Alchohol and DrugPrograms from Match 1974 until his retirement in 1996. During his retirement,he served as a part-time Interim Pastor at Trinity, Ventura.

Reverend Howard WennesOrdained June 12, 1966

Rev. Wennes received his M.Div from Luther Theological seminary in St. Pauland his Doctor of Divinity from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary inBerkeley. After serving parishes throughout the United States, he was electedBishop of the Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA. He served as Interim Pastor atAscension, Thousand Oaks and Spirit of Grace in Surprise, Arizona, as well as astaff member of ELCA Hunger Appeal. In 2004 he became Assistant to thePresident for University Ministries and Director of Church Relations at California Lutheran University inThousand Oaks, where he served until his retirement in 2006. He has been married to Mary since 1962.

40th AnniversaryReverend Bruce JohnsonOrdained June 20, 1976

Rev. Bruce Johnson received his M.Div from Luther Seminary in 1976 andcontinued his graduate education in human development in Lincoln, Nebraska.After serving congregations in Nebraska, Colorado, and Utah, he was called toLutheran Church of the Foothills in La Canada in 2002, where he served untilOctober, 2014. He is married to Gwen and they have three children: Holly,Heidi, and Travis.

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Reverend James A. OinesOrdained July 25, 1976

Rev. James Oines is married to Randi Peterson Oines. They have two sons:Leif Dakota and Luke Lakota. He served as pastor at St. Peter Lutheran inArmour, South Dakota and Our Savior Lutheran in Corsica, South Dakotabefore taking a call at Alzona Lutheran Church in Phoenix Arizona. Whilewith Alzona, Rev. Oines actively participated in the Sanctuary Movement andUnderground Railroad protecting Central American Refugees. Afterinfiltration by government agents, brought a civil suit against the U.S.Government for violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution; the suitwas a joint effort with the American Lutheran Church and four Presbyterianentities.

After leaving Arizona, Rev. Oines served as Village Pastor at Holden Village Ecumenical Retreat Centerin Chelan, Washington; Interim Pastor of First Lutheran Church in Sandpoint, Idaho; Interim Pastor atOur Savior Lutheran Church in Pinehurst, Idaho, andPastor at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Thousand Oaks, California.

In 1986, Rev. Oines was honored by the National Indian Lutheran Board with a Peace Pipe "for workingfor justice for disenfranchised peoples." He is also the recipient of the Paul A. Boe Award for ChristianHumanitarian Service from The American Lutheran Church and the "Salt of the Earth" Award fromLutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

Reverend Eric ShaferOrdained June 23, 1976

Pastor Shafer became Senior Pastor at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church SantaMonica in April of 2014, coming to California from New York City and hisposition as Senior Vice President of Philanthropy and Faith CommunityRelations for Odyssey Networks, where he was responsible for fund-raisingand relationships among US faith groups. For his efforts in producing CBStelevision’s 2012 Christmas Eve special Shafer was named “2012 ReligionCommunicator of the Year.”

Prior to his tenure at Odyssey, Shafer served as Senior Pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church inLansdale, Pennsylvania. He has also served as Director for Communication for the ELCA; Assistant to theBishop of the ELCA’s Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod; and pastor of Holy Trinity Memorial LutheranChurch in Catasauqua, Pennsylvania.

He is a graduate of Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio and Muhlenberg College in Allentown,PA and serves on Muhlenberg’s Board of Directors. Pastor Shafer may be best known for his work, whileat the ELCA in Chicago, on the stop-motion animation children’s program, Davey and Goliath.

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Reverend Dr. James W. ThompsonOrdained December 12, 1976

Born in Monterey Park, California on June 15, 1948, Jim Thompson wasbaptized into the Episcopal Church. After having been invited by aclassmate to attend church he joined Trinity Lutheran Church in San Gabriel,California, a congregation of the American Lutheran Church. Afterbeginning his professional studies at Fuller Seminary, he graduated with theMaster of Divinity degree from Luther Seminary, in St. Paul, Minnesota andwas ordained by The Rev. Walter H. Mees at Trinity Lutheran on December12, 1976.

Pastor Thompson began his congregational ministry as the Assistant Pastor of Lemon GroveLutheran Church in Lemon Grove, California. He was called to Pella Lutheran Church in Selma,California in 1980, where he served for six years. From there he returned to Southern Californiato serve as the Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Monrovia where he continues to serve.

Pastor Thompson completed the Doctor of Ministry degree at Azusa Pacific Seminary with anemphasis on Spiritual Formation in the Lutheran Church. Invited to teach as an AdjunctProfessor of Theology, he has been at Azusa Pacific for the past 15 years.

Pastor Thompson met his wife, Suzanne at Trinity Lutheran Church where they were married onFebruary 7, 1976. They have two daughters and four grandchildren.

30th AnniversaryReverend Leslie SoysterOrdained June 29, 1986

Pastor Soyster was born in Columbus, OH and is an alumna of Texas LutheranUniversity, Seguin, TX and Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, OH.

She served United Faith Parish, a three-point parish in North Dakota, before spendingsix months at the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Hong Kong. Her next call was toGood Shepherd, Bismark, ND followed by Our Redeemer, Simi Valley.

She is married to Pastor John Soyster and has one daughter and one step-daughter.

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Reverend Mark WitteOrdained May 4, 1986

Since his ordination, Rev. Witte has served several congregations in the SouthwestCalifornia Synod, mostly located in the San Gabriel Valley. An attorney with agraduate degree in dispute resolution and a background in mediation and conflictmanagement, he’s spent most of the last 15 years working as a part-time pastor andpart-time estate-planning attorney. Since April, 2013 he’s served as the pastor ofChrist the Shepherd Lutheran Church in Altadena.

25th Anniversary

Reverend Dr. Christopher LindstromOrdained March 31, 1991

Rev. Lindstrom began serving God by being trained as a youth leader by "Youthfor Christ" in 1978, and became the Youth Director of a church in Turlock,California in 1981. He attended Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary andgraduated in 1988, and obtained his Doctorate in Ministry from George FoxUniversity, Portland, Oregon in May 2015, specializing in Semiotics, FutureStudies and studying under the leadership of one of the renowned Christianleaders, Dr. Leonard Sweet. He has served as a pastor since 1989 and presentlyserves at Good Shepherd Lutheran in San Pedro.

Revered Edward SauerwaldOrdained June 30, 1991.Rev. Sauerwald received his M.Div from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and was ordained onJune 30, 1991. He served at Our Redeemer in Crenshaw, Christ the King in Van Nuys, and FirstLutheran, Los Angeles

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In Memoriam

The Reverend Charles Daniel WitmerDecember 2, 1937 – April 5, 2016

Born in Kansas City, Missouri, Dan Wimer attended Pacific Lutheran College (which became PacificLutheran University in 1960), where he met Betty Patterson of Hillyard, Ohio. They married in 1959, andDan graduated with a B.A. in English and a minor in speech. He obtained his M.Div from LutherSeminary in 1964, and earned a Masters in counseling from the University of Oregon. Ordained in 1964,he first served in Alexandria, Minnesota, then in Grants Pass, Oregon, where he brought his skills as aproblem solver to address a mission church’s debt situation. After service in Eugene, Oregon, Rev.Witmer was called to Bethania Lutheran in Solvang, and then to Mt. Carmel in San Luis Obispo, wherehe served half-time while teaching World Religions full time. His call to Mt. Carmel eventually becamefull-time. From 1971 to 1996 he served in the Army Reserves as a Chaplain, with two terms of activeduty in Fort Ord and Germany and retirement with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. A licensed counselorin he State of California, he also worked for Lutheran Social Services and for Emmanuel Medical Centerin Ceres.

Rev. Dan and Betty Witmer moved to Columbus, Ohio after his retirement. They have been blessed bythree children, 12 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.

Reverend Leonard E. DalbergOctober 9, 1925 - April 21, 2016

Reverend Leonard E. Dalberg was born in Stratton, Ontario, Canada. Heworked on the family farm and hauled pulp wood until he left Canada at age21, enrolling in the Lutheran Bible Institute in Minneapolis, MN. There he methis wife, Anabelle Hanson, whom he married in 1950. He attended AugsburgCollege, graduated from Augustana Seminary, and was ordained in 1956.During his ministry, he served five parishes: Faith Lutheran in Caldwell, ID;Elim Lutheran in Ogden, UT; Good Shepherd Lutheran in Concord, CA; OurSaviour's Lutheran in Orange, CA; and Bethania Lutheran in Solvang, CA.

As a leader in the community, Len established two preschools, one at Our Saviour's and the other atBethania. He was also the founder of the Farstrup-Mortensen Memorial Lectures, held annually inSolvang. While President of the Santa Ynez Valley Rotary Club, he led the construction of the children'splayground at Sunny Fields Park. He was honored as the 2005 Volunteer of the Year by the CaliforniaAssociation of Homes and Services for the Aging.

Len was devoted to his family. He is survived by Anabelle, his wife of 65 years, whom he dearly loved,four brothers, his four children, and eleven grandchildren.

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Pastor Daniel L. Knudsen

Born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in 1943, Daniel "Dan" LuVern Knudsen grewup in Lincoln, Nebraska. He was confirmed in the Lutheran church and gave hisheart to Jesus one summer at Bible Camp.

He met his wife Judith at Dana College in Blair, Nebraska, and finished hisdegree at Peru State College. During this period, Dan won an award for hispoetry and also directed a play he had written. In 1966, Dan and Judith moved toHonolulu, Hawaii, where Dan worked as a teacher at an intermediate school.

With the encouragement of Pastor Norm Hammer of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Waikiki, Dan,Judith and their son Daniel relocated to Saint Paul, Minnesota, where Dan attended Luther TheologicalSeminary, earning his Masters of Divinity. A second son, Shawn, was born during these years, and Dan'sactivities ranged from coordinating college teams for evangelical outreach through Lutheran YouthEncounter to working with an inner-city church in North Minneapolis. After being ordained in 1971 atOur Savoir in Lincoln, Nebraska, he accepted a call to serve as associate pastor back at Prince of Peace inHawaii. During this time a third son, Matthew, was born.

The family returned to the Midwest in 1976, where Dan served as the director of Riverside Bible Camp inStory City, Iowa, for three years, and a daughter, Christa, was born. Dan subsequently served at Christ theKing in Ellendale, South Dakota; Prince of Peace in Costa Mesa; and Shepherd of the Hills inWhittier. He served as pastor of Holy Redeemer in Bellflower from May 1996 until his retirement inNovember of 2008.

Upon his retirement, Dan and Judith joined Grace Lutheran Church in Huntington Beach, where hehelped found the Good News Ministry, an outreach to the homeless that continues to this day.

Pastor Dan Knudsen was known for his generous spirit and passion for helping others in need, as well ashis devotion to serving God and love of his family. He will be greatly missed.

AIM Freda JohnsonJuly 24, 1921 - May 5, 2016

Freda Johnson received her Associate in Ministry commission as a ParishSecretary in the American Lutheran Church in 1978, serving at Christ theKing, Torrance for 23 years. She also served as a Sunday School teacher, andafter her retirement volunteered in the Neighbor-to-Neighbor Programfeeding the homeless and sewing quilts for Lutheran World Relief and fornewborns at Harbor General Hospital.

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Reverend Dr. Rolf Scott Haasarud

March 28, 1940 – April 13, 2016

Reverend Dr. Rolf Scott Haasarud passed away on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 atthe Beatitudes Health Care Center in Phoenix.

Scott Haasarud was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey on March 28, 1940, the onlychild of Rolf Oliver Haasarud and Rowena Rice. Scott grew up in Berkeley,California and in 1962 he graduated from St. Olaf College in Northfield,Minnesota.

At St. Olaf, Scott met his future wife, Jeannette Thompson of Eagle Grove, Iowa. Scott and Jeannettemarried in 1963 in the St. Olaf Chapel, and in subsequent years were blessed with three children.

Rev. Haasarud received his Masters of Divinity from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley;it was during this time that he was introduced to Four Springs and its co-founder Elizabeth Howes, arelationship that fundamentally shaped his theological point of view. He went on to do his internship inAtlanta, GA (1964-65), and completed his Doctorate of Ministry at San Francisco TheologicalSeminary. He continued his studies at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland.

After ordination as a Lutheran minister, Rev. Haasarud served ministries at Shepherd of the ValleyLutheran Church (Spring Valley, CA; 1966-69), Messiah Lutheran Church (Pasadena, CA; 1969-81),Faith Lutheran Church (Phoenix, AZ; 1981-86), and the International Interdenominational Church ofStavanger (Norway, 1986-89).

After leaving Stavanger, Rev. Haasarud served for five years as the Executive Director of Holden Village,the Lutheran retreat and renewal center in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State (1989-94).

Returning to Phoenix in 1994, Rev. Haasarud served as pastor for Chris The King Lutheran Church, andthen transitioned to Director of Spiritual Life and Programming at Spirit in the Desert Lutheran RetreatCenter (Carefree, AZ). He assisted in founding the Phoenix Friends of Jung, and was a vital member ofthe North American Retreat Directors Association (NARDA). At the time of his death, Rev. Haasarudwas the Spiritual Director of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church.

During his nearly fifty years as a pastor and spiritual director, Scott Haasarud enriched enumerablelives. He remained active until his final month, teaching courses and working directly with individuals.

Scott is survived by his wife Jeannette E. Haasarud; daughter Kjrsten (Randall) D'Aubyn; sons KevinScott Haasarud (Kim) and Bryce Arnel Haasarud; and four grandchildren, Kiana D'Aubyn, Holden andMadeleine Haasarud, and Kayley Haasarud.

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The Rev. George Alfred SpindtJune 21, 1920 – March 27, 2016

Pastor George Spindt was born June 21, 1920 in Pasadena, and grew up inthe congregation at Trinity, Pasadena, where he assisted at worship. He wentto UCLA and Northwestern Seminary in Minneapolis, and was ordained onMarch 18, 1945 in the United Lutheran Church in America. His first call wasto Grace, Santa Barbara. In 1949 he was called to Germany as director ofrefugee resettlement with Lutheran World Federation, helping to define therole of the church in rebuilding a Europe devastated by war.

Pastor Spindt then served at Our Savior's, Tucson, AZ; St. Andrew's, Van Nuys, CA; and Messiah,Redwood City, CA, additionally serving on the board of Pacoima Memorial Lutheran Hospital. Beforeretiring, he served under call as executive director of Vesper Society in San Leandro, CA. Under hisleadership, Vesper Society launched one of the first hospice programs in the United States and initiateddialogue among leaders in the church, business, and academia.

In retirement, Pastor Spindt served as interim pastor at Lihue, Hawaii; Grace, San Juan, Puerto Rico;Frederick, Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands (twice); and St. James, Hayward, CA.

He was preceded in death one month to the day by his wife of 71 years, Evelyn. He is survived bychildren Judith Ann, Paul Alfred and Gary Berg Spindt, daughters-in-law, Maureen and Robin Spindt,five grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

The Rev. Gerald SwansonAugust 3, 1937 - July 3, 2015

A native of Illinois, Gerald “Gerry” Swanson earned a bachelor’s degree inhistory from Augustana College. He received a Master of Divinity from theAugustana Theological Seminary and was ordained in 1963.

He served as the founding pastor of Lord of Life Lutheran Church inCanfield, Ohio, and served as an associate pastor of a Detroit church beforehe and his wife, California Lutheran University English professor emerita Jan Bowman, came toThousand Oaks with their three children.

Rev. Swanson became CLU’s first full-time campus pastor in 1969, providing spiritual counsel forstudents during the era of the Vietnam War and increasing concerns for social equality. He helped foundthe university’s student congregation, Lord of Life, and led ongoing discussions on the issues of the day.He guided many students on the path to ministry or other careers of service.

Leaving his role as pastor in 1986, he split his time between teaching English and serving as the director

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of the university’s Learning Assistance Center. An assistant professor of English, he developed a classcalled Literature of the Earth that combined the study of literature with environmental issues. He retiredin 1999 and was granted emeritus status.

In 2003, Rev. Swanson and his wife received the Christus Award for strengthening the bridge between thechurch and university. In 2007, the Alumni Association named them honorary alumni. Rev. Swansonvolunteered for the Holden Village Lutheran retreat center, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in ThousandOaks, Conejo Valley Hospice and the Southeastern Ventura County Drug Abuse Project. He also servedas chair of the Conejo Valley Refugee Committee, which sponsored a 25-member Vietnamese family andhelped them settle in the Conejo Valley in the 1970s.

Jan Bowman died in 2009. Rev. Swanson is survived by the couple’s children, Mindy and CLU alumniKrister and Karl, and their families.

Rev. Donald E. Wilkowski

April 28, 1936 - April 27, 2015

The Rev. Donald E. Wilkowski entered the Church Triumphanton the eve of his 79th birthday.

Don is survived by his wife of 55 years Geraldine; daughter Elizabeth(former Southwest California Synod staff), husband Mark;granddaughters: Hannah in college and Petra a senior in high school;sister Linda Palmer; and sister-in-law JoAnne Faucett.

While working at Union Carbide in Cleveland, Ohio, Don received the Call from God to go into theOrdained Ministry. He was one of the first "second career" seminarians at Evangelical LutheranTheological Seminary (ELTS) in Columbus, Ohio. Geraldine and 3-year old Elizabeth were packed intotheir Volkswagen bug and moved to Columbus for Don's first two years of seminary, including one yearas Student Assistant at Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, Columbus. His internship was at BethlehemLutheran Church in Middletown, Ohio. There, Gerrie taught first grade and Liz attendedKindergarten. Back to Columbus for Don's senior year, they juggled Gerrie's senior year of college atCapital, Liz in first grade, and being house parents to 14 sophomore/junior Capital University girls in alarge three-story house which was in the ELTS parking lot. Don graduated on Pentecost, June 2, 1968with a Masters of Divinity, and Gerrie graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Capital thefollowing day.

Don was ordained in 1968 into the American Lutheran Church at his home church, Parma Lutheran inCleveland, by the same pastor, the Rev. R. Wayne Willmann, who married Don and Gerrie, and baptizedLiz.

Moving to California to be near their new granddaughter, Pastor Don served for a number of months atTrinity Lutheran in Pomona. He was then Called in August, 1997 to Bethlehem Lutheran, Temple City,where he worked alongside the Chinese congregation. Pastor Don retired in July 2003. However, he was

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called out of retirement to serve Central Lutheran in Van Nuys from January 2004 to July 2009. PastorDon’s final interim ministry was at Calvary Lutheran in Arleta from November 2010 through November2013.

The highlight of Don's ministry was visitation of people in various settings: hospital, shut-in, orretirement home. Pastor Don shared the Gospel with small children, confirmands, marriage counseling,Bible Studies, worship services, the marginalized, the farmers, nurses, mechanics, businessmen/women,teachers, to those who were dying along with their families. Many people were encouraged by God'sservant, Don, through voicing appreciation of their talents and the Gospel that Jesus loved them.

The Reverend John William Bowman

November 1, 1922 - February 23, 2016

Pastor Bowman graduated from Midland College in Fremont, Nebraska in 1945and received his Bachelor of Divinity from Fremont’s Central TheologicalSeminary in 1948. He was ordained in 1948 and served as pastor of Trinity,Pomona and St Matthew’s, Glendale before his retirement in 1984. He is survivedby his wife Lois and children Christine, John, and Stephanie.

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