  • Space templates

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    Space templates

    Edit systems This dialog defines which HVAC systems are used in the space. Different HVAC functions (heat, cool etc) can be served by the same or different systems (that have been defined first in simple systems). Plant radiant faction sets how the system delivers into the space e.g. a radiator is typically 20% radiant energy. Simulation unit capacity allows the user to limit the plant capacity available to the room; this can be set absolutely or typically by w/m2. This is important in models as it can be used to set a limit that reflects the max. for the technology used e.g. 120 w/m2 for under-floor heating and to prevent warm-up spikes in the results which could mislead users on the plant size needed for the space. The user can choose to model ventilation in a number of ways both here or in air exchanges or in VE Macroflo depending on the scenario. The model ventilation strategy needs to be considered carefully as many models fail because this aspect has not been modelled appropriately. System outside air supply is typically not used in the majority of models (aux vent air exchanges are), however if models with many system assignments are required (e.g. two tempered air supplies using two systems to one space) this option can be used. The additional free cooling flow capacity option provides the specified air change (external air condition) whenever the cooling set point is exceeded. This provides a quick & simple way of modelling free cooling, however it does not involve opening sizes or modelled pressure drops.

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