Download - Spain





Spain is in Europe.

France and Portugal border Spain.

The Straight of Gibraltar in the south separates Spain from Africa.

Madrid is the Capital.


Very nice weather in Spain.

54° in the Winter

75° in the Summer


Literacy (2003)

Total 98.1

Male 98.8

Female 97.4


Total 5,917,074

Primary 2,479,631

Secondary 1,871,430

Post secondary 1,566,013


Secondary diploma 45.4%

Post-secondary diploma 38.1%



El Periódico de Catalunya

El Pais


► TV

Canal 24 Horas

TVE Internacional

La 1

Clothing Back in the 16th century, Spain was on the cutting edge of

fashion. Spanish clothing styles influenced the world and traditional Spanish clothing was widely known for its elegance and decoration. As the Habsburg Spain grew in power, Spanish fashions such as Spanish capes, corsets and farthingales became popular all over Western Europe. Farthingales were bell-shaped hoop skirts made up of whalebone, cloth and intricate cages of wire underneath women’s clothes. The style was cumbersome for Renaissance women and it took them hours to get dressed.

The Culture of the Siesta The beauty of the siesta is not the sleep itself, but the slower pace of life. A siesta

is a conscious effort to take a break, to stop and reflect, and to take time for yourself. In places where siestas are common, you might find that churches, shops, or even public buildings are closed during the siesta hours. Siesta is for resting, be it physically, mentally, or otherwise.But the honored place of the siesta is far from secure. Spain recently ratified new laws that allowed stores to stay open twenty-five percent longer each week. The implication is that stores would then stay open for the mid-day period usually allotted to siestas. The move was in an effort to fight effects of the ongoing financial downturn by creating more commerce – at the expense of naps.On the other end of the spectrum, National Association of Friends of the Siesta recently held the first national siesta championship in Madrid. Hoping to revive interest in the traditional snooze, the competition was judged on: *Sleeping as many of the allotted 20 minutes as possible*Original sleeping positions*Loudest snore*Best outfit


Cheap, substantial meals as opposed to gourmet


Serrano Ham

Fish delicacies (Paella)

CONFORMITIES Greetings consist of a handshake and a kiss on both cheeks

Spanish men maintain longer eye contact with females

Life is slow paced

Life begins when the sun goes down

Special days in spain: New Year : January 1

Good Friday : April 13Labor Day : May 1Feast of the Virgin Mary : August 15National Day : October 12All Saints Day : November 1st

Sinlessness the Feast of the Virgin Mary : December 8Christmas : December 25


The National Sport of Spain

24,000 bulls are killed each year

FLAMENKO▶ Although it is known to be specific to Spain, is actually the culture of Andalusia

▶ Flamenko is a kind uncovered by Jews, Gypsies spain and Muslims

Sangria Sangria is a wine fruity cocktail. Typically in red wine, fruit

pieces , such as a sweetener and has a strong drink vodka or rum sugar or honey.Sangria, Spain and is known as a drink originated in Portugal and those countries with widely consumed in Latin America. According to a thought less accepted in the first period when the British colonies in the West Indies began to drink

Languages are spoken mainly in Spain: ► Castilian ► Catalan or Valencian ► Basque ► Galician ► Aranese

Religion About 79% of Spaniards identify as belonging to the Roman Catholic religion; 2% identify with another religious faith, and about 19% as non-religious

Holidays An important Spanish holiday is "Semana Santa« (Holy Week), celebrated the week before Easter with large parades and other religious events. Spaniards also hold celebrations to honor their local saints in churches, cities, towns and villages. The people decorate the streets, build bonfires, set off fireworks and hold large parades, bullfights, and beauty contests.

Politics Spain is a democratic parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The monarch is the head of state, and the president of the government is the head of government. There are multiple parties and free elections. Executive power is vested in the government. Central legislative power is vested in the two chambers of parliament. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislative powers.



Domates festivali ve Flamenco


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