Page 1: Spanish Four Room 112 phone: 867-7654, ext. 4112 · el taxi . el taxímetro el monto la venta el vuelo anulado(a) en huelga enlazar pagar recorrer la barra de sujeción el metro el

Spanish Four Room 112 Señor Enders, instructor email: [email protected] phone: 867-7654, ext. 4112 In Spanish IV, students will study the following chapters and countries from the text, Buen Viaje, level 3: Chapter 1: España (Spain) Chapter 6: El Caribe (The Caribbean - Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic) Chapter 5: México Chapter 4: La América Central (Central American countries - Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá) Chapter 7: Venezuela y Colombia Chapter 2: Países andinos (Andean Countries - Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia) Chapter 3: El Cono Sur (Southern Cone - Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile) Chapter 8: Los Estados Unidos (The United States) Besides the above-mentioned themes and an on-going review of Spanish I, II, and III, the following verb tenses and grammatical concepts will be continued this year: Present tense Present progressive tense Imperfect progressive tense Preterite tense Imperfect tense Future tense Conditional tense Present perfect tense Pluperfect tense Future perfect tense Conditional perfect tense Affirmative command Negative command Present subjunctive tense/mood Present perfect subjunctive tense/mood Imperfect subjunctive tense/mood Pluperfect subjunctive tense/mood Tense “mixtures” Direct object pronouns Indirect object pronouns Double object pronouns Reflexive verbs and pronouns Formation and placement of pronouns in sentences Demonstratives Comparatives

Page 2: Spanish Four Room 112 phone: 867-7654, ext. 4112 · el taxi . el taxímetro el monto la venta el vuelo anulado(a) en huelga enlazar pagar recorrer la barra de sujeción el metro el

Superlatives “Accidental occurrence” via “se me/te/le/nos/os/les” Selected well-known Hispanic authors and pieces of literature will be discussed throughout the year. These authors include: Pío Baroja Antonio Machado Federico García Lorca Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Rubén Darío José Martí Gabriel García Márquez Gabriela Mistral Pablo Neruda Jorge Luis Borges Students are expected to: Conduct themselves like mature young ladies and gentlemen. Be on time and prepared. Have all materials with him/her. Use good judgement and common sense. Be polite to others in the room. Have all work completed by the instructor’s deadline. Study vocabulary on a nightly basis and seek extra help when needed. Adhere to instructor’s classroom rules as well as to the policies of the A-CSD. Grades will be based on: Tests and quizzes Homework Classwork and participation Translations Mini-projects Following is the list of vocabulary which will be studied this year, chapter 1-8: la colina la llanura la neblina la orilla el país el puerto a lo largo de color pardo parecerse a la carabela

Page 3: Spanish Four Room 112 phone: 867-7654, ext. 4112 · el taxi . el taxímetro el monto la venta el vuelo anulado(a) en huelga enlazar pagar recorrer la barra de sujeción el metro el

la corona la guerra el/la invasor(a) la joya la monarquía el rey la reina el siglo el soldado la tropa establecer huir invadir luchar reinar el ajo la almendra la berenjena el/la cocinero(a) el jamón serrano el olivar la rebanada el trocito veraniego(a) rebanar cortar pelar picar la alberca la alfombra la almohada el aeropuerto el autocar la autopista el/la conductor(a) la demora el retraso el embotellamiento el tapón el mapa la mochila el parador (del gobierno) el/la pasajero(a) el peaje el puente aéreo el taxi

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el taxímetro el monto la venta el vuelo anulado(a) en huelga enlazar pagar recorrer la barra de sujeción el metro el pasillo el pedido el usuario amplio(a) la patera la embarcación la patrulla la roca el suceso magrebí chocar huir naufragar rescatar solicitar agrio(a) caluroso(a) escaso(a) lluvioso(a) nevado(a) cultivar el choclo, el maíz la papa la precipitación el balcón el/la criollo(a) la cuerda la época el/la indígena la madera la materia prima el nudo el oro el piso la plata

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la plaza el quipu el/la tejedor(a) el tejido acomodado(a) bello(a) colonial apoyar contar situarse soler subyugar tejer el bolsillo la cartera el/la carterista la comisaría el crimen la denuncia el/la policía el robo la víctima empujar quitar robar mientras la ceniza el cielo la destrucción la erupción el/la habitante el hongo el pueblo la tregua el volcán cubierto(a) despejado(a) violento(a) volcánico(a) alcanzar causar desvanecer esperar reubicarse ubicarse el consejo

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la sonrisa la viuda acogedor(a) agradable mayor donar renegar respetar la ballena el cerro el chaparrón el elefante marino el glaciar la llanura el lobo marino el monte la oveja el pingüino la ráfaga la sabana la sandía el viñedo alto(a) austral belicoso(a) borrascoso(a) dulce marino(a) pacífico(a) la ganadería el ganado el gaucho la hierba la huerta la indumentaría el odio el rebaño pacer el algodón el ante, la gamuza la blusa el bolsillo la bota el botón la bragueta la bufanda

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el calzado la camisa la chaqueta, el saco el cierre, la cremallera el cinturón la corbata el cordón, el pasador el cuero el dénim el forro la goma la lana la manga el nilón el pantalón el poliéster el punto el saco cruzado la solapa la suela el suéter el tacón la tela la zapatería el zapato de cuadros mayor rayada / de rayos apretar arrugarse encogerse hacer falta hacer juego planchar sentar la espalda la lapicera el pliegue el traje abrochado(a) contento(a) cursi desabrochado(a) estampado(a) llamativo(a) pecar

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el/la egresado(a) el hogar la meta adecuado(a) compartir fracasar a juicio de el animal tallado el bohío una choza de paja la callejuela de adoquines la destrucción la estela la hamaca la mola la pelota el techo el rascacielos el terremoto fuerte picante botar causar colgar soler trasladar el billete el botón el cajero automático el cargo la casa de cambio el cheque la chequera el talonario el código la cuenta corriente el dinero el dólar la factura la hipoteca la moneda el monto la pantalla el pin el préstamo el saldo

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el suelto la tarjeta el tipo de cambio a corto plazo a largo plazo bancario(a) en efectivo cambiar cobrar introducir oprimir pagar a cuotas pagar a plazos pagar al contado pulsar el cortejo la debutante el deceso el/la difunto(a) el entierro, el sepilio la esquela el familiar la iglesia el matrimonio, la boda la pareja el velorio parroquial culminar debutar desear efectuarse fallecer felicitar festejar la cédula el/la dueño(a) el extravío el lomo la mascota la sigla devolver encontrar extraviarse rechazar rogar el cacto

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el desierto la flor silvestre el guacamayo el jaguar la caza la deforestación la fauna la selva el águila el ajuste el aliado la bandera mexicana el centauro Mesoamérica el resto la serpiente árido(a) adelantado(a) aterrador(a) temible desaparecer devorar juntarse el arcén el camión el camionero el cargo la carretera el cinturón de seguridad el contrato las intermitentes el kilometraje ilimitado la licencia de conductor el límite de velocidad el riesgo el seguro el semáforo la señal de tráfico la tarjeta de crédito el todoterreno abrochar descansar firmar rebasar retroceder el abdomen

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el brazo el hombro la mano el músculo el pecho la pierna el tórax el brinco el calzón el chaleco salvavidas la onda, la ola el salto la tabla la vela el calentamiento el ejercicio los estiramientos los ligeros los novatos los pesados las sentadillas las suelas los tenis resbalar(se) voltear(se) ejercitar lastimar(se) el acuerdo el arete el cariño la confianza la muestra la pelea involucrado(a) abundar bastar llevar a cabo mostrar platicar suceder la caña de azúcar el cultivo el huracán castigar el cacique la cadena

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el ciudadano / la ciudadana el galeón la toma apartado / apartada desafecto / desafecta dedicarse emprender hundirse rebosar reposar someterse por poco el arroz con frijoles / el arroz con habichuelas el coco el lechón asado el mango la papaya la piña el casco de guayaba el churrasco el dueño / la dueña descortés bien hecho / bien hecha lento / lenta listo / lista quemado / quemada rico / rica acompañar evitar por colmo el campeonato el clavado la mira el nadador / la nadadora el nado / la natación la rutina libre el torneo mundial remozado / remozada zurdo / zurda encabezar integrar realizar ubicarse ojalá el analfabeto / la analfabeta

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la cárcel el conocimiento la marginalidad la pizarra el recluso el sacapuntas conductual imprescindible mediante proclive requerible manejar el bohío la caída la caleta / la ensenada la desembocadura la ladera de la montaña la mazorca de maíz el pilote el salto la sequía cálido / cálida espeso / espesa fluvial lacustre surgir la deuda la empresa amurallado / amurallada imperante inolvidable asemejarse a enriquecerse oprimir sellar el afiche el papelógrafo el tarro de agua el termo despistado / despistada detenidamente agradecer desinflarse lograr el combustible el depósito

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el envase la escasez la manguera el riesgo la secuela el tanque de gasolina el alumbrado la boletería la decoración el decorado el descanso el elenco la entrada el escenario / la escenografía la iluminación el intermedio la localidad el palco de platea el paraíso / el gallinero el patio de butacas el telón el vestuario agotado / agotada el cese la Inquisición la mano de obra el(la) norteño(a) el rito el sefardí el vínculo el medio oeste el nordeste / el noreste el nordoeste/el noroeste el sudeste / el sureste el sudoeste / el suroeste fronterizo(a) fundar poblar radicarse superar a escondidas el ancla la mujer ancla la antena parabólica la cámara el control remoto

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la emisión la entrevista la grabadora DVD el(la) meteorólogo las noticias el noticiero la pantalla el payaso el plato el pronóstico del tiempo la telenovela el(la) televidente el televisor grabar surfear los canales transmitir en vivo la cifra las divisas el giro de dinero agigantado(a) advertir aportar involucrar suministrar el camionero el desvío la inundación la ola de lodo el poste de teléfono el relámpago el socorrista el soporte la tormenta aflojar asustar atrapar reanudar rescatar

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Following is the Spanish IV Final Exam review guide: Español IV Nombre: Repaso: Examen final I. Vocabulary A. Spanish I: school, family, food, house, sports B. Spanish II: medical, summer/winter activities, cultural events, air travel, personal hygiene, travel in general, train travel, restaurant/food C. Spanish III: train travel, restaurant, telecommunications, shopping, pastimes, hotel, air travel, medical emergencies, city and country, cooking, cars and car travel, public service, festivals/holidays, jobs and professions D. Spanish IV: the variety of vocab from this year’s vocabulary lists II. Verb tenses and constructions A. Present (I do something...) 1. Regulars a. -ar: o, as, a, amos, áis, an b. -er: o, es, e, emos, éis, en c. -ir: o, es, e, imos, ís, en 2. Irregulars a. ser: soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son b. estar: estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están c. tener: tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen d. venir: vengo, vienes, viene, venimos, venís, vienen 1) Ends in go in yo 2) Follows e->ie stem change for others 3) Other -go verbs: poner, salir, valer, decir e->i e. traer/caer: traigo/caigo... f. dar: doy, das, da, damos, dais (no written accent), dan g. ir: voy, vas, va, vamos, vais (no written accent), van h. ver: veo, ves, ve, vemos, veis (no written accent), ven i. conocer, conducir: zco verbs: conozco, conduzco... j. saber: sé, sabes, sabe... k. “shoe verbs” a.k.a. stem-changing verbs: e->ie, o-> ue, e->i, u->ue, o->hue. The stem of the verb is one syllable before the infinitive ending. These change in all forms except in the nosotros and vosotros forms. B. Present progressive (I am doing something...) Forms of estar followed by ando (ar), iendo (er/ir) or yendo (verbs ending in -aer, eer, uir, or the verb oír. Estoy___, estás___, está___, estamos___, estáis___, están___. C. Imperfect progressive (I was doing something...) Same rule as above

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except that the verb estar is estaba___, estabas___, estaba___, estábamos___, estabais___, estaban___. For both, present and imperfect progressive, -ir stem-changers change from o->ue->u, e->ie->i, and e->i->i. D. Preterite (I did something...) 1. Regulars a. -ar: é, aste, ó, amos, asteis, aron b. -er/-ir: í, iste, ió, imos, isteis, ieron 2. Irregulars a. j-stems: decir, traer, conducir 1) dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijisteis, dijeron 2) traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajisteis, trajeron 3) conduje, condujiste, condujo, condujimos, condujisteis, condujeron (no i in 3p) b. u-stems: estar, tener, poner, poder, saber, andar 1) estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos, estuvisteis, estuvieron 2) tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvieron 3) puse, pusiste, puso, pusimos, pusisteis, pusieron 4) pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudisteis, pudieron 5) supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supisteis, supieron 6) anduve, anduviste, anduvo, anduvimos, anduvisteis, anduvieron c. i-stems: hacer, querer, venir 1) hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicisteis, hicieron 2) quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisisteis, quisieron 3) vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinisteis, vinieron d. verbs ending in -aer, -eer, -uir, and the verb oír whose third person singular and plural forms change to y. Also, all except -uir verbs have accents on the i in 1st and 2nd singular and plural. 1) caer: caí, caíste, cayó, caímos, caísteis, cayeron 2) leer: leí, leíste, leyó, leímos, leísteis, leyeron 3) construir: construí, construiste, construyó, construimos, construisteis, construyeron 4) oír: oí, oíste, oyó, oímos, oísteis, oyeron e. ser/ir: fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron f. dar/ver: di/vi, diste/viste, dio/vio, dimos/vimos, disteis/visteis, dieron/vieron g. “pancake” ir-stem-changers in 3rd singular and plural 1) o->ue->u dormir...durmió...durmieron 2) e->ie->i mentir...mintió...mintieron 3) e->i->i seguir...siguió...siguieron h. -gar->gué, -car->qué, -zar->cé in yo form only 1) llegar: llegué... 2) tocar: toqué

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3) empezar: empecé E. Imperfect (I did/used to do/was doing something...) 1. Regulars a. -ar: aba, abas, aba, ábamos, abais, aban b. -er/-ir: ía, ías, ía, íamos, íais, ían 2. Irregulars a. ser: era, eras, era, éramos, erais, eran b. ir: iba, ibas, iba, íbamos, ibais, iban c. ver: veía, veías, veía, veíamos, veíais, veían F. Future (I will do something...) 1. Regulars: keep entire verb and add the following endings for all three types: é, ás, á, emos, éis, án 2. Irregulars have irregular stem and then add future endings. a. decir: dir___ b. haber: habr___ c. hacer: har__ d. poder: podr___ e. poner: pondr___ f. querer: querr___ g. saber: sabr___ h. salir: saldr___ i. tener: tendr____ j. venir: vendr___ k. caber: cabr___ l. valer: valdr___ G. Conditional (I would do something...) 1. Regulars: keep entire verb and add the following endings for all three types: ía, ías, ía, íamos, íais, ían 2. Irregulars have irregular stem and then add future endings. These are the same irregulars as the future. H. Past participles 1. Although alone, these are not a tense. Rather, they are the main verb which accompanies the helping verb haber when forming all of the perfect tenses. 2. Regular past participle forms a. -ar: ado b. -er/-ir: ido 3. Irregulars: REVV MAC PHD a. Romper - Roto b. Escribir - Escrito c. Ver - Visto d. Volver - Vuelto e. Morir - Muerto f. Abrir - Abierto g. Cubrir - Cubierto h. Poner - Puesto

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i. Hacer - Hecho j. Decir - Dicho 4. If any verb has an irregular root, that verb will also be irregular. For example: devolver, deshacer, revolver, descubrir, etc. 5. Past participles can also function as adjectives after the verb estar to decribe something. However, since the past participles are now functioning as adjectives, they must agree in number and gender with the subject. a. The windows are broken. Las ventanas están rotas. b. The flowers are dead. Las flores están muertas. c. The words are said and done. Las palabras están dichas y hechas. d. The books are open. Los libros están abiertos. I. Present perfect (I have done something...) 1. Form of haber in the present + past participle of main verb: he, has, ha, hemos, habéis, han + p.p. 2. Examples a. I have gone. Yo he ido. b. We have eaten. Hemos comido. c. She has gone to bed. Ella se ha acostado. d. They have told it to me already. Ellos ya me lo han dicho. e. We have awakened early every day. Nos hemos despertado temprano cada día. Note: you can’t split the tense with pronouns. f. This tense is used to indicate a recent past. J. Pluperfect (I had done something...) 1. Form of haber in the imperfect + past participle of main verb: había, habías, había, habíamos, habíais, habían + p.p. 2. Examples a. When I arrived, she had already left. Cuando llegué, ella ya había ido. b. We went to a place where we had never been before. Fuimos a un lugar donde nunca habíamos estado antes. c. Notice: this tense is often used in conjunction with a past tense to indicate action prior to the past: I did something (past) that I had never done before (prior to past). Hice algo que nunca había hecho antes. d. Expressions like no...todavía or ya may come before or after the verb construction but not between. 1) She hasn’t gone yet. Ella no ha ido todavía. 2) I’m sorry. I’ve already eaten. Lo siento. Yo ya he comido. K. Future perfect (I will have done something...) 1. Form of haber in the future + past participle of main verb: habré, habrás, habrá, habremos, habréis, habrán + p.p. 2. Examples

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a. By 3:00, we will have finished another day of school. Hasta las tres, habremos terminado otro día de escuela. b. We will have graduated within three months. Nos habremos graduado dentro de tres meses. c. This tense tells something that will have happened prior to another future event. This is known as the past of the future. L. Conditional perfect (I would have done something...) 1. Form of haber in the conditional + past participle of main verb: habría, habrías, habría, habríamos, habríais, habrían + p.p. 2. Examples a. I would have gone, but I didn’t have time. Yo habría ido, pero no tenía tiempo. b. We would have had the game but it rained that day. Habríamos tenido el juego pero llovió ese día. c. This tense also is used in conjunction with a past tense to indicate something that would have happened under certain circumstances. d. In Spanish IV, we learn that the conditional perfect is used in conjunction with the pluperfect subjunctive in “if” clauses. M. Affirmative commands (Do something...) 1. Regulars a. -ar: (--), a, e, emos, ad, en b. -er: (--), e, a, amos, ed, an c. -ir: (--), e, a, amos, id, an 2. Irregulars a. decir=di, hacer=haz, ir=ve, poner=pon, salir=sal, ser=sé tener=ten, venir=ven b. stem changers follow same pattern as present indicative 1) (--), cierra, cierre, cerremos, cerrad, cierren 2) (--), vuelve, vuelva, volvamos, volved, vuelvan c. -ir stem changers have an additional change in + nosotros 1) (--), repite, repita, repitamos, repetid, repitan (e/i/i) 2) (--), miente, mienta, mintamos, mentid, mientan (e/ie/i) 3) (--), duerme, duerma, durmamos, dormid, duremen (u) d. -zco verbs: -zco ending follows through 3s, 1p, 3p: ... conduzca, conduzcamos...conduzcan e. -go verbs: -go ending follows through 3s, 1p, 3p: ...diga, digamos...digan 3. You will have a written accent when... a. a command of one syllable has two pronouns attached 1) Give (tú) it (m) to me. Dámelo. 2) Put it (f) on yourself. Póntela. b. a command of two or more syllables has one or two pronouns attached (see below for vosotros)

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1) Tell (Ud.) her. Dígale. 2) Write (Uds.) me a letter. Escríbanme una carta. 3) Write it to me. Escríbanmela. c. a vosotros command has two pronouns 1) Tell it to me. Decídmelo. 2) Give it to them. Dádselo a ellos. Note “se.” See section III, D, 3 below 4. The verb always gets the accent where it was originally. Pronouns never get a written accent in this case. 5. In an + nosotros reflexive command, you drop the -s of the verb 1) Let’s get up. Levantémonos. 2) Let’s go to bed. Acostémonos. 6. In an + vosotros command, drop the -d of the verb 1) Get up. Levantaos. (no written accent needed) 2) Go to bed. Acostaos. (no written accent needed) N. Negative commands (Don’t do something...) 1. Regluars a. -ar: (--), es, e, emos, éis, en b. -er/-ir: (--), as, a, amos, áis, an 2. Irregulars a. decir=no digas, hacer=no hagas, ir=no vayas, poner=no pongas, salir=no salgas, ser=no seas, tener=no tengas, venir= no vengas b. stem changers follow rule b in affirmative commands c. -ir stem changers follow rule 2c above, but for negative, vosotros takes the additional change as the nosotros: no mintáis, no durmáis, no sigáis, no sirváis... d. all object and reflexive pronouns precede the - command 1) Don’t get up. No os levantéis. 2) Don’t go to bed. No os acostéis. 3) Don’t tell it to them. No se lo digáis. 4. Don’t lie to me. No me mintáis. O. Present subjunctive (numerous meanings and uses) 1. Formation is identical to negative commands except that the yo form is the same as 3s negative command form. 2. Used in subordinate/dependent/subjunctive clauses. 3. Generally, there are two clauses and a change in subject. However, there are uses of the subjunctive where change of subject is not necessary. Generally, the word “que” will introduce many subjunctive clauses, although there are others we’ll study later. 4. To have subjunctive, the main clause must convey: a. W: wishes, wants 1) I want you to go. Quiero que vayas. 2) I wish that you have good luck. Deseo que tengas buena suerte. 3) What do you want me to do? ¿Qué quieres que yo

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haga? b. E: emotions 1) I’m glad you’re my students. Me alegro de que Uds. sean mis estudiantes. 2) I’m worried that you don’t understand. Me preocupa que Uds. no entiendan. 3) We’re sad that she’s sick. Estamos tristes que ella esté enferma. c. D: desires, doubts 1) I doubt that he’s coming. Dudo que él venga. 2) I don’t think they’re here. No creo que estén aquí. 3) I hope you have a nice day. Espero que tengan un buen día. d. C: clauses, cuando, contrary-to-fact, conjunctive adverbs 1) When I have money, I’ll go. Cuando tenga dinero, iré. 2) If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. Si fuera tú, yo no lo haría. 3) I’ll go provided that he goes. Iré con tal de que él vaya. 4) They do it without his knowing. Lo hacen sin que él lo sepa. e. R: recommendations, requests, relative (clauses, pronouns) 1) I request, suggest, recommend, urge, implore, tell, you to do something.... 2) Yo recomiendo, sugiero, deseo, suplico, ruego, digo que hagas... f. I: indirect commands, “if”-clauses, incomplete actions, impersonal expressions 1) Tell her to come here. Dile a ella que venga. 2) If I were you...(see d above) 3) I’ll go as soon as I know. Iré en cuanto sepa. 4) It’s good/bad/important/necessary/worthwhile/that... Es bueno/malo/importante/necesario que... g. B: beliefs (doubs and uncertainties) 1) I’m looking for a person who speaks two languages. Busco una persona que hable dos idiomas. 2) Do you think he’s coming? ¿Crees que venga? 3) I want a house that’s in the country. Quiero una casa que esté en el campo. 5. There are many different uses of the subjunctive which we do not have in English. Here are a few more mnemonic devices which we have: C-H-A-D-A-T-E and E-S-C-A-P-A. These are abbreviations of adverbs or conjunctive adverbs which require the use of the subjunctive under certain conditions: C - Cuando (when), H - Hasta que (until), A - Aunque (although), D - Después de que (after), A - Así que (as soon as),

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T - Tan pronto como (as soon as), E - En cuanto (as soon as) E - En caso de que (in case), S - Sin que (without), C - Con tal de que (provided that), A - A menos que (unless), P - para que (in order that), A - Antes de que (before) 6. To have a clause in the present subjunctive, the main verb (in the independent clause) must be in the present, present progressive, future, present perfect, or a command. P. Present perfect subjunctive (numerous meanings, but can often be translated by ...that someone did or has done something...) 1. Formed by present subjunctive of haber + past participle of main verb: haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan + p.p. 2. Usage rules are same as present subjunctive except that the action in the subjunctive clause happened in the recent past. 3. Comparisons a. I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad you were here. Me alegro de que estés aquí. Me alegro de que hayas estado aquí. b. It’s good you drive. It’s good you drove. Es bueno que conduzcas. Es bueno que hayas conducido. c. I’m sorry you’re sick. I’m sorry you were sick. Siento que estés enfermo. Siento que hayas estado enfermo. Q. Imperfect subjunctive (numerous meanings and uses) 1. Formed by ellos preterite minus -ron, then add -ra, -ras, -ra, -ramos, -rais, -ran Or -se, -ses, -se, -semos, -seis, -sen 2. Usage rules are the same as the present subjunctive except that the action in the main/independent/indicative clause occurs in a past tense. 3. Comparisons, present subjunctive vs. imperfect subjunctive a. I want you to study. Quiero que estudies. b. I wanted you to study. Quería que estudiaras/estudiases. c. He is asking that I help him. Me pide que lo ayude. d. He asked me to help him. Me pidió que lo ayudara/ayudase. 4. IF-clauses. These are unique to the imperfect subjunctive, known as “contrary-to-fact” statements. Examples: a. If it rains, we won’t go. Si llueve, no iremos. b. If it rained, we wouldn’t go. Si lloviera, no iríamos. c. In sentence “a,” it’s making a basic fact. Whereas, in “b,” a contrary-to-fact statement is being made, stating that it’s not actually raining. d. If + present indicative = future. (sentence “a”) e. If + imperfect subjunctive = conditional (sentence “b”) 5. Wishes a. I wish I were you. Deseo que yo fuera tú. b. I wish I knew. Deseo que yo supiera (supiese). R. Pluperfect subjunctive (numerous meanings and uses)

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1. Formed by imperfect subjunctive of haber + past participle of main verb: hubiera (hubiese), hubieras (hubieses), hubiera (hubiese), hubiéramos (hubiésemos), hubierais (hubieseis), hubieran (hubiesen) + past participle. 2. As pluperfect indicative, the pluperfect subjunctive can indicate action that precedes a past, but the main clause (indicative) must contain one of the criteria which calls for the subjunctive. a. I was glad that you had come. Me alegaba de que hubieras(hubieses) venido. b. We were hoping that they had arrived safely. Esperábamos que ellos hubieran(hubiesen) llegado bien. 3. If - clauses. As with imperfect subjunctive, these are also used in the pluperfect subjunctive when the contrary-to-fact situation is in the past. a. If it had rained, we wouldn’t have gone. Si hubiera (hubiese) llovido, no habríamos ido. b. They would have done better if they had done their homework. Ellos habrían hecho mejor si hubieran (hubiesen) hecho su tarea. c. Notice that the clauses can switch. In “a,” the pluperfect subjunctive clause is first followed by the conditional perfect. In sentence “b,” the conditional perfect is first, followed by the pluperfect subjunctive clause. d. If + pluperfect subjunctive = conditional perfect. 4. Wishes a. I wish you had known. Deseo que Ud. hubiera (hubiese) sabido. b. She wishes that I had gone. Ella desea que yo hubiera (hubiese) ido. 5. Notice, in the imperfect and pluperfect subjunctive when talking about wishes, the main clause is in the present because the “wish” indicates kind of a contrary-to-fact situation. Moreover, a change in subject is not necessary between the clauses as it is in other uses of the subjunctive. III. Grammatical / phonetic / “mechanical” / other miscellaneous concepts A. Direct object pronouns 1. me, te, lo/la, nos, os, los/las 2. placement: before conjugated verbs and negative commands, attached to infinitives, affirmative commands, and progressive participles (-ando, -iendo, -yendo) 3. answers question “whom” or “what” of the verb a. I saw her. La vi. b. I helped him. Lo ayudé. c. We have to buy it. (Lo) Tenemos que comprar(lo). d. They are watching it. (Lo) Están mirándo(lo). (Notice

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written accent when dop is attached to prog. participle.) e. Call (tú) me. Llámame. f. Let’s help her. Ayudémosla. Note written accent. g. Let’s not do it. No lo hagamos. h. Don’t buy it. No lo compres. B. Indirect object pronouns 1. me, te, le, nos, os, les 2. placement: as #2 direct object pronouns. 3. precedes direct object pronouns when both used 4. answers question “to/of/for/from whom” or “what” a. I gave them a test. Les di un examen. b. She bought me a ticket. Ella me compró un billete. c. We have to read her the story. (Le) Tenemos que leer(le) el cuento. d. He is telling me a secret. Él (me) está diciéndo(me) un secreto. (Notice written accent if iop is attached to progressive participle.) e. Tell (Uds.) them the secret. Díganles el secreto. f. Don’t tell them the secret. No les digan el secreto. C. Reflexive pronouns 1. me, te, se, nos, os, se 2. action “reflects” onto the subject of sentence 3. placement: as direct and indirect object pronouns a. I take a bath. Me baño. b. We have to get up. (Nos) Tenemos que levantar(nos). c. She is falling asleep. Ella (se) está durmiéndo(se). (Notice written accent if pronoun is attached to prog. participle.) D. “RID” Reflexive / Indirect / Direct 1. When you have more than one object pronoun, you put them in “RID” order. 2. Generally, (not always and there are exceptions!) you’ll pretty much just be dealing with Indirect and Direct. a. She gave it to me. Ella me lo dio. b. I told it to you. Yo te lo dije. 3. If you have a 3p direct next to a 3p indirect, change the 3p indirect to se. a. She gave it to him. Ella se lo dio. b. I told it to them. Yo se lo dije. 4. When you have these double usages, you may also attach them to an infinitive or a progressive participle. a. She is going to give it to him. Ella va a dárselo. Note the written accent over the infinitive when 2 pronouns used. Ella se lo va a dar is also correct. b. I am telling it to them. Yo estoy diciéndoselo. Note: in this case, the progressive participle gets a written accent if there are one or two pronouns attached.

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Yo se lo estoy diciendo is also correct. E. Comparatives 1. más...que = more than (dealing with comparisons of personal characteristics). a. Juan is taller than Jorge. Juan es más alto que Jorge b. Pedro is more intelligent than his sister. Pedro es más inteligente que su hermana. 2. má = more than (dealing with comparisons of numbers or quantities). a. This car costs more than $30,000. Este coche cuesta más de treinta mil dólares. b. This book costs more than ten dollars. Este libro cuesta más de diez dólares. c. This house is more than 100 years old. Esta casa tiene más de cien años de edad. d. However, when not comparing to money: This book costs more than my book. Este libro cuesta más que mi libro. 3. menos...que = less than a. My book costs less than your book. Mi libro cuesta menos que tu libro. b. My book costs less than ten dollars. Mi libro cuesta menos de diez dólares. 4. better - mejor; worse - peor; older - mayor; younger - menor F. Superlatives 1. el/la/los/las (noun-optional) más (adjective-required) de... a. Gonzalo is the tallest (boy) in the class. Gonzalo es el (chico) más alto de su clase. b. These girls are the prettiest in the contest. Estas chicas son las más bonitas del concurso. 2. best - el/la mejor, los/las mejores; worst - el/la peor, los/las peores; oldest - el/la mayor, los/las mayores; youngest - el/la menor, los/las menores G. Tan...como = 1. Marta is as ambitious as her brother. Marta es tan ambiosa como su hermano. 2. Juliano is as silly as his aunt. Juliano es tan cómico como su tía. H. Tanto/tanta/tantos/tantas...como = as many/ 1. I have as many pencils as you. Tengo tantos lápices como tú. 2. She doesn’t have as much patience as I do. Ella no tiene tanta paciencia como yo. 3. I have as many girls in class as boys. Tengo tantas chicas en clase como chicos. I. Me/Te/Le/Nos/Os/Les gusta(n) 1. Something is pleasing to someone. Me gusta el arroz. I like rice. (Rice pleases me - indirect object pronoun me.) 2. She likes to read. A ella, le gusta leer. Note, when using a 3p, a

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clarifying, introductory prepositional phrase may be needed: a él, a ella, a Ud., a Juan, a Miguel, a mis amigos, a los chicos... J. Possessive adjectives 1. mi/mis, tu/tus, su/sus, nuestro/nuestra/nuestros/nuestras, vuestro/vuestra/vuestros/vuestras, su/sus 2. What is “possessed” is what determines # and gender of the p.a. a. Mi libro no es tu libro. Su libro no es nuestro libro. b. Mis libros no son tus libros. Sus libros no son nuestros libros. c. Nuestra casa es vuestra casa. K. Passive voice and impersonal “se” 1. Se habla español aquí. One speaks Spanish here. People speak Spanish here. I/you/he/she...speak(s) Spanish here. 2. Se come bien en ese restaurante. One/People/I/You/ well in that restaurant. 3. ¿Cómo se dice...? ¿Cómo se escribe...? How does one/you/people/ etc. say/write? 4. These impersonal expressions are often equated to the passive voice or the impersonal “you,” not really referring to anyone in particular. 5. En esta tienda, se vende pan y se venden muchas otras cosas. In this store, they/we/I/you/etc. sell bread and many other things. Notice: the verb vende must agree to the thing(s) being sold, hence passive: bread is sold...many things are sold. L. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns 1. este, ese, aquel - this, that, that (masculine) 2. esta, esa, aquella - this, that, that (feminine) 3. estos, esos, aquellos - these, those (masculine) 4. estas, esas, aquellas - these, those (feminine) 5. Until recently, the pronouns used a written accent: Éste: this one. According to some texts, this is no longer necessary, but you may still see it in certain areas of the Spanish-speaking world. 6. These adjectives precede the noun they modify: Este chico, Aquellas chicas, Estos libros... M. Rules of accentuation 1. If a word (any word) ends in a vowel, n, or s, the accent will automatically fall on the next-to-last syllable. 2. If it ends in any other consonant, the accent falls on the last syllable. 3. If a word defies the above rules, a written accent must be used. 4. Present progressives: written accent required when one or two pronouns is attached: Estoy dándolo. Estoy dándotelo. 5. Infinitive phrases: written accent required when two pronouns are attached to an infinitive: Voy a dártelo. Tengo que dárselos. 6. Affirmative commands: written accent required on verb if it is a polysyllabic verb with one or two pronouns, (Cómelo), a monosyllabic verb with two pronouns, (Dámelo), a nosotros

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(let’s) command w/one pronoun, (Comprémoslo), or a vosotros command w/two pronouns, (Comprádmelo). 7. Some words need accents to differentiate meaning: sí/si, dé/de, más/mas, ésta/esta, mí/mi, tú/tu, él/el, qué/que, cómo/como, dónde/donde, cuándo/cuando, quién/quien, cuál/cual, cuánto/ cuanto, sé/se 8. See previous sections for additional examples of accentuation. N. Previous concepts, other material 1. Ordinal numbers: primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, quinto, sexto, séptimo, octavo, noveno, décimo. These generally precede a noun and can be masculine, feminine, singular or plural. Primero and tercero drop the -o before a masculine singular noun. 2. Subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, Ud., nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas, Uds. 3. Contractions: a+el = al, de+el = del 4. Double verb constructions: ir a+inf. = to be going to..., tener que+inf. = to have to... 5. Adjectives generally follow noun 6. Bueno/malo can precede or follow noun. If preceding, drop-o. 7. Definite articles: el, la, los, las; Indefinite: un, una, unos, unas 8. Authors/Genres and selected works a. Generación de ‘98 b. Antonio Machado c. Pío Baroja d. Federíco García Lorca e. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz f. Gabriela Mistral g. Pablo Neruda h. Jorge Luis Borges i. Gabriel García Márquez j. Rubén Darío k. José Martí O. Countries and Capitals 1. España - Madrid 2. México - México D.F. (Ciudad de México) 3. Los Estados Unidos - Washington, D.C. 4. Guatemala - Guatemala (Ciudad de Guatemala) 5. El Salvador - San Salvador 6. Honduras - Tegucigalpa 7. Nicaragua - Managua 8. Costa Rica - San José 9. Panamá - Panamá (Ciudad de Panamá) 10. Cuba - La Habana 11. La República Dominicana - Santo Domingo 12. Puerto Rico - San Juan 13. Venezuela - Caracas

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14. Colombia - Bogotá 15. Ecuador - Quito 16. Perú - Lima 17. Bolivia - La Paz 18. Chile - Santiago 19. Argentina - Buenos Aires 20. Paraguay - Asunción 21. Uruguay - Montevideo 22. Guinea Ecuatorial - Malabo 23. Las Islas Filipinas - Manila IV. How do I study? A. Review all vocab. If needed, complete the “all-inclusive” vocab sheet and compare with your already-completed vocab from during the year. B. If confused with anything, ask Señor or Señora. Write down any questions you may have and we’ll review now and then in class. C. Review all your notes, tests, and quizzes from class this year. This includes your notes on all of the authors and the selected works we read from each. D. Find a study partner and have “study parties.” This is what a lot of students in college do. Call out for a pizza for a nice break : >) E. Go online and complete some of the activities from the text website. Also, check out all the fun sites and variety of activities at There are 100’s of them!! F. Don’t wait until the last minute. Last-minute studying is known as cramming and it doesn’t work. Do a little each night. G. Re-read all the cultural information from each geographical area which we studied, from Spain to the Cono Sur and everything in between. V. Final exam format (140 points - subject to yearly revisions) A. Speaking: 20 points: You’ll need to speak directly to me for at least one minute on a particular theme, picture, or picture sequence. B. Writing: 20 points: You’ll need to write a 100 word composition on a particular topic or picture. C. Listening: 30 points: I’ll read passages to you and you’ll need to select the correct answer. D. Reading: 30 points: You’ll read passages and select the correct answer. E. Culture: 40 points: Maps, countries, and capitals VI. Speaking, writing, and maps will take place around the middle of May. Listening and reading will be via Scantron and will begin around the end of May. Exact dates will be posted when available. VII. Personal notes, additional information, questions...  

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