Download - Spanish Lesson1

  • 8/4/2019 Spanish Lesson1


    Spanish course level 1

    lesson 1

    Learning Spanish opens a door

    on the cultures of Spain and

    Latin America and the

    Hispanic languagecommunity..

    This course is divided into 12

    lessons. You need about three

    hours per week. Please work

    at your own pace, but do not

    take longer than three months

    to finish the course.

    our bilingual novel: The Little

    Prince/El Principito par

    Antoine de Saint-Exupry.Image: internet

  • 8/4/2019 Spanish Lesson1


    Special characters : , , , ,

    (vowels with 'tonic accent')


    The various sounds in

    Spanish, the letters are always

    pronounced the same, as

    shown on the left-hand side.

    The Spanish language uses

    'tonic accents' to prolong a

    vowel sound.

    If a word ends with a vowel,

    or 'n' or 's', the intonation is

    usually on the penultimate


    Rule 2 - If a word ends with

    a consonant other than 'n' or's', the intonation is usually on

    the last syllable.

    If the intonation in a word

    doesn't follow rules 1 or 2,

    then the syllable that is

    intoned needs a written accent

    mark over the vowel.

    voyelles consonnes

    a/ a /b/ b, v

    */ - /d/ d

    / - /f/ f

    / e /g/ g + a, o gu + e, i,

    i/,i /x/ (jota) j, g+e, i

    o/ o /k/ qu + e, i - c + a, o,u

    oy/ oy, oi /gv/ gu+ a, o

    ay/, ay, ai /m/ m

    ou/ u /ou/ue, eapres g)

    /n/ n

    ow/ ou /p/ p


    /s/ s

    / / ch

    /t/ t

    /y/ y


    /th/ c + i, e

    /v/ w

  • 8/4/2019 Spanish Lesson1



    PreguntasA question starts with '' and finishes with


    Cmo ests? - How are you?

    Qu es esto? - What is this?

    Qu hora es? - What time is it?

    Qu se pasa? -What is happening?

    Qu haces? - What are you doing?

    Cundo? - When?

    Dnde? - Where?

    Quin es esto? - Who is this?

    Cuntos son estos? - How many are there

    (people) How much is it?

    Cunto cuesta? - How much does it cost?

    Image: 'Languages takes you further'

  • 8/4/2019 Spanish Lesson1


    El calendario

    los meses del ao / the months (no capital

    letters) (noun) ,enero. febrero. marzo. abril.

    mayo. junio. julio. agosto. septiembre. octubre.

    noviembre. diciembre.

    Las clases empiezan en el mes de septiembre.

    The classes will start in September

    Los das de la semana (no capital letters)

    (noun) : . lunes. martes. mircoles.

    jueves.viernes. Sbado. domingo.

    la fecha /the date , martes, el 2 de noviembre,


    Hoy es lunes, el primero de mayo./ Hoy es

    martes, el veinticinco de marzo.

    Las temporadas / the seasons (noun) Primavera.

    Verano. Otoo. Invierno.

    Ocasiones especiales /Special occasions

    (expressions) el cumpleaos. ( An exclamation:

    starts with '' and finishes with '!') Feliz

    cumpleaos! Feliz Ao Nuevo ! El Da del Ao

    nuevo. Pascua. Navidad. Feliz Navidad!


    Image: internet

  • 8/4/2019 Spanish Lesson1


    Los nmeros

    For the date , we are learning the numbers up to 31.

    Take an A4 page,fold it in half and write:

    0 = cero

    1 = uno

    2 = dos

    3 = tres

    4 =cuatro

    5 =cinco

    6 = seis

    7 = siete

    8 = ocho

    9 = nueve

    10 = diez

    11 = once

    12 = doce

    13 = trece

    14 = quatorce

    15 = quince

    16 = dieciseis

    17 = diecisiete

    18 = dieciocho

    19 = dieciocho

    20 = veinte

    21 = veintiuno

    22 = veintidos

    23 = veintitres

    24 = veinticuatro

    25 = veinticinco

    26 = veintiseis

    27 = veintisiete

    28 = veintiocho

    29 = veintiocho

    30 = trienta

    31 = trienta y uno

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