
California State Library Sac rament o 9, California

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an in in it-es ’11 -an

at in-it

he ;et his ni for ’Se

Spartans Trample Santa *Clara,* 72-53

Sakamoto, Fletcher Win Presidencies Spartan Daily Voters Cast 900 Ballots:

SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Frosh Polling is Heavies! Vol, 42 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, FEB. 22, 1954 No. 9$ raw onol lion 1 hi,!’

el 15 0’ re� tie. tea tore�nlerito. oto�

National Champs thero�hool year.

the %%inter tio.orto r � t roiling

in the second larges tir,o et

junior and soptionsorm. ,o

SakaniotO 11:41101 0 011 Ii 11,010 Hi: �

JIM,’ � pro �I�i� o � Pattie), Spot., � t. flUs on a 10. %oh. 11151 i� II .1. Nie11405 0011 C1;1111,11 margin os,, M..rtl ii lie.10 1f111 the secret:riot’ post Collis - Was was solid m a. tepresi Aide. In the Student romliwil Nrarna A� -’leek is tivastiii

liii. tt on .1 41.11 01% or (1%..1 d1111111 Sal� Duil At111111111.

vlil a �1,0/14/ I..1101 is, 1 111’ 111�F-01) Carel Km nin�mly Royett,,e . Magnaseri 111.015 tb. tst� r 114:11/y 11.111k II.111T I .in 1111. seq. oo

1.o %%aid 11,11 ’the

trresarnan re pre,. mails. I’. Celim Cow. %%ho haol .1 ON ;tot. margin mei F ten.. %Wm Rehr soon .1 one I N.ol � %typo% I4 ii I ii o�ootorto-ol c.o.. ��� tathr for Ito, 11411 St .1: le itri


The San ose State boxing team’s win streak was snapped by the

defending national champions of Idaho State College Saturday night

by a close 41/2 to 31/2 outcome in Pocatello, Idaho. It marked the first

setback of the season for the Golden Raiders after five convincing %%ins. Thus. the Pocat.mIlm, jinx still

only loss %uttered by the Spartan% 1 (1 .S Fe(ttiire holds for the San Jose squ d. The a’ Fr

last year occurred in the Bengal.’ gymnasium in Poe:A..11.i, although 3111 1 11 tit stlidt,tit Sall .11151. later retersed the ter- ’ diet in Spartan gym.

’11w 35/2 points for Coach Julie, I:41(1(.1111y Woes Meno�ndez’ crew were scored by 1

The possihility of has inc �Iii-’ 156 pounder. Dick Bender, two, forfeit Victories, and a draw by: illeolle. on nuitual problem%

lightweight Joe Rodriquez. - , presented to instruetors o ill he

The Bengal% led by their bra- ’ suggested tomorrott hy °nen Broyles. pre�iolent of thr lo -al

liant champ, Vic Rohe, mitapter of the .Assii. of I :ilifornia , oho took a derisiv. edge miter NO, lim�n, , � . .1.. , . . State College Instruetors. in an ’ im �i

lb.. in the first bout of th.� et - executhe nieeting at 3:30 p.m. to- ’ II ,1118SMIlf)iiiSit)r.S.US? s.IS’s little Bobby Harris. 125- lioni Pi�ies I’,

cning. Kobe’s experience tt a� iiirn�s4v1hit,.:(1110.0e% .11 I oRoo:41k..01.....

nuirroo in Room 20. Broyles said "s t ii dents and

of talking. Over common.problemi:. ’ New 81 i4:i8() . 9 :2 a B I ( " 1 el.

making his third start in inter- midi. )1/1111o1 pow, xi - I , , Banes was ,11111111140�111 11 ,

too much for Harris, oho oas instructors should have some wav

I Continued on page 3) imile Julian justice since the students are, in a Sells.. � � App�oximately txxi ballots Ss 1 .-

ills 11( ti I 1� Ity 4 410 din :n N folll, 111.0n, 111:0I o clients of the instructors." Spe- �

) �41 �1()t � Record Sale Aids eial problems referred to %%ere the

voming semester switch-over and � we is slight!, ;, -- I’’.511 v1Ilt ..

Scholarship Fund the problem of student eligitapty. "There is a need for thi� individ- i rd i .

A $1,380,925 classroom building for SJS has been moved to top ,,,s� I,, stall m ’ .. ,1 � . nth of the -� ’ � ’ � ,’, m:-

, llot 1 .11

URI instructor to know how the p or:fy an may be added to the 1954 budget, according to Pres . �I Ii� sithk.,,, , , I e,15,1"

students feel on these particular dent John T. Wohlquisf who telephoned the news to Dean of Students Joe H. West Friday.

. , i . . Ii . � ,. ,

problems,’’ Broyles added. This .Iii. , "II’ %, 3, 11.1111.111%

Expense breakdown for the building, which has been on the list ’I"’ ?" t h. ’t"’"... " h" h ’1�""e. will probably be done some way . iii 41 1110 111,1 11%,11 11.1%,

through thm� student C’nencil of "not in p.,�ntl needed- building projoeis. i. SI .._’14:i 700 tor tb. Foil I. St11,11 ( :1(ISSCS

11.11011/1;s li 111.111,1.1 I igiv.i,rii;i�I "IR e fo�4�1 that with all the

organizations and comniit tee% struct tire and S97.225 for equip.

that have their own us ass of l’IP Spflif SIP 1" 11011: handling special prohlems. the meill� indis idnat insi meows 1 ’ t of E. S. Thompson, college . � view is lost." Broyles said. nes% manager. stresv.4) that . The purpose rii the meeting is ..,iii id Coliiiiii�. ’ ;All

to find out just hem’ the instruc- meant that the classroom builo

.in 1 . i il ilealist iatich no .ii Li, �

tors feel on such topics as prob- has been placed in the "urgent � !I toi. 1111’ S1.1111’ of Ihi’

lernS of enrollment limitations or eategor and has a top prawn) It ..,./.1, iii.ii on March 3, lain Violets.

ceilings, the constitutionalll of has not as yet been admbal to th.� I’l . SJ S s, ’ph in eN Ilk III, All (((((( tired loyalty oath legislation, lay-off

h i�oida.s.

al rules, functions and i vi t iPs of ild,g,,I , Fletcher was notified ’’I th,

the local chapter and other in- ’roe al, I tor) 011111.11511.. I .1.,0e, sate hy We. MI l /Mile+ 1110,

structional proldr�ms. evei." he �alol. -On thr basis ot 1, tit m.1 the t’al Sophomore class Dr. Wahlquist’s in es% A 14 i . if The SI/ph 1101, Is J0IIII IN spvv1).4)1 051

seems relal it ely sill. I 11,1 11115 Is Mills College. \Vest Contra will he inm�luded in th�� Itiolizci. ’ � *osta. 1 �1111.1‘11111% of California and

Th.� .1,1.ntion,i n:,,,,. , I, I,. - .11 Jos.. Staii. (’od. 14,..

classrooms ina he adrii.d III 10 oo l’Ile -Slat 111151,1’s.- a .1i111.1. 111411111

ways, Thompson said. "The goxel.: ,,’,111 Slaill(.rd l’111:1‘1-,11�. %l III

Ilnr 111:4% 1,11)11111041d that it foci furnish music for It,,’ ih,i, .! ,, i

add,,1 In tn,� nudgo or the A ,. m.1 will last from 9 pm until 1 �, ’ .

Vlenday. Feb. 22 -Sunday. Iheh, 211 FRII).%�. lily Ways and Means t’,. !: ,,,.,:l Fletcher said final prelia. ...,,ii

Basketball. Fiesno State-S.1S, mat add it. as they (lid toii i ’I. for the MS Soph lion p. hum

here. 8 p.m. %sitli additional operational ro o. on. ars. judging Feb. 24. o ill be Iii.

NUM:Mall after-game dance, 9-1 main topic oi discussion at the

fi.m. "t ht thm� hasis of present infor- Sophomore council no m�ting this

TV basketball, Tire service, 6:13 ingitmt, ,,,.,, j,�,.,. �.�,..,,� to believe at 3,30 o’clock in Room

VITI, . 1 1 i that iniiiiiy lot the laillml,,�_., will

Varsity wrestling. OlYmPie club, be alider1 1.. 1110 1,011,44 / I -.o.; 1.1 111111.1’ 1011115 slat, d tor nisei’s-

San Francisco, 730 p.m. .11,,..,,. ,:..., �,, , . Ti�� I �ion ’altitude the Varilly� ’how, the

Dorians off-campus dinner, 7:30

Recordings and shi�oit music of SJS songs "Hail Spartans Hail," "Down from Under." "Praises We Sing" and the "Spartan Fight Song" will be sold tomorrow and Wednesday in the Library Arch by members of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity to aid the De-Witt Portal Memorial Scholarship fund.

According to the college Alumni office. the records were ti-corded by the college a cappella choir and band. They are RCA Victor plat-ters, 78 rpm. All four songs are on one record.

The records will retail for on.’ dollar



xitoXi)All KKG-SX exchange at Kappa

house. 8:30 pm. PiKA-AChi0 exchange at soror-

ity house, 9-11 p.m.

TI �EISD.A Kappa Dilta Pi, movie. 7-9:30. Basketball game. St Mary’s vs.

:wields his "I e’14111 11 !tat-Kira 1101114.� ol the Spa rI all!���in..o���� (hiring I ritla’s .1uniont both O., �ntiling in obs ii,iis appro� il i,, 4 Hr.! Iti�lo..� ;Ind Jon Moo 11,, us Alt torn to Sot, mi the polling hooth� iii 111,- Uttono.t ration bowling.

tion for , 11 al lllll � m I.1�� posts ,Ir11111.

l’r� \1111�111 II al11111111�1 NS is I.. SJS. here. 8 p.m. p.m. �4

Newman after-game dative. 9-12 Ski teams at Yosemite. hal, re Iiience1 to Sar tutu ,it,, Ito

midnight. CCE party. 7 p.m das after ., 0 .���k d Ii. 4�0.1 .o.m Iv 111, , ’S I. lit 4 1, %,...,

Frosh basketball. St. Nlary’s. SATUDAY R who %o-ro� Ito�oorheol 11111 di /11 iirli.:1.1W 10%. 0111 he 11.� . . r: .,1 Stifle CriSiS 0011 111,.., %%$��..1 Mill ’I h 1/�1111. Si.171"1" lirrIaril I .tilri

here. tri IFC Winter Formal. set ..1 re�a"...11.., for inrhislon of ?Ile IlleetIllf! Ili Ille SeIlliVI 11.1.10111 sAcI: .,,,li \ Annum 4�hristian Science lee-, Spartan ( oriocci Myrna!, 9-1 a.m.

the hiiiiiiing ill the 111114:VI. 1,aliI Al 3:30 p in_ aecording In mite 1..� ,... lure at Chapel. 8 p.m. : Gsmnastics, Cal Pob-SJS. here, �i..

2 p.m. lov I’ll ilushao. piesident.

WEDNESDAY . an West rhs,rjo, 1 � .t �t S:01 1 ,’hi I)) � . i , ;

Alpha Chi Epsilon meeting, 7 N’arsity boxing. Cal Poly-SJS Jos, sto le college will lei else ;op- The St Till )r- hall has been Ke’he- I califorrw, ,

p.m.. Room 111. semi-formal din_ proximately

for the entire systetn restat, hounccd. It will tic held at Broyl. m�un,..,,,

s�t ,Tii".., , Tau Delta phi. roximately one-third of the hott- .toled ior June 12, Ifushaw an- ,..,, �

DU exchange skating party, at Varsity ski team, at Yosemite. colleQes The total allocation Is Nleadow% Turf dull. , to budgo " ’ ’’’ tier dance, 9-1 a m.

Rollerland. 7 30 p m. , more than six million dollars. and taxes. Engineering scsciet. Dedication 11’N101111 CIASS Phi Sigma Kappa -SK exchange.: dinner dance, Eng. founding, SJS. is slated to ree’.i". ill’." n The Junior Prom is to be the

9-1 .m. ’ tha

at sorority house, 8-10:30 p.m ’ two million dollars. main itrat of discussion at the 1E0%1111%N 4 I t..

THERsDAY :SUNDAY A library completion and a boil- Junior class council merino: to ho , I .iii ...


Varsity boxing, Cal-SJS at Cal. Ski team. Donner Summit, 2 .’rare already on the "urgent" list , held today at 3:30 pm in Po. m i ling ’ will Iii

Co-Ree-. 7:30-10 ’p.m, p.m. a-lay Area Ski Fed.) for SJS. Thompson is "fait b. sure" 127. afternoon s fol. ’ .1 - , i I

Pi Omega Pi, special secondary Varsity Ski team at Yosemite. that these will appear on the out-i A discussion of lads, lentatpely ,....ured at 3 3,5 � Id,

dinner. 6:36-10 p.m., at Hotel Sopti Poll Preliminary at Al- lay biuduct for the State Colleg, I set at I52 23 for the dance, will I Dail.) wid.ti., oi i

De Anza. ptsit PIM be. 7:110 p.m. buildings when it is released SOOT1’ hi -ad the list. I Wit’.’. arinvi.i � , !

Dances Prerail

� r (.005111111,0n ! is for

0. le I

Nev. I.. m� installed at n ing of thr� folio, �� will � � � ’ I � t

(1:4 �� � i� ���. �

The ����ophotoo..� 11. ...or, i ob.,

on� not ’I. ct vl r col I.rst eniniel.� petition I dint 1 ILO , is ill 1111. 1 W....Ai to, tit, o

laeo0, . I 1 to onto ot ii� pointed must 1,1 So .1 II it,, 101.11’

li, at bar Ito- I., too. oil). 44,1 fri 111 I i�o�top000l

I 1. � � $

�% ins his .�el, ,. � At -cording lii t ()Linguist .

tali Spears, Spaitan lltha Phi Inners did an . Ye. him

job at Iii. polls " Posleis Nen. lit 1011.4° INI /I le -

Men 00 111.1a) It I; lo ell A. s, tie lc ale 110 k MA% 10111 vt,, INI�Is

,irstti los Wu; I


f I es �.� � � .�.�� .4;�._ .4 ,:4 ��� :;�� ��� 7.1 ’d.r tn� " 1.4 ��� G111 1.1 � !,����1 Assoc1atien.

shed ds �� � Assc� ....1 �-� can ..;os� :fate co�1�90 � � �:.t Saturday ; ’ ..� day. d.� �I� �9.1 year �n one issue

44 4 - � Er 2 - D.P.. Est 211

tom of �tr. G oc� - � �� Cc


Make-up Ed ‘c� issue

:CRY DESK-Herb Da. Ss 1.� D ci 1011111

AD S’AFf . � P Sob Gormen J�cli 1 ’ ’�"

445 S F.’S, st.��*. San Joss


Ga Lorenzo lous�n� Merfivd c� Man�ger-lienrely Boca.,

Sa asmen-Joec� Babb. :Jr Dehning � ���� Lacy. D�.� Wt� Pi wafel

I )iiiethrs fleceire Lirmmissions

’11’1 VIII 1 1 ’11 I \1:1 ,h1lth and I Ralph E, 11111 irsI of

It ’411 It 551,11. I .1,1 I oil, /Cosine% Basile, third o. 1. It, Illsoto.ot �I r ot the 1.1.11 144/111 unit. reads

f! !do 1 1 ,,,,,, 1.1,�11.:1 1.11, 1 !I .111.11111-11 111 I v.,. Iris!.’, ’ � � T.:. "11saul111,11111q: at ...mho...iv to. ire if adid Lt. I -I. r..1.1 St mind I stis I 11 .1 I I .Ir. The to����.�..1.8 I ,,,,

iti...���.� .1 I.% 41 II mills. I apt. %.oiltusIsirls s.dil t �� . :its-, � ,, ts Ill b.’ th.� Ia., .1 tin.,.. hood

photo 1.$, l’t Sr

Briodie �Spetiks Mot Judi’ TurstitIN 1.11.


0. prof., \

- 1 rf ili� ’A111111111;1 ,���!I ! 1111 is� 1 41,11 l’tti r �

�,,11 stjI iw..k iii

I ’� "Thin. sit t f :to C11111, �

I t 4.rimp Mare Wand ard

1 I�� ." II II oi ,� horms.s/-3, .�,.

%scut on � I 0.1 t� �t� � ..11,1) to Mary 1,11111ft Nas ii

011 ’ � ....rpo.e of the field trip a.-

, Publicity ("bowman lb.. better itesittaint I �

r. .1 stodents otth t...: mat. ...h. machines :mil min ’,trot

,os �pplied I. ; soul ship 1.114111 ’

r�,11,..ii) /A 111111

� 0.�re.f�es and So’, S

Clubs and Groups

� � � � foo’

Job Mart 1.411it�ing 11111’ men isitere�ted in

it hales career iiith a i� pans otiose of lies,. iSIS sr the I nited -.tat., nil; ft-pre..-ntatia.. of the litirroughs %siding Moulds’s-!, during their on-eampus in-tersiesss %%.�

; � r!’s !:" ��!! 1,1r prIS1tIOnS with � !,:’,;,�� ’that the employoe

. +find.. liking and aptiturlf� lot- sale. work as %%ell as

man-ig-ment al:11-0:,, At 1, ,� � 0! ICI

must na.� ine! .d.


It you don t fthike it %Velines,i;* � fellas. you Se another good .-nance Thursda,. When represen-

. �

t el’s,. sf h.� Fiberglas Corp. will selecting men for

-el,. pd..;

The firm offers a nine-month training program in it. Santa I Ilira offifos. and a ..forting hal-ar.s of S:t-sti per month. Engi-neering and industrial tech ma-jors :ire the nt....1 to be in -f.-rested in this ssork. aerording to .1: ��� Johnson. act int; head of the 1�1.teement .11 rice. And th.

firm . � � who plan to go into tit., Sc.) pen graduation, if they Sr.’ interested

the company." That’s what the

,� 1 ickets Arailable Fur Thursdav’s Business Dinner

� - - I .1.11 he

for ’ Education Din r %stitch ’it II t.� held at the r.),

Thursday- at 6:30 p.m. The meeting is open to all busi-

ness education majors and other persons interested in teaching

commercial subjects, Dr. E. , Atkinson, business division chair-, man. announced.

e, Reservations may is’ made Texas, the nation’s largest stat

be-also has the most counties - 254. fore 1.Vednesday at the business de

t.ision office. Tickets are priced ;i1 ce.orgia. with 159 counties. ranks

WondWOrill� prl 11 � !pal of the James Lick School in San Jose, %.! ill fs’’tk’’ busint’ss t.;aClitng.

1,1 sit Tsnismni Wins POSter CoiiLet

I: Tsiitsurn. commer I,..,eti., ell sit major. is St Inner of a con- I

ma...a-ding to !test to select a design for a bro-forensics ire for the Natural Scienee de-

;. � �1inent. according to NI.. NT.,

Anat.. sit]: Moreland. assistant piot.....;�

d the pro- ’’.f itt

Suititner Bulletins

it t

f � 111.1f I �I� � . ����1 �� ad-

- �I II. i� � ’ d this ., � , ,

H ’ � I l� St

� \i 1101 1;

1 � �I � .1. � I. .51,1 ��. als0 ....111 I NO e.1111, ii. Aletilo College for .1 inartler� tom /lament Thurs-’tit They %%ere Duane King and 1 � ri..%S lialuzian, Bill II’ a, "treiff,:rd

s iii �I� 1,,


Telmunary Summer Session b.illetins are now available to in-tetested persons. according to Dr.

Sweeney, acting dean of editemtional serx ices.

The bulletins may be obtained III Room I.

Dne inch of rain falling on acre of land expends enough en-

ergy to plow 10 acres, a Cniver-md sit’, of Illinois soil rouser\ ationist

sat s


/i i’i I 1111111 \If) 111111 II I’ll? \f ’11\

..-f 1.1-� 1/1.11111K On% 6.11.1... of the 5.�ar �

THE 11111�14,1,1\

A 1 11\1".1)�). 8 1).W. 1.T.Ititi �ii) 21 HI Li I. JR.

. � � � f ,f lak� Coretterc� ft.’. Bass. An 44% Fre-� . i � 9 -..� i esen H�Odelberq, Bonn Colorinn � A ’ � .��d�ngs of � Ilaaari�n aredd1ng dance. the

.� �� .� .� � . ....end nm�yards the ba1let and �Ip1ne s�ngn, ’."l its $ //,/. trubam is h,roiight to sho u’reen ’or re, 1,0 /,/rg. ’� � 1111- 1/,e "Of 11 onions. tsoe of fens oeo is till �I

HERE IS THE MOST STARTLING the MOST GLORIOUS ALL -COLOR Tit 1.4 C‘.1.-- THE YEAR NO KIDDING’ If, �n �dv�nturo n fr�.�1 in edu�

� - - sao,Id underriending a ",1���� 11�.1 I. the most unique form of

I I.!, I - ,i1 Ilk! 1.1n 1 111 ,11 111 "I" 11.111., LIN 11. 1, s. /1 1, J11 .1r .11 it 1f .1����1 II!, .%11111111 t111

1, � 1 \11.1 and 1 so �.1... .ot 1 lois Is \WI. 1 s pats.lo �Iss .1 Irmo ’,shot 1 noon s lo et �

.V.411 No, 5611$ %Vile. Today

Oiler & Donut. for M11


‘Brotherhood li.eek Exhibits In Library Will End Feb. 21

An ost,thit nov.� in

he librazy showcase in conjunc-t ion with "Brotherhood Week,-

Feb. 14-21. An exhibit including Japanese

empress and emperor dolls, slip-

pers and a battledore used in

games, represent some of the

’country’s customs.

1 The works of Armado Nervo,

Mexico’s great poet, are included in the Mexican exhibit along with a Mexican -made atomi basket

different stones and an aztec cal-

endar stone. Included in the Chinese exhibit

is a Tibetan prayer wheel and a

!Libation cup 2.000 years old. ’ A junicloth made from pineappl. fiber is part of the Philippine ex-hibit.

The various religious faiths in-cluding the Catholic. Protestor’ Jewish and Buddhist. are 1. ;�

Concord To Offer Teaching Positions

Administrat.... from Concord schools will he on campus to con-duct interviews tomorrow, Miss Doris K. Robinson, director of teacher placement. announced Fri-day. Both elementary and sewn-.lary openings are available.

Here to hold interviews March 2 Win be administr m ators from San Leandro city schools. All elemen-eiry grade levels there have va-.�ancies.

KERN, !in 1171.:1:1-% ND




sentt d so !he display. Such Jr-ti-des as prayer books and garments used in religious practices are ex-hibited.

Marian Rubin worked with Mrs. Florence Bo ant, former faculty member. in putting up the exhibit.

Mrs. Bryant, a member of the Council of Churches, is responsi-ble for obtaining the articles.

ROBERT LAWS Sal. P/,�/(,,,,,,,,49

288-90 Park Ave. CY 5-9215

Free Parking in Rear





Technicolor with

Marjorie Keenan Main Wynn

-Plus-A r�Underwater Spectacle!


1131: 11F1.1) IN GENEVA APRIL El Rancho Drive-In: WEDNESDAY thru TUESDAY








HEY, GALS ! * Want originality in the way of clo’hes7 * Want to stretch your clothes budget?

Then fake advantage of our sewing machine rentals.



Sewing Machine Center 93 E. Santa Clara CY 5-3738

9E06- II 1 1111

Norris � � � fabrics


Stand on

your head,

looking for


of fashion!


4 blocks

away -

the largest

selection of


Formal Fabrics �


for Parties - Dances

() Iletto �

?do: ’31zote

268 So. First -CY 2-1787








’�lendis, Feb 22 19-,1 -.Pn e et s. tri VAS Takes Fifth CBA n � -7;G - ,7-� � � old


illetials at Stake Williams Sulks 25 Points 111 All-Colltlge Mai Slims By trIL CHESTERTON un .�,, , � .

Coach Walt McPherson is prob., of his 6 ft. 9 in. height, bi;t .T .1 - � ern 611 ;11111 nos ;CV

ably still somewhere on cloud Captain Carroll Williams %eh() ,�’� 11 I � e ’ twr nine today after the wriy’ the show. Might:, Mouse contin.c.1

ipped nrr,tters are expected to vveit..11 ;

. spartan cagers completely de- to shatter State basketball rec- , 1 r1 ’1 � in before ;I:30 o’cliWk 11/41:1 tor

ords with 25 points to boost him In the prelit lllll aric� rd the myth ,un�. \\ �

� ,aished Santa Clara University, annual Intr. al Tournament. I. to second among the college’s all. Friday night in a (’BA tilt ( tonight at 7:30 n before a standing room crowd at time s’’""’". He now has 396 Ile,- (I � e Slimes , � Civic auditorium. points in 24 games.

The triumphant hoopsters, se-curing t heir first victory over the Br0111’11.. since they beat them 53-5-0 in 1951, carried their jubilant coach off the court on their shoulders. .fte vietory marked San Jose

Slat -s fifth consecutive Califor�-nia Basketball Association win and sti�engthened their hold on third place. with , Tor Hansen and Tom round sshich may have cost the

Bronco blond-bombe r Kenn Crane with 3 each completed the Spartan a victory. S-ar, took high point honors with ;Nate scoring parade,

S- J � � ’ � r Allan White, San .lose’S 139 -

pounder from Glendale, suffered ny point during the .onslaught. his first a the veal. when I The Spartans avenged two early h �. � e � ’ State Cleaners season 41-39 and 76-47 losses to

� nipped ny IS( s freshman Don Axtman. This bout turned the league-leaders by running up out to be the top attraction of On, No better cleaning at any price a 37-27 halftime tally. After that nwei as

’he Broncos were out of it as shit:Li lin put on a territ,.. 25-29 r Same day service at no 111.4- performance. Astir

extra cost!

All work done in our own plant

� ’..,� � , I

an t ini 1.. 4 d .it

the winners of each di\ ision, and for toneatts � a troph will be tirescnted to th�� , at 4 30 p �,1.,, outstanding matrnan of the tour- rnatch.- \�;:!1,r ?lament. A trophN also will go to � w.



No crrerlit should he taken allay !ruin the rest of the spar-tan eager.: because this was a ’ team effort if their ever vian one. Using gravity -defying jump,

shots Bud helm tallied 16 points, Bob Bondanza followed with 11 and Don "Hooks" Fausset nailed down 10 points. Bob Steinbach

williams and Iljelin fired away in los third period. outscoring SC

17-13 aft.% over-running them 21-13 the previous stanza.

Successive buckets lay Hjelm. ’.\ Fausset and Steinbach H,r eight straight points in tlw ..s ild second got rid of any hoPeS

;Santa Clara had of obtaining vic-�.� 41M,0111.���, WM.-4=F ��� �=11.....�.M1.�����

Wolin tipped one in with six ��,mutes remaining in the game to

se the fired-up Spartans a 65-45 ...azo. the biggest margin the

,metowners enjoyed during the course of the evening.

San Jose broke a team field goal shooting per ventage mark of -11.9 set against usc Ninn-day night by hitting on 23 of -12 attempts for a spectacular

54.8 per cent. Santa Clara, fresh from three victories in the Ufa-%%Han islands and being voted the outstanding U.S. team to tour the island. could only man-age to find the range on 18 of GI shots. for 19 per cent.

The scrappy Spartans also out -rebounded the lanky visitors frotti

an out -lying areas Silatt� collected

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12, inSe balls, sparked by Fausset �

with 12 and Iljelm with 11. SC

grabbed 31.

John Campbell and Bob Chrism

scored 23 and 22 points respec-

� tively, but that wasn’t enough as

the Santa Clara frosh beat San

Josse State in a non-conference

tilt, 7-- -- !a a prelim.


That hungry feeling

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collegiate boxing, �Continued from page 1

San Jose’s Joe Rodriquez main -taint-ti his undefeated record hut he had to be content with a draw ! for the second straight tirr.� this season as he battled John .I� on even terms. Rodriquez .. penalized by the referee lit .1,1 -ling and holding in the third

came back strong in the stanza after he was belled anon-: freely in the second round l�� White.

The Bengals’ veteran Lundgren pounded out a decisi..,; over Johnny Freit as. th.� Spartans %et:Der-weight from San 1.candio

Dick Bolder. Spartan esplo-�ive ’her, �tarted on his It lulling out point-lug I.. tr. Neal in the 156-11). event. Bender. appearing �11 the stronger. 0 as the aggressor and had the Bengal in trouble several times,

into the last bout of Iii, e� (-min:: with ti-n’ score all knot-ted up at 3’2-31t, Idaho State’s highly rated heavyweight. Mike McMurtry outclassed San Jo-. sophomore Dave Fanner, gave the Bengals of Coach fluid ; Holt the dual-meet triumph.

The Bengalis did not have rep sentation in the rniddleweieht itt0 light heavyweight divisions. a!,1 San Jose�s Tom Stern and Dan’ Hayes wr-re ass-Jrded the bouts

forfeit. The Spartans’ lightweh-lo Vie Harris, engaged in a no-deei-sion contest with ISC’s Richal.! Hernandez,

The Spartan glovemen are sla ted for two dual meets this week. On Thursday night they will face the University of California Gold-en Bears in Berkeley, which marks the first time sine.. the war that Coach Eddie Neinif’S squad has landed on the SJS schedule. The Mrnendezmen will make their last home stand Saturday night when they stage a return match with Cal Poly.

w sits rest lers Place Second In Tourney

The San Jose State wrestling squad grappled its way to a pair of second places and a third spot Saturday afternoon to gain run-

, nerup fe.sition in the Pacific Ath-’ kW, Association mat tournament I at the San Francsieo YMCA.

The Spartan.: \s ere topped t�N i the San F11111r1Sec) triple Club ; for the S14.01111 Si 1 aught .iir

PaClilr Coast collegiate king Dirk Francis made his first start

the year tinder f rules int! Wilit aStaniii’d bird Plitel’ in

hr� 177-11i. class aft’ dropping II split decisions. one to Jim

’;mnors of the (IC and another NCAA finalists Frank Marx 01 Berkeley YMCA

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lire At In) has turn !armful! undo- -Sri ret te’r.spors�.4

t --PART4iS DAILY IN on-Art Show Has Variety

Engineering Building I ktlication Thursday

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sa aka I .1 it.

� :alit, r manager of the en- . . d. par talent ot tha Ban -

fold Avatar Products Opel at ion I f the I:eller:it Eleetric co (;ren... j

inwei’s topic ss ill be "Th.’ Future ! 01 N- el,’.,, Enat gs in American I

Err_uneul lug I..aboratories

rarr-n It r inspection fullov�p

the dedieation ci remmiy in ri

1 eeture hail

11/11� 111/1(

Anything tan be seen at the Leigh Morris. Barbara Wood,

son-Art Fa-ults Show�from !I)OrOths Kaucher, Robert Ali�van-

dngv to airplanes to Mesitan .hr and Caroline Bailey, "I’m :assay% aninsed to hear %tillage aceness.

The 35 exhibited pictures var. the vtudentv wonder at the as much in subject matter as the:. name of the show," smiled Fariv. do in style and mediums used. ar.- -vonie to see it .� erirdim: to Warren Fat’s, ptibbf-11:. Itt�eitil���� think ’ruin -art direetor for the shovs. means no art.

"I’,...eLe non-art faculty member ...�i least," iu i it.�I itt.’d. entered work in this yea’ s "the% don’t go awas from the

show., he added. Paintings will he shins feeling like this." on display in the Re�SI’l�il� Book _ Room nut MarCh 15

"Thi. ili.plas," said Fate.. "iv nes er jiidged. it ’� merels a I /Lin., tor amateur painter% to ���110V1 thom is .irk without fear ’it eritieisari." Styles and subject-, ,.1 the

tures will help even tti. nos. Cl’itiC to pick out the differeni

v painters, he stated. For instanr, :4 R B. C’airnpi specializes in plan.� -

while all of Lillian Gray’s pain,

togs Show Mexican village life. tither artists include Orrin %Vet.

ler. E A Dionne, (laude Settle-1.1anies Casey, D. Joyce Bolton

, Ian!. st glacier in Colloradi, the toile square Arapaho ice shp.-1 0.� the %safer resei your for the (’it ot Boulder, which owns exelusr.e r iglits to the ice,

NORDS Finest Shakes in San Jose


Snow Trip Notice Student V: Snow trip registra-

tion tee of $5 must he paid by 530 p.m. today.

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1.- 7h14 ild 1.4 Worth 25c _ - - _ . _ _ E = on one �S’14 e(41,1. 10 1,1, Clettneil ihi.t ?Vett . _ . _ _ - -...s. tia,�.1 . _ . . -ph, Th. � E = = 4111 111e li1)111e I II’ (iii (;) 2-7920

_ = =_ = l- RI- I. Itt. I I\ I Ill -.I. H\ ICE

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