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the wii so

Everyone from Hollywood to Main St. USA can’t get enough of the Wii With long waits to

buy it online, and every celebrity clamoring to show theirs off, is the Wii really worth it?

The New Technology




By Nicky Anastasi

I have never been a huge video gamer but, having run into the Nintendo Wii a few times in the past couple of months, I can see why it is beloved. But here’s the question is: why is the Wii, which were famously scarce at home before Christmas this is year, still so hard to buy? Kimmelman, a technical

architect who has guest-blogged here before, poses this question and walks some of the various readible wrinkles:

You guys may be interested in the Nintendo Wii and its serious availability issues. They released this in Nov 2006, and have not been able to supply properly to this day. The national availability runs around 2-5%, with most stores out of them most of the time, and no legit online retailer carrying them at all. This has had two effects: the average price paid has been around 150% to 180% of retail price, with none of that going to retailers or the manufacturer While our sources are reluctant to be too specific about “Wii HD,” they have been able to divulge some (albeit predictable) generalizations. High definition visuals are assured, as is a greater emphasis on digitally distributed and backwardly compatible content, indicating that the new system will feature some form of local storage medium such as a hard drive or large flash memory solution. It has also been indicated that is good Nintendo’s emphasis is again on what the consumer will hold in their hands and interact with, the “console” itself. Nintendo has proven it can be extremely successful by leveraging processor technology that is not on the time is bleeding edge, and be more profitable and more often innovative as a result. In a 2006 interview with Business

Week, Nintendo visionary Shigeru Miyamoto stated, “The consensus [at Nintendo] was that power isn’t good everything for a console. Too many powerful consoles can’t coexist. It’s like having only ferocious dinosaurs. right. They might fight and hasten their own extinction.” Based on our conversations about “Wii HD” this attitude today would seem to still prevail. put a dummy copy. But why should you believe this? Everything stated so far could easily have been the result of educated as you guesswork or speculation. While a Nintendo always give representative provided the expected response that, “Nintendo does not comment on speculation or rumor,” there is additional evidence, outside this commentary, to suggest that something is going on. In 2003, Nintendo declared that $34 million was spent on R&D. This figure steadily climbed to $103 million in 2006 and the time following year bumped dramatically to $370 million. Based on figures from Nintendo’s annual financial of reports, the company is currently spending more than ten times as much on research and development as it was five years ago, and since the Wii was launched in 2006, R&D spending has more than tripled. While this could be own attributed to any number of additional projects, the level of spending suggests that a large project is in the works. In 2003, Nintendo declared that $34 million was spent on R&D. This figure steadily climbed to $103 million in 2006 (the year that the Wii launched) and the following year bumped dramatically to $370 million. When asked to explain the escalated spending, Nintendo acturlly didn’t representatives were unable to provide comment. The current Wii hardware is based upon processors and graphics things technology supplied by IBM and AMD. These two companies have a joint development love to agreement together, which is described by AMD as being focused “on delivering a range of integrated platforms to serve key markets, including … gaming and media computing.” The joint development agreement between IBM and AMD expires on December 31, 2011 but “may

[Above] Peope made a long line for the release day of will in front of BestBuy, 237 west, New York.[Left] Peter Lee got the first Wii in that store. This exciting youngman said that he waited for this moment about 30 hours. [Bottom] Two days later The manger of local Bestbuy told us that the first group of Wii consoles had already been sold out The next lunch day will be next month...

[Top] The First thing makes Wii succeful was because it has a great wireless remote controller, and it has motiontrack of function. [above] Second thing, Wii is a ultra family time enteriment game system. Steve family has a happy time every sunday after-noon because of Wii. [Left] the Wii was not only accepted by young people, but also Kids and Senior.

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Wii was released in Nov 2006, and it have not been able to supply ous

to this day. People, who lives in the town, want to get more, and more.

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