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1. Fast food restaurants attract particularly young people.

2. They are popular because their menus are cheap and the atmosphere is friendly.

3. Parents can take their children there which is very convenient. They can run all over the place without anyone complaining.

4. Some of these restaurants are open 24-hours a day.

5. People from different racial backgrounds can mix there.

6. Fast food restaurants are places where one can socialize chat, listen to music, enjoy oneselves and eat with one's fingers.

7. You don't have to wait for hours and everyone is cool.

8. Fast food saves time and energy after a long day of work, with no time for shopping or cooking.

9. It makes part of our fast-paced lives, we can't do without.

10.Fast food restaurants are fun especially for teenagers.

1. Some people say the food lacks diversity, the beef is greasy, the fries are fatty, and the smell is sickening.

2. There is obviously a link between fast food and the increasing number of obese people in the Western world.

3. Surveys say that fast food contributes to teen obesity.

4. Many foods are considered unhealthy if you eat too much of them. Fast food restaurants offer super-size option, these should absolutely be avoided.

5. This kind of food contains a high number of saturated fats, which are harmful for the body, especially if eaten in abundance.

6. People often don't even know what they eat, or what the ingredients are.

7. It is a fact that fast food is more unhealthy than home-cooked meals, as they contain higher amounts of salt, fats and calories.

8. Fast food often contain less vitamins than is necessary.

9. Eating a lot of calories tends to make you overweight. This leads to issues like diabetes and heart diseases.

10.Too much fat tends to cause things like high cholesterol, this also contributes to heart disease.

Page 2: Speaking and Wring 5

Teacher's extras :Possible questions and / or activities

1. How often do you eat fast food? ___________________________________________

2. What is your favorite fast food restaurant? ___________________________________

An interesting film on this subject is "Supersize me". Students love it !

Film Summary :Why are Americans so fat ? Two words : fast food. What would happen if you ate nothing but fast food for an entire month ? Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock does just that and embarks on the most perilous journey of his life. The rules? For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must eat three meals a day; he must consume everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. Spurlock treks across the country interviewing experts

on fast food. Spurlock's grueling drive-through diet spirals him into a physical and emotional metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac.

After Watching the Film:

Answer the questions.

What do you think of…

❶ This movie?

❷ McDonald’s?

❸ American eating habits?

❹ Japanese eating habits?

❺ Your eating habits ?

Build sentences with comparative and/or superlative.Fast food is not as good as traditional food, because it is not home-cooked.Traditional food is better than fast food because it is tastier and healthier.Etc...

Make them write three paragraphs called “The Pros and Cons of fast food”. In the conclusion give your own opinion. Write about 200 words.

Page 3: Speaking and Wring 5

Useful connectors or linking words : on the plus side / for example / what is more / all in all / however / for one thing / particularly / last of all / in conclusion / i think that / in spite of / another point is that / all things considered / to sum up / one disadvantage is that / moreover / for instance / especially / finally

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