Page 1: Special Edition District 5910 Governor Visit Roger McCabe · 2008-08-30 · meeting Wednesday, September 3, 2008 VOLUME 10 No. 35 Special Edition District 5910 Governor Visit Roger

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 VOLUME 10 No. 35

Special Edition

District 5910 Governor Visit Roger McCabe

Wednesday – I Like Me

book delivery after the

meeting– see your school

captain for instructions.

Tom Hart

United Way

Needed: A Rotarian to head the Rotary Group Exchange (GSE) team to District 1750

located in the regions of Bourgogne (Burgundy) and Champagne, France. For information,

contact Bets Anderson at [email protected].

Food, fun and Fellowship at the Davis’ home Tuesday evening.

District Governor Roger McCabe presented the District 5910 message. New Rotarian Marjolein Lemmon was inducted in a sea of orange!

Page 2: Special Edition District 5910 Governor Visit Roger McCabe · 2008-08-30 · meeting Wednesday, September 3, 2008 VOLUME 10 No. 35 Special Edition District 5910 Governor Visit Roger

Our Gyroscope Sponsors

Make Ups;

Greg Gathright for January 31, 2007

Attended the Mid Year Conference"

Jim Balzarette, Dennis Reed, Carol

Joy, Rhonda Ellisor, Jon Volkmer,

Glen Mattingly

Thanks to all who worked on the Crawfish Boil. A good time was had by all who



The world’s best-selling book, The

Bible, is also the world’s most shoplifted book.

Did you know – the lawyer that was shot

by the vice-president appears on the ten-

dollar bill? No, not Cheney – it was

Alexander Hamilton fatally wounded by

Aaron Burr in a duel in 1804.

Hamilton’s picture, of course appears on

the ten-spot.

Did You Know? From the

smallest microprocessor to the

biggest mainframe, the average

American depends on over 264 computers per day.


Missed meetings may be made up two weeks preceding or following a

missed meeting. Please check the location and time in the box above for

the most convenient make up location and day. In order for your make up

to count, you must complete and turn in this form to Norma Brown.


Date of Missed Meeting______/______/______

Date, time and location of Make-up______/______/______


Date of Notification______/______/______


Norma Brown

Weekly Statistics

Guests of Members:

Kathleen Staggs guest of Jack Staggs

Una Grace Nash guest of Bill Nash

Elsie Davis guest of Dan Davis

Tim Wilson guest of Jerry McGee

James McComb guest of Jerry McGee

Carol Mattingly guest of Glen Mattingly

Jay Ermis guest of Dennis Garrison

Make ups at Board Meeting August 27

Rhonda Ellisor

Pat Camfield

Thomas Leeper

Darren Williams

Pat Camfield

Jon Volkmer

John Sanders Daughn Pruitt

We Missed You Last Week

Balzaretti, Jim

Bickley, Joe

Clifton, Sandra

Dunlap, Becky

Durham, Will

Foley, Stan

Graves, Andy

Head, J.J.

Hodges, Bill

Howard, Percy

Howard, Vance

Love, Linda

McManners, John

McManus, Mike

Miles, George

Moore, Ann

Pierce, Robert

Ratliff, Diane

Reed, Dennis

Saumby, James

Stewart, Tommy

Stivers, Joe

Zender, Dalene

When someone does something good, applaud!

You will make two people happy.

Samuel Goldwyn

Make Ups - Dist. Governor's

Reception - August 26

Rhonda Ellisor

Pat Camfield

Buddy Aber

Dan Davis

Bill Nash

M.B. Etheredge

Morris Waller

Jack Staggs

Jerry McGee

Jon Volkmer

Chris Holm

Dale Wright

Gloria Wright

Pat Nolan

Dennis Reed

Daughn Pruitt

David Standlee

Jane Monday

Paul Loeffler

Phil Palmer

Thomas Leeper

Glen Mattingly

Charlotte Oleinik

Connie Heiland

Andy Graves Bill Green

Page 3: Special Edition District 5910 Governor Visit Roger McCabe · 2008-08-30 · meeting Wednesday, September 3, 2008 VOLUME 10 No. 35 Special Edition District 5910 Governor Visit Roger

Last Week’s Meeting

Huntsville Rotary Club meeting August 27 for Club Corner

Huntsville Rotary Club met in the Community Room of the West Hill Mall at noon, August 27,

2008. African Violets graced the tables, courtesy of Travel Executive and active Rotarian,

Gloria Wright.

Club President Rhonda Ellisor opened the meeting by calling on Rotarian and Methodist

Pastor Scott Dornbush to lead the prayer. Rotarian Buddy Aber lead Rotarians in the

pledge of allegiance to the National and Texas Flags.

Past District Governor Dan Davis, accompanied by his lovely wife, Elsie, introduced our

newest member, Marjolein Lemmon, executive director of Rita B. Huff Animal Shelter.

New Rotarian Marjolein comes courtesy of the Travel Executive, Laura Floyd. She is a

native of The Netherlands, which is somewhere offshore of Galveston, at least.

President Rhonda Ellisor introduced our speaker, District Governor Roger S. McCabe and his

wife Sharon, from Beaumont, Texas. At the same time President Ellisor recognized all

past district governors in the Huntsville club. In addition to Past District Governor Davis,

they include Jack Staggs, accompanied by Kathleen Staggs, Bill Nash with his wife Una

Grace Nash, and Glen Mattingly with his wife, Carol.

Rotarian Jerry McGee introduced his guests, James McComb and Tim Wilson. Huntsville Item

Publisher Dennis Garrison introduced his guest, Managing Editor Jay Ermis.

District Governor and Rotarian Roger McCabe, a trial lawyer, spoke on the Making Dreams

Real and the many facets of service provided by Rotarians around the world, such as

virtually eliminating polio. However, there is more work to do. He reported that 26,000

children under the age of five die every year from diseases borne by filthy water. He cited

the Huntsville Club!s work in Nicaragua, under the work of Rotarian David Standlee, as an

outstanding example of drilling wells to provide clean water.

It may have been a winning day for lawyers, but Rotarian and lawyer David Moorman failed to

draw the lucky ticket in the weekly drawing. However, needy kids were certainly winners.

More money for kids went into the "Brag Bag," from Rotarian Paul Loeffler, (excited?) that

classes resume at SHSU next week. (Chemistry prof Loeffler has given up on alchemy for

gold and will work on converting wine to oil.) Rotarian Dale Wright bragged about the

promising future for Sam!s Orange warriors. Rotarian Jon Volkmer boasted of his son!s

good grade in his first exam. (The lucky boy probably takes after his mother.) Again

Rotarian Poncho Roberts bragged that he had only two semester hours to go for

graduation at SHSU. (Did he hold up three fingers?)

President Rhonda Ellisor dismissed Rotarians by leading them in recitation of the Four-Way

Test, wherein Rotarians are reminded of service above self and the ethical behavior

toward all whom Rotarians make contact.

Reporter: Guy Hogue

This Week – Joe Sandel – Oil – Past, Present and Future

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