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By: Weilin Zhang

Page 2: Special events managment_technology_trends

There are some trends that exist today that are only advancements on other things that have always been. A good example of this is the use of projectors in place of white boards. With the development of greater technologies we have developed whole new ways of communicating with one another. The internet with its subsequent abilities have been harnessed in such a way that many of the new technological trends used in Special events management are based on the interconnectivity of its features. Hand held devices and radio frequency identification are also used in beneficial ways. We will look at a number of these trends and see how they are used to make events more available to people everywhere.

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MOBIL APPS…………………….4







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“Customizable Mobile “Apps”

One noteworthy trend … is the use of mobile devices and customized applications to promote audience engagement, interactivity and networking. Mobile “apps” are now being developed for individual events and programs, allowing organizers to communicate with attendees before and during the meeting, especially regarding time-sensitive subjects like changes of itinerary, maps and other announcements.” (

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Mobile Event-Guide for Venues, Events & Conferences

Event Mobi an event guide phone apps website says this:

“EventMobi is an interactive mobile app that takes the experience of attending events to the next level. Easy to create, easy to use and cost effective, EventMobi is the mobile solution of choice for Venues, Festivals, Tradeshows and Conferences.

Creating an event guide has never been this easy before. Effortless data integration and online content management (agenda, speaker bios, sponsors ads, maps, polls, etc), with instantaneous update on your attendees mobile phones.

Interact with your delegates using polls and surveys integrated within EventMobi guide for your event. Collect general event surveys, or use real time results to influence seminar content, get delegates engaged or facilitate discussion based on participant feedback Give sponsors new advertising opportunity to enhance branding & exposure. “

So with something as simple as a phone application multiple procedures can be accomplished all from one place. Having people linked up and connected in this way is a trend that makes life easier for everyone involved.

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Hybrid Meetings

“In today’s cost-conscious business environment, [it is forcasted]that new technologies will also drive continued growth in hybrid meetings. By incorporating hybrid components into their meetings, clients are saving money, achieving higher attendance rates and promoting sustainability.

It is expected “to see more requests for hybrid meetings in 2011, with an added emphasis on their ability to reinforce a meeting’s ‘green’ efforts,” said Young. “Incorporating technology, such as live broadcasts and video streaming, allows clients to conduct and attend meetings from a remote location. The cost savings is a major factor in this trend, along with the importance of a meeting’s environmental responsibility.”

Good example of Hybrid meeting tech:

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Hybrid Meetings cont’d

A company called Grass Shack Events and media says: “Grass Shack Events & Media has been an industry leader in hybrid events meetings.  Also known as live streaming we will add the video and meeting production knowledge to help you put on great conferences.”  (

Hybrid meetings allow people from all over the world meet in one place at a time. A good example of a hybrid meeting is a 2 way video call. We see this sort of technology used at big events such as the Grammy awards when a celbrity is unable to make it.

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Social Media Interaction

“As companies become more aware of the power of social media tools, … clients [are expected] to request more use of social networking websites like Twitter and LinkedIn to communicate with attendees before and during meetings. Requests for interactive meetings have increased exponentially, and Young expects this trend to continue well into 2011. “

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An example of this trend is action can be seen from the Israel based Coca-Cola village. People who visited this large scale event were able to update their face book accounts by wearing rfid bracelets.

A press release on the subject writes:

“Today, we posted a news story regarding Coca-Cola Village, an event sponsored by Coca-Cola Israel that was held at a water park in that

Visitors to the amusement park wore RFID bracelets enabling them to log onto their Facebook accounts and indicate that they "liked" certain activities, such as a water slide or a wave pool. Coke's advertising agency, E-dologic, developed the idea and installed the RFID system.

The project succeeded beyond the organizer's expectations: A total of 6,500 teenagers attended throughout the six-week period, 1,500 RFID-enabled wristbands were put into service, and the event became the most popular Facebook page in Israel, with 80,000 users and 652,700 daily post views.

Enon Landenberg, E-dologic's chief executive, was quoted in an article on Adland as saying, "We are continuously looking for ways to connect the physical world with the virtual world. The idea behind 'the Like machine' is an ultimate solution. It is an innovative and pioneering method, and through it the possibility to involve your Facebook friends in events and experiences that are happening to you around the world becomes a very true reality.“


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Winter games use of technologyTo show the importance of the above trends we see that VANCOUVER in 2010 implemented and used many of them in order to make an awsome event

“With a focus on sustainability and unprecedented telecommunications and technological advancements, the 2010 Games is set to unveil leadingedge technologies which will shape future business in British Columbia and across the country.

The Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC) will rely on technology to manage accreditation, communication, security and transportation functions for all of the Games’ participants. Timing, scoring and broadcasting as well as unified communications are other key areas of focus for the 2010 Winter Games.

According to VANOC, a team of about 3,000 technology and telecommunications staff will work with volunteers and sponsors including Bell, the exclusive Telecommunications Partner to the 2010 Winter Games, and Nortel, the Official Converged Network Equipment Supplier. As the Telecommunications Partner, Bell will present what it is calling the IP-Olympics: the first Internet Protocol converged network at any Olympic and Paralympic Games.

These unique telecommunications solutions will ensure the Games run impeccably from the moment the Opening Ceremonies begin, offering athletes, media representatives, VANOC employees, volunteers and viewers seamless telephone, wireless, radio and Internet communications services.”

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Special effects

Technological advances in mega staging, titan projectors and surround sound audio systems are part of a new trend in Events management. But, one of the newest and more sought after forms of visual stimulus is the remarkable holographic technologies. With the use of holography things such as interactive floors, interactive works of art and even interactive make believe people are used to give special events even further impact and appeal.

Here is an example of a fashion show in April 2011 that used holograms to present models who disintegrated to the audience.

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Special effects Cont’d

Other special effects are things such as:

SKY LIGHT“There's nothing more spectacular than a star-filled night sky — and now there's no easier way to bring the night sky indoors than with the StarMaze. … the StarMaze “creates a fantastic display of light” that includes “myriads of shining points of laser light and a soft blue nebula of breathtaking beauty,” … But what really makes the StarMaze such a sensation is its ability to create a dynamic night-sky effect easily and inexpensively.

Here is an example of Sony’s - Interactive Floor“Sony’s agency EURO RSCG hired SIA Interactive to develop a 10-meter long interactive floor to welcome guests to the launch event for its new line of microcomponents, Sony Genezi.”

Watch he floor in action:

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THE CONCLUSIONTrends develop and evolve with the times. Once standing in front of a podium with a PowerPoint behind you was a new deemed innovative, but today a speaker can live stream his speech to your hand held, have his video playing live over social media, and have a screen displaying your twitter comments in response to his words all at the same time.

Such new trends in special events have made events more interactive and engaging. With such interactivity, delays and issues that arise can be more speedily corrected, and even the most seemingly insignificant element of a project can be taken care of with ease. No longer having to travel to attend meetings gives important people the ability to do more tasks than one. The trends of today are not only making things easier but are presenting options that make life better for all.

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