Page 1: Special Workshop & Lab Saturday, Jan 28th- · 2016-11-11 · A Modern Evaluation of the Original Koh-i-Noor Diamond and ‘Mogul’ cut Stones- Alan Hart, FGA Every year millions

NAJA welcomes your attendance to the Gem & Jewelry’s Greatest Gem Show on Earth – that’s Tucson! The ACE© It Conference is designed for the professional gem and jewelry appraiser - that’s YOU! We will be at a Tucson Convention Center, Maricopa Room, 260 South Church Avenue. Attendance at NAJA’s ACE© It Educational Conferences is a perfect opportunity to increase your skills, learn new information, and experience a peerless networking opportunity. Experts from the trade share their areas of expertise to further your understanding. Gail Brett Levine, GIA GG Executive Director Tucson Convention Center Exhibit Room - Maricopa Room Conference Room - Mohave Room 260 South Church Avenue Tucson, AZ 85701-1614

Special Workshop & Lab Saturday, Jan 28th-

A Playful Array of Colors -

Travis Lejman, GIA GG Special Opal Workshop & Lab

Opals “A Playful Array of Colors! This workshop is presented by Travis Lejman and based on Dr. Paul B. Downing, Ph.D. system of grading and identifying opals. We will start of in a lecture portion to get a base line down on opals. We will go over, types, formation, localities, treatments and properties on what to look for in grading and valuation. We will review items discussed in the book. Our hands-on section will look at a variety of opals from around the world and of varying qualities. The course will end with a discussion which we will listen to each other's experiences with handling, purchasing, and buying many forms of opals. What to bring: a good loupe, a portable incandescent light source (pen light), an OTT light (if you have), and of course questions, and determination to learn from each other. Also, bring your Opal Identification & Value book by Dr. Paul B. Downing, Ph.D. and if you don't have it there will be plenty for sale. Three Hour Workshops - 10 AM to 1:00 PM, 2:00 - 5:00PM - Class size limited to 15 attendees each. $75. Each session is identical, they are just split up into two different times.

Sunday Be Bold-Build Trust-Move Ahead with Your Background Check In our world today everyone is concerned about fraud, identity theft and even personal safety. We are bombarded with news about private email or government agency hacking or cyber attacks, unethical practices by financial institutions, and even sexual assaults by trusted individuals. The jewelry industry is not immune to these challenges. Within the complexity of our industry we read about false diamond certificates in the marketplace, misrepresentation of products or just plain fraud, and new technology that is reshaping the industry landscape. What’s a consumer to do? Whom should they trust? Where should they go? As leaders in our industry, we have two options: do nothing and let others solve the problems, or help find the solutions. NAJA is not standing still. Its mission is to educate members, be an advocate for the

Page 2: Special Workshop & Lab Saturday, Jan 28th- · 2016-11-11 · A Modern Evaluation of the Original Koh-i-Noor Diamond and ‘Mogul’ cut Stones- Alan Hart, FGA Every year millions

Hotel Reservations

The American Gem Trade Association has

invited NAJA conferences to secure their

own room reservations through AGTA’s

website. You need to make your

reservations NOW! You can always cancel

two weeks before arrival you’re your plans

change. Many of us have been on the

receiving end of not getting rooms - living

indoors is a good thing during GemFair


A complete listing of the AGTA Preferred

Hotels may also be found by logging


Special Event at Tucson Book signings during coffee and lunch breaks as well as at the NAJA Exhibit Booth, G11, in the Tucson Convention Center.

What to Bring

Comfortable western casual Loupe, pen

light & tweezers. Your 2017 NAJA

membership card for registration at local

shows (i.e., AGTA).

Tax Deductible

Treasury Regulation 1.162-5 permits an

income tax deduction for educational

expenses to improve or maintain

professional skills (registration fees, travel

and a portion of meals and lodging are


On-Site Registration Hours

Participants may pick up their conference

notebook and name tag in the Maricopa

Room, which also serves as NAJA’s Exhibit

Room starting Sunday January 29th, 7:30 -

8:00 AM. The NAJA Exhibit Room will also

be opened during extended breaks &

lunches and after the last session until 6:30


Your Registration includes: presentations

for all two days, conference handouts,

lunches, morning & afternoon coffee

breaks with healthy snacks, and the

industry and protect consumers. With that in mind, NAJA has launched something new and exciting. It is proud to introduce its Background Check program.

Organics, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Organics - yes this is a hot topic! Organic gems are always misunderstood and often puzzling. Now with an increased pressure on illegal animal trade, it is a good time to brush up. Fossil Ivory is now being regulated alongside modern elephant Ivory. We will help you see why and tell the difference. Ivory, bone, tusk, antler, horn and teeth will be discussed as well as hands on! Come and explore and challenge your previous knowledge.

Gem Shopping Network: Not Just Another TV Shopping Channel

Exploring and analyzing a few of today's modern jewelry designers outside the realm of common big brands. Discussing out-of-the-ordinary gems used in designers artwork and how to approach valuation. (cost approach or market comparison).

Appraising Estate Jewelry in the 21st


The 1920s Art Deco Caldwell & Company ring has an accompanying GIA Lab Report which states Round Brilliant cut and is cut graded as Good. Is it original from the 1920s? Is it the original diamond set by Caldwell & Co. in that ring? How does that impact appraised replacement value from current comps?

Monday A Modern Evaluation of the Original Koh-i-Noor Diamond and ‘Mogul’ cut Stones- Alan Hart, FGA Every year millions of visitors flock to see the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London, where

some of the most notable and historic diamonds in the world reside. Within this remarkable

collection, is arguably the world's most famous diamond, the Koh-i-Noor or 'Mountain of Light' -

an original Persian name given to the stone seemingly at odds with the rather flat 105.602

carat oval stone that now sits at the centerpiece of the Queen Mother's crown. This stone

however is the end product of an original historic cut diamond which, when first displayed at the

Great Exhibition of 1851 soon after it came to England, all but failed to impress the expectant

crowds with its lack of fire and brilliance. The stone was subsequently re-cut from its original

form to its modern shape. A unique plaster cast of the original stone, commissioned at the time

by the Trustees of the British Museum before it was re-cut, and more recently its original mold,

were 're-discovered' in the mineral collections at the Natural History Museum, London. By

extensive study of the cast using photographic imaging techniques, laser scanning and X-ray

modeling, a near as perfect replica of the original 'Mogul' cut stone was created in cubic zirconia.

From this we can now assess the old style cut and what influences were responsible for the

Mogul form. It give us some intriguing insights into these rare and intriguingly beautiful

diamonds, and resets what we know about those stones that are still extant today.

“A Diamond Is Forever”, Metal Is For A Little Bit…Unless Your Hobby Is Masonry Or Rock Crushing. The Reality Of Jewelry Condition

This presentation covers the types of condition characteristics described and documented during the inspection of a jewelry item for an appraisal. Using PowerPoint photos and developing a list of bullet points an applicable reference of condition descriptions is created. This information covers typical descriptions as well as delving into the situational risks of long and short term hazards. Certain “red flags” will be outlined to trigger easier identification of condition and hazards from the perspective bench jeweler, yet keeping the documentation obligations of an appraiser. Topics:

Main causes of condition and wear Condition of jewelry based on jewelry type Hazards of jewelry condition Terminology of condition characteristics Advice and warnings

Solutions and recommendations.

Page 3: Special Workshop & Lab Saturday, Jan 28th- · 2016-11-11 · A Modern Evaluation of the Original Koh-i-Noor Diamond and ‘Mogul’ cut Stones- Alan Hart, FGA Every year millions

January 30, Monday evening Members’


Color Vision Test Please be aware that it is required for members to take the color vision test at least once in the last five years, here is your opportunity to make sure your color acuity is what it should be for a gemologist/appraiser. The Farnsworth-Munsell & Isihara color vision testing will be available only on Sunday, January 29th. Fourteen (14) half hour appointments will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Annual Members' Party Join in the celebration of NAJA’s 47th Winter Education Conference! La Parrilla Suiza Restaurant will host the Members’ Party with authentic local cuisine. Cash bar, as always, is available. The party is included in your conference fee. Photo Consent Registration and attendance at the NAJA conference constitutes an agreement by the registrant to the use and distribution or attendee's image in photographs and electronic reproductions of such events and activities by NAJA.

Indemnification “ Public Policy or Public Enemy?

This lecture will cover the perils and pitfalls of insurance appraisals with regard to bespoke and signed jewelry. The topics that will be covered will include the proper way to conduct the appraisal as well as the critical information that must be contained within the report to protect the consumer as well as the holder of copyright in anticipation of an insurance casualty. How claims are handled or more appropriately, often mishandled by insurers. What meets the test of indemnification and what fails the test of indemnification. What happens when the insured demands that formal process of The Appraisal Clause in insurance policies takes effect. This will include the standards and requirements that you as an appraiser must stand firm on when retained by the insured with regard to the choosing of an umpire, and analyzing a few of today's modern jewelry designers outside the realm of common big brands. Discussing out-of-the-ordinary gems used in designers artwork and how to approach valuation (cost approach or market comparison).

The Science & The Art of Diamond Cut Analysis

Analyzing how well a faceted diamond reflects and refracts light is not just math. Each shape and unique facet arrangement requires individual research to determine where it performs the best. The Art of Diamond Cut Analysis involves studying the metrics of diamond beauty – Brightness, Contrast, Dispersion, Leakage and Scintillation – as well as the graphical images of where a diamond gathers light. This is accomplished using the data and graphical images created using the American Gem Society’s Patented Ray tracing software and its Patented Angular Spectrum Evaluation Tool (ASET) It will be broken into five presentations with question-and-answer periods after each. This will give everyone time to ask questions while the information is still fresh, answer texts and emails and take bathroom/stretching/smoke breaks. The topics will be:

1. The Firsthand History of How the Current AGS System Came to Be. 2. The AGS Metrics and the AGS Ray Tracing Software. 3. AGS ASET Technology – the images and what they mean. 4. AGS Very Large, Very Fine Matrixes (Or, The DNA of Diamond Design)

SATURDAY January 28, 2017

8AM - Noon Certification Examination

10AM - 1PM Opal Workshop

2 - 5 PM Opal Workshop

Noon to 5 PM Registration


7:30 - 8AM Registration

8:00 - 8:30 AM Welcome! Special Announcements & Conference Notes

8:30 - 10AM Be Bold-Build Trust-Move Ahead with Your Background Check - Robinson Bradbury, GIA GG & Linda Mack, LPI

10:15 AM - 12:15 PM Organics, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly - Eric Fritz, FGA

1:30 - 2:45 PM Gem Shopping Network: Not Just Another TV Shopping Channel - Mike Burnette, GIA GG

3:00- 5:00 PM Appraising Estate Jewelry in the 21st Century - Douglas M. Liebman


8:00 - 8:30 AM Conference Notes Updates

8:30 - 10AM A Modern Evaluation of the Original Koh-i-Noor Diamond and ‘Mogul’

Cut Stones - Alan Hart, FGA

10:15 AM - 12:15 PM “A Diamond is Forever”, Metal is for a Little Bit: The Reality

of Jewelry Condition - Arthur A. Skuratowicz, GIA GJG

1:30 - 2:45 PM "Indemnification“ Public Policy or Public Enemy? - Charles Ellias, GIA GG

3:00- 5:00 PM The Science & the Art of Diamond Cut Analysis - Pete Yantzer, GIA GG

5. How the AGS Metrics compare to other Cut Analysis/Grading Systems, insofar as is known.

You are guaranteed to learn fascinating things about Diamonds and why they can be so beautiful.

Page 4: Special Workshop & Lab Saturday, Jan 28th- · 2016-11-11 · A Modern Evaluation of the Original Koh-i-Noor Diamond and ‘Mogul’ cut Stones- Alan Hart, FGA Every year millions

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