Page 1: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation


Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)

Page 2: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Brink of Extinction

By early 1900’s, culminative effects of:

1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion)

2) deforestation

3) overhunting

Page 3: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation


• Wooded swamps & river bottomlands

• Natural tree cavities for nesting (cypress, sycamore, silver maple, black ash)

• Home range changes with flooding events

Page 4: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation
Page 5: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation
Page 6: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation


* In water <18”, feed on:

- seeds of trees (e.g., acorns)

- also field grains

* Young = aquatic insects

Page 7: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation


Pairing in late Oct into spring (Mar-July nest)

Clutch size = 6-10 eggs


- Dump nests (up to 30+ eggs in 1 nest) = “egg dumping” behavior = intraspecific brood parasitism

- may decrease hatch rates to 10%

Page 8: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Factors Determining Patterns of Habitat Use

Page 9: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Concept of Habitat Selection

• Wildlife perceiving correct configuration of habitat needed for survival – differences based on age/experience/chance? –

• Niche concept

Page 10: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation
Page 11: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Concept of Habitat Selection

• Hutchison = n-dimensional hypervolume as explanation of the niche

• Fundamental vs. Realized Niche

Species 1Species 2

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Testing the Hutchinsonian Niche Concept of Habitat Selection• James – work with birds in Arkansas…

quantified habitat relationships

• How do birds select habitat?• niche gestalt :

Page 13: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Wildlife Habitat Ecology & Mgt

• Habitat from an evolutionary perspective• Species distribution relative to habitat dist’n• Climatic events

• Pleistocene Epoch & dist’n of modern species

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Page 15: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

habitat interspersion –

Leopold’s Law of Interspersion

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Habitat Fragmentation

1) gap formation

2) decrease patch size

3) increase isolation

4) increase edge

5) conversion of matrix

Page 17: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Concepts• Habitat = species-specific resources

available (relative quality)

• Habitat Use = manner in which species use resources

• Habitat Selection = hierarchical decision process (innate & learned) of what habitats to use

• Habitat Preference = based on selection of habitat, which are used more than others (preferred vs. avoided)

Page 18: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Concepts• Habitat Availability = accessibility of


• Habitat Quality = positive relation with fitness (not just density)

• Critical Habitat = resources essential to the species….ESA designation….

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Scale Dependence of Habitat Selection

1st Order2nd Order3rd Order4th Order



1st order – innate?

2nd order –decisions

3rd &4th order –decisions

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Page 21: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation
Page 22: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation
Page 23: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Guild Concept• guild = group of species that exploit the

same class of resources in similar way• community guild = no taxonomic

restrictions; guild members chosen based on investigator-defined resources

• assemblage guild = guild members based on taxonomic relations

Page 24: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Models of Habitat Relationships• Model (assess) habitat for wildlife

species, e.g., USFWS

• Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) models

- include top 3 environmental variables related to a species’ presence, distribution, & abundance

HSI = (V1 x V2 x V3)1/3 = 0 to 1

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• Yellow Warbler HSI

for different forest conditions

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HSI models• useful for representing possible major

habitat factors

• true value as hypotheses

• Do not provide information on:

- population size or trend

- behavioral responses

• single-species approach

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Emergence of Landscape Ecology

Equilibrium View

• Constant species composition

• Disturbance & succession = subordinate factors

• Ecosystems self-contained• Internal dynamics shape

trajectory• No need to look outside

boundaries to understand ecosystem dynamics







Page 28: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Emergence of Landscape Ecology

Dynamic View

• Disturbance & ecosystem response = key factors

• Disturbance counter equilibrium

• Ecosystems NOT self-contained

• Multiple scales of processes, outside & inside

• Essential to examine spatial & temporal context



Page 29: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Scale• What’s the big deal?

• Seminal pubs– Allen & Starr (1982) – Hierarchy: perspectives

for ecological complexity– Delcourt et al. (1983) – Quaternary Science

Review 1:153-175– O’Neill et al. (1986) – A hierarchical concept

of ecosystems

Page 30: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Scale & Pattern

• Acts in the “ecological theatre (Hutchinson 1965) are played out across various scales of space & time

• To understand these dramas, one must select the appropriate scale



l Sca


Spatial ScaleFine









Secondary Succession

Species Migrations



Page 31: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Scale & Pattern• Different patterns emerge, depending

on the scale of investigation



an R



Least Flycatcher



an R



Least Flycatcher

Local Scale(4 ha plots)

Regional Scale(thousands of ha)

Page 32: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Components of Scale

• Grain: minimum resolution of the data– Cell size (raster data)

– Min. polygon size (vector data)

• Extent: scope or domain of the data– Size of landscape or

study area

Page 33: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scale

• Scale characterized by:– grain: smallest

spatial resolution of data

e.g., grid cell size, pixel size, quadrat size (resolution)

Fine Coarse

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Ecological Scale

• Scale characterized by:– extent: size of

overall study area (scope or domain of the data)

Small Large

Page 35: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Components of Scale

• Minimum Patch Size: min. size considered > resolution of data (defined by grain)

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Ecological Scaling: Definitions• Ecological scale & cartographic scale are exactly opposite

– Ecological scale = size (extent) of landscape

– Cartographic scale = ratio of map to real distance

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Scale in Ecology & Geography

• ecological vs. cartographic scale

Ecology Geography



Fine resolution

Small Extent

Coarse resolution

Large Extent



Coarse resolution

Large extent

Fine resolution

Small extent

Page 38: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Scale in Ecology & Geography

• ecological vs. cartographic scale– e.g., map scale

1:24,000 vs. 1:3,000fine vs. coarselarge vs. small extent

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Page 40: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Components of Scale

• Grain and extent are correlated

• Information content often correlated with grain

• Grain and extent set lower and upper limits of resolution in the data, respectively.

Page 41: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Components of Scale

• From an organism-centered perspective, grain and extent may be defined as the degree of acuity of a stationary organism with respect to short- and long-range perceptual ability

Page 42: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Components of Scale

• Grain = finest component of environment that can be differentiated up close

• Extent = range at which a relevant object can be distinguished from a fixed vantage point

Fine CoarseScale


Page 43: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Components of Scale• From an anthropocentric

perspective, grain and extent may be defined on the basis of management objectives

• Grain = finest unit of mgt (e.g., stand)

• Extent = total area under management (e.g., forest)

Page 44: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Components of Scale• In practice, grain and extent often dictated by scale of

available spatial data (e.g., imagery), logistics, or technical capabilities

Page 45: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Components of Scale• Critical that grain and extent be defined for a study and

represent ecological phenomenon or organism studied.• Otherwise, patterns detected have little meaning and/or

conclusions could be wrong

Page 46: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation
Page 47: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Scale: Jargon• scale vs. level of organization

Space - Time

Space - Time

Space - Time




Page 48: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation
Page 49: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation
Page 50: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation
Page 51: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Ecological Scaling: Implications of Scale• As one changes scale, statistical relationships may

change:– Magnitude or sign of correlations– Importance of variables– Variance relationships

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Page 53: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation
Page 54: Species-of-the-Week Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). Brink of Extinction By early 1900’s, culminative effects of: 1) wetland drainage (ag. expansion) 2) deforestation

Implications of Changes in Scale

• Processes and/or patterns may change• Hierarchy theory = structural

understanding of scale-dependent phenomena

ExampleAbundance of forest insects sampled at different distance Intervals in leaf litter,

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Implications of Changes in Scale












Insects sampled at 10-m intervals for 100 m

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Implications of Changes in Scale












Insects sampled at 2000-m intervals for 20,000 m

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Identifying the “Right” Scale(s)

• No clear algorithm for defining

• Autocorrelation & Independence • Life history correlates

• Dependent on objectives and organisms

• Multiscale analysis!

• e.g., Australian leadbeater’s possum

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Multiscale Analysis

• Species-specific perception of landscape features : scale-dependent

– e.g., mesopredators in Indiana

• Modeling species distributions in fragmented landscapes

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Hierarchy Theory

• Lower levels provide mechanistic explanations

• Higher levels provide constraints

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Scale & Hierarchy Theory

• Hierarchical structure of systems = helps us explain phenomena

–Why? : next lower level

–So What? : next higher level

• minimum 3 hierarchical levels needed

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Constraints (significance)

Level of Focus (level of interest)

Components (explanation)

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