
SPINE Volume 27, Number 15, pp 1604–1613©2002, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Lumbar Nerve Root Injury Induces Central NervousSystem Neuroimmune Activation andNeuroinflammation in the RatRelationship to Painful Radiculopathy

Maria D. Rutkowski, BS,* Beth A. Winkelstein, PhD,* William F. Hickey, MD,†Janice L. Pahl, BS,* and Joyce A. DeLeo, PhD*‡

Study Design. These studies were designed to exam-ine the role of central neuroimmune activation and neu-roinflammation in a rat model of lumbar radiculopathy.

Objectives. In the present study the authors investi-gated the role of neuroimmune activation using immuno-cytochemistry to detect expression of major histocompat-ibility complex Class II, cluster determinant 4, intracellularadhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and platelet endothelialcellular adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1). The role of cen-tral neuroinflammation was investigated using radiationbone marrow chimeric rats.

Summary of Background Data. The pathologic mech-anisms resulting in painful lumbar radiculopathy second-ary to nerve root injury remain obscure. There is a grow-ing body of evidence that central neuroimmune activationand neuroinflammation may play a key role in the initia-tion and maintenance of various pain states, includinglumbar radiculopathy.

Methods. Male Holtzman rats undergoing mechanicalsensitivity testing were divided into two groups: a shamgroup and a chromic gut suture group. Animals werekilled on day 14 post surgery. Male Holtzman rats, used todetect cluster determinant 4, major histocompatibilitycomplex Class II, and CAM spinal expression, were di-vided into three groups: a normal group, a sham surgerygroup, and a chromic group. The male Brown Norwayrats used to make the radiation bone marrow chimeraswere divided into two groups: a sham group and a chro-mic group. Animals were killed at 1, 3, 7 or 14 daysfollowing surgery.

Results. Nerve root injury in the rat produced increasedspinal major histocompatibility complex Class II, cluster de-terminant 4, ICAM-1, and PECAM-1 immunoreactivity andincreased bilateral sensitivity to tactile stimuli. Leukocytetrafficking into the spinal parenchyma was observed, whichincreased over time after nerve root injury.

Conclusions. The presence of bilateral mechanical al-lodynia and spinal neuroimmune changes followingnerve root injury supports the hypothesis that centralsensitization through activation of immune mediators,coupled with macrophage traffic across the blood–brainbarrier, plays a key role in the development and mainte-nance of radicular pain. [Key words: CD4, ICAM-1, lowback pain, MHC Class II, microglia, PECAM-1, radiationbone marrow chimeras] Spine 2002;27:1604–1613

Chronic low back pain with or without radiculopathy isa frequently occurring condition in Western society witha lifetime prevalence of 60%–80%.13,46 The financialburden to society as a result of lost productivity and thecost of treatment is enormous.46 Despite a plethora ofexperimental and clinical data concerning lumbar radic-ulopathy (LR),26,29,37 the broad range of treatmentsavailable have not made a significant impact on thecourse of pain progression or decreased the incidence ofLR in the United States.

A variety of pain states, including referred pain, mir-ror pain and neuropathic pain, are thought to be cen-trally mediated.7 LR may also be the result of similarcentral nervous system (CNS) mechanisms. Experimentalevidence suggests that spinal cord neuroplasticity and neu-roimmune processes are major contributors in the initiationand maintenance of chronic pain after central or peripheralnerve damage.17,30,38 Many different chemical mediatorshave been implicated in the enhanced facilitation of centralpain pathways: neurotransmitters, such as substance Pand N-methyl-D-aspartate,22,50 inflammatory mediatorsincluding prostaglandins,42 and more recently, proinflam-matory cytokines.11,16,48 It is unlikely that any one of thesemediators in isolation is responsible for exaggerated noci-ceptive modulation after peripheral nerve or nerve root in-jury. Rather, they most likely act in concert at peripheraland central locations to bring about CNS changes, leadingto a variety of pain states.

Interest in CNS immune responses has grown rapidlyin recent years with the recognition of the role of CNSinflammation and immune responses in the etiology ofneurologic disorders, such as the AIDS dementia com-plex, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral infarction, Parkin-son’s disease, traumatic brain and spinal cord injury, anddemyelinating diseases, such as multiple sclerosis.41 Sim-ilarly, the role of central neuroimmune activation andneuroinflammation in chronic pain is currently an area

From the Departments of *Anesthesiology and †Pathology, Dart-mouth–Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, and the ‡Department ofPharmacology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NewHampshire.Supported by Grant AR44757 from the National Institute of Arthritisand Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, the Orthopaedic Research andEducation Foundation, and the Bristol-Myers Squibb-Zimmer Ortho-paedic Foundation.Acknowledgment date: September 13, 2001.First revision date: December 13, 2001.Second revision date: February 4, 2002.Acceptance date: March 11, 2002.The manuscript submitted does not contain information about medicaldevice(s)/drug(s).Federal funds were received to support this work. No benefits in anyform have been or will be received from a commercial party relateddirectly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript.

DOI: 10.1097/01.BRS.0000018792.91620.9E


of intense interest.48 Neuroimmune activation involvesendothelial cells, microglia, and astrocytes. Activation ofthese cells leads to subsequent production of cytokines,chemokines, and the expression of surface antigens thatenhance the central immune cascade and render cells im-munocompetent. The hallmark of the inflammatorycomponent of an innate immune response is the infiltra-tion and/or migration of cells to the site of injury. Neu-roinflammation can be defined as the infiltration of leu-kocytes into the perceived site of injury in response todamage of the nervous system. Together, neuroimmuneactivation and neuroinflammation following nerve rootinjury may generate a vicious cycle that directly sensitizesdorsal horn neurons and/or induces the generation ofother algesic mediators.12 For example, there is mount-ing evidence that cytokines induce the release or expres-sion of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, inducible nitric oxide(NO) synthase, and substance P as well as enhancingcapsaicin sensitivity.23,24,34,43 Similarly, activated glialcells synthesize proinflammatory cytokines, proteases,NO, excess glutamate, superoxide anions, hydrogen per-oxide, eicosanoids, and other toxins that act by way ofthe N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors.5,6,25,31,35 There-fore, cytokines can induce or amplify the activation ofCNS elements in a way that may indirectly enhance spi-nal sensitization.

Previous studies have reported the role of glial activa-tion and increases in spinal cord expression of the proin-flammatory cytokine interleukin-1� in a model of LR inthe rat.18 From these data we further postulated thatincreased spinal production and expression of specificcytokines may induce cellular adhesion molecules andinitiate cell trafficking into the spinal parenchyma afterinjury. To better understand these central processes inLR, we adopted two approaches in the LR model toexamine both neuroimmune activation and neuroin-flammatory responses. Initially, spinal cord expressionof major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class II andCD4 molecules and intracellular adhesion molecule(ICAM)-1 and platelet endothelial cellular adhesion mol-ecule (PECAM)-1 was characterized. Although these im-munologically important membrane glycoproteins andcellular adhesion molecules (CAMs) are pivotal compo-nents in the immune cascade, little is known about theirspinal cord expression following injury to lumbar nerveroots.

In a complementary study radiation bone marrow chi-meric rats were used to determine whether leukocytetraffic into the CNS is possible. To produce the chimericrats, bone marrow cells are harvested from one strain ofrat, termed the donor strain. A second and differentstrain of rat, termed the recipient strain, is lethally irra-diated. These recipient rats are systemically injected withthe bone marrow cells from the donor strain; withoutthis bone marrow transplant, the recipient rats wouldnot survive. The rats are then left to mature to repopulatetheir immune cells. Using antibodies that are specific tothe donor strain, it is possible to determine whether cells

of the donor origin are able to cross the blood–brainbarrier into the CNS of the recipient. Assessment of thedistribution and magnitude of these cells throughout theL5 region of the spinal cord in response to a selective L5nerve root injury is also possible.

The rodent model of LR used in the present study iswell established and was developed to mimic the chemi-cal and mechanical components involved in clinical ra-diculopathy secondary to herniated nucleus pulpo-sus.17,18 Behavioral and immunocytochemical data fromthe current study support the hypothesis that centralneuroimmune activation and neuroinflammation are im-portant contributors in the genesis of LR and its behav-ioral sequelae. The elucidation of these central immuneresponses and their association to pain may lead to thedevelopment of new and more effective treatments forLR than those currently available.

Materials and Methods

Animals. All rats, including Brown Norway (BN), Lewis �BN F1 hybrids, and Holtzman strains (Harlan Sprague Dawley,Indianapolis, IN), were housed individually under USDA andAAALAC-approved conditions with 12–12 hours light–darkcycle and free access to food and water. All experimental pro-cedures were approved by the Dartmouth College InstitutionalAnimal Care and Use Committee. Experiments using radiationbone marrow chimeric rats were performed with male BN �Lewis (BN � L) F1 hybrids and male BN rats. The BN � L F1

hybrids served as bone marrow donors. Radiation bone mar-row chimeras were produced as previously detailed.19 Briefly,2-month-old BN rats were lethally irradiated (1000 rad) andreconstituted with 108 bone marrow and spleen cells from theF1 hybrids via tail vein injection within 2–4 hours of irradia-tion. These chimeric rats were allowed to mature for 2 monthsto repopulate their somatic tissues with donor-derived cellsbefore undergoing the LR surgery.

Surgical Procedure. All surgical procedures were performedunder inhalation anesthesia (induced at 4% and maintained at2% halothane in 100% O2). The LR model has been previouslydescribed.17 Briefly, a sham surgery consisted of a left L5 hemi-laminectomy to expose, without any manipulation of, the leftL5 nerve root. In the chromic gut suture surgery, the exposedleft L5 nerve root was ligated with two loose 5–0 chromic gutligatures following application of five 3-mm pieces of 4–0chromic gut suture to the nerve root proximal to the dorsal rootganglion. The muscle layers and skin incision were closed with3–0 Ethibond polyester suture and staples, respectively. Themale Holtzman strain of rats undergoing mechanical sensitivitytesting was divided into two groups: 1) a sham surgery group (n� 4) and 2) a chromic group (n � 7). All animals were killed onday 14 post surgery. The male Holtzman strain of rats used todetect CD4, MHC Class II, and CAM expression was dividedinto three groups: 1) a normal group (n � 2) in which noprocedure was performed, 2) a sham surgery group (n � 4),and 3) a chromic group (n � 12). One sham animal and threechromic animals were killed on days 1, 3, 7, or 14 post surgeryfor spinal cord assessment. The radiation bone marrow chi-meric rats were divided into two groups: 1) a sham group (n �4) and 2) a chromic group (n � 16). Of these animals, one sham

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animal and four chromic animals were killed at 1, 3, 7, or 14days following surgery for spinal cord assessment.

Mechanical Allodynia. Animals were tested for 3 days beforesurgery to acclimate them to the behavioral testing apparatusand to obtain baseline values. All behavioral testing was per-formed by an investigator blinded to the surgical procedure.Mechanical allodynia was measured as the frequency of footwithdrawals elicited by a defined non-noxious, mechanicalstimulus.9 In each blinded testing session, rats were subjectedto three sequential series of 10 tactile stimulations to the plan-tar surface of the ipsilateral (nerve root injured) hind paw andcontralateral hind paw using 2-g and 12-g von Frey filaments(Stoelting, Wood Dale, IL). Mechanical allodynia was assessedby recording the total number of responses elicited during threesuccessive trials (10 stimulations/each filament) separated by atleast 10 minutes for a total possible score of 30. After surgerymechanical allodynia was assessed up to 14 days.

Histologic Preparation and Immunocytochemistry. Un-der deep anesthesia (100 mg/kg sodium pentobarbital, intra-peritoneally), rats were killed by transcardiac perfusion with200 mL of phosphate-buffered saline followed by 100 mL of4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 mol/L phosphate-buffered saline,pH 7.4. After perfusion and laminectomy the L5 nerve rootswere verified and traced to their site of entry into the spinalcord. Appropriate L5 spinal cord segments were harvested andcryoprotected for 3– 4 days in 30% sucrose/phosphate-buffered saline at 4 C. The segments were then freeze-mountedin OCT embedding medium on cork blocks for cryostatsectioning.

Immunocytochemistry was performed by the avidin-biotintechnique (Vector Labs, Burlingame, CA) on free floating20-�m sections. Elimination of the primary antibody was per-formed in each run as a negative control. The culture superna-tants containing the following monoclonal antibodies wereused: OX-6 (anti-MHC Class II), W3/25 (anti-CD4), TLD-4C9(anti-ICAM-1), TLD-4E8 (anti-PECAM-1), OX-42 (CR3/CD11b), and ED-2. Lumbar spinal cord sections of the radia-

tion bone marrow chimera rats were stained with the culturesupernatant containing a donor antibody, I1–69 (anti-MHCClass I).

Assessment of spinal cord staining was performed by aninvestigator blinded to the surgical groups. After staining oflumbar spinal cord, L5 sections from each animal were sur-veyed under low (10�) and medium (40�) magnification usingan Olympus bright field microscope. A scoring system for CD4immunoreactivity was based on a previously established scale(Table 1).9 An analogous scoring system for ICAM-1 and PE-CAM-1 was developed for this study (Table 1). The final scorewas based on the average reactivity of all sections for eachanimal. This semiquantitative scoring allowed comparison be-tween the normal, sham, and chromic groups. Individual cellprofiles containing positive immunoreactive MHC Class II andMHC Class I in the chimeric rats were counted in each tissue.

Statistical Analysis. All data obtained from the observationsof mechanical sensitivity are presented as the mean response ofall animals per treatment group � SEM. To compare the time-dependent curves among the groups, a repeated analysis ofvariance with a Bonferroni multiple comparison was used. Ad-ditionally, the data from the tactile stimulation were analyzedby a one-way analysis of variance at each time point. P � 0.05for intergroup differences was defined as significant.


Mechanical AllodyniaBaseline (prelesion) responsiveness was minimal as con-firmed by testing sessions before the surgery. Mechanicalallodynia was observed in both ipsilateral and contralat-eral hind paws in all animals in the chromic gut suturegroup. Overall, mechanical allodynia was significantlygreater in the ipsilateral hind paw (Figure 1A) than thecontralateral (unoperated) hind paw (Figure 1B) whentested with both the 2-g and 12-g von Frey filaments(analysis of variance; P � 0.001) (2-g data not shown).

Table 1. CD4, ICAM-1, and PECAM-1 Immunoreactivity in the Lumbar Spinal Cord for Normal, Sham, andChromic Groups

Treatment Day

CD4 Expression ICAM Expression PECAM Expression

Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra

Normal � � � � � �Sham 1 � � � � � �

3 � � � � � �7 �� � � � � �

14 �� � � � � �Chromic 1 � � � � � �

� � � � � �� � � � � �

3 � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � � �

7 ��� �� � � ��� ����� �� �� � ��� ����� �� �� � �� ��

14 ��� �� �� � ��� ����� �� � � �� ����� �� �� � ��� ��

� � baseline staining; �� � mild response; ��� � moderate response; ���� � intense response; Ipsi � ipsilateral; Contra � contralateral.

1606 Spine • Volume 27 • Number 15 • 2002

There was a sharp initial increase in mechanical allo-dynia on day 1 following surgery for the ipsilateral hindpaw. In contrast, the maximal response in the contralat-eral hind paw was not seen until day 7. The sham groupdid not display significant mechanical allodynia in eitherhind paw over baseline testing (Figure 1).

The typical mechanical allodynia response was ob-served at 1, 3, 7, and 14 days post surgery in the radia-tion bone marrow chimeric rats that underwent LR sur-gery. Rats in the chimeric sham group did not show anyincrease in mechanical allodynia over their baseline mea-surements using both 2-g and 12-g von Frey filaments(results not shown).

Spinal CD4, MHC Class II, and CAMImmunoreactive Expression

Diffuse CD4 immunoreactivity of cells of microglialmorphology was detected throughout the spinal graymatter of the chromic group. The staining in this groupwas slightly more intense on the ipsilateral than the con-tralateral side. The CD4 immunoreactivity increasedover time, with maximum expression at days 7 and 14post surgery (Table 1). Sham animals displayed someincrease over the normal group, but compared with thechromic group, immunoreactivity was minimal (Figure2A–C). CD4 immunoreactivity colocalized with OX-42immunoreactivity on specific cells as demonstrated inFigure 3C.

MHC Class II immunoreactivity was restricted to cellswith morphology similar to that of activated microgliawith bushy, perineuronal appearance. Immunoreactivitywas increased in all regions of the spinal cord gray matterin the chromic group (Figure 2F) compared with the

Figure 1. Time course for ipsilateral (A) and contralateral (B) hindpaw mechanical allodynia using 12-g von Frey filaments followingboth ligation of the left L5 nerve root with chromic gut sutures andexposure of the left L5 nerve root. Average foot lift responsefrequency � SEM to 30 stimulations is depicted.

Figure 2. Representative photomicrographs of the ipsilateral lumbar dorsal horn in sham, normal, and chromic groups. CD4 immunore-activity in the normal group (A), the sham group (B), and the chromic group (C). MHC Class II immunoreactivity is depicted in the normalgroup (D), the sham group (E), and the chromic group (F). Bar � 250 �m.

1607CNS Immune Activation and Inflammation in Radicular Pain • Rutkowski et al

sham and normal groups (Figure 2D, E). The increasewas greatest in the ipsilateral ventral horns. Expressionof MHC Class II on both the ipsilateral and contralateralside was maximal on day 14 (Table 2).

There was a paucity of ICAM-1 immunoreactivity inthe normal and sham groups (Figure 4A, B). The chromicgroup (Figure 4C) exhibited a slight temporal increase inICAM immunoreactivity compared with the sham ornormal. ICAM-1 immunoreactivity was restricted tocells along vascular channels with a morphology resem-bling endothelial cells and was seen throughout the gray

matter of the spinal cord sections. PECAM-1 immuno-reactivity was generally more intense than that ofICAM-1. Again, a definite vascular pattern of immuno-reactivity was observed, and the cells displaying immu-noreactivity resembled endothelial or perivascular cells(Figure 4D, E). Minimal immunoreactivity was observedin normal groups; expression in the sham group wasslightly increased over the normal. PECAM-1 immuno-reactivity was seen throughout the spinal cord gray mat-ter in the chromic group and was most intense at days 7and 14 (Figure 4F).

Figure 3. Representative confocal photomicrograph depicting perivascular expression of I1– 69-like immunoreactivity (A), coregionaliza-tion of I1– 69 with ED-2 immunoreactive staining (B), and colocalization of CD4 and OX-42 immunoreactivity (C) in the ipsilateral dorsal hornin the LR model. Bar � 10 �m.

Table 2. MHC Class II immunoreactivity in the Lumbar Spinal Cord for Normal, Sham, and Chromic Groups

Treatment Day

SubstantiaGelatinosa Nucleus Proprius Central Canal Ventral Horn

Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra

Normal 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3Sham 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3

3 2 1 1 0 0 0 7 27 2 1 2 0 2 1 9 5

14 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 2Chromic 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 10 8

2 1 1 0 0 0 7 51 1 1 0 1 0 6 4

3 3 2 1 1 2 1 12 72 1 1 0 1 0 10 72 1 1 0 1 0 10 6

7 5 2 2 1 1 0 7 34 1 2 1 1 0 9 53 2 3 1 2 1 12 7

14 4 2 2 1 2 1 13 34 2 2 1 1 0 17 42 1 1 0 2 1 14 2

Ipsi � ipsilateral; Contra � contralateral. The total number of cells displaying MHC Class II immunoreactivity in the lumbar spinal cord. Cells were counted in thesubstantia gelatinosa (laminae I and II), the nucleus proprius (laminae III and IV) of the dorsal horn, as well as the central canal (lamina X) and the ventral horn (laminaIX) of the ipsilateral and contralateral sides.

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Radiation Bone Marrow ChimerasMHC Class I immunoreactive cells specific solely to thedonor strain were present in the lumbar spinal cord in theradiation bone marrow chimeras following lumbar nerveroot injury (Figure 3A). These cells were shown to core-gionalize with ED-2 immunoreactivity (Figure 3B). In thedorsal horn the number of I1–69-positive cell profileswere approximately the same in both the L5 and L4regions of the spinal cord. The more sacral section dem-onstrated a slight decrease of I1–69-positive cells com-pared with the L5 region. MHC Class I immunoreactivecells were seen throughout both the ipsilateral and con-tralateral dorsal and ventral horns; however, expressionwas greatest in the ipsilateral dorsal horn. Immunoreac-tivity was observed to increase over time, with the great-est expression appearing at day 14 (Figure 5). Sham sur-gery alone resulted in a slight increase in the ipsilateraldorsal horn of I1–69 immunoreactive cells.


Recently, the role of CNS neuroimmune activation andneuroinflammation in centrally mediated pain states hasbeen studied in an effort to identify and characterize thecomponents of a CNS immune cascade in response tonerve injury. A further understanding of the inflamma-tory mediators expressed in the spinal cord followingnerve root injury is imperative for the development ofnovel therapies to treat LR. To this end, we used a rodentmodel of LR to investigate the correlation between cen-tral changes of immune cells and increases in both ipsi-lateral and contralateral mechanical allodynia. Increasesof immune membrane glycoproteins (CD4 and MHC

Class II) and cell adhesion molecules (ICAM-1 andPECAM-1), which are integral to the immunologic acti-vation of tissue, were found to increase in response tonerve root injury. Leukocyte trafficking into the spinalcord in response to a focal lumbar nerve root injury, asdetermined by donor MHC Class I cells present in thechimera spinal cord, was also discovered.

Central Sensitization in Lumbar RadiculopathyCentral sensitization is an enhanced responsiveness ofthe CNS to afferent input and is defined as a decreasedthreshold, an increased response to suprathreshold stim-uli, and ongoing spontaneous activity in the dorsal horn.It has been reported following nerve root injury both inclinical and experimental conditions: mechanical allo-dynia is seen occasionally following disc prolapse or pos-terior decompression surgery32 where excessive manip-ulation of the nerve root has occurred. Using the rat LRmodel, bilateral mechanical allodynia was observed,supporting centrally mediated sensitization in thiscondition.

The clinical phenomenon of mirror pain also supportscentral mediation of pain in LR. Mirror pain is best il-lustrated as the phenomenon of allochiria following uni-lateral cordotomy for intractable pain. After this proce-dure the pain reappears on the contralateral side of thebody. Mirror pain is also observed in patients with ra-diculopathy who complain of bilateral leg or arm pain. Itis well established that various kinds of hind limb tissueor nerve injury in animal models produce behavioral re-sponses (allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia) in both theipsilateral and contralateral hind paws.8,51,52 Increasesin contralateral dorsal horn metabolism using 2-deoxy-

Figure 4. Photomicrographs depicting cellular adhesion molecule expression in the ipsilateral lumbar spinal cord dorsal horn 7 days postsurgery. ICAM-1 immunoreactivity in the normal group (A) and the sham group (B), compared with the chromic group (C). PECAM-1immunoreactivity in the normal group (D), the sham group (E), and the chromic group (F). Bar � 250 �m.

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glucose,1 increases in the bilateral spinal expression ofdynorphin,47 and proinflammatory cytokines and glialactivation17 after root or peripheral nerve injury supportthe theory that central changes result from varying nerveor nerve root lesions.

The mode of activation of contralateral dorsal hornneurons has been investigated to understand mirror pain.The possibility of a subsidiary pathway was put forwardby Nathan in 1956.33 Since then, a number of investiga-tors have supported this theory. Projection of primary af-ferents to the contralateral dorsal horn has been de-scribed.36 Bilateral projections from primary afferents havealso been reported in some spinal cord segments.10,28 Im-pulses may also be relayed via supraspinal centers bypass-ing the ipsilateral dorsal horn.28 Mirror pain and the pres-ence of contralateral pain-associated behaviors, asobserved in the LR model in this study, further support acentral role in nociceptive processing in LR.

Spinal MHC Class II and CD4 ExpressionIn the CNS both MHC Class I20 and MHC Class II27

basal expression is minimal compared with other tissues.In addition, the CNS is not surveyed by circulating lym-

phocytes to the same degree as extracerebral tissues.21,39

This low expression of MHC and reduced immune sur-veillance are thought to contribute to the immune-privileged status that may confer some level of protectionfor nonrenewable CNS neurons. MHC Class II is ex-pressed on antigen-presenting cells for T cells. The anti-gen-presenting cells of the normal CNS are perivascularcells and, to a limited extent, microglia.15,49 Glia do notnormally express MHC Class II, but expression can beinduced by cytokines.27,40 In this study the presence ofMHC Class II on activated microglia further supportsthe notion that central neuroimmune processes are in-volved in persistent painful LR. It has been demonstratedthat intrathecally administered methotrexate, a potentimmunosuppressive agent, attenuates mechanical allo-dynia and reduces spinal MHC Class II expression in thismodel.18 In addition, MHC Class II deficient mice dis-play reduced mechanical allodynia following an L5 spi-nal nerve transection.45 These data implicate a role ofmicroglial expression of MHC Class II in the resultantbehavioral hypersensitivity following lumbar nerve rootinjury.

Figure 5. Bar graphs depicting average number of I1– 69-like immunoreactive cells at L5, above (L4) and below (L6 –S1) lumbar levels ofdorsal horns (A), and ventral horns (B) in sham and chromic groups at days 1, 3, 7, or 14 post surgery.

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The membrane glycoprotein CD4 is expressed on Thelper cells, macrophages, and microglia.3 CD4, likeMHC Class II, is an integral part of antigen recognitionbecause it is expressed on T lymphocytes that react withantigen presented in association with MHC Class II.More recently, it has been appreciated that CD4-bearingmicroglia may function as crucial mediators of indirectneuronal damage and are detected in a variety of neuro-degenerative diseases.3 In the present study we have dem-onstrated that lumbar root injury resulted in enhancedCD4 immunoreactivity in the gray matter of the spinalcord compared with sham and normal animals. Themorphology of the cells exhibiting CD4 identifies themas microglia. The exact role of CD4 on microglia is pres-ently unknown, but certainly its increased expressionsuggests that microglia become activated and may ex-hibit increased immunocompetence following a nerveroot injury.

Spinal ICAM-1 and PECAM-1 ExpressionIncreases in both spinal ICAM-1 and PECAM-1 expres-sion following nerve root injury were demonstrated. Cel-lular adhesion molecules within the CNS are thought tobe pivotal to cell migration into the CNS and the devel-opment of a variety of inflammatory diseases in the ner-vous system. Whereas there are low levels of constitutiveexpression of ICAM-1 on some of the larger venuleswithin the CNS,14 massive upregulation of ICAM-1 hasbeen reported in a wide array of inflammatory condi-tions, including autoimmune, viral, bacterial, and para-sitic conditions. Modulation of ICAM expression corre-lates with disease time course in experimental allergicencephalitis. Cannella et al have shown that the upregu-lation of ICAM precedes the perivascular cuffing thatoccurs in this condition and the onset of clinical disease.4

Recently, the use of ligands to block ICAM-1 led to theamelioration of experimental allergic encephalitis, pre-sumably by blocking the entry of T cells into the CNSwhich are thought to initiate the autoimmune responsein experimental allergic encephalitis.2 Nerve root injurymay produce a cascade of events resulting in the upregu-lation of ICAM-1 which, in turn, seems to enable theentry of hematogenous cells into the CNS, contributingto neuroinflammation, the development of central sensi-tization, and LR.

PECAM-1, an immunoglobulin supergene family ad-hesion molecule like ICAM-1, is important in leukocytetransmigration during inflammation.40 PECAM-1 in theCNS is predominately expressed in endothelial cells ofthe blood–brain barrier. Upregulation of both ICAM-1and PECAM-1 expression following nerve root injurymay promote the entry of immune cells into the CNS andcontribute to the development of neuroinflammationand sensitization as well as the initiation and mainte-nance of LR.

Cell TraffickingThis is the first demonstration of leukocyte traffickinginto the spinal cord in response to a focal nerve root

injury that results in behavioral sensitivity reminiscent ofradicular pain. The trafficking of cells from the peripheryinto the CNS closely parallels the temporal increase inmechanical allodynia following the nerve root injury.Using colabeling confocal microscopy, we demonstratedthat these cells coregionalized with ED-2 at 7 days afterinjury. However, in some cells the I1–69 immunoreac-tivity resembled infiltrating macrophages with distinctmorphology from perivascular cells. This finding hasbeen corroborated in a separate study characterizing thedonor I1–69 staining in a peripheral nerve injury usingradiation bone marrow chimeric rats.44 Whether this in-flux of hematogenous cells represents an epiphenomenoninduced by endothelial cell activation or is an essentialelement in the production of central pain remains to bedetermined.

The sharp initial increase in ipsilateral hind paw me-chanical allodynia followed by a delayed contralateralincrease 5 days following surgery suggests that separatemechanisms are involved in the maintenance of ipsilat-eral and contralateral mechanical allodynia. Cellular in-filtration that increases over time after injury may pro-vide the impetus for maintained central sensitizationthrough continued algesic mediator production by acti-vated macrophages and microglia. Factors secreted bythese activated cells include interleukin-1, tumor necro-sis factor complement proteins, and hydrolytic enzymesthat propagate the inflammatory response.


Through their expression on activated microglia, CD4and MHC Class II render these glial cells immunocom-petent and, thus, play an essential role in the immuneresponse of the CNS to injury. Further, cell adhesionmolecules ICAM-1 and PECAM-1 expressed in micro-vasculature of the spinal cord are required for recruit-ment of elements of the immune system through theblood–brain barrier into the CNS. In the present studywe present novel data demonstrating enhanced expres-sion of immune membrane glycoproteins MHC Class IIand CD4 and the cell adhesion molecules ICAM-1 andPECAM-1 in the spinal cord following root injury resem-bling the ensuing clinical pathology of herniated nucleuspulposus. The upregulation of these molecules is tempo-rally and anatomically associated with the presence ofmechanical allodynia following a root injury. Impor-tantly, these changes, as well as the microglial and endo-thelial activation described herein, were demonstrated innociceptive-relevant laminae in the dorsal horn of thespinal cord relative to afferent sensory fibers. The evi-dence of macrophage trafficking into the CNS in re-sponse to a nerve root injury further implicates inflam-matory mechanisms in the initiation and maintenance ofcentral sensitization, the pathologic correlate to persis-tent pain states. Combining these experimental resultsand findings from other laboratories with the clinicalfindings supporting central sensitization as discussedherein, a theory emerges favoring a potential role of cen-

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tral pain immune processing in radiculopathy. Furtherbasic science and clinical research may better elucidatethese mechanisms, eventually realizing superior treat-ment options for those with chronic radicular pain.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Justin L. Hunt, BMBS, for his techni-cal assistance with these studies.

Key Points

● Central sensitization plays a role in initiating andmaintaining nerve root injury-induced hypersensi-tivity, as shown by the immediate onset of mechan-ical allodynia in the ipsilateral hind paw and thedelayed response in the contralateral hind paw.● The enhanced expression of MHC Class II andCD4 immunoreactivity by microglia that corre-lated with an increase in mechanical allodynia overtime supports the role of central neuroimmune ac-tivation in radicular pain.● Cellular adhesion molecules ICAM-1 andPECAM-1 may contribute to lumbar radiculopa-thy by aiding in leukocyte migration and infiltra-tion into the CNS.● Using radiation bone marrow chimeric rats, pe-ripheral leukocytes infiltrate into the CNS in re-sponse to nerve root injury, implicating a role ofneuroinflammation in persistent pain states.


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Address correspondence to

Joyce A. DeLeo, PhDDepartment of Anesthesiology

Dartmouth–Hitchcock Medical CenterLebanon, NH 03756

E-mail: [email protected]

1613CNS Immune Activation and Inflammation in Radicular Pain • Rutkowski et al

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