  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013





    Disciples of Christby

    Seeking God,Sharing Love

    andServing Others

    Core Values:

    WelcomingOutstanding Worship

    OutreachDifferent TraditionsMission & MinistryOn the MoveNurturingTransforming

    2013 Areas of FocusPrayer - Presence - Peace

    THESPIREA B e a c o n a n d A B r i d g e

    Volume 41, Issue 34 August 26, 2013

    A B e a c o n a n d A B r i d g e

    Joy Harris, who was also

    baptized on Sunday,

    August 25th

    Sunday, August 25th

    Welcome to Our New Members!

    Pictured left to right with Rev. Clay Stauffer:Lisa Collins and Stephen & Katelyn Taylor

    The Spire at Night!New lighting was installed lastweek that makes the Spire look

    more impressive than ever!

    Kick-Off Sunday iSeptember 8th

    Come enjoy a PancakBreakfast and begin t2013 Fall Programmin
  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013


    The Spire is published weekly by: Woodmont ChristianChurch (615) 297-8563 fax: (615) 297-93601 Hillsboro Road email: wcc@woodmontcc.

    Nashville, TN 37215 Kim Adair, EdVisit our Webpage: Copyright 2

    As we prepare to enter the fall, a veryexciting time of the year, it is importantto remember why the church exists and what

    it should be about. I recently read an article by DanHotchkiss of the Alban Institute called, "Who Owns ACongregation?" Let me share some of what he says.

    "A congregation does exist to serve its ownerbut themembers are not owners in the same way stockholders ownbusiness corporations. Who, then, is the owner? Jesus? God?Perhaps, but a more useful answer, I believe, is "The owner ofa congregation is its mission." A congregation exists to serveits mission. The duty of a congregation's leaders is to discernthe piece of God's will that constitutes this congregation'smission, to articulate the mission well, and to ensure that whatthe congregation does will realize the mission. The "bottomline" is not the balance in the bank (important though that is)but the degree to which the mission is fulfilled. And what isthe mission? The great management consultant Peter Druckerwrote that the core mission of all social-sector organizationsis "changed lives." The specific mission of a congregationis its answer to the question, 'Whose lives do we intend tochange and in what way?' A congregation that limits its visionto pleasing its members falls short of its true purpose.Growth, expanding budgets, building programs, and suchtrappings of success matter only if they reflect positivetransformation in the lives of people touched by thecongregation's work."

    At Woodmont, our mission is clear: "Growing Disciplesof Christ by Seeking God, Sharing Love, and ServingOthers." We affirm this every Sunday in worship. Everythingthat we do at this church should fall under the umbrella of ourmission. We should also remember our vision principles:Less Church, More Jesus (Deepening Spirituality); LessConfusion, More Connection (Stronger Communication);Less Meetings, More Ministry (Clearer Structure). We alsowant to acknowledge our core values Welcoming,Outstanding Worship, Outreach, Different Traditions,Mission and Ministry, On the Move, Nurturing, andTransforming. This is our DNA and has been since 1943. Theway we grow disciples is by changing lives through the loveof Jesus Christ one person at a time. Whether it is worship,music, preaching, youth ministry, outreach, Stephen Ministry,Nashville Food Project, outreach grants, Divorce Care, youname it, we want to change lives and transform peoplethrough the love of Christ. Also, many churches are guilty ofbecoming complacent or being satisfied with the statusquo. At Woodmont, we don't ever want to do that, which iswhy we have now formed a strategic planning committee to

    talk about the future and what lies ahead. What are ogoals? What are our dreams? What are our limitations? Whare our challenges?

    In that same Alban article, Hotchkiss says: "The job

    congregational leaders

    boards, clergy, lay leaders, and stafis not to "give the members what they want." For one thing,the only mission is to current members, the congregation wsoon die. And so the mission must be not only to change tlives of members but of others yet to join. A real problewith democracy in congregations is that future members not vote. If they did, at every meeting they would make upmajority."

    Therefore, we must constantly be asking, what are wdoing here at Woodmont to reach new people in ocommunity? Are we inviting others in? Are we offerinew classes and programs? Are we forming new smgroups? Are we making new friends in the congregatioAre we reaching out to those who need to experiencecommunity like this? Churches that are just inwardly focusnever do well. Any healthy church must be outwardfocused, ready to serve the community, change lives, provihealing, and welcome new people in.

    I want Woodmont to always be intentional about whatdoes and why it does it. I hope you will join me in theffort. Here's to an exciting fall!


    P.S. When you drive by the churchat night, check out the new lightingon the Spire! A big thanks to NickSmall, Steve Anderson, and theProperty Committee for makingthis happen.

    Mission and Changing Lives Must Drive the Churchby Rev. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister

  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013


    Frances Jane van Alstyne was born into afamily of Puritan heritage in Brewster, NYin 1820. Her ancestry dated back to theMayflower, including one relativeSimon

    Crosby--who was one of the founders of Harvard College.She caught a bad cold and fever when she was six weeks oldand the medicine used to rectify her illness caused her to goblind, a state in which she remained until her death.

    By age fifteen she had memorized the four gospels, thePentateuch, Proverbs, Song of Solomon and many Psalms. Atthat same period of her life she enrolled at The New YorkInstitution for the Blind from which she graduated in 1843.She moved to Washington D.C. where she became a lobbyistfor the blind and became the first woman to testify before theUnited States Senate.

    Although she always attended church, Frances nevertotally committed to one denomination but worshipped,primarily, in the Presbyterian and Methodist traditions. It isalso the case that she became a very close friend of PhoebePalmer, the so-called "mother of the holiness movement" and,by some accounts, "the most influential female theologian inChristian history."

    Beginning in 1851, inspired by the popular songs ofStephen Foster, Frances began composing secular tunesthat were performed in minstrel shows. Her work was very

    well received but many in her beloved Christian communprotested that her "show tunes" were a bad testimony. Raththan stop composing these tunes she began writing undpseudonyms. She used about 100 different names to kepeople guessing!

    Finally, rather than continuing to play that game, sturned her talents to hymn writing. It went pretty well for hHere are some of the hymns she wrote:

    To God Be the GloryPraise Him! Praise Him!Jesus Is Tenderly Calling Thee HomeBlessed AssuranceRescue the PerishingJesus, Keep Me Near the CrossI Am Thine, Oh LordTell Me the Story of Jesus

    All the Way My Savior Leads Me

    One of those pseudonyms was actually based on her birname: Frances (Fanny) J. Crosby. It is estimated that FanCrosby wrote about 10,000 songs in her lifetime. Evfor an individual that lived to be 95, that is a remarkabaccomplishment. And how blessed we continue to be by twork that she did!

    Thomas (Tommy) J. Schuyler

    Frances Jane van Alstyne

    by Thom Schuyler, Director of College & Young Adults

    What does it mean to be healthy? I believethat it is important to have a healthy body. Itis important to eat healthy, exercise regularly,

    and get enough sleep. I also believe that it is equallyimportant to be healthy in mind and spirit. Improving healthin these areas may not be quite as straight forward and not aseasy to measure as physical health, but it does provide greatrewards. I am currently participating in one of the Restore

    Journey to Freedom classes, that we offer at Woodmont onThursday nights and this quote from the book has resonatedwith me.

    "The spirit that discovers fulfillment in God is free ofanxiety, the mind at peace with Him never needs to

    worry, the body vigorous with exercise is healthy andall three together make up a short but full description ofa lifetime of hope and happiness"

    Journey to Freedom, Scott Real

    I think this quote shows what it looks like to be healthymind, body, and spirit. I personally do not feel like I am theyet, and some days I feel closer than others. That being said

    believe that working towards health in mind, body and spiis an exciting journey and a wonderful goal to strive for.

    Blessings,Mary Clare

    What Does it Mean to be Healthy?by Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse

    Women's Tuesday Morning Bible StudyWomen's Bible Study begins Tuesday, September 3rd at 9:45 a.m. in Room 200.We will meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. Questions? Please contactMartha Galyon at [email protected].

  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013


    Adult Education

    9:30 a.m.Disciples Class (105) - Led by Roy Stauffer"Why Christians Work"

    Challenge Class (200) - Led by Mark Drury

    "Building a Bible-based Community"Young Adult Class (Boardroom) - Led by Rob Quinn"Good Ole Nahum"

    Spiritual Journeys Class for Women (The Bay)Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer"Renewing Your Spirit - Setting Your Boundaries inOur Digital Society"

    11:00 a.m.Second Hour o f the Spiritual Journeys Class (The Bay)(Open to Men Also)Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer

    Reflections Class (200) - Led by Roy Stauffer"The Protestant Work Ethic"

    Points of View (105) - Led by Ralph Parsons and Doug Kin"Sermon Discussions"

    College & University-Aged Young Adults (107)Led by Thom Schuyler

    Sunday School - September 1st

    Starting September 11thDivorce CareLed by Anne Alexander Stauffer13-week class at 6:30 in The Bay Room

    Bible Study on GalatiansLed by Michael Whittington

    9-week class at 6:30 in Room 200

    Starting September 18thHealthy Living, Part 1Led by Guest Teacher, Anna Tinkle

    4-week class at 6:30 in Room 105

    "Traveling Light"Led by Kathy Patten

    4-week class at 6:30 in the Boardroom

    "The Jesus Way: Presence,Purpose, Practice"Led by Beth Pattilo and Sandy Smith

    8-weekclass at 6:30 in Room 100

    Special Class Hosted byDay Star Ministries -"Intentional Parenting"Led by Sissy Goff and David Thomas

    One-Night class at 6:30 in the Sanctuary

    September 25thSpecial Class Hosted byDay Star Ministries -"Taming the Technology

    Monster" - Led by Sissy GoffOne-Night class at 6:30 in the Sanctuary

    Starting October 16thHealthy Living, Part 2Led by Dr. Tom Patten

    5-week class at 6:30 in Room 105

    Starting November 6th"Ouch! Where is God When itHurts?" - Led by Rev. Justin Gung3-week class at 6:30 in the Boardroom

    Join us WednesdayNights this Fall!

    CWF General Meeting - Tuesday, September 3rd

    Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) will have the first General Meeting of the new year onTuesday, September 3rdat ll:00 a.m. in Room 105. September's program will be Raymond Whitespeaking about Project C.U.R.E. Project C.U.R.E. has been providing donated medical supplies andequipment to developing countries for 26 years and is rated in Forbes Top 20 of Most Efficient U.S.Charities. There is a Distribution Center right here in Nashville. Raymond has been working withProject Cure for years and is now a world traveler and assessor for them. (We reached Raymond inNamibia!)

    Lunch will be served following the meeting in Drowota Hall. Remember to make your reservation. If you have not beencontacted by a Circle caller bythisFriday, August 30th, please call the church office at 297-8563 to make your reservation.

    ** CWF Board will meet at 10:00 a.m. in Room 107 **

    Circle 5, the CWF group for women who work outside the home, begins the year on Monday, September 9th with adelicious meal, opportunities for fellowship and service, and a program presented by new Circle member, MargieQuin, on the problems our city faces due to human trafficking. Email invitations will go out soon. Please watch foryours; if you do not receive one and want to attend, please call Susan Hammonds-White at 615-482-6574 or email [email protected].

    Join us at 6:00 p.m. in Room 105 for a very special evening.

    CWF Circle 5 Meeting - Monday, September 9th

  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013


    WCC Youth

    Woodmont CYF (9th-12th grade)Fall 2013 Weekly Schedule

    Sundays (first lesson series on "CommUnity" starts September 8)

    9:30 a.m. Worship youth sit together in the balcony or with your family (or join us at The Bridge @ 5:45 p.m.!)

    10:30 a.m. Gathering time relaxed hang out time in the soon-to-be renovated youth lounge

    11:00 a.m. Sunday School weekly scripture-based lessons taught by Carla (Chi-Rho) and Trey (CYF) in separatgroups

    12:00 p.m. Lunch join us at the Farmers Market or other local favorites for a casual lunch

    1:00-2:00 p.m. J ubilation Youth Choir rehearse weekly for regular performances at WCC and for the summerchoir tour trip

    Tuesday Morning Girls/Guys Bible Study (beginning August 20 & 27)

    6:30 a.m. high schoolers meet at Bread and Company in Green Hills for a quick Bible study before school. Girlsmeet on the 1stand 3rd Tuesday of the month, and guys meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.

    Wednesday Night Youth Group

    6:00-8:00 p.m. Youth Group will meet every Wednesday night with dinner provided. We will rotate each weekthrough fun events, small group discussions, meaningful service projects, and youth-led worship services. Please

    block off Wednesday nights on your calendar for our sacred time together each week.

    Woodmont CYF (9th-12th grade)Monthly " Bring a Friend" Special Events

    September 7 (all day) Ocoee Whitewater Rafting Day Trip

    October 5-6 CYF Octoberfest at Bethany Hill s

    For more information or follow us on Twitter @WoodmontCCYouth

    First Youth GroupAugust 22nd

  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013


    Thirteen year-old Zoe Hendrick and her sewing group(with teacher Lynn Lesher) recently volunteered to makecostumes for Walk Thru Bethlehem. Zoe is the daughterof Robert and Sally Hendrick; granddaughter of J im andBetsy Hendrick.

    Thanks Zoe and friends!

    Fall Kick-Off PicnicFriday, August 23rd

  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013



  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013


    Heart for Woodmont

    (caring for body, mind, and spirit)

    According to Harvard Univers ity Nurses' Health Study three hours a weekof brisk walking can cut heart disease risk by 40 percent.

    J oin us in this journey focusing on caring for the whole person in body, mind, and spirit. StartingWednesday, September 11th, join us every Wednesday night at 5:00 p.m. to walk laps around the

    church. It will be a great time for fellowship, exercise, and improving heart health.

    The Pathways Class is designed forparents of kids pre-school through highschool age. We are an energetic groupof 3050 somethings who are seekingspiritual and practical guidance onour journey of faith. Throughout the yearwe will watch video lessons and host

    speakers who share their insight andperspective on the challenges facing themodern Christian family. This is a greatplace to have good discussions and tobuild relationships. Come join us!

    The first class is September 8th. We willmeet at 11:00 a.m. in the Boardroom onthe 2nd floor (just past the GatheringHall).

    Between the kids, work, and the house,being a parent can make you so busy.Therefore, the first five weeks will be avideo series by Andy Stanley called Timeof Your Life.

    What time is it? Where did all the time

    go? Does time really fly when yourehaving fun? Maybe we think about timeso much because there never seems tobe enough of it. Maybe theres only onequestion we need to ask. What amI doingwith my time? Simple question?Easy answer? Its time you found out. Inthis 5-part series, Time of Your Life,Andy Stanley will help you discover thatanswer. Dont waste another second.

    Part One: "Your Days Are Numbered"Psalm 90:12 - (Andy Stanley)

    Part Two: "At Capacity"Matthew 6:33 - (Andy Stanley)

    Part Three: "Compounding Minutes"Ephesians 5:15-17 - (Andy Stanley)

    Part Four: "When Less is More"

    Exodus 18:23 - (Andy Stanley)Part Five: "Under the Sun"Ecclesiastes 12:13 - (Andy Stanley)

    Please contact Wendell and Christy

    Brown (478-3103) or Tom and Laura

    Dovan (815-9090) with questions.

    New Sunday School Class For Parents

    Woodmont Christian Church is excited to welcome Canon White, the pastor of St. George'sBaghdad, one of the largest churches in Iraq, to preach at the Bridge service at 5:45 p.m. onSunday, September 15. Canon White periodically visits the United States to raise awareness for theministry of St. George's Baghdad and was the commencement speaker at Wheaton College last year.

    St George's Baghdad ministers to over 3500 Iraqis and operates outside the safety of theInternational Green Zone in the face of great risk to Canon White and the church staff andcongregants (about 35 Iraqi soldiers protect the church, and the area around the church hasbeen subject to significant damage in recent years from bomb blasts). Most of the members of thecongregation are women and children widows and orphans since many of the men have been killed in the decades ofviolence in Iraq. The profession of the Christian faith subjects congregants of the church to grave danger, and in oneinstance, of 13 people who had been baptized one week, 11 had been killed within the week. St George's Baghdad alsooperates a medical and dental clinic within the church compound to provide care to neighbors of the church, regardless ofpatients' religious or ethnic background. This clinic provides free medical and dental care to around 150 Iraqi patients everyday, the vast majority of whom are Muslim.

    Canon White has also been heavily involved in conflict mediation and reconciliation efforts in Israel and Palestine,including negotiating the end of the siege of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in 2002, and has been the recipient ofnumerous peace prizes for his reconciliation efforts.

    Canon White has written several books, including Iraq: People of Promise, Land of Despair (2003), Iraq: Searching forHope (2005), The Vicar of Baghdad (2009), Suffer the Children (2010), Faith under Fire (2011), and Father, Forgive (2013)When he is not in Baghdad, Canon White resides in England with Caroline, his wife, and his two sons Jacob and Josiah.

    Join us for Guest Preacher, Canon Andrew White, at The Bridge

    Sunday, September 15, at 5:45p.m. in Drowota Hall

    Canon Andrew WhChaplain of St George's; Found

    and President of FRRME

  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013



    1Ed FryerChristi WhiteJ eremy PrattJ ustin Epley

    2Henry CroppMary Liza HartongKristen MaloneHaley CoderreCole SeslerDale NorthCade Cooper

    3Sheila MathiasPat J ohnstonColin WillsKristen Greer

    4Billy CrawfordKim AdairSarah-J ane Hill

    5Sarah Stewart

    6Lucy MeadorsRyan MotterElizabeth CoxEnsley McMillin

    7Frances GibsonHudsyn WaddeyErin GoodMaddy HensleyRandy Drinnon

    8Will ElliottSusan McDowellAndy DavisNina Dyer

    9Margie Weingand

    10Billy CrawfordDon MitchellJ acquelyn HarrisRoy JordanAlec Fletcher

    10 (continued...)Sarah Belsito AllenCaroline Greer

    11J amie KingScott HolleyCharles Overstreet

    12Gus StranchLeigh Zimmerman

    13Tom Patten

    14Carole Baker


    15Liz Anne AllenAbby GasawayGreyson WallerSusan ArnholtKady Navarro

    16Sarah KunkelGentry SmithLisa FaricyStephanie Chelton

    17Susan BatsonSherrie GibsonKen OwensSky SandersonCooper Viars

    18Emily EdwardsDiane TuckerCarey BrownAngela Lynn


    Christian Howell

    19Ali ArabSamuel ReederAlex WaddeyKayla J acksonNoel Glasgow

    20Will DunnSuzanne HowellBill AllenFisher Glasgow

    Mike Robinson

    21Ian NavarroAva CollinsMarty J ordan

    22Nanette MatheLeAnn Stokes

    23Lilo RegenTerri HarrisonSawyer SmithChip Voorhis

    24Simon GeorgeDoris Dark

    Katy EpleyAnna Maloney

    25Lee Ann HawkinScott PotterCarson PotterJ ennifer DrinnonChristopher Mar

    26Ramsey RegenNick SmallJ ack Gray

    Carla "CJ "Schooler

    27J amie HulingClayton

    McWhorterC. Roy StaufferHallie Galyon

    28J im BatsonCyril StewartBenjamin

    CrawfordGail Crockett

    29Stuart LackeyLucas Best

    30Cathy CobbZsa RockeyKellie Mulkey

    Special Events Volunteers Needed

    Volunteers are needed to assist with Special Events atWoodmont (Pancake Breakfast, Hanging of the Greens,etc.). As a volunteer, you might be asked to help withsetup, decorating, and/or purchasing supplies. If youwould be interested in helping, please contact RobynArab at [email protected] or 377-1959.



    responsetraining September1921,2013.

    Haveyou everwantedtohelpintheaftermathofadisaster

    butjustdidn'tknowhow? Howaboutthefloodingthatwejust

    experiencedagainhereinNashville. Hereisyourchanceto






























    activity. Thecostofthistrainingis$175forall3days,butthe


    yourcostwouldbeonly$75. Thatcoversallbooks,lunches,


    Ifinterested,pleasecontactDebLaForgeatdivergirldj@yahoo.comforfurtherinformationandregistrationforms. Pleasenoteregistrationisrequired.

    You are not alone

    If you need a confidential and

    caring Stephen Minister to talk

    with when you go through life's

    transitions or difficult times, call

    Kathy Patten (838-4957).

  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013



    Sunday, September 1

    9:30 a.m. - Children's Moment

    9:45 a.m. - Sunday School

    11:00 a.m. - Children's Church

    5:45 p.m. - The Bridge Service

    9/1 - Fisher Glasgow9/2 - Cade Cooper9/2 - Henry Cropp9/4 - Will Crawford9/6 - Ensley McMillin9/7 - Hudsyn Waddey

    "Kids on the Block"

    Puppet Theater Troupe

    Sunday, August 25
  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013


    Bulletin Board


    at Woodmont

    Wednesday, August 28

    6:15 a.m.Men's Small Group (107)

    7:00 a.m.

    Men's Bible Study (105)Younger Men's Bible Study (BR)

    6:00 p.m.

    Youth Group

    Thursday, August 29

    Library Workday7:00 p.m.

    Restore Classes (200 & Youth Rooms)

    Sunday, September 1

    8:15 a.m.

    Elder Board Meeting (BR)9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

    Sunday School9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

    Worship (Sanctuary)4:45 p.m.

    WCC Knitters (GH)

    5:45 p.m.The Bridge Service (DH)

    Monday, September 2

    Church Office/Building

    will be closed for the holiday

    Tuesday, September 3

    6:30 a.m.

    CYF Girls Bible Study (Off-Campus)9:00 a.m.

    Women's Prayer Group (CS)9:45 a.m.

    Women's Bible Study (200)10:00 a.m.

    CWF Board Meeting (107)11:00 a.m.

    CWF General Meeting (105/DH)6:00 p.m.

    Handbell Practice (Choir Room)*Note Change to Practice Room*

    6:30 p.m.

    Young Adults (Off-Campus)



    Mary Hill, sister of Woody Powers,Reading, PA

    Robert Mathews, The Meadows(can now have visitors)


    Anita Ferrell

    Penny Stelling

    Gary Thompson

    Yot Williams

    Peggy Johnson

    Jeannette Miller, Claiborne-HughesHealth Center

    Cindy McQueeney, sister of DebLaForge, Seattle, WA

    Dr. Tim Arney, friend of the Forchtfamily

    Earl Milroy, brother-in-law of LuAnn& Mike Brent, Pine Bluff, AR

    Jo Helen Railsback, friend of B. JamesLowry

    William Daniel, father of Lisa Rollins,Wisconsin

    Barb Vial, sister of Beth Sowell,Colorado

    Catherine Pease, mother of MaryWelsh Owen, Georgetown, IN

    Ty Coppinger, father of Shawn Haile


    Wade Gossett,brother of BeccaGossett

    Clay Perry, son of Tim & Diane PerrDan King & wife, Ashley King, broth

    and sister-in-law of Stephen DanielKing


    Jesse Garrison, Peace Corp inArmenia

    Courtney Valk, Peace Corp in Repubof Georgia

    *Please Note: Continuing Care

    Concerns will now only be listed for

    up to one month. If you wish to havea continuing concern remain on the

    list after one month, please renew

    your request each month by calling

    the church office.*

    Elders Prayer Corner

    The Elders Request that the congregation join them in prayer for:

    Our college students who are beginning a new semester

    Recent graduates and their parents as they transition into a new stage of lifGood participation in upcoming fall classes and programming

    Members who are homebound, sick or grieving that they may be nurtured

    All members to practice God's presence in their lives and live in His peace


    Let Us Know:Have information about someone in the hosp ital

    or with another ministry need?

    Please notify the church office during theweek (297-8563) and Let Us Know.

  • 7/30/2019 Spire - August 26, 2013


    Non-Profit OrganizatU S Postage

    PA IDNashville, Tennesse

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    Woodmont Christian Church3601 Hillsboro RoadNashville, TN

    Return Service Requested



    Rev. Clay Stauffer, Senior MinisterFarrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, Minister of Adult Education & Church Life

    Rev. Justin Gung,Minister of Children & Congregational Care Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Youth & "The Bridge"Thom Schuyler, Director of College & Young Adults Carla "CJ" Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth Tallu Quinn, TNFP Director

    Michael Graham,Director of Music Ministry Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse Ginny Tharp, Director of PreschoolSarah Huffman,Accompanist Linda Whitson,Staff Administrator Kim Adair,Administrative Assistant

    Rebecca Vaughan,Receptionist Chris Beck, Finance Manager Beverly Honeycutt,HousekeepingSteven Austin, Housekeeping Shirley Taylor,Housekeeping Sam Marsh,Property Manager - Housekeeping Sup

    Andra Moran & Stephen Daniel King,


    September 1, 2013

    Communion Prep: Nora RichService Coordinator: 9:30 - Marcella Derryberry

    11:00 - Jack DerryberryVideo Camera: 9:30 - Rich Sanderson

    11:00 - Nora Rich

    9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m.David Reynolds Selena Guilfoy Tami BuchananGerard Stranch Bob Garrard Rich SandersonLiz Anne Allen Denise Sesler Virginia DinkerMilly Moore Doug Schoerke Scott HolleyChris Smith Sandra Kyne Liz Holley

    Betty McHugh Don Mitchell David StewartRoy Jordan Jean Ramsey

    Nick Small



    SUNDAYSeptember 1, 2

    9:30 a.m.

    Kathy Pattenand

    Alan Sowell

    11:00 a.m.

    Chip Phinizyand

    Steve Anderso

    5:45 p.m.

    Bryan SargenWeekly Prayer Partner

    Woodmont Christian Church, Nashville, TN

    WORSHIP SERVICES: September 1, 2013

    9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Rev. Justin Gung, preaching"All the World's a Stage"

    Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11

    5:45 p.m. - The Bridge Rev. Trey Flowers, preaching"Between a Rock and a Hard Place"

    Scripture: Numbers 20:7-12


    Date Sunday School Total Atd. OperatingAugust 4 267 697 $ 21,762August 11 286 731 $ 32,857August 18 281 774 $ 41,749August 25 283 722 $ 20,018

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