Page 1: Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural · challenge the issues that are important to them at college. To support

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural



Our Ethos and Values

Our Values which underpin everything that we do are:

Inspiring, Inclusive, Supportive, Innovative and Evolving Our College community respects and values each individual.

We are a place of learning, achievement, friendship and fun. Preparing

for life’s opportunities and challenges.

Where we aim high, celebrate success and be the best we can!

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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)

Newfriars College has a strong commitment to the personal and social development of all learners. The College vision and values, put together by

all the staff, supports spiritual, moral, social and cultural characteristics in all learners.

What is SMSC – Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development?

Here is a summary to explain SMSC – it is personalised for all our students in Newfriars College.

Spiritual development is when we:

Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use

imagination and creativity; reflect.

Moral development is when we:

Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.

Social development is when we:

Use a range of social skills; participate in the local community; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve

conflict; engage with the 'British values' of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.

Cultural development is when we:

Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept,

respect and celebrate diversity.

What does SMSC look like at Newfriars?

In our College student’s SMSC development is seen for example in:

Taking part in a range of activities regarding social skills

Developing an awareness and respect for diversity

Developing and appreciation of theatre

Developing an understanding of right and wrong.

Developing the communication skills to make choices about likes/dislikes in College then in wider community visits.

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Taking part in sporting opportunities.

Taking part in cultural opportunities.

Taking part in artistic opportunities.

SMSC is embedded throughout the curriculum at Newfriars College. This integrated approach ensures that aspects of SMSC is considered in all

subject areas. The senior leadership team audits SMSC and Governors monitor it across College.

Beyond the Curriculum

We are also committed as a College to developing SMSC beyond the curriculum. This is done through:

Arts, Music, Sports, PAVA and Cultural Specialists visits to College over the year

Assemblies give learners an opportunity to explore aspects of SMSC

Visits to the local community and beyond. Over 800 educational visits, many of which have SMSC objectives.

Fund raising for local charities (we walked the Great Wall of China) including Donna Louise Trust, Epilepsy Awareness, Comic Relief and Red

Nose Day.


In order to reflect further on the impact of all our work on SMSC:

We engage governors, families and community

Hear our student voice

Observe staff and learner interactions

Support Social Behaviour

Complete learning walks reflecting on resources and practices.

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SMSC and British Values

Promoting British Values at Newfriars College. The DfE have reinforced the need:

“to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all colleges to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law,

individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values were reiterated in 2016. At Newfriars College,

these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways:


The college vision, aims and values clearly state the importance we place on each member of the college community as an individual who is valued

and respected by everyone else. We Foster Success by providing a safe, happy environment in which all learners can develop and achieve. Our

values at Newfriars College are; enthusiasm, resilience, honesty, teamwork and trust.

Newfriars College believes that the student voice is important and helps students both to reflectively engage in their learning, and to consider or

challenge the issues that are important to them at college. To support this process a member of staff co-ordinates ‘student voice’ across the

college and ensures that all students, regardless of their disabilities are able to have a say in their education and the life of the college.

We have an active College Council that meet with the Head of College to discuss issues raised in each class. The College Council is listened to by

college staff and it is able to effect change. Every child on the college council is voted in by other students in their class.

Focused work, where appropriate, during PHSE lessons, engages students in considering what it means to be British and that being British is about

living alongside others in a multi-cultural community. Students are encouraged to understand the viewpoints and practices, backgrounds and

contributions that everyone makes to the country.

All students complete an annual ‘Learner Views’ questionnaire that is used to inform their Annual Review but is also used to enable them to put

forward their views about the college. Students are able to complete, with support where necessary, different versions of the questionnaire

depending upon their cognitive ability.

There is a shared understanding of what is politeness and good behaviour and this is promoted at all times.

The Rule of Law

The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the college, or the country, are consistently reinforced at Newfriars College.

Where appropriate class rules are agreed and displayed in classrooms.

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Students are taught, at whatever level is appropriate, the rights of all students at the college. They are also taught the value and reasons behind

rules and laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves, and the consequences when laws are broken. For the

youngest students in college this may be through topics/themes such as ‘People Who Help Us’.

Individual Liberty

At Newfriars College, learners are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a college

we educate and provide boundaries for young people to make informed choices, through a safe environment and an empowering education.

Students are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms, and advised how to exercise these safely, for

example through E-Safety and PSHE work.

Newfriars College promotes an anti-bullying culture and policies relating to behaviour and E-safety are in place.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Mutual respect is integral to provision at Newfriars College. Students are encouraged to understand that their behaviours have an effect on their

own rights and those of others. All members of the college community treat each other with respect.

Newfriars College provides opportunities for Students to visit places of significant cultural interest and places of worship, and we actively

encourage visitors from a range of communities and organisations into college, particularly during assemblies.

Each year, the college supports a range of charities that the students can identify with. The college plans fundraising and awareness raising

activities to support these charities.

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British Values

Democracy Rule of Law Individual Liberty Mutual Respect Acceptance of Different Faith

And Beliefs

Acceptance of Different Faith

And Beliefs


Democracy - Giving stakeholders a say in how our College is run

Solidarity - Supporting each other

Self-responsibility - to take responsibility for and answer to, our actions

Equality - Equal rights and benefit according to need; Equity - being fair and unbiased

Self Help - Encouraging all to help each other by working together

Self Help - Encouraging all to help each other by working together

Newfriars Values

Our College values are: Safe, Inclusive,


Innovative and


Our College is a place which is warm, welcoming, enthusiastic, creative and happy- where no-one faces troubles alone and each one feels they belong

Our College is a place where we all feel we belong- we are special, we are safe. Our College is a place where we celebrate success

Our College is a place where we are respectful to people, places and belongings; we are ready to learn and are safe, sensible , polite and we think of others

Our College is a place where we care for one another, share with one another, respect one another and work together for the common good

We know that in some ways we are the same and in some ways we are different; We accept everyone and value everyone for who they are.

We know that in some ways we are the same and in some ways we are different; We accept everyone and value everyone for who they are.

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What do we do? How do we do it?

We encourage students’ spiritual development by giving students’ the opportunity to explore values and beliefs, including religious beliefs and the way in which they impact upon people’s lives;

Through effective PSHE, Life Skills and Citizenship curriculums which explore a range of religions and beliefs; through the National Framework for KS5 SEN, ASDAN, BTEC, PSHE and visits to a range of religious buildings: for example, Churches, Mosques and Synagogues.

Key Stage 5 covers aspects of Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism- see long term planning for each class.

Assemblies presented by speakers of different faiths; assemblies on Harvest, British Values, Remembrance Day, Christmas, Holocaust, Easter, Diwali and assemblies led by external speakers.

We encourage students’ to explore and develop their own beliefs and those of others;

Through the College Council/Student Voice ; chosen charities for the year (for example, ‘Jeans for Genes,’ Douglas Macmillan, Children in Need to name but a few);

ILS and/or Catering and Hospitality pathway look at and make food from a wide range of religious festivals (e.g. Diwali, Eid) ;

Through the Curriculum (Literacy, PSD and PSHE); Social education, tutor time and assemblies, collapsed timetable days with a specific focus for

example Batman Day which focused on mental health issues and in selected groups ‘News Time;’ in tutor groups

Giving students’ the opportunity to understand human feelings and emotions, the way they impact on people and how an understanding of them can be helpful;

A clinical education psychologist comes into fortnightly and helps young people to recognise their own emotions and to deal with them more positively through coaching and mentoring sessions;

Effective PSHE curriculum, including Relationship Education; In selected tutor groups/classes ‘Social stories’ are used for individuals – these are particularly

used in the ASD context; peer mentoring.

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Developing a climate or ethos within which all students can grow and flourish, respect others and be respected;

Whole College ethos and values: Safe, Inclusive, Compassionate, Innovative and Improving; College Code of Conduct and class rules, which are specific to certain classes; Citizenship curriculum, PSHE Curriculum; Ongoing e-safety work; Ongoing promotion of respect and equality at all times through staff modelling and PSHE


Accommodating difference and respecting the integrity of individuals;

Visiting theatre groups where appropriate and viable; Our College ethos and values, PSHE curriculum; Whole staff ‘Prevent’ training; Equality and Equal opportunity policies.

Promoting teaching styles which value students’ questions and give them space for their own thoughts, ideas and concerns/encouraging students’ to relate their learning to a wider frame of reference – for example, asking ‘why,’ ‘how,’ and ‘where,’ as well as ‘what;’

Co-operative learning strategies; Collaborative learning; Giving every child a voice.

Students are encouraged to reflect and learn from their reflection.

Assemblies, KS5 Special Assembly, student self and peer evaluation and reflection sheets.

Moral Development

What do we do? How do we do it?

Promoting a clear moral code as a basis for behaviour, which is promoted consistently through all aspects of the College;

College Code of conduct; sanctions systems/rewards systems in place across College, classroom rules and routines (this varies class to class and upon level of ability), PSHE and

Citizenship Curriculums; College ethos and

values; Staff Code of Conduct; Assemblies.

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Promoting racial, religious and other forms of equality;

Individual referrals to external agencies for students who need this relating to sexual orientation; Celebration of Religious Festivals;

Multi-cultural visitors and links across the curriculum (e.g. Christmas Fair, Chinese New Year, themed curriculum, PSHE curriculum and tutor time)

Giving students opportunities across the curriculum to explore and develop moral concepts and values (i.e. personal rights and responsibilities, truth, justice, equality of opportunity, right and wrong);

PSHE, Travel Training and Social Education (conduct when in the community); Drug awareness/Sex and relationships education; Sexual Exploitation training at Key Stage 5 delivered by the Police Service;

Regular drop ins from local Police Community Support Officer

Developing an open and safe learning environment in which students can express their views and practise moral decision making;

College Council; Student Voice (i.e. voting on charities) attended by

SLT; Curriculum.

Rewarding expressions of moral insight and good behaviour/highlighting breaches of agreed moral codes, modelling the principles which we wish to promote (fairness, integrity, respect for others, keeping promises, etc...);

Whole College reward and sanctions systems in place;

proactive and positive staff approaches (see Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy); Staff and student codes of conduct.

Encouraging students to take responsibility for their actions i.e. respect for property, care of the environment, developing codes of behaviour.

College rules;

Reward systems; Curriculum-e.g. SLD pathways Recycling Project; E Safety (SMART Rules)

Social Development What do we do? How do we do it?

Identifying key values and principles on which College and community life is based;

College values and ethos revisited regularly in College assemblies;

Ethos and values clearly displayed within College; Transition.

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Fostering a sense of community with common, inclusive values which ensure that everyone, irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or religion, can flourish;

College ethos;

Fayres, Concerts and Productions;

Parent Assemblies; Travel Training and Social education ;

College visits; links with other Colleges/Community Groups (for example the recycling group); Sport and Active Leisure – use of the Northwood Stadium facilities.

Encouraging of students to work co-operatively;

Co-operative learning approaches ; College council; Performing Arts- Productions, art exhibition and arts events.

Providing positive corporate experiences e.g. through assemblies, team activities;


Travel Training,

Work Experience,

College taster courses,

Voluntary work,

Sport Days,

Charity days,

Residentials (e.g. Spain trip), College Concerts and Productions

Helping students to develop personal qualities which are valued in a civilised society (e.g. thoughtfulness, honesty, independence, self-respect, moral principles and respect for others);

Key stage and Whole College Assembles; College productions and concerts;

PSHE and Citizenship Curriculum. Health and well being day.

Providing opportunities for engaging in the democratic process and debating societal issues; helping students to challenge, when necessary and in appropriate ways, the values of a group or wider community; helping students to resolve tensions between their own aspirations and those of the group or wider society;

Elections for College Council Representatives;

Students are encouraged to advocate for themselves – One Page Profiles developed across the College put an increasing emphasis on this;

Students are encouraged to attend Annual EHCP Review meetings; Student Voice (attended by SLT when invited); Mock elections at Key Stage 5;

Awareness of current affairs – through the Curriculum; college newspaper.

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Providing opportunities for students to demonstrate leadership and responsibility;

College council (students are supported in chairing meetings) Peer Mentor group.

Providing positive and effective links with the world of work and the wider community.

Through a broad Careers Programme which offers opportunities to visit local colleges, work based learning providers and training providers and where appropriate, Specialist Colleges and Providers; Annual careers events which are detailed on the IAG calendar enables students to access a range of information about opportunities that are available to them Post 16, in a familiar environment so that they are relaxed;

we also include parents and invite them to participate in Careers activities where appropriate (which include college open days)- transporting/accompanying parents to visit colleges if needed; we offer as much choice as is appropriate and sustainable;

the Fire Service come into College and deliver information about their roles and what it involves.

Cultural Development

What do we do? How do we do it?

Providing opportunities for students’ to explore and extend their own cultural knowledge, assumptions and values, and use of cultural imagery and language;

Awareness of current affairs;


Creative and Enrichment assemblies;

Sports Days; Christmas Fair.

Presenting authentic accounts of the attitudes, values and traditions of diverse cultures, addressing discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and age, and promoting racial, and other forms of equality;

Performing Arts/Drama

Assemblies: Eid, Diwali, Christian Festivals;

Visitors to assembly Film Club

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Providing opportunities for students to participate in Literature, Drama, Music, Art, Crafts and other cultural events and encouraging students’ to reflect on their significance;

Through the Arts- e.g. Music, Dance, Drama, Art ,Film, photography, Arts and Crafts; Links to wider community opportunities: e.g. Defy Gravity (proposed 2019-2020); Sports activities, teams and competitions – eg inter site matches with Walton Hall Academy

and the Coppice Academy.; Work experience placements and college placements linked to students’ interests;

Curriculum opportunities, such as ILS, which incorporate a wide range of recipes from Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, India, China and the Caribbean;

Our College Lunch Time menu also reflects cultural themes.

Broadening students’ horizons /Developing partnerships with outside agencies and individuals to extend students’ cultural awareness e.g. theatre, museum, concert and gallery visits, resident artists, residential trips;

Broadening students cultural and community experiences e.g. Spain residentials, Performing Arts trips, day trips linked to the curriculum (e.g. meal in China Town, Manchester, visits to museums and art galleries), Upper Moreton and Lodge Farm;

Travel Training and Social Education;

College Visits and ‘Taster Days;’ Visiting theatre groups.

Recognising and nurturing particular gifts and talents.

Performing Arts accreditation (Arts Award, LAMDA), productions , events and performances

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