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Spiritual Security

Are You Secure?

Do you have enough money?

How about your retirement?

Have insurance?

Do you lock your doors?

What about a security system?

Think you’re secure?

So What if I Told You…

You are not secure

Everything can be taken from you

Tomorrow you could have nothing

You’re vulnerable because….

You’ve only thought of security in this world

Matthew 6:19-21

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Spiritual Security

Jesus was talking about security you cannot find here.

Jesus says that your security here means nothing.

Tomorrow, thieves could steal, natural elements destroy.

Security 101

You have Threats, Risk, and Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities is how you are weak

Threats are things that can attack you

Risk is the probability the threat can exploit your vulnerability, and also the impact of that happening

We combat this with Prevention, Deterrence, and Response

We want to prevent threats from attacking, deter them as well, and also respond when we notice we are attacked.

Security 101

So how does this apply to us spiritually?

No matter how good you are, you have to be good 100% of the time all the time

Your adversary only has to be right ONCE for a breach to occur.

So realize, you WILL be breached.

You Will Be Breached

Let’s understand why.

Threat: Ephesians 6:10-12 The threat is not earthly or physical Your vulnerabilities will not be physical either

Threat: Satan; a roaring lion; 1Peter 5:8

Threat: Bad company corrupts good morals 1Corinthians 15:33

Does this look secure to you?But….. They have a lock!

You Can Prevent It

Psalm 1 This person minimizes his risk to various threats This person keeps himself grounded in the Word The security of the wicked ones are revealed

Ephesians 6:10-18 The armor is not physical, it’s spiritual. It’s layered. Not one silver bullet. Basics first, then maturing Praying binds it all together.

You Can Respond

When a breach happens, the world has not ended, but there is work to do!

You want to know what data was taken, how much, and by whom.

Peter Vs Judas

Confess to each other; James 5:13-16

Prayer: Psalm 51, an example

The idea of response is to recover from an incident

You Can Learn

We can make changes : Matthew 18:8-9 Jesus said we might need to make changes so that we

might not give sin opportunity

Sometimes these trials teach us: James 1:2-5, 12 Even when we fail, trials teach us so that we might


Add to your virtue knowledge..: 2Peter 1:5-10 There is growth beyond mere faith that is needed to be

secure Those who don’t work for maturity forget their


Christ Provides the Ultimate Security

John 10:27-30

Romans 8:31-39

This doesn’t mean that we are not in danger and there is no risk in sin. Remember, Paul said earlier in Romans 6:1-2

We can fall away, but it is not God’s doing. It is ours.

Users and poor operation security make companies vulnerable everyday. Same thing with Christians

James 1:14-16

If You Do Not Have Christ…

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This Is Your Security

So what’s the risk?

Where is our treasure, if not in heaven?

If we are not dead to sin, we are dead to Christ

If we seek to save our life here, we lose it. If we lose this life, we gain a better one (Luke 17:33)

To those not in Christ

You have no security

You are vulnerable

You are accepting a risk you cannot afford to accept

Don’t be without security

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