  • Personality of a sports person differs from the

    personality of a common man

  • Sports is human life in microcosm, said a sports broadcaster, Howard Cosell. Apart from benefiting their physical health, sports also play an

    important role in psychological development and social well-being of a person. Playing sports inculcate values like discipline, responsibility, self confidence, sacrifice, and accountability.

    By playing sports, children learn how to get along with their peers and interact positively with their coaches and elders. It builds sportsmanship spirits in them, whether they win or lose. The losing team shake hands with the winning one and pat on their

    shoulders as a gesture of appreciating them.

    Sports help one combat anxiety, depression and stress. Sports trains one to accept defeat gracefully and move one. They learn that winning and losing are parts of life, one should not feel depressed and dishearten on losing, but move on and strive more for the next time. The children who play sports get more chance of meeting and interacting with people of similar interests and make new friends, this boosts their confidence. Sports inculcates the spirits of sportsmanship and sharing. Children playing together as a team, share and celebrate their victory together.

  • This has a positive affect on a childs psychology and behavior. Players are less likely to become selfish when they grow up; they are caring and readily to work as a team and get along better with others.

    Dr. Keith Zullig and Rebecca White from West Virginia University, USA, conducted a research which reveals that middle-school teenagers who are physically active and play sports are more contented with their lives and feel healthier than those who do not participate in sports and physical activities. Our study demonstrates the benefits of youth sports participation on self-rated health and life satisfaction among young youth at a critical juncture in adolescent development. Our findings suggest that sports team participation may enhance school connectedness, social support and bonding among friends and teammates, says Dr. Zullig and Rebecca White

    Football-Great For Overall Personality Development

    Football is an extremely popular sport, with many people playing at the youth, high school and collegiate levels. There are many health, social and psychological advantages that can be gained by participating at any level of football, provided that you work hard, enjoy yourself and take opportunities when they are presented to you.

    Health and fitness

    Regular participation in football games and practices can help you become fitter, healthier and get in better shape. The Mayo Clinic advises that playing a sport is a great way for children to get involved in health and fitness. If you dont enjoy going to the gym, or other exercise activities such as jogging or swimming, then joining a football team or even playing recreationally with friends is a way to keep fit and healthy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 75 minutes of vigorous activity every week you could get this much in just one practice session.

    Stress Relief

    Playing football is a great way to relieve stress. Not only does football give you something to take your mind away from things you might be worrying about such as work,

  • school or family, but it also causes your body to release chemicals that make you feel happy. These chemicals are called endorphins, which are released by the brain when you exercise. They block sensations of pain and increase your overall feelings of well-being.


    Football can be an excellent way for people of all ages to develop their level of discipline. As a player, you are expected to treat your teammates, coaches and the opposition with respect. You need to be motivated to attend practice sessions, play in games and perform at your best. Football can be useful in instilling discipline at an early age to those who may not receive it at home or in school.


    Teamwork is vital in football, as without it you will not be successful. Although each individual player has his own role, the whole team has to work together as a unit in order to succeed. Being a good team member is an excellent attribute to have as a child, which can carry over to your adult life because work situations often require you to perform at your best as part of a team. Playing in football games also teaches you how to be a humble winner and a gracious loser.

  • Differences between the personality of a sportsperson and a common man

    Sports person Common man

    Obese and a large appetite Slim and fit

    Stressed out Can deal with stress

    Well disciplined Indisciplined

  • Playing a sport is undoubtedly a fun activity. But did you know that regular sporting activities not only take care of your physical fitness but also enhance your personality and help in maintaining your mental well-being? To top it all, its also a great source of entertainment!

    Benefits of sports

    Research has shown that playing badminton, tennis, cricket or baseball is said to improve mathematical skills in children. It helps develop leadership qualities too and foster a sense of team spirit. Sports inculcates a sense of competition and helps you deal with success and failure with a positive spirit. Playing helps in the development of social skills. It teaches you to interact with people, communicate with them and collaborate as a team. It fosters collective thinking and harnesses your planning and delegation skills too.

    Says Rayomand Banajee, Indias 8 time national racing champion, Sports help channelise ones energy into something constructive. They help develop ones personality thanks to the numerous similar to life situations that one experiences. This gives a major confidence boost to your personality as well.

    How sports affects your psychology

    Sports requires discipline, assertiveness and the ability to work as a team and a willingness to compete without fear of failure. These positive characteristic traits help you at your workplace, as well as in your interpersonal relationships.

    Says Dr Shree Advani, sports psychologist, Playing any kind of sport brings out the leader in you. You learn to handle pressure and perform under any given circumstances. Sports makes you dig deep into the innermost reserves of your resources to pull out extraordinary performances when needed. It also facilitates an inward journey of self-discovery.

  • Teamwork and inspiration

    One of the main aspects of playing some sort of sport is that it helps you perform better at your workplace; especially if you are required to work with a group of people.

    Improves self-esteem and builds confidence

    Perhaps, the most important qualities sports inculcate in you are self-esteem and confidence. You learn to take success and failure in the right spirit.

    Commenting on the kind of pressure she has to face, to win the Olympics, badminton champion Saina Nehwal says in an interview, People expect me to win. They want me to do well but finally on the court, I am playing. So I want to play for myself first, and then think of others. Her attitude shows that she has trained herself to be strong and only focus on the game.

    Provides relief from stress

    When you are bogged down with work etc, playing some sort of sport helps you stay stress-free and happy. Neurotransmitters present in your brain cells are stimulated when you exercise and it is believed that these transmitters meditate your moods and emotions and help you feel better and less stressed out.

    Improves concentration and time management skills

    Says Advani, Those who are into sports, learn to manage time efficiently. You start valuing the importance of time more in your life. Sports helps you prepare, schedule, and prioritise your deadlines well and this builds your time management skills.

  • Playing a sport involves directed thinking. You need to focus on the game and not divert your attention anywhere. This quality is also important in your personal life.

    The mind is one of the most important things to an athlete, as it is one of the greatest strengths they have and it can dramatically affect their performance; this is why personality is one of the biggest influences in sport.

    Your personality is your attitude, feelings and how you react to various situations within life; this gives you your unique perception of the world around you, what you do and how you react to this. Your personality is build up of your psychological core, which gives you your basic and simple aspects of personality, so your likes and dislike; these cannot be rewritten, but through life it does grow. You then have your typical response which is partially rewritable and evolves; this is your attitude, so how you generally react based upon your beliefs and opinions concentrated within your psychological core. Finally there is the role related behaviour which is your specified behaviour based on your suited role; this means it is the controlled and restricted personality of the individual based upon the role they are taking. It is these three factors which make up the personality of a person.

    There are two main personality types which roughly defines everyone, this affects various aspects of their personality, but this is especially within athletes. The two extremes are introverts and extroverts.

    Introverts are commonly the people who rely on themselves and do individual sports, or have a position which reflects this personality type. Introverts are generally independent, more intelligent, timid, practical, self-assured and serious as they are self dependent.

    Extroverts are typically more relaxed, trusting, group dependent and less intelligent; this is because they rely on others during their sport, or in their everyday life.

    Although these are two extremes of the types of personalities, the majority of people have aspects of both types, but will generally sway one way. An example of this is that introverts can also take part in some team games;

  • however, they will almost always be put in a position that suits this personality i.e. a position that does not involve as much team work.

    As personality is important within sport to aid the motivation and ability of the athlete, it is important to understand not just what a personality is, but also how it is developed.

    Personalities are believed to be developed in various ways as there are many theories. However, there are three theories which stand out from the others, and most of these other theories are derived from these three.

    One of these theories is the Trait theory. The Trait theory predicts that the personality of ones self is not influenced by their surroundings, but instead by the inherited personality of both parents, within the passing on of genes. The theory states that someones personality cannot be changed and that people are fixed in their ways; this means that our personalities are determined simply by what your parents have each inherited from their parents (etc.). According to this theory it means that experience will not change our personalities; this means that someone will repeat their behaviour in the same situation. Due to this it means that someones behaviour/attitude and personality becomes predictable as the role-related behaviour, typical behaviour and psychological core stay the same throughout a persons life.

    The problem with this theory is that people do in fact adapt to their surroundings and situations, as we make mistakes and learn from them; however, some people do find it harder or near impossible to change or adapt their personality. The theory also suggests that we merely inherit the personalities of our parents; although this still makes us unique it makes our humanity very limited as we are not as adaptable as people think. The theory is also criticised as children are taught to behave and they adapt to that as it is what they are taught, similar to how athletes are trained through discipline etc.

  • Another theory discussing the origin of our personalities is the Social Learning theory; this theory hypothesises that we learn through interacting with the people around us by analysing their personality at a subconscious level then seeing how they react to stimulus's/situations and copying them to develop our own unique personality. According to this theory it means that the psychological core develops and that then affects the typical and role-related behaviour as they are constantly adapting to develop their personality to their situation/s. By having the personality adaptable, the person is therefore able to adapt to the same situation or something new by using previous experiences to help them make a personally rational decision.

    Although this theory seems more accurate, as we can learn from our mistakes, people sometimes do appear to inherit some traits or how their mind analysis and interprets things from their parents, as they have a similar understanding of things. However this could be said that it is because of the upbringing and the duplication of aspects of the parents personalities through socially learning, but it could also be through inheritance of the genes as genes do play a part.

    The final theory of personality development is the Interactional Approach theory; this theory is a concoction of the previous theories. The mixture states that you inherit characteristics and then your personality develops over time through socialisation; this means that peoples personality will change and develop depending on how they have lived, for example they will learn from their mistakes. However, they are still influenced by the mixture of their parents genes, hence inheriting parts of their personality.

    Although this theory has the strengths of the other two theories, it also has its weaknesses. Despite being proved that we do inherit our parents genes and that we do learn from our mistakes/situations, it contradicts the social learning theory that says that we have a blank canvas when we are born; which some people believe is true.

  • From these theories and from reading various articles on the subject I have developed my own theory. Despite being similar to the Interactional Approach Theory, it is more in depth and its development is better explained.

    My theory states that there is a blank canvas for the personality, this canvas is then developed by socially learning. The learning that we take part in is natural as our brain absorbs information detailing and acknowledging our surroundings and the behaviour of others, most of which will come from the people you see the most or have the most influence over you (i.e. your parents, and then in later years, your role models). However, this is defined by a primitive/animalistic core which causes curiosity and a very minor behavioural personality; this is the blank canvas, as the canvas has to be made of something which will then affect the final portrait.

    The basic core gives an infant something that resembles a personality, but a very basic one as they do not know any better; it is simply our brains trying to interpret the data it is taking in while the natural instincts within this core controls its main functions. As the infant grows and the brain develops, it becomes more and more influenced by the people surrounding them, this means they then socially learn which causes the individual to develop their psychological core, and then, as they grow, the rest of the layers of their personality.

    As much as socially learning is the main source of developing a personality, the various genes which influence the primitive behavioural instincts do vary; this is because these are passed on genetically as they are the basic and most simple instructions given by the brain i.e. to eat, drink. excrete and to interact to survive. Although the parents mixed genes will create a unique individual, this is only a temporary core and simple instinct (a demonstration and basis for them to create their own); this is before their minds start to develop their own psychological core.

    So this primitive core is not their personality per say, it is just a natural reaction based upon the basic instructions of the brain of how to react to stimulus's, taken from the genes of their parents. However, this primitive core does not completely disappear, after all they are the building blocks and

  • the centre of their entire consciousness. As the brain develops these genes make their brain more susceptible to certain areas when analysing their experiences and developing their own personality, so they are more likely to notice, remember or copy specific behaviour as they have already had that in the example from their parents.

    According to this theory, it means that a persons personality is developed due to their socialisation, but that personality is aided and defined further, especially at first, as they start to create the psychological core. Due to the development of this new core it will overlap the primitive core and move them further away from their natural origins/primitive behaviour, as this is then a much stronger influence to their decisions and reactions to stimuluss/situations throughout their life.

    Although having these genes do mean that some people may be more susceptible to develop certain traits within their personality, this is a very minor factor and would not cause a great change, as the persons experiences affect them more due to the natural ability for humans to analyse and adapt.

    These theories, along with everything psychology related, can all be applied to sport. For example the decisions made within sports by their coaches i.e. positions played, how to communicate with the athlete and how to work efficiently with them. However, this is dependent upon which theory the coach or player most likely favours/believes in.

    If a coach was selecting a team from a group of players, if they believed in the trait theory then that would affect their decision as the coach may know the players parents so they would judge their personalities as they would think that the player would inherit those traits or not progress any further than they have already. However, if the coach believed in either the social learning theory or the interactional approach theory, then they would look at the individual players and judge them as they can teach them how to behave appropriately (etc.) and see who has the most potential and who he/she can manage.

  • Although the individuals personality does matter, due to the need for respect and honouring the rules, personality also matters when choosing a position or the sport they want to participate in. When the coach chooses a position in a sport, they will place somebody in that position based not only on their performance and skill, but their personality as well i.e. whether they are an introvert or an extrovert.

    As described previously, an introvert is more independent and adapted to relying on themselves. Although introverts are commonly known to do solo sports, they can do team sports as well. In the cases where they do team sports they are more likely to play a position that is reliant upon themselves, or where they do not have to work with others as much. For example, an introvert would be placed in goal, as they are away from the main game and the responsibility is solely on them; this means that it suits their personality and they will feel more comfortable playing in that position.

    An introvert is unlike an extrovert as the extrovert would rather rely on others and work with people more; this means that they would be part of the team, so they would be strikers in football, or part of the pack in rugby during the scrum.

    In conclusion the theories are all different interpretations; however, some are outdated or illogical due to the human ability to adapt to its environment and the situation. Personally my own theory highlights the changes over time and makes an understandably logical point to how the mind works and its origins (in my opinion).

    These theories show how people may be judged, depending on what theory the individual consciously or subconsciously believes in. However, a coach should be able to identify all of these theories and adapt them to the knowledge and understanding they have, hence making them able to make a better decision on players. The coach will also be able to choose the players based upon their knowledge of the players and how they interact with other people and the skills that they have, and what they are capable of because of this.

  • Management Skills: Participation in a team requires both tact and the ability to get the best out of fellow team members. If you are the captain of the team, the only way to maximize the chances of your success is to ensure that the team is functioning as one whole, rather than as individuals. You learn how to get the best output (in terms of results) from your fellow team members, and manage with what you have within the given constraints. In football, for example, strikers must be aware of the strengths and any weaknesses of their teams midfielders and vice versa.

    Negotiation Skills: Being part of a team also requires ensuring that all parties feel equally valued, and that no ones input or opinion is undervalued. However, in a conflicting situation, it is sometimes necessary to side with one party. Therefore, you learn how to negotiate with your team members that oppose you on any idea. Sometimes you find you have to negotiate with an external party while trying to keep any hothead team member calm. For example, a difficult referee can be one of the worst nightmares of a footballer. Dealing with such a person while keeping your team calm can be both complex and rewarding. This involves calculating the pros and cons of every decision and choosing a solution that fits best.

    Communication Skills: As part of a team, an individual must learn to effectively communicate and maintain strong relationships with his fellow players to maximize potential of the team. This helps you to experience different kinds of people and gradually you learn how to interact with them to get your message across in an effective way. Footballers depend on each other for success, as the sport is played by a team and success is dependent on how well they work together, passing the ball to each other skillfully.

    Convincing Skills: A sports team consists of many players and consequently a multitude of opinions. However, to succeed, it is necessary to possess the skills required to convince all parties of one course of action. This involves the ability to get your viewpoint across in an effective manner and to ensure that people are on board with your plan. Football often consists of complex plays and plans of action and you need to be confident and sure of your course to be able to convince ten other players.

  • Conflict Management: Competitive rivalry not only leads to a stronger team, but also helps to build strong inter-team ties. In case of conflict or disagreement, it becomes easier to resolve tense situations if you are aware of your team and the reasons behind the conflict. This helps you to learn how to manage different stages of conflicts while teaching you how to diffuse such confrontations before they escalate. Fights with the referee or with players from the rival team often erupt and it is important to know how to bring both parties to a reasonable compromise.

    Confidence: A great leader, or even a great team player, must have the confidence required to make decisions in tough situations; in fact, any combination of the skills above would make a good leader. A person who successfully learns even one of the skills listed above gains confidence in his abilities, partly due to his achievements and partly due to the efforts he puts in.

    Sports and games play an important role in the development of human personality. They are no less important than food and fresh water. The developed countries like England, Germany, France and U.S.A have made games an essential part of education at the school level. It is interesting to note that there are many nurseries and training centers for games in these countries. They admit boys and girls for necessary training to become future athletes, gymnasts and sportsman.

    A number of school clubs and societies hold athletics contest. These contests include walking, jogging, jumping, swimming, rowing, wrestling, boxing, hammer/ disc throwing, light weight lifting and gymnastics. An athlete is trained to be perfectly fit to engage in such contest.

    Moreover, football, hockey, cricket, tennis, badminton and table tennis are among the favourite organized games in schools. All such sports and games certainly benefit both mind and body. They create cheerfulness, discipline, fellowship, confidence and physical fitness

  • The value of games is now being increasingly recognized in India from personal, social, educational and national points of view. Games and sports are essential for the all round development of a personality. It is by playing games and sports that we can develop and maintain our health.

    Games keep our body alert, active, youthful and energetic. In activities involving games and sports, blood-circulation increases and there is an increased supply of oxygen. Only a healthy person can work long, hard and cheerfully. An unhealthy person may not take as much interest in work as a healthy one. Health can be maintained by exercise alone. But games and sports have some additional benefits as they are played in groups and in healthy competitive spirit. Among many other things, they help develop co-operation, quality of leadership, team spirit and a willingness to submit to, and further, the rule of law. Games instill in the players the spirit of self-reliance, justice, fair play and sporting spirit. They make people bold, adventurous, social, disciplined and more conscious of their responsibilities towards society and nation. Players have been found better equipped to fight superstitions, communalism, obscurantism and narrow approach to issues of national interest.

    Games also help in overcoming the sense of violence, arrogance and superiority as these are purged by providing them sufficient outlet.A sports person may not lose his or her temper and morale even in the face of defeat because he/she would take it coolly, calmly and then would try to perform better the next time. Players know that victory and defeat are the two aspects of the same coin. There is more joy in playing than in its end result.

    The term personality development is a broad term which includes the various psychological and biological aspects of an individual. It includes various habits,styles,ways of communication and presentation including how one speaks,thinks,walks,works and influences others.Mr.G.W.Allport say-"Personality is dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment. A well developed personality has become the need of an individual to survive and progress in this competitive fast changing world.

  • A balanced personality is a product of a sound body and a well develpoed mind.As most of elements of physical education can play a vital role in shaping the personality of a child-Games and sports promote growth and develpoment.Growth involves structural quantitive change where as development is a process of a quantative transformation which brings about progressive changes towards maturity.

    The activities like yoga in which all the people from any age group can participate help in improving meditative power.The aim of meditation is to relax the body and mind to create a focussed awareness in which the"Chatter" within your head gives way to stillness and inner peace.

    The activities like callisthenics are essential to achieve bodily health and grace of movement.The gymnastic exercises are responsible for development of mind,as a single exercise requires hardly ten to fifteen seconds alertness of mind is a prime importance and without full concentration of mind it is impossible to do it.

    The team events like football,volleyball,hockey and basket ball promote strong collective efforts towards common objective that help children to inculcate in them the noble qualities of dicipline,leadership had help them to shape their character.They also promote stamina,flexibility,speed,co-ordination of skills that create a sense of beauty and precise body control.

    Apart from these,sports give immense pleasure of creation,joy of fulfilment and they are the wonderful sources of recreation.So people around the world enjoy swimming in summer and watching and playing different games like cricket,football etc.

    Playing a sport not only keeps you physically fit but also goes a long way in keeping you stress-free and mentally strong. Here's how...

    Playing a sport is undoubtedly a fun activity. But did you know that regular sporting activities not only take care of your physical fitness but also enhance your personality and help in maintaining your mental well-being? To top it all, it's also a great source of entertainment!

  • Benefits of sports

    Research has shown that playing badminton, tennis, cricket or baseball is said to improve mathematical skills in children. It helps develop leadership qualities too and foster a sense of team spirit. Sports inculcates a sense of competition and helps you deal with success and failure with a positive spirit. Playing helps in the development of social skills. It teaches you to interact with people, communicate with them and collaborate as a team. It fosters collective thinking and harnesses your planning and delegation skills too.

    Says Rayomand Banajee, India's 8 time national racing champion, "Sports help channelise one's energy into something constructive. They help develop one's personality thanks to the numerous 'similar to life' situations that one experiences. This gives a major confidence boost to your personality as well."

    How sports affects your psychology

    Sports requires discipline, assertiveness and the ability to work as a team and a willingness to compete without fear of failure. These positive characteristic traits help you at your workplace, as well as in your interpersonal relationships.

    Says Dr Shree Advani, sports psychologist, "Playing any kind of sport brings out the leader in you. You learn to handle pressure and perform under any given circumstances. Sports makes you dig deep into the innermost reserves of your resources to pull out extraordinary performances when needed. It also facilitates an inward journey of self-discovery."

    Teamwork and inspiration

  • One of the main aspects of playing some sort of sport is that it helps you perform better at your workplace; especially if you are required to work with a group of people.

    Improves self-esteem and builds confidence

    Perhaps, the most important qualities sports inculcate in you are self-esteem and confidence. You learn to take success and failure in the right spirit. Commenting on the kind of pressure she has to face, to win the Olympics, badminton champion Saina Nehwal says in an interview, "People expect me to win. They want me to do well but finally on the court, I am playing. So I want to play for myself first, and then think of others." Her attitude shows that she has trained herself to be strong and only focus on the game.

    Provides relief from stress

    When you are bogged down with work etc, playing some sort of sport helps you stay stress-free and happy. Neurotransmitters present in your brain cells are stimulated when you exercise and it is believed that these transmitters meditate your moods and emotions and help you feel better and less stressed out.

    Improves concentration and time management skills

    Says Advani, "Those who are into sports, learn to manage time efficiently. You start valuing the importance of time more in your life." Sports helps you prepare, schedule, and prioritise your deadlines well and this builds your time management skills.

    Playing a sport involves directed thinking. You need to focus on the game and not divert your attention anywhere. This quality is also important in your personal life.

  • Just as philosophy and the arts help develop the intellectual, spiritual and emotional aspects of ourselves, sports help us develop the physical. We need balance of mind, body and spirit to feel and function at our best.

    discussthrowerPlaying sports helps much more than in the physical aspects. It builds character, teaches strategic thinking, analytical thinking, leadership skills, goal setting and risk taking to name a few. And those are just the non-physical aspects!

    The ancient Greeks, who brought us philosophy and the arts, also took sport seriously. They encouraged mostly boys and men to develop strong, fit and graceful bodies. They would even meet and compete in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing competitions (the Olympic games). Girls also engaged in physical activity but not to the extent the boys did, nor did they compete in the games.

    How do sports and physical activity help us today?

    Participating in sports/physical activity develops the 5 components of fitness, which are: strength, speed, skill, stamina and flexibility.

    When we are under stress from personal problems, work pressures and anxiety, apart from the fitness benefits, exercise through playing sports helps release pressure and tension in a healthy and controlled way.

    Benefits of engaging in sports or physical activity:

    Sports are fun

  • Heightens sense of overall well being

    Improves sleep patterns and levels of anxiety

    Clears the mind

    Develops motor skills and mind/body connection

    Staves off depression

    Reduces risk of many diseases

    In order to continue to develop and take care of every aspect of ourselves, as well as attending to the mind and spirit, we must attend to the physical - our bodies.

    It is widely believed that adventure sport develops personality. But how? What is the process of adventure based learning?

    Most people believe thatakes climbing Mt Everest or something similarly exotic. However, that is not so. When we speak of adventure as a means of personal development, we are talking about any experience that challenges us and takes us beyond our known capacity or challenges our assumptions about our existing abilities.

    It could be something as ordinary as a walk on some peaceful mountain trail, or even a beach, or it could be a high voltage rescue situation. Each is something we are doing newly, and it accesses parts of ourselves that we dont ordinarily use. We end up ldiscovering something about ourselves and our responses in different situations that we didnt know before and this information is then known to us and available for us to count on in future situations voila a development in us!

  • In other ways, we could speak of adventure as a means of transformation. Transformation is simply becoming aware of more and more of our unconscious behaviour and being conscious of it. You may choose to change it or not. That is a different matter. But simply knowing that in such a situation, I feel like this, and tend to make choices like this empowers me to account for my own needs and decide if those automatic choices are what I want or if Id like to take care of my needs in another manner and make a more useful choice.

    All transformation is essentially this. Be it one on one work, like coaching or counselling or group work methodologies; whether the setting is indoors or outdoors.

    However, outdoor activities offer a distinct advantage over other methods by magnifying the unconscious processes and making them more visible.Physical space, and involvement in the physical activity remove conscious presented behaviour and allow natural choices to be enacted.

    For example, what could be me taking a mental vacation when someone I dont like speaks becomes me staring at the horizon or physically doing something else in an outdoor context, which is easier to observe, and more difficult to ignore. If I get along with someone, In an indoor context, I may simply agree with them, or support or complement their opinions; which in an outdoor context could become as visible as me standing next to that person often, acting physically on their suggestions, etc.

    In short, my unconscious choices get more space to be enacted in a manner that becomes highly observable and specifically definable. This helps me become aware of myself, or others to share their feedback about me in very specific and unambiguous language, enabling me to recall that moment and

  • get in touch with the exact subject of the feedback or insight. This naturally makes these learnings more powerful.

    The other great advantage of adventure based learning is that it happens in an atmosphere of fun. Even when potentially disturbing feedback is shared, it is in the context of a low stakes fun activity, leaving me to absorb it to an extent that I can comfortably cope with and process.There is no salary, promotion or professional image at stake, so I can embrace the risk of change easily, because the cost of failure is not threatening to my well-being.

    This leads to ready acceptance of feedback and experimentation with change.

    While the change that happens in the person happens in the context of the activity, that learning is accessible to try out and utilize in any aspect of life, enabling the participant to address problem areas with greater flexibility and ability to functionally engage in change.

    Sports and games play an important role in the development of human personality. They are no less important than food and fresh water. The developed countries like England, Germany, France and U.S.A have made games an essential part of education at the school level. It is interesting to note that there are many nurseries and training centers for games in these countries. They admit boys and girls for necessary training to become future athletes, gymnasts and sportsman. No doubt, games and sports are becoming popular in Pakistani schools as well. The facilities, of course, are not adequate at present. The situation is expected to improve in the near future. The Pakistani school boys and school girls know fully well the meaning of the proverb "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy". They know that their growing bodies need regular physical exercise to keep themselves healthy and fit. General sports include hunting, fishing (angling), riding, cycling. Mountaineering (mountain climbing) is becoming favourite sport of Pakistani schoolboys in summer time among the

  • mountains of Murree, Nathiagali, Swat, Chitral, Kaghan and the Karakoram Highway. A number of school clubs and societies hold athletics contest. These contests include walking, jogging, jumping, swimming, rowing, wrestling, boxing, hammer/ disc throwing, light weight lifting and gymnastics. An athlete is trained to be perfectly fit to engage in such contest. Moreover, football, hockey, cricket, tennis, badminton and table tennis are among the favourite organized games in schools. All such sports and games certainly benefit both mind and body. They create cheerfulness, discipline, fellowship, confidence and physical fitness

    Personality is what makes a person unique. It helps us to develop an identity and leave a long lasting impression on others. The development of personality starts from the day a child is born. One of the most important factors that mould the personality of an individual is the environment to which they are exposed. Every child has patterns in personality.

    It is widely believed that adventure sport develops personality. But how? What is the process of adventure based learning?

    Most people believe that climbing Mt Everest or something similarly exotic. However, that is not so. When we speak of adventure as a means of personal development, we are talking about any experience that challenges us and takes us beyond our known capacity or challenges our assumptions about our existing abilities.

    It could be something as ordinary as a walk on some peaceful mountain trail, or even a beach, or it could be a high voltage rescue situation. Each is something we are doing newly, and it accesses parts of ourselves that we dont ordinarily use. We end up ldiscovering something about ourselves and our responses in different situations that we didnt know before and this information is then known to us and available for us to count on in future situations voila a development in us!

  • In other ways, we could speak of adventure as a means of transformation. Transformation is simply becoming aware of more and more of our unconscious behaviour and being conscious of it. You may choose to change it or not. That is a different matter. But simply knowing that in such a situation, I feel like this, and tend to make choices like this empowers me to account for my own needs and decide if those automatic choices are what I want or if Id like to take care of my needs in another manner and make a more useful choice.

    All transformation is essentially this. Be it one on one work, like coaching or counselling or group work methodologies; whether the setting is indoors or outdoors.

    However, outdoor activities offer a distinct advantage over other methods by magnifying the unconscious processes and making them more visible.Physical space, and involvement in the physical activity remove conscious presented behaviour and allow natural choices to be enacted.

    For example, what could be me taking a mental vacation when someone I dont like speaks becomes me staring at the horizon or physically doing something else in an outdoor context, which is easier to observe, and more difficult to ignore. If I get along with someone, In an indoor context, I may simply agree with them, or support or complement their opinions; which in an outdoor context could become as visible as me standing next to that person often, acting physically on their suggestions, etc.

    In short, my unconscious choices get more space to be enacted in a manner that becomes highly observable and specifically definable. This helps me become aware of myself, or others to share their feedback about me in very specific and unambiguous language, enabling me to recall that moment and

  • get in touch with the exact subject of the feedback or insight. This naturally makes these learnings more powerful.

    The other great advantage of adventure based learning is that it happens in an atmosphere of fun. Even when potentially disturbing feedback is shared, it is in the context of a low stakes fun activity, leaving me to absorb it to an extent that I can comfortably cope with and process.There is no salary, promotion or professional image at stake, so I can embrace the risk of change easily, because the cost of failure is not threatening to my well-being.

    This leads to ready acceptance of feedback and experimentation with change.

    While the change that happens in the person happens in the context of the activity, that learning is accessible to try out and utilize in any aspect of life, enabling the participant to address problem areas with greater flexibility and ability to functionally engage in change.

    It is widely believed that adventure sport develops personality. But how? What is the process of adventure based learning?

    Its no secret that Americans today are, for the most part, overweight and out of shape -- and this unhealthy lifestyle has strong roots in childhood. Yet a 2012 report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services highlights the importance of 60 minutes of daily physical activity for children and teens. The physical benefits are obvious -- strong bones and muscles, lean bodies, healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels -- but the emotional benefits, though they lurk below the surface, are perhaps even more significant.

    Most people believe thatakes climbing Mt Everest or something similarly exotic. However, that is not so. When we speak of adventure as a means of personal development, we are talking about any experience that challenges

  • us and takes us beyond our known capacity or challenges our assumptions about our existing abilities.

    It could be something as ordinary as a walk on some peaceful mountain trail, or even a beach, or it could be a high voltage rescue situation. Each is something we are doing newly, and it accesses parts of ourselves that we dont ordinarily use. We end up ldiscovering something about ourselves and our responses in different situations that we didnt know before and this information is then known to us and available for us to count on in future situations voila a development in us!

    In other ways, we could speak of adventure as a means of transformation. Transformation is simply becoming aware of more and more of our unconscious behaviour and being conscious of it. You may choose to change it or not. That is a different matter. But simply knowing that in such a situation, I feel like this, and tend to make choices like this empowers me to account for my own needs and decide if those automatic choices are what I want or if Id like to take care of my needs in another manner and make a more useful choice.

    All transformation is essentially this. Be it one on one work, like coaching or counselling or group work methodologies; whether the setting is indoors or outdoors.

    However, outdoor activities offer a distinct advantage over other methods by magnifying the unconscious processes and making them more visible.Physical space, and involvement in the physical activity remove conscious presented behaviour and allow natural choices to be enacted.

  • For example, what could be me taking a mental vacation when someone I dont like speaks becomes me staring at the horizon or physically doing something else in an outdoor context, which is easier to observe, and more difficult to ignore. If I get along with someone, In an indoor context, I may simply agree with them, or support or complement their opinions; which in an outdoor context could become as visible as me standing next to that person often, acting physically on their suggestions, etc.

    In short, my unconscious choices get more space to be enacted in a manner that becomes highly observable and specifically definable. This helps me become aware of myself, or others to share their feedback about me in very specific and unambiguous language, enabling me to recall that moment and get in touch with the exact subject of the feedback or insight. This naturally makes these learnings more powerful.

    The other great advantage of adventure based learning is that it happens in an atmosphere of fun. Even when potentially disturbing feedback is shared, it is in the context of a low stakes fun activity, leaving me to absorb it to an extent that I can comfortably cope with and process.There is no salary, promotion or professional image at stake, so I can embrace the risk of change easily, because the cost of failure is not threatening to my well-being.

    This leads to ready acceptance of feedback and experimentation with change.

    While the change that happens in the person happens in the context of the activity, that learning is accessible to try out and utilize in any aspect of life, enabling the participant to address problem areas with greater flexibility and ability to functionally engage in change.


  • Children who play sports have higher self-esteem than sedentary children. Higher self-esteem translates to lower incidence of anxiety and depression, and less likelihood of substance abuse and unwanted pregnancy. An exhaustive 2008 Womens Sports Foundation study concluded that these confident, happy, active children -- girls and boys both -- not only experience better overall quality of life but that their parents do, too, as a direct result. Its symbiosis.


    Active children succeed in the classroom and often go on to run the boardroom. Citing a 40 percent increase in employment for women since the enactment of Title IX, a 1972 federal law mandating that women in school had the right to equal involvement -- and resources directed toward -- sports, the New York Times concludes, Sports help people do better in life. Not only are important life lessons such as time management, communication and initiative called into play, but athletes must also learn to work well individually and in teams, how to be humble winners and gracious losers. Parents should check in with their children and coaches on a regular basis, however, as it's not uncommon for sports behavior to go unchecked and lead to negative activities, such as bullying.


  • The value of games is now being increasingly recognized in India from personal, social, educational and national points of view. Games and sports are essential for the all round development of a personality. It is by playing games and sports that we can develop and maintain our health.

    Games keep our body alert, active, youthful and energetic. In activities involving games and sports, blood-circulation increases and there is an increased supply of oxygen. Only a healthy person can work long, hard and cheerfully. An unhealthy person may not take as much interest in work as a healthy one. Health can be maintained by exercise alone. But games and sports have some additional benefits as they are played in groups and in healthy competitive spirit. Among many other things, they help develop co-operation, quality of leadership, team spirit and a willingness to submit to, and further, the rule of law. Games instill in the players the spirit of self-reliance, justice, fair play and sporting spirit. They make people bold, adventurous, social, disciplined and more conscious of their responsibilities towards society and nation. Players have been found better equipped to fight superstitions, communalism, obscurantism and narrow approach to issues of national interest.

    Games also help in overcoming the sense of violence, arrogance and superiority as these are purged by providing them sufficient outlet.A sports person may not lose his or her temper and morale even in the face of defeat because he/she would take it coolly, calmly and then would try to perform better the next time. Players know that victory and defeat are the two aspects of the same coin. There is more joy in playing than in its end result.

  • GROUP NO. 6


    Sl. No.


    1 NOEL SAJI PAUL B130521EP




    4 OM PRAKASH B130940BT

    5 PRAVEEN R B130863BT

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