  • Spring Decorating With Cool Wave Pansies

    For many homeowners, planting Cool Wave Pansies during the first warm days of spring is the first true sign that another dreary winter is finally over; it is time to start spruc-ing up the garden and adding in those vibrant, show-stopping col-ors. One trip to the garden center in early spring is enough to con-vince anyone that the easy spread-ing color of Cool Wave Pansies can be a cool-season gardener’s dream!

    Here are a few suggestions for planting Cool Wave Pansies in spring.

    Lush Hanging BasketsLarge-size baskets of Cool Wave Pansies will be in large supply at garden centers. Take one home and hang it for instant color, or transplant the entire bas-ket into a patio container. Create your own hanging basket by placing three 4-in.-size Cool Wave Pansy plants in a 10-12 in. basket or container. Don’t over-crowd the basket or the vigorous nature of the plants will compete for water and nutrition, and will not spread as intended – less is more! Soon they will spill over the sides, covering the container with multiple, colorful blooms.

    Season of ColorThe fresh, crisp colors of Cool Wave Pansies make decorating for spring a breeze! Select unique and col-orful pots for holiday gardening. A container of bright Cool Wave Pansies make great gifts for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter and other seasonal events.


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    Mixing CompanionsIn the spring, Cool Wave Pansies can be paired with spiky grasses, Alyssum, Osteospermum, Dianthus and other cool-season choices for gorgeous mixed combos. These plants grow best in cooler weather, and generally bloom and look good from early spring through the onset of warm summer temperatures. Once it gets to be beach weather, it is best to remove the spring flowers and plant summer annuals like Wave Petunias.

    Selecting Winning PlantsWhether planted in the ground or used in patio pots and window boxes, growing Cool Wave Pansies is easy. At the garden center, choose plants that have a uniform green color to the leaves and appear sturdy and compact. Cool Wave Pansies prefer full sun all day, but can get by with a couple of hours in the shade, too.

    Transplanting SuccessAfter planting, water well. Add a bit of diluted liquid fertilizer to give your plants a head start. Continue to water on any sunny, dry and/or windy day. It will take a couple of weeks for the pansies to settle into their new environment. A regiment of liquid feed every other week through the end of May will keep Cool Wave Pansies healthier and producing more flowers.

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