Page 1: Spring Web MVC With Jasper Reports

Spring Web MVC - Spring Web Flow Working With JasperReportsSubmitted by Manuel Jordan on Mon, 2008/10/13 - 1:33am

Step 1: Creating the structure folders

To do this tutorial quickly and easily, create a Tomcat project called springjasperreports in the webapps folder of your Tomcat installation. I will show you a structure of all folders inside the project (would change according your logic). At first glance it can be a little confusing but later it will be easier to understand.


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Step 2: Configuring web.xml

view sourceprint ? 01.<display-name>springjasperreports</display-name>02.    <context-param>03.       <param-name>webAppRootKey</param-name>04.      <param-value>springjasperreports.root</param-value>05. </context-param>06.  <session-config>07.          <session-timeout>60</session-timeout>08.   </session-config>09. <context-param>10.       <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name>11.      <param-value>12.             /WEB-INF/springjasperreports-servlet.xml        13.                /WEB-INF/xml/context/applicationContext-swf.xml         14.                /WEB-INF/xml/context/applicationContext-jasperreports.xml15.               /WEB-INF/xml/context/applicationContext-jasperreportsengine.xml     16.        </param-value>17.    </context-param>

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18.   19.    <servlet>20.     <servlet-name>springjasperreports</servlet-name>21.        <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class>22.        <init-param>23.        <param-name>detectAllViewResolvers</param-name>24.         <param-value>false</param-value>25.      </init-param>26.     </servlet>

27.     28.    <listener>29.        <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class>30.  </listener>

31.    32.    <servlet-mapping>33.       <servlet-name>springjasperreports</servlet-name>34.      <url-pattern>*.htm</url-pattern>35.    </servlet-mapping>

36. 37.    <welcome-file-list>38.     <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file>39.    </welcome-file-list>

40.       41.    <taglib>42.      <taglib-uri>/spring</taglib-uri>43.        <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/spring.tld</taglib-location>44.  </taglib>

An important part would be contextConfigLocation, there you can see

/WEB-INF/springjasperreports-servlet.xml (for view resolver,url mapping, and some Web MVC beans)

/WEB-INF/xml/context/applicationContext-swf.xml (for flow configuration) /WEB-INF/xml/context/applicationContext-jasperreports.xml (for a controller to

handle a request ) /WEB-INF/xml/context/applicationContext-jasperreportsengine.xml (for our report



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Step 3: Engine and Wrap Class

An important part is the EngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport class, because it creates and fills the object JRBeanCollectionDataSource with data (here I am using the WrapSomeEntities, a simple pojo) filled explicitly. Then this class must be called by controller/action by S-MVC and SWF

view sourceprint ? 01.public class EngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport {02.    03.    public JRBeanCollectionDataSource engine(){04.              05.        WrapSomeEntities wrapSomeEntitiesOne = new WrapSomeEntities();06.      wrapSomeEntitiesOne.setIdCustomer("MJE-88");07.        wrapSomeEntitiesOne.setNameCustomer("Manuel Jordan");08.       wrapSomeEntitiesOne.setPhoneCustomer("222222");09.     wrapSomeEntitiesOne.setIdProvider("XYZ-123");10.       wrapSomeEntitiesOne.setNameProvider("Company A");11.       wrapSomeEntitiesOne.setPhoneProvider("457898");12.     wrapSomeEntitiesOne.setIsbn("1590599799");13.      wrapSomeEntitiesOne.setTitleBook("Spring Recipes");14.     wrapSomeEntitiesOne.setPriceBook(new BigDecimal("49.99"));15.       16.        WrapSomeEntities wrapSomeEntitiesTwo = new WrapSomeEntities();17.      wrapSomeEntitiesTwo.setIdCustomer("MJE-88");18.        wrapSomeEntitiesTwo.setNameCustomer("Manuel Jordan");19.       wrapSomeEntitiesTwo.setPhoneCustomer("222222");20.     wrapSomeEntitiesTwo.setIdProvider("XYZ-777");21.       wrapSomeEntitiesTwo.setNameProvider("Company B");22.       wrapSomeEntitiesTwo.setPhoneProvider("697451");23.     wrapSomeEntitiesTwo.setIsbn("020161622X");24.      wrapSomeEntitiesTwo.setTitleBook("The Pragmatic Programmer");25.       wrapSomeEntitiesTwo.setPriceBook(new BigDecimal("45.99"));26.               27.        List<WrapSomeEntities> myList = new ArrayList<WrapSomeEntities>();28.      myList.add(wrapSomeEntitiesOne);29.        myList.add(wrapSomeEntitiesTwo);

30.         31.        JRBeanCollectionDataSource jRBeanCollectionDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(myList);     32.        return jRBeanCollectionDataSource;      33.    }   34.}

Dont Forget that our pojo WrapSomeEntities must contain all variables created like <field name="......."/> in the *.jrxml file by the query done in IReport

A more realistic code listing is:

view source

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print ? 01.public class EngineLineasArticulosJasperReport {02. 03.    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;04.   05.    public void setJdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource) {06.        this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);07.   }  

08.     09.    /**10.  *  <p>11.    *      Metodo que me llena y retorna el JRBeanCollectionDataSource12.  * </p>13.    * 14.  * @return JRBeanCollectionDataSource15.    */16. public JRBeanCollectionDataSource engine(){17.     String query="  SELECT *, a.descripcion as descripcionarticulo  " +18.           " FROM lineacategoria l, articulo a, medida d WHERE " +19.             " l.idLineaCategoria = a.idLineaCategoria AND a.idMedida=d.idMedida order by l.idLineaCategoria ";

20.             21.        Collection mycollecion = this.jdbcTemplate.query(22.               query ,             23.                new RowMapper() {24.                   public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {25.                        WrapLineasArticulos a = new WrapLineasArticulos();26.                       27.                        a.setIdLineaCategoria(rs.getString("idLineaCategoria")); 28.                       a.setDescripcion(rs.getString("descripcion")); 29.                     a.setIdArticulo(rs.getString("idArticulo")); 30.                       a.setStockactual(rs.getBigDecimal("stockactual")); 31.                     a.setPrecioUnitario(rs.getBigDecimal("precioUnitario"));32.                        a.setPrecioUnitarioVenta(rs.getBigDecimal("precioUnitarioVenta"));                      33.                        a.setTotalValorizado(rs.getBigDecimal("totalValorizado")); 34.                     a.setXtraTextUnoArticulo(rs.getString("xtraTextUnoArticulo"));35.                      a.setXtraNumDosArticulo(rs.getBigDecimal("xtraNumDosArticulo"));36.                        a.setIdMedida(rs.getString("idMedida")); 37.                       a.setNombre(rs.getString("nombre")); 38.                       a.setDescripcionarticulo(rs.getString("descripcionarticulo"));                      39.                        return a;40.                   }41.               });

42. 43.     JRBeanCollectionDataSource jRBeanCollectionDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(mycollecion);        44.        return jRBeanCollectionDataSource;

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45.  }

46.                        47.}


If you look carefully the sql statement, it works for related tables (Pk/Fk relation). Another case could be for unrelated tables (working with JOIN clause). The rest of the code is obvious

Below the declararion of our WrapSomeEntities

view sourceprint ? 01.public class WrapSomeEntities {02.  03.    private String idCustomer;04.  private String nameCustomer;05.    private String phoneCustomer;06.   private String idProvider;07.  private String nameProvider;08.    private String phoneProvider;09.   private String isbn;10.    private String titleBook;11.   private BigDecimal priceBook;12.    13.    public String getIdCustomer() {14.     return idCustomer;15.  }16.   public void setIdCustomer(String idCustomer) {17.      this.idCustomer = idCustomer;18.   }19.   public String getNameCustomer() {20.       return nameCustomer;21.    }22.   public void setNameCustomer(String nameCustomer) {23.      this.nameCustomer = nameCustomer;24.   }25.   public String getPhoneCustomer() {26.      return phoneCustomer;27.   }28.   public void setPhoneCustomer(String phoneCustomer) {29.        this.phoneCustomer = phoneCustomer;30. }31.   public String getIdProvider() {32.     return idProvider;33.  }34.   public void setIdProvider(String idProvider) {35.      this.idProvider = idProvider;36.   }37.   public String getNameProvider() {38.       return nameProvider;39.    }40.   public void setNameProvider(String nameProvider) {41.      this.nameProvider = nameProvider;

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42.   }43.   public String getPhoneProvider() {44.      return phoneProvider;45.   }46.   public void setPhoneProvider(String phoneProvider) {47.        this.phoneProvider = phoneProvider;48. }49.   public String getIsbn() {50.       return isbn;51.    }52.   public void setIsbn(String isbn) {53.      this.isbn = isbn;54.   }55.   public String getTitleBook() {56.      return titleBook;57.   }58.   public void setTitleBook(String titleBook) {59.        this.titleBook = titleBook;60. }61.   public BigDecimal getPriceBook() {62.      return priceBook;63.   }64.   public void setPriceBook(BigDecimal priceBook) {65.        this.priceBook = priceBook;66. }

67.    68.     69.}

Our EngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport must be declared in our Spring context. For this bean, it is declared in applicationContext-jasperreportsengine.xml

view sourceprint ? 1.<beans>

2. 3.   <bean id="idEngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport"4.        class="com.springjasperreports.model.jasperreport.engine.EngineSom

eEntitiesJasperReport" />5.           6.</beans>

The bean declaration is clear by itself.

Step 04: Spring Web MVC

We have done the Model Layer (for simplicity in this case the EngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport class), now we must handle the controllers, so it's onto Spring Web MVC.

For that the ReportSimplePdfJasperReportController is created, see the code below

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view sourceprint ? 01.public class ReportSimplePdfJasperReportController extends AbstractController {

02. 03. private EngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport;04.   05.    public void setEngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport(06.          EngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport) {07.        this.engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport = engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport;08.   }

09.    10.    protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(11.           HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse res)throws Exception{

12.        13.        ModelAndView mav = null;

14.         15.        try{            16.            JRBeanCollectionDataSource jRBeanCollectionDataSource = 17.                this.engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport.engine();

18.            19.            Map<String,Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();20.         parameterMap.put("datasource", jRBeanCollectionDataSource);

21.                      22.            mav = new ModelAndView("reportsimplepdfjasperreport",parameterMap);23.     }24.       catch(Exception e){         25.        }           26.        return mav;27. }28.}


We are using a setter method to inject our engine class; the handleRequestInternal method is calling the engine method and receives the JRBeanCollectionDataSource object. For this example no parameters are used (i.e request.getParameter(...)). An important part of the code is parameterMap.put("datasource", jRBeanCollectionDataSource);

Our ReportSimplePdfJasperReportController must be declared in our Spring context. For this bean, it is declared in applicationContext-jasperreports.xml

view sourceprint ? 01.<beans>


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03.   <bean id="idReportSimplePdfJasperReportController"04.        class="com.springjasperreports.controler.mvc.jasperreports.Report

SimplePdfJasperReportController" >05.          <property name="engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport" >06.               <ref bean="idEngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport" />07.         </property>08. </bean>

09.    10.</beans>

Step 5: Spring Web Flow

To handle the actions we use Spring Web Flow. For that the ReportSimplePdfJasperReportAction is created, see the code below

view sourceprint ? 01.public class ReportSimplePdfJasperReportAction extends AbstractAction{02. 03.  private EngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport;04.   05.    public void setEngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport(06.          EngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport) {07.        this.engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport = engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport;08.   }

09. 10.   protected Event doExecute(RequestContext context)throws Exception{11.      try{

12.             13.            JRBeanCollectionDataSource jRBeanCollectionDataSource = 14.                this.engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport.engine();

15.            16.            context.getRequestScope().put("datasource", jRBeanCollectionDataSource);17.        }18.       catch(Exception e){         19.        }20.       return success();       21.    }22.}


Again we are using a setter method to inject our engine class; the doExecute method calls the engine method and recieve the JRBeanCollectionDataSource object. For this example, again no parameters are used (i.e context.getFlowScope().get(...)). An important part of the code is context.getRequestScope().put("datasource", jRBeanCollectionDataSource);

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Our ReportSimplePdfJasperReportAction must be declared like a bean too; but we are working with SWF; then for this bean, it is declared in springwebflowjasperreports-beans.xml

view sourceprint ? 01.<beans xmlns=""02.       xmlns:xsi=""03.       xsi:schemaLocation="                 ">

05.      06.        <bean id="reportSimplePdfJasperReportAction"07.              class="com.springjasperreports.swf.actions.jasperreports.Re

portSimplePdfJasperReportAction" >08.              <property name="engineSomeEntitiesJasperReport" >09.                  <ref bean="idEngineSomeEntitiesJasperReport" />10.             </property>11.        </bean>              12.</beans>


Now we must declare the states of our flow. Then for this flow, we will create springwebflowjasperreports-flow.xml, and see the code below

view sourceprint ? 01.<flow xmlns=""02.      xmlns:xsi=""03.      xsi:schemaLocation="                ">

05. 06. <start-state idref="springwebflowjasperreports-one" />07.     08.    <view-state id="springwebflowjasperreports-one"09.             view="springwebflowjasperreports-stepone">       10.        <transition on="next" to="springwebflowjasperreports-two" />11.  </view-state>

12.     13.    <view-state id="springwebflowjasperreports-two"14.              view="springwebflowjasperreports-steptwo">15.       <transition on="next" to="springwebflowjasperreports-printpdf" />16.     <transition on="end" to="springwebflowjasperreports-end" />17.   </view-state>

18. 19.    <view-state id="springwebflowjasperreports-printpdf"20.                view="reportsimplepdfjasperreport" >21.         <render-actions>22.          <action bean="reportSimplePdfJasperReportAction" /> 23.      </render-actions>

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24.     <!-- I am still using the last jsp of the flow -->25.        <transition on="next" to="springwebflowjasperreports-printpdf" /> 26.        <transition on="end" to="springwebflowjasperreports-end" /> 27.  </view-state>     

28.        29.    <end-state id="springwebflowjasperreports-end" view="welcome" >30.   </end-state>31.  <import resource="springwebflowjasperreports-beans.xml"/>32. 33.</flow>


The states declaration is clear by itself. For a better idea, using Spring IDE we can see the flow in a graphical way.

The last part with SWF is to create the configuration. For that, we will create applicationContext-swf.xml

view sourceprint ? 01.<beans xmlns=""02.       xmlns:xsi=""03.       xmlns:flow=""04.       xsi:schemaLocation="05.  

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07.  ">

09.   10.    <bean id="idSpringWebFlowJasperReportsFlowController"11.         class="org.springframework.webflow.executor.mvc.FlowController">12.       <property name="flowExecutor" ref="flowExecutorSpringWebFlowJasperReports" />13. </bean>  

14.                 15.    <flow:executor id="flowExecutorSpringWebFlowJasperReports"16.                 registry-ref="flowRegistrySpringWebFlowJasperReports"17.                  repository-type="singlekey"/>

18. 19.    <flow:registry id="flowRegistrySpringWebFlowJasperReports">20.       <flow:location path="/WEB-INF/flows/springwebflowjasperreports-flow.xml" />                  21. </flow:registry>

22.        23.</beans>

Step 6: Other Beans Configuration

For this example we must configure the view resolver, url mapping, and some Web MVC beans. For that we must use springjasperreports-servlet.xml

view sourceprint ? 01.<beans>

02. 03.   <bean id="viewResolver"04.      class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ResourceBundleViewResolver">05.     <property name="basename" value="views"/>         06.    </bean>

07.    08.    <bean id="messageSource" class="">09.       <property name="cacheSeconds" value="5"/>     10.        <property name="basename" value="/WEB-INF/interproperties/messages"/> 11.    </bean>  

12.      13.    <bean id="urlMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">14.        <property name="mappings">15.            <props>16.               <prop key="/welcome.htm">idWelcomeController</prop>

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17.                 <prop key="/prereportsimplejasperreport.htm">idPreReportSimpleJasperReportController</prop>18.                 <prop key="/reportsimplepdfjasperreport.htm">idReportSimplePdfJasperReportController</prop>19.                 <prop key="/springwebflowjasperreports.htm">idSpringWebFlowJasperReportsFlowController</prop>20.          </props>21.      </property>22.    </bean> 

23. 24.    <bean id="idWelcomeController"25.         class="com.springjasperreports.controler.mvc.welcome.WelcomeCont

roller" />26.     27.    <bean id="idPreReportSimpleJasperReportController"28.          class="com.springjasperreports.controler.mvc.jasperreports.PreR

eportSimpleJasperReportController" />29.     30.     31.</beans>


The bean declarations are clear by themselves. You should notice the two last beans idWelcomeController and idPreReportSimpleJasperReportController. They are two simple controllers that extend the super class AbstractController, both used for forward purposes.

Step 7:

All our views (jsp/pdf) must be configured in, for this, see below

view sourceprint ? 01.welcome.(class) = org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView02.welcome.url = /WEB-INF/jsp/inicio.jsp

03. 04.prereportsimplejasperreport.(class) = org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView05.prereportsimplejasperreport.url = /WEB-INF/jsp/mvc/reportSimpleJasperReport.jsp

06. 07.springwebflowjasperreports-stepone.(class) = org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView08.springwebflowjasperreports-stepone.url = /WEB-INF/jsp/flow/swfjr-stepone.jsp

09. 10.springwebflowjasperreports-steptwo.(class) = org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView

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11.springwebflowjasperreports-steptwo.url = /WEB-INF/jsp/flow/swfjr-steptwo.jsp

12. 13.reportsimplepdfjasperreport.(class) = org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jasperreports.JasperReportsPdfView14.reportsimplepdfjasperreport.reportDataKey = datasource15.reportsimplepdfjasperreport.url = /WEB-INF/reports/SpringJasperReportsspring.jasper


The most important part is for the Pdf View used by:

ReportSimplePdfJasperReportController class springwebflowjasperreports-printpdf view-state

These consists of three parts: The first our spring package to generate the pdf view The second and in some way the trick part related with the

jRBeanCollectionDataSource, the content of our report. If you see your Controller/Action classes the keyword datasource is used in both to assign the report:

o parameterMap.put("datasource", jRBeanCollectionDataSource); in ReportSimplePdfJasperReportController class

o context.getRequestScope().put("datasource", jRBeanCollectionDataSource); in ReportSimplePdfJasperReportAction class

However "datasource" is sent to the SpringJasperReportsspring.jasper file.

The third part is the location of our SpringJasperReportsspring.jasper

Step 8: views files

We will see each resource file used by First inicio.jsp code

view sourceprint ? 01.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>02.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="spring" %>03.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>04.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>

05. 06.<html>07.    <head>08.        <title>Welcome</title>          09.    </head>10.   <body>    11.    <center>12.  <p>

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13.       This Simple tutorial show you how use <i>Spring Web MVC</i> and <i>Spring Web Flow</i>14.      working together with <i>JasperReports</i>.15. </p>16.  <ul>17.      <li>Spring Web MVC - JasperReports 18.       <a href="/springjasperreports/prereportsimplejasperreport.htm">start</a></li>

19.      20.        <li>Spring Web Flow - JasperReports 21.      <a href="/springjasperreports/springwebflowjasperreports.htm?_flowId=springwebflowjasperreports-flow">22.        start</a>23.     </li>24.     </ul>25. </center>26. </body>27.</html>


It only offers two links to start each type of example process, as illustrated here:

If we do click in the first link, it must show the reportSimpleJasperReport.jsp. Below is the code

view sourceprint ? 01.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="spring" %>02.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>03.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>         04.<html>05. <head>06.        <title>Spring Web MVC - JasperReports</title>07.   </head>08.   <body>09.        <center>

10.           11. 12. 13.            <p>14.               Click in <i>Generate Pdf</i> button to open a Pdf Report15.            </p>

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16.          <form action="/springjasperreports/reportsimplepdfjasperreport.htm" method="post" >   17.                <input type="submit" class="button" name="next" value="Generate Pdf"/>    18.            </form>19.           <p>20.               Click in <i>Go To Welcome Page</i> button if you want to start again21.            </p>22.              <form action="/springjasperreports/welcome.htm" method="post" >   23.                <input type="submit" class="button" name="next" value="Go To Welcome Page"/>  24.            </form>    25.       </center>26. </body>27.</html>


It only consist in two forms, with an url action for each one, the purposes are obvious. Below the execution page

Note: I have configured my Web browser (Firefox/Opera) to open Adobe Reader to see the pdf report

Now if we do click in the second link in inicio.jsp, it must start the flow process, then the first view-state use swfjr-stepone.jsp, below the code

view sourceprint ? 01.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="spring" %>02.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>03.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>         04.<html>05. <head>06.        <title>Spring Web Flow - JasperReports - Page One</title>  

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07.    </head>08.   <body>09.        <center>10.      <p>11.           It is the first page of N pages of a flow process, it would be a simple form.12.           For simplicity it flow consist only in two pages.13.       </p>

14.      <form action=""  method="post" >  15.            <input type="hidden" name="_flowExecutionKey" value="${flowExecutionkey}"/>16.           <input type="submit" class="button" name="_eventId_next" value="Go To Page Two"/>                          17.       </form>   18.        </center>19. </body>20.</html>


It consists of one submit button, below the jsp execution


If we do click in the button Go To Page Two we go to the next view-state and it use swfjr-steptwo.jsp, below the code

view sourceprint ? 01.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="spring" %>02.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>03.<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>         04.<html>05. <head>06.        <title>Spring Web Flow - JasperReports - Page Two</title>   07.    </head>08.   <body>09.        <p align="justify">10.           It is the last page of N pages of a flow process.11.           For simplicity according to the explanation it gives the options to 12.            <ul>13.              <li>Generate a pdf</li>14.             <li>Finish the flow process</li>15.            </ul>16.         In the case that you decide to finish the process without generate the pdf

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17.          and then after some time you want to see the report 18.            (obvious that the flow process is already terminated),19.          then you should use Spring Web MVC for get the report like a simple search20.      </p>      21.        <center>

22.      <form action=""  method="post" >  23.            <input type="hidden" name="_flowExecutionKey" value="${flowExecutionkey}"/>24.           <input type="submit" class="button" name="_eventId_next" value="Generate Pdf"/>

25.            26. 27. 28.            <input type="submit" class="button" name="_eventId_end" value="End Process"/>              29.       </form>30.       </center>31. </body>32.</html>


The code is clear by itself, below is the jsp execution

Then the result desired is a pdf file, below the pdf generated

Page 20: Spring Web MVC With Jasper Reports

Here part of the SpringJasperReportsspring.jrxml, the "<field..." declarations

view sourceprint ? 01.      <property name="ireport.scriptlethandling" value="0" />02.   <property name="ireport.encoding" value="UTF-8" />03.   <import value="java.util.*" />04.   <import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*" />05. <import value="*" />06. 07. 08.<field name="idCustomer" class="java.lang.String"/>09.  <field name="nameCustomer" class="java.lang.String"/>10.<field name="phoneCustomer" class="java.lang.String"/>11.   <field name="idProvider" class="java.lang.String"/>12.  <field name="phoneProvider" class="java.lang.String"/>13.   <field name="isbn" class="java.lang.String"/>14.<field name="titleBook" class="java.lang.String"/>15.   <field name="priceBook" class="java.math.BigDecimal"/>


You would create your own war file and compile your SpringJasperReportsspring.jrxml with Ant tasks. (In a few days I will attach the source code to share)

I hope that this tutorial help you, if you have some doubt or recommendation, please let me know and sorry about my grammar.

In another Article, i will share perhaps the most important tutorial; the cumbersome case about Spring/JasperReports integration but related with Sub-Reports.

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