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  • 8/11/2019 SPUR Design


    M E C H A N I C A L E Q U I P M E N T D E S I G N

    G E A R S


    1) According to the position of axis of shafts :

    a)Parallel:Spur gears

    Helical gears (teeth are inclined to the axis)

    b) Non parallel or intersecting(coplanar): Bevel gears

    c) Non parallel and non intersecting(spatial):Ske bevel gears or spiral gears

    !or" gears are also classified as spiral gears in hich shafts are usuall#


    %) According to the peripheral velocit#:a) &o velocit#: &ess than ' "s

    b) ediu" velocit#: Beteen '"s and 1* "sc) High velocit#: +reater than 1* "s

    ') According to t#pe of gears:

    a) ,xternal gears: +ears "esh externall#b) -nternal gears: +ears "esh internall#

    c) .ack and Pinion: +ear "esh internall# and externall# in a straight line

    /) According to the position of teeth on the gear surface:

    a) Straight: Spurb) -nclined: Helical

    c) 0urved: Spiral

    Beam strent! of ear toot!" Le#is e$%ation:

    he strength of gear is deter"ined b# &eis b# taking the tooth as a bea"2 shon

    in the figure$1$ he e3uation given b# &eis is used for deter"ining the si4e andproportions of gears$

  • 8/11/2019 SPUR Design


  • 8/11/2019 SPUR Design


    t 5 xpc and h 5 kpc

    TW 5 6bpcx

    % 7k

    # 5 x% 7k

    Here # is knon as &eis for" factor or tooth for" factor$ 8 and k are constants$

    # depends on nu"ber of teeth and s#ste" of teeth$

    # 5 9$1%/ 9$7;/ ( for 1/

  • 8/11/2019 SPUR Design










    !here ! 5 otal d#na"ic load in Netons$ !5 Stead# trans"itted load in Netons

    v5 Pich line velocit# in "s b5 face idth in ""2 and

    05efor"ation or d#na"ic factor in N""

    he defor"ation factor depends on error in action beteen teeth2 the class of cut of the

    gears2 the tooth for" and the "aterial of gears$

    he value of 0 depends upon the error "a# be deter"ined b# the relation:

    GP EE






    ,P 5 odulus of elasticit# for the "aterial of pinion in Pa,+ 5 odulus of elasticit# for the "aterial of gear in Pa

    e 5 ooth error in action

    k 5load stress factor

    he "axi"u" alloable tooth error in action depends upon the pitch line velocit# andthe class of cut of the gears$


    he static tooth load2 hich is also called bea" strength or endurance strength is obtainedb# &eis for"ula b# substituting flexural endurance li"it or elastic li"it stress 6cin

    place of per"issible orking stress 6$

    Static tooth load !S5 6e bpc #

    @or safet# against tooth breakage2 the static tooth load should be grater than the d#na"ic


    *EAR T''TH L'AD:

  • 8/11/2019 SPUR Design


    he "axi"u" load that gear teeth can carr# ithout pre"ature ear depends upon the

    radii of curvature of tooth profiles and on the elastic and surface fatigue li"its of the

    "aterials$ he "axi"u" or the li"iting load for satisfactor# ear of gear tooth isobtained b# the e3uation2

    bQKDW Pw =

    !5 axi"u" or li"iting load for ear in Netons

    P5 Pitch circle dia"eter of the pinion in ""

    b 5 face idth of the pinion in ""D 5 .atio factor









    %2 C for external gears

    E for internal gears

    F 5 &oad stress factor

    + )11


    sin)( %




    6es 5 Surface endurance li"it in Pa or N""%$

    5 Pressure angle

    ,P5 Goungs "odulus for the "aterial of the pinion in N""%

    ,+ 5 Goungs "odulus for the "aterial of the gear in N""%

    Note:1$ he surface endurance li"it for the steel "a# be obtained fro" the folloing

    e3uation: 6es 5 (%$; B$H$N$>9) N""%

    %$ he "axi"u" li"iting ear load "ust be greater than the d#na"ic load$

  • 8/11/2019 SPUR Design


  • 8/11/2019 SPUR Design


    P R ' B L E M S

    1$ A bron4e spur pinion rotating at 799 rp" drives a cast iron spur gear at a

    trans"ission ratio of /:1$ he alloable static stresses for the bron4e pinion andcast iron gear are ;/ Pa and 19* Pa respectivel#$ he pinion has 17 standard

    %99full depth involute teeth of "odule ; ""$ he face idth of both the gears is

    =9 ""$@ind the poer that can be trans"itted fro" the stand point of strength$

    he service factor is e3ual to one$ he tooth for" factor can be taken as

    # 5 9$1*/ 9$=1% and the velocit# factor as

    0v 5v+'


    %$ A pair of straight teeth spur gears is to trans"it %= F hen the pinion rotates at'99 rp"$ he velocit# ratio is 1:'$ he alloable static stresses for the pinion and

    gear "aterials are 1%9 Pa and 199 Pa respectivel#$ he pinion has 1* teeth

    and its face idth is 1/ ti"es the "odule$ eter"ine "odule2 face idth and pitch

    circle dia"eters fro" the stand point of strength onl#2 taking into considerationthe effect of d#na"ic loading$

    he service factor is e3ual to one$ he tooth for" factor can be taken as

    # 5 9$1*/ 9$=1% and the velocit# factor as

    0v 5v+'


    '$ A gear drive is re3uired to trans"it a "axi"u" poer of %%$* F$ he velocit#ratio is 1:% and speed of pinion is %99 rp"$ he approxi"ate centre distance

    beteen the shafts "a# be taken as 799 ""$ he teeth has %99stub involute

    profiles$ he static stress for the gear "aterial2 hich is cast iron "a# be taken as

    799 Pa and face idth as 19 ti"es the "odule$ @ind the "odule2 face idth andnu"ber of teeth on each gear$

    0heck the design for d#na"ic and ear loads$ he defor"ation factor and loadstress factors "a# be taken as ;9 and 1$/ respectivel#$

    /$ 0alculate the poer that can be trans"itted safel# b# a pair of spur gears ith the

    data given belo: /Ta0e 1elocit2 factor + 34/35.66 Nu"ber of teeth on pinion 5 %9

    Nu"ber of teeth on gear 5 ;9

    odule 5 / ""

    @ace idth 5 79 "" ooth profile 5 %99 involute

    Alloable bending strength of the "aterial 5 %99 Pa2 for pinion 5 179 Pa2 for gear

    Speed of the pinion 5 /99 rp"

    Service factor 5 9$; &eis for" factor 5 9$1*/ 9$=1%

    Desin Proce,%re for S7%r Gears

  • 8/11/2019 SPUR Design


    Ste7 8: @ist of all2 the design tangential tooth load is obtained fro" the poer trans"itted

    and the pitch line velocit# b# using the relation:




    T =

    !5 Per"issible tangential tooth load in Netons$P 5 Poer trans"itted in !atts$

    ? 5 Pitch line velocit# in "s$

    0S5 Service factor$

    1al%es of factor

    T27e of loa, 3 !rs4,a2 9"8 !rs4,a2 ;< !rs4,a2

    Stead# 9$; 1$99 8=;>

    &ight shock 1$99 1$%* 8=>

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