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Whether the buyer is satisfied after purchase depends on the offers performance in

relation to the buyer expectation. In general satisfaction is a person’s feeling of pleasure

or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance relation to

his/her expectations. If the performance falls short of expectation, the customer is

dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectation customer is satisfied. If the

performance exceeds the expectation the customer is highly satisfied. Customer

satisfaction cannot be very difficult. After all you either satisfied with the services you

receive or you are not. If you don’t you are not. If it is that easy, then obtaining people's

fopinion about how satisfied they are with relatively straightforward matter- or is it?.

Customer satisfaction is a marketing tool and a definite value-added benefit. It is often

perceived by customers as important as the primary product or service your organization

offers. It looks at what is involved from 3 different angles; the first is from the view of an

organization wishing to understand, and measures, how satisfied their customers are with

the products and services they receive from it. The second is from the perspective of

research agency that has been asked to obtain feedback from customers and about their

experiences when dealing with companies. Finally it considers the issue from

the perspective of consumers who participate in surveys, including both business

customers and members of general public.

Meaning of customer satisfaction:

Customer satisfaction is a business term, is a measure of how products and services

supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a

key performance indicator within business and part of the four prospective of balanced

score card. IN a competitive market place were businesses compete for customers,

customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key

element of business strategy customer satisfaction drives successful private sector

business. High performing businesses have developed principles and strategies for

achieving customer satisfaction. This paper presents a framework or set of ideas for using

customer satisfaction principles and strategies to improve the quality responsiveness, and

possibility of public sector privately provided services in vulnerable communities. The


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framework suggested that resident who live in tough neighborhoods can be supported

through customer satisfaction strategies to become empowered individuals

  who informed perspectives influence decisions about what, how, when, and where

services are available to them. Customer satisfaction is the customers’ response to the

evaluation of the perceived discrepancy between prior expectation and the actual

performance of the product as perceived after its consumption.


Codotte, woodruff and Jenkins (1987) define customer satisfaction as "conceptualized as

a feeling developed from an evaluation of the experience”. HERE, the timing of

satisfaction response is driving consumption. BUT there is general agreement with kotler

(2003) that "customer satisfaction is a person's feeling of pleasure or disappointment

resulting from comparing a products perceived performance in relation to his or her

expectation". In short customer satisfaction is "The provision of goods or services which

fulfill the customer expectation in terms of quality and service, in relation to price paid".

Importance of the study:

IT costs at least 7 times more to source a new customer than it does to retain existing one

A 'satisfied' customer tells 5-7 people in a year whilst a 'dissatisfied' customer will tell14-

15 people. Companies can boost profits anywhere from 25% to 125% by retaining a mere

5%more of their exciting customers. Totally satisfied customers were 6 times more likely

to use that services and commend it than ' satisfied' customers. Customers who have a

bad experience with you and do not complain are only 37%likely to still do business with

you. Customers who have an opportunity to complain and the complaint is achieved

are95% likely to still do business with you.


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Objectives of the study:

To know satisfaction levels of the customer towards ford company

To find out the role of media in promoting and creating awareness towards ford


To know the opinion of the customer after sales service of the ford cars

To understand the process of service at ford cars service center

To understand ford motors organization

Scope of the study:

Though, Ford Company is operating in almost all States in India and many district in

Andhra Pradesh marketing around 5 products, the present study is confined to the

districts of Warangal Andhra Pradesh. Further, customer satisfaction requires

understanding of multiple variables, as the present study is very short duration and with

limited scope, does aim at extensive empirical study.

Sources of data:

. The study will be based on both primary and secondary data. The main source of

primary data was the perceptions of the customers to wards ford cars. The data collected

through primary source was related to the opinions of respondents on various aspects of

ford cars. The secondary data was culled out from published literature.


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For the purpose of collecting primary data from customers attempt was made to

interact with them to elicit their opinions on various aspects of customer satisfaction

Further, to have a clear first hand information about customer satisfaction, attempts was

made to observe the practices in the real situations along with marketing professionals of

customer satisfaction towards after sales service of ford cars.

Data collection techniques:

Data required for the study was culled from different sources. Questionnaire/schedule

was designed for eliciting data on various aspects of customer satisfaction. Schedules

were administered to customers to collect data (Annexure-I

Data analysis

Data collected through primary and secondary sources was analyzed using

percentages and simple tables were used to present the data.

Selection of sample

The sample size is taken as 100 and the total market is divided into three regions

Warangal, Kazipet, Hanamkonda.

Warangal 50

Kazipet 25

Hanamkonda 25

The selection sample is based on judgment of the researcher


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Chapterization Scheme:

Chapter-I Introduction

Introduction of the study

Need & Importance of the study

Objectives of the study

Scope of the study

Data Sources & Research Methodology

Chapterization Scheme

Limitations of the study

Chapter-II Conceptual frame work of the study

Chapter-III Industry & organization Profile

Chapter-IV Data Analysis & Interpretation

Chapter-V Suggestions & & Conclusion

Limitations of the study:

As the present study is basically a sample study it may have certain

limitations. Further, this study is an individual’s stimuli to understand the innovations in

ford cars which may have limitations like time and other resources. As the term

innovation and channel management include a host of concepts, the scope was limited to

certain important dimensions ford cars.


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Marketing is about identifying and meeting human and social needs. One of

the shortest good definitions of marketing is “meeting needs profitably.” People were

unable to locate some of the items they desired most, it created an online auction

clearinghouse. When IKEA noticed that people wanted good furniture at a substantially

lower price, it created knockdown furniture. These two firms demonstrated marketing

savvy and turned a private or social need into a profitable business opportunity.

Definition of marketing:

The American Marketing Association offers the following formal definition:

“Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating,

communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer

relationships in ways that benefit the organization and it stakeholders.” Coping with these

exchange processes calls for a considerable amount of work and skill. Marketing

management takes place when at least one party to a potential exchange thinks about the

means of achieving desired responses from other parties. Thus we see marketing

management as the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and

growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer


Customer satisfaction:

Usually here should be two essential things to take place transactions in the

market. Those are nothing but product and customer. Without product here will be no

customer are tangible. Bu he satisfactions of the customer is intangible. That intangible

factor influences a lot on the tangible one i.e. product. So each and every organization has

o concentrate more on satisfying is customers. Unless otherwise he companies gain mind

share and hear share of the customer, heir product may not sustain in the marked, and

they may no retain their customers back.

The gradual opining up economies but respective government paved the way

for the multinational companies resulting in an extremely competitive market leaving


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benefits o he customers. The availability of the choice has led to think and act before he

dies. The saying “customer is king”, was gained importance. Most of the organizations

accepted he promise that, an organization must become more knowledge- intensive and

value oriented in order to serve the customers.

Customers are getting benefited because hire felt and unfelt needs are care by the

marketers of the day. The improvements of marketing efforts gave shape o after sales

services. Now organizations are thinking upon the concepts like relationship marketing,

involving the customers as partners of growth for the organization.


“Satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from

comparing a product’s perceived performance in relation to his or her experience”.

…………….Philip Kotler

Today’s most successful companies are raising expectations and delivering

performance to match. These companies embrace total customer satisfaction. Highly

satisfied customers produce several benefits for the company. Satisfied customers are

fewer prices sensitive, remain customers for a longer period, and talk favorably to others

about the company and its products. A company can always increase customer

satisfaction by lowering its price or increasing its services, but this may result lower

profits. Thus, the purpose of marketing is to generate customer value profitably.

“How closely experience with a product Meet or exceeds a customer’s expectation”.

…………… M.K. Ram pal. S.L. Gupta


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Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction:

Marketing research has identified four distinct facers which influence the

customer satisfaction. According o Lile and Sheth the major aspects of each are

Product: basic design: how familiar designer are with customer needs, Incentives drive

he designing, manufacturing and quality control.

Sales activity: Wham messages The Company sends out in its advertising

Intermediaries, and The attitudes that it projects to the customer.

After –sales: Guarantees, parts and service, feedback, complains handling, and overall

responsiveness o a customer with a problem.

Cultures: Intrinsic values and belief of the firm as well as Tangible and Intangible

symbols and systems it uses To instill These values into Employee behavior at all level



SatisfactionAfter-sales Sales Activity



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Factors effecting customer satisfaction;

Steps to crate a better customer service;

Identify your customer.

Establish a good communication. So you learn what your customer‘s expectation s are

about your service or product.

Create or modify your product or service according to that information.

Make sure every one in your company or organization is aware and willing to

improve the customer, service vision and mission.

The customer service triangle:

The customer is at the center of this triangle, because every activity must be seen in terms

of its impact on customer satisfaction, under it has been observed that the customer

service triangle developed by Albrecht and Zemke will standing how the customer views

the organization’s performance rather than accepting an internal view.


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Customers first

Customer service is both a management function and an integral part of your

business marketing strategy. Marketing strategies outline how your marketing objectives

will be achieved. For example if the objective is to increase market share, the marketing

strategy states exactly how the increase will occur. Marketing objectives for profits, cash,

flow, and market share can be achieved by increasing the number of users, increasing the

rate of purchase, retaining existing customers and having them repeat their purchases, or

acquiring new customers.

You can provide excellent customer service and retain current customers by

focusing on the 4c’s

Customer needs – meet their needs and maintain their satisfaction

Cost to satisfy needs – gaining customer satisfaction doesn’t have to be expensive

Convenience – being accountable to your customer, they want to help and give their




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Tools for tracking and measuring customer satisfaction;

Complaints and suggestion system:

A customer – c entered organization makes it easy for its customer to delivery

suggestion and complaints. Many restaurants and hotels provide forms for guests to

report like and dislike. Some customer – centered companies like general electrical

whirlpool establish hot lines with toll – free 200 telephone numbers companies are also

adding web pages and e- mail to facilitate two – way communication. These information

flows provide companies with many good ideas and enable them to act quickly to resolve


Customer satisfaction surveys:

Studies shows that although customers are dissatisfied with one out of every four

purchases, less than 5 percent of dissatisfy customers will complain. Most customers’

will buy less or switch suppliers. Complaint levels are thus, not a good measure of

customer satisfaction, Companies measure customer satisfaction directly by conducting

periodic surveys. They send questionnaires or make telephone calls to a random sample

of recent customers. They also solicit buyer’s views on their competitor’s performances.

While collecting customer satisfaction data, it is also useful to ask additional

questions to measure purchase intention, this will normally be high if the customer’s

satisfaction is higher. It is also useful to measure the like hood or willingness to

recommend the company and brand to other. A high positive word of mouth score

indicates that the company in producing high customer satisfaction.

Lost customer analysis:


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Companies should contact customer who have stopped buying of who have

switched to another supplier to learn why this happened. When IBM loses a customer, it

meant a though effort to learn where it failed. Not only is it important to conduct exit

interviews, when customer first stops. Buying, but it is also necessary to monitor the

customer loss rate.

Customer satisfaction is what they expect from the manufacturer and how much

they satisfied with the service?

If the performances of the product fall short of expectation, the customer is not


If the performance of the product matches with the expectations the customer is satisfied.

If the performance of the product is more than the expectations the customer is highly

satisfied and delighted.

It is very necessary to measure the customer satisfaction because every average business

losses 10% to 30% of its customers each year often without knowing. Therefore the

manufacture has to be in a position. To identity which customer they have lost, why they

were lost and when they are lost and have to take the proper steps to overcome these


In a business, it is so far more expensive to win a new customer then to maintains

the existing one that is cost of acquiring a new customer is 5 to 7 times greater than

retaining the current one.

Customer satisfaction is closely linked to quality in recent years, many

companies have adopted total quality management (TQM) programs, designed to

constantly improve.

Customer services:


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Service: Identifiable, intangible activity that is the main object of Transactions

designed to provide want satisfaction to customer.

According To Vishwanadhan in his book “Analysis of Manufacturing

Enterprises, an Approach to Leveraging Value “defines customer service as follows.

Customer service is defined as he set of activities involved in timely and accurate

delivery of product, invoices and any other items necessary o use he products in a fashion

perceived as excellent.

The important elements of the customer service include

Delivery reliability and consistency

Delivery service frequency

Single point of contact

Price and quality

After sales services

The objectives of a customer service strategy is o enhance customer Retention by

creating such a high level of customer satisfaction ha he customer would not even think

of another supplier.

Understanding customer service;

Marketers must determine what customer want and then give it To Them. This

can be done in several ways. One is by getting feedback regarding buyer preferences and

Then information to customize the service delivery. For example, what do restaurant

guest want? IT has been found that are gender preferences.

Customer can fall into different groupings; the way o car to one group may be

different from ha of another. And in The restaurant business here are ocher customer

group besides men and women. Today, many fast food giants Mc Donald’s for example

is now targeting on kids.


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There is one other major customer group however. The needs considerable

attention – associates. They are individuals who work in the organization. They are

internal customers who cannot be ignored in the service equation. Key To customer

retention is Training associate to create service firms positive service

counters. They believe that if staff does their jobs, customer will be satisfied and will

make repeat purchases.

Create a good a first impression;

A good first impression is critical in the service business, because it sets the

stages for everything that follows. Moreover, first impression is typically made within for

30 seconds of the service counter. If everything goes well at this stage, customers are

likely to have a positive attitude and look forward to an enjoyable experience. If,

however, things do not go well, even a minor problem may be the basis for the customer

deciding not come back again.

There rules to make a good impression:

Greet guests as quickly as possible. (Hello, good evening etc.) Don’t allow guests to

remind unattended for more than one minute.

Use good posture to communicate.

The tone of your greetings should be warm and your message welcoming.

Delivering Customer Value and Satisfaction”


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Marketers alone cannot deliver superior customer value and satisfaction. Although

it plays a leading role, marketing can be only a partner in attracting, keeping, and growing

customers. Relationship marketing requires that marketers must work closely with other

company departments to form an effective value chain that serves the customer. Moreover,

the company can be effective only to the extent that it works effectively with its marketing

system partners to form a competitively superior value-delivery network. We now take a

closer look at the concepts of a company value chain and value-delivery network.

Address the five dimenssioms of service quality;

In providing outstanding services, five dimensions RATER (Reliability.

Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, and Responsiveness) that warrant consideration.

Reliability: Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.

Assurance: Knowledge and accuracy of the employees and their ability to convey trust

and confidence.

Tangibles: Appearance of physical facilities. Equipments, personnel and

communication materials (physical evidence of facilities).

Empathy: Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.

Responsiveness: Willingness to help customer and provide prompt service.



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Five stars of services Quality

Customer delight:

Everyone has a service level expectation and it is up to the service firm to reach at least

the lowest point of his level. This concept can be applied in Terms of a zone of tolerance,

which is the level of service which a customer expects. This is illustrated in the figure

and shows that service should be at least adequate. Anything below This level is

unacceptable. Conversely, if the organization can provide a degree of service that is

above the desired level that will result in customer delight To Typically ensures that

person will return again and again.

Degrees of service level Expectations

Empathy Reliability



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Excellent service is not an end in its own right. Not is customer satisfaction. IT is a

mean to an end. The commercial organization is to make profits and the aim of public

organization is to provide an efficient service within budget. Service excellence is only

required in so far as it achieves these objectives. It is possible to have very satisfied

customer who is not profitable and to invest in high quality service which does not affect

the customer buying behavior. It is also possible to such an extent that the customer finds

the service unattractive.

It is therefore important to find out which factors of service influence most of the

customer propensity to buy and to be ahead of nearest rivals of these factors in Terms of

service offer.

After sales and services:


The after sales service or post sale service also called The aftermarket includes

customer service e.g. repair and maintenance, Training, warranties, manuals and

instructions, installation, consultation service, delivery and maintain The original product

Through overhauling, replacements of parts, adjustments, and The satisfaction of

outstanding warranty items. Most industrial products and many consumer durables

require servicing on a regular basis. Service often must be provided to company with a

warranty policy, a manufacturer must make arrangements for service Training,

appropriate service facilities and spare parts to accommodate and fulfill The Terms of

The special warranty.

Today competitive market caused that many companies are evaluated their

strategy to be more differentiated from others. After sales service is one of the elements,

which help all firms in this matter. Many new breeds of high Tech companies are now

discovering That They need to differentiate themselves from rivals in appealing to

customers. After sales service support is being recognized as one of The competitive

differentiation for most firms, which now produce in The same low cost regions of The

world (Lele &SheTh , 1987).


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Harve mathe (1999) also emphasized on after sales service as a strong marketing

Tools, which helps firms to be competitive in the market. He mentions, service is

providing to be a source of competitive advantage Thad enables firms to remain leaders

in a highly competitive market or to create differentiation, which will enable a challenger

to attack and overtake The leader.

According To Goffin (1999& 2001) customer support , which is also referred To

as product support after sales service , Technical support or simply service is important


It can be a major of revenues, although it often receives too little management attention.

IT is essential for achieving customer satisfaction and good long Term relationship as

identifying by number of researchers.

IT can provide a competitive advantage.

IT plays a role in increasing The success rate of new products

IT needs to be fully evaluated during new product development as good product design

can make customer support more efficient and cost effective.

Increased competition in many industries has led to increased attention on

customer service. Various studies indicate that upset customer may have big effect on

sales of The Company. Therefore, all firms Try to put their attention to keep their

customer satisfied and fulfill their needs and wants as much as possible. One of The

strong Tools which help all companies in this matter is providing best after sales service.

Providing good and reliable products, which is another main Target of each

company can be achieved by good after sales customer service. Avinder (1996) believes;

increasingly after sales customer service is becoming the order winning criteria for most

firms and is now being recognized as an important research priority. According to major

study conducted by the conference board, the primary rationale of the manufactures for

offering after sales service is the need to support their products. In fact after sales service

adds the products value and is often Treated as integral part of The product.


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Proper after sales service helps companies in customer retention Too. Many

companies have begun to align entire organization to deliver excellent service since they

know their investment will pay off in Terms of competitive advantage and customer

retention (Jennifer potter 1994).

Finally, after sales service is often in response to a customer problem, e.g.

product failure restoration, problem diagnosis, expert assistance to resolve a problem,

problem with using the product etc. Therefore after sales service is a recovery process

that attempts to resolve a customer problem, which if not resolved, causes dissatisfaction

and less satisfied customer. The service function Therefore attempt to recover the

customer satisfaction to the level it was before the occurrence of the problems (Gronroos,



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The Industry in India;


The first car ran on India's roads in 1897. Until the 1930s, cars were imported

directly, but in very small numbers.

Embryonic automotive industry emerged in India in the 1940s. Mahindra & Mahindra

was established by two brothers as a trading company in 1945, and began assembly of

Jeep CJ-3A utility vehicles under license from Willys The company soon branched out

into the manufacture of light commercial vehicles (LCVs) and agricultural tractors.[20]

Following the independence, in 1947, the Government of India and the private sector

launched efforts to create an automotive component manufacturing industry to supply to

the automobile industry. However, the growth was relatively slow in the 1950s and 1960s

due to nationalisation and the license raj which hampered the Indian private sector. After

1970, the automotive industry started to grow, but the growth was mainly driven by

tractors, commercial vehicles and scooters. Cars were still a major luxury. Japanese

manufacturers entered the Indian market ultimately leading to the establishment of

Maruti Udyog. A number of foreign firms initiated joint ventures with Indian companies.


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In the 1980s, a number of Japanese manufacturers launched joint-ventures for building

motorcycles and light commercial-vehicles. It was at this time that the Indian government

chose Suzuki for its joint-venture to manufacture small cars. Following the economic

liberalisation in 1991 and the gradual weakening of the license raj, a number of Indian

and multi-national car companies launched operations. Since then, automotive

component and automobile manufacturing growth has accelerated to meet domestic and

export demands.

Following economic liberalization in India in 1991, the Indian automotive industry has

demonstrated sustained growth as a result of increased competitiveness and relaxed

restrictions. Several Indian automobile manufacturers such as Tata Motors, Maruti

Suzuki and Mahindra and Mahindra, expanded their domestic and international

operations. India's robust economic growth led to the further expansion of its domestic

automobile market which has attracted significant India-specific investment by

multinational automobile manufacturers. In February 2009, monthly sales of passenger

cars in India exceeded 100,000 units and has since grown rapidly to a record monthly

high of 182,992 units in October 2009. From 2003 to 2010, car sales in India have

progressed at a CAGR of 13.7%, and with only 10% of Indian households owning a car

in 2009 (whereas this figure reaches 80% in Switzerland for example) this progression is

unlikely to stop in the coming decade. Congestion of Indian roads, more than market

demand, will likely be the limiting factor.

The production of automobiles has greatly increased in the last decade. It passed the 1

million mark during 2003-2004 and has more than doubled since.

Size of the Industry

The Indian Automotive Industry after de-licensing in July 1991 has grown at a

spectacular rate on an average of 17% for last few years. The industry has attained a

turnover of USD $35.8 billion, (INR 165,000 crores) and an investment of USD 10.9

billion. The industry has provided direct and indirect employment to 13.1 million people.

Automobile industry is currently contributing about 5% of the total GDP of India. India's

current GDP is about $1.4 trillion and is expected to grow to $3.75 trillion by 2020 The


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Major organizations;

Bmw India

Bmw India is a 100% subsidiary of the bmw group. The bmw plant Chennai produces

the bmw 3 series, bmw 5 series, bmw x1 petrol and diesel variants and the bmw 7 series.

The bmw x3 is produced in diesel variants. The bmw plant Chennai has the capacity to

produce 11,000 unites per year on a double shift basis.

Ford India

Ford India private limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the ford motor company in

India. Ford india private limited’s head quarters are located in chengalpattu, Chennai,

tamil nadu. It currently is the 6th largest car maker in India maruthi suziki, Hyundai, tata ,

Mahindra and Chevrolet.

Hyundai motor India

Hyundai motor India limited a wholly owned subsidiary of Hyundai motor company

India. It is the 2nd largest automobile manufacture in India after maruthi Suzuki.

Maruthi Suzuki

It refereds to as marurthi Suzuki is a subsidiary company of Japanese automaker Suzuki

motor has marketg share of 44.9% of the Indian passenger car market as of

march 2011.

Mercedes-benz India

Mercedes-benz India is a 100% owned subsidiary of Daimler a.g. the company based in

pune. Mercedes-benz reached the top 100 most trusted brands of India published by the

brand trust report.


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Mitsubishi motors corporation is a multinational automaker headquarters in

minato, Tokyo. In 2010 it was the sixth largest japan based automaker the sixteenth

largest in the world, measured by production.

Volkswagen group sales India

They focus on manufacture and sales of audi, Volkswagen and sokada vechiles in

India. Volkswagen subsidaries such as Bentley, Lamborghini and bugatti also sell their in

India through them.

Audi indiudi india

Audi indiudi india is the wholly owned subsidarybof german automobile

manufacture audi. Audi’s main competitors in the luxury vehicles segment in the Indian

automobile industry are Mercedes- benz, bmw, jagur and volvoa.

Skoda auto India

Skoda auto India private limited, more commonly referred to as Skoda auto India,

established November 2011,is a fully owned subsidiary of the Czech automotive

manufacture skoda auto and division of Volkswagen group sales India.

Volkswagen India.

Volkswagen India private limited is a subsidiary of Volkswagen group sales India

limited that assembles manufactures and distributes Volkswagen vehicles in India. It was

established in 2007.


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Ford motor in India;

Ford Motor Company is an American automaker and the world's third largest automaker based on worldwide vehicle sales. Based in Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit, the automaker was founded by Henry Ford, and incorporated on June 16, 1903. Ford Motor Company would go on to become one of the largest and most profitable companies in the world, as well as being one of the few to survive the Great Depression. The largest family-controlled company in the world, the Ford Motor Company has been in continuous family control for over 100 years. Ford now encompasses several brands, including Lincoln and Mercury.

The founding of Ford Motor Company;

Henry Ford's initial foray into automobile manufacturing was the Detroit Automobile Company, founded in 1899. The company floundered, and in 1901 was reorganized as the Henry Ford Company. Ford had a falling out with his financial backers, and in March 1902 left the company with the rights to his name and 900 dollars. The Henry Ford Company changed their name to Cadillac, brought in Henry M. Leland to manage the operation, and went on to be a successful manufacturer of automobiles.

Henry Ford himself turned to an acquaintance, coal dealer Alexander Y. Malcomson, to help finance another automobile company. Malcomson put up the money to start the partnership "Ford and Malcomson" and the pair designed a car and began ordering parts. However, by February 1903, Ford and Malcomson had gone through more money than expected, and the manufacturing firm of John and Horace Dodge, who had made parts for Ford and Malcomson, was demanding payment.

Malcomson, constrained by his coal business demands, turned to his uncle John S. Gray, the president of the German-American Savings Bank and a good friend. Malcomson proposed incorporating Ford and Malcomson to bring in new investors, and wanted Gray to join the company, thinking that Gray's name would attract others to invest. Gray was at first uninterested, but Malcomson promised he could withdraw his share at any time, so Gray reluctantly agreed. On the strength of Gray's name, Malcomson recruited other business acquaintances to invest, including local merchants Albert Strelow and Vernon Fry, lawyers John Anderson and Horace Rackham, Charles T. Bennett of the Daisy Air Rifle Company, and his own clerk James Couzens. Malcomson also convinced the Dodges to accept stock in lieu of payment.

On June 16, 1903, the Ford Motor Company was incorporated, with 12 investors owning a total of 1000 shares. Ford and Malcomson together retained 51% of the new company in exchange for their earlier investments. When the total stock ownership was tabulated, shares in the company were: Henry Ford (255 shares), Alexander Y. Malcomson (255 shares), John S. Gray (105 shares), John W. Anderson (50 shares), Horace Rackham (50 shares), Horace E. Dodge (50 shares), John F. Dodge (50 shares), Charles T. Bennett (50 shares), Vernon C. Fry (50 shares), Albert Strelow (50 shares), James Couzens (25 shares), and Charles J. Woodall (10 shares)


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At the first stockholder meeting on June 18, Gray was elected president, Ford vice-president, and James Couzens secretar. Despite Gray's misgivings, Ford Motor Company was immediately profitable, with profits by October 1, 1903 of almost $37,000. A dividend of 10% was paid that October, an additional dividend of 20% at the beginning of 1904, and another 68% in June 1904. Two dividends of 100% each in June and July 1905 brought the total investor profits to nearly 300% in just over 2 years; 1905 total profits were almost $300,000.

However, there were internal frictions in the company that Gray was nominally in charge of. Most of the investors, both Malcomson and Gray included, had their own businesses to attend to; only Ford and Couzens worked full-time at the company. The issue came to a head when the principal stockholders, Ford and Malcomson, quarreled over the future direction of the company. Gray sided with Ford. By early 1906 Malcomson was effectively frozen out of the Ford Motor Company, and in May sold his shares to Henry Ford. John S. Gray died unexpectedly in 1906, and his position as Ford's president was taken over by Ford himself soon afterward.

Ford in India;

The modern Ford India Private Limited began production in 1996, although the roots trace back to 1907 when the Model A was launched. Its manufacturing facilities are in Maraimalai Nagar near Chennai. Ford India Private Limited began production in 1926, but was shut down in 1954. Production began again with the joint venture Mahindra Ford India Limited (MFIL) in October 1995, a 50-50 venture with Mahindra & Mahindra Limited. Ford Motor Company increased its interest to 72% in March 1998 and renamed the company Ford India Private Limited

ford India Private Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company in India. Ford India Private Limited's head quarters are located in Chengalpattu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. It currently is the 6th largest car maker in India after Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai, Tata, Mahindra and Chevrolet.

Corporate Governance

The management team of Ford India comprises Michael Boneham (President & Managing Director), Sandip Sanyal (Executive Director - Operations), Nigel E. Wark (Executive Director, Marketing, Sales and Service), Kuljit Rana (Vice President, Finance & Whole time Director) Vairamani Pandiyan (Vice President, HR).


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Manufacturing Facilities

FIPL's main manufacturing plant has a capacity of 100,000 vehicles annually and is located in Maraimalai Nagar, 45 km from Chennai. As its new hatchback Figo was launched in March 2010,Ford Motor Company has invested $500 million to double capacity of the plant to 200,000 vehicles annually and setting up a facility to make 250,000 engines annually.

Sales and Service Network

As of April 2011, FIPL has more than 170 dealerships across 107 cities in 22 states and 3 Union Territories of India.

Sales Performance

In the year 2010, FIPL recorded sales of 83,887 vehicles against 29,488 vehicles sold during the year 2009 and registered a sales growth of 172%


FIPL currently exports vehicles in limited quantities to South Africa, Nepal, Mexico, Kenya, Bahrain, Angola, Bermuda, Ghana, Iraq, Liberia, Malawi, Madagascar, Mauritius, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, UAE, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Ford products;

Ford fiesta

1.5 TiVCT Petrol Ambiente 1.5 TiVCT Petrol Titanium+

1.5 TiVCT Petrol Style AT

1.5 TiVCT Petrol Titanium+ AT

1.5 TDCi Diesel Style

1.5 TDCi Diesel Titanium+

Ford classic

Classic 1.6 Duratec LXi Classic 1.6 Duratec CLXi

Classic 1.6 Duratec SXi

Classic 1.4 Duratorq LXi


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Classic 1.4 Duratorq CLXi

Classic 1.4 Duratorq SXi

Ford figo

Figo 1.2 Duratec LXI Figo 1.2 Duratec EXI

Figo 1.2 Duratec ZXI

Figo 1.2 Duratec Titanium

Figo 1.4 Duratorq LXI

Figo 1.4 Duratorq EXI

Figo 1.4 Duratorq ZXI

Figo 1.4 Duratorq Titanium

Ford Endeavour

Endeavour 3.0L 4X4 AT Endeavour 3.0L 4X2 AT

Endeavour 2.5L 4X2 MT

Hurricane Limited Edition

Ford dealership;

About Ford

The Ford Motor Company is an American multinational corporation based in Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit and is the world''s second largest automaker with approximately 350,000 employees, operating in more than 200 markets on six continents. The automaker was founded by Henry Ford and incorporated on June 16, 1903. In addition to the Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury brands, it also owns a small stake in Mazda in Japan and Aston Martin in the UK. Ford''s former UK subsidiaries Jaguar and Land Rover were sold to Tata Motors of India in March 2008.

Ford introduced methods for large-scale manufacturing of cars and large-scale management of an industrial workforce using elaborately engineered manufacturing


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sequences typified by moving assembly lines. Henry Ford''s methods came to be known around the world as Fordism by 1914.

Ford is currently the second largest automaker in the U.S. and the fourth-largest in the world based on number of vehicles sold annually, directly behind Volkswagen Group. In 2007, the company fell from second to third in US annual vehicle sales for the first time in 56 years, behind only General Motors and Toyota. However, the auto giant occasionally outsells Toyota in shorter periods (most recently, during the summer months of 2009). By the end of 2009, Ford was the third largest automaker in Europe (behind Volkswagen and PSA Peugeot Citroën). Ford is the seventh-ranked overall American-based company in the 2008 Fortune 500 list, based on global revenues in 2008 of $146.3 billion. In 2008, the company produced 5.532 million automobiles and employed about 213,000 employees at around 90 plants and facilities worldwide. During the automotive crisis, Ford''s worldwide unit volume dropped to 4.817 million in 2009. Despite the adverse conditions, Ford ended 2009 with a net profit of $2.7 billion. Starting in 2007, Ford received more initial quality survey awards from J.D. Power and Associates than any other automaker. Five of Ford''s vehicles ranked at the top of their categories and fourteen vehicles ranked in the top three. Today, Ford Motor Company manufactures automobiles under several names including Lincoln and Mercury in the United States. Ford plans to discontinue the Mercury brand at the end of 2010.

Ford has major manufacturing operations in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, the People''s Republic of China, and several other countries, including South Africa where, following divestment during apartheid, it once again has a wholly owned subsidiary. Ford also has a cooperative agreement with Russian automaker GAZ.

Ford India is currently the 8th largest car maker in India after Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai, Tata Motors, Mahindra, Chevrolet, Honda and Toyota. Ford India began production in 1998 with its Ford Escort model, which was later replaced by locally produced Ford Ikon in 2001. It has since added Fusion, Fiesta, Mondeo and Endeavour to its product line. In India all Ford cars are made at Ford''s Rs. 1700 crore integrated manufacturing plant at Maraimalai Nagar, 45 kms. from Chennai. The plant, equipped with advanced manufacturing technology from Ford, covers 350 acres, provides employment to about 2,000 people directly and many more thousands indirectly and has a capacity to manufacture upto 100,000 vehicles per annum. Ford is a 6-Sigma company. Ford India discontinued Escort, Mondeo and Fusion, however, they continue to sell Ikon, Endeavour, Fiesta and Figo today.

On 9 March 2010, Ford Motor Co. launched its first made-for-India compact car the Figo. Starting at Rs. 349,900 ($7,690), the Figo is Ford''s first car designed and priced for the mass Indian market. As of July 2010, Ford India Private Limited (FIPL) has 167 dealerships across 97 cities in 21 states and 3 Union Territories of India. The company plans to expand to 200 dealerships by the end of 2010.

Plant an located;


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The Ford Plant was a not-for-profit music venue founded in 2002, which has expanded at various times into projects such as an art gallery (the One King Gallery, studio, music store and record label. Located in downtown Brantford, Ontario, Canada, its small spaces and unique atmosphere create one of Canada's most intriguing rock venues, as well as one of the more lively. The Ford Plant holds only about one hundred people, with the party-like environment often spilling out into the streets.

One ford mission;

One goal

An exciting viable ford delivering profitable growth for all.

One team

People working together as lean, global enterprise for automotive leadership, as measured

by; Customers, employes, dealer, investors, suppliers, union/ council, and community



Ford has a vision to become one of the world's leading consumer companies for automotive products and services. Apart from that, its vision is to provide personal mobility for people all over the world.

Four goals of Ford are:

To be a consumer-needs driven company. To respect and value each team member’s contribution.

To be an environmentally responsible company that lives up to the standards of society.

To constantly improve in everything the company does.

In an effort to become socially responsible, Ford also established its electric vehicle line, with the first car being the Ford Ranger Electric Vehicle. This car operates on batteries and thus does not cause pollution.


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Ford believes that quality comes first. Their goal is to achieve customer satisfaction by providing customers products of high quality and good service. They also believe that customers are the focus of everything the company does. They aim to provide better products than their competition. Their goal is to strive for excellence in everything they do. They uphold the highest standards of employee satisfaction by treating their employees with trust and respect. To move their business forward, Ford aims to maintain healthy relationships with its vendors and business associates. The company does not discriminate against people of different caste, race, sex and religion.

One plan

Aggressively restructure to operate profitably at the current demand and changing

model mix.

Accelerate development of new products our customers want and value.

Finance our plan and improve our balance sheet.

Work together effectively as one team.

The ford motor company founder:

Ford motor company was founded in 1903 by henry ford in Detroit. Ford’s ability

to make automobiles affordable for the masses is cited as a driving force behind both the

automobile industry. And the cration of middle class in America.

Ford motor company Headquaters;

The world Headquaters of the Ford motor company are located in Detroit,

Michigan, which is also commonly known as the automobile capital of the world.

Ford motor company organization:

Ford motor company, they saw only a tiny hint of divisionalization. Even before

Ernest breech arrived at ford motor company. Henry ford II had taken a step forward

decentralization by crating a distinct Lincoln-mercury divison nominally in charge of its

own development, manufacturing, and marketing. (See the diagram) here emphasis must


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be placed on the word “nominally” because such conditions existed mainly in theory and

not in practice.

Organization Structure

Source; adapted from report of management meeting, may 1947.


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1. How do you come to know about Ford cars ?

Table: 1

S. no Types of Media No. of Respondents Percentage

1 Electronic media 20 20%

2 Hoardings 60 60%

3 Print media 20 20%

Total 100 100%


Page 33: new







Hoardings Print media


% o

f R





From the above table it is observed that 60% of the respondents are came to know

about ford products through hoardings 20% of the respondents came to know through

print media and 20% of the respondents are came to know through electronic media

2. Since how long have you been using this?

Table: 2

S. no Response No. of Respondents Percentage

1 0-6months 20 20%

2 6-12months 30 60%

3 1-2 years 10 10%

4 More then 2 years 40 40%


Page 34: new

Total 100 100%





1-2 years more than2 years


% o

f R





From the above table it is observed that, 40% of the respondents are using Ford

products from past one year, 30% of the respondents are using Ford cars for less then six

months, 20% of the respondents are using this products for less then three months and

10% of the respondents are using Ford Products for 12 months

3. What is the reason for opting these ford company cars?

Table: 3

S. no Response No. of Respondents Percentage

1 Equitable Price 0 0%

2 Good Quality 80 80%

3 Sales promotions 20 20%


Page 35: new

Total 100 100%








Good Quality Salespramotions


% o

f re





From the above table it is observed that, 80% of the respondents had been using

Ford product due to the good Quality and 20% of respondents are using the Ford product

for sales promotions

4. Are you satisfied with the quality ofter sales service being provided?

Table: 4

S. no Response No. of respondents Percentage

1 Yes 70 70%

2 No 0 0%

3 To some extent 30 30%


Page 36: new

4 Can’t say 0 0%

Total 100 100%






Yes No To someextent

Can't say


% o

f R





From the above table it is observed that, 70% of them respondents had been

satisfied with the quality of service provided by the Ford products and 30% of the

respondents had been satisfied to some extent with the quality of service provided by the

Ford products.

5. Have you faced any problem at the time of delivery, after servicing the vehicle?

Table: 5

S. no Response No.of Response Percentage

1 Yes 40 40%

2 No 60 60%


Page 37: new

Total 100 100%






Yes No


% o

f re




From the above table it is observed that, 60% respondents did not faced any

problem with the Ford products at the time of delivery and 40% of the respondents felt

that they faced at the time of delivery.

6.How do you feel about the pricing of Ford services as compared with others?

Table: 6

S. no Response No.of Respondents Percentage

1 Expensive 0 0%

2 Competitive 90 90%


Page 38: new

3 Can’t say 10 10%

Total 100 100%







Expensive Competitive Can't say



f re





From the above table it is observed that 90% of respondents is Competitive and

10% of respondents is Can’t say felt that the prices of ford services competitive with


7.What is your opinion on the service availability of ford ?

Table: 7

S. no Respone No.of respondents Percentage

1 Easily available 60 60%


Page 39: new

2 Not available 0 0%

3 To some extent 30 30%

4 Can’t say 10 10%

Toal 100 100%








To someextent

Can't say


% o

f re





From the above table it observed that, 60of the respondents felt that the service

availability of ford is very easy available and 30% of the respondents and 10% of the

Respondents can’t say service availability of ford is to some extents.

8.your purpose of using this cars?

Table: 8

S. no Response No. of Respondents Percentage


Page 40: new

1 Security 0 0%

2 Economical 80 80%

3 Conveniece 20 20%

Total 100 100%







Security Economical Convenience


% o

f re





From the above table it is observed that,80% of the respondents said that economy as the

reason for choosing the ford products and 20% of the respondents said that convenience

as the reason for choosing the ford products.

9. How much time is taken for service the car and returning it to you ?

Table: 9

S. no Response No.of Respondents Percentage


Page 41: new

1 1-2hrs 20 20%

2 2-3hrs 20 20%

3 3-4hrs 60 60%

Total 100 100%






1-2hrs 2-3hrs 3-4hrs


% o

f re





From the above table it is observed that, 20% of customers responded that time

period for servicing is 1-2 hrs, 20% of customers responded to 2-3 hrs, 60% of customers

responded to 3-4 hrs.

10.who has influenced you to purchase towards ford company products?

Table: 10


Page 42: new

S. no Response No.of Respondents Percentage

1 Family 10 10%

2 Advertisement 30 30%

3 Sales person 60 60%

Total 100 100%






Family Advertisment Salesperson


% o

f re





From the above table it is observed that, 80%of the respondents are said that ford

company will come first in their minds and 20% of the respondents said that tata cars will

come first minds while purchasing the cars.

11. Which company car comes in your mind when you think about the purchase of cars?

Table: 11

S. no Response No.of Respondents Percentage


Page 43: new

1 Ford company 60 60%

2 Maruthi 20 20%

3 Tata 20 20%

Total 100 100%







Maruthi Tata


% o

f re





From the above table it is observed that 60% of the respondents are said that ford

company will come first in their mind , 20% of the respondents said that maruthi cars and

20% of the respondents said that Tata cars will come Purchasing the cars.

12.overall how acceptable is the ford company services?

Table: 12

S. no Response No. of respondents Percentage


Page 44: new

1 Totally acceptable 40 40%

2 Resasonable acceptable 60 60%

Total 100 100%






Totally acceptable Resonableacceptable


% o

f re





From the above table it was observed that, 60% of the respondent said that yes,

the ford services are acceptable and 40% of the respondents said that no, the ford services

are not acceptable.

13. How will you rate the responsiveness of service supervisor?

Table: 13

S. no Response No. of respondents Percentage


Page 45: new

1 Excellent 10 10%

2 Very good 30 30%

3 Good 35 35%

4 Fair 15 15%

5 Poor 10 10%

Total 100 100%






Excellent Very good Good fair Poor


% o

f re





From the above table it is observed that, 30% of the respondents said that the rate

of responsiveness is excellent, 20% of the respondents said that the rate responsiveness

is verygood,20% of the respondents said that the rate responsiveness is good, 15% of the

respondents said that the rate responsiveness is fair, and 15% of the respondents said

that the rate responsiveness is poor.

14. How will you rate the responsiveness of service executive?

Table: 14


Page 46: new

S. no Response No. of respondents Percentage

1 Excellent 10 10%

2 Very good 30 30%

3 Good 35 35%

4 Fair 15 15%

5 Poor 10 10%

Total 100 100%






Excellent Very good Good fair Poor


% o

f re





From the above table it is observed that, 30% of the respondents said that the rate

of responsiveness is excellent, 20% of the respondents said that the rate responsiveness

is verygood,20% of the respondents said that the rate responsiveness is good, 15% of the

respondents said that the rate responsiveness is fair, and 15% of the respondents said

that the rate responsiveness is poor.

15. What is your opinion regarding with the price of ford company?

Table: 15


Page 47: new

S. no Response No. of respondents Percentage

1 Low price 40 40%

2 High price 10 10%

3 Very High Price 0 0%

4 Reasonable Price 50 50%

Total 100 100%


Low price High price Very highprice



% o

f re





From the above table it is observed that, 50% of the respondents said that price is

reasonable, 40% of the respondents said that price is low and 10% of the respondents said

that price is high.

16.are you satisfied with the performance of the ford company?

Table: 16


Page 48: new

S. no Response No. of respondents Percentage

1 Excellent 40 40%

2 Very good 30 30%

3 Good 20 20%

4 Fair 10 10%

5 Poor 0 0%

Total 100 100%







Excellent Verygood

Good Fair Poor


% o

f re





From the above table it is observed that, 70% of the respondents are satisfied with

the ford company and 30% of the respondents are not satisfied with the ford company.


Page 49: new



The following are the suggestions of the study;

The company has to improve technology according to various changes in the market and customer requirement.

The company has to the promotional offers that which motives the customers the product.

The company has to improve the sales to attract more no of customers.

The company should be concentrate on the advertisement.


Page 50: new


The questionnaire on customer satisfaction to words ford after sales and

Service at ford cars Warangal has been on ducted on 100 customers. From

The analysis and interpretation statistical data collected, we have concluded

Those customers are fully satisfied by the service of Ford Company.

The organization has good and effective media and promotional activities

Which are crating awareness in customers?

The service changes are reasonable and competitive changed by the

Organization customers do not faced any problems the time of delivery.


Page 51: new


Questionnaire on customer satisfaction on towards of ford cars after sales servicing





Marital status;

Phone no;



1. How do you come to know about Ford cars?

(a) Electronic (b) media

(c) Hoarding (d) print media

2. Since how long have you been using this?

(a) 6-2months (b) 1-2 months

(c) 2-4 months (d) more than four years

3. What is the reason for Opting these ford company cars?


Page 52: new

(a) Equitable price (b) good quality

(c) Sales promotion

4. Are you satisfied with the quality after sales service being provided?

(a) Yes (b) no

(c) To some extent (d) can’t say

5. Have you faced any problem at the time of delivery, after servicing the vehicle?

(a) Yes (b) no

6. How do you feel about the pricing of Ford services as compared with others?

(a) Expensive (b) competitive

(c) Can’t say

7. What is your opinion on the service availability of ford?

(a) Easily available (b) not available

(c) to some extent (d) can t say

8. Your purpose of using this product?

(a) Security (b) economical

(c) Convenience (d) prestige

9. How much time is taken for servicing the car and returning it to you?

(a) 1-2 hrs (b) 2-3 hrs

(c) 3-4 hrs

10. Who has influenced you to purchase towards ford company cars?


Page 53: new

(a) Family (b) Advertisement

(c) sales person

11. Which company car comes in your mind when you think about the purchase of cars?

(a) Ford (b) Maruthi

(c) Tata (d) Toyota

12. Overall how acceptable is the ford company services?

(a) Totally acceptable (b) reasonable acceptable

(c) not quite acceptable (d) not at all

13. How will you rate the responsiveness of service supervisor?

(a) Excellent (b)vgood

(c)good (d)fair


14. How will you rate the responsiveness of serviceexcutive?

(a)Excellent (b) vgood

(c)good (d)fair


15. What is your opinion regarding with the price of Ford Company?

(a) Low price (b) high price

(c) very high price (d) reasonable price


Page 54: new

16. Are you satisfied with the performance of the ford company?

(a) Excellent (b) v good

(c) good (d) fair

17. If you have any comments of ford company please share with us?




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Philip Kotler,”Marketing Management” pearson publishers,12th edition, New


David. L. Loudon & J. Della Bitta “Consumer Behaviour”TATA Mc Graw- Hill

publishing company ltd, 4th edition, New Delhi.

S.J.Bedker & C.Berry, “Marketing Reaserch”1st edition, Oxford University.

News Papers: Business Line, Eenadu, The Hindu.

Magazines: Autocar Business World, Business Today.

Referred Web Site:


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