Page 1: SS£m. Frank Dewev returned Wednesday J. fund unused monev, …€¦ · several weeks' visit at his former home in Alluwec, Oklahoma. Elmer Westin left Sunday for .-Sta-^. pies,




to their home in Brainerd Tuesday,

,. FOXBOdi WINS OBITKXH f | " FREEDHEM Brainerd Dispatch: It has been re- December 2.—Mr. and Mrs,

porWlthat muaiciftn8dreftdtoapp0®r M>.«i .(R— w™ thTvfitaf. ar'ri^.rMonday' 'mi wii'l Kofnra tliA Rrainnnl Musical club be- here Visiting with Mrs. Nutter's par- . J

T being dug was 'filled with water and bean = men digg*11* will be delayed for a

week or so. The new water tank for

» Uttlc P!lll>- T y f0'me"y ™ "erameTowiM to tie fact that they so much depends apon Ms. vordlet. U fW H roVH»,«yE*g! ployed V Burton's store here, return-

WR—•«*T O M I - «W "W^RRJ ** ;T It JSSL'Sf ^win'e'monTS^ by S&itSkSmta?to£&* for Kelly-

k#vzsxzx£zs:£°tt0M,ey ot*• »®sfcsat,S2??ary. +^C * visit at the home of A K Hall. "Under ordinary conditions councils som is to be congratulated upon the carrier in his barn. , , ' Miss Josie Sand, who spent Thanks-VwLyol madeTbSsintss tr®'To in S'iu lU MlooM have been favorable verdict he received tot Sat- Fn.Wph E'h^n ret„r0e,l from ^ ith frLett,j. « p&r2 returned m 'Vn Tiiparlnv operated, but are voted out, may re- urday. „ , wana jsorits last monaay. _ to her home at Little Falls Tuesday.

Frank Dewev" returned Wednesday fund unused monev, but as the Bemidji In the first number, Mr. Folsom A. M. Carlson and Louis S q J0g. Jager sold his farm last Satur-

'SS£m. J. ilfnSSrHyask.^ ^

saloons are put out of business by tne proved nimseii equai iu me » ««- * - -1- law a treaty which they have always difficulties of one of the most exact- farms this week. _11a . T violated it cannot be returned." ing of the piano works of Schuman, Eich& Siefert of Little Falls put ;I o ' a composer who compelled the remodel- in a litter carrier in Victor Beckman s

of Mrs. Eugene Ledoux, daughter of p00T AND MOUTH DISEASE IN the former. She is suffering with tu-1 MONTANA berculosis. 1

Louis Bachelor arrived the first of Dr. A. J. DuFrense of Glendive,

a composer who compelled .... ing of the entire art of piano tech- barn last week. at Pierz Thanksgiving, and everybody nique to provide the technical ability < Ray Warnberg, who attends the bu - rep0rf.e(j a'good time. to perform his compositions. "less college at Little Falls, spent Migg Berthft Winklev returned from

In the Chopin Nocturne, Mr. Fol- Thanksgiving here with his parents.

^riJ„mpU>yea- H° " 8P head of cattle out of a train load of he displayed that «r.»g feelta* for Aug. Bloom ha.. retu^ed home .rom ^ ^ «, flv| ^ numerous

i«''ntanl of Bea^w is vl9it. Slai'af'terTe'6 d^over^ttar'tte^ £yC"wiI5, »abl« 5 tokeTp the Bipley where he has been Petering. =h» " — — »«» '» a

the home of Mr and^Irs. * were infected with the dreaded foot pulse through all the varying moods Seth Beckman was in. ^® j Fred Faulsted of Tribune, Sask., is ZZJ\iLif Mrs Kratum is a cous- and mouth disease. Out of the 131 and tempos of this eccentric genius Tuesday after a load of

T|"°lber- . . 'visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. C.

^ s s s r r : ; , : : ^ w o u - _ j-,22 * ViSit JlfifLea 'e S' VSate'd y-r^Ar. intend t. start NORTH ELM DALE

with Mrs. J. Kocneieau. va„L,„ and "Liebeswalzer'' bv Moskowski. farming again. December 1—Swen Carlson and son

after iHj wyaiyL* L^ippS geMroM %&• *<*U

U,. o n « r- n P O « H ^ H. But applause may mean much or lit- last Sunday. i Albert Booth and Johnnie Ohotto tie while rapt attention is the highest S. M. Blom bought a team of horses of Two Rivers purchased a piece of

I compliment that any audience can pay from Frank Sweeney of Gravelville. timber for wood from E. M. Larson, I a performer, and this was the tribute Robert Holmstorm was called to and are now busy cutting it. 'that an audience of more than a h—- Rosseau as his mother is very sick. | Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Anderson and

Alfred Johnson and Erick Hedblom son Harvey, of Swan River, visited at Little with the former's sister, Mrs. J. J.


formerly associated with Dr. Newman of this city.

PETER HOMAN DEAD _ ___ Peter Hohmann of Rices passed t-|re^ men and women paid to Mr. Fol-Minneapolis yesterday afternoon

__ __ ' Jacobson Sunday. daughter of Winnipeff. i)eat"h was due to heart failure', and! . . . ,,.-T | J. P. Winterquist and Albert John"; ChristSchlag, who has been hunting Wednesday for a .visit at tne o es »eame suddenly and unexpectedly. ROYALlON ' son attended a town meeting at the at Shovel Lake returned last week and

" «•»*«« * Deceased was born on a farm near I December 3.—Dr. and Mrs. Watson town hall last Tuesday. ^ reported that G. K. Valient is very ill. St. Cloud in 1857. He made his home with their three sons spent Thanks- The King system of ventilation J- J. Jacobson went to Little Falls in St. Cloud until 1900, when he moved giving with Mr. and Mrs. Holliday been installed at the Freedhem cre£m- last week, where he ptirchased a new

Mrs. C. R. Notton. • Barney Burton made a. business trip

to the twin cities yesterday. tne twi / Archie Blake .to Rices, where he opened a lumber at Sandstone. Irving Germain and Xrehiemako , ducted ^ bu8inesg up Misa Eleen ery.

Aiv,U|5v aV"riftnrl, "v^s- yard. He conducted this business up Miss Eleen Carnes and brother Nor-; Arthur Johnson was a business call-made a business trip t£;, S . . ^ i to the time of his death. He leaves a ri8 Carnes, motored to Sauk Centre er at Little Falls last Saturday. terday. niivo rnrnwolt wfint to Minne- wife and six children and a brother, Thursday in response to a telegram

nniia ^terdav for a few days' visit J* L. Hohmann, who teaches school in stating that their uncle, Lou Wake-»POl» yesterday forj^ few daj£ v»«- district No. 78 near Pierz. Deceased field, was seriously ill.

J. C. Highhous returned yesteraay, ^ knQwa to R number of Little Falls Is^ac Wilgon the Hamline Uni ... Highhous ^ . from a business trip to Minneapolis. |

Mrs. H. C. Newman arrived the first people, of the week for a visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. T. W. Ward.

George Beven of Verndale was in the city on business Wednesday.

Mrs.' F.

ELMDALE December 2.—Hen:y Olson went to XS8.SIC WUSOn UI WU5 nuiuiiuc UlU" 1-,^ 1 ., V __ 1, nr. I -f DVMVV* *" OfCUl

yersity sprat Thanksgiving with his 8»wta Sivi„g vacation at hOMe.

Emmerson Low DoMi? spreader from Eich & Siefert. S« .

Miss Ruth Jacobson, who is employ­ed at Brainerd, visited with friends and relatives a few days.

Miss Olga Jacobson, who teaches school in Swanville, spent her Thanks-

HUNTING SEASON CLOSED More than 200 sportsmen from Mor- parents

rison county hunted big game during «ation. _ „ Armstrong went to Boivlus; the open season of 1914, wh'"h closed s" Herman Batze . ros

" - " * Of this number about Thursday ewoute to her home in Wall-, ,Lawrence

fJharles Brown of Fisher, Minn.^ took place at Goodhue Nov. 25. The young couple will ymalk&hM their home at Fisherr* f

Morton. Oothoudt was a conritjr s©*^ visitor Tuesday. "Img

The Misses Ruth Olson, Annie DaM-rfi gren and Annie Si'gnor spent Thsniup^i^ giving at their homes here, returawg^ to Little Falls Sunday to continue tWr r studies. • . ..

C. E. Chapman shipped a cario«u oE>\ stock to St. Paul Monday. fi

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapman and-MK* Orin, autoed to Lincoln Thursday, : spend the day with Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Craighead. *»"

Earl Quimby returned to Little Falls Friday, where he is employed, after v spending Thanksgiving at his hon& here. f

Mr. and Mrs. Gidney of Little Falls spent Thanksgiving day here with , friends, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Smith.

James Tracey returned to Little* Falls Sunday to resume his studies at high school, after a few days' vaca-'*|^| tion, spent at his home in Parkertown; *

Hans Gosch and C. E. Chapman mo­tored to Little Falls Tuesday after-! noon.

Hans Gosch left Wednesday for the! twin cities, to buy his stock of hofi"- r day goods. -

Harris Gourd left Thursday for « several weeks' visit at his former home in Alluwec, Oklahoma.

Elmer Westin left Sunday for .-Sta-^. pies, after a short visit among rela- y tives at this place. \^4'

Anton Rogman left Saturday for Alabama, where he has interests In ^ real estate. ^

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Strand. from . Brooks, Minn., arrived here .Saturday for a short visit with Mr. Brooks' sis­ters, Mrs. P. L. Melberg and Miss Ag­nes Strand. They returned home on Monday. * $

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walstad and ehil- £ dren returned to their home at Wal|-. J peton, N. D., after a several days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gish of Park- . v-'l ertown. ^

E. Rajaneu, who has been visiting" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karhula. left Monday for his home at Menahra.

Miss Sina Vinge returned home from-Minneapolis Wednesday, to attend- the*


returned to Sit. tl xor JOnn sonars anu van jm-uh.- vr y, which li« shinnprl with fh<» "*1C is attendU*^ W^dneadav with their sawing riff. ™ wme. slllPPea Wltn tne normal, after having spent several. weanesaay wiin tneir sawing rig. Elm j)ale as80Ciati0n. ; ,lavs A i,er homo here

Christenson of Mizpah Mr< an<1 Mrs. J. J. Jacobson and i \r~a Wednesday afternoon, called tho?e by last Monday. ^ •"""«« """"" ef Tnn;. -\rn i uawreuce UUUBIOIIBUU UJ. IRR ami M*« T T T<IMH«DN AND i Mr —A _ , _ ,, , the serious illness of her sister-in-law,. 50 were from Little Falls, and nearly Peton, N. D*' is visiting with relatives and friends <lauJhter EvvHn and Ruth aml Rov MrS^ Annie Barnes spent Friday anJ Mrs. H. J. Armstrong. every one of the local hunters return- where she had taken her young son herg « .W®' ^ bn7 "l,urd.ay fiatives in Royalty,

1 - - - for medical treatment. i ti,« Jacobson w.ent to -Little Falls on DUBI- , returmng home Sunday. Albert Ahlers, who is attending higk OARAGE CHANGES COMPANY

NAME Motor Inn is the new name of the

firm operating the garage of that name on First street southeast. C. B. B1" ] man recently purchased an interest in

ed with a deer. Duck and partridge

closed Monday. season also

^ „ „ j - i i s - I „ J a c o b s o n w . e n t t o L i t t l e F a l l s o n b u s i -P. B. Logan went to Benson Friday . PraBk ®°°» •">«•

to attend the corn exhibition heini *»m— Monday afternoon^

SCIHiMID BUYS OUT PARTNER H. Omann of Avon, who has held

Antnn Tendro went to Rovalton on'. J®hnnie Kulla of Swan River was i seh00i in Little Falls, returned" heme held there. _ Anton Jendro went to wojaiton °Il injElm Dale with cream Monday. - ' - - -Mr. and Mrs. Peter McKibben of" Monday.

3. G. L. Bisbane left Tuesday for . r days' visit with Mrs. H. O.-Hoi- .-

and M. M. Buckman is secretary and treasurer. The company has taken the agency for three automobiles, the Reo, White and Overland.


Albert Armstrong of this city has leased the Royalton livery from Joe Newman, who has conducted the place for. a number of years. He took pos­session Saturday.

- # _ Tuesday, called here by the death of I JUT. ana mrs. jrensr mcxviuucu „ vv nun,ierS0ll spent Thankseiv-' Jac^. Casey of Swan River finished jjis father, who died at his home in Morrill spent Thanksgiving at the Orunderson spent lnanKsgi^ cementing for E. M. Larson Thursday. parkertowil Tuesday morning. Death

5 *?»• •? -Mrs'- MeKlhben's parents, '7 was at » th,S «• *».•• "«»« - .

""" . . . .. . i " Mr. and Mrs. John Sobieck took this place left for Per- tll€jir ehildren to Little Palls gunday where he will stay a evening? where they attend school.

. . 1 John Schictka of Swanville visited The Young Peoples Bible class met at tUe home o£ his fathe Jacob

'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. - -Jacobson Monday evening, Rev. Paul-

^ hdd in the Danish

has been manager of the store and dur- normal, came home for the Thanks-mg the short time he has been here giving vacation. ^ has built up a flourishing business. J an<j Mrs. Fred Galley, aeeom*

panied by Mr. and Mrs. James Lam-Schictka Sunday.

RANDALL December 2,—John Wahlberg was a

Dr. E. L. Fortier and John Hinder -returned Friday morning from Shovel Lake with two deer to show for a few days' hunting.

Misses Loretta Wessell and Phyllis Randall, who attend the Winona nor­mal school, spent the Thanksgiving va­cation at their homes here. Miss Ran­dall is taking a course in music at the normal.

Baldy Breezerfe

it*•>*«»-/rjy A:S&n



Here's a tip about more com­fort in cold weather. A chance to save money too.

Equip your house with storm doors; a sure way to reduce your coal bills. They keep the heat in and the cold out* We have the Lumber.

In a short time, the saving in fuel with the added comfort pays for them. They're in­expensive. Ask us about them. /•:>" - - •



Fort Bipley . Pierz , Randall

GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH Lutheran Zion's congregation. Rev. Miss Bessie Wright visited Royaltoil1 '

norteeMt^leSun^ay°services^a»d Holy , '***%»&££ W. L? Mc^onagle were1 ^iL^vhi^dinner was ^ven county seat visitor Wednesday! Communion at 10 o'clock forenoon. given a suiprise party Thursday ^ the . home of ^r. and Mrs, H.

I ning, it being their twenty-fifth wed n80n"


Oscar Munson arrived here Wednes­day from Page, N. D., where he has been employed for the past several months. . .'"i T

Mrs. Will Sullivan and children re-Miss Agnes Peterson, who teaches ding anniversary.

in the local schools, returned Sunday f1* Galley left for Sauk Rapids J from St. Cloud, where she spent the Saturday, where, he will be employed December 1.—The Union station at turned to their home in Clear La¥e Thanksgiving vacation. Miss Myrtle t>y_The St. Cloud Granite Co. . . Darling was visited by fire Friday Wednesday, after a few days'visit Olson, also a teacher here, spent ^ Mrs. Joseph Englerth has returned morning. John Sova, chief of the fire with relatives here and in Parkertown. Thanksgiving at her home in the fr°m Chokio, where she visited friends, department, .did quick work in ex- Mrs. Bernie Bentler went to Little Granite city. \ ^he Royalton orchestra played at tingtoishing the blaze with a single y&Ws Wednesday afternoon to attend

'.Holdmgford for a dance Thursday paii 0| water. The damage was small, the wedding reception given in honor Louise Kiewel, the little daughter of m?y „ . . . . . | Services will be held at the Swedish 0f i!er brother, Willis Boudreau and

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiewel, sustained ,. . 0r.°^ ^ Sl0u* ^lty' ^ 19, Lutheran church next Sunday at 3 bride, who were recently married, a bad cut on the head Friday as the X1.,, "!fi T „ iTv v brothers,. o'clock p. m. All are cordially invited j Will Hood of Ada, arrived here on result of falling on some sharp object . to attend. Wednesday for a visit with relatives,

" f r ^ r s - e C U e S r n e J S u n d a V ® h e s a l e o f f a n c y a r t i c l e s h e l d a t a g u e s t a t t h e C a l h o u n h o m e . H e r e -)PW v •" ®1». Y ^ ^.e 8®®nt the Swedish Lutheran n turned home Sunday. w«i«J^1Vmg daugher, Mrs. Thanksgiving day was a huge succes.; Miss Mary Aune of Ironton, spent a

if*! V v * , . . Before the sale Rev. Elof Peterson few dayB 0f iast week liere with i.«™ r\K -11 O turne<1 ,t° ^er' gave a good talk on Thanksgiving, say- friends, the guest of Mr. and Mrs; home at Dixville Sunday, after a ing that the American people Kad John Bjarnoos.

after being .pushed by two boys. Sev­eral stitches were necessary to close the cut.

Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Mero of Minne­apolis and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Case of weekVks^ ^ ' mg Amf 1 ^ John Bjarnoos. St. Paul spent Thanksgiving with rel- . Marie Feit^m nml" Halite C°^ntJw to. be than?f ?e ^Roy Quimby spent a few days of atives in this city. Mrs. Mero remain-' ret„r

a"d fro™ st vL\ £aVh® .A™e™ai\ P^ple are to- last week in Minneapolis, ordering a a.4 v„.„ o«,i „ aUfor returned rrom 8t. Faul Sunday meht. day the happiest people on the face stock of goods and is now open to do ed here until Sunday, she and a sister, Miss Lucile Mmer Teturned" Sunday

SS-en"' where ^ in St.' Cloud. Prom there they went to Minneapolis, the home of the for' mer.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hill ww« Sun­day visitors at the home of Mr. aiid M™. Wal^1* Parkins.

H. W. Carpenter, representing a land company, which is boosting the dav visitors in Sauk Ramds.

lower Rio" Grande valley in Texas, was mev^nent^ Smi<la "Pi-irioxT !Pent bunday at the home ot Mrs. m the city Friday, and in the evening Ge£ Furpeson

gave a lecture at the office oi Carl j Igaae Wilson and Bud Carnes re-Bolander on the West side. He told +:urne(1 to their res ective universiti3S h i s a u d i e n c e h o w t o p r e v e n t h o g c h o - • p , S 1


lew >i>d how to get more milk from, the cows and then showed a number

of the earth. business in the building formerly Miss Mary Kull spent Thanksgiving known as the Eureka store, but now

at her home here. She returned Mon- called 11 The Bargain Store." ay to the Brickyards, where she teach- j Invitations are out for the wedding es chool in district No. 24. '0f Miss Caroline Clatt of this place

,r„ , x ttt t> , . The telephone lines in this vicinity. to Mr. Anderson of Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bouek were Sun- (have been out of order for some time, j The Misses Mudge and Close of Lit-" " The Luther league of the Swedish tie Falls attended the dance given

Lutheran church will meet at the kere Thursday evening. church Sunday evening. j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Little, after a

I few weeks' visit with his parents, PIERZ I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Little in Parker-

Mrs, a few days lister of Staples.

D. Sheedy transacted business- in Little Falls Wednesday afternoon.

Minutes Mean Dollars IN TREATING ANIMALS

Doubtless you know tbe danger of delayed of oolio and other diseases. Ton also nallMfhafc moagtf upsU&i remedies are often wane ttMt •» Ueatmtint nt all In other worda, not to ttpw adisease eocnraMy i^piwrj fataL^ grwygwrajy should tw able to recoanlse to allnis^'ieygh^ oorrect treatment at the first symptoma. Fr­

action Is the great of treating hews* Hlnntes Of tiuMfmns


mentis always That Is Just how reya" 000 pago Tilwhw sf Haanal will prove •»«•!« ir vabte to yoo. 1111% I r. Hamphreys,*.®^**.® end tescheshowtodlNf* i| nose and gtve propor treatment. IUtlWOk«lllfM|Ml hnndrcds of AoOnaaA ; eostsyoaaetlitiic.' b«ndit ahcelatalvAieab,.^ ca»caaestto any ftwlwr ;;a^H

• |n order to intretaM J flomphreys' Veterlnsry Heniedles. BememtMrtltfle, .>• tbsolutely free. You do not have to order aay remedies to secure the book. Address, Hiiiiiyfcieui"

rrtetimiy In yonr lltmoy. Aa a reference wort: ,'tlnTslmble, To taw It In the time of aeeJ wfltfr* worth many dollars, •whereas it will oost yo* Oost card by writing for it

Mrs. Richter is very ill at the homt me cows anu men wiuweu a iiuuiucr » of 8tereoptieon_Tievs of (»rm. io the ^ ^ E. Foot, Rio Grande valley.

town, left Tuesday for their home in December 2.—Tony Macho returned Minneapolis

home to take in the Thanksgiving jame£ Newell of Red Lake, arrived here Friday for a short visit

TWtToi,- ^ -O vv . w , Heinie Gassert kft Mondajr for Mor- with friend^ the guest of Mr. aiul Bert Lakm of Bemid.n was in Roy-j ris, where he is employed, after spend- Mrg Honstroni.

alton during the past week. ling Thanksgiving at home, Late reports from Sauk Centre say j Leo Wermerskirehen made a busi

that Lou Wakefield is recovering from ness trip to Little Falls Sunday.



tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence

of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl­edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book.

The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page.

400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars.

Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume.

Write for sample pages, full par­

ticular*, etc. Name tw« paper and we will •end free

l a set of Bocket


"% ', 1 N,' V

S ^ i ~ / r

his recent illness. ^ C. Rosenmeier returned Tuesday

night from a visit with £is parents at Bird Island.

Albert Armstrong, a son of the late Sheriff Armstrong of Little Falls, has bought the Joe Newman livery busi-

I ness in Royalton. ! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kobe returned to their home at Osakis Monday.

Ed Richter of Larimore, N. D,, and Dan Richter of Minneapolis, have zeen called to Royalton by the serious ill­ness of their mother, Mrs. Bichter.

Frank Roller was here the first of the week to visit his mother, Mrs. Louise Roller.

Mrs. Joe Garber and son are visit­ing in St. Paid.

Mrs. A. C. Bouck returned from .El-dora, Iowa, Tuesday, where she went to attend the funeral of a young niece.

Mrs. Haugen has returned. to her home at Zumbrota, after a few days'

1 visit with Mrs. A. Heiberg. j Miss Moriarity of St. Cloud has ; been employed to fill the position of (teacher in the' fifth and sixth grades, j the vacancy having been caused by •Miss Harris' resignation several-weeks i ago. j A. C. Wilson left for Brainerd last [Wednesday night. • j G. E. Wilson is still confined to his home with a severe attack of inflam­matory rheumatism.

Mrs. E. J. McCollum and daughter Lois, leave Monday for Kftnmm City, enroute to Phoenix, Arizona, where-they will spend the winter. >

County Attorney Don Cameron transacted legal business in Royalton Thursday. , <^4 V ^


A bunch from Pierz took in Sherman Kelly show at Little Falls Monday night.

Frank Lyon, Ed Tanner and Mr.

Mrs. G. L. Brisbane returned liome Friday after a. short visit with ho;-brother, Will Sullivan and family, at

the Clear Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Blesi returned to. their

home in Osseo, Saturday after a


A N » T—:: "'.i-', Vr" :,; week's visit at the home of her par-Ashcraft visited with Mr. Aldnch and eut:8 j£r. and Mrs. E. Signor of Par-Mr. Amo, who were camping at Fish kertown<


_ . _.... . _ ,, .1 Mrs. J. T. Bentler spent Friday with Tl.? va- • f Little Falls spent reiatiVes in Little Falls.

Miss Sara Calhoun who is engaged her aunt, Mrs. J*. M. Blake. in teaching at Ward Springs came anSf1 i wJSSwJS home Wednesday to spend her Thanks-visiting witl? thfir IM' B&a ^ Sho retu",ed

WinlrlAr ""J1

' wd it . . The . Misses -Mamie and Nellie mak^r" is busv Match- Tracey, who are engaged in teaching

, in the vicinity of Bowlus, «pent wi ul v °• Holdingford Thanksgiving vacation at their homes SiJLw repairing Father iu Parkertown, returning Sunday. «. -RarnAtr Dn,^ .' Miss Campbell, who is engaged in

V^l' 7 ® t0n Wer® teaching at Wheatland, N.D., spent T*Aa!?ii n# a? t£«i • i>a ~ • •* Thanksgiving at her homC hfere, re-

V • V18lt; turning-to Wheitland Sunday nooi. S?. A ?>19Sri F* X' yiTni« and

; Alblrt Zimmerman, and May Heg-4. , a , - . • gan left Thursday for a . few days'

f1# ®?V visit with her sister, Mrs. Arthur ' aai Monday, where he went for medi- 'WildmnTi at Brainerd. They returned

r£e™mv j bomo Monday. T SJ «.f.T S5» Mr. and Mrs. Hans Elvig and son

Rapids^ last week, where they , wUl Kenneth, returned Jtome Thursday^ a£<-Joe will con- ^er a few days1' visit/with Mr. and

J Guild sale Thursday evening.

•* * r 1

Mi &*,'•* ' - t'Z* J

make their future home. duct a saloon at that place.

WUliam FauBt, who has been visit­ing friends and relatives here over. IThanksgiving. left foir his home in Minneapolis Monday.

A bunch of the young folks of town were , skating at Fish Lake Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon.


! Mrs. Elmer Cheeley sit Rainey. The Misses Annie Anderson, Pauline

' Calhoun, Florence Tracey, Nora/ Nel­son, Myrtle Nutter and Blanche Snlli-| van left Monday for St. Cloud, to.

resume the studio at the normal. I I Mr., and Mrs. P. G. Noggle^ and [ daughters Irene and Florence, of Boy-

Doodle McDonald left for Little; alton, spent Sunday .here with Mrs. Fnllfi Monday. ..Noggle's parents, Mr. ^ and Mrs. A.

Thd people of this town had to ?o Ketinetlv. ' •>-''rv Fridsv morning as the pine lead Announcement has just been reCeiv-

One -cent per word per lnaer-tion. No ad taken for less tbaa 10 cents.

PIANOS—For rent; also wvu« chines. Folsom Music Store. tf.

MONET to loan on farm property. Signor ft Schallern,

«tty urn

—sfe {FOB SALE—Shorthorn bull IS old. O. Gisel, 915 First Ave. N. E. t»-r

FOB SALE—Before buying pave 1 Poland-China hogs, visit the ~Ken-

kel farm, route 8.

WANTED—1000 bushels doner to be delivered on car at d _

Charles Van Hercke. D4rltp

FAKMB—Am preparing a sale list farms, and those desiring to 0eQ%

their lands or farms will do well te-list them with me at once. John Ver»;; tin, Little Falls, Minn. 2-tf.

STBATED—Abont Sept. 86, 6 spring calves of the following i

scription: Two red heifers, 1 red br 1 red bull with white line on bid*

S;ht roan, almoet white, heifer. Hel rs. A. E. Bixler, Pillager, Ifina.

FOB SALEh—I have several _ land located two to three milee fniil

railroad, with some timber on it» sell at fifteen to twenty dollars acre.. This] land is as good. tural land as any Benton or -Ma county land. If interested eall pn • ' 1 I. V 1UU1 Ui U)^ tto tlic - MM Ic lem I »»••y«»**vvwv—» JWW.'WVVW a v vy*» # m • __ '•if':'

out of the tank burst wud »11 the ed of the marriage of Miss Carletta1 ^te, D. A. Robinson, Shovel ^ wrA 4 am '-1J a V a' J amX . 9 9 T \ n m aloAn ^ g \0 flifa nleiiia ^ a ^ water leaked out. The well whieh is Damelson, formerly of this place, to Minn

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