
PARISH OFFICE, 838-6565 Parish Fax Number, 838-6566

Pastor Msgr. Matthew Mitas, ext 102

Deacon Rev. Mr. Joseph Kroutil

Parish Secretary Linda Brindley, ext 100

Bookkeeper Monique Zykan, ext 109

Music Director Sharon Churchill

St. Vincent De Paul...ext 504

Mary Ann Kauffman, ext 101

NEW PARISHIONERS Register in the parish office, Mon-Fri, 8:00 am- 4:00 pm.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism Instruction is to be scheduled with a parish priest.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE To be arranged with the parish priest at least six months prior.

St. Angela Merici Parish

December 17, 2017 3860 N. Hwy 67 Florissant, MO 63034

Mass Schedule Mon - Fri 8:00 am Saturday Fir st Sat. of the month, 8:00 am Saturday 5:00 pm (Vigil) Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Eucharistic Adoration Tuesdays 8:30 am - 7:00 pm 7:00 pm - Perpetual Help & Benediction Reconciliation Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 pm Or by appointment, call 314-838-6565 Perpetual Help Devotions Tuesdays After 8:00 am Mass & 7:00pm Holy Day of Obligation Masses To Be Announced. BULLETIN NOTICES: Submit to the parish office by Monday at 4:00 pm. Please email no-tices to: [email protected]. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please register in the par-ish office, Mon-Fri, 8 am - 4 pm. For more infor-mation, call the Parish Office, 314-838-6565.

Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrifice MINISTERS

FOR DEC. 23-25

WEEKEND SERVERS SATURDAY DECEMBER 23 5:00 pm Matt Adams, Jasmine DuMaine, Jahnea Gates SUNDAY DECEMBER 24 7:30 am Ben, Jacob, Kevin & Nick Burke 9:30 am Anna Lawless, Molly Malone, Sebastian Thomas 11:30am Abigail & Gwen Dobbs, Shawn Strutman 5:00 pm Veronica Breen, Daena Talavera, VOLUNTEER NEEDED 10:00 pm Noah, Nick, Abbie & Matt Dobbs MONDAY DECEMBER 25 8:00 am Ben, Jacob, Kevin Burke 10:00 am Daena Talavera, 2 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED WEEKEND LECTORS SATURDAY DECEMBER 23 5:00 pm Crystalyn Talavera, VOLUNTEER NEEDED SUNDAY DECEMBER 24 7:30 am Katherine Ising, Geoffrey Bullock 9:30 am Alan Scheibel, Pat Buchanan 11:30 am Michael Dobbs, William E. De Iuliis 5:00 pm Don Krause, George Bidlemann 10:00 pm Theresa Prosser, Geoffrey Bullock MONDAY DECEMBER 25 8:00 am Theresa Prosser 10:00 am Geoff Bullock EXTRAORDINARY MIN. OF HOLY COMMUNION SATURDAY DECEMBER 23 5:00 pm - Claudia & George Bidleman, Jane Buchholz, Tina Clarkin, Nora Kaikati, Diana & Ray Skubic SUNDAY DECEMBER 24 7:30 am - Margie Heppermann, Donna Krause, Harry Maier, Carol Pauli, Kenneth Schmalbeck, Rick Vietmeier, William Watson 9:30 am - Charles Aten, Donald & JoAnn Holdener, Teena Lawless, Sue Scheiding, Jean Tucker, Pat Vorwald 11:30 am - Charles Danganan, Stephen Graham, VOLUNTEER NEEDED cont’ pg 4


Monday, December 18 8:00 am - William Taylor Tuesday, December 19 8:00 am - Charles (Spec. Int.) Wednesday, December 20 8:00 am - Marie Bullock Thursday, December 21 8:00 am - Elizabeth Landgraf Friday, December 22 8:00 am - Albert Rowles Saturday, December 23 5:00 pm - Ron Bertin Sunday, December 24 7:30 am - David Kemper 9:30 am - Kathy Kushins 11:30 am - Peggy Haas 5:00 pm - Joe & Evelyn Kroutil (Spec. Int.) 10:00 pm - Catherine Vanderlofske



The third in our series of four Sundays of Advent Vespers is this evening at 7:00. Since this year’s Advent season is the shortest it can possibly be, meaning that next Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, is also Christ-mas Eve, we had to adapt the schedule of our Advent Vespers to fit in the four days. And so we have moved the Vespers that ordinarily would have been celebrated next Sunday to this Thursday, Dec. 21 (same time, 7:00PM). The attendance has been great, souls have been edified, God has been praised. Even if you’ve missed all the pre-vious ones, come anyway. It’s just about the best way to keep a holy Advent season.


Advent being a penitential season, it is very fitting that one confess one’s sins in preparation for the coming of Christ. Toward that end, extra times for Confession are scheduled throughout this week (in addition to the usual Saturday afternoon session from 4:00-4:45). This week, they are: Tuesday, Dec. 19, from noon to 1:00PM and from 6:30-7:00PM (the letter I sent out said 7:30, but it was incorrect), and on Thursday, Dec. 21 after the 8:00AM Mass and after the 7:00PM Vespers. I will also start extra early next Saturday, Dec. 23, at 3:30PM.


With the success and popularity of our ethnic saints food nights, we’re forging ahead. The next one is the big one, the feast of our parish patroness, St. Angela Merici herself! She being a daughter of Italy, the cuisine, of course, will be Italian! The date is Saturday, January 27. Mark your calendars; it’s going to be the red-hot ticket of the New Year!


- December 17 & 21: Vespers for the Sundays of Advent in preparation for Christmas (note that the first three are on Sunday, but since the fourth Sunday is Christ- mas Eve, the last one will be on Thursday, Dec. 21). Starts at 7:00PM (lasts about half an hour).

- December 19: Next Catechism Class, after the 7:00PM devotions (in the parish meeting room; all are welcome!)

- CHRISTMAS: Masses on Sunday, Dec. 24 at 5:00 & 10:00PM, and on Monday, Dec. 25 at 8:00 & 10:00AM (Please note: Monday, Jan. 1 is NOT a holy day of obligation this year, so there will be only one Mass for New Year’s Day, on Monday, Jan. 1, at 9:00AM)

December 26: If you didn’t make it for the pilgrimage to the Marian shrines last October, share the experience with us at a special slide presentation. We’re going to have a public showing of the photos our pilgrims took while on the pilgrimage for any who might want to see them. I know a lot of people wish they could have gone; in this way, all can take part. They will be shown in the lunchroom after the 7:00PM Devotions. (Refreshments provided.)

January 27: Feast of St. Angela Merici. We will have our big Italian Food Night to honor her!

-(TBD): Pilgrimage to the EWTN Network complex in Alabama. We’re working out the details now, but it should wind up being a 3 or 4-day sojourn (with an overnight stop in between) by bus for our parishioners who would like to see and experience this vibrant and vital exercise of American Catholicism. As I’ve indicated, we have nothing planned, not even the dates for the pilgrimage, but most likely, it will be next spring. I expect it will cost around $350.



Sat. 5:00 pm - Bob & Lois Adams Sun. 7:30 am - Tom & Marie Trost Sun. 9:30 am - Ed & Karen Dafflitlo Sun. 11:30 am - Lucy Ware & Bertha Carter-Simmons & Patricia Scognamiglio Sun. 5:00 pm - Jack & Nora Kaikati Sun. 10:00 pm - Volunteer Needed Mon. 8:00am - Volunteer Needed


Sunday Collection - December 10, 2017

Sunday Offering $ 11,032 Weekly Budget $ 12,857 Weekly Over/Under - $ 1,825 Fiscal Year To Date - $ 44,068

CONFESSION SCHEDULE: December 19: Noon-1:00pm and 6:30-7:30pm

December 21: after 8:30am Mass and after 7:00pm Vespers

December 23: 3:30-4:45pm

CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE: December 24: 5:00pm & 10:00pm

December 25: 8:00 & 10:00am

NEW YEARS DAY SCHEDULE: January 1: 9:00am

EXTRAORDINARY MIN. OF HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY DECEMBER 24 5:00 pm - Donna Krause, Karen Dietz, Claudia Bidlemann, Nora Kaikati, Diana & Ray Skubic 10:00 pm - Carol Pauli, Geoff Bullock, Evelyn Kroutil, 3 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED MONDAY DECEMBER 25 8:00 am Theresa & Bill Watson, Margie Heppermann, 3 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 10:00 am Bill DeIuliis, 5 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, December 25th and Tuesday, December 26th. Due to the Holiday.


Let’s making this a potpourri of Catholic per-sons, places, practices and events from antiquity. See how much you know:

1. Who was the Christian emperor of Rome who abolished the pagan Olympic games (at the behest of St. Ambrose)? 2. How were bishops selected in the first few centuries of the Church? 3. We have two words for an unbeliever, one from Latin, one from Old English, which in both cases simply meant “someone who lives in rural are-as”. What are they? 4. What are those adults who are preparing for Baptism called? 5. Where are the earliest Christian paintings found? 6. In the early Church, what were the two weekly days of fasting? 7. What were the very first buildings used for Mass? 8. How did the first Christians regard usury, i.e., the practice of lending money at interest? 9. When did the practice of priestly celibacy become common? 10. How do the penances given for grave sin in the early Church differ from today?

ANSWERS: 1. Theodosius 2. By election, with the Catholic laity doing the voting 3. “Pagan” (Latin) and heathen” (Old English) 4. Catechumens 5. In the catacombs around Rome 6. Wednesday and Friday 7. Private homes (many of which were later expanded into churches) 8. They thought it was gravely sinful 9. By the end of the fourth century 10. They were a lot more arduous than present QUOTE OF THE WEEK

“Find out just what any people will quietly sub-mit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them…the limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” - Frederick Douglas

This Week In Our Parish: Tuesday, December 19 8:30 am - Eucharistic Adoration 3:00 pm - Legion of Mary, Rectory Basement 7:00 pm - Benediction Wednesday, December 20 9:00 am - Quilters Meet, Rectory Basement Thursday, December 21 7:00 pm - Ladies & Men’s K of C, Rectory Bsmt Sunday, December 24 7:00 pm - Boy Scouts Troop 940, Lunchroom


PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: MaryAnn Hoven, Elisabeth Cisco, Rachael Lawson, Dorothy Martinelli, Joanne Cipolla, Jeff Gauthier, Barb Lehman, Lila Jones, Jen-nifer Berkbigler, Sue Pitti, Mary Dietz, Rose-mary Licato, Evelyn Finno, Claudette Ka-zakian, Shirley Bertin, Jackie Carrol, Lisa Wil-liford, Roy Wong, Guy Henriksen, Gary & Debbie Corcoran, Augustine & Ray Porter, Margaret Nolte, Billie Lawson, Jim & Eileen McMullen, Bud Kushins, Kristine Lawson, Katie Horn, Debbie Gervich, Melodie & Jim Leonard, Neil MacKenzie, William Brennan, Carolyn Stokes, Jim Walsh, Allison Molner, William Timken, Eugene & Margaret Kluge, Laurie Kauffman, Juluis Lawson, Carl Kling, Sr., Vincent Scognamiglio, Sara Hopf and Art Batson.

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN Joshua Stremlau, Bradley Stremlau, Corey Rudroff, Steven Bennett, Jerrod Klug, Michael Olwig, Pat Edwards-Parrish, Guthrie Stotser, Jonathan Buss, Brad Sanders, Matthew Meske, Jackie Cotter, J. Timothy Sullivan, Matthew Hawkins, John Reddan, Brandon Gruelle, Dustin Kyle, Jacob Doerle, Max Rose, Craig Richard-son, Jacob and Joshua Graham



The Ministery Schedule (Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers and Money Counters) will be collected and turned into a new Ministry Schedule for January, February, and March 2018. The new Schedule will be prepared during the week starting Dec 18-22, 2017. Please en-ter the dates you are unavailable before 12/17/2017 in order for the program to be able to con-sider your requirements. Thank you for your service to the Parish."

Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you searching for a deeper sense of purpose? More joy? Don’t miss Dynamic Catholic and Matthew Kelly’s largest event yet, presented on April 28, 2018 at the Family Arena. Save $9. A limited number of tickets for this event will be available for only $20 a ticket the weekend of January 13 & 14 at St. Ferdinand and St. Norbert and on January 20 & 21 at St. Sabina. Make sure to purchase your tickets after Mass to take advantage of this exclusive, one time offer. For more event details, please visit or call Debbie Henderson at 314-837-8366


THE LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will again be col-lecting gifts and food packages for our parish seminarian for Christmas! During Advent, please leave the donations for Matthew Dobbs in the two blue buckets found in the church vestibule. We are looking for sealed food gifts- particularly teas and snacks, as well as anything that our parishioners wish to donate to support Matthew in his seminary studies. Thank you for your love and support for our parish semi-narian at this holy time of year. Please contact Auxiliary President Agnes Bullock at 716-3204 for more information.


The response to the Advent Giving Tree was wonderful! We appreciate all the support from our St. Angela’s family. We wish everyone a very blessed & Merry Christmas.

MARCH FOR LIFE 2018 This January, our parish will have 14 representatives participating in the 45th Annual National March for Life in Washington, DC. It is a very somber and yet hopeful event because hundreds of thou-sands participate every year. This year, because there will be no vigil Mass on New Year’s Eve, we will not be hosting the usual dinner/party. We will, however, have a breakfast after the Masses on January 14 to support our pilgrims. We truly appreciate all you continue to do for us!

St. Angela Merici Catholic Church has regis-tered with the Amazon Smile Program. The church will receive a .5% rebate on any eligible items when registered members chose St. Ange-la Merici Catholic Church as their charity and purchase through the Amazon Smile Program website. There is no additional cost to the pur-chaser, just like the ‘Together We’re Better” gift cards. All Amazon benefits received today are still included, for example, all Prime Member benefits will still apply, Please register yourself as members of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church on the website and for anything you plan to purchase from Am-azon, please go through that website. Thank you for your support of OUR PARISH.


There is still time to get your picture in the Parish directory. We are trying to get them to

come back for one more day, but we must guar-antee 18 families sign up for that to happen. We only have two families right now and need 16 more. The date will be Wednesday, Jan. 10th. You can bring a picture to the parish Office that we will get put into the book and this picture will not be returned.

SUITE SEATS FOR A SWEET CAUSE Support families choosing to make the loving, and often expensive, choice to grow their family through adoption AND get or give a chance to enjoy a 2018 Cardinals game from the Mercy Suite! Raffle winner receives 10 tickets in Suite 33 (along the 1st base line) at Busch Stadium for a 2018 Cardinals’ Home Game, $150 of food/drinks and one parking pass for a mutually agreed upon date. Made available through the generous donation of Mercy. All proceeds bene-fit the Archbishop Robert J. Carlson Adoption Fund. Great Holiday Gift! Raffle Tickets can be deliv-ered in a festive gift envelope perfect for the per-son who has everything! For more information: or 314.997.7576

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