Page 1: ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH...our sins have caused Him. There isn’t much comfortable about the crucifix. And so too He in-vites us to follow Him. He wants us to lay our sinful ways


Weekend Mass Weekend Mass is not yet open to the public. Please

join us online: STANTHONYDAM.ORG

Sun. 9:30am Latin (EF), 11:00am (Solemn Mass with Incense)English, 1:00pm Spanish.

Weekday Mass Now Open to the Public Mon. — Fri. 8:30am English

(New Time) Tues. — Fri. 7:00pm Spanish

Eucharistic Adoration: In Adoration Chapel beginning 9:15am Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 8pm.

Welcome to St. Anthony Church!! If you are new to our faith community and are interested in becoming a member of St. Anthony Catholic Church, please go online to to fill out a “New Member Form?.

Reconciliation: (Confession) Sat 9:00 — 9:30am, 3:00 —3:30pm or by appointment . Sun 12:30pm — 1:00pm in Spanish.

Baptism: Baptism is conferred by appointment on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. At least one parent must be registered and a practicing member of the parish. Parents are requested to call the office (244-4709) to register for the pre-baptism class and date for baptism. Baptism in the Lat-in Rite, Ext. Form will be done on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 4:00pm by appointment.

Marriage: At least one of the parties must be registered and a practicing member of the parish. Please contact the office at least 8 months prior to the proposed date of the wedding. Funeral: Please contact a funeral home and they will notify the parish office.

Hours: New Hours: 8am—12pm Monday—Friday until further notice.

Phone: 515.244.4709

Address: 15 Indianola Rd., Des Moines, IA 50315



Monsignor Frank Chiodo, Pastor Join Monsignor’s YouTube channel for Heart Journey videos and Sunday homilies.

Fr. Guthrie Dolan, Parochial Vicar

Fr Jose Reynaldo, Chaplain of Hispanic Community


Rev. Mr. Juan Bustamante

Rev. Mr. Tom Hunkele

Rev. Mr. Tony Romeo

Rev. Mr. Thomas Starbuck

Rev. Mr. Quan Tong




June 14th — The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Congratulations to all our Graduates! (above is a picture of a few of our graduates)

Page 2: ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH...our sins have caused Him. There isn’t much comfortable about the crucifix. And so too He in-vites us to follow Him. He wants us to lay our sinful ways


Weekend Mass Continues to Be Only Online

Weekday Mass is Now Open

All Masses is broadcast and can be viewed online. Found at, the St. Anthony App & on the

St. Anthony Church Facebook page. Monday, June 15th 8:30am—+Butruille Family, James Miley Shivers Tuesday, June 16th 8:30am—+Sam A Soda & Daughter Maria, Special Intention all Leesa Jacob 9:15am—Adoration in the Church 7:00pm—+Rosella Beener 8:00pm—Benediction of the Blessed Sacraments Wednesday, June 17th 8:30am—+Rev Sister Beningamma, Laurimda, Antonio Lourentino Goncalves 9:15am—Adoration in the Church 7:00pm—+Carmella Yacavona 8:00pm—Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday, June 18th 8:30am—+Pereira Family, Sam ‘Tino’ Zenti 9:15am—Adoration in the Church 7:00pm—+Pete Leo 8:00pm—Benediction of the Blessed Sacraments Friday, June 19th 8:30am—+Bruno Burriola, Leonard Yacavona 7:00pm—+Jan Powers Saturday, June 20th 8:30am—+Sam Leto, Ralph Leto, Sr Angelo Costanzo, St Anthony Parishioners Sunday, June 21th 9:30am—Latin Mass +FDN#1 *11:00am—+Emil Vecchi 1:00pm—Spanish Mass-+For an end to abortion & respect for all human life + Mass Intention * Incense


Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a/Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20 [12]/1 Cor 10:16-17/Jn 6:51-58

Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16/Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-6a, 6b-7 [2b]/Mt 5:38-42

Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 11 and 16 [cf. 3a]/Mt 5:43-48

Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14/Ps 31:20, 21, 24 [25]/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

Thursday: Sir 48:1-14/Ps 97:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7 [12a]/Mt 6:7-15

Friday: Dt 7:6-11/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 10 [cf. 17]/1 Jn 4:7-16/Mt 11:25-30

Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25/Ps 1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd [cf. 1]/Lk 2:41-51

Next Sunday: Jer 20:10-13/Ps 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35 [14c]/Rom 5:12-15/Mt 10:26-33


June 14th-June 21st

My Dear Parishioners, This is a very special weekend; we are celebrating our annual Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession around Des Moines and we will ask the Lord to bless the city and everyone in it. There are close to 50 cars that will follow in the motorcade to

pray with us and to give honor to our Lord. Thank you to all that have signed up to participate. You can also follow along online. I praise God—ahead of time—for the beautiful day—in all ways. O Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament—Bless and protect our

parish. Amen.

I want to thank all who have planned and worked for the success of the procession this year—Dave Miller, Nick Iaria, John Putbreese and Kim Lehman — God Bless and reward you all. I look forward to the weekend Mass opening, hopefully at the end of June, so that we can once again celebrate it together. Please check our website for any updates. In an effort to reach all our members with news updates, we are beginning to mail a newsletter. If you do not receive your newsletter by the first week of July, please contact the parish office. We want to make sure everyone is reached. May the Lord keep you safely in His loving arms.

Page 3: ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH...our sins have caused Him. There isn’t much comfortable about the crucifix. And so too He in-vites us to follow Him. He wants us to lay our sinful ways


Cross the Comfort Zone By Monsignor Frank Chiodo

Some people think their Christianity is supposed to make you comfortable in life. In the

Old Testament we read: “The Lord wishes to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”

In other words, although the Lord always wants to comfort and console His people, He ardently

desires that we never become lazy or laid back in our Christian lives. For too many Christianity

involves comfort instead of a cross. There is a comfort zone that we sometimes create between

God and us. We won’t cross over that comfort zone because to do so would require us to

change, and that’s usually something that makes us uncomfortable. We get comfortable in our

ruts and routines, and change is difficult. We would rather stay in our Christian comfort zones.

For some, Christianity is symbolized by a cushion instead of a cross.

In the Gospel of John, Andrew finds his brother Simon and says: “We have found the

Messiah.” Then he brought Simon to Jesus. Simon and Andrew came out of their com- fort

zones in order to follow Jesus.

There was a man who had a son. The son constantly caused trouble by misuse of his

mouth. He was mouthy, sarcastic, hypercritical, cynical and cursed like a sailor. He couldn’t

convince the kid to change until he came up with an idea. Every time the boy misbehaved he

would order him to go out back and put a nail in the fence. After some days, there were 30 nails

piercing the fence, a clear sign of the boy’s misbehavior.

The boy decided to change and so his father agreed that each time he had a day without

misusing the gift of speech he would go out back and remove a nail from the fence. After a

month or so, he was very proud and told his father that all the nails were now gone. “Yes,” said

the father, “well done, but look at the fence. There are still the nail marks. There are holes in the

fence, marring the fence.” “Remember,” the father said, “what you say leaves scars on people’s

lives.” The boy was a bit uncomfortable that day, as his father showed him the consequences of

his misbehavior.

(Continued on page 4)

Page 4: ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH...our sins have caused Him. There isn’t much comfortable about the crucifix. And so too He in-vites us to follow Him. He wants us to lay our sinful ways


What we say leaves scars on peoples’ lives. God is calling us to cross the comfort zone

today. He is calling us to recognize the scars we have left on the lives of others through our mis-

use of the gift of speech. The Lord called Andrew and Simon to follow Him. He calls us to follow

Him too. He wants to drive out the evil spirit of sarcasm, hurtful comments, cynicism, cursing,

and verbal assaults on others. God is making us uncomfortable today. The purpose of God’s

Word is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. God wants us to be uncomfortable

with our- selves. It’s only then that we will be open to change.

It is hard to change. The boy in the story had a tough time changing his mouthy, sarcastic

ways. It took him a lot longer to remove those nails than to put them on the fence. But he did it,

one day at a time. We need to cross over the comfort zone and begin to work at changing how

we speak to and about one another. Every time we come to Mass we cross the comfort zone

because at Mass we witness the horrors of Christ’s cross and witness how much agony and pain

our sins have caused Him. There isn’t much comfortable about the crucifix. And so too He in-

vites us to follow Him. He wants us to lay our sinful ways at the foot of the cross.

But most of the time we come and go from every Mass unchanged because we refuse to repent

at the cross. The Christian life is all about character rather than comfort. The chief symbol of the

Christian life is the cross, not a cushion. An interesting fable highlights the importance of build-

ing character rather than looking for comfort. A rich man hired a poor carpenter to build a

house on the hillside and went away on a long journey. The carpenter said to himself, “My boss

is away and I can use cheap materials for the parts of the house that will not show. The house

will be weak and undesirable but nobody will know except me.” When the rich man returned he

said, “The house isn’t for me. It’s for you.” The carpenter accepted the key to the house in

astonishment. Instead of a first-class home he now had a first-class dump.

Don’t look for the easy way of Christian living. It’s a dead end. Cross the comfort zone

today. Follow Jesus and carry your cross, as the Apostles Simon (later named “Peter”) and An-

drew did. Commit yourself to a new way of living. Look at the cross. Remember: our sins leave

scars on Him.

(Excerpt from Monsignor’s book, “One Dose Daily.” The electronic version can be found on


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