Page 1: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,


WEEKDAY MASSESMonday - Friday 6:45 am 9:00 am

Saturday Morning 8:30 am

July 31, 2016


631.261.1077 • Fax

Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm

OUR MISSIONSaint Anthony of Padua Parish is a welcoming, loving Catholic community, centered in Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit.

Together we celebrate the liturgy in prayer and sacrament; we educate our children and adults in the faith; we support and reach out to those in need.

We believe the Holy Spirit is calling us to con-tinue: to love one another as Jesus loves us, to share the word of God and to serve both within and beyond our Parish family.


TRINITY REGIONAL SCHOOL Principal: Miss Jeanne Morcone • 631.261.5130PARISH OUTREACH 631.261.1695 • Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 10 am - 2 pmRELIGIOUS EDUCATION 631.261.1306 • Mon. - Thurs. 10 am - 3 pm (closed 12-30-1:30)

St. Anthony of PaduaR O M A N C A T H O L I C C H U R C H2 0 C h e s h i r e P l a c e , E a s t N o r t h p o r t , N ew Yo r k 11731


Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am (Family Liturgy) 10:30 am (Choral Mass) 10:30 am (Spanish Mass Lower Church) 12:00 noon 7:00 pm (Teen Mass every third Sunday)

One Nation, Under God

Rev. Monsignor Joseph Mirro, Pastor 261-1077 ext. 202

Rev. Vian NtegerejImana, Associate Pastor 261-1077 ext. 203

Rev. Innocent Amasiorah, Associate Pastor 261-1077 ext. 235

Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Cantley, STD

Robert Braun, Deacon

Judy Corbellini, RCIA • 261-1179

Ann Finley, Adult Faith Formation 261-1077 ext. 208

Patricia Seibert, Coordinator of Religious Education, 261-1306 ext. 226

Anne Giorgio, Administrator of Religious Education, 261-1306 ext. 224

Karen Humphreys, Parish Outreach Coordinator 261-1695 ext. 230

Joe Chiovarelli, Youth Minister 261-1077 ext. 209

Don Ferrer, Business Manager 261-1077 ext. 206

Deborah Liguori, Parish Secretary 261-1077 ext. 200

Saturday Evening 5:00 pm

HOLY DAYSAs announced in the bulletin


Page 2: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,

The Celebration of the Sacraments

Baptism Baptisms are normally celebrated at 2:00PM on scheduled Sundays in a month. Please call the Parish office to arrange for a meeting with a Parish Priest and to register for the baptismal class which is normally held on the 4th Monday of each month at 7:30PM.

Marriage Couples should make an appointment with a Priest at least eight months prior to the wedding. A Marriage Preparation Program is required.

Anointing of the Sick Anyone seriously ill, elderly, or prior to an operation should be anointed with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Please speak with one of the Priests to make the arrangements.

Communion for the Homebound Anyone who cannot attend Mass due to illness or age may receive Communion at home. Please call the Rectory office to make arrangements.

Reconciliation (Confession) Every Saturday and Eve of Holy Days from 4:00PM to 4:45PM in the Church and on the Thursday before the First Friday of every month after the 9:00AM Mass. Individual confessions may be arranged by calling the Rectory office. Interested in becoming a Catholic or completing

your Sacraments? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults are brought into the Catholic Church. If you have never been baptized, confirmed or received first Holy Communion or if you are a member of another Christian Church and wish to become a member of the Catholic Church, contact Judy Corbellini at (631)261-1179.

Holy Orders - Priesthood Those young men interested in preparing for or learning more about the Priesthood, please contact one of the Priests.



MONDAY August 1st, 2016 6:45 AM Rocco De Pasquale & Huber familes 9:00 AM Andrew Paino, Sr,

TUESDAY August 2nd, 2016 6:45 AM Jesse Ortiz 9:00 AM Patricia & Fred Miani

WEDNESDAY August 3rd, 2016 6:45 AM Joseph Fenton 9:00 AM Katherine DeAngelo

THURSDAY August 4th, 2016 6:45 AM Regina Rakowski 9:00 AM Geralyn Laboy

FRIDAY August 5th, 2016 6:45 AM Regina Rakowski 9:00 AM Daniel Mihnovich

SATURDAY August 6th, 2016 8:30 AM Ellen Papaemmanuel 5:00 PM Lucille Montella

SUNDAY August 7th, 2016 7:30AM Parishioners of St. Anthony 9:00AM Rafael Escobar 10:30AM Banfield and Byrne families 12:00 Noon Andrew Rosa 7:00PM Denise E. Dehling

Priest schedule August 6th and August7st Saturday, August 6th 5:00 PM Fr. Vian Sunday, August 6th 7:30 AM Fr. Vian 9:00 AM Fr. Ted 10:30 AM Msgr. Cantley 10:30 AM (lower -Spanish) Msgr. Joseph Mirro 12 Noon Fr. Ted 7:00 PM Msgr. Joseph Mirro

We are publishing the schedule of the priest celebrants of Sunday Masses. ****Please note that for pastoral reasons and emergencies the schedule may be changed without notice.

Page 3: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,

Please Pray


Sunday Scripture Reflection

Names submitted for the bulletin should be submitted to the Rectory office by Thursday, 12 Noon, of the previous week and

will remain on the Prayer List for one month.

Pray for the Sick: Vincent Gazzo, Damon Giglio, Rita Gutrich, Peter Cameron,

Maureen Mahon, Elizabeth Macholz, Terry Lalor, Sean Smith,

Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz, Brian Dowd, Louis Handler,

Hugh Gorman, Jerry Valinoti, Sean O’Loughlin, Baby Mia Scrivano, Danyela Belo, Maria Llave, Jane King, Rich Kramer, Marie Fanelli, Jean Marie Ronde Bower, Fran Karlewicz, Julie McDowell Scott,

Don Berny, Cathy Berny, Lauren Marsik, Paul Weingart, Colleen Mullaney, Christine Byrne, Baby Brody Michael Sullivan,

Chet Brazee, Laura Thomas, Dorothy King, Rich Kramer, Mary Beth Sponner, Irene Ketteridge, Joseph Badamo, Robert Flinn,

Christina Mahon, Marie Baffo, Marie King, Mary Santino, Carmela Strano, Maxine Ryan, Ralph Parise, Robert Callatone,

Kathy LaRusso, Paul Strano, Frances Powers, John & Margaret Leppert, Alyssa Leppert, Elaine Flanagan

Readings for the Week of July 31, 2016 Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23/Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17/ Col 3:1-5, 9-11/Lk 12:13-21 Monday: Jer 28:1-17/Ps 119:29, 43, 79-80, 95, 102/Mt 14:13-21 Tuesday: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22/Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23/Mt 14:22- 36 or 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7/Jer 31:10-13/Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/Mt 16:13-23 Friday: Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7/Dt 32:35-36, 39, 41/Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9/2 Pt 1:16-19/Lk 9:28b-36 Next Sunday: Wis 18:6-9/Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22/Heb 11:1- 2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12/Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Take care to guard against all greed, for though one

may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” This isn’t a message that gets much advertising. On the contrary, just about every advertised message we hear comes from someone who wants to make money by sell-ing us possessions. The message we hear loud and clear on television or Internet ads or on highway billboards or the back cover of magazines is that we need this product or that service in order to be happy. Professional marketers are in the business of creating a supposed need and then promising to fill it with their product. In today’s culture, it’s hard to remember that life isn’t about possessions.

But in this Gospel, Jesus reminds us that there is more to life than having “so many good things stored up for many years.” All of this stuff—be it clothes, devices, equipment, decorations, entertainment centers, or any-thing else—does no lasting good if and when “this night your life will be demanded of you.” Unlike the fool who spends all of his time, energy, and money building larger barns, we should focus our resources on becoming “rich in what matters to God.”

This means cultivating virtue instead of vice. It means sharing our money with those in need instead of hoarding it out of selfish greed. The call is a challenging one, and countercultural too. But Jesus never said that the Chris-tian way was the way of the world. As St. Paul instructs us in today’s epistle, “Put to death, then, the parts of you that are earthly.” Instead of falling for the marketers’ mes-sages, may we have the wisdom to store up our treasure in heaven.


Rosemarie Maisch

James Charles Weibert Emma Grace Hadrigan Daniella Eve Kraehling Madison Sage Morrell Emma Frances Ward


Observances for the Week of July 31, 2016 Sunday: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Tuesday: Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop; Peter Julian Eymard, Priest Thursday: John Vianney, Priest Friday: Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major Saturday: Transfiguration of the Lord Next Sunday: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Pastor’s Pen


KRAKOW, Poland (CNS) -- St. John Paul II's former secretary urged young Catholics to share their faith, experiences and hopes and spread a "message of divine mercy" worldwide during World Youth Day.

"We come from every nation under heaven, like those who came in great numbers to Jerusalem on Pentecost Day, but there are incompa-rably more of us now than 2,000 years ago, because we are accompa-nied by centuries of preaching the Gospel," Krakow Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz said during the July 26 opening Mass.

"We bring experience of various cultures, traditions and languages. But what we also bring are testimonies of faith and holiness of our brothers and sisters, followers of the risen Lord, of past generations as well as the current generation," he said. The cardinal preached to an estimated 200,000 pilgrims from 187 countries in Krakow's Blonia Park, a day before the scheduled arrival of Pope Francis. He said a special clock had been fitted to the front of the city's cathedral, "counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds," since 2013, when the city was announced as the venue for World Youth Day this year.

Fr Joe Fitzgerald with group from Diocese of Rockville Centre

Dear Parishioners,

As of this writing (Tuesday, July 27) we still have no news about Sister Eileen Christie. Our parish continues to join the Sisters of St. Joseph and St. Anthony’s High School in prayer for her safe return. Please pray!

The Long Island Catholic has reported: The Upper Austria police were focusing their search below the surface of Lake Hallstatt, a short walk from Sister Eileen’s hostel, Haus Jodler. A police spokeswoman said dogs picked up her scent near the lake, a fjord-like setting and popular site for swimming, boating and other recreational sports, including scuba diving. Upon inspecting Sister Eileen’s room earlier in the investi-gation, they determined that her bathing suit was missing, though her other possessions remained undisturbed. There was no indication that an intruder had entered the room or harmed the nun, police said. Divers with Austria’s special forces unit, EKO Cobra, began searching the lake July 19. Submersible robotic cameras were to be used for areas that divers cannot reach, Upper Austria police spokeswoman Simone Mayr-Kirchberger told CNS July 21. Asked if the police believe that Sister Eileen’s disappearance is the result of foul play, Mayr-Kirchberger responded, “At this point, no.”

********** Father Innocent Amasiorah, who has been associate pastor since June of 2014, will be going for further studies on August 1. For the past four years, Father Innocent has been on leave from his diocese in Ni-geria to earn a doctorate at Fordham University. We are very grateful to Father Innocent for his service to our parish. We wish him well.

Father Innocent will say the Noon Mass on this Sunday, July 31. There will be a farewell reception for him immediately after the Mass in the Lower Church.

Please join us.

Cardinal at World Youth Day Opening Mass: Spread message of Divine Mercy


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Sacrificial Giving 2015

Living Stewardship: We are grateful this week for all stewards who receive God’s mercy in such a profound way that it moves them to share mercy with others, espe-cially during this Jubilee year.

FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: Our parish now offers Online Giving, a web -based electronic contribution application. We are providing this service so that YOU have the option to manage your contributions online or with your offering envelopes. This service is safe and secure. And it is convenient for you and for our parish staff. Sign UP for Online Giving by visiting There you will find St. Anthony of Padua parish online giving.

8 envelopes for the week of

July 24th 2016

Young Stewards Corner

Offering $17.00

My good deed for this week: 

Sacrificial Giving 2016

I picked up toys at school  without being asked. I washed the dishes. I helped my sister’s troop at  Girl Scouts.   I sorted the laundry. I helped with my dog  because she is sick.  I cleaned my toys up and fed my dog. I helped my grandma clean  up. I helped make dinner.  

Did We Take a Step?

Good stewards follow the advice of St. Paul and conduct themselves - by wise use of their time and talents - in a way worthy of the Gospel of Christ.

“If you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.”

July 24th, 2016 $17,649.08 July 26th, 2015 $17,584.75 Increase $ 64.33

This week’s Sanctuary Lamp Burns in Memory of

Timmy Ryniker

The flowers placed on

the Main Altar are in Memory of

Mildred Jean Raheb

The flowers placed in front of

St. Joseph are for the safe return of

Sr. Eileen Christie

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Youth Ministry

[email protected]

St. Anthony’s Peanut Butter & Jelly Gang Our next PBJ Gang will meet Saturday, August 27th in the lower church.

Please e-mail RSVP if you would like to help us. Please arrive by 8:50am. We end by 10:30. Join the dozens of wonderful people who attend each month to help feed the hungry.

Financial Stewards: In memory of Bridget DePasquale

We rely on financial donations to sustain our PBJ ministry.

Youth Group year in review… Creating Military Care Packages

Please collect and save your hotel-size toiletries from your summer vaca-tion for the wash kits we make for missions.

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Religious Education

OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday - 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Closed for lunch 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Closed Friday and Saturday Phone 631-261-1306 - Email: [email protected] Please visit our website for additional information or to download forms:


The Religious Education Office is now closed for the summer. We will be checking messages, returning all phone calls and scheduling appointments throughout the summer. Please call and leave a message. Thank you.

Mrs. Ferraro’s Level 8 class

Mrs. Ferraro’s level 8 students are working on their Young Stew-ards Day Project. The students are decorating birthday boxes and enclosing small items and all the paper goods to be used for a Birthday Party. These boxes are made available to the clients who use St. Vincent de Paul’s food pantry.

The birthday party in a box enables the parents to give their young children a nice birthday party with-out taking from the money to pay their bills. The level 8 students can use this project as part of their Works of Mercy Project for Confirmation. They must complete three Corporal Works of Mercy and three Spiritual Works of Mercy for one of their assignments before receiving Confirmation in the fall. All our level 8 students and their families ask for your prayers as their Confirmation approaches on November 9, 2016.

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Altar Servers

August 6th @5:00PM Matthew Boccard

Daniel Brown Giuliana Brown

August 7th @7:30 AM Max Aftel

Kristian Schuchman Emily Deutsch

Robert Germani

August 7th @9:00 AM Emma Brech Taylor Brech Kimmie Engel

August 7th @10:30 AM Charlotte McGroarty

Liam McGroarty Sean McGroarty

August 7th @12:00 PM Josephine Amorim

Oliver Amorim Benjamin Amorim

August 7th @7:00 PM Caleigh Byrne

Andrew Monda Christopher Monda

ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE August 6th and August 7th

Wishing you a nice summer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spanish Mass

News of the Spanish speaking community at Saint Anthony of Padua.

Almost 2 years ago we had the first Spanish-language Mass at our church. Previously there was no opportunity to attend Roman Catholic Mass in the Spanish-language here in East Northport.

We have a very dedicated and talented music ministry, and of course we are grateful to Father Joe who was instrumental in getting this started.

This past Christmas was the introduction to the Latin American tradition of the Posada. Nine consecutive days before Christmas a group of musi-cians and singers go to a different host house and would knock on the door as Mary and Joseph looking for a place to stay. They bring a statue of Mary and Joseph with a donkey from house to house. After prayer and song everyone gathers for refreshments. Not all of the homes that were visited were Spanish-speaking! Several members of Catholic Daughters hosted one night, and visited with the group to other homes.

Every Friday evening at 7:00 PM some of our group meets at various homes in the parish to say the rosary in Spanish as well as sing music and have refreshments, and fellowship. Many of us speak two languages, and guests are always welcome.

We recently had Father Salvador visiting us from Mexico, and a special mass in Spanish to celebrate his 38th anniver-sary of the priesthood on July 15. Afterwards we did the rosary in one of our homes and again had refreshments and fellowship.

Mass in Spanish is offered every Sunday at 10:30 AM in the lower church.

We have celebrated baptisms at the 10:30 AM Mass.

It is a wonderful experience to see such faithful young people meeting every week to worship. Please come downstairs and see what we are all about some Sunday morning at 10:30. You do not need to speak Spanish to feel the love. A sugges-tion for our English -speaking friends: take an English lan-guage book from upstairs and you can follow along and get a good idea of what we are doing. Many of us speak fluent English as well as Spanish and you will be welcomed warmly.

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Adult Faith Formation

St. Anthony’s has made bus arrangements to the pilgrimage in Washington, DC on September 24th.

If you wish to make this pilgrimage, it is important that you reserve a seat on the bus as soon as possible. We expect the bus to fill up quickly – so please reserve early so you will not be disappointed. Your reservation will be confirmed.

Only those on the list of reserved and confirmed will be allowed to board the bus. To reserve a seat and for questions, please call Ann Finley@ 631 261 1077, ext. 208.



11:30 AM LUNCH



There is no cost. Drop off registration at the rectory office – Attn: A. Finley or mail to: St. Anthony of Padua, R. C., 20 Cheshire Pl., East Northport, N Y 11731. You will receive confirmation. If you do not receive it, or for questions, call 631 261 1077 ext. 208.




Please pray for members of law enforcement, the military, and their families.

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Bible study group with Fr. Kline will not be meeting during the summer.

Chinese Auction & Raffle

This year’s Annual Chinese Auction and Raffle will be held on November 12th


DONATIONS NEEDED! Donations are a great way to promote your business or organization!

Please consider donating a new, unopened item, wine, liquor, gift cards, gourmet cookware, show/concert tickets, electronics, pet supplies and services, gym memberships, vacations….

No gift is too large or too small. If you would like to volunteer please call the rectory.

THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE ALREADY DONATED One Week at Villa Roma Resort ~ Donated by Dr. Ray Mascolo

All donations are tax deductible Tickets will be on sale in September.

Don’t miss out on the chance to win our GRAND PRIZE of $10,000

2nd place prize $2,500 ~ 3rd place prize $1,000

Page 11: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,

Pray for our Military ~ Please pray daily for:

Steven Banville U.S. Marine Corps., Sean Bishop U.S. Marine Corps., Joshua Bower U.S. Air Force, Frank Bazzicalupo U.S. Air Force, Timothy Breen U.S. Army, James Brennan U.S. Marine Corps.,

James Calledo U.S. Air Force, Anthony Bua U.S. Navy, Kyle Caminsky U.S. Navy, Ronal Bucca U.S. Army,

Jacob D. Chang U.S. Navy, Wesley Townsend Choate U.S. Air Force, John P. Corrigan U.S. Air Force, Joseph Courtien U.S. Army,

John K. Curry U.S. Army, Elias Dallis U.S. Marine Corps, Jeff Davis U.S. Marine Corps., Adriana DeFeo U.S. Marine Corps., Andrew DeSousa U.S. Army, Christopher Devaney U.S. Air Force,

Keith De Vinney U.S. Navy, Paul Duchowski U.S. Navy, Robert J. Fallon U.S. Army, Christine Fiala U.S. Army,

Sean Fitzgerald U.S. Army ROTC, Jesse Fitzpatrick U.S. Army Ranger, John C. Gallegro U.S.Navy, Robert A. Gartner U.S. Marine Corps.,

Michael Gibbs U.S. Air Force, Christopher Gillespie U.S. Navy, Dean Halton U.S. Navy, Thomas Hickey U.S. Army,

Daniel J. Keenaghan U.S. Army, Danielle Koulermos U.S. Army, Thomas Kravse Jr. U.S. Marine Corps.,

John Christopher Lee U.S. Marine Corps., Lukasz Leonczuk U.S. Army, Tom Lesnieski U.S. Army, Robert Martin U.S. Army,

Christopher Mattos U.S. Army, Kerry McCauley U.S. Air Force, Sean Mc Knight U.S. Army, Robert K. Millmann U.S. Air Force,

Eric Muller U.S. Army, Mark Murphy U.S. Army, Stephen K. Murphy U.S. Army, Michael Padilla U.S. Marine Corps.,

Matthew Patoir U.S. Army, Christopher Petersen US Air Force, Anthony Piacentino, U.S. Marine Corps., Domenick Polesel U.S. Air Force, Conor

Pryor U.S. Navy, William D. Proietto U.S. Army, Dominic Ricca U.S. Army, Ruben Rodriguez U.S. Army,

Geordy Santiago U.S. Army, Anthony L. Santosus U.S. Air Force, Richard N. Silecchio U.S. Army, Brice Sinisgalli U.S. Marine Corps,,

Keith Sahm U.S. Army, Tyler Sinisgalli Army Ranger, Marc Stanco U.S. Air Force, Darrell St. George U.S. Navy,

Timothy L. Sullivan U.S. Navy, Timothy Taney U.S. Marine Corps., Stephen Thomas U.S. Marine Corps., Mikelis Visgauss U.S. Marine Corps.,

John H. Walter U.S. Marine Corps., Eric D. Waxman U.S. Army, Erick Wine U.S. Air Force,

R.I.P. Cpl. Christopher G. Scherer – U.S. Marine Corps., R.I.P. PO1 Robert Joyner - U.S. Navy


If you would like to add someone to the military prayer list please contact: Patricia Seibert at 261-1306 X226


Pray for the Military Honor Roll

Chaminade High School Final Honor Roll

Freshman Richard D. Principe Jacob D. Wood

Sophomore Phillip J. Porter III Jack R. Sellick

Junior Alec V. Brewer Kevin P. Murray

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Father Joe and the St. Anthony of Padua Finance Committee are happy to announce that an email address has been established to allow you to ask ques-tions about the parish finances. Any questions may be sent to [email protected] All correspondence will be strictly confidential to the Finance Committee chairperson, unless otherwise indi-cated.

“Feed My Lambs” is the weekly request of the SVDP Soci-ety to parishioners to bring to church the one or two items that the Food Pantry is in low supply of. This week’s food item(s) are:

chunky soups, Chef Boyardee canned pasta, coffee, crackers, small box juices, cereal

Of course any other items you wish to donate will be gratefully accepted, but the item that we are concentrating on will help us ensure that this item will be in supply for our clients. All items

can be left in the rear of the Church before and after all the weekend Masses. During the week items can be brought to Par-ish Outreach, Monday -Friday between the hours of 10:00AM

and 2:00PM. Thank you for helping us minister to the lambs of our community who are in need.

Please remember our Poor Box! Sunday, July 24th, 2016 $190.00


Join us to learn more on Tuesday, August 16 at 7PM Christ the King, Commack

For more information, contact Karol X. Garcia, Coordina-tor of PFI at 516 678-5800 ext. 540 | [email protected]

or visit our website

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FRIDAY EVENING BINGO - 7:30PM St. Anthony of Padua Lower Church Hall

SATURDAY EVENING BINGO 7:30PM in St. Anthony of Padua Lower Church Hall. $3,100 in prizes given away each week!! Call 239-1325 if you have any

Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped thou-

sands of couples worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential informa-tion about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday,

September 2nd please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille

who can help. Please call or go on the web to make a reservation!

Weekends get filled up very quickly. 1-800-470-2230 website

You Can Help Heal Your Marriage!

Trip to Sands Casino on AUGUST 14th Bus leaves at 9am $41 per person $30 back– slot play and $5 towards food For additional information please call Dot Carney 266-2607 or see her at BINGO!


Pictured left, Baby James Charles, great grandson of Dot Carney

Page 14: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,


Parish Outreach~ 1025 Fifth Avenue, East Northport ~ 261-1695

Parish Outreach Fax:266.9168 OPEN: Mon. – Fri.: 10am- 2pm

The Suicide Bereavement Group “You are Not Alone” will meet the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at Parish Outreach. Next meeting is Thursday, August 11th. Please call Pat Karpowicz at 266-2656 for information.

PARENT /CHILD PLAYGROUP is on vacation for the summer and will return in the fall!

The Women’s Group is off for the summer! See you in September!!!

LOW COST HEALTH INSURANCE REP FROM FIDELIS will be at Parish Outreach TWICE A MONTH on a Friday (same as the Food Pantry days). 11 am -1 pm. Please call first to set appointment.

The next date is Friday, August 5th Bilingual services available (Spanish).

Information for providers, members, and prospective members is available toll-free by calling 1-888-FIDELIS (1-888-343-3547).

CALLING ALL SENIOR MEN!! MENS’ GROUP is the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month at 1:30 to 3 pm. Next meeting is Monday August 8th

The KNITTING MINISTRY Ladies meet the 2nd and 4th Wednes-day of each month. The next meeting will be August 10th from 1-3 pm at Parish Outreach.

Some of the ladies once again enjoyed the cool breeze at Cen-terport Senior Beach house while knitting and crocheting. We are planning to meet there again on August 17th as well. With a number of wonderful fund raisers coming up in the next couple of months, we have been busy preparing. We are in need of pink yarn for the breast cancer campaign. We continue to make our veteran's blankets and lap robes as well.

We thank you for your yarn donations.





Parish Outreach has once again been selected by METRIC SUBARU to participate in Subaru’s “Share the Love” program as a Hometown Charity!

The “Share the Love” event is entering its 9th year for Subaru of America, Inc. During the Share the Love event, for every new vehicle purchased or leased, Subaru donates $250 to the purchaser’s choice of participating charities. Over the past eight years of the event, Subaru and their retailers have made a real impact, donating a total of $65 million to a wide range of both national and local charities.

This past year Subaru has donated $44,000 to Parish Outreach!

Please support those who help support our local Community!!

Page 15: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,



Come join the Legion of Mary, the Catholic Church’s largest, worldwide apostolic/evangelization organization of lay people! Members share the faith through a variety of face-to-face minis-tries & spiritual works of mercy. These include teaching relig-ion, bringing Communion to the sick & homebound, praying with the elderly at nursing homes, praying outside abortion mills, & much more. The prayers of the Blessed Mother & our Auxiliary members support our witness & efforts. We also enjoy retreats, days of recollection, & social interaction with other local Legion of Mary groups. You will learn more about the Catholic faith, help save souls, build friendships, grow in holi-ness, & help prepare yourself for judgment day. For more infor-mation, please call Marie at 631-682-3007.

Invite Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue into your home! In a brief meeting, two members of the Legion of Mary will set up the statue in your home and pray the Rosary with you. Your family will be blessed by the presence of this beautiful, holy statue for one week. Please call Maureen at 631-368-0132 for more information and to sign up. To learn more about Our Lady’s appearances and the miracles at Fatima, Portugal, please go to: . God bless you!

Eucharistic Ministers for the homebound are available for any-one who is sick, injured, or has had recent surgery or is unable to attend weekly Mass but would like to receive Communion. You will always be visited by a priest first to be anointed and receive the sacraments. If you would like a visit by a Eucharistic Minister, please call the rectory 261-1077

The Ministry of Consolation needs volunteers to console and support families in our parish who have suffered the loss of a loved one in the planning of the Funeral Liturgy for the loved one. If you would like information about this wonderful minis-try, please call: Loretta Hamann: 368-3039 Jean Chiovarelli: 261-9343

St. Anthony’s Holy Hour is held from 1pm until 2pm on Wednesdays on a regular weekly basis. It begins with Exposition of the monstrance at 1pm & concludes at 2pm following Benediction. The service includes hymns (O Salutaris, Tantum Ergo), Scripture reading, preaching, and silent prayer.

Please do not leave the Church until Mass has ended.

ALL MEETING ROOM REQUESTS email [email protected] or drop off at the rectory Attn: Debbie

AED/CPR TRAINING As you may know the Church has an AED located in the Priests sacristy hallway. We are offering free AED/CPR training for all Ushers, Lectors and Eucharistic ministers and any ministry that would like to attend. Please visit for the training and location schedule . Once you find a convenient date, you must e-mail [email protected] , with your name, address and phone number. Tell her you are with St. Anthony of Padua Church and she will bill us for the training. Any questions please feel free to call Fred Leonardo at 631-470-8500. Thank you , Fr. Joe

EIGHTH GRADERS: Catholic High School Entrance Exam Prep Course offered at Holy Trinity High School in Hicksville. Five -21/2 hour Saturday a.m. sessions, each including review in English and Math as well as practice tests. Course be-gins September 17th. $250 fee covers instruction and materials. For additional information, visit or call (516) 443-2900.

Gennesaret Retreat for those facing serious illness. A retreat especially designed for persons who live with a serious illness is planned September 23rd, 24th and 25th at Monfort Spirituality Center in Bay Shore. This retreat offers a respite, a quiet time, an oasis, to enable one to continue the journey. The retreat focuses on God’s love, His forgiveness, and His faithfulness. To register or receive more information about this weekend, please call: Colette Fanelli (631) 665– 7052

Page 16: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,


If you would like more information or wish to be part of our ever-growing Fr. Judge K of C family, or rent our hall for any occasion, please let me know. Richard Ronde, Grand Knight (631) 261-4179 ~ [email protected]

Fr. Thomas A. Judge Knights of Columbus ... Did you know?

Fr. Thomas A. Judge Knights of Columbus

“On Saturday, August 13, 2016 at 7:00pm, the Church of the Most Precious Blood, Davis Park, Fire Island, will be hosting Andy Cooney in Concert. Andy and his band will be joined by special guests The H.I.M.S. (Hope Inspired Men Sing). Seating is General Admission; Ticket Cost is $25. For more information or to purchase tickets, please call 631-928-2377 ext. 22 or 631-513-2167.” If any further information is needed, please contact the event coordinator, Janet Brennan at 631-928-2377 ext. 22

The main principle of the Knights of Columbus is “CHARITY”! Charity comes in many forms. One way we practice charity at Father Thomas A. Judge Council is by hosting an annual blood drive each summer. Blood reserves drop dangerously low dur-ing the summer months as many people are away on vacation. The Father Judge Council has been hosting a summer blood drive for 40 years, since our council’s inception. In the early years when our council was housed at Saint Anthony of Padua parish we held our blood drive in the church base-ment. In 1994 after we moved to our new council home in Hewitt Square, we moved our blood drive to our council hall. We have been hosting our drive there the second Wednesday of July ever since. Our council hall offers comfortable seating, air conditioning, big screen television for entertainment and an overall friendly and relaxed environment for our donors. Our blood drive is held from the afternoon hours through the dinner hour and into the early evening. For this reason we offer everyone who comes a light meal usually in the form of a hero sandwich and cold sal-ads. We also offer cold beverages to our guests. And don’t forget all the “goodies” offered by Long Island Blood Services after a successful donation. In the late 1980s through the mid-1990s our drive collected over 120 pints of blood each year. Over the next 10 years there was steady decline in yearly collections, dropping all the way down to 32 pints in 2006. Since then we have seen a nice in-crease year over year all the way up to 62 pints in 2015. This year we suffered a little bit of a setback, collecting only 41 pints. We are very thankful to our members and parishioners who take the time to donate blood at our drive or any other blood drive. This is true charity, given from the heart, to un-known recipients, for the general good of the human race. The officers and members of Father Thomas A Judge Council of the Knights of Columbus thank you and salute you! At this time the New York Blood Center has declared a blood emergency and is asking the public to donate blood at a nearby drive, a New York Blood Center location or a mobile donation unit to help replenish the community’s blood supply. To locate a drive or schedule a donation time please call: 1 (800) 933-2566 or visit online:

Page 17: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,


St. Anthony’s Family Feast and Festival

photos credits: George Morrish

Page 18: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,

Eucharistic Ministers Needed for Hospital Duty

on Thursdays after the 9AM Mass. The Priest dismisses the Ministers with a blessing, and they proceed to

Huntington Hospital. Usually the return is around 11:30 am. There are presently 4 Teams, each going once every 4 weeks. For those who are able to partake in this Ministry of

bringing Jesus in the Holy Eucharist to the patients at Huntington Hospital, it is truly a gift and full of graces!

If you are interested, please call: Regina Whitaker, 757-7028


Eucharistic Ministers

Mark your calendars! Come join us for the weekend at the 2016 Annual Catholic Charismatic Conference, Scranton, PA held at Scranton Univ. Conference dates are now through July 31, 2016 “Go and Make Disciples” (Mt. 28:19) is the 2016 A bus has been chartered for the conference & will be picking up all interested at Saints Cyril & Methodius Parish in Deer Park & at Our Holy Redeemer in Freeport. For Registration and transportation information call Anna Baciuska at (516) 223-8594.

Catholic Charismatic Conference

Parish Calendar

SUNDAY July 31st

7:00 AM AA Meeting- Parish Outreach

MONDAY August 1st

7:00 AM AA Meeting- Parish Outreach 7:00 PM AA Step Group-Parish Outreach 7:00 PM Español Rosario-Church

TUESDAY August 2nd

7:00 AM AA Meeting- Parish Outreach

WEDNESDAY August 3rd

7:00 AM AA Meeting- Parish Outreach 6:15 PM Kids Ballroom Dance Class- LC 7:00 PM Adult Ballroom - LC

THURSDAY August 4th

7:00 AM AA Meeting- Parish Outreach 10:00 AM Divine Will Prayer Group- Rectory Meeting Room

FRIDAY August 5th

7:00 AM AA Meeting- Parish Outreach

SATURDAY August 6th

7:00 AM AA Meeting- Parish Outreach

Dancing at St. Anthony’s Ongoing class meets Wed. Evenings at 7:15 and 8:00PM in the Lower Church.

CHILDRENS SALSA SUMMER CLASS Wednesdays in the Lower Church at 6pm.


If interested in any of the classes call Stephanie at (516) 996-3554

Page 19: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,

#217 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •


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Page 20: St. Anthony of… · Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Jane Ferraro, Evelyn Lenz,

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Raymond A. Mascolo, D.D.S.Thomas A. Mascolo, D.M.D. Fr. Thomas A. Judge Council

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50 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 • (631) 870-3444 •

For more information about these services, or to connected with a dedicated St. Catherine of Siena physician, please call (631) 870-3444.

• Bariatric Surgical Program • Behavioral Health Services • Breast Health Services• Cancer Care• Cardiovascular Services• Colon and Rectal Program• Diabetic and Wound Healing Program • Emergency Services• Endoscopy Suite• Maternity Services/Lactation Support

• Neurology• Orthopedic Surgery and Podiatry• Palliative Care • Parkinson’s Outpatient • Physical Therapy• Radiology and Imaging Services• Robotic Surgery Program• Siena Proactive Internal Medicine• The Vein Treatment Center• Women’s Health Services

50 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 • (631) 870-3444 •

For more information about these services, or to connected with a dedicated St. Catherine of Siena physician, please call (631) 870-3444.

•• BBaarriiaattrriicc SSuurrggiiccaall PPrrooggrraamm •• BBeehhaavviioorraall HHeeaalltthh SSeerrvviicceess •• BBrreeaasstt HHeeaalltthh SSeerrvviicceess•• CCaanncceerr CCaarree•• CCaarrddiioovvaassccuullaarr SSeerrvviicceess•• CCoolloonn aanndd RReeccttaall PPrrooggrraamm•• DDiiaabbeettiicc aanndd WWoouunndd HHeeaalliinngg PPrrooggrraamm •• EEmmeerrggeennccyy SSeerrvviicceess•• EEnnddoossccooppyy SSuuiittee•• MMaatteerrnniittyy SSeerrvviicceess//LLaaccttaattiioonn SSuuppppoorrtt

•• NNeeuurroollooggyy•• OOrrtthhooppeeddiicc SSuurrggeerryy aanndd PPooddiiaattrryy•• PPaalllliiaattiivvee CCaarree •• PPaarrkkiinnssoonn’’ss OOuuttppaattiieenntt •• PPhhyyssiiccaall TThheerraappyy•• RRaaddiioollooggyy aanndd IImmaaggiinngg SSeerrvviicceess•• RRoobboottiicc SSuurrggeerryy PPrrooggrraamm•• SSiieennaa PPrrooaaccttiivvee IInntteerrnnaall MMeeddiicciinnee•• TThhee VVeeiinn TTrreeaattmmeenntt CCeenntteerr•• WWoommeenn’’ss HHeeaalltthh SSeerrvviicceess

50 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 • (631) 870-3444 •

For more information about these services, or to connected with a dedicated St. Catherine of Siena physician, please call (631) 870-3444.

• Bariatric Surgical Program • Behavioral Health Services • Breast Health Services• Cancer Care• Cardiovascular Services• Colon and Rectal Program• Diabetic and Wound Healing Program • Emergency Services• Endoscopy Suite• Maternity Services/Lactation Support

• Neurology• Orthopedic Surgery and Podiatry• Palliative Care • Parkinson’s Outpatient • Physical Therapy• Radiology and Imaging Services• Robotic Surgery Program• Siena Proactive Internal Medicine• The Vein Treatment Center• Women’s Health Services

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For more information about these services, or to connected with a dedicated St. Catherine of Siena physician, please call (631) 870-3444.

• Bariatric Surgical Program • Behavioral Health Services • Breast Health Services• Cancer Care• Cardiovascular Services• Colon and Rectal Program• Diabetic and Wound Healing Program • Emergency Services• Endoscopy Suite• Maternity Services/Lactation Support

• Neurology• Orthopedic Surgery and Podiatry• Palliative Care • Parkinson’s Outpatient • Physical Therapy• Radiology and Imaging Services• Robotic Surgery Program• Siena Proactive Internal Medicine• The Vein Treatment Center• Women’s Health Services

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