Page 1: St. BonaventureGod of Israel. The Canaanite-Gentile woman, representing us, becomes a part of the Christian community by her display of great faith. We, the Gentile Christians, …

PRIESTS: 402-564-7151

Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fr. Mike Swanton

Assistant Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. Walter Jong-A-Kiem

Permanent Deacons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dan Keiter Larry Mielak, Jim Naughtin and Art Spenner

PARISH OFFICE TEAM: 402-564-7151

Parish Secretary. . . . . .Stephanie Johnson/Linda Levos Liturgist……………….... . . . . . . . . . . . .Dianne Keiter

Pastoral/Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belinda Keiter

Family Faith Formation Coordinator. .Cheryl Rambour

Business Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Arlt

Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jorge Torres

Youth Ministry/Godparents Sarah Doerneman. . . . . . [email protected]

Music Coordinator Jan Moser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-564-6121


Fr. Jairo Congote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402-352-3540

GRADE SCHOOL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402-564-7153 Principal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheryl Zoucha

Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barb Brockhaus

PRESCHOOL/CHILDCARE. . . . . . . .402-564-9338 Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kim Kluever

SCOTUS JR. & SR. HIGH SCHOOL 402-564-7165 President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Ohnoutka

St. Bonaventure The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

Catholic Church 1565 18th Avenue

Columbus, Nebraska 68601

Bulletin notices: Submit in writing to the rectory on August 17th for August 23rd.

MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. 6:15 p.m.-Spanish Rosary is prayed 30 minutes before Mass. Twenty-four hour Eu-charistic Adoration in the Scotus Chapel. Call Joan Jahn 402-910-0958 for an open hour. For security purposes only assigned adorers and subs will be permitted inside the Scotus Chapel. Daily: At St. Anthony Church Tuesday through Friday: 6:30 a.m.

SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:30-4:30 pm at St. Anthony Church or by appointment. Please call the church office.

Baptism To register call the rectory. Parents should be active in their faith and be registered in the parish.

Marriage: Contact the pastor at least six months prior to a wedding. Couples should either be registered in the parish or have some connection to the parish.

Hospital Visitation: Due to privacy laws, hospitals no longer notify the parish office if parishioners are admitted. Please contact the rectory if you or one of your family members are going to be hospitalized.

Sick Calls: Contact the rectory with questions.

Vocations: Do you have questions about vocations, or would like to talk about your vocation? Call the pastor, visit, contact Fr. Roza at 402-558-3100 or [email protected] or our Vocation Commitee: Leonard & Theresa Gabriel 402-910-4563 or [email protected].

[email protected]

RECTORY OFFICE . . . . . . . .402-564-7151

FAX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-562-6025

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.–12:00 noon; 1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

New Parishioners: If you would like to join our parish, register online at or stop in the Parish Office.

Page 2: St. BonaventureGod of Israel. The Canaanite-Gentile woman, representing us, becomes a part of the Christian community by her display of great faith. We, the Gentile Christians, …

PARISH NEWS From our Pastor… My retreat this past week sure was rejuvenating and full of the glory of God! I have been trying to take a break since before COVID. With school and other activities beginning,

it was the perfect time to get away for prayer, rest and relaxation. Jesus came to save the Chosen people, the Jewish race. But God desires all of humanity, his highest creation, to be saved. He does this through Jesus and his call for all to follow him. Followers of Jesus are called Christians. So, Paul writes to the Galatians (those considered Gentiles; in other words, anyone who is not Jewish is a Gentile): “There does not exist among you Jew or Greek, slave or freeman, male or female. All are one in Christ Jesus” (3:28). We are the modern-day Gentiles who have been accepted into the Chosen People through Jesus who is of Jewish heritage. The God of Jesus is the God of Israel. The Canaanite-Gentile woman, representing us, becomes a part of the Christian community by her display of great faith. We, the Gentile Christians, are grafted on to the branch of the Jewish faith by our baptism. Jesus showed great compassion to the Canaanite woman because of her faith; Jesus shows great compassion to us when we trust in his power. Blessings,


We welcome into the family of God through the waters of baptism:

Marissa Palma: Luis & Angie Palma Leonardo Diaz Galarza: Leonardo & Maria Diaz Jessica Carbajal: Jose & Karina Carbajal Sebastian Mendez Vazquez: Salvador & Rosalia Mendez Mila Johnson: Tanner & Steph Johnson Luka Tolston: Jordan & Jennifer Tolston Oliver Gonzalez Mendel: Baltazar & Mayra Gonzalez Mateo Nava: Esmeraldo & Jeanette Nava Griffin Kracke: Tyler & Sarah Kracke


NO CHURCH CLEANING AT THIS TIME If you would like to join a cleaning crew, please e-mail [email protected] or call Steph at the rectory 402-564-7151.

SAVE THE DATE Sunday, October 4 we will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony for the narthex and St. Bonaventure Parish Center. Please watch the bulletin for updates.

MUSICIANS NEEDED! We are in need of parishioners who have a talent to play the piano, guitar or sing! We have a parish of 1,700 families, over 3,000 adults so we know there is a LOT of talent out there, please pray about sharing your talent with us! Right now, we are down to 1 person playing at

three Masses per weekend. We know there is more talent out there. Won’t you give it a try? Call or email Dianne if you would like to help out! (402-564-7151; [email protected])

MISSALETTES If you would like to have a missal for your personal use, please stop in the church office. One per fami-ly, please. If you bring your missal or other worship aid to church, please be sure to take it with you when you leave!

THE CHALLENGE OF STEWARDSHIP Every day we are called by Christ to respond in some way. The more practice we have at giving of ourselves freely and living in His presence, the easier it is to discern that call. Once we hear the call, the choice is ours: will we respond with yes or no? We could say that we are not required to say yes because God has given us free will. However, our response speaks much to where we are in our maturity of faith. When we were children, the word “no” used to be one of our favorites. If we continue to say that as we get older, that says something about where we are in our walk with the Lord. If we truly are disciples of Jesus Christ and are serious about growing in our faith, we will say “yes.” We are not required to say yes, but we say yes because that is who we have become. This is the challenge of a stewardship way of life. Have we matured enough to say yes when God calls, regardless of how much our answer may cost us? What matters more to us: what it will cost us or our relationship with Jesus? Some days we will easily be able to say yes. The grace and love he gives us will be plenty to see us through whatever situation in which we find our-selves. However, we are imperfect beings and there will be days when we are more into ourselves than him. It is on those days that we find ourselves at a true crossroads of a challenge. The choice is always ours. Hopefully, our faith will be strong enough. His call is never for his own sake. He calls us because the world he created and the Church he instituted need us. They wait just as he does for our response.

– Tracy Earl Welliver ©LPi

Page 3: St. BonaventureGod of Israel. The Canaanite-Gentile woman, representing us, becomes a part of the Christian community by her display of great faith. We, the Gentile Christians, …



Memorial Gifts Have Been Given In Memory of:

Charlie Stuart: M/M Hank & Betty Heimann

Project 2020: Richard Nelson: Rambour Realty Company

Stained Glass Windows John Willis: Ron & Peg Ziola

Living Memorial for Stained Glass Windows 91st Bday Celebration Louise Ziola: M/M Ron & Peg Ziola

E-TITHE Enroll in E-Tithe! You can have your withdrawal taken on the 10th or 25th of each month. Call Business Manager, Kim Arlt, for info. or download a form from our website;


Contributions Received.……………………………….$13,696.82 E-tithe………………………………………………….$16,330.00 Total…………………………………………………...$30,026.82 Year-To-Date Actual Received……………………....$111,849.28 Year-To-Date Budgeted……………………………...$114,576.00 Net Excess (Deficit)...…………………………………($2,726.00)

STAINED GLASS WINDOWS Contributions Received..………………..……$506.00 Donations to-date………………………..$303,665.00 Total estimated repair cost………………$380,000.00 Learn more online at

Importancia de la Fe

Por: Padre Jairo Congote

La fe debe ser humilde, pero ingeniosa. Eso no lo ilustra el episodio de la curación de la hija de la cananea. Es interesante analizar ese momento en

el que Jesús ante una mujer no judía que le suplica: “Ten compa-sión de mí, Señor, hijo de David. Mi hija tiene un demonio muy malo”. Jesús no le responde nada; y a los discípulos que intervie-nen en favor de ella les contesta con una frase radical y excluyen-te: “Solo me han enviado a las ovejas descarriadas de Israel”. La mujer termina victoriosa en su dialogo debido a su humilde pero ingeniosa respuesta que empuja a Jesús a “hacer la excepción” en su favor, como en el caso de la súplica de María, la Madre del Señor, en las bodas de Caná. Aunque de hecho Jesús repite un proverbio común de entonces, la frase más desconcertante y que suena poco amable es esta: “No está bien echar a los perros (los paganos) el pan de los hijos (los judíos)”. Lo hace para resaltar por una parte el ingenio y por otra la fe a toda prueba de la cana-nea: “Tienes razón, Señor, pero también los perritos comen las migajas que caen de la mesa de los amos”. De esta manera la fe como condición fundamental para agradar a Dios es el mensaje bíblico que subyace en la escena evangélica. La cuestión de fondo que aquí se plantea es el universalismo de la salvación de Dios para el hombre. ¿Cuáles son las condiciones para pertenecer al nuevo pueblo de Dios? Tal pertenencia, viene a decir el pasaje de hoy, no se basa en la sangre o la raza, la nación o la cultura, el sexo o la situación social, sino que la única condición requerida, y que no resulta discriminatoria, es la fe en Cristo salvador, hijo de Dios. Jesús declara a los discípulos que no ha sido enviado más que a los judíos, y así se lo recuerda a la mujer que le suplica. No obs-tante, por el desenlace se ve claro que Cristo nunca rechazó la fe dondequiera que la encontraba; lo mismo en este caso que en el del centurión romano que intercedía por su criado y cuya fe tam-bién encareció sobre manera: Les digo que ni en Israel he encon-trado en nadie tanta fe. Los gentiles heredan también las prome-sas mesiánicas de salvación, viniendo a ocupar los puestos que por su ciega obstinación dejan vacíos los primeros invitados, los judíos, como se apunta en la parábola del banquete nupcial. Sin embargo, los judíos no quedan excluidos definitivamente por Dios, pues Dios no revoca sus dones y su llamada a Israel, y tiene misericordia de todos. En la mujer cananea se ha visto siempre un modelo acabado de fe y oración unidas, es decir, de fe suplicante. Fe centrada en la per-sona de Jesús a quien reconoce como mesías, fe que sale al en-cuentro del Señor, fe dinámica y orientada a la liberación del pró-jimo, su hija en el caso. Por otra parte, su oración reúne las condi-

ciones que Cristo quiso para la misma: fe, confianza y perseve-rancia sin desmayo. La grandeza de su fe suplicante radica en su actitud personal, como reconoce Jesús; pues se abre con pobreza de espíritu a la voluntad de Dios, a la primacía de su reino y de su

justicia ante todo, y simultáneamente al bien del otro. Fe y ora-ción deben ir unidas en nuestra vida, ya que ambas son expresión fundamental de la religión cristiana, y mutuamente se potencian con el ejercicio personal y comunitario de las mismas. La fe es la actitud básica del creyente, la condición constitutiva e indispensa-

ble. El presupuesto básico para una buena oración es una fe ma-dura que no entiende la oración como búsqueda egoísta de los favores de Dios, ni, menos todavía, intenta comprarlos con espíri-tu mercantil. Toda oración también, debe ser fruto de una fe adul-ta y de un amor desinteresado. Súplica de quien se reconoce indi-

gente ante el Señor y necesitado de su amor, de su gracia, de la fuerza del Espíritu y de otros muchos dones y favores.

ONLINE DONATIONS/MEMORIALS Donations to St. Bonaventure Church are now accepted on our website or in person at the church office using your credit/debit card. Donations can be directed to Project 2020, Stained Glass Windows, General Offering, Night of Entertainment, Adopt-A-Student and the Alumni Appeal. If you would like the donation to be in memory of a loved one, there is an option for that too! Check out our website at today!

SCRIP SALES Scrip orders can be picked up during school hours at the school office. Please call or email the

school office (564-7153; [email protected] by 11:00 a.m.

Weekly Sales ...……………....…..………………..…..$12,065.00 Profit………………………………..……..…….………...$453.11 Year-To-Date.………….…………………………….....$8,137.58 March 31, 2021 Goal…………………………………..$35,000.00

LOTTERY CALENDAR WINNERS August 10, 2020– August 16, 2020

$55-(0182) Michael & Lori Zadina 08-10-20

$55-(0220) Cora Owens 08-11-20

$75-(0306) Delores Sempek 08-12-20

$55-(0634) Shane Blaser 08-13-20

$55-(1054) Rich & Marge Nosal 08-14-20

$300-(0271) Kade & Jamie Mohrman 08-15-20

$75-(0296) Joyce Strnad 08-16-20

Page 4: St. BonaventureGod of Israel. The Canaanite-Gentile woman, representing us, becomes a part of the Christian community by her display of great faith. We, the Gentile Christians, …

The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 16, 2020

SPIRITUAL/LITURGY Today we include the following parishioners and friends who are sick and are in need of your care and love. Please pray for those who need the hope and strength of the Lord:

Sam Nahorny, Todd Ligenza, Fernanda Madrigal, Eldon Jedlicka

We also pray for those who have died: Michael Sliva, Edna Sutko, Jim Skalak, Teresa Schwank,

Greg Kearns, Mary Graves (Mother of Kathy Zadina)

Monday, 08/17

No Mass

Tuesday, 08/18 St. Anthony Church

6:30 AM Liv/Dec Hanus/Scholz Families

Wednesday, 08/19 St. Anthony Church

6:30 AM Pauline B. Voboril

Thursday , 08/20 St. Anthony Church

6:30 AM Evelyn Duff

Friday, 08/21 St. Anthony Church

6:30 AM Live/Dec George Horne Family

Saturday, 08/22 at St. Bonaventure Church

5:00 PM Liv/Dec Tony & Rose Kurtenbach Family

Sunday, 08/23 at St. Bonaventure Church

7:00 AM Duane & Elaine Choutka

8:30 AM Erv Wieser

10:30 AM Bob Olmer

6:15 PM St. Bonaventure Parishioners (Spanish Mass)

PRAYING WITH YOU If you experience the loss of a loved one, we want to pray with you as a community of faith. Contact Belinda at 402-564-7151.

PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Sign up to be a temporary sub or find a friend to rotate with you! Adorers needed: Saturday: Afternoon 3-4 pm Saturday: Evening 7-8 pm (2nd & 4th Saturday) Sunday: Morning 2-3 am, 3-4 am (All Once a Month) Wednesday: Morning 1-2 am (Every Other Week) Friday: Morning 1-2 am (Every Other Week) Co-Captains needed: Sunday, Wednesday, Friday (All 6am-6pm) Call Joan Jahn — 402-910-0958 (Please leave a message.)

ROSARY LEADER NEEDED We are looking for volunteers to lead the rosary before Mass once a month. Help is needed at 5PM Mass (3rd & 5th Saturdays) and at the 10:30 AM Mass. Contact Dianne with questions or to volunteer: 402-564-7151 or [email protected].

COME JOIN US! The dispensation for Mass is still in effect: It means you are not bound by the law to attend Mass on Saturday evening or Sunday. The dispensation was given to help people not feel the weight of sin if

they can’t attend Mass when public Masses were canceled. We are encouraged to not fall into complacency. Parishioners shouldn’t be drinking a cup of coffee while reclining in their Lay-Z-Boy; or children shouldn’t be convincing Mom and Dad, “Why can’t we just watch Mass on TV?” The only reasons keeping you away from Mass should be that 1) you are feeling sick; 2) you have compromised health; 3) you are afraid of getting Covid-19; or 4) you are in line of work that calls for you to stay away from potential danger. Complacency is a tool of the evil one. Don’t give in to it. Come see Jesus and your friends at Mass. There’s plenty of room!

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

will be meeting on Tuesdays beginning in the fall! If you or someone you know would be interested in ex-

ploring joining the Catholic Church--this is for you! Call Cheryl Rambour 564-7151 for more information.


Page 5: St. BonaventureGod of Israel. The Canaanite-Gentile woman, representing us, becomes a part of the Christian community by her display of great faith. We, the Gentile Christians, …


EASY WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR SCHOOL! 1.Shop with Scrip! Scrip orders available for pick up Monday—Friday during school hours at the school office. Please send scrip orders to Barb Brockhaus, [email protected]), or call the school office (564-7153) by 11:00 a.m. 2.Clip or scan your Boxtops! Box Tops is changing to fit today's families. The Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technolo-gy to scan your store receipt, find participating products and in-stantly add Box Tops to your school's earnings online. 3. We collect Best Choice UPC’s. With each label our school earns $.03 which can adds up throughout the year! 4. Godfather’s Pizza Fedoras– They are located on the pizza box and are worth $.25 each! 5. Did you know that when you shop at, AmazonSmile donates to St. Bonaventure School Co-lumbus? AmazonSmile is the same items and price as Amazon.

Thanks so much for supporting our school!

AROUND THE AREA 1. Scrip Sales - a. Email your order to Mrs. Brockhaus ([email protected]) by 11:00 a.m. on school days. Note an approximate time you will pick it up, and your order will be placed in the gray tub outside the front door of school.

b. Call (402-564-7153) your order in to school by 11:00 a.m. on school days. c. Send in orders to school with your child. 2. School picture day will be held on Thursday, Sept. 10. This is a 'dress-up' day for students. 3. As we begin a new year, please include our school in your dai-ly prayers as we ask our Blessed Mother and Jesus to guide and protect us. Thank you!


Are you Bi-lingual? Simon House is hiring a Bi-Lingual team member to assist in our thrift store. Job duties include assisting management with client needs, cross-training to be proficient in all areas of the store to help where needed, including the sales floor and donations area. Must be available on some Satur-

days. For more info or to apply, please stop by the store at 1853 10th Avenue Monday—Friday 10:30-4 pm or call 402-564-8844.


LA CASA SIMON ¿Eres bilingüe? Simon House está buscando contratar a un miem-bro del equipo bilingüe para ayudar en nuestra tienda de segunda mano. Ayudará a la gerencia a ayudar a los clientes con sus nece-sidades. Deberá firmar un acuerdo de confidencialidad. Recibirá capacitación cruzada para dominar todas las áreas de la tienda y ayudar donde sea necesario, incluyendo el piso de ventas y el área de donaciones. Debe estar disponible algunos sábados. Para obte-ner más información o completar una solicitud, pase por la tienda en 1853 10th Avenue de lunes a viernes de 10:30 a 4 pm o llame al 402-564-8844.

JOB OPPORTUNITY AT SCOTUS Part-time job opportunity in Scotus Central Catholic Cafeteria. Call (402) 564 7165 ext. 153 for details.

SEF 16 The 16th Scotus Education Fund drive will kick off this fall. Please keep the success of this

important fundraiser for Scotus Central Catholic in your prayers. This year’s campaign theme and the theme for the Scotus school year is, “Stronger Together.” Like in all SEF drives the main goal will be to provide tuition assistance to Scotus students over the next

three school years. Through the campaign, we also hope to fund: several safety and health improvements to our facility as we con-tinue to deal with COVID-19 and replace the aging gym floor of the Dowd Activity Center (it has about 2 years of usable service

life remaining.) Together we can accomplish these goals and continue Scotus Central Catholic’s tradition of excellence and service to our faith community.

ST. ISIDORE’S BAZAAR 2020 St. Isidore’s Bazaar 2020 will not be held this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. Bazaar raffle tickets can be purchased in the St. Bon’s parish office. Tickets are $2 per chance. Drawing will be held Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 6 p.m.


August 17 – August 21 Monday: Fiestada Pizza, Mixed Veggie, Fruit Tuesday: Chicken Patty, Green Beans, Carrots, Fruit Wednesday: Turkey, Mashed Potato, Dinner Roll, Fruit Thursday: Chicken Fajita, Rice, Black Beans, Corn, Fruit Friday: Goulash, Broccoli, Breadstick, Fruit

PRESCHOOL NEWS Preschool Classes start on Wednesday, August 19 and Thursday, August 20. We are excited to start our school year learning with our new families and those returning!

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