
St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

Term 4 Week 3 NEWSLETTER 31st October, 2012

Dear Parents,

Term 4 Week 8 NEWSLETTER 25th November, 2015

Dear Parents,

“The most dangerous phrase in the language is

“We have always done it this way.” Rear Admiral Grace Hooper

From Wednesday last week, Simon Greely and I attended facilitator training for Change 2.

It is an initative designed to provide a strategy to meet the challenges involved in

sustainable change within our school communities. We are ‘creating a better tomorrow’ for

our students and the Catholic Education Office Sale is assisting in helping schools meet the

challenges involved in being progressive and innovative in contemporary schools. Catholic

schools within our diocese will be working closely together in the areas of Literacy and


In Term 1 Week 3 on Thursday, February 18th and Friday, February 19th 2016 St. Brigid’s

staff will be involved in a two day overnight professional development conference. There will

be NO SCHOOL for students on these two days. We are mindful of the inconvenience this

places on parents, however, in order for St. Brigid’s to achieve the desired outcome of this

conference we require an overnight stay with much learning to occur over the two days. We

hope providing ample notice will enable you to make any necessary arrangements. We will be

engaging in the mandated Catholic Education Office Religious Education Cluster Closure Day

(date to be advised) and we will keep our other Closure Days days to a minimum throughout

the year. We thank you for your ongoing support in this regard.

Yesterday, we again welcomed our new Foundation Year students for

2016 for an orientation morning. We also held a gathering for their

parents followed by morning tea. Thank you to our teachers Dianne

Ahern, Elyce Birch and Damian O’Bryan for their insightful presentations

to assist parents in helping their child’s transition to formal schooling.

We also thank Erin who is the Social and Fundraising Committee

representative on the School Board for outlining ways parents are able

to be involved and extending an invitiation to our new families. We thank

Beth for sharing her insights as a Foundation Year parent.

ST. BRIGID’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL 25 Bayview Road, Officer Vic. 3809

Telephone: (03) 5943 2447 Fax (03) 5943 2579

Email: [email protected] Website:

Inside this issue: Fr. Gary Walker – St. Michael’s Parish Stadium at 7.30 p.m. Whole School Mass – Thursday, November 26th 9.00 a.m.

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

As a Catholic School we are a community, which celebrates our Catholic Story and traditions and recognise Christ is at the centre of our lives:

“If you desire to find the true spirit of Christmas and partake of the

sweetness of it, let me make this suggestion to you.

During the hurry of the festive occasion of this Christmas season,

find time to turn your heart to God.” Howard W. Hunter

We celebrate the First Sunday of Advent this coming Sunday. It is the beginning of a new

Liturgical year and the readings come from Cycle C and are predominately from the Gospel of


In the Gospel this week (Luke 21:25-28, 34-36) we hear about Jesus

coming in glory at the end of time and the need to welcome him into our

hearts and lives today and every day.

The word Advent comes from the Latin word Adventus, meaning ‘arrival

or a coming’. Advent is a four week season during which time we

prepare for the coming of Christ. It is an invitation for us to set aside time to reflect on the

presence of God in our lives. Advent calls us to a period of contemplation, looking at the past,

present and future and it is an opportunity for renewal as we wait expectantly for Jesus.

The Advent Season challenges us to ‘wake up’ and each day as we journey through Advent

think about our actions and how we can bring Jesus to birth in our busy, hectic lives. If

Jesus is truly a part of our lives how do we respond to injustice in our world and intolerance

of each other? How do we express our love and kindness to one another? Do we extend

compassion, empathy and forgiveness to everyone or only a select few?

The Advent Wreath is a symbol of growth and everlasting life and the circle of greenery is a

symbol of God’s love without beginning and end. The four candles represent the four weeks

of preparation time and remind us of the Light of Christ. On Christmas Day a single candle is

lit to welcome baby Jesus. Just as the Church lights the Advent Wreath at Mass each

Sunday of Advent and we do at school at our Advent liturgies you may also like to make your

own wreath with your family for use at home. Many families light the Advent Wreath before

dinner with a prayer and extinguish the candles at the end of the meal.

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

To all People interested in the effects of

Climate Change,

You are invited to join

Fr Gary Walker

Regional Director of the Columban Missionaries

Leading a Presentation and Discussion about

Pope Francis’ Letter on Climate Change

Laudato Si

St Michael’s Basketball Stadium

Entrance off Bain St, Berwick

Thursday November 26 2015.


St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

St. Brigid’s Carols On the Green – Wednesday, December 9th 6.30 p.m.

Our Carols Night will be held on Wednesday, December 9th at 6.30 p.m. It is an annual event

where our families come together and celebrate the Birth of Jesus. Students will be singing

Christmas Carols in their homeroom groupings.

You are invited to come along and bring a picnic style dinner to enjoy with your family on the

grassy knoll facing the front porch of the Senior Learning Centre.

Our upcoming events page in the newsletter each week has had the date for our Carols Night

listed over many weeks and students are required to take part in this school event.

Whole School Mass – Thursday, November 26th We will be celebrating Mass on Thursday, November 26th at 9.00 a.m. This Mass will be led

by the Middle Learning Community. You are all welcome to attend.

School Assembly - Friday, December 4th Our next school assembly will be held on Friday, December 4th at 2.30 p.m. Our Junior

Learning Community will lead us in prayer and share their learning with us. Please come along

and celebrate with us.

End of the Year Thanksgiving Mass – Thursday, December 10th Fr. Peter will celebrate Mass on Thursday, December 10th at 9.00 a.m. in our Chapel. This

Mass is to thank and praise God for the wonderful year we have had together. There will also

be a Passing on Ceremony at the conclusion of Mass. You are all invited to join us.

Thank you to our Religious Education Leader, Mr. Damian O’Bryan for his work in preparing

this special occasion for us.

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer



Thanks for supporting the Read-a-thon which ran alongside the Book Fair in Term 3. Funds raised from the Book Fair have been used to purchase picture books and fiction books that our students showed interest in whilst visiting the Book Fair. Funds raised from the Read-a-thon have been used to purchase Children’s Bibles, books about Jesus and beautifully presented picture books that retell stories from the Old Testament. You may have noticed that your child has brought some of these books home as many children (especially the younger ones) have been very keen to borrow them. Read-a-thon funds have also been used to purchase a great selection of traditional Aboriginal stories, presented in brightly coloured and beautifully written picture story books. Non-fiction books about our indigenous Australians have also been purchased and will be made available for borrowing shortly. Thank you again to all families who supported our Book Week Book Fair and our read-a-thon, allowing us to significantly expand our School Library collection of books.

Library Books We are now in the eighth week of this Term and with only three more weeks of the school

year to go it is timely that I remind you to ensure all Library books are returned to school.

We have a list of all students who have borrowed books and those that have outstanding

returns. Could you please return any books that belong to the school library in order for a

stocktake to be undertaken prior the end of the year.

Building Development in and around Bayview Road

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter please be aware that over the next months and into

next year there will be major development on either side of St. Brigid’s School. Housing

development will be taking place and I have been in discussions with representatives from

both developers and they have assured me that there will be minimal disruption to traffic

during the development and building stages.

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

St. Brigid’s Playgroup

Playgroup runs each Monday afternoon at 1.45 p.m. in the Multipurpose Hall.

St. Brigid's Playgroup – Each Monday 1.45 p.m.

$2 per week

A great way to meet other mums, dads and kids while the children play together

Please contact Amy for further information – 0405 371 611

Social and Fundraising Committee News

Icy poles are available for sale each Friday this term. Lemonade icy poles are $1 each.

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

School Uniform Shop

Our school uniform shop is opened on Monday and Friday mornings during school terms from

8:45-9:15am and is located in the Multipurpose Room

Uniform Shop Committee 2016 Several members of the current Uniform Shop Committee will be finishing up at the end of

the year and we are looking for some new people to join the team. Please let us know if you

are able to help out.

End of School Year – Wednesday, December 16th The 2015 school year concludes for students on Wednesday, December 16th. The students

will be dismissed at the earlier time of 1.00 p.m. on this day.

Commencement of the 2016 School Year We begin the school year with Assessment days. Assessment of students will take place on

Thursday, January 28th and Friday, January 29th. Allocation of times will be as per the online

booking system, which will be made available in coming weeks.

Students in Years 1 to 6 will commence the school year on Monday, February 1st 2016.

Foundation Year students will commence in smaller groups. The first group will begin on

Monday, February 1st and the second group on Tuesday, February 2nd. Foundation Year

parents please see information sent home.

News from the Office– Mrs. Julie McKenna and Mrs. Donna Devine

Direct Debit Forms A new direct debit form has been sent home to all families. Please complete and return this

NEW form for 2016 if you would like your fees to be paid via direct debit. 2015 direct debit

amounts will NOT continue into the 2016 year. Lost Property

We have a large amount of Lost Property in the sick bay area. Please come and have a look to

see if any items belong to your children. From Monday, 30th November any remaining items

will be sold from the office for a $5.00 donation to the St Vincent de Paul. Remaining items

will be donated to the St Vincent de Paul Society prior to the end of the year.

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

News from the Deputy Principal– Mr. Simon Greely

Reports Teachers have been busily preparing reports and conducting ongoing assessments for the end

of the year. Reports will be sent home with children on Friday the 11th of December.

ICT Mr Gale has been busy overseeing the purchase of 65 Chromebooks for next year. We are

also looking at some new iPads. We hope to have these learning tools up and running early in

term 1 next year.

PE This week children will be looking at water safety and awareness in their PE lessons. The

grade 5/6 children will be next week due to the extra time required for Japanese cooking


Leader of Learning and Teaching - Inquiry and Innovation – Miss Elyce Birch

What a terrific way to finish of some of our design units for the term

with some actions taking place last week.

Congratulations to the Senior Learning Community for an amazing Market day last Friday.

They took action by implementing what they had learnt throughout their design unit and set

up and ran stores selling products to raise money for St. Vincent De Paul.

Also on Friday, the Grade 2’s held an expo to show case their playground designs.

Congratulations Grade 2 on your detailed designs and the way you used your imagination!

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

Today, the Grade 3s invited the Grade 1s over to their learning space to play with them the

games they had designed. It was a busy afternoon with lots of fun and teaching of the games

taking place. Congratulations grade 3 and what a great way to share your learning by teaching


St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

Leader of Learning and Teaching - Religious Education

– Mr. Damian O’Bryan Important Dates:

Thursday 10th December – End of Year Mass and Passing on Ceremony with St. Francis

Xavier from 9am

Tuesday 15th December – 7pm. Graduation

The timing of the Year 5/6 excursion to Minaret

Islamic College couldn’t have come at a better time

for our students. We (teachers and students) were

able to converse and learn about each other’s

background and discover both the differences and

the similarities of our beliefs.

St. Brigid’s students were able to learn from their

peers about the basic fundamentals of what it is to be

a Muslim, including the 5 Pillars of Islam and that the

main tenet of Islam is the absolute oneness of God

(Allah). This also included questions based on how the

“real” Muslims feel about the extremism and how

Islam is portrayed in the media. Real questions were


In exchange, Minaret students were able to learn about the Christian faith including how

Christians believe that Jesus was the Son of the Father and learn about what Christians

must do to inherit eternal life. The students were genuinely interested in our faith and came

to understand and appreciate the richness of our faith.

All students and teachers involved, walked out with a real sense of unity. In a debriefing

session held with our students, although some were

admittedly apprehensive at first, they really enjoyed

the time with their peers and many made some new

connections. Our students also admitted that their

nerves were due to the prejudices portrayed in the

media. I wish to thank my colleagues at both St.

Brigid’s, Minaret and the Harmony Project for

supporting the day. Most importantly, credit must go

to the students from both schools for their respectful manner in which they conducted


St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

I conclude with the Prayer of St. Francis – something to pray and perhaps consider.

Prayer of St Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand;

to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


Leader of Learning and Teaching Wellbeing – Mrs. Mary Rose Last Friday the SLC hosted a fabulous MARKET DAY, which was the culmination of many weeks

of work. The children started out looking at advertising and the language used to sell a product.

With the goal of creating, making and selling a product the children created advertisements

for their chosen product, created flyers, developed shopping lists of what was needed to

create their product. Comparisons of the cost of supplies were made, children researched the

cheapest item and worked out the cost to set develop their product and its estimated turnover.

The MARKET DAY was an opportunity to use real life mathematics, problem solving, written

language, oral language, creativity and imagination. It has been a unit of work that has been

challenging but hugely rewarding for all the children. Children had to work in a team, listen to

the opinions and ideas of others and the result on the day was impressive! The happiness and

excitement of all of the children on MARKET DAY was palpable and many, many parents and

grandparents commented on the rich learning experience the unit had provided.

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

Last week the children in the SLC visited Minaret Islamic College in Officer as part of a fun

day to get to know each other and to break down barriers. The children loved meeting each

other and discovering similarities and differences in their school routines and their culture

and religion. Some children discovered children they knew from sporting activities and even a

next door neighbour! It was a truly wonderful day and it was a joy to see the children engaging

with each other and enjoying each other’s company.

Opportunities for the children to interact with their peers, meet new friends from other

schools build happiness and a sense of achievement. Both of which are integral to building well-

being in individuals and the group.

Have a wonderful week, Mary

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

We wish the children who have celebrated or are celebrating a birthday shortly all the best for a great day.


Cooper B 1st Lexi-Marie 2nd Madison M 3rd Kai R 3rd

Thomas H 6th Charlotte H 6th Luke B 7th Mia K 7th

Jack D 8th Mia D 10th Darcy M 14th Ben D 14th

Amelia T 15th Bailey H 17th Emily W 18th Chloe C 19th

Daniel D 23rd James A 24th Isabella A 24th Isabella H 24th

Kobi W 25th Olivia R 27th Max B 28th

Zachary M 28th Emily H 29th Jaz T 30th If we inadvertently leave a student’s birthday off the list, please let us know.

School Start/Finish Times School classes commence at 8.45 a.m. and finish at 3.15 p.m. Students should arrive prior to

this, but not before 8.30 a.m. The first bell goes at 8.35 a.m. when students may enter their

classroom. Students will be supervised from 8.30 a.m. in the morning and until 3.30 p.m. in

the afternoon. Please be mindful that staff are committed to meetings and classroom

planning outside of these hours and supervision becomes difficult. As supervision does not commence until 8.30 a.m. Students are not be dropped off

unsupervised before 8.30 a.m.

We understand that there will be days when for one reason or another, you may be running

late in the afternoon. Please contact the school office prior to 3.15 p.m. if you think this will

be the case so that a message can be sent to your child/ren and they can be supervised in

the office.

School Banking

Beaconsfield District Community Bank ® branch of Bendigo Bank

Shop 6 52-62 Old Princes Highway Beaconsfield Vic 3807

Phone 03 9769 5122 Fax 03 97070410

School Banking can be handed in at your Classroom every Tuesday with your money, deposit

slip and passbook. Your books will be returned on Wednesday afternoons please don’t

hesitate to call or pop in if you have any questions.

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

Carols Night December 9th 6.30 p.m. Whole School

Thanksgiving Mass and

Passing on Ceremony

December 10th 9.00 a.m. Whole School

Year 6 Graduation Tuesday December 15th


Year 6

End of School Year for


Wednesday, December 16th Early Dismissal 1.00 p.m.

End of School Year for


Friday, December 18th

Term Dates for 2016 Term 1 Wednesday, 27th January – Thursday, 24th March

2016 Student Assessment will take place on Thursday, 28th January and Friday 29th January 2016 Students will begin Term 1 on Monday, February 1st

Easter 25th to 28th March 2016

Term 2 Monday, 11th April – Friday, 24th June 2016

Term 3 Monday, 11th July, - Friday, 16th September 2016

Term 4 Monday, 3rd October – Tuesday, 20th December 2016

Closure Days and early dismissals will be advised throughout the course of the year

Dates for your 2016 Diary Year 4 Camp Allambee 23rd May to 24th May 2016

Year 5/6 Camp Sovereign Hill 12th July to 15th July 2016

NAPLAN Dates for 2016 Year 3 and Year 5 Students 10th to the 12th May 2016

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

Before and After School Care

Before and After School Care is available at St Brigid's School. Camp Australia is the

provider and can be contacted on 1300 105 343

Please note Before and After School Care is not run by staff employed by St. Brigid’s


St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

Community Noticeboard


Good Kids, Bad Behaviour:

How to effectively respond to and manage difficult behaviour in your child or teenager.

David McLaurin, Clinical Psychologist Ground Floor, Casey Superclinic - 50 Kangan Drive, Berwick

Ph: 9707 2775

For more information and to register, go to:

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

St. Brigid’s Community



St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

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St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

St. Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Officer

Looking ahead... Sun. November 29 First Sunday of Advent Year C Begins Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

Fri. December 4th School Assembly 2.30 p.m.

Sun. December 6th Second Sunday of Advent Luke 3:1-6 St. Nicholas (Bishop)

Tues. December 8th The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Wed. December 9th Carols Night Thurs. December 10th End of Year Thanksgiving

Mass and Passing on Ceremony 9.00 a.m.

Sun. December 13th Third Sunday of Advent Luke 3:10-16

St. Michael’s Parish

119-125 High Street, Berwick 3806 Parish Priest: Fr. Peter Slater

Assistant Priest: Fr. Jeff Klenyjans (03) 97071355

Weekend Masses Saturday: 6.00 p.m. Sunday: 9.00 a.m., 10.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.

Brainteaser The answer to our last brainteaser was

‘Backward somersault.’ This week’s is:

Creator God, wake us up!

Stir our hearts and hands into action

and activity.

Show us the way to be a light to all in


Encourage and empower us to live and

be God’s dream, of justice, love and

compassion for all people.

Amen. Prayer taken from Celebrations for Advent and Christmas,

Year C by R Wintour

Yours in friendship and unity,

Ken Gale


“Waiting is a period of learning. The longer we wait, the more we

hear about him for whom we are waiting.”

Henri Nouwen


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