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St Gregory the Great Catholic School Answers to avoid Slide 2 Thursday 20th November 2014 Slide 3 Dear Lord, Bless all those who have exams. May your Holy Spirit bring Your peace to calm our nerves; Your inspiration to sharpen our thinking; Your grace to give us confidence. We ask this in Jesus name. St Gregory the Great Pray for us Amen Slide 4 Welcome and Introduction Dr McCarthy, Setting Targets, Tracking progress - Mr Jones Raising Achievement the Pixl Way and Mentoring Mrs Wileman You Make the Difference Dr McCarthy Success in English Mrs Amos Success in Maths Mr Lennartsson Please join us after the main presentations for refreshments and to ask staff any questions you may have. Slide 5 Mr Jones Slide 6 St Gregory the Great Catholic School Courses BTEC: Course mainly assessed through assignments. One unit is also examined. GCSE: Course typically assesses through controlled assessments and exams. Vocational college courses: similar to BTEC, more emphasis on practical assessment Slide 7 Forecast Grade average grade achieved nationally by students from the same KS2 starting point Current Grade - Based on evidence obtained from recent (over the last term) classwork, homework, coursework and controlled assessments. Predicted Grade - is a teachers professional prediction of the grade the student will attain at the end of the course taking all relevant factors into account. This may be higher than the current grade Target Grade - This represents a challenging but realistic view of what could be achieved with exceptional effort. It is likely to be above the forecast grade. Written Target - Learning targets help to raise the expectations and motivation of learners. They should provide something against which the learning can be measured and give a basis for improvement Slide 8 We have a range of information about students achievement, including students KS2 levels and information about how students with similar levels perform nationally over time (the Forecast grade) Targets for Year 10 students are aspirational. In each subject, targets are a goal to aim for which we would normally expect to be above the forecast grade Slide 9 To provide students with a clear and challenging personalised goal to aim for To help us track students progress and offer appropriate levels of support To help parents/carers, teachers and students know and understand progress over a period of time Target grades will be used during academic mentoring with students as the basis of discussions with tutors Slide 10 Mrs Wileman Slide 11 For example: C1 Very Secure, B grade almost as likely C2 Secure, provided effort is sustained C3 Not secure, D grade almost as likely without extra effort and intervention This applies to all grades, and leads to a more accurate estimation of the progress of students Used for Current and Predicted grades. Slide 12 Slide 13 Forensic diagnosis of learning need. Secure: Green Insecure: Yellow No Knowledge: Red Slide 14 Pupils sit the examinations as if they were in Summer Examinations written independent of teachers Overcome any hurdles to a successful summer examination Basecamp to Summit Slide 15 Slide 16 Wednesday 2.45pm with tutors all students. Assemblies Motivational The provision of teacher mentoring is to provide learners with time to talk, think and reflect on their learning in order to: raise their attainment; empower them to become more effective learners; develop their thinking skills; support them in developing independent learning skills; raise confidence in themselves as learners and in the school as a learning community; Slide 17 Post 16/18 Pathways Qualification frameworks/Routes. Individual Student Appointments. Student and Parent Appointments. Resource Companion Slide 18 Slide 19 PPE Exams Week Beginning 15 th June Work Experience Week Beginning 6 th July Parents Evening Thursday 26 th February Slide 20 Slide 21 90% = day missed per week. day a week = a year (over 5 years). 19 days missed per year = full grade down in every subject area (DFE). The greater the attendance, the greater the achievement. Global Education First Slide 22 Always Important More than ever! Slide 23 There is no secret to success! Turn up on time Turn up prepared Give it your best Use homework as an opportunity Act on advice from your teachers Dont worry about mistakes learn from them Slide 24 Let your child know you are interested in their work Celebrate their achievements Help them get organised Let them know theyre not alone when things go wrong, the important thing is to learn and move on. They still need you to be their parent Support a routine Bed at a sensible time Eating properly Follow information in newsletter & success bulletin and on website, twitter, etc. Slide 25 St Gregory the Great Catholic School Helping with work Check coursework deadlines & dates of controlled assessments and exams. Discuss timing and planning of work avoid the last minute rush! Provide somewhere quiet with space to work. If this is difficult use school facilities. Help with learning & revision we encourage students to involve others Read! Slide 26 St Gregory the Great Catholic School Read! Slide 27 St Gregory the Great Catholic School Key Points Mission: Wisdom, Integrity, Justice, Compassion. Attendance: Not here? we cant teach them! Family Matters: They still need you! Planning: Tomorrow belongs to the prepared! Encouragement: the more you put in, the more you will get out! Research: Find it, Check it, Credit it! Concerns? Contact the tutor early! Slide 28 Tutor Mrs Wileman Follow information in newsletter and on website, twitter, etc. Tell us Ask Slide 29 Mrs Amos Slide 30 ENGLISH LANGUAGE GCSE ENGLISH LITERATURE GCSE Slide 31 ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1 x written exam 40% 3 x written coursework 40% 2 x speaking and listening tasks Slide 32 3 TASKS 1 PIECE OF CREATIVE AND IMAGINATIVE WRITING 1 PIECE OF INFORMATION WRITING 1 ARGUMENT All completed by the end of Year 10 SPEAKING AND LISTENING Taught throughout the course, examined and recorded in Term 5 Slide 33 English Literature No coursework 3 x written exams Slide 34 To support students we: Provide pre Public exams at least four times during the two years so students learn exam techniques Give students accurate and careful feedback on their performance Focus on specific targets and regroup students to achieve those targets Track their progress and apply interventions Provide you and them with regular updates on their progress Provide revision and skills practice materials for them and you to work on Slide 35 How can YOU help? Regular attendance Equipped Homework 45 mins per week Visit school web site Slide 36 News items Match reports Autobiographies Books on hobbies Novels Web sites Slide 37 St Gregorys Maths Department Slide 38 Mr Lennartsson & Ms De Alwis Slide 39 GCSE Maths Slide 40 Slide 41 3 Years Course GCSE Maths To help as many students as possible to get grade C or above at the end of Y11 Main target! Slide 42 3 Years Course GCSE Maths Y9 and Y10 2 Years of teaching following the EDEXCEL 2 year Program of Study Setting and pace according to ability Slide 43 3 Years Course GCSE Maths Special Case! At the end of Y10 Set 1 is sitting their GCSE Exam Slide 44 3 Years Course GCSE Maths Year 11 Set 1: GCSE Statistics + Prep for A-Level studies Set 2: GCSE Grade A and B Set X, Y, W, Z Grade C - PiXL 10 Steps to Success Set 7 and 8 - Pixl 10 steps to success but at a slower pace Set 9 Numeracy and Functional skills Slide 45 EDEXCEL Year 11 Higher Tier - Grade A* to D Foundation Tier Grade C to G 2 Exams Slide 46 Slide 47 Year 10 GCSE Maths 2 nd years of GCSE Maths Assessment 3 Practice GCSE Exams December, March, June Slide 48 Students not making progress there is help available! Students identified will be invited for compulsory sessions. Open for any student interested Every Wednesday 3.10 4.10pm Slide 49 1.Displaying Data / Sampling / Scatter GraphsDates Construct a stem-and-leaf diagram (ordered)26-11-2014 Bar Chart26-11-2014 Pie Chart03-12-2014 Frequency polygon10-12-2014 Classify & know the difference between types of data10-12-2014 Design and use data collection sheets and questionnaires10-12-2014 Identify possible sources of bias10-12-2014 Draw a scatter graph by plotting points on a graph17-12-2014 Interpret the scatter graph (positive and negative correlation)17-12-2014 Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph by inspection17-12-2014 TEST07-01-2015 Slide 50 What can YOU DO?!? Homework! (MyMaths, Sheet of Work) Encourage Punctuality!! Wednesdays in School After School Intervention/Revision Every evening at Home Equipment Pen, Pencil, Ruler & Scientific Calculator Slide 51 Resources 2.50 Slide 52 Slide 53 Slide 54 I found it very useful and easier to learn with. Its very helpful It was fabulous and very helpful. I think its very helpful and easy to understand. Slide 55 Other Resources MyMaths and Samlearning BBC Bitesize GCSE Super Maths World YouTube Free teaching Free Apps available for phones and tablets. Slide 56 3 Years Course GCSE Maths To help as many students as possible to get grade C or above at the end of Y11 Main target! Slide 57 Any Questions Ms De Alwis Miss Hussain Mr Lennartsson Call School Office 01865 - 749933

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