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Wednesday, 6 March 2019 Volume 24 Edition 2

This week we welcomed an additional class and an

additional teacher into our Primary School, Year 4B!

Due to the high demand and the extensive Waiting List

for Years 3 & 4, a number of room changes and

allocations had to be utilized so this new class could be

located within the Primary area of E Block. We warmly

welcome our newest students and

their families along with their new

teacher, Miss Marian Botros, who

coincidentally was a prior student of

St Mark’s Coptic Orthodox College

herself! Following an extensive

recruitment process, Miss Botros

outshone the numerous applicants

applying for this position.

Endeavouring to cater for our Waiting List students, all

spare classrooms in the school have now been used. I

thank all the Staff, especially the English Faculty for

their cooperation with the various necessary changes to

establish the last two new Primary classes over the past

6 months. This temporary inconvenience will eventually

sort itself out in approximately 15 months once the new

building is completed. Although technical and legal

formalities have taken more time than anticipated, the

demolition and excavation will commence by the end of

this April, with an anticipated 13-month construction

period thereafter (God willing).

Upcoming Dates

TERM 1 - 2019


7 Thu Early Bird Liturgy, 6-8 am

8 Fri Primary Athletics Carnival

15 Fri Secondary Athletics Carnival

21 Thu Early Bird Liturgy, 6-8 am

Harmony Day

22 Fri SWISSA Swimming Carnival

25 Mon K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews

26 Tue K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews

28 Thu Early Bird Liturgy, 6-8 am


4 Thu Yr 12 Spiritual Retreat

Early-bird Liturgy 6 – 8 am

5 Fri Yr 12 Spiritual Retreat

8 Mon Yr 7 #1 Immunisation

11 Thu Early-bird Liturgy 6 – 8 am


Last Day of Lent Term 1

Office Hours During Easter Break

Monday 15 April – Thursday 18 April

9 am – 3 pm

19 Apr Western Good Friday – CLOSED

21 Apr Western Easter SUNDAY

21 Apr Orthodox PALM SUNDAY

22 Apr HOLY Monday – CLOSED







29 Mon Orthodox Easter Monday – CLOSED


30 Tue Staff Professional Dvt Day


1 Wed Pentecost TERM 2 commences K– 12

2 Thu Early-bird Liturgy 6 – 8 am

8 Wed St Mark’s Feast Day

9 Thu St Mark’s Feast Day Liturgy followed

by Annual Walkathon

12 Sun Mother’s Day

13 Mon Mother’s Day Breakfast 7 – 8 am

14 Tue NAPLAN Yrs 3,5,7 and 9

15 Wed NAPLAN Yrs 3,5,7 and 9

16 Thu NAPLAN Yrs 3,5,7 and 9

Early-bird Liturgy 6 – 8 am

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From Our College Chaplain: Fr George Nakhil


Fr Anthony Messeh, 12 March, 2013

If you’re an Orthodox Christian, then Monday marked the first day of a 55 day

journey called Lent. I like calling it a “journey” more than a “season” because

that helps me remember that there is a purpose.

Seasons come and seasons go and nothing really changes. We go through winter

for a while and then it’s time for spring. And then soon spring goes and then it’s time for

summer. Just a season. Something we go through just because the calendar tells us that it’s the

time of year to go through it.

A journey however is something we go through for a purpose. We are moving. We are going somewhere. That

is what Lent should be – a journey which leads to the Holy Week of Pascha in which we celebrate the death and

resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Feast of Pascha or Resurrection (also known as Easter, but I

don’t like that term because it doesn’t really express the meaning

of the feast) is the Feast of all Feasts. It is the day we celebrate

that our God is not dead but alive. He is alive and there is an

empty tomb somewhere in Jerusalem that bears witness of that

fact every single day.

So Lent is a journey to get there. And if you’re going to go on a

journey, you must be prepared. You don’t just hop in the car and

start driving. You first make sure that a) you know where you’re

going and b) you have everything you need to get there. Same

with this journey of Lent.

Where are we going? That’s what I said above – the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. That’s our destination.

Now the question for today is this: what do I need to take with me to get there?

Ask that question to an Orthodox Christian – especially one who has been in the church for a long time – and the first

response you’ll get is FASTING!

“Fasting fasting fasting. It’s gotta be fasting. Nothing is more important than fasting during Lent. Fast from

meat. Fast from dairy. Fast from sweets. Fast from TV. Fast from movies. Fast from anything and everything that

you can think of. Fast fast FAST!!!”

Most of us think about fasting as the main activity during Lent. While fasting is definitely an important part of Lent,

it would be foolish for us to make fasting the focus of this journey. If you read Isaiah 58, it is clear that God cares

about more than just “afflicting the soul” with fasting.

“Is it a fast that I have chosen, a day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head like a bulrush, and

to spread out sackcloth and ashes? Would you call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord?” (Isaiah 58:5) God is looking for more than just torturing oneself with fasting and ascetic practices. That isn’t to say that fasting

isn’t important (so hold on to that hate email), but there’s gotta to be more. Much more!

The LORD goes on to say in verses 6-9:

“Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the

oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring

to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from

your own flesh?

Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness

shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;

You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’

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WOW! What a promise! How fantastic is that? Did you read what the LORD promised? “your light shall break

forth like the morning…your healing shall spring forth speedily…the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard…

you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’”

AMAZING! Now that is a place I’d love to get to – wouldn’t you?

How do we get there? That’s what this journey is all about. We don’t just fast because it’s that time of year to

fast. We fast as part of a package of supplies that we take with us on our journey towards Pascha. Fasting is part of

toolkit, but there’s so much more that’s needed.

So please please, please don’t equate Lent with just fasting. God certainly doesn’t. There’s so much more to this

journey than just going from hamburgers to veggie burgers, real milk to soy milk, milk chocolate to dark chocolate

(or Nutella depending on where you were raised ).

Lent is much more than fasting. Isn’t it?

For discussion: what is Lent for you? What do you think God wants us/you to focus on during this Lent? I’ll

share my answer on Thursday, but it’d be nice to share and learn from one another first.

Traffic Courtesy & Care of Our Neighbours

Dear Parents, PLEASE be mindful of how and where you park when dropping off or

collecting your child/ren. Road rules and road courtesies must be observed. Currently,

there are a number of drivers that 1: totally disregard normal road rules and double and

triple park, block neighbours driveways, park on their nature strip, leave their snacks

rubbish on footpaths, abuse other drivers and generally cause a very unsafe environment

for our neighbourhood, along with excessive anxiety all round; and 2: resort to verbal abuse

of neighbours and others, even though THEY are in the wrong.

The following is a letter I recently

received from a resident of Yarran Court

(directly opposite the pedestrian

crossing) and photos of the situation. Not

only did the resident get abused,

ridiculed, blocked from entering her

driveway, but also was hit by an illegal

car reversing from her driveway causing

a collision to her bumper. Please, more consideration for following basic road rules, basic

manners and showing respect for our neighbours will go a long way to trying to rebuild

our standing within the wider community of Wattle Grove (instead of being targeted in social media groups).


I am a resident of Yarran Court, this afternoon (20/2/19) at

3.20pm l drove into my street and was met by a barrage of traffic

completely blocking access to my home. I stopped behind a car

which started reversing, l sounded my horn long and loudly

which still did not completely stop him from making contact with

my car, I got out to look at any damage and noticed a dent in my

bumper bar, he drove off and before l could follow him other cars

blocked my way and l did not get any details. I contacted

Liverpool Police Station who advised me to seek your assistance in locating the driver, l realise that the person who

did this is not likely to come forward but as it was what they suggested it l thought it was worth mentioning. I was

then harassed by a female driver who kept telling me to reverse my car down the street towards Australis Avenue. l

said l was not going to do that as other cars were illegally parked in the no stopping areas and other cars were still

entering the street making it unsafe to do so, cars were also making U-turns behind me as well, she accused me of

being an angry old lady which was probably true but as l had just been

involved in what was basically a hit and run accident l think l had good

reason to be angry, a man parked on the left hand side of my car got out

to intervene l again simply stated that l was not reversing down the road

that it would be so much easier for the man parked on the right had side

of my vehicle to drive off, he did this and no-one had to reverse at all.

The other lady persisted in calling me an angry old lady and in the end

asked if l was satisfied, my reply was that this is where l live and it is not

pleasant coming home to this situation most afternoons.

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I have reported the matter yet again to Liverpool Council and whilst l

know that you have no control over your parents parking habits l want

you to be aware of the ongoing problems they cause and the negative

impact they have on your schools reputation with the local residents.

I have attached photos so that you can have some idea of the problems

that l face most afternoons. The first four photos are before 3.15pm and

the last two are what l had to deal with at 3.20pm.

My mobile number is *** should you need to contact me.

2020 Kindergarten & Year 7 Enrolments - Repeat

All parents are advised that spaces for 2020 Kindergarten and Year 7 are filling up VERY quickly (equally so are

2021 and 2022 for both year groups). It has come to my attention that there are possibly some existing parents that

have yet to enrol their Kindergarten child for next year, thinking that as they are existing parents their children are

automatically enrolled.

Whilst this is partly correct, all existing families WILL get given first priority …. All families still need to apply

and register their children well in advance. The school cannot assume you are going to enrol your child even

if you have other children here as parents sometimes make the choice for alternate schools depending on their


UPDATE - PLEASE NOTE: As of 6 March 2019, Kindergarten 2020 is filled, completed and closed. Any further

Applications will be placed on the Waiting List only.

So, I encourage ALL families to please Apply and Register your children at your earliest convenience to avoid being

informed that your child will have to be placed on a Waiting List as I cannot remove a Registered child from the

class list just to place the late applicant’s child in.

Applications and Registrations are currently being taken for KINDERGARTEN 2021, 2022 and 2023.

All SMC Year 6 students are automatically enrolled in Year 7 2020 at the school. However, if you are not considering

continuing at SMC for Year 7, PLEASE advise the school at your earliest convenience in writing as available

vacancies are limited for external applicants.

The World’s Greatest Shave

One of our Year 9 students, Thomas Guirguis is participating in this very worthwhile activity and has been given

approval to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation by shaving his head (with no. 1 blade) on 13 March. It

would mean a lot to him and to all of us if you were able to sponsor him in his endeavour.

P & F 25/02/19, 6:30 - 7:40 pm College Hall Attendees:

Lydia Sedrak, Val Hanna, Amapreet Kaur, Irene Dos, Maria Henein, George Seidhom, Vinu Raj, Nabil Ghobriel

Helmy Said, Roy Abi-Hanna, Deborah Grohala, Anthony Tsoutsas

Purpose to elect new executive body and outline role of P & F.

Support student body, staff and parents of the school.

Budget serves a purpose but always extras needed e.g. pg seating.

Activities Mother’s Day stall and less successful Father’s Day stall. Family dinner, bbqs.

Staff consulted for student needs in Sept. Things such as LED sign big ticket item.

P&F exec is an organising committee who coordinate events and rely on networking to achieve goals.

Meetings and events usually calendared in Sept. Not done in 2018 so 2019 relies on electronic means of


P&F need to consult with the school before events are sanctioned. Ethos needs to be considered.

P&F president should be the one to coordinate and oversee. E.g. golf days, bbqs on weekends sometimes

problematic due to family commitments.

Voting for P & F Committee was called with the following positions:


Vice Chair

Secretary minutes& advertising and coordinates rosters


Financial Manager oversees finances and works with School Financial Manager

Audit for school occurs for P&F as well therefore finance reports needed

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Involvement by members will be determined by personal circumstances.

P&F supports the school and therefore is not a forum to air grievances by parents about school issues.

Members are expected to focus on fundraising efforts only as operational issues should be discussed and referred to

as they occur with the correct, relevant people and channels.

Diversity of the school is positive and the success of the school relies on families following the ethos of the school.

Anthony’s vision flags of all nationalities to be hung in the hall.

Forum opened for ideas.

P&F Val’s initiative Music Octave 8 in the school but many parents still not able to access. Taking other

students from outside of the school. Rick and Debbie coordinating Anthony to call and check why St

Marks students are missing out.

George- indoor soccer for parents. Anthony to investigate re locking up and dogs.

Val - M & F stall, Grandparents day

Anthony would like to see a multicultural day where students wear traditional dress and eat multicultural

food, an enrichment experience.

Primary do Bookfair and Easter hat parade.

Harmony Day, Jeans for Jeans, Daffodil Day.

Vivienne looking forward to a happy day such as a fete where parents can relax.

Dissemination of information through DOJO for primary or email via front office.

Anthony called for nominations for executive positions.

Resulting in everyone present to be on the committee and Val suggested designated positions will be more efficient.

Individuals interested in nominating for exec positions to email Anthony with their expression of interest.

Anthony to peruse calendar and advise on events.

Exec interest = Val, Vivienne, George and Lydia but attendees to go away and consider.

Individuals were thanked for taking the time to attend and meeting closed: 7:40 pm. Minutes kindly taken by Mrs

Grohala. PRIMARY

From our Head of Primary: Mrs Nada

from Primary I wish you a blessed Lent period full of joy and peace.

We have been blessed with the grace of God to have an

additional class in Stage 2. This will allow us to continue to cater

well for all our students. We appreciate Your support and patience

during this time. The students have settled in well in their classes.

Please encourage your child/children to establish a good routine

at home and homework is completed on a weekly basis.


Students in Years 3 to 6 have completed a Literacy Pro test which places them

on a Lexile (reading level). This determines the students’ comprehension

level, fluency and speed. Please encourage your child to read regularly by

signing the Homework Reading Log and borrowing books from the library.

Reading is vital component in improving the students’ Literacy as a whole.

Your support and encouragement is highly appreciated.

Debating Debating has begun this term and the teams chosen have competed already on Tuesday 26 February against

William Carey. The students had great arguments and were very well prepared.

Bullying The reinforcement of being kind, compassionate and loving towards each other is highlighted and modelled

to the students throughout the day. This will also be reinforced through incursions this term and programs

taught in class. Please encourage your child to speak up if they encounter any problems to allow teachers

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to guide the children better in different situations. As parents you can also assist by speaking to your child

about their day and their friends at school.

Teaching and learning All the students are taught from programs which have been thoroughly prepared by the expert teachers at

St Mark’s. All Primary staff are fully qualified and have the ability to cater for all the students in their class.

We also have three support staff who support in all the classes as additional support to some students. All

staff are Spalding trained with the exception of two teachers who have recently joined us.

God bless

Mrs Nada

Head of Primary

K-6 Random Acts of Kindness

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever

wasted."– Aesop

As part of our K-6 Coptic Orthodox Studies program

students have been learning about how to be kind to

others and how to be a good friend.

Together students participated in creating our "Random

Acts of Kindness" display. Each student was asked to

write on a love heart an act/s of kindness they performed

recently whether at school, home or in the community.

The display is a reminder to students that he or she can make a difference. This brought all the Primary students

together in a caring and cooperative way.

Students were proud when they saw their personal love heart displayed and understood how lovely and rewarding it

is to use the value Kindness!

Mrs Sidhom

K-6 COS Coordinator


From our Deputy Head of College: Mrs Grohala

Dear Members of the St Marks College Community,

St Marks College works hard to create a positive environment for students, staff and the entire

College community and we strive to ensure that our values of service and humility are

promoted in all that we do. I have received both encouraging and disappointing reports from

people in the wider community about the way that our students put into practice these values.

The first was regarding students who catch the Airport line. A small number of student commuters put

others before themselves and without being asked selflessly gave up their seats for a husband and wife

offering to assist them with their luggage. This is a wonderful example of respect and Christian stewardship

and affirms your work as the primary carers for these wonderful young people. In addition, there were many

reports from staff at the Liverpool Whitlam Leisure Centre who commented on the positive behavior of St

Mark’s students and the warm and encouraging atmosphere of the Secondary Swimming Carnival.

Unfortunately, I have also had reports of an adverse nature from neighbours in our local area about students

who are careless crossing roads during sport afternoons or visit the shopping mall before school. I must

remind you that students are not permitted to attend the Wattle Grove shops adjacent to the school at any

time and I ask that you speak to your son or daughter regarding this matter.

Can I ask that you as responsible adults are mindful about parking when dropping off or collecting your

children. The area is a shared, congested space between buses and cars and I ask that you do not put your

child at risk by parking in a bus zone.

And finally punctuality. Poor attendance patterns begin as early as Kindergarten. Please work with us by

ensuring your child is at school on time every day.

Partial absences = missed learning

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Mrs Deborah Grohala

Bravo to our Students!

The following message was sent to the Office via The Pink Pages from a member of the public. We often receive

messages such as this and so I thought it most worthwhile that I share with you the pride we have in our students

when they are out in public. We oftentimes do not know who the actual students are in order to congratulate and

applaud them, however these public comments just reinforce the need of knowing how to conduct themselves in

public is common courtesy, respect and appreciation.


From our Head of Teaching & Learning: Mr Joseph

“You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take”

- Wayne Gretzky

Study Skills Seminar

On Tuesday 12th March (6-7pm in our College Hall), all students and parents from Years 10-12 are invited

to a Study Skills Seminar. The purpose of this session is to equip students and parents with some skills

that will assist study technique and assessment preparation. This is a great opportunity for parents to be aware of how

they can assist their child/children.

SAD Calendar (Student Assessments and Deadlines)

Over the years, students have received a rough scheduling of assessments in their Assessment Handbooks at the

beginning of the calendar year. This year, this scheduling was moved to the SAD Calendar. Students and parents

have access to this calendar via student emails and Google Calendar, in addition to it being placed on the College

website (under the ‘Curriculum Matters’ tab). Please note that this should be used as a guide only. Students should

always refer to the Assessment Notification for the explicit details pertaining to a formal assessment.

HSC Minimum Standards

Two years ago, the then Education Minister announced that students had to meet the HSC Minimum Standards to

receive their Higher School Certificate. For this current Year 10 group, all students will need to sit this online test.

More information will be issued in due course.

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The included advertisements are paid advertisements. The College does not endorse any individual or organization and asks all families to undertake their own due diligence prior to acquiring any services.

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