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St Marks Campus ..............................................................................................................................................4

From the Seminary President ...........................................................................................................................4

Who We Are ......................................................................................................................................................5

What we believe ................................................................................................................................................5

Our Vision ..........................................................................................................................................................6

Our Mission .......................................................................................................................................................7

Governance .......................................................................................................................................................7

Our Academic Staff ...........................................................................................................................................8

Why Study with St Marks Seminary .................................................................................................................8

Languages Policy ..............................................................................................................................................8

Conduct .............................................................................................................................................................9

Facilities .............................................................................................................................................................9

How to Enrol ................................................................................................................................................... 10

Virtual Seminary ............................................................................................................................................. 10

Costs ............................................................................................................................................................... 10

Pre-Tertiary Level Courses ............................................................................................................................ 11

Certificate in Christian Ministry Fundamentals .................................................................................... 11

Certificate in Dispensational Theology ................................................................................................. 11

Certificate in Knowing the Person of Christ ......................................................................................... 11

Certificate in Systematic Theology ....................................................................................................... 12

Certificate in Christian Counselling ...................................................................................................... 12

Graduation ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

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St Marks Campus

From the Seminary President

The phenomenon called God and the concept of reality beyond the human scope of a material world both

challenges the mind of humankind since time immemorial. Theology is deemed the queen of science

because it integrates the human mind to seek answers that other sciences cannot do and do not acquire.

The necessity of theological training in our postmodern society is imperative if the church is to be relevant

and effective in the world. We live in a pluralistic society and we are governed by a secular state.

Identity and purpose are the essential pillars in the edifice of religion. The plethora of opinions and

worldviews may intimidate minorities to conform or remain isolated and insignificant.

Christendom is segmented into diverse religious persuasions which appeal to a variety of human needs.

We at St Marks Theological Seminary recognize this reality. With the rise of superstitious and

experiential faith, an objective and constructive approach is highly recommended. Our seminary

programme and academic agenda will foster greater interest in critical research and Bible interpretation.

It is my sincere prayer that the principles we teach will give sunrise to the souls of all who study at our


Sola Scriptura.

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Who We Are

St Marks Theological Seminary is located at the St Marks Campus found in Cape Road, Port Elizabeth.

(pictured above). In addition to the Seminary, the St Marks campus also consists of a Registered Private

School – St Marks Community School (offering education to children from Grade R to Grade 12) as well

as St Marks Congregational Church. The St Marks Campus is home to the Head Office of the Association

of Congregational Churches of Southern Africa.

As our opening Statement makes it clear, we are proudly evangelical and Dispensational in our Scriptural

interpretation. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and that:

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for

instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good

work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

St Marks Theological Seminary exists as a Pre-tertiary institution offering theological courses for students who have a deep desire to learn more about Gods Word.

What we believe

We affirm that the seven-fold unity expressed in Ephesians 4:1-7 is the Holy Spirit's doctrinal

Statement for the Church that is the Body of Christ.

We believe that the Bible, comprising the Old and New Testaments is the inspired, infallible and

authoritative Word of God. We believe that Scripture shows the mind of God to mankind and

proclaims the Lord Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation, by faith, through God’s Grace.

We believe in the literal interpretation of Scripture.

We believe that God, the Creator of all things, eternally exists as the Trinity. Three persons—the

Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one God. Each has the precise same nature, attributes,

and perfections, essence and glory, and worthy of the same honor, confidence, and obedience.

We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is God incarnate, God in human form, the

expressed image of the Father, who, without ceasing to be God, became man so that He could

reflect who God is and provide the way of salvation for mankind.

We believe that the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, though omnipresent from all

eternity, took up His abode in the world in a special sense on the day of Pentecost according to

the divine promise. By His baptism He unites all to Christ in one body and indwells every

believer. He is the seal by whom the Father guarantees the salvation of believers unto the day of

redemption. He is the Divine Teacher who illumines believers’ hearts and minds as they study

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the Word of God. As the indwelling One, He is the Source of all power, all acceptable worship

and service, and all spiritual gifts.

We believe that according to the “eternal purpose” of God (Eph. 3:11) salvation in the divine

reckoning is always “by grace through faith,” and rests upon the basis of the shed blood of Christ.

We believe that mankind was directly created by God in His image and likeness (Gen. 1:26; 2:15-

25) and that the purpose of man's creation was with the divine intention that he should glorify

God, enjoy God's fellowship and live his life in the will of God. By this he shall accomplish God's

purpose in the world (Isa. 43:7: Col. 1:16; Rev. 4:11).

We believe that salvation is by God's grace through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, the

merit of His shed blood and not on the basis of human works (Eph. 1:7; 2:8-10). We believe in

the all-inclusive complete work of salvation performed on the cross (1 Cor. 1:17-18).

We believe that regeneration is a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. It is instantaneous and is

accomplished solely by the power of the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of the word of

God so as to secure voluntary obedience to the gospel. This work of regeneration is manifest by

God's grace through faith (Tit. 2:11,12; Eph. 2:10; 1 Cor. 6:19-20).

We believe in the mystery of the Body of Christ as revealed in the New Testament.

We believe that all who place their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are baptised by the Holy Spirit

into one united spiritual body (1 Cor. 12:12-13). The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body

(Eph. 1:22; 4:15; Col. 1:18).

The eternal security of a believer does not imply that one has a licence to live recklessly,

irresponsibly and immorally. We believe that all redeemed are secure in Christ forever (Rom. 5:9-

10; Rom. 8:31-39; 1 Cor. 1:4-8; Eph 4:30).

We believe that the next great event in the fulfillment of prophecy will be the coming of the Lord

in the air to receive to Himself His own who are alive and remain unto His coming. This event is

the blessed hope set before us in the Scripture (1 Thess. 4:13-18).

We believe that the rapture of the church will be followed by the fulfillment of Israel’s seventieth

week (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6:1 -19:21) during which the church, the body of Christ, will be in


We believe that the period of great tribulation in the earth will be climaxed by the return of the

Lord Jesus Christ to the earth. The millennial age will follow, with Satan bound. Israel will be

restored to her own land and the Abrahamic Covenant will be fulfilled.

We believe that a clear distinction is made in Scripture between Israel’s earthly Messianic

Kingdom and the church which is Christ’s Body.

Our Vision

Our vision is to promote a sound biblical worldview that will equip believers to contend for the faith.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a Theological programme to all people irrespective of creed, gender or culture.

We want to offer an opportunity to people living in South Africa and abroad, the ability to gain a better

knowledge of God, based on sound Biblical teaching and less experiential emphasis.

Our mission is to raise up a Godly witness in society that will boldly and confidently share with authority

and purpose, the mystery of the revelation as explained in the New Testament.

Our mission is to prepare prospective leaders to be relevant in a secular society and assertive in doctrine

and lifestyle.

We want to present systematically the truth of God’s Word, standing unequivocally for the fundamentals

of the faith as contained in the Holy Scriptures; to equip the saints for service, and for the building up of

the body of Christ for unity, knowledge of the Son of God and maturity (Eph. 4:12-16). It aims to raise the

standard of holy living in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, acting as salt and light in the

world (Philippians 2:15).

We will enable the Student to meet the demands of the Christian ministry, equipping them to serve as

bastions against religious apostasy, discerning spurious doctrine.

“For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind Christ.”

(1 Corinthians 2:16 KJV)


St Marks Theological Seminary is Registered as a Non-Profit Company that has a Board of Directors

who manage the Seminary.

Oversight is provided by a Staff Committee who continuously monitor the quality of the courses offered.

Any queries regarding the governance of the Seminary can be directed to the Seminary Administrator.

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Our Academic Staff

The Reverend Dr

Bruce Woolard

(B Min, M Th, PhD


Seminary President,

Undergraduate & Post

Graduate Supervisor,


Dr Peter Moses


Undergraduate & Post

Graduate Supervisor

Dr S.M. Vandayar


Graduation Chairman

Sandy Woolard

(BA Ed, Dip.Th)

Director of Studies

Certificates Supervisor

Reverend Warren


(B Min)

Chairman: Appeals



IT Support

Reverend Andrew


(B Min)

Dean of Students

Seminary Administrator


Errol Woolard

(M Th)


Why Study with St Marks Seminary

Although there are time constraints placed on the students during which time, assignments and work

must be completed, these are not overly burdensome, allowing the student the freedom to choose the

pace at which to work, that best suits them.

Languages Policy

English is our language of teaching and learning at St Marks Theological Seminary. We encourage

students to master the use of the English language. Assignments are marked strictly in adherence with

this policy.

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As teachers and students, we do all to bring glory to God. It is therefore unacceptable for students to

behave badly in any way, which would include committing plagiarism, defaming the seminary or any of its

staff, or copying from fellow students.

St Marks Theological Seminary is opposed to plagiarism. Students are reminded that they will be

expelled if caught plagiarising.

Students are expected to adhere to the Policies of the Seminary.


Campus: Students may visit the Campus during the hours of

8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday and after hours by


Library: The Seminary has an extensive library available to

enrolled students. Note that you will need your Student ID card to

gain access to the library. An electronic library is available

through the Virtual Campus via the Internet.

Study Rooms: Students may make use of the study areas on

the Campus. Student ID cards must be carried and produced

when asked for security reasons.

Coffee Shop: Students may make use of the Coffee Tree

Coffee shop on Campus at their own cost.

Book Shop: Students may make purchases from the Book

Shop at their own cost.

Chapel: Students may spend quiet time in the Campus Chapel

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How to Enrol

Once you have decided to study with St Marks Seminary, please go to our web site at to download an application package. Alternatively, prospective students

may contact St Marks Seminary on 041 360 6060 to have an application form mailed, or students can

use the form on the last page of this prospectus.

Completed application forms can be submitted by:

Email: [email protected].

Hard Copies Delivered to: St Marks Campus

Cape Road

Framesby North, Port Elizabeth

Post to: The Registrar

St Marks Theological Seminary

P.O. Box 27033


Port Elizabeth


Facsimile: 041 3609217

The Registrar will communicate with you.

For further information, email the Seminary on [email protected].

Virtual Seminary

Once you are accepted into the Seminary, you will receive “sign-on credentials” that will allow you to log

onto the Virtual Campus where you will be able to download your course work for the subject that you are

currently enrolled for. Within the Virtual Campus, you will also be able to download and complete

assignments, submit assignments and complete tests or exams that may be required by your relevant


Virtual Campus also gives you an opportunity to interact with other students and the lecturers.

Through the Virtual Campus, you will also be able to access the Virtual Library and Book Shop.


Application Fee: There is no application fee for pre-tertiary certificate courses as the full amount

for the course must be submitted with your application form.

Payment: For Pre-Tertiary Courses, you are required to make payment in full at the time

of application. Refer to the relevant course to see the pricing.

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Pre-Tertiary Level Courses

Please note that these pre-tertiary courses are not registered with the Department of Education and carry

no credits within the NQF Framework. These courses are purely designed to help the student have a

more accurate and practical knowledge of God and their Christian walk.

Certificate in Christian Ministry Fundamentals

Description: A preparatory course equipping students to understand fundamental biblical

truths and doctrines in the Word of God. This is a prerequisite course before

enrolling for any other courses.

Assessment: Assignments

Duration: 1 Year – Students can start throughout the year.

Delivery: Distance Education/Web Site

Cost: R650 – includes all material and workbooks (digital or hardcopy)

Entry Requirement: Good understanding of the English language.

Certificate in Dispensational Theology

Description: Understanding how to rightly divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15) and

identifying the various stages of God’s dealings with mankind.

Assessment: Assignments.

Duration: 1 Year - Students can start throughout the year.

Delivery: Distance Education/Web Site

Cost: R1350 – includes all material and workbooks (digital or hardcopy)

Entry Requirement: Good understanding of the English language.

Completion of Christian Ministry Fundamentals Certificate

Certificate in Knowing the Person of Christ

Description: Understanding more about the Person of Christ and the works He performed,

proving that Christianity is true and defending the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Assessment: Assignments

Duration: 1 Year - Students can start throughout the year.

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Delivery: Distance Education/Web Site

Cost: R1350 – includes all material and workbooks (digital or hardcopy)

Entry Requirement: Good understanding of the English language.

Completion of Christian Ministry Fundamentals Certificate

Certificate in Systematic Theology

Description: An introductory study of the divisions of theology which include God, Jesus

Christ, the Holy Spirit, mankind, the Bible, sin and salvation, angels and demons

and end time theology.

Assessment: Assignments

Duration: 1 Year - Students can start throughout the year.

Delivery: Distance Education/Web Site

Cost: R1350 – includes all material and workbooks (digital or hardcopy)

Entry Requirement: Good understanding of the English language.

Completion of Christian Ministry Fundamentals Certificate

Certificate in Christian Counselling

Description: This course is preparatory and takes the student through the importance of

Christian counselling and gives guidelines in various scenarios and life skills. It

does not qualify students to practice counselling professionally. This

course is ideal for lay persons wanting to take part in Care Ministry activities.

Assessment: Assignments

Duration: 1 Year - Students can start throughout the year.

Cost: R1350 – includes all material and workbooks (digital or hardcopy)

Entry Requirement: Good understanding of the English language.

Completion of Christian Ministry Fundamentals Certificate


Many of our students will qualify and be eligible for graduation. At St Marks Theological Seminary, we

invite you and your families at your cost, to attend the graduation ceremony that takes place each year in

May at our Campus in Port Elizabeth. Photographs of the event may be ordered at the students cost.

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P.O. Box 27033 Greenacres Port Elizabeth, 6057 Tel: 041 360 6060; Fax: 041 360 9217 [email protected]


First Name(s): Surname:

Date of Birth: Nationality:

ID/Passport Number:

Home Phone: Work Phone:

Cell Phone: Skype ID:

Please tick the relevant boxes

Do you own a computer? YES NO

Do you have access to the internet?

How would you like to receive your study material? Hardcopy – collect Electronically

Hardcopy – posted Email

Email Address:

Street Address: Postal Address:


If this is the first time you are studying a Certificate Course at St Marks Theological Seminary, you are required to first complete the Christian Ministry Fundamentals Certificate. Once completed, you may enrol for any of the other certificates.

Please select which Certificate Course you are enrolling for:

Christian Ministry Fundamentals Certificate (One Year) Cost: R650.00 Certificate in Dispensational Theology (One Year) Cost:R1,350.00 Certificate in Knowing the Person of Christ and His Works (One Year) Cost:R1,350.00 Certificate in Systematic Theology (One Year) Cost:R1,350.00 Certificate in Christian Counselling (One Year) Cost:R1,350.00

(Note: All above Certificates are Pre-Tertiary Certificates and carry no credit on the NQF)

PAYMENT DETAILS: All course fees must be paid before you will be issued with your study material. If payment was made via EFT, please attach proof of payment.


Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd Branch Code: 024 210 Account Number: 045 574 510 Reference: Surname


I certify that the information provided is correct.

____________________________ _________________________ Student Name Student Signature

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Details Captured: For Office Use Only:

Paid Submitted ID Submitted other documents

Money received by: ___________________________ Receipt Number: _________________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________________


Student ID Generated: _______________________ (Account Number)

For Finance Use:


Invoiced: Y/N

Account in Order: _________________________

Comments: ______________________________________________________________________

Documents Needed:

1) Copy of your ID Document

2) School Certificate if possible, but not necessary.

Any further enquiries:

St Marks Theological Seminary

P.O. Box 27033


Port Elizabeth


Phone: 041 360 6060

Facsimile: 041 360 9217

Email: [email protected]


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