Page 1: St Mary’s School Warwick Newsletter - St Mary's Catholic ... · Catholic Schools Touch and Netball Carnivals An exciting part of Catholic Education Week is the Catholic Schools

Important for Next Week

Catholic Education Week

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Tuesday Catholic Education Week Liturgy with Assumption College 10.30am – MacKillop Centre

Thursday Catholic Education Touch Football & Netball Carnivals Friday PUPIL FREE DAY

163 Palmerin Street (PO Box 555) Warwick Qld 4370 Phone: 4661 1872 Fax: 4661 4809 Email: [email protected]

Website: http: //

Knowing how to let children grow is like flying a kite. Pope Francis talks of flying kites in his neighbourhood when he was a child.

“There would come the moment when the kite would begin making a figure 8 and begin falling. In order to keep that from happening, you mustn’t pull on the string. The children who knew more than us would scream, “Give it some slack, it is wobbling!”

Flying a kite resembles the approach we need to take regarding a person’s growth; sometimes we need to give them some slack because they are ‘wavering’. In other words, it is necessary to give them time. We have to be able to set limits at the right moment, but other times we need to know how to look the other way and be like the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son who lets his son move out and squander his fortune so that he learns from the experience.”

23 July 2015 Term 3 Week 2

St Mary’s School Warwick Newsletter

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

What a chilly start we have had to this term!!! Our first day back was

unusually cold, mild days through the week and then snow in

Stanthorpe and surrounding areas on Friday!! This week has been a

little kinder but still quite cool. Next week, we celebrate Catholic

Education Week.

In an interview published in Argentina, Pope Francis listed his Top 10

tips for bringing greater joy to one’s life. Slowing down, being

generous and fighting for peace are part of this secret for happiness.

1. “Live and let live.” A similar expression in Rome is the saying,

“Move forward and let others do the same.”

2. “Be giving of yourself to others.” People need to be open and

generous toward others, he said, because, “if you withdraw

into yourself, you run the risk of becoming egocentric and

stagnant water does not give life.”

3. “Proceed calmly.” Pope Francis believes it is important to

have the “ability to move with kindness and humility, a

calmness in life.”

4. “ A healthy sense of leisure.” Pope Francis acknowledges that

even though many parents work long hours, they must set

aside time to play with their children; work schedules make it

“complicated, but you must do it.”

5. Sundays should be holidays. Workers should have Sundays off

because “Sunday is for family”, he said.

6. Find innovative ways to create dignified jobs for young

people. The youth are our future. What are we doing for


7. Respect and take care of nature.

8. Stop being negative. “Needing to talk badly about others

indicates low self-esteem. Letting go of negative things

quickly is healthy.”

9. Respect others’ beliefs. We can inspire others through

communicating together.

10. Work for peace. “The call for peace must be shouted. Peace is

never quiet. Peace is always proactive and dynamic.”

Have a wonderful week. Margaret

Page 2: St Mary’s School Warwick Newsletter - St Mary's Catholic ... · Catholic Schools Touch and Netball Carnivals An exciting part of Catholic Education Week is the Catholic Schools

Parent/Teacher Interviews continue next week.


Cyberbullying – important changes from 1 July 2015 Introducing the newly formed Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner Enhancing Online Safety for Children Act 2015.

The Act allows children suffering from serious cyberbullying to contact the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner to have content removed if social media companies do not remove the offending content after it has been reported to them.

The Office provides a range of resources which can be found on the Office’s website

Celebrating Catholic Education Week

Next week our school celebrates all the great things about being a Catholic School. Each day the children will be involved in activities around the theme ‘Engaging Minds, Igniting Hearts, Serving Others’. This year, St Mary’s Warwick and Assumption College are hosts to the Student Launch of Catholic Education Week for the Diocese of Toowoomba. Invited guests and members of catholic school communities of the Toowoomba Diocese will join us. This year, the ambassadors for Queensland Catholic Education are Orange Sky Laundry. They will share our Liturgy with us. Funds raised through simple class activities will go to this organisation in providing washing facilities for the homeless and disadvantaged in our society. The Toowoomba ambassadors are Rosie’s and St Vincent de Paul. Invited guests will share their stories with us. Our main celebration is on Tuesday, 28th July, in the MacKillop Centre. It will begin with a Liturgy at 10.30am, involving students and staff from St Mary’s Primary School, St Mary’s Kindy and Assumption College. We will then share a free sausage sizzle for lunch. We would love it if lots of parents could join us for the Liturgy and sausage sizzle. On Thursday, students from Years 5 and 6 will travel to Toowoomba for the annual Catholic Schools Touch Football and Netball Competition. The week will finish with a Pupil Free Day on Friday for the children and the Bishop’s In-service Day for staff. More information on Orange Sky Laundry can be found at:




Page 3: St Mary’s School Warwick Newsletter - St Mary's Catholic ... · Catholic Schools Touch and Netball Carnivals An exciting part of Catholic Education Week is the Catholic Schools


Student Awards This week’s award recipients:

Class Student Achievement Award Living Like Jesus Award

Prep Lawson Patrick Nowlan Indigo Cruice

Prep Mathews Colby Miller

Aishleen Sidhu Alfie Broadhurst

Jacob Fox

Year 1 Shooter Patrick Sharp

Zac Wheeldon Natalie Lamb

Year 1 Woodbridge Suzie Spiller Summer Scanlan

Year 2 Brosnan All of 2B

Keira Brunt Montana Osborn

Year 2 Doyle Imogen Fox Rohan Fanning

Year 3 King Adam Brennan Adela Beck

Year 3 Williams Fletcher Tate-Roche Claudia Bonser

Year 4 Carr Bridget Hardy Archer Ryan

Jack Ragh

Year 5 Norton Imogine Jeffery Hugh Inmon

Year 5 Preston Sinclair Bourke Georgina Godwin

Year 6 Dearden Eliza Connor Kateesha Lawler

Year 6 Rutledge Deiv Sorono Emma Doyle

Computer Skills Emily Murphy Wyatt Fretwell

Prep M has celebrated the beginning of the term with a written story (and wonderful, winter illustration) about what they did on their holidays.

We have adopted Mrs Shooter’s chooks and are feeding them our ‘Snickity Snack food scraps’ each day.

We have started to learn about the weather in our world and how the animals know where to go when the weather changes in their part of the world.

We investigated a Noisy Miner bird’s nest and discovered that the mother bird uses cocoon silk and spider web to make her nest soft for her eggs and baby birds.

In Religion we learned how and why “The Golden Rule” is important for us all. This week we shall all visit the trees and see their jumpers…..we are looking forward to going

and then drawing our favourite tree. If you have to do something this week that is a little hard to do....Prep M want to send you

our motto to help you, remember: “A Good Rabbit Never Gives Up!” May the week ahead bless you all with smiles and happiness and all the good things in life.

from Prep M.

St Mary’s School Musical

Peter Pan

Thursday 27th and Friday 28th August

Tickets on sale week beginning August 10

Page 4: St Mary’s School Warwick Newsletter - St Mary's Catholic ... · Catholic Schools Touch and Netball Carnivals An exciting part of Catholic Education Week is the Catholic Schools

Library News OVERDUE LIBRARY BOOKS Just a friendly reminder to everyone to return your library books. At the moment, there are quite a few students with overdue library books. We are reluctant to lend more books to students who have overdue loan – borrowing privileges will be cut. This puts your child at a disadvantage.

READERS CHALLENGE this Thursday July 23: 4pm – 6pm Teams from St Mary’s will be attending Warwick State High School to compete at the Readers Challenge. Last year 150 students from Warwick and district attended the event. Students from Years 5 & 6 have been reading four books to answer trivia questions written by the pupils of Warwick High. Pictures will be in next week’s newsletter.

Dental Van Free dental care is offered to all Queensland students from the age of four to the completion of Year 10 through the School Dental Service. Students of St Mary’s Primary School are being offered dental treatment at the mobile dental clinic which is currently situated at the Glennie Heights State School. Registration Forms were sent home last week. If you would like to use this dental service, forms are to be returned to the school office no later than Friday, 24 July 2015.


Catholic Schools Touch and Netball Carnivals An exciting part of Catholic Education Week is the Catholic Schools Netball and Touch Carnivals. If your child is selected they will have received a training schedule and we are very grateful to staff members who have given up their time to train our students. A letter has been sent home regarding training times. Buses will depart from the Upper Campus, at 7:30 am sharp and return at approximately 3:30pm. Medical and consent forms, along with $15 are due back at school by Monday, 27th July. Students will wear full school sports uniform, including hat. Suitable netball and touch football footwear may be worn. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle and warm clothing (tracksuit pants and jumper/jacket) with them. We wish all our teams a great day of sportsmanship and fun with students from other Catholic Schools.

Hockey Over the school holidays four St Mary’s children went to Marborough to represent Warwick in the Queensland U13 Boys Hockey State Championships. Alexander Shadlow (4G), Jack Young (6R) Bailey Rutledge (6R) and Gus Hutchinson (6R) all had fun playing in the competition. Alexander was goal keeper and did a great job of defending the goals. Bailey scored the only goal against Redlands in the whole competition. The boys did a great job and fun was had by all.

Reading research tells us How can we help?

Comic books play an important role in helping readers gain confidence and learn to enjoy reading

Comic books often introduce new, sophisticated vocabulary

Comic books are not just for children. Many adults enjoy graphic novels (e.g. Manga)

Allow comic book reading during Free Choice Reading

Encourage all types of reading, not just the classics

Graphic Novel = Comic Book. Encourage the development of a graphic novel library

Page 5: St Mary’s School Warwick Newsletter - St Mary's Catholic ... · Catholic Schools Touch and Netball Carnivals An exciting part of Catholic Education Week is the Catholic Schools

You Can Do It! Education


This week at school we are spending time teaching the children the Foundation of Persistence. We want to teach children how to persist at doing school work they find difficult or frustrating. What you say to your child has a large impact on your child’s Persistence. This week, we would like you to discuss with your child the idea that in life (and school), “To achieve pleasant results in the long-term (good marks), you sometimes have to do unpleasant things in the short-term.” You can pick an example from your own life or that of another person you both know to illustrate the idea that to be successful at things we do, we sometimes have to put off the fun activities until after we’ve put in the effort on activities that may not be so much fun. Have your child name one or two “unpleasant” things they have to do at school to get a good mark (for example, check their written work for mistakes). And when you catch your child trying hard, give lots of praise (“I like the way you did your work before having fun,” “You really tried hard”).

Reading WHAT TO DO AT HOME The top three • Talk often with your child to build listening and speaking skills. • Read to and with your child—often. Talk to her about the words and ideas in books. Encourage your child to read on her own. • Ask your child’s teacher how you can help your child practise at home what she is learning at school.

Comprehension This week we continue our focus on the comprehension strategy – ‘Summarising’.



Learners identify and accumulate the most important ideas and restate them in their own words.

Example questions/statements

What things will help me/you summarise this text – list, mind map, note-taking, annotations, etc? What are the main ideas and significant details from the reading/viewing/listening? If you were to tell another person about the text read/viewed/heard in a few sentences, what would you tell them? What is the main theme? How is it connected to the world beyond the text? In what significant ways does this text relate to/elaborate on the topic that you have been investigating? Can you create a metaphor for the text that you have read?

Page 6: St Mary’s School Warwick Newsletter - St Mary's Catholic ... · Catholic Schools Touch and Netball Carnivals An exciting part of Catholic Education Week is the Catholic Schools

P&F News Thank you to all those who braved the cold evening to be at the regular monthly meeting last Thursday night. The main topics discussed were the Upper Grounds Development Project and the Trivia Night.

Within the next week, you will receive an envelope containing a letter regarding the Trivia Night, as well as a ticket booklet for the 50/50 Raffle.

The next P&F meeting is Thursday the 20th of August and will be the last meeting before the Trivia Night.

All contributions are welcomed, so please come along. If you are unable to attend, but would like to contribute your thoughts please let us know via our email address- [email protected]

The P&F is aiming to set up an email list as a means of getting information out to families. If you would like to receive P&F information via email please send us an email to the above address so we can add your email address to the list.

Tuckshop Roster

Fri 24/7: Kerry Murphy, Chris Edmeades, Kirsten Ryan

Thurs 30/7: Kirsten Ryan, Jacki Robinson Fri 31/7: Pupil Free Day

A helper is needed for one Friday per month in the Tuckshop. If you would like to help in this way please contact the school office.

Notices Rugby League Camp A 2015 NRL Junior Rugby League Mod Camp will be held in Gatton from September 28th – 30th for players aged 10 to 12 years of age in 2015. Children will be able to learn Rugby League skills and play fun games. VENUE: USQ Gatton Campus – Gatton QLD TIMES: Registration at 9am on Monday 28th September Concludes 12pm on Wednesday 30th September COST: $290 (inc. GST) Price includes:

Accommodation for 2 nights All meals (including supper) 2 Camp T-Shirts, Backpack, Trucker Cap, Wattle Bottle, Football, Pump & Kicking Tee Skill Development & NRL Leaguetag competition

Limited number – BOOK NOW! Register online today: A flyer can be collected from the Lower Campus office.

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