Page 1: St Peter s Lutheran School · But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too. And if someone

St Peter’s Lutheran School Newsletter - Friday 7th February 2020

6-26 Horsham Road

Dimboola 3414

Tel: 03 5389 1626

[email protected]

Upcoming Important Dates

February 2020

11th - School Swimming

12th - School Swimming

13th - School Swimming

14th - P&F Welcome BBQ

19th - School Swimming

20th - School Swimming

21st - School Swimming

25th - Shrove Tuesday

26th - School Swimming

27th - School Swimming

28th - School Swimming

March 2020

3rd - P&F AGM @ 3.30pm

9th - Labour Day Student Free

12th - Parent/Teacher Interviews

13th - Parent/Teacher Interviews

19th - School Photos

21st - Wine Tour

27th - Last Day of Term 1

Term Dates 2020

Term 1 - 28th January - 27th March

Term 2 - 14th April - 26th June

Term 3 - 13th July - 18th September

Term 4 - 5th October - 18th


Church Calendar

8th February - 9am HC

16th February - 11am LR

23rd February - 11am HC

26th February - Ash

Wednesday 7.30pm HC

1st March - 9am LR

Bridgette King - For showing compassion for others by making the Preps feel welcome & showing them

the routine of school. Lydia Paech - For Developing for

cursive writing with humility & persevering to achieve success.

Evie Paech - For Displaying real courage when attempting new activities.


Principal Award

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From the Principal

Hi everyone, I hope that you have all had a wonderful week. The weather has kept us cool and fresh in the mornings this this week but it’s looking as though for our swimming carnival in 3 weeks’ time we will have higher temps which will be perfect. Don’t forget that you are all invited along to our Swimming Carnival on Wednesday the 4th March. Please encourage any relatives or family friends to come along and support our students.

Our P&F welcome BBQ is on Friday the 14th February from 5:30pm at the ‘Pines’ down on the bank of our beautiful Wimmera River. All food will be provided free of charge, BYO chairs and drinks. Thank you again to the P&F members that are organising the food for this get together.

This Thursday the 6th February we had our parent information night. Thanks to all those parents and care givers that were able to attend. This evening was for parents to meet staff and also to find out about class procedures, excursions and class routines. It is always an excellent opportunity for you to ask your child’s teacher any questions you may have and to also meet other parents. If you were unable to attend this evening all relevant notes will be sent home with your children.

Next week our Swimming program begins. Tuesday the 11th Feb is our first day at the pool. All of

the boys and girls are very excited and really look forward to these lessons. You will have received information about items required, which days of the week and the process for the end of day pick up. Bus students are picked up from the pool by their bus and parents that pick up students are also asked to collect their children from the pool each afternoon. Please come and see your child’s teacher for any further information that you may require.

A reminder that the start of each year there are always several notes that you are required to fill out and return for our records. If you are unsure of what to fill in on these notes or have questions about their content please come into the office between 8:30-2:30 and Mrs Walters will be able to assist you.

Have a safe and Blessed Weekend,

Yours in Christ,

Tim Reimann

Page 3: St Peter s Lutheran School · But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too. And if someone

The power of one

The Lord’s voice shakes the oaks

and strips the leaves from the trees

while everyone in his Temple shouts, ‘Glory to God!’

The Lord rules over the deep waters;

he rules as king for ever.

The Lord gives strength to his people

and blesses them with peace.

(verses 9-11)

Read Psalm 29

Who is the most powerful person in the world? Is it someone like the President of the United States,

who has his finger on the most deadly arsenal of weapons in the world? Is it some Olympic athlete

who has run faster or jumped higher than anyone else in the recorded history of human kind? Is it

some international media mogul who can sway world opinion by the turn of an editorial phrase?

All such power is small and finite next to the power of God. You can see God’s power reverberating

in the thunder and lightning that he created and pulsating in the cyclones and earthquakes that

wreak their forces upon the earth. Prestigious presidents, spectacular sportspeople and enterprising

editors can only stand in awe of him and echo

his praises. Not only does God’s power, unlike

theirs, last forever, but he insists on using it,

unlike them, for the sole benefit of his people,

for their continuing benefit and peace. He is

the most powerful one.

Lord, I acknowledge you power and

authority in the world and put myself in

your hands. Give me your strength and

your peace. Amen

Devotional Thoughts

Page 4: St Peter s Lutheran School · But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too. And if someone


Email List

If you would like to receive our school newsletter

and/or the P&F Minutes by email, please email

[email protected]

Lunch Orders

Lunch Orders are available from the High School

every THURSDAY. We do not have the same menu

as the High School. Please make sure you are

ordering off the correct menu.


P&F will be held next Tuesday 3rd March 2020 at

3.30pm in the Multi Purpose Room. This change

of day is just for this meeting due to the

Swimming Carnival.

AS this is the AGM, all positions are vacant, if you

are interested in taking on a position, please let

P&F know. We are specifically looking for

President and Secretary.

All welcome.

Start of Year Forms

Please make sure all Start of Year Forms are

returned to the office ASAP.

One form per child is needed.

If you need a new pack of forms please contact

the office.

School Uniforms

We have a large selection of Second Hand Uniform

available, if you would like to have a look, please

pop in during school hours.

If you would like to purchase new uniform items,

please contact Kate Ward on 0409 528 958

Athletics Practice

We encourage all students to wear their sports

shoes each day during Term 1. Students will be

practicing different events during the term in

preparation for our Athletics Carnival.

We are in the process of confirming the date of

both the Athletics Carnival and Cross Country.

Once it is confirmed it will be published in the


St Peter’s Lutheran Church AGM

The church AGM will be held on Sunday 23rd

February 2020, after the 11am service.

P&F Wine Tour

P&F have re-scheduled their Wine Tour, it will

now run on 21st March 2020. Flyers will be out

next week.

Page 5: St Peter s Lutheran School · But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too. And if someone


Page 6: St Peter s Lutheran School · But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too. And if someone


Page 7: St Peter s Lutheran School · But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too. And if someone

Congratulations to our Sports Captains Blue - Elayna Ward & Jasper Ward Gold - Declan Paech & Lydia Paech

We received our very large sand delivery this week. Our current sand pit got a very good top up and

we have created a 2nd Sand pit and Long Jump Pit next to our basketball court.

Sports Captains

Sand Delivery

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