Page 1: St Peter’s Lutheran · USHERING SCHEDULE January 2017 Please mark your calendars accordingly. Ushers should be there 15 minutes

St Peter’s Lutheran Church

Worship Hours Saturday Evenings at 5:00p / 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month.

Sunday Mornings at 10:00am

Website: email: [email protected]

Church Office: 727-3721 Parsonage: 727-2226 Office hours: Ann – Wednesday 5:00-7:00pm & Fridays 9:00-11:00 am

Sue - 608-415-3910

Pastor Donald Glanzer, Jr

Contact information: Cell phone: (608)516-8989 [email protected]

Pastor Don’s schedule

Monday - off

Tuesday– 9:00a– 5:00 pm

Wednesday – 9:00a-5:00pm

Thursday – 9:00a-5:00p m

Friday – 9:00a – 5:00 pm

Saturday – 9:00a 5:00 pm

Sunday – 11:00a – 5:00 pm

Meetings in January

Prayer Shawl - every Monday @ 7:00p m

Bible Study – every Wednesday @ 9am

Parish Ed Mtg. Jan 4 @ 6:30pm

Worship Committee mtg. Jan 5 @ 6:30pm

Women’s Bible Study Jan 10 @ 1:30 Or Jan 16 @ 7pm Council Meeting- Jan 10 @ 6:00pm

Men’s Club Mtg. Jan 15 following service

Annual Meeting Jan 22 following service

Usher Schedule

USHERING SCHEDULE January 2017 Please mark your calendars accordingly. Ushers should be there 15 minutes prior to the start of the service to

assist with bulletins, etc.

January 1 Ryan Suemnicht Mike Madigan Zach Simacek Dean Repka

January 8 Darin Gease Kenneth Radke John Brandt Randy Roecker

January 15 Jamie Hooker Ken Wilk, Jr Harold Haag Kelly Damaschke

January 22 Kurt Muchow Randy Schlieckau Allen Knuth Mike Hahn

January 29 Steve Dempsey Zebulahn Allen Dennis Lichte Harley Koenig

Policy regarding Church Cancellations….

Once the decision is made, the church will list it on the answering machine, the church website and if possible the WNFM/WRDB radio station. However, when in doubt call a Council member or someone in the congrega-tion.

Best to call to make an appt. or to make sure you connect with him if you are stopping by. He may be making visits.

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January Events

January 2017 St. Peter’s is planning a Pictorial. We are partnering with Life Touch. Each

family will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait & directory. Pictorial Committee will be avail-

able before and after church services during the month of December.

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 DEADLINE is January 10, 2017. Ann would like to inform

committees and groups of the congregation of the last day to submit your report if it is to be

published. If your report cannot meet the deadline but you still wish to be published, you will

need to contact Ann directly.

Annual Meeting: Is January 22, 2017. Our worship service will be at 10:00 am. A lunch will be served by our

confirmation youth with a Free Will Offering. The meeting will start immediately following the meal.

From the Constitution This is for informational purposes to you the congregation. The definition of a

voting member as written in our church Constitution:

From Chapter 8. MEMBERSHIP *C8.02. Members shall be classified as follows:

c. Voting members are confirmed members. Such confirmed members, during the current or preced-ing calendar year, shall have communed in this congregation and shall have made a contribution of record to this congregation. Please fill out your communion card and use your envelopes to help us with our record keeping.

The Men are again bringing back entertainment in February at the wild game potluck and ply. Brian Brown is

producing the play but needs more actors. If you are interested contact any men’s club member. We will an-

nounce the first practice sometime in December.

Other Men’s Club News. We will be serving the community meal at St. John’s in Reeds-

burg again January 22, 2017. We need volunteers (both male & female, young or old) sig-

nup sheets will be at the back of the church soon.

Mission of the Month is: United Fund serves 32 local non-profits. The monies given are all

used in the Reedsburg and Weston School Districts. All donations stay local, and are used for

helping people from birth to our senior citizens. Please consider making a donation using the

white envelops located in the pews.

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2017 W/ELCA program books are ready to be picked up. They are on the hybrid table in the narthex. LOOKING FOR NOMINEES FOR COUNCIL POSITIONS:

Nominating Committee will be contacting you for one of these position; Parish Education Deacon, Property

Maintenance, Parish Education Board, and two people for the Endowment Board

January 2017 St. Peter’s Cemetery Board is planning a pictorial book listing all the Saints buried in St. Pe-

ter’s Cemetery, including photos and or stories of life. Dale Meyer will be leading the committee. A few have

already been added to the committee but we still need volunteers to make the book. Especially typist and com-

puter people. To volunteer contact Dale at 608-434-5432. If you have photos or stories for the book about

loved ones contact us. A meeting will be held in January.

Thank You to everyone who contributed items and helped to distribute the 39 Cheer Pails on Sunday, Nov

27th. A special thank-you to Krissy Klemp who donated 40 hand-made cards. Only with everyone’s help can

this event be successful!

Thank you; I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone who offered prayers, sent cards, letters,

gifts, and brought food for Harvey. A heartfelt thanks to Pastor Don and others that visited me while I was

away from home. Also, special thanks go to all the nurses, doctors and other health care staff for their excellent

care. May God, shower you and your love ones with his blessings now and in 2017

Carol J Myers

2017 Offering Envelopes are at the back of the church.

Simply Giving…

The Simply Giving Program is a simple way to give to St Peter’s and in giving gifts to the Lord.

With the Simply Giving Program, you may choose to give weekly or monthly or semi-monthly, with deduc-

tions coming out of your checking or savings on the days that you designate the withdrawal. You may make choices as to the amount you want to give for individual accounts; Be it the General Fund, Property & Maintenance, LSS, Missions, etc.

The form is just one page and the rest is automatically taken care of for you. All information is kept privately by those individuals involved in setting up your account.

Contact the office for an enrollment form and to answer any questions you may have. An ‘effective

date’ of three weeks is allowed for the paperwork to be processed.

We encourage you to consider this way of truly giving the Biblical ‘first fruits’ to the Lord. We are sure you stewardship will be enhanced by this convenient, consistent way of giving.

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Faith Night News

The “Story of Christmas” program was a huge success. A big thanks to all the Youth who participated and the

parents for getting them to practices. Also, thanks goes out to all the adults who assisted in any way. Your time

and efforts are greatly appreciated.

There will be no Faith Night Wednesday, December 28th and January 4th. Faith Night will resume January 11th. At that time, there will be some changes with classes. Currently we have

1st, 2nd, & 3rd in one class and 4th, 5th, & 6th in one class. Because these classes are quite large (which is great)

Parish Ed recommended we create another class. Therefor 3rd & 4th will become one class and will be lead by

Amy Hahn & Ruth Roecker. Thanks ladies.

There will be a Parish Ed Meeting January 4th at 6:30pm for all leaders. Thank you in advance for attending.

The children will sing Sunday, February 5th hope to see you all there.

A big thank you to all the youth and adults who helped pack the personal hygiene kits. 50 kits were packed and

Dale Meyer delivered the kits to the Reedsburg Food Pantry. Thanks Dale.

A reminder as to how Faith Night works; starting at 5pm is the Community meal, all are welcome, followed by

worship in the sanctuary, then breaking out into our classes. There is an Adult Bible Study for the adults who

would like to participate or you can have coffee and socialize. There is something for everyone.

Happy New Yearp

Sue Wobschall

Faith Night Leader

Continue to save your Viking & IGA receipts for St. peters. Proceeds will go to help support Faith Night dinners. Place them into the area in the narthex

Luther League Updates

Luther League Revamped: What is Luther League now? It’s for both middle school

and high school students to participate in Fun & Fellowship activities, and be provided with Mission opportunities. Retreat Weekend—Jan 6-8, 2017. Spend the weekend

at Sugar Creek Bible Camp: sled, snow shoe, cross country ski, play broom ball, ice skate (bring your own skates), play games indoors, and learn about God and grow deeper in faith. There is no cost for confirmation class or confirmed youth (high Schoolers). If bringing a friend, their cost is $20.

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Bugle Call January 2017

Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Grace and Peace to you from God the Father; From our Lord and Savior Jesus

Christ; In, with, and through the Holy Spirit. AMEN.

(A little story) Clunk…Clunk. Two sharp thrusts with the six-foot long ice spud, followed by two shuf-

fling steps taken by the ice-fisherman, who wears a snowmobile suit and heavy snow pack boots.

Clunk…Clunk…Clunk. This time three heavy thrusts with the ice spud into the newly formed ice in a

backwater of the Rock River near Byron, Illinois. Followed by, of course, three shuffling steps forward by the


So far, so good. Halfway out over the 20-foot-deep hole which, the ice-fisherman has learned, holds

monstrously huge 17-18” Crappies, just waiting to bite on the ice-fisherman’s lures. If they are half as coopera-

tive as rumored, this will be an easy day, followed by a scrumptious evening meal of fried Crappie fillets.

Clunk…Clunk. Two more probing jabs of the spud, followed by two shuffling steps.

Crack!...Gawoosh!! The ice-fisherman’s left leg goes through the ice up to the thigh.

An onrushing of intrusive thoughts, which fire across the synapses of the brain in a fraction of a second.

Should have had someone else walk out here first… Should have waited until someone was already out here

fishing safely…20 feet deep, can drink water standing up…snowmobile suit and snow packs are heavy, too

heavy to get back on the ice??...feel really stupid right now…

In actuality, the leg went into the water and then immediately right back up again, just like the way a

jack-in-the-box works. Not even in the water long enough to get wet. A couple of side steps, and then a flurry

of activity in the opposite direction, all elbows and a.., (Um hum), legs moving nearing the speed of light to get

off the freaky and unsafe, yet tempting, alluring, and compelling ice. And then, certainly and without question,

taking the vow of silence for the next 20 years before telling his wife of this incident…(finis)

Now, what do you think of when you read this story? The utter foolishness and inanity of ice fishing?

The recklessness and foolhardiness of ice fishermen? Why do I live in Wisconsin where it is possible to go

through the ice, all because of some tasty, fishy morsels?? What does it mean when someone says they have

“Bucket Butt” after sitting outside on a frozen lake all day perched precariously on a woefully-inadequate-in-

square-inch-surface-area upside-down five-gallon pail??

Probably all of those things perhaps? Maybe. But when I ponder what is written supra, I consider,

“Trust”. But perhaps “Trust, but verify” is more accurate.

On the face of it, we may think that the modus operandi employed by the erstwhile dry ice fisherman

cited above, that of probing the ice with the spud, searching for weaknesses in the ice before proceeding, was a

good idea. Or, on the other hand, we may think that if one needs to probe the ice looking for weak spots prior

to venturing further out upon the ice, it may be just a much better idea to sit home and read a book, or search

through a bag of unsearched wheat-back pennies, and leave the fish alone, unbothered.

I know what you are all thinking at this point… “But it’s so much FUN to bother fish!!!”

Ah, the choices. To trust, or to, as in the old Russian proverb employed by the late-President Reagan

during the Cold War, to Trust but Verify, is indeed the question.

If we engage in what can be considered Risky Behavior, what is the best that we can expect? In the case

of the ice fisherman above (who may or may not bear any semblance to anyone you may or may not know) the

best result was a bucket-o-fish; the worst result, drinking water standing up on the bottom of the lake.

What are your Risky Behaviors?

In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans, chapter 7, he wrote, “I do not understand my own actions.

For I do not do (the good) that I want, but I do the very thing I hate.”

Isn’t that the way it is for us sometimes? We know what we should do, and despite the many things we put in

place to try to do what we should do (like probing the ice), many times we end up doing the things that we don’t

want to do. Despite trusting in our ability to resist temptation and sin, and taking steps to forestall falling into

sin, we still fall through the ice. So why do we (why do I) keep doing those Risky Behaviors?

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That is when we need to examine in what we put our trust: in a six-foot long ice spud? or in God’s en-

during Love for us all. God’s Love for us is not something we need to verify. It is there for us in the person of

Jesus Christ, who is God-With-Us. נואל עמ

You know, come to think of it, sitting in the cozy parsonage, searching through a bag of unsearched

wheat-back pennies sounds like such a good way to spend an evening.

But given that I am an average human being, full of failings, I’ll still probably go ice fishing.

Now where did I put that spud????

God’s Peace to you all.

Pastor Don <><

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WELCA NEWS Happy New Year,

The New Year offers many opportunities to serve.

The Quilters welcome help making quilts. Sewing tops together is always needed. Thankyou

to those who sew the tops together! Tying quilts is a fun time. Watch the news letter for those

dates and times.

There is a need for full, queen, and king size flat sheets (any color). These are used for the backs of the quilts.

Blankets of any size are needed for the middles of the quilts.

If you need a gift for any reason there are many quilts available to choose from. They are stored in the garage.

Prayer shawls are a gift as well. If you would like to learn how to knit or crochet or need some

guided practice, check the news letter dates and times when they meet.

Don’t forget to pickup your W/ELCA program book found on the hybrid tables.

Rachel Niemann

WELCA Co-Chairmen

Council News –December 2017

Reflecting- Looking at what we are doing at the present, and looking to the future.

Early spring of 2016 the council worked on our congregation’s performance evaluation.

Council members individually rated the congregation and we noted the top 7. We have been working on im-

proving. We will continue…

The council has been working on the upcoming budget for 2017. We are just about done with council’s rec-

ommendations to the congregation. This has been a thoughtful process. Please plan on attending the annual

meeting. (See details within the newsletter.)

Looking ahead, would you like to serve St. Peter’s in some way? Maybe you haven’t been asked?? You have

heard the phrase “many hands make light work” … we need your gift of service! Please contact me. Opportu-

nities are available in 2017, two council positions, two endowment and memorial board positions, one position

on parish education, and the nominating committee for 2018. Please consider serving here at St. Peter’s.

Continue to keep council in your prayers.


Lorinda Broughton

h. 608-727-2200

email [email protected]

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Announcements Continued

Please welcome Jeremy, Janelle Curtin and their children Trenton, Treynor, and

Trenna to our congregation.

Please welcome the newly baptized Zenidean Baltazar Zamudio to our

congregation. Parents are; Kate and Cuahutemmoc Zamudio. Grandparents are;

Frenchy & Lisa Stienmentz

Our deepest sympathy to the family of La Vera Krey

Her children are; Sheila Bentley & Matthew Krey

We welcome Hazel Jean Klemp born Tuesday December 13th.

Parents: Zach & Kris Klemp Siblings: Brayden, Lucy & Aspen

Grandparents: David & Sharon Schlieckau

Great Grandparents Walter & Alva Schlieckau

News items for the February News letter is due January 20th

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Spiritual Reflection for January 2017

Checking In Here we are at the beginning of a New Year. It is a time to reflect on life, right? Usually at this time of the year

we make all kinds of resolutions to be more physically fit. We are all well aware of the importance of regular check-ups,

but in the last weeks of 2016 I was reminded of the benefits of regular check-ins? In this reflection, I invite you to take a

different look at what it means to be healthy, a perspective gained only by checking in. Most of the time we keep up with our busy lives pretty well, but occasionally we feel overwhelmed by the day to

day obligations of life. I like to think I have a balanced life and I am quick to give advice on how important it is to main-

tain balance, so recently when I began to feel very out of balance I found it difficult to admit. The onset of physical pain and noticing my mind could not rest were my first clues. What was going on? Then I realized it had been a while since I

had checked in with my spirit. I mean a thorough check-in with my spirit.

What is a check-in? It is taking time to breathe while looking at your day to day activities at home, at work, in the community, and with family and considering what things you should keep and what things you should let go. In addition,

it is asking questions like, how do my activities and obligations support my spiritual health and are there things in my life

that are damaging my spirit? Don’t stop there though. Checking in is wondering, when was the last time I learned some-

thing new? Life is about growth and if we are not growing we die inside. Life being “status quo” or “going through the motions” is not good enough. It is impossible to keep a flame burn-

ing without adding oxygen to it. In the same way, it is not possible to keep your spirit burning with desire if you do not

take time to breathe. I often think about being on an airplane and being instructed to put my own mask on before helping others. I realized I had set my mask down and was trying to help others without breathing in newness of life.

I began to separate the various aspects of my day to day life and made 2 lists, keep and let go. I asked myself

whether or not I was growing from the list of things I put in my keep column. If I could not answer yes, they were moved to my let go column. Once I completed my lists I then had to figure out how to let go of those things that no longer fueled

my spirit. Some things were easier to let go of than others, just like in letting go of material things, the sentimental value

of our work, our clubs, our groups, and our activities can cause us to stumble as we try to let go. I didn’t need to let go of

much, but it was important to let go of a couple of things and I made sure I altered my schedule to allow for more frequent down time. Not necessarily more down time just more evenly spaced, a strategy to prevent burn-out.

I realized I had put far too much value on my own abilities and in doing so lost track of what I God was calling

me to do. When we lose sight of the reason we do the work we do, the reason we volunteer, or the reason we cherish our relationships, we are no longer an instrument of God’s peace. We take on too much. We begin to believe that no one

else can our job and we begin to think we are in control. Well, I am not! Are you?

As the New Year begins I recommend you resolve to check-in with your spirit from time to time. Breathe.

Pause. Listen. Oh, what you can learn from your inner spirit by simply checking in! Questions to ponder:

When was the last time I checked in with my spirit?

What do I need to let go of in order to keep my spirit fired up? What can I learn to do differently in my life?

How can I be God’s peace to others?

What new skill or hobby can I learn?

May God’s Peace Be With You,

Tammy Koenecke, RN, BSN, MASL

Spiritual Care Coordinator, RAMC

Guess what my spirit has talked me into learning!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will

direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

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GIVEN BY: IN HONOR OF: Dean & Vicky Baumgarten Our Families

Peter Giese & Linda Page Our Families

& John & Rachel Niemann

Ruth Roecker My Church Family


Hank & Deanna Elfers John Elfers, Lydia &

Edwin Elfers, Vivian Johns &

Gary Rosenberg

Kathy Geffert Paul & Lillian Marshall

Geffert Family Dennis R. Geffert

Bob & Helen Geffert

Diane Geffert Vincent Walsh,

Susan Walsh Anderson

Jim & Arlene Gregory Jim & Rosella Gregory

Herman & Verna Knuth

Jim & Jan Henke LaVern Muchow

Wendell & Eloise Henke

Elva Gluth Ewald Gluth,

Lucas & Marie Muchow

Paul & Meta Gluth

Vernon & Joyce Knuth & Family Kevin Knuth

Rodney Knuth

Mabel Krueger & Family Roger, Oscar, Leona,

Louise & Arthur Krueger

Lloyd Schulz

Gary & Ann Krueger Oscar & Leona Krueger

Carol Krueger, Louise Krueger

Chuck, Lauri, Charli & Lucas Muchow Dee & Walter Meyer

Chelsey & Matt Rockweiler Gilly & Arleda Muchow

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Given By: In Memory Of:

Kathleen & Duane Nobbs Robert Nobbs

Brett & Linda Cunningham & Family

Jerry Radke, Mark & Becky Radke Norma Radke

Jess & Laurie Eastman, Olivia & Jenna Walter & Lydia Radke

Marjorie Schmidt Curtis Schmidt

Harold & Esther Ott

Geraldine Ott

Judy Holly-Schroeder Richard Holly

Henry & Esther Holly

Lawrence & Lorriane Rettgen

Roy Schroeder Charlotte Schroeder

Art& Hilma Behn

Ervin & Wava Schroeder

Bill & Nancy Schuette Lyda & Bill Schuette, Sr

David & Jerry Schuette

Laverne & Darleen Harms Herbert & Edna Harms

Walter & Martha Ribbke

Eleanor Harms Reinecke

David & Marilyn Stevens Walter & Margaret Stevens

Mike & Becky Riberich, Lucas & Nicole Ronald & Florence Stevens

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