Page 1: ST. PHILIP the APOSTLE PARISH · COORDINADORA DE MINISTERIO HISPANO Lynn Corroy ... El ministerio juvenil provee oportunidades para que los jóvenes se acerquen más a Cristo,


312 VICTORIA ST. GREEN BAY, WI 54302 WWW.STPHILIPGB.ORG PH: (920) 468-7848 FAX: (920) 468-1025 OFFICE HRS: M-TH 8AM—4PM

F 25, 2018 / 25 2018


Parish Staff/Equipo Pastoral Rev. William Hoffman - PASTOR/PÁRROCO Bill Noel -B M /A F D D Sr. Helen Keyzer - P M / Maura Vázquez - FAITH FORMATION YOUTH MINISTRY C /ENCARGADO DE CATEQUESIS Y JÓVENES Juanita Fiscal - HISPANIC MINISTRY COORDINATOR/ COORDINADORA DE MINISTERIO HISPANO Lynn Corroy - OFFICE & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR/ COORDINADORA DE OFICINA Y VOLUNTARIOS Mike Eggert - MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR/ MANTENIMENTO Parish Services/Servicios S R : Sat. 3:15-3:45 pm CONFESIONES: Sun. 10:30-10:55 am S M /MATRIMONIO: Contact Fr. William Hoffman, 6 months to 1 year prior to date. S B /BAUTISMOS: Contact Juanita Fiscal M S /H M : Sat.: 4:00 pm (Eng.) Sun.: 8:00, 9:30 am (Eng.) 11:00 am (Span.) Mon. & Tues.: 7:30 am Word/Communion Service (Eng.) Wed.-Fri.: 7:30am Mass (Eng.)

“From the cloud came a voice:

‘This is my beloved Son, Listen to him.’”

Mark 9:7

Page 2: ST. PHILIP the APOSTLE PARISH · COORDINADORA DE MINISTERIO HISPANO Lynn Corroy ... El ministerio juvenil provee oportunidades para que los jóvenes se acerquen más a Cristo,


A Mountain Experience

Abraham led his son up a mountain; Jesus led Peter, James and John un a mountain. Their lives are changed! How could they ever be the same a er those experiences!

In Lent we strive to climb the mountain to find the sacred. Are we ready to have our breath taken away? Are we ready for the changes that will occur once God makes known what is willed for us? The mountain experience will change us. We won’t be the same.


How much do you think you could carry up the mountain with you? This week’s Lenten prac ce invites us to reconsider our rela onship to “stuff”.

The pace of consump on is incredible …can it be sustained? And, what are the consequences for our society and the planet? Once again I invite you to slowly read our bulle n insert for this week; to listen to “What the Church is Saying” and to consider ac on steps in our buying and consuming.

Fr. Bill

Una Experiencia de Montaña

Abrahán guiaba a su hijo a subir una montaña; Jesús guiaba a Pedro, San ago y Juan a subir una montaña. ¡Sus vidas fueron cambiadas! ¿Cómo podrían ser las mismas personas después de esa experiencia?

En la Cuaresma nos esforcemos a subir la montaña a encontrar lo sagrado. ¿Listos para

una experiencia así? ¿Estamos listos para los cambios que vendrán cuando Dios nos revela su voluntad? La experiencia de montaña nos cambiará. No seres lo mismo.


¿Cuántas cosas puedes llevar con go a la cima de la montaña? La prac ca cuaresmal para esta semana nos invita a pensar en nuestra relación con “cosas”.

El rito de consumir es increíble …¿puede ser sostenido? Y, ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias para nuestra sociedad y el planeta? Una vez más les invito a leer detenidamente la hoja del bole n para esta semana; a escuchar a lo que “La Iglesia Dice” y considerar acciones en cuanto a la compra y consumo.

P. Bill

Fridays (Viernes) During Lent: English Stations of the Cross: 11:00 am followed by Mass at 11:30 am Bilingual Confessions/Confesiones: 5-6:00 pm Via Crucis (Spanish Stations): 6:00 pm

Did you know that St. Philip has a hearing loop?

Have you been wondering about the blue

“ear” signs posted at several places around the church? This is a universal symbol of a hearing loop.

St. Philip has had a hearing loop in operation since this past November. If you have hearing challenges, we recommend

you speak to an usher and utilize a hearing loop receiver and headset (or bring your own headset or ear buds if you

wish). Even better, if you have a hearing aid that is equipped with a tele-coil, or T-coil, you can benefit from

the hearing loop by having the sound come to you directly through your hearing aid. Contact your audiologist or the

parish office (920-468-7848) with questions. We have heard some comments about the hearing loop and would

like to hear more, whether you have benefitted or have had difficulty with it. Thanks!


St. Philip Altar Society Mee ng Monday, March 5th, 6:00 pm, St. Philip Center More informa on in next weekend’s bulle n

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F E B R U A R Y 2 4 & 2 5 , 2 0 1 8 P A G E 3

Parish Events & Mass Intentions The saving graces of the Mass are for: Saturday/Sábado, February 24 4:00 pm Al & Marge Loritz + Don & Miriam Bukowski + Sunday/Domingo, February 25 8:00 am Melvin Radue + Billy Willis + 9:30 am Pegi Umentum, Robert & Mildred Umentum + Frances Petri + 11:00 am Misa Monday/Lunes, February 26 7:30 am Word/Communion Service 6:00 pm Finance Council Mtg. (St. Philip Center) Tuesday/Martes, February 27 7:30 am Word/Communion Service Wednesday/Miércoles, February 28 7:30 am Mass - Audrey Levandowski + Thursday/Jueves, March 1 7:30 am Mass - Mary Bohman + Friday/Viernes, March 2 11:00 am Stations of the Cross 11:30 am Mass - For the Parish 5:00 pm Confessions (5pm– 6pm) 6:00 pm Via Crucis (Spanish Stations of the Cross) Saturday/Sábado, March 3 4:00 pm Robert Loberger + Sunday/Domingo, March 4 8:00 am Paul Levandowski + 9:30 am John Dietrich + 11:00 am Misa

Scripture for February 25 - March 4, 2018

Second Sunday of Lent 25Sun–Gn22:1-2,9a,10-13,15-18/Rom8:31b-34/Mk9:2-10(SecondSundayofLent) 26Mon-Dn9:4b-10/Lk6:36-38 27Tues-Is1:10,16-20/Mt23:1-12 28Wed-Jer18:18-20/Mt20:17-28 1Thur-Jer17:5-10/Lk16:19-31 2Fri–Gn37:3-4,12-13a,17b-28a/Mt21:33-43,45-46(WorldDayofPrayer) 3Sat-Mi7:14-15,18-20/Lk15:1-3,11-32(SaintKatharineDrexel,Virgin)4Sun–Ex20:1-17/1Cor1:22-25/Jn2:13-25 (ThirdSundayofLent)

El ministerio juvenil El ministerio juvenil provee oportunidades para

que los jóvenes se acerquen más a Cristo, construyendo vínculos entre sí y con la Iglesia.

Por medio de re ros y conferencias, ellos

experimentan la gracia y misericordia de Dios. Su donación a la Colecta Anual ayuda a los

jóvenes en sus vidas como discípulos.

¡Por favor, mande su donación!

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2018 Bishop’s Appeal Update Parishioners have likely received a letter from Bishop Ricken asking them to consider contributing to this year’s Bishop’s Appeal, “Embracing a Life of Discipleship.” The Bishop’s Appeal supports numerous diocesan and charitable ministries, as described in the video we watched a few weeks ago and in the materials available in the back of church. Your help is greatly appreciated! St. Philip has a goal for 2018 of $27,352. Thus far St. Philip parishioners have contributed $10,325 (37%). The parish is responsible for the goal amount; if we do not reach that, we need to pay the difference. Help us to, like last year, reach our Bishop’s Appeal goal! Nuestra parroquia tiene una meta para el año 2018 de $27,352. Hasta ahora los miembros de San Felipe han contribuido $10,325 (37%). Nuestra parroquia es responsable por la cantidad mencionada; si no logremos la meta, necesitamos pagarla de fondos de la parroquia. ¡Ayúdanos a llegar a la meta, igual como hemos hecho el año pasado!

Financial Stewardship/Colecta

February 17/18, 2018

Envelopes/Sobres $ 6426 Loose/Suelto $ 1103 Ash Wednesday $ 1334 Total $ 8863

Thank you for suppor ng St. Philip the Apostle Parish. Gracias por apoyar a su Parroquia de San Felipe el Apóstol.

Cook Job Opening at St. Francis Convent

Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross have an opening for a full-time Cook (up to 40 hours/week & every 3rd

weekend). See the full job posting at Contact Jenny Majkowski at

[email protected] or 884-2720 for more information.

Let’s Play Sheep Head! When: Last Sunday of each month 6—8 pm Where: St. Philip Center - enter through parish office doors Who: Experienced players or first me players - all are welcome!

Una Campaña de Higiene 19 febrero al 12 de marzo

Donar cosas de higiene personal para los “shelters” en el condado de Brown. Artículos de mayor necesidad: Artículos de limpieza, Jabón, cepillos y pasta dental, papel de baño, pañales.

Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive The Brown County Homeless/Housing Coalition is working in conjunction with 91.9/91.5 “The Family” on the Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive, February 18-March 11, 2018. Those who are homeless or living in poverty will be helped. For these individuals and fami-lies, hygiene/cleaning products seem like luxuries they cannot afford. Your donations will stay in Brown Coun-ty. Items needed: shampoo/conditioner, razors/shaving cream, deodorant, laundry products, dish soap, garbage bags, cleaning supplies, lotion, body wash, toothbrush-es/toothpaste, toilet paper, Kleenex and diapers.

Page 5: ST. PHILIP the APOSTLE PARISH · COORDINADORA DE MINISTERIO HISPANO Lynn Corroy ... El ministerio juvenil provee oportunidades para que los jóvenes se acerquen más a Cristo,


2nd Sunday of Lent

“’Here I am!’ he answered.” - G 22:11

It is easy to say, “Here I am, Lord,” when we are kneeling in church. But how easy is it to say

“Here I am, Lord,” when a neighbor needs our help, when we are invited to join a parish ministry, or when

we are asked to provide financial support? Often times we are called when it’s not convenient for us. Discipleship is not always easy, most of the time it

will make us uncomfortable and vulnerable.

2º domingo de Cuaresma

"¡Aquí estoy!, Respondió. "- GÉNESIS 22:11

Es fácil decir: "Aquí estoy, Señor", cuando estamos arrodillados en la iglesia. Pero ¿qué tan fácil es decir

"Aquí estoy, Señor", cuando un vecino necesita nuestra ayuda, cuando nos invitan a unirnos a un ministerio parroquial, o cuando se nos pide que

brindemos apoyo financiero? Muchas veces nos llaman cuando no nos conviene. El discipulado no siempre es

fácil, la mayoría de las veces nos hará sentir incómodos y vulnerables.

Información para la Comunidad Hispana

SAN VICENTE DE PAUL tiene varias becas para muchos tipos de programas. Link para la beca es:

La Fundación Green Bay Packers igualará las donaciones hechas en linea en: del mediodía a mediodía el 27 y 28 de Febrero, 2018

Casa Alba Melanie ofrece servicios legales para asuntos de inmigración y problemas familiares;

asistencia en la aplicación para DACA; programa para preescolares y mucho más.

Si recientemente han cambiado de domicilio o numero telefónico favor de comunicarse a la

oficina de la parroquia para dar sus nuevos datos.

Se aproximan las fechas de preparación, para más información favor de comunicarse a la

oficina parroquial con la Sra. Maura.

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