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S&T systems and regional research S&T systems and regional research prioritiespriorities for the Health field in Albania.for the Health field in Albania.

WBC Meeting on May 12WBC Meeting on May 12--13, 2009 in Tirana, Albania.13, 2009 in Tirana, Albania.

Mr. Genard Hajdini Mr. Genard Hajdini Health Specialist Health Specialist

Institute of Public Health (IPH)Institute of Public Health (IPH)

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““The greatest wealth is health.The greatest wealth is health.”” ~Virgil~Virgil

The Albanian Health situation in regards to R&D efforts The Albanian Health situation in regards to R&D efforts needs a lot of institutional and organizational support. The needs a lot of institutional and organizational support. The National Background Report on Health for AlbaniaNational Background Report on Health for Albania has been has been conducted based on theconducted based on the……

1)1) National Program for Research and Development 2007National Program for Research and Development 2007--20092009; ; 2)2) National Strategy for Health in Albania 2007National Strategy for Health in Albania 2007--20132013;;3)3) Draft National Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation Draft National Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation

of Albania on 27 February 2009of Albania on 27 February 2009; and ; and 4)4) CrossCross--sectional data gathered by different ministries in the sectional data gathered by different ministries in the

Albanian government.Albanian government.

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INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONPublic R&D institutions in Albania:Public R&D institutions in Albania:

Institute of Public Health (IPH)Institute of Public Health (IPH)Founded on the basis of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Founded on the basis of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology and ImmuneEpidemiology and Immune--biological Products (created in 1969). biological Products (created in 1969).

Faculty of Medicine at UT (Est. 1957). Faculty of Medicine at UT (Est. 1957). Mother Teresa University Hospital Center.Mother Teresa University Hospital Center.

Private R&D institutions in Albania:Private R&D institutions in Albania:Lady of Good Council (Catholic) University (accredited)Lady of Good Council (Catholic) University (accredited)U.F.O University (not accredited).U.F.O University (not accredited).Kristal University (not accredited).Kristal University (not accredited).Medikadent (not accredited).Medikadent (not accredited).

Private R&D Clinics and Laboratories:Private R&D Clinics and Laboratories:Lady of Good Council ClinicLady of Good Council ClinicOrthodox ClinicOrthodox ClinicIKEDA ClinicIKEDA ClinicGlobus ClinicGlobus ClinicDidaktalba (Science Equipments Store), etc.Didaktalba (Science Equipments Store), etc.

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The Albanian Health Policy Framework

The National Strategy for Health in Albania 2007-2013 states four main priorities:

1. Increase of capacities to manage services and institutions in more efficient way, 2. Increase of access toward the effective health services, 3. Improvement of health systems financing, and 4. Improvement of governance in the health system.

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R&D Capacity in S&T Field: HEALTHR&D Capacity in S&T Field: HEALTHTable 1. R&D Capacities in S&T field of Health.Table 1. R&D Capacities in S&T field of Health. 1990 2002 2007 2015

Total number of research organizations 3 4 5 10

Of which universities 1 1 3 4

Of which public research organizations 2 2 2 3

Of which private research organizations 0 0 1 3

Number of PhD students graduated - 12 15 100

Total number of R&D personnel - - 500 950

Percentage of women in the total number of R&D personnel - - 40 50

Total number of employees on a Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) basis

- - 400 850

Total number of researchers - - 352 700

Percentage of women in the total number of researchers - - 35 49

Total number of researchers on a FTE basis - - 300 650

Number of researchers with Ph.D. degree or higher 265 400

Number of researchers with Ph.D. degree or higher on a FTE basis

240 390

Number of researchers under the age of 35 120 250

Number of researchers under the age of 35 on a FTE basis 110 230

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R&D Organizational Infrastructure of IPH in AlbaniaR&D Organizational Infrastructure of IPH in Albania






Sektori iAdministratës

Sektori i BurimeveNjerëzore

Sektori i Financës

Asistent i Drejtorit

Departament i Epidemiologjisë dhe

Kontrollit të SëmundjeveInfektive

SektoriSurvejancës tëSëmundjeve



SektoriKontrollit tëVektorëve

Sektori Programit

Kombëtar tëHIV/AIDS/SST

Qëndra e Këshillimit


1. Laboratori i Virologjisë2. Lab. i Imunologjisë (HIV/AIDS dhe hepatite)3. Lab. i Bakteriologjisë dhe Mykologjisë4. Kontrolli i Infeksioneve Spitalore5. Lab. i Biologjisë Molekulare6. Laboratori i Parazitologjisë7. Laboratori i Preparatorisë8. Lab. i Prodhimit të Antigeneve dhe Serumeve


Departament i Ekspertizës Sanitare

Seksioni i UjitSanitetit

Seksioni i FizikësSanitare

Seksioni i Kontrollittë Cilësisë së Ajrit

Seksioni i Shëndetitnë Punë

Seksioni i UjitSanitetit

Seksioni i Laboratorëve

1. Zyra e Sigurimit dhe Kontrollit të Cilësisë; 2. Lab. i Mikrobiologjisë së Ushqimeve dhe Mykologjisë; 3. Lab. i Biokimisë; 4. Lab. i Kimisë së Ujit dhe Sanitetit; 5. Lab. i Kimisë së Ushqimeve; 6. Lab. i Kimisë Analitike Instrumentale; 7. Teknika Kromatografike; 8. Teknika e Absorbimit Atomik.

Departament i Epidemiologjisë dhe Kontrollit

të Sëmundjeve Kronike dheSistemeve Shëndetësore

Seksioni i Epidemiologjisë dhe


Seksioni i ShëndetitRiprodhues

Sektori i Politikave dheSistemit Shëndetësor

Departament i Edukimit dhe Promocionit

të Shëndetit


Seksioni i ShëndetitKomunitar

Seksioni i Shëndetitnë Shkolla

Seksioni i ShëndetitRiprodhues

Seksioni i ShëndetitMendor

Seksioni i Abuzimitme Substancat

Sektori i Merëmbajtjessë Kafsheve (Vivarium)

Sektori i Botimeve

Sektori i Radiombrojtjes

Qëndra e Trajnimit

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R&D Financing in HealthR&D Financing in Health

2007Sectors/YearSectors/Year GDP

(000 €)(Sector GDP/

Total GDP) %National economy 15,000 0.2I sector: Health 3,743 0.05II sector: Education 5,240 0.07

III sector: Agriculture 4,491 0.06

IV sector: Environment 1,497 0.02

V sector: -- -- --

Table 2. Performance of economy and sectors relevant for S&T field:

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R&D ProjectsR&D ProjectsTable 3. List of Completed and Continues Projects at Institute of Public Health (IPH) in Albania.

Title of Project: Financed ~(USD) Donor Organization1. Demographic and Health Survey2. Behavioral & Biological Survey (HIV/AIDS)3. School Surveys (YRBS, ESPAD)4. Hepatitis Sero-prevalence Survey5. PHC Service Capacities and Gaps

a. Vaccinationb. Cancerc. CVD

6. Iodine Deficiency Survey 7. Nutrition and Obesity Surveys8. Stress and Mental Health at the Workplace9. Other Research (outbreak investigations, air & water

pollutions, health indicators)10. Virology Laboratory11. Molecular Biology Lab.12. Chemistry (iodine)13. Clinical Lab.14. Air Pollution15. New Vaccines16. Detection Programs STI (VCT)17. Detection Program Chronic Disease18. New Surveillance Systems (abortion, STI, birth defects)19. Family Planning 20. Food Safety Assessment






20,000 x 3 = 60,000100,00015,000




(Source: IPH)

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R&D ProjectsR&D ProjectsTable 4. Projects financed for R&D by the Ministry of Education for year 2008.

Budget of Ministry of Education for the Year 2008 in R&D:

In Lek/~Euro130 Lek = €1

Title of Project

University of Tirana. Faculty of Medicine Q. S. “Nene Teresa” Tirana.


Brain mapping in surgery of cerebral brain cancers. Ridvan Alimehmeti

University of Tirana. Faculty of Medicine Q. S. “Nene Teresa” Tirana. 44,000/350

Brain mapping in surgery of cerebral brain cancers. Ridvan Alimehmeti

University of Tirana. Faculty of Medicine Q. S. “Nene Teresa” Tirana.


Risk factors for the cardiovascular diseases in Albanian autochthon population and in those immigrated in Italy. Mihal Tase

University of Tirana. Faculty of Medicine Q. S. “Nene Teresa” Tirana.


The organization of an Albanian center for diagnosis of early pregnancies and prevention of genetic malformations. Vahe Mokini

University of Tirana. Faculty of Medicine Q. S. “Nene Teresa” Tirana.


The organization of an Albanian center for diagnosis of early pregnancies and prevention of genetic malformations. Vahe Mokini

University of Tirana. Faculty of Medicine Q. S. “Nene Teresa” Tirana.


The improvement of diagnostic methods and the formation of medical scientific personnel in the field of infectious diseases. Arjan Harxhi.

(Source: MOES).

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R&D Challenges & OpportunitiesR&D Challenges & OpportunitiesS.W.O.T AnalysisS.W.O.T Analysis

StrengthsStrong laboratories infrastructure.Tradition and Knowledge Transfer.Some Human Capacities.Strong Logistics in the Field.Center of Information on PH.

WeaknessesFragile Quality Assurance SystemIn Process of National & International

Accreditation.High Turnover Rate-Brain Drain.Lack of R&D Coordination Office.Low Absorption of Funds for R&D.


Strong National Network with DPH.Well-positioned between University

and MOH.Supportive Legislation in Progress.International Networks & Partnerships.R&D has become a Priority:National & International Funds

ThreatsNew Governmental Structures

overlapping with IPH Functions. PH Emergencies & Program

Administration diverts energy & resources.

Aid Funds & “Easy Money” create a dependency on low expectations and impedes competitiveness

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Health Research Priorities on the Basis of Health Research Priorities on the Basis of

the Countrythe Country’’s Readinesss ReadinessHealth research priorities on the basis of the country readiness


1) Prevention of diseases and risk factors; 2) Mental health; 3) Non-infectious diseases with special importance; 4) Infectious disease; 5) Quality Assurance of Health Systems.

Also other points to be considered are:

1) Emergency alert and quick response toward natural and humanly caused catastrophes, accidents, and urgent situations; 2) Response to epidemics and pandemics in the country and region; 3) Allocation of resources toward public health research and response; 4) Clinical studies toward the most killing disease in the country both: infectious and non-infectious; 5) Accreditation and quality assurance of the laboratories and medical facilities in the country; 6) Public health and medical personnel capacities for country’s readiness; 7) Facility and infrastructure building with contemporary standards with a good health systems information network in Albania.

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Health Research Priorities on the Basis of Health Research Priorities on the Basis of Future PotentialFuture Potential

The health research priorities on the basis of future potential are:

1. Public Health (Genetic Screening); 2. Health Information Systems—the build up of Database Warehouses; 3. Biotechnology and clinical research; 4. Accreditation and Quality Assurance of all healthcare system: hospitals, clinics,

institutes through the national and international entities; 5. Establishment of high financial management of the Hospital and University

Hospital Systems; 6. Albanian Centers for Excellence; 7. New Departments in Albanian Universities for PhD accredited programs in

health sciences.

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You have questions,

And I have answers…

The End…

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