Page 1: St. Trinity Evangelical THE TRINITY TIMES Lutheran Church · 04/09/2014 · Sun. 8:15 am Announcements Deadline Mark ... 9:30 Women’s Bible Study GREETERS 9:30 Jesus Time 1:00


at 248-625-4644 or PASTOR DUCHENE

Cell Phone: 586.922.3539

Worship Broadcast Clarkston CATV 10 Sunday 2:00 p.m. & Thursday 9:00 p.m. Waterford CATV 10

Sunday 12:30 p.m. & Tuesday 2:30 p.m.

St. Trinity Lutheran Church News Supplement is a weekly publication of St. Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church (Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod), and is produced by the office staff.

Sunday Worship: 8:15 am Traditional 11:00 am Blended

Saturday Blended Worship: 6:00 pm Lenten Services : Wed. 7:00 pm

Adult Bible Classes: 9:45 am Children’s Sunday School: 9:45 am

Cry Room Available During Worship & Adult Bible Classes

Church Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Thursday and Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Telephone: (248) 625-4644 e-mail: [email protected]



Pastor: Michael Duchene

D.C.E. Emeritus: Richard Schempf

Musician: Mona Bowmaster

Choir Director: Pam Boadway

Office Manager: Gretchen Goolsby

Office Assistant: Lisa Cooley

Mike Young: Building & Grounds



Preschool Director: Julie Schultz Preschool Assistant: Marilyn Lash

Telephone: (248) 620-6154

e-mail: [email protected]

3 Year Old Preschool (Tu.-Th.) 4 Year Old Preschool (M-W-F)

9:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

7925 Sashabaw Rd. Clarkston, MI


April 16, 2017

Welcome to St. Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church

We’re delighted that you chose to celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection with us! We pray that Jesus’ victory over sin and death means so much to you that you will want to continue to celebrate that victory every Sunday.


NEXT VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY MEETING Monday, April 17th at 7:00 pm


Any confirmed member of St. Trinity who is 18 years or older can become a voting member by attending the April 17th Voters’ Assembly and register to become a voting member. You will then be eligible to vote at the NEXT Voters’ Assembly (regular or special).

Any voting member who has missed 4 consecutive regular Voters’ Assemblies shall be considered inactive until you attend a regular Voters’ Assembly. In order for an inactive voting member to become active, you must attend a Regular Voters’ Assembly, and sign-in. You will then be allowed to vote at the NEXT Voters’ Assembly (regular or special).

EASTER BREAKFAST Today from 8 -- 10:30 am

The youth of St. Trinity will be serving Easter Breakfast this morning. Come join us for food & fellowship as we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. Thank you to everyone that gave generously to provide the food for this breakfast and to all those that prepared and served it!

EASTER FLOWERS AVAILABLE Thank you to all of you that purchased Easter flowers. If you didn’t purchase Easter flowers, we have ordered some extras that members & guests can purchase. The cost per plant is $10, & you may place your money in your offering

envelope or write a check noting “Easter flowers”. Flowers that are not marked with someone’s name are available for purchase. You may take your flowers home after Easter Services.

Page 2: St. Trinity Evangelical THE TRINITY TIMES Lutheran Church · 04/09/2014 · Sun. 8:15 am Announcements Deadline Mark ... 9:30 Women’s Bible Study GREETERS 9:30 Jesus Time 1:00

Page 2 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

Serving the Lord this Week


April 16 Sun. 8:15 am Mark Koenig Rich Trudelle Sun. 11:00 am Aaron Meyer Lou DeMonaco

April 22-23 6:00 am Dave Hahn 8:15 am Mark Koenig 11:00 am Lou DeMonaco


April 16 Dale Ludwig, Capt. Skip Schultz Eric & Austin Kindsvater Ernie Schwarz

April 23 Kirk Costello, Capt. Jeff Feldmeyer Amy Costello Nancie McHugh


April 16 Rich Trudelle

April 23 Al Lozano


Jason & Julie Schultz Judy Spresney



~EASTER~ 8-10:30 Easter Breakfast 8:15 Easter Worship Service 11:00 Easter Worship Service 6:30 AA Meeting


Announcements Deadline

6-8 Men’s Softball 7:00 Voters’ Assembly 7-9:00 Men’s Basketball

TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH 9:30 Men’s Bible Study 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 9:30 Jesus Time

1:00 Quilters 6:30 Stephen Ministry 7:00 Men’s/Ladies’ Bible Studies

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19TH 6:00 Praise Choir 7:00 Festival Choir 7-9:00 Men’s Basketball/Ruma

THURSDAY, APRIL 20TH 12:00 J.O.Y. Group 6:00 Bell Choir 6-8:00 Woodside Bible Church Softball

FRIDAY, APRIL 21ST Pastor’s Day Off

SATURDAY, APRIL 22ND 9-11:00 Men’s Basketball 6:00 Worship Service

SUNDAY, APRIL 23RD 8:15 Traditional Worship Service 9:45 Bible Study/Sunday School 9:45 Confirmation Class 11:00 Blended Worship Service 6:30 AA Meeting


April 16 8:15 am Elyse Pflieger 11:00 am Daphne Newbill

April 23 8:15 am Matthew Pflieger 11:00 am Halle Charbonneau


April 16 8:15 am Ernie Schwartz 11:00 am Jeanne Wightman

April 23 8:15 am Richard & Marsha Karstensen 11:00 am Janet DeMonaco


April 16 Sun. 8:15 am Karen Smith Sun. 11:00 am Rich Meyer

April 22-23 Sat. 6:00 am Bill Kolath Sun. 8:15 pm Kirk Costello Sun. 11:00 am Michele Weingust



9:00 am—1:00 pm


1:30-2:00 DAILY



“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:2). On this day we thank God for His Son, Jesus, who died and rose for us. We celebrate and sing “Alleluia”. Let’s try to keep the joy of this Easter season in our hearts throughout the year! Pray daily and listen for God’s response on how we should use our gifts to fulfill His plan.


2016 2017

Mid-week Lenten Serv. 45 32

Saturday 6:00 pm 32 22

Sunday 8:15 am 75 91

Sunday 11:00 am 38 49

TOTAL 190 194

Page 3: St. Trinity Evangelical THE TRINITY TIMES Lutheran Church · 04/09/2014 · Sun. 8:15 am Announcements Deadline Mark ... 9:30 Women’s Bible Study GREETERS 9:30 Jesus Time 1:00

Page 3 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

Cost of Ministry for 2017 As of 3/31/2017

Offering Collected = $ 88,680.77

Actual Expenses = $ 90,946.62

SHORT — $ 2,265.85

Today’s flowers have been placed on the altar To the glory of God

and in celebration of the 49th wedding anniversary

of Skip & Elaine Schultz

******* flowers may be taken home

after the 11:00am service or can be picked up in the church

office on Monday morning.

St. Trinity received memorials

In memory of Janet Bergemann &

Elaine Neff By

Fred & Connie Irish

Kirk & Amy Costello wish to thank the St. Trinity Family for all the love and support after the death of their Mom and Grammy (Janet Bergemann). The many prayers, cards, heartfelt words, gifts, & donations to the church are so very much appreciated!! Janet loved her church & church family, and felt very blessed.

From The Board of Human Care ……


We are now collecting trial-size personal hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and denture-cleaning tablets, in addition to writing supplies such as pens, pencils, and notebooks. Please no books and no magazines. There will be a box in the coat room for these items to be donated to the Veteran’s Hospital.


A basket of empty baby bottles will be available in the Narthex. Please take one or more home with you for the next couple of weeks and fill with coins and bills. A check is acceptable, too—Make checks payable to the Oxford Pregnancy Center. On MOTHER’S DAY, May 14th, please bring your filled bottle and place it back in the basket in the Narthex. The Oxford Pregnancy Center is a non-profit Christian agency that does not receive any state or federal funding. They rely on churches, local organizations, businesses and individuals for funding. They provide material, educational, spiritual and emotional support for women/teens facing an unplanned pregnancy. A M.O.M.S. program is available for these young mothers who keep their babies for continued support with child rearing during the baby’s 1st year of life. Thank you for your generosity and prayers.

Board of Properties News


We are looking for a volunteer for the Board of Properties for the position of Chairperson. Speak to Rich Karstensen or Fred Hohnstadt if interested.

St. Trinity has a teams of volunteers who mow the grass, and we are need of more volunteers. We work in teams, and each team mows every 5 weeks. If interested in joining a team, please contact Rich Karstensen 248.625.4866 or Fred Hohnstadt 248.922.1781.

On this day of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ, the following persons have placed

beautiful flowers to honor Him and Glorify our God

and Father:

TO THE GLORY OF GOD Anna Lewandowski Carole Milton Phyllis Solmen

Stella Shepherd Bill & Marilyn Vratanina Zak & Nicole Vratanina Lou & Janet DeMonaco Cheryl DeLange Richard & Carol Trudelle

Al & Marion Lozano Paul & Judy Orler Pam Boadway

IN MEMORY OF LOVED ONES Donna Schneider ~Her sisters, Judy & Jeannie

Jake & Jan Ramig ~ Parents, Jacob Ramig, Sr. & Harry & Rosella Price Mel & Judy Spresney ~Their parents

Tom & Jeanne Wightman ~Parents, Wayne & Ruth Wightman and Emile Goyette


Paul & Karlin Rossi ~In thanksgiving for the Resurrection of Jesus Rich & Liz Meyer ~In thanksgiving for their children & grandchildren

Page 4: St. Trinity Evangelical THE TRINITY TIMES Lutheran Church · 04/09/2014 · Sun. 8:15 am Announcements Deadline Mark ... 9:30 Women’s Bible Study GREETERS 9:30 Jesus Time 1:00

Page 4 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

Sunday Morning Bible Classes & Sunday School

9:45-10:45 am

Bible Classes during the Week

Weeknight Bible Classes

YOUTH CONFIRMATION CLASS Confirmation classes now meet every Sunday morning at 9:45 am in Pastor’s office. Confirmation is for students in 6th-8th grades. RETIRED MEN’S BIBLE STUDY New topic starting in April is “The Miracles of Jesus.” Leader: Karl Schneider. Meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 9:30am-11:00 am. Next class is May 2.

LADIES’ BIBLE CLASS Meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 9:30-11:00am and we will be starting a study of “I, II, III John”. We meet again on May 2.

WOMEN’S BIBLE CLASS We will be starting a study of “The Lord’s Prayer” next time we meet. We meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month at 9:30 am. Next class is April 26.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Meets Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm in the Family Life classrooms from October—April. Join us as we study of Luther’s Small Catechism.

LADIES’ LIFELIGHT BIBLE CLASS Meets Tuesday evenings from mid-September to mid-June at 7:00 pm in the FLC classrooms. Please join us.

SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDIES Meets at members homes the 4th Friday of the month from 7-9 pm. We are now doing the study, “Crazy Love”.

QUILT MAKERS The St. Trinity quilting group make quilts for Lutheran World Relief and American Veterans. We meet every Tuesday from 1-3 pm. We meet again on April 18th. See Annette Ashley for more information.

KNITTING GROUP Currently knitters are regrouping and planning their schedule for this year. We will have more information soon. For questions, speak with Carol Koenig or Judy Spresney.

Other Fellowship Opportunities

PASTOR’S BIBLE STUDY meets in the FLC classrooms every Sunday morning. Next week starts a study of Romans.


What am I doing with my time? Simple question or easy answer? It’s time you found out. In the current study “Time of Your Life,” Andy Stanley will help you discover the answer.

The Book of Hebrews is led by Phyllis Solmen and meets in the L-Room September through May.

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School is for Grades Preschool through 5th Grade. Join us in the Fellowship Hall every Sunday morning at 9:45 am.

JUNIOR HIGH BIBLE STUDY Grades 6th–8th grade. Meets in the Fellowship Hall throughout the school year.

SENIOR HIGH BIBLE STUDY Grades 9th-12th. Meets in the “Grace Haven” room.

Youth & Family Life Activities

Family Fun & Fellowship—every 1st Friday of the month in the gym and FLC classrooms at 7pm. Next Date: May 5th Family Fun & Fellowship—Friday, May 5 at 7 pm.


Mission Statement: “To involve the youth of St. Trinity in the full life of God’s church with focus on sharing the Gospel Message, Fellowship with one another, & encouraging a servant heart.”

Publication Deadlines:

Weekly Church Announcements For Apr. 23—Mon, Apr. 17 at noon

Prayer Page for Worship Bulletin

Wednesdays at 9 am

Church Email Contact Information

Pastor Duchene [email protected]

Gretchen Goolsby [email protected]

Lisa Cooley [email protected]


Softball season is here. We are looking for males age 14 and older to join

the team. There is a signup sheet in the FLC for those interested in playing with us. Contact Richard Karstensen at [email protected] with questions.

J.O.Y. Group (Just Older Youth)

The J.O.Y. group meets Thursday, April 20th at noon for a potluck and fellowship. Walter Heinz will present a program for us to enjoy. Bring a dish to pass and a place setting for fun, food, and fellowship! In July, there will not be a potluck, as we will be going on a “field trip” to Chelsea, MI to see “Harvey” playing at The Purple Rose Theatre. The play starts at 8pm; tickets are $27.00. If a motel stay is desired, those reservations need to be in by May 1st., and that cost (which includes the theatre ticket) is $95. Please call Anna at 248-318-4916 if you have any questions.

Men’s Golf League Now Forming!

St. Stephen’s golf season begins on May 9th at Springfield Oaks and runs for 18 weeks. These are two-man teams and the cost is $275. If you are interested or if you have any questions, please contact Rick Barrett at 248-202-8446 or Kevin Evanson 248-909-4098.

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