
St. Vincent's Boys' Home, Westmead A Special Work of the Marist Brothers

"The Greater of These is Charity"

"0 most loving Jesus, who hast promised a hundredfold and a heavenly kingdom to those who do works of mercy in Thy name, grant we beseech Thee, Thy grace to the benefactors of the under- privileged."

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Benedict finds bed-time a very happy oc- casion as he wriggles in for the night. Cen- trally heated dormitories help.

I A good table makes for a happy day in a boy's life. Meals are well planned with an eye for nutriment value. Geoffrey on a picnic agrees wholeheartedly.

Michael and Frankie help Mrs. Van- oorschot in the kitchen. Our kitchen staff under the guidance of Brother Martial, provides a menu that has been devised in conjunction with a dietary survey team.

The Home staff includes a number of women who glve that motherly touch when needed. Mrs. O'Loughlin puts the finishing touch be- fore an outing.

1 l,~ _I Brother Geoffrey relaxes with the -. . - boys on Sunday morning when

the boys are free to use their

a time as they wish. Letter writ- ing is popular.

Christmas at St. Vincent's Is celebrated in true family style with Christmas dinner, Christmas tree and Church ceremony. The photo shows the boys in joyous anticipation.

Michael (in white) goes for his holidays with the Orrock family. All the boys are found holiday homes where they can enJoy family life.

The confidence and/ the feeling of security is often built up on the play- ing field. Brother Martial with hls 6 Stone team before the "Parra" K.O. competition.

Robert along wlth other gained hls driver's licence entrusted with the Home's Ing the boys responslbllity security.

boys has and now is cars. Giv- establishes

Each boy has hls own clothes press and a place to put hls personal nick- knacks. No locks are in use as trust and respect Is the keynote. Wayne tidies hls prees.

Wayne and Bill reflect their pleasure and happiness during one of our soclals. This aspect of St. Vincent's Is a malor part of the securlty found at the Home.

Training In etiquette at the table is often super- vised by the Prefects. Ricki gives Gary a few tips in the matter. Meals are taken in table groups of four, each be- Ing responsible for the washing, setting and gen- eral appearance.

There is abundant playlng fields available at the Home. Brother Christopher takes a training session in field events.

The Prefect system is a very Im- oortant Dart of our tralnlna Dro- gramme. ' Major fields of responsi- bllity are given over to their control. Under direction the results are worthwhile to the Home and the lads. Our photo group shows the boys in uniform.

I Rosary and night prayer before bed is said in Informal and homely style.

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Sport holds a big place in the life of most boys, so it Is a very important aspect of our Home. There are eight major games played plus a wide variety of other physical activity. Chris. scores wlth Michael hanging on.

It's wash up time in the scullery as Davld, Warren and Ken go to it. The boys do all their own washing up at the table. Another crew attend to the pots and pans. The benefit the lads derive from the training in this domestic work will be of great value in their attitude to manual labour.

Reverence for the sacred and for people is held up to the boys as so very necessary for Christian living. Our Juniors are caught saying the Rosary for our benefactors a n d deceased.

EDUCATION In this day and age we find that the boy who is not

educated is off to a poor start in his quest for security for himself and later for his own family life. So it is with a firm conviction that St. Vincent's sees its role as educator of its family of boys.

The boys after doing their primary education at the Home move Into the Regional School run by the Marist Brothers.

Here they are prepared for the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate. They are able to participate in the social, cultural and sporting activities of a first class High School.

The education at school is followed up at the Home by night study work. Before bed the boys are gathered round the Dormitory Brother for a ten minute talk which is orien- tated to character formation. It is here that the family spirit of the Home is fostered, the shortcomings are mentioned and encouragement to do better given.


Regi-ld Cronin:

Michael Ramsey:

William Rae:

Shane Wharton:

Trevor Campbell:

Michael Akers:

Alan Ashburner:

Harold Bull:

Paul Malcolm:

Michael Moseley:

Matthew Mowbray:

Barry Nolan:

Ian Pallister:

David Regan:

Tom Rogers:

Richard Smolinski:

John Villaney:

Patrick Whittemore:

English, History, Geography, Economics - 2nd level, Science--3rd level, General Studies.

English, History, Economics-2nd level, Mathematics, Science--3rd level, General Studies.

English, History, Geography, Economics, Mathematics, Science2nd level, General Studies.

English, History, Geography, Economics, Mathematics, Science2nd level, General Studies.

Mathematics, Science, History--3rd level.


English-Credit, Science, Mathematics-Credit, Geography - Advanced, History - Advanced, Com- merce.

English-Credit, Science-Advanced, Mathematics, History - Advanced, Geography - Advanced, Com- e merce.

English, Science, Mathematics, Geography-Credit, History, Commerce.

English-Advanced, Science, Mathematics-Credit, Geography - Advanced, History - Advanced, Com- merce-Advanced.

English-Credit, Science-Modified, Mathematics-Credit, Geography-Advanced, History-Advanced, Commerce-Advanced.

English, Science, Mathematics--Credit, History.

English, Science-Credit, Mathematics, Geography, History-Credit, Commerce.

English, Science, Mathematics-Modified, Geography, History.

English, Science, Mathematics-Credit, Geography, History, Commerce.

English, Science, Mathematics-Modified, Geography-Credit, History-Credit, Commerce.

English, Science, Mathematics, History-Credit, Commerce.

English, Science-Credit, Mathematics, Geography-Credit, History, Commerce-Credit.

English, Science, Mathematics, Geography, History, Commerce.

The knowledge mat their future is bound up In their success In study enables our lads to give themselves In all serlousness to the work In hand. Alan seems to make thls point as he was snapped et 10 p.m. study.

I The education programme attends to the Drama and acting side of the curriculum. A scene from one of our musical revues.

Singlng for the Chapel, for Elsteddfods, and for enjoy- ment enables the boys to put lnto practice thelr education.

lur Fifth and Sixth Classes about to board the bus for , .,Be Eisteddfod.


Nazo and Jlmmy wish Chris we before he sets off for th- Eisteddfod. Chris is one of many who participated in local and city competitions.

Dally there is band practice under the expert eye of Mr. Ossie Somerton and Br. Geoffrey. In their spare time the keen boys do a little scale and piece exercise. Rod, Mark and Graham get the beat.

John is a Sixth Year pupll and has spent four years at the Home. He loves to relax wlth the accordion. Other boys prefer the brass or string Instru- ments. The Home hae a wlde variety of muslcal Instruments.

It Is lunch time at the plcnlc. These days of relaxation are looked forward to and enjoyed in true famlly splrlt.

Hobbles are encouraged and range from electrlc tralns, model bulldlng, to stamp collecting. Boys are encouraged to occupy thelr time In many forms of re- laxing actlvitles.

The boys' soclal life Is given due conslderatlon. Each term, dances are arranged with nelghbouring Convents. lnvltations to dances are allowed. Boys often receive invites to B.B.O. and parties. Phone calls in and out are allowed within reason.

The Home has been fortunate In possessing a full olymplc swimmlng pool and the summer months are well catered for as our photo Indicates. All boys are taught to swlm upon enter- ing the Home.

It's half-tlme at the big game. Coach. Brother Roland, stralghtens out a few polnts for the second half. Sport holds a big part in the programme of relaxation.

Angus and Klrr are caught hugging "Flash". Dogs and cats often get the tender lovlng care that spoils. Enthusiasm for pets must be watched In case we get over-run.

Our Pop Group, "The Paper Wax" and "The Fuzz", have successfully brought the modern touch to our music range. Our picture shows a session under way. They have had several public engagements.

Yes, It's a night at the "Flicks". Every second Saturday the boys after Invading the tuck shop with their weekly allowance money, settle down to the joys, the sorrows and excitement of the film world.

Our first class Printery is a great source of providing for the Home. While we have people who are willing to have their printing done with us, then we will be assured that our work of caring for the boys will continue. The quality of the work of our tradesmen is acknowledged in the industry.

'"I 5: .I

The help of our Auxlllery in providing for the amenlties of the Home is such a major factor in making Westmead so homely a place. Swimming Pool, Lounge Rooms, Ten- nis and Handball courts are but a few of the extras they have gleaned for us.

Every day the boys cut one an- other's hair, while fortnightly Mr. Carl O'Brien travels from Strathfield to help out. The con- stant support in their own way of these charitable people is a great source of encouragement and stability.

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Parramatta Eisteddfod

Drama under 14: FIRST.

Drama under 12: FIRST.

Choral Speech Sixth Class: FIRST.

A. Gerrie-Character "The Dodger": SECOND.

D. post - Under 12 Solo: SECOND.

D. Wallace - Recitation: THIRD.

Drama under 12: THIRD.

Genesian Players' Competition

Under 14 Drama: SECOND.

Marist Brothers' Eisteddfod

Sixth Class Choral: SECOND.

Parramatta Knock-out League Competition

Primary Team: WINNERS.

Parramatta Marist High Prefects

John Lukas, Robert Wyburd.

St. George Eisteddfod

Fifth Class: FIRST.

City of Sydney Eisteddfod

Under 10 Recitation: FIRST. D. Wallace.

Under 12 Duologue: FIRST. A. Gerrie - G. Hall.

Under 12 Play: FIRST.

70 a!! o m %ar 3kfiL a n d &ne factop, . . .

3 r o i JL b ~ o t b r , 4, and S a i of St U n a a ~ ;

'The good yon do - lives after you."

Remember St. Vincent's Boys' Home m your W&


"I give, devise and bequeath to ST. VINCENT'S BOYS HOME, WESTMEAD, for the use and purposes of the said Home,

the sum of ................................................... Free of Federal and State Duty, and the receipt of the Director of the said Home shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors."

.......................................... FULL NAME .................. ... (Mr., Mrs., Miss)


Withii the pages of this Report we have given prominence to recording the attainments and activities of the boys in their daily life. Let us now ponder on the motive that prompts the Marist Brothers to devote every minute of every day to the material welfare and spiritual guidance of the lads. It is Charity, pure and simple.

Participate in the work by financial assistance - your help is needed. Every donation will be gratefully received and acknowledged.

Cheques and Money Orders should be made payable to "St. Vincent's Boys' Home", and should be addressed -


WESTMEAD, N.S.W., 2145.

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