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Parkdale High School“Building a Brighter Future – One

Child at a Time”

Presented by:

David P. Burton

August 17, 2009

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Parkdale’s Mission

“The mission of Parkdale High School is to provide a quality education in a safe environment, to promote social harmony, and to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become Productive and Honorable Students (PHS) and life-long learners in our technological, global society.”

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Things to “Celebrate”

We all have our jobs! 5 IB diplomas awarded STEP team National Board Certification Cohort New MP room sound system Field maintenance by “Fields of Tomorrow” (Redskins Charitable Org.) Mrs. King and Mr. Hintz accepted in Leadership Program Overall increase in AP scores

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New Business for the 2009-2010 Academic Year

Improved Academic Advisory Institute For Learning (IFL)/Disciplinary Literacy (DL) Learning Walks FIRST Growth-Over-Time Targets Performance Management Collaborative Planning ETM (Education that is Multicultural) Teacher of the Month Middle States Visitation New PTSO Officers Parent Liaison - One day a week Additional PPW (9th Grade)

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School Climate Survey Overview

Staff: Overall pleased with where we are and where we are going but want to be included more in decision making.

Parents: Okay with where we are as compared to some other schools in the County but things could be much better.

Students: Displeased with where we are as a school and feel we don’t care about them or value their opinions.

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Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)

19 targets (High School Assessments) Graduation Rate Math (Algebra) / English (English 2)

– All Students– Special Education– Limited English Proficient (LEP)– Free/ Reduced Meals (FARMS)– American Indian / Native American– Asian/ Pacific Islander– African Americans– White– Hispanic

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MSDE AMO Targets

Reading AMO

Spring Administration

2006 45.3

2007 52.2

2008 59.0

2009 65.8

2010 72.7

Math AMO

Spring Administration

2006 29.8

2007 38.6

2008 47.3

2009 56.1

2010 64.9

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2009 HSA “Raw” Data Review

F P Total %passAlgebra 472 273 745 37%English 10 276 274 550 50%Biology 301 272 573 47%LSN 243 270 513 53%

May 2009 (All Students)

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2009 HSA “Raw” Data Review (cont.)


F P Total MetAll 102 276 378 73% Y

1 1 0 1 0% n/a2 4 16 20 80% Y3 60 175 235 74% Y4 1 15 16 94% Y5 36 70 106 66% Y

LEP 6 11 17 65% YSPED 22 7 29 24% N

AYP English = 65.8

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2009 HSA “Raw” Data Review (cont.)


F P Total MetAll 88 290 378 77% Y

1 1 0 1 0% n/a2 1 19 20 95% Y3 57 197 254 78% Y4 2 14 16 88% Y5 27 78 105 74% Y

LEP 5 12 17 71% YSPED 23 6 29 21% N

AYP Math = 56.1

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2009 HSA “Raw” Data Review (cont.)


F P Total MetAll 158 239 397 60% N

1 0 1 1 100% n/a2 0 15 15 100% Y3 90 145 235 62% N4 3 6 9 67% N5 63 76 139 55% N

LEP 36 16 52 31% NSPED 36 3 39 8% N

AYP English = 72.7 (2010 AMO)

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2009 HSA “Raw” Data Review (cont.)


F P Total MetAll 117 276 393 70% Y

1 0 1 1 100% n/a2 0 13 13 100% Y3 68 164 232 71% Y4 3 6 9 67% Y5 46 92 138 67% Y

LEP 25 24 49 49% N SPED 29 10 39 26% N

AYP Math = 64.9 (2010 AMO)

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Established by the Division of Accountability Growth Targets (Pilot Models)

– 80 percent of entering juniors have met 1602– 90 percent of entering seniors have met 1602

Three years to target (SY11 for Parkdale) Determination for FIRST

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Growth-Over-Time Targets

09 Target 09 Potential Status 10 Target 10 Potential Status11 All 58.7 60.0% met 69.3 42.8% not met11 AmIndian n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a11 Asian 65.9 73.3% met 72.9 69.2% not met11 AfricanAm 60.0 61.3% met 70.0 42.5% not met11 White 69.5 60.0% not met 74.8 72.0% not met11 Hispanic 54.6 56.2% met 67.3 37.9% not met11 FARMS 55.3 Data not available 67.6 Data not available11 SPED 36.2 18.8% not met 58.1 6.9% not met11 LEP 26.7 20.0% not met 53.3 12.9% not met12 All 70.9 Data not available 80.5 60.0% not met12 AmIndian n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a12 Asian 87.1 Data not available 88.6 73.3% not met12 AfricanAm 70.9 Data not available 80.4 61.3% not met12 White 84.9 Data not available 87.5 60.0% not met12 Hispanic 66.6 Data not available 78.3 56.2% not met12 FARMS 67.4 Data not available 78.7 Data not available12 SPED 48.0 Data not available 69.0 18.8% not met12 LEP 31.9 Data not available 60.9 20.0% not met

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Growth-Over-Time Targets

11th 09 Met Not met Total Percent Met

All 252 168 420 60.0%AmIndian 0 #DIV/0!Asian 11 4 15 73.3%AfricanAm 152 96 248 61.3%White 6 4 10 60.0%Hispanic 82 64 146 56.2%FARMS 0 #DIV/0!SPED 9 39 48 18.8%LEP 11 44 55 20.0%

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Growth-Over-Time Targets

11th 10 Met Not met Total Percent met

All 230 307 537 42.8%AmIndian 0 #DIV/0!Asian 9 4 13 69.2%AfricanAm 127 172 299 42.5%White 18 7 25 72.0%Hispanic 75 123 198 37.9%FARMS 0 #DIV/0!SPED 4 54 58 6.9%LEP 11 74 85 12.9%

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School Vision

“Every Student will graduate from Parkdale High School within four years college and career ready. This will be accomplished by establishing a strong foundation in the 9th Grade Academy and ensuring that all ninth grade students are successfully promoted from 9th to 10th grade in one year. In addition, it is critically important that all students pass the four HSA’s or achieve a satisfactory composite score.”

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100% Graduation Rate

Using Data to Drive Decision-Making Rigorous and Relevant Instruction Create Personalized Learning Environments Incorporate a Framework for Teaching Collaborative Planning Building Partnerships with the Community Involving Students in the Decision Making


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100% Graduation Rate (Cont.)

Improve Attendance Reduce Suspensions Reduce Truancy Effort-Based Learning More Alternatives for Struggling Students

“Working together we can make a difference”

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Suspension Data

Grade 2007-2008 2008-20099 287 28510 219 19311 88 11112 72 64

Total 666 653

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Suspension Data (Cont.)

Suspension Data



88 72














9 10 11 12 Total







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Performance Management

• Uses data to implement effective improvement strategies• Provides a framework for:

– Review and monitoring of data

– Drill down to root causes

– Focusing on areas of need

– Developing action plans for improvement

– Documentation of Best Practices and Dissemination

Focus – Metrics and goals at the center of conversations about student achievement

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Performance Management (Cont.)

feedback feedback

feedback feedback

3 2


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What Performance What Performance Management Is and Is NotManagement Is and Is Not

What It Is What It Is Not

• Focuses on data to drive decisions

• Periodic meetings to consistently and continuously monitor the data

• Problem identification and focusing resources to solve them

• Means to identify students needing attention and providing levels of intervention

• Drives continuous improvement

• Collaboration and sharing best practices

• Another initiative

• Punitive

• Complex

• Separate from School Improvement Planning

• Not just a process to review data

It is the way we do our work!

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Create a Culture of Learning and a Culture of Feedback

Role Modeling

Personal Insight

“ . . . I know that the organization trusts me and my decisions.“

Understanding and Commitment

Capacity Building ReinforcingSystems

“. . . I see my leaders showing that I’m


“. . . I’m considered a stakeholder in my decisions.”

“. . . communication is clear, consistent, and from the source.”

“ . . . I feel non-threatened and am not scared to make a mistake.”

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