Page 1: Staff Prayer Ritual in the Week of Trinity SundayStaff Prayer Ritual in the week of Trinity Sunday: Detail We Gather Welcome & Introduction Leader: This week, we reflect on the fact

Staff Prayer Ritual in the week of Trinity Sunday: OUTLINE of Ritual We Gather: Welcome

Sign of the Cross Lighting of the 3 Candles Opening Prayer

We Listen: Scripture Reading Sharing

We Respond: Litany of Praise

Closing Prayer

We Go Forth: Blessing Dismissal Sign of Peace

The Environment Ideally, set out chairs around a prayer focus – creating a space where people can be present to one another. Three candles are placed near the Bible which rests open at the Scripture Reading for today. More detail below ... You will need:

� a Leader of prayer; a Reader (who will read from the Bible); person(s) to light the candles at the appropriate times in the ritual

� 3 candles + matches

� a Bible (open at the Reading) on a small table.

� Handouts for each staff member

� Full text of the ritual for the Leader

Page 2: Staff Prayer Ritual in the Week of Trinity SundayStaff Prayer Ritual in the week of Trinity Sunday: Detail We Gather Welcome & Introduction Leader: This week, we reflect on the fact

Staff Prayer Ritual in the week of Trinity Sunday: Detail We Gather Welcome & Introduction Leader: This week, we reflect on the fact that our God is a community ... and so,

we pause to see God mirrored in our staff community gathered here today... pause ...

Sign of the Cross & Lighting of the Candles Leader: Today, let us make the Sign of the Cross a little differently,

to emphasise the communal nature of God. We pray: In the Name of the Father

All: - the Source of all LIFE! A person lights the first candle ...

Leader: and of the Son All: - the Gift of LOVE, who is LIFE itself!

A person lights the second candle ...

Leader: and of the Holy Spirit All: - the Breath of LIFE, the Fire of LOVE!

A person lights the third candle ...

Leader: Blessed be the Most Holy Trinity! All: - the DIVINITY who draws us ever deeply into LIFE and LOVE!

Opening Prayer Leader: Let us pray ... All: Source of Love,

you revealed the wonderful mystery of God by sending into the world the Word who speaks all truth and the Spirit who makes all things holy. May we mirror the love that we see in God, Father, Son and Spirit, so that we may bring harmony into our world in the unity of one God for ever and ever. Amen.

Page 3: Staff Prayer Ritual in the Week of Trinity SundayStaff Prayer Ritual in the week of Trinity Sunday: Detail We Gather Welcome & Introduction Leader: This week, we reflect on the fact

We Listen Scripture Reading

Reader: A reading from the second letter of Paul to the Corinthians (2Cor 13:11-13)

Brothers and sisters, put things in order, listen to my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints greet you.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. SHORT PAUSE ...

Sharing Leader: Are there any ways that this Reading speaks to present issues in your classroom?

What are some practical ways in which you could help the class to ‘put things in order’, to ‘listen to’ and ‘agree with’ each other, and to ‘live in peace’?

Bearing in mind that our God is a Community, how can our students become a clearer ‘mirror’ of this kind of loving during the next few days? People may like to share for a few minutes ...

We Respond Leader: Let us pray a litany in praise of God’s mysterious and wonderful presence ... Reader 1: You are blest, Lord God of our ancestors. All: Glory and praise forever! Reader 2: Blest your glorious holy name. All: Glory and praise forever! Reader 3: You are blest in the sacred places of your glory. All: Glory and praise forever! Reader 4: You are blest in the wonders of your creation. All: Glory and praise forever! Reader 5: You are blest who gaze into the depths. All: Glory and praise forever! Reader 6: You are blest in the firmament of the heavens. All: Glory and praise forever! Reader 7: You are blest throughout time and space. All: Glory and praise forever! Reader 8: May all creatures bless you holy name. All: Glory and praise forever! Adapted from the Canticle of Daniel (Dan 3:52-56)

Page 4: Staff Prayer Ritual in the Week of Trinity SundayStaff Prayer Ritual in the week of Trinity Sunday: Detail We Gather Welcome & Introduction Leader: This week, we reflect on the fact

Closing Prayer Leader: Let us pray together in the traditional Christian prayer to the Trinity: All: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

We Go Forth Blessing

Leader: May God, the Source of Love and Life, keep us from all harm and bless us with every good gift.

All: Amen.

Leader: May God’s Word find a home in our hearts and fill us with lasting joy.

All: Amen.

Leader: May God’s Spirit fill us with wisdom to walk the true way for our lives, knowing what is right and good, until the day when we are called into union with Goodness itself.

All: Amen.

Leader: May almighty God bless us, the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.

Dismissal Leader: Go forth with determination to mirror the LOVE of the Triune God in all you do. All: Thanks be to God! Sign of Peace Leader: Let us spread the Love of Father, Son and Spirit among us

by offering each other a genuine Sign of Peace.

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