
Camp Staff Reference for WaldemarCamp for Girls Meg Clark - DirectorHunt, Texas 78024 (830) 238-4821, (830) 238-4051 FAX

Camp Staff Reference for

WaldemarCamp for Girls Marsha Elmore - DirectorHunt, Texas 78024 (830) 238-4821, (830) 238-4051 FAXApplicants Name ____________________________________Marital Status______Date _____________

College Attending____________________________________College Classification __________________

Present Address_______________________________________________Phone (____) ______________ Street City State Zip *Applicant, please fill in your name and activity preferences* CONFIDENTIAL: Waldemar is a camp of the highest ideals and has become synonymous with the finest standards in girls summer-camping. This level of excellence is maintained by seeking for the staff only those women who set proper examples with their skills, actions, appearance, language, and relationships and who provide the role model necessary for continuing the tradition of character building. ______________________________________(Applicants name) has applied for a counseling position at Camp Waldemar. This applicant will be required to teach the indicated activities and most likely live with a group of girls between the ages of nine to sixteen. It will be greatly appreciated if you will fill out this confidential evaluation of her and return it at your earliest convenience.

Very GoodGoodAcceptablePoorNo Basis for Opinion Skill Level in

_______________________ (Activity Preference 1)

_______________________ (Activity Preference 2)

_______________________ (Activity Preference 3)

Ability to Teach

_______________________ (Activity Preference 1)

_______________________ (Activity Preference 2)

_______________________ (Activity Preference 3)

Ability to work with childrenX




Follow RulesX



Very GoodGoodAcceptablePoorNo Basis for Opinion HonestyX









XHow long and in what capacity have you known applicant?

I've known her since we were in college, 6 years ago, We were at the same classroom for about 4 years and back then we became a great friends.What are this applicants strengths? What are her weaknesses?

Daniela is an enthusiast, responsible and mature girl, she is very hardworking and is always looking for new experiences, loves learn new things, know new people and share her knowledge with others, she is an outgoing, creative and smart girl. She loves being surrounding by kids, is very sweet, loving and happy person. She is very passionate and always put and extra effort in whatever she does.

Daniela is a really nice girl, and she always try to help others even if she is busy, but sometimes this can be a weakness because for her is difficult to denied to do something or say no or I cant.Is there any reason applicant should not be considered for this position?I cant think in a single reason why she should not be considered for the position, she is great!Would you be willing to have your child under this individuals supervision for a month in a camp situation? Why or why not? For sure!! As I say it before, Daniela is a loving, very responsible and professional person, Ive seen her working with kids and she is amazing! Without a doubt I would choose her to take care for my child. If this person were employed by you, would you rehire them?Remarks:Thank You for your assistance.Please return form to:Katie Blount, Head of RecruitmentCamp Waldemar1005 FM 1340Hunt, TX 78024_____VIVIANA GARCA ESPINOZA________________Name - Please PrintAddress: _GLADIOLA 113_______________________________City: ___DURANGO____________ State: DGO_____ Zip: _34200_____Phone: _044-618-110-13-68_______Signature: _____________________________________

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