Page 1: Start podcasting to market your business now! here’s why…

Start Podcasting to Market your Business now!

Here’s why…

By: Sven Wolf

Page 2: Start podcasting to market your business now! here’s why…

Start Podcasting to Market your Business now! Here’s why…

Nowadays, we can listen to the music and radio shows anywhere, whenever we want. Thanks to the

technology today -- with the use of iPods, MP3 players, to name a few, we can tune in on the go.

Since, everyone can listen to a podcast practically everywhere -- another marketing idea is to use a

podcast or podcasting to market your business.

What is a podcast?

The most basic definition of a podcast is this: Imagine getting new “radio”-style talk and music shows to

listen to on your music player every day. Tomorrow, when you wake up you will automatically have new

episodes ready to listen to while you work out or travel to work. This is the podcast listening experience.

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Podcasting for Business

So, why start a podcasting to market your business? Well, for starters, a lot of your prospective

customers might be subscribed or tuned in to a podcast (Who in the world isn’t listening to music, or

radio shows?). So might as well, utilize this opportunity to increase your business exposure, and

subsequently your business revenues.

Also, with the use of podcasting, you will be able to connect further with your current customers. For

example, you are in the business of selling gadgets. With it, you are able to discuss FAQ’s (Frequently

Asked Questions) to improve your customer’s user experience. There are other ways to use podcasting

to market your business waiting to be discovered.

But prior to you launching your podcasting, let me guide you so you will be able to create one, cool,

amazing podcast show. Here are the Pointers to a Successful Podcasting to market your Business:

Provide Value

Content is king in podcasts. So provide value that your audience will listen to, re-listen to and listen to

with a desire for more.

Page 3: Start podcasting to market your business now! here’s why…

Aim for Listeners’ pleasure

Put yourself on your listeners’ shoes, and try to think of what you are looking for a podcast show. Then,

incorporate it in your show. Also, keep in mind your listener’s listening habits. That’s because their

patience is short with recorded content compared to live.

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Be Unique and Creative

There are a lot of other podcasters out there. So the last thing you can do is just to set up a podcast

show and just leave it at that. Aim to stand out! Try your best to be the listener’s choice in your target

niche. You can try to invite experts and interview them. Think of other ways. Keep the creative juices

flowing, baby!

Be Consistent

Think of how your favorite TV shows run, and how you are tuning to it every day, or every week, same

time just to see how the story goes. Do it like that. Treat your podcast as the professionals do, which

means that you create a schedule and stick to it.

Promote Consistently

Noticed the word “Consistently”? Yeah! You can’t just try to promote your show for let’s say… a week,

and then stop. Aim to make your listeners into subscribers who get automatic updates via email etc. You

can include you’re your podcast link on your website or blog, mention it in your email signature and

enlist it in podcast directories such as iTunes, and others. Do the promotion constantly to continually

increase your podcast’s, as well as your business’ exposure online.

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