






FOR THE YEARS 1905-1906


N ASH VII.I.E, TENN. McQornmr P1t1NTlNO CoorrAH\"




NASIIVILLE, December 20, 1906.

To His Excellency, }OHN I. Cox, Governor:

SJR: In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 2, Sec­tion 2, Acts of 1873, making it my duty to exhibit to the Gov­ernor a statement of the condition of the Treasury ten days before the assembling of the Legislature, I have the honor to submit the following report of the transactions of this office for the two years ending December 19, 1906.

Very respectfully, REAU E. FOLK,




01r1~1CE OF THE T1rn~sun~:H.

x~SJIYIJ.Ll:, December 20, 1906.

To lli11 E.rcellc11cy, jonN 1. Cox, <Jor:crnor:

Sm: In conformity ·with the statute. I have the honor to sub­mit. as Treasurer of the State, my report for the biennial fiscal period ending December 19, 1906. It gives me an especial de­gree of gratification to present the showing of the financial af­fairs of the State embodied in this report. In the pages will be found a tabulation in detail of all receipts anq disburt'cment~ for the past two years, showing the sources from which the receipts were derived and the beneficiary ac­counts of the disbursements.

T giwe below a summary of the Treasury's condition: . . Balance in Treasury December 20, 1904 .................. $1,129,928 53 Rt:ceivt:d into Treasury from all sources from December

20, 1904, t<.> December 19, 1906, inclusive .............. 6,466,318 71 Paid out of Trca:.ury on Comptroller's warra\tls from De-

cember 20, 1904, to December 19, 1906, indll'Sivc ........ 6,432,497 01 , -. Q· ,_, -· _, ~ - .

j::lalNlct: -fi1 Trea~ury December '20, 1906 .. ·--. : ... .•• . • : •. $1.,.163,750 }3

. In the ab9ve summary of receipts and disbursements are in­cluded receipts from the penitentiary and amounts paid out for m;1inteuance of convkfs. It has been customary in -th~se reports .to make a separatio~ from tae general r~ceipts a~ disbursements of receipts and disbursements on penitentiary account in order to more clearly show the results of our State penal institution. An e>eamination of the tables following-my introductory remarks will show peniteh.tiary ieceipts and d+sl lrnrscnients as follows:


1905. 1906. Penitentia ry receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 523,321 89 $ 603,466 8-l Penitentiary disburseme nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323,083 74 328,879 59

Excess o f income over disbursements for the fiscal year e nding December 19, 1905 .$ 200,238 15

F or fiscal yea r ending December 19, 1906... 274,587 25

Making a total fo r t he t wo years o f. .. . .... $ 474,825 40 F o r the previous b iennial period the peni -

tentiary recei1>ts exceeded disbursements by .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. 373,569 13

An increase in profits of . . .. .. ... . .. .... .. $ 101,256 27

is thus shown for the biennial period just ended over the pre­ceding period.

The splendid financial results of the penitentiary system cannot fail to be gratifying to the citizenship of our State, and they become all the more so when it is considered that the present plan of utilizing the convicts has caused no complaint to come from any class of citizens in the State. These results continue to demonstrate the wisdom displayed in the establish­ment of the present system, as well as to reflect credit upon the ability and effi ciency of the present penitentiary manage­ment.

From the tables which appear later in this report the follow­ing totals are obtained :

Total receipts for tiscal year ending December 19, 1905 ... $3,107,158 54 Deduct penitentiary receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523,321 89

Net receipts for 1905 ............................... $2,583,836 65

T o tal ·~scments for fi scal year ending December 19, 1905 . . . . . . . ... . . . .. .......... -· ... ........ . ... . ..... $3,114,518 73

Deduct penitentiary disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323,083 74

Net disbursements for 1905 .. .................. . ... $2,791,434 99

Total receipts fo r fiscal year ending December 19, 1906 ... $3,359,160 17 Deduct penitentiary receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603,466 84

Net receipts for 1906 . ..... .. . . .. ... ... ...... . . . . . .. . $2,755,693 33


Total disbursements for fiscal yea r ending December 19, 1906 ................................................ $3,317,978 28

Deduct penitentiary disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328,879 59

Net disbu rsements for 1906 .... ............... . . . .. $2.989,098 69

Execs!' for two years of net disburseme nts over net re-ceipts ... ............. .. . .. .............. . .... ....... $ 441,003 70

Excess of penitentiary receipts over disbursements for t wo years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474,825 40

Excess of all receipts over disbursements fo r two years . . . . . . . . . .................. . .. .. .. . . . ...... $ 33,821 70

Two years ago the balance on hand of $1,129,928.53 was the largest in the history of the State at the end of a fiscal year. It is gratifying to report that at the end of the fiscal year just closed a new record was established, and that the balance now in Treasury of $1, 163,750.23 is the largest the State has ever had at the end of a fi scal period.


The original Sinking Fund Act, passed in 1899, provided that 10 per cent of the State's revenues, less ·penitentiary re­ceipts, shou ld be monthly set aside to the sinking fund to be devoted to the retirement of bonds, and that at the end of each year all interest on bonds retired up to that time should go into the s inking fund, and, in addition, that any surplus remaining in the Treasury over and above other obligations should also go into the sinking fund. This was amended in 1903, so as to provide that the surplus in the Treasury at the beginning of each year should go to the school fund. The Legislature of 1905 adopted a further amendment by providing that the first $300,000 of surplus should go to the school fund and that the remainder of the surplus should go into the sinking fund as originally provided. Subsequently the Legislature appropri­ated $25,000 to the University of Tennessee, to be paid out of any surplus in the Treasury over and above the $300,000 pro­vided for the school fund. At ~he beginning of 1906 the sur­plus in the Treasury was ascertained to be $825,<XX>. In con­formity with the amendatory statute above mentioned, $300,­(XX) was passed into the school fund and distributed through­out the various counties in accordance with the scholastic pop­ulation. The $25,()(X) appropriated to the University of fen­llC"'l'ICC was paid to that institution, and the remaining $500,()(X)

- .8-

was passed to the sinking fund and employed in the retire­ment of the State's bonded indebtedness.

The surplus in the Treasury the first of the ensuing January over and above all current obligations will be declared as early as practicable. This will exceed the surplus at the beginning of 1906. and will approximate $900.000. Of this $300.000 will be passed to the school fund and the remainder to the sinking fund.

CO~JPARIS0:--1 OF .\CCOl'NTS FOR THE BIENNIAL PERIODS OF 1903-1904 and 1905-1906.

The total receipts for the biennial period ending D ecember 19, 1904, were $5.733,008.09, and the total receipts for the bien­nial period ending December 19, 1906, were $6,466,318.71, showing an increase for the period just ended of $733,310.62 over the preceding period.

In order that legislators and others interested in the finan­cial affairs of the State may see the various accounts on which increases and decreases occur I append below a table showmg

• a comparison o( the total receipts of the two biennial periods from all sources, showing increases and decreases 111 the ,·ari­ous account~:


· I Bicnnhtl Biennial I I .,, rt;riod of I l'ctiod of l Inc rease J· _vecrcas~ l •• . . l \UH).I ' lll\l.'HJ6

-~r-~ ~ -- - rt T t+ • .'~- "-


T\°UAteft ,, . ,,.,., . ...... : ., ..... . ... fl ,ll62 . 0.1~3ll $1lf>ll 71l li6$li~.Allll 17 • . County Conn Clerk• . .... . . . . . . . . • . . J ,tl!I 776 711 I · J IH :i.ri I~ :ill 4lltl:.'ll .• Circuit Court Clerk• .... , '.,.. . . . . • . . . . . l<'i ~ 71 l<'i ~JI 71J lll I Iii . ... , , ... . ln1uranc:c Deparcmcot. . . K\l .1!111 71 lk.'i O:JIJ II 711 J~l 711 . . . • ... . . Statc.,'ox, Railroads . ··· ·a··, ...... ·:·; 1111 136 16 1.1.; HIH i~ ~~1 , 7117 f>l , ........• State Tur, Street Rollroa s . • .. ... •. . . ,. .• , . . . . ll l 71ll :JL, 71:! 112 . ... : ..... . Pees, Coal Oil Inspectors .• •.. . l'i), 116 ll!l NI . ~'Vi i f; II.I'll 77 ........ . !Xa"clary of Stale"• Office . . • .... '." ·;I . · 111 .7~ !YI • J.f.l .OU!i ll:t lit.N".n I~ ... .... . . .. Ma1111c.naoc:c or Convicts . • • •• ·~.. . . 1~.rl 002 f.~~ I 1 l~'ll . 7111( ill 13-1 , 1~ la1. . • •• Chan<:<!ry Court Clerk.I •. .. ..... :.. ... .- 14 ~ lJ 111,'tO . iir;r; #.~ , .·, ...... l,aw Cu urt Clerk~ . . . . • • • . . ?.!I ~I r{ll :); :rt1.1 !"1"lj .. Snpr~me Court Clerk& ,. . • ... . ·, 1'.DOO. ~ : .J l .!••J u; ll,llM IU . ... ·.:.:,i· . Cnm1111tl Court Clerks . . . .. . . . . ... . «· Ac'rrllii 6 .. 111 Ill . .•. . .. $ :w 61 State Ta,., Scwfog Machine Companies. . :llJUJ fll I l'IMJ UO' 1..>0> 00 :!talc Tax. News Companie11 .. . . . . . . ~ 7llll 1~ :Jf~U IR>I' ;r~• l)l . . • . State ')'RX, Ex~ COW!MloJCs .•. • • . -".fllR>!ll JI .OOl.l 1.U 2 , fjlll uo.. • . .. State Tu:, Teteg.raph Companie~... . .. . I~ l\.'!7 -141 • J~ 11'.!11 ~l • :~ 77 ... . .... . StaJc Tn. Telephone Companic-s .. .. . :r. .Nll i11 II 1\1<1) IU 111,7111 ~I .. . . .. Stille Tax. Slc.::ping CRr Companie~ . ... r. 10> m ~ .ooo 110 .. .. ..... . .. . . .. . .. . . State Tax, lluildinf( and l.oan AMO<:la'us 7 , 7m 50' o.r.rl r~• : . . .. .. . . . I ,li7 1 11(1 State ·rax. Sewing Machine Agents ..... • 1 .23.~ 00 l , fl2ti ()I' .. ......... 211) 00 Stole Tex. 8Auk.• . . . . . . . . . . , . .. . . . . . O,fUI 00 IUm !Ml • a.IOI 00 Fees, Buildfue and I.oon AJso<:intions. l~I 66 l!'.IO b>: ~ :J.I .. ..... ' " · State Prosecutions . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . 6 R:fi 6~ ti .616 1:~ 10 Vi~ 61 . . . . . . .• lllobllc aud Ohio R1tilroad . .. .. ,. . . . . . ~ 1 . lnl 00 7 JW (~ . . . . . . . . H,IXKJ 00 Boord of M ine Hitainlners . . . .. . • . . . . . ~17 00 000 oo: Hll 00 .. ... . . .. . . D~llnque11t To• .. .. .. .. ......... .... : 7,J21 02 •.77lJ 001· ··· ···· .. . 2,:117 00 8upr~me Court Reports. . . . . . . . . . ~13 00 16:.l 00 .... . .. .. . . ' a.51 00 Fnndinir Espei>ft. . ..... . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . 691 00 lll!\I <XI . . . . . . . . . • 302 00

- !I-

RECETPTS- Continuecl. --------

l:lieunial I Bien nial l'eriod vf Pe riod of

l tl00-04 l 00.>-06


lncrcabc: D ecrease

Ru re-au or Agriculture . . . . . .. . . .. . 2-5.1\00 50 16,1177 711 21. llll :Ill .......... . !Wile of 1•.,nilcntiary Site................. 11) , x<~ 00 7 ,l;Ui ~.. . .... .. .. 8 ,3.52 17 l•"nue Collection& . .. . •. . .. .. .. .. .. . J(J(J t)) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . .. .. • 100 (1(1 C.1•ltol Hxpcn~e .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . 18 IC{ .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . Ill ~ llCatcTo. Ware housing Companie•. ... Ia Ill .. .... . .... ..... ...... 1:11)1 81•1e l)Onrd of Medical Exan11ners .... r..OO 001 llll(I tlO .. • .. .. . .. . 200 llO 011\cc of 'tine Insp· clor .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 1.1~'7 001 ~ .IJl\6 1111 I 5.'111 00 .......... . lltate Board of Ilea Ith ............ .. . .. .. 106 oo ..... , .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 106 00 Capllol lmprovemenl Fund .. .. . .. .. .. .. R 00 .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . R 00 tldunded Revenue .. .. .... .... .. .. .. .... l!)'ljl 94 42 .... ,...... 23i) 112 Pu~l,.M! vf Lnnds .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. l\00 00 .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 500 00 Vlririnla nud Tenncs.>ec S tall.' I,ine...... Ii 50 .. . .... . . .... .. •. • .. .... 11 00 National Cunrds, Stale o f Tennessee.... L l(l .. . .. .. . . .. .. . • . • .. .. I 00 Tennesa« Commi5'ion, World's FAir. .. 27 11 8';!() fi(i 21Jl II ......... .. lll•te Ta1<, Medicine Compan ies . .. .. . 2 (1,10 00 I ,000 00 ... .. .. .. . . I ,<0> 00 ll•le Roard of Equalization . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . ... .. . ... 276 00 ..... 270 IX> .......... .. HOOlpilal for ln•ane,.Midctle Tenuesse.,.. .. .. .. .. . . ... 00 .ll'.!O llll :11:1,!r.!O 31l .... ... .. .. JIO•Pltal for Insan.,. \l'e~t Tennessee ... · I·............. 37 .Ml 76 !J7 ,HOl 76 .......... . HMplt11l for Insane, East T ennes.•ee .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 ,060 Rll 2'! ,000 Rn .......... . Tenne~••e &hool for D<"lf a n d Vum b . . .... . .. .. .. .. 2.113 31 ~.llU :It .... . ... . .. T<1nne-e School for Hlind .. . .. .. .. ... .. . •• .. . . 11,1)77 Ii-I 11,1177 :» .... ...... . lndu~triol ~chool. .... .... .... .... . ... .• .. .. &l,t!Ol' 19 3:1 l\!17 19 .... ..... .. Conf~crat" Sold le rs' Home ,. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . • . .. • • . 11.5.'l Z'l 111''3 22 ...... .. .. . JudlclRI Snlnry .. . .. .. . . .. .... .. .... .. . .. .. • .. . .. .• . • ~ 33 l!ffl llll .......... . 1'tnAlous to Ol~abled Solchers . .. . .. .. . • . .. .. . . . . .. .. 10 00 JO 00 .......... . Pen•lmu to Con federate Widows .. .. .. • .. . .. . . .. 15 00 Iii 00 ..... . ... .. Cool Oil Inspectors Salarie/\............. . . .. 2.~ 00 2.5 00 ..... . ... .. Volunteer Army, State of Tennessee . . . :!11 <Xl lf!tl 78 ....... , . . . 211 10 C:omplroller's Offic., li;xpense........ ... .. .. .. .. . ..... 10 00 10 00, ..... . .... . lnlct•ot School Fund . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . 6,1141 61 6.f>ll 6l ......... ..

Total ............ .................. .. . $0.7113,008 00 $jl, lfl6.lU!l 71 S767,891 ll!l$ iw ,581 26 Net Increase. ....... . ..... . .... .... .. . ~l ,8l0 6'2 ......................... 738,illO 62

Tot•! . .. . .. ......... . ............... $11. 100.8111 il $6,4fl6,lJl8 71 $767 ,1!91 88 $767 ,Rill /(I


Below is a. comparative table showing disbu rsements of th e various accounts for the period ending on December 19, 1904. and the period ending on December 19, 1906, with the iqcre·i ses and decreases as to each item. The in crease in the total dis­bursements for the past two years, as will be seen from the table, arises chiefly from the followi,1g increases given in round fl(\1rcg: School fund, $520,000; si nking fun d, $540,000; pen-11ions to disabled soldiers, $120,000; pensions to Confederate widows, $36,000; emergency fun d, $75,000; purchase of coal lands, $18,000; insurrect ion fund, $14,000; Un iversity of Ten­nessee, $25,000: Board of Health , $10,000; j udiciary salaries, $21,000: maintenance of convicts. $32.000: !\ ational Guard, $13,000: charitable and educational in stitu tions, $120,000. 1'hill makes a total in round fig ures of $1,544,000.

Tt s hould be stated that the last increase-viz., charitable and educational institutionS--r;-is due to the fact that the L eg­l1lature in 1905 changed the system of handling the accounts of these institutions, as a resul t of which the amounts on hand In each institution were paid into the Treasury. as appears in the above table of receipts. The net cost of these in st itutions durin~ the bienn ial period just ended was less than for the pre­t"<'1ling period.

'l'hl' table of disbu rsements in detail follows:



ACCOUNTS I Bieunial I Biennial I

Period or Pe riod of ll!OS--Of l 006--06


Stale Proseeutious ........... . ...... . ... $ 300, 483 7!1 $ 320,566 83 ........ .. .. $ 15,917 96 lnterest Stole Debt.................... . I ,012 ,876 00 057 ,8114 oo ... . . . .. . . .. 65 ,•11!2 00 School Fund, Interest a nd Surplus ... ~l>.400 42 l ,06.'i.7ftl Ill$ 620,2"JO 77, .......... . S . T . _Hunt l<)t!'d.. .. . . . . . . . .. . • . . .. ... 88!1 llt 414 16 .. . • • ••. . .•. • 111 16 8alaf!e», J11d1c1al . . .. . . .. • . . . . . . . . . . . 201,00.5 4~ 2'l!l,076 17 21,6711 72 ......... .. .. Salar!es, Attorneys General............ 76 ,11.!6 05 S0, \!66 16 4,2al 11 ..... ....... . Sa lanes, Assistant Attomeyti Gcue ral 8 567 64 ll.b'911 84 J ,342 20 ........ .... . Salaries, Alty. General and Reparter. ft,000 00 6,UOO 00. .•••. .. . .• • •.•.•• ••• ... Salar!es, Asst A~ty . Cea. aud Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ,2:!~ 00 8,222 09 ..... . ...... . Salnnes, l:?i<ccultve ..... . . ... . . ... . . .. . . !18,71» 80 28,9111 36 196 00 .•...••.•.... Salaries, Supt. Public lust ruction ..... 3,009 84 4 .OOll 6-1 666 80 ...... .. . ... . Salaries, Penltentiarv Commissioners. ll 119\l 76 15.2V°' Oii 208 38 ......... ... . Salaries, LlbrarU.n . : .... .. .......... .. 1,1111119'1 2,8:l3 82 a:.J:l 4(1 .......... .. Salaries, Assist~nt Librarian .......... I , 119 CU l ,450 00 330 31 ..... ....... . Salaries, Sup t. Hosp. Insane, M. Tenn. tl ,800 ()() 3,800 00 . .......... .... ......... . Salaries, Supt. Hosp. rnaaue, W. Teun. 3,800 00 8,1()() 00 ..................... . .. . Salaries, Supt. Hosp. Insane, E . Tenn. :J,800 00 8,800 00 ....... ................ . Salaries, Adjutant General. ......... . ll,655 00 8,600 00. .. . . ... . . .. . 65 00 Salaries, P rivate Secretary to Governor 3,5<11> 111 ll.l1d0 00 90 84 , . ......... .. Salariea, Factory Inspector........... 2,300 00 2,WO 00 200 00 . .... ....... . Satarie•, L ive Stock Commissioner .... 3, 125 00 3,3$3 20 208 20 .......•... Salaries, Coal Oil Jnspcctors. ... . . . . . . ~2.700 72 21,4<111 4:1. •. . . . . . . . .•. J ,2M 29 Salaries, Railroad Commiasloners ... .. 11,909 62 14 ,Ql3 97. . .. . ... . .... 66 66 Clerk Hire, Comptroller' s Office....... ll ,4·10 3'l 16,93~ 84 l ,tll!I 62 ..... ....... . Clerk Hire, Treasurer'• Office ......... 6.040 00 ~.&10 00 300 00 .. .. . ...... .. Clerk Hire, Secretary or Stste's Office. 7.HlO 00 ~.040 00 230 00 . .. ...... ... . Clerk Hire, Supt o f Pub. Inst.'s Office ;1,840 00 8,1110 00 ....................... .. . Clerk Hire, Governor•• Office.......... I , HO 00 I ,HO 00 . ....... ....... .... ..... . Clerk H~re , Supreme C~u~ . •. . . . . . . . .. 6,tlH 46 9,~:lll ll2 2,6!!'1 4ll ............ . Clerk Hire.R. R. Comm1s.<11oner'sOffice .. . .. . .... l ,200 00 1.260 00 . ... . . ...... . lb:pcusc, Supreme Court.... . . .... . .. JG,:Nl :'Ill II.Ill!., Ill . . ...... ... 1>,aoo 67 S><pcnsc, Comptroller's Office .. . ...... 3,128 ll'l ll,7M 77 -062 45 .... . ...... .. Expense,Q'reasurer'AOfficc.. .... .... .. 1,0C>I OJ 874 00 ....... .... 18() 01 Expense, Secretory of Slate's Office . . 1,976 17 2.521 l!3 6-111 66 . •••• ••..•..• Expense, Governor'a Office. ........... J ,701 10 J ,~l 38 . ... .... •.. . «II 81 Expense, Coal Oil !nspeetors.... .. .. . . ~91 GO 67li 62 . • . . • • . . . . . . . II) 118 Expcns~. Railroad ,Commissioners . . . :},648 6'l 1.378 04 . . . . . .. . . ... . 2,276 119 Expense. Atty. General and Reporter 1,0.'>4 68 2,11 1 ~'l 456 74 . ... ........ . Rxpcnsc, Capitol..,.. .................. t'l,!128 12 18.H'Tn 80 .•• .. . . .. . • . 3.061 82 Expense, Library ..................... . J.667 ~ 2.~ 16 OS 6!!R HI •.......... .. Jtxpcu&e, Fµndlng ..... .... . .. . . . . . . . . . S,587 98 8.714 76 l~ 78 ............ . Eltpcnse, Common Schools............ :rt, 165 Sl 25.01~ 87 ~ . i<J7 5(1 •• • •• ••• ••••• Expense, Shop and Factory ln•pec:tor .... 4 1·.·.;;~·.;,,. 243111\ :t.S l'6 · ........... . lh:pcnae, Legislative, ll'I tscclla11coua.. ""'v• 46,411-1 61 4,!148 5~ . .. .. .. .... . . Rxpens~., per D. and !If... 46,863 ill 411 ,:191 72 . . .. .. ... ... f58 46 SIAte Boardofl!qualization ...... ...... 43'2 ~ 1,140 41 718 65 . .... ....... . Volunteer Army of Tennes.•cc.. . .... .. I.Ml 71 I , 117 M a.;.5 8.'i . ••••••.•••• N$Uonal Guards. Stllleof Tennessee .. lfl 769 IH 211 .$!1;1 S3 18 , lll31ll ..... ...... .. Maintenance of Convicts..... . . . . . . . . . . nl0,093 "6 651.1163 33 ltl,1111\l 88 .......... ! .. Hospital loaane, Middle ·rcnucssce . . . Ul ,376 32 162,71W 31 31 ,877 99 . . ...... ... . Hospital Insane, We• l Tennessee ...... 117 .330 33 16ll .4il!l Oil lll , 1581» .... .. ... .. .. Hospital lnsane. bst Tennessee ... . .. l:t:?,414 llO 152, 165 30 ro,000 40 ............ . T<;nne11scc School for the Blind. ....... 79 .1176 4J; HU,414 00 11,467 66 ... . ........ . Tennessee School f<>t' Deafend Dumb. AA.2AA ():"I 82 ,00ll 87 . . ... . . . . ... . 6,2.58 16 Confederate Soldiers' Home. .......... :l<l ,181 66 S-2.4111 08 8.849 311 .. . . . ..... .. . Penalona to DlaablcdSoldicrs. ..... .... 8113.7111 ~ 484,200 t~ 120,-t68 6li .....•..•••• • State Normal Collcge... .... . . . ...... .. .ri ,81~ M 8.~ 60 . . ... .. .... 87,2117 56 Te11uM1Scc Iodustria1 School... ........ 12\'l,7'95 67 154,6!8 ff1 27 ,733 00 .. ... ....... . State Board of Chari.lie&. ............... 670 48 • .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 670 48 Bureau of Pensions .. .. .. . . .• . .. . . . . . .. 6.2ltl 00 '7'20 4ij . . .. . . . . . . . . li ,496 116 Mobil~ and Ohio Rall road.............. 7 ,iOO 00 7 .250 00 ......... ... ............. . Stal<; Text-Book Comwi11iou. ... .... •. 1, 188 115 . .... .... .... . ... .... .... l ,188 96 Capitol l1hprovemcnl Fund. ....... .. .. 7 .000 ail ...... ..... .. . ... ..... ;... 7 ,009 88 Ta:i< Aggrcgatea .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 2,210 00 2,033 7:, . . .. . .. . . ... . 176 25 Bureau of Agriculture ... ,.............. '.1!7,814 87 32,620 8:1 4,106 Q3 ...... ..... .. Arr~sling Fugitins. . ... . . . .. .. .. .... . . 1,660 00 . l ,600 00 ..... .... . . . 160 00 Sfate Board of Health ......... ....... .. A,lll6 74 18,lrnl r.a 10,837 70 ..... ....... . R.efunded Revenue ............. ,.. ..... 4 ,417 77 20,15()1 ~ 16,otl-I ld . .... .. .. . . .. Publisblng Governor'! Proclamations . 12 l!O !6 00 18 80 . .. ......... . Pq~llahiog Trcas11rcr's Quar. Report .. I , 100 00 700 00. .. .. . . .. ... • • 400 00 I,aw Library ... .,......... . .......... . .. 881 llO. . ... ... .... ......... . ... 881 SO Put'Ohaseof Landa................. .. . ..... . .. ...... 18 .000 18,000 00 . ...... ..... , AllorneYS' Pees......................... 8 ,6G8 00 1,211() 00 . ... . .. ..... . 2,413 00 Board o?Hlot Exoml11ers . ..... . . ..... 668 38 ™ S4 200 01 . .......... I.

,, l



ACCOUNTS Biennial I Biennial I Period of Pt:riod of lncreuc

lg()3--0.I IOOC>-Oll Decrease

Supreme Court RepQrt ......... ... .. . .. 3,684 <>4 6,2t7 51> 2,66866 . ........•.. . Bani< Tcnoeosec Certificates Caned~. 2111 00 8"I 00 • ... . . . .. . .. . 20e 00 Virginia and Tcnne•sce State Line . . . 937 70 . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . . . 337 70 I.and Register's Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 7i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 77 Sinking Fund... . . .... ..... .. . .... 601 ,2'1'7 70 l ,ltl, IHO 80 5'10.633 10 ....•••.. . . . . Jacltsou's T omb a nd nwelling..... .... l , ll'JO 00 1 ,800 00 GOO 00' .. . ........ . bureau of l,abor . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l , tfll ll2 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . . .. . 1 ,871 W Public Printing. . . . .... .... ..... ..... .. 9 .ll06 69 8 ,!l7fl r,(). .•. • •••. .... l ,0-29 OI> Office of Mine In•peclor ..... . . .... .. .. 18.15) 79 19,471\ 71 6.326 92 .....•....... Blind Girts• Home. ..................... 6 .000 00 1.76.t 91 . • .•• .•• •• 8,2!!6 09 Publi1hing Mts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012 ~ 1,000 00 87 7(\ .. ...... ... . Tenoeb'ee Commission , World's Fair . 88,6AO 7~ 1,660 60 ... .. .. .. ... . 37 ,000 OG Keeper of Archives.. .................. I ,Ol°lO 00 1.468 20 400 20 .. .......... . Tcnnes~e and,, rlrnnso.s State Linc... 00 45 . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... 96 45' Stale Tax . Sl~ping C3r Companies... 8 .412 ~ . .. ... . . . .... .. .. •.. . 8 ,•12 86 Inwurreclion Puud .. .. . . ... . . . .... ...... 52{ Ol 15.37:$ 73 H ,849 12 . .... ....... . Slate Board of J,aw l!xamincrs. ..... . . 1,00'2 111 1,004 ~ . . . . . . . . • . . . 497 76 Pcoe!ons lo Confederate Widows.... . . .... . ... . .. . . 86,470 OU 36 ,470 00 ..... ....... . An11nging Sup. Court Records. Jackson . . .. . . . .. .. .. 200 00 200 00 ............ . emergency f?und .... . . .. . . .. ... . .... .. ...... ... ... . 75,000 00 75,0c.1 ()() ..... ••• •..•. University of Tennessee........... .... . . . . . •. . . . .. . 2!;.000 00 li!i ,000 OU . . ..•. .. ... .. ,

To tal .... ............................. $6,0'l& ,Glli 18 ,0 ,482, 1117 01 $1 ,OOS.079 86.$ 201 ,220 OJ° Net Increase. . . .. ••••... .. .•. . . . . . . . . l,406 ,~ 85 ...... . .... . •.•...•.•.•.. ' l , IOll ,SliU 86 - - - -

$6.482 .407 OJ $6,482 .41>7 01 $1,CM.O'ill 86 $1 ,608 ,<ml 8o


The last Legislature appropriated $75,000 as an emergency fund to be used in repairing any damages by fire or storm to any of the State institutions, amounts pai<l out from this fund to be approved by the Governor. It was further provided · that the Fund ing noard should put this fund out at interest: In conformity with this Act of the Legislature, the Funding Board placed these funds in various. insbtutions )vhich exe­cuted bond for safe-keeping, at the uniform rate of 3 per cent per annum. The policy was thus established by the State of carrying its own insurance on State institutions, and has re­sulted in a large saving in insurance premiums in the past two years. There has been paid out from this fund to repair fire damages which occurred since the creation of the fund a total of $1,734.53. The interest on the fund, calculated up to De­cember 20. 1906, is $3,249.62. Ori this date, therefore, there is to the credit of the fund, taking out the disoursements, $76r 515.09.

The f~llowing is a tabular statement of the account:


RECEIPTS. Amount of appropriation ...... . ..... ............ ..... . . $ lntcres t at 3 per cent to December 20, 1906 ............. . .

Total ............ ... ............. ... . .............. $


75,000 00 3,249 62

78,249 62

T otal expenditures on approved vouchers .... . .. .. ...... $ 1,734 53

$ 76,515 09

I earnestly recommend a continuance of this emergency fund system.


Since the Funding Act of 1883 went into effect there have been issued :

Three per cent Settlement bonds amounting to .. ...... .. .. $13,732,800 Five per cent Settlement bonds amounting to .... $508,600 Six per cent Settlement bonds amounting to .. . ... 977,000- $ 1,485,600

Total amount of Settlement bonds issued to date . . ...... $15,218,600

This issuance took up old bonds and interest amounting to $29,386,300, including $13,685,000 that had been funded and cancellecl uncler the 60-6 Compromise F unding Act of 1882. The "Compromise" bonds amounting to $8,211,000, issued un­der the administration of Governor Hawkins, were fun<led into 3 per cent Settlement bonds by deducting 1-6 from the amount of the Compromise bond.

All of the 5 and 6 per cent Settlement bonds were redeemed and cancelled from the proceeds of the sale of $469,000 '+ per cent and $1,000,000 4! per cent "Redemption" bonds supple­mented by $36,600 from the funds in the State Treasury . • When the Sinking Fund Act went into effect, in January,

lYOO, the bonds outstanding were:

Three per cent Settlement bonds ........................ . $13.71~.700 Four per cent Redemption bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469,000 Four and one-half per cent Redemption bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000 Four and one-half per cent Penitentiary bonds..... . . . . . . . . 600,000

Total ... . ·.. ... . . ..... ...... ..... .... ...... .. ... ...... $15,183,700

- 13-


The Sinking- Fund .r\ct was approved January 27, 1899, and hrt·a1111; t:ffectiYc January 1, 1900.

As the 4 an<l 4t µer cent bonds were not subject to call and rnuld not he bought at par , the only bonds the law provided should he purchased with t he sinking fund were the 3 per l'l'llt .Settlement bonds.

Honds of this class have been p urchased and cancelled to the amount of $2.906,200 si nce January 1, 1900, at a cost to t he .State of $2.816.244.62.

,\ mt. bonds t\mt, pai cl 1111rchasl·cl. for bonds .

• \111.,11111 purchased from January I. 1900, to lket•mhtr 19, 1900 ........................ $ 189.600 $ 182,252 29

,\1111111 nt pmch;1,.,cd fwm December 19, 1900, to I >cccmhl.'r 19, 1902 .......... .. ........ .. . 933,300 909,388 71

.\n101rn t purchasccl from December 19. 1902. to lll·cem1u.:r 19. 1904 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . 615.500 595,730 70

.\mount purchast•d from December 19. 1904. to lkccmht:r 19. 1906 ........................ 1.167,800 1.128,872 92

Total~ ................................. $2.906,200 $2,816,244 62

,A, m11unt ~an·cl in <l1fTercnce of par value and purchast' price .....•......................................... $ 89,955 38

Amount 11assed to the credit .of sinking fund from Jan-uary 1, 1900. to December 19, 1904 ..............•... ,, 2,834,973 37

Amount µaid IDr bonds ............ · ........... . ........ 2,816.244 62

Halancc in sinking fun d December 19, 1904 . . ........ $ Annual ~aving an interest on bonds retired .............. .

Regular Interest -bearing Debt Outstanding.


Thn•t· per n·nt coupon Scttkment bonds ......... $ 4,787,600 Thrt·1• per n•nt rt'gi,,tcrcd Scttlcmc1\t bonds.... .. 6,039,000 F11nr pt·r .:~nt coupon Redemption bonds...... .. 469,000 F1111r rind one-half per cent coupon Redemption

bo111b . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,000,000 Four and one-half per cent' coupon Penitentiary

lmnJ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600,000

18,728 75 87,186 00

Anttual intercc;t.

$143,628 181,170




}{q(ular interest-bearing bonded debt ........ $12,895,600 $415,SS8


Five per cent certificates of indebtedness held by charitable and educational institutio ns......... 20,000

Six per cent certificates of indebtedness held by charitable and educational institutions .. . . . . . . . 622,000

Six per cent old bonds held by charitable and edu-cational institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,000




Totals . . . . . . . . . .. .. ................ ..... .. $13,571,600 $455,918 Unfunded bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665,166

Total indebtedness ......... . ............... Sl4,236,766

Of the old unfunded bonds outstanding, amounting to $665,-166.66, $335,666.66 are held hy the United States Government awaiting a settlement of claims between the State and Federal Governments.

An Act was passed hy the L~gislature of 1905 barring all bonds issued prior to July, 1883, if not presented for funding before January 1, 1907.

The bonds held by the United States Government were ex­cepted from the provisions of the Act.

There are also $400,000 of old uncancelled bonds belonging to the State, held by agreement in the Fourth National Bank, Nashville, Tenn. , awaiting a settlement between the Federal Government and certain railroad companies.

On October 1, 1907, the $469,000 4 per cent Redemption bonds will mature. The State will be amply able to take up these bonds al maturity, and such authority as may be neces­sary should be given by the L egislature to the State Funding Board to do so.

T he Legislature of 1901 authorized the Funding Board to anticipate any surplus in the Treasury and pass the am0..ints of such anticipated surplus to the sinking fund for the retire­ment of bonds. Under this the Funding Board was able in the earlier months of the year (which are the large revenue­producing months) to apply a considerable amount to the re­tirement of bonds, and thus make a saving of interest from the time of purchase until the first of the succeeding January. When the Act was passed by the Legislature of 1903, diverting all of the surplus to the school fund, this provision was re­pealed. It is a wise and businesslike measure, and I believe


it should be reenacted. The saving in interest which could be effected would be considerable.

\Vith the exception of $469,000 Redemption bonds men­tioned above, which will mature in October , 1907, the bonded debt of the State will mature in July, 1913. While this is yet six years in the future, it is not too early to give deliberation to the matter, to the end that such part of the debt as may be unretired at that time may be refunded on terms most ad van­tageous to the. State. I am earnestly desirous that the <lebt, when refunded, shall be on an interest basis not exceeding three per cent, and 1 believe advantage shoul<l be taken of the first favorable occasion presented by the financial market be­tween now and the maturity of the bonds. \Vhilc at the pres­wt moment the condition of the financial market would not seem to warrant the probability of a successful issue to any movement along this line, yet during the next few years oppor­tunity may present itself, and I recommend that the Legisla­ture give consideration to the wisdom at this time of bestow­ing such authority as will permit the embracing by the State of the opportunity when it shall arise.


The Insurance Department is under the supervision of the Treasurer, who is ex officio the Insurance Commissioner. The department is charged with the duty of collecting the taxes im­posed by the State on insurance companies and insurance agents, and it is further charged with the duty of seeing that all companies licensed to do business in the State shall come up to the standard set by the statutes calculated to promote safet~ and solvency, to the end that no unsound insurance con­cerns may legal ly seek contracts with our citizens. It is a matter of much g-ratifica.tion to me to lay before you the report of this department. The revenues collected through it show a very large increase over former periods. During the past two years the department has turned into the Treasury on account of State tax on insurance companies and privilege taxes of insurance agents the sum of $485,036.44, as compa!'ed with $405,875.74 for 1903-1904, an increase of $79,160.70. I


append the following table of receipts from this source for each biennial period ~ince 1892:

For the period ending December 20, 1892 ... , .... . ........ $173.776 75 For the period ending December 20, 1894 ... , ........•..... 210,49.2 60 For the period ending Decemher 20, 18% ................ 216,0:H 70 For the period endiug December 20, 1898 ................. 246,9.12 80 For the period endiug Dt>ccmber 20. 1900.. ............... 315,589 76 For the pcnod ending December 20, 1902........... . ..... 339,693 31 For the period ending December 20. 1904 ..... ... ... . ..... 405,875 74 For the period ending Den:mher 20, 190(1 ..........•...•... 485,036 44

Of greater importance to the people of the State than the collection of reHnue is that of the supe rvisory function of the Insurance Department, for the rea~on that if carefully. prop­erly, anti fearlessly excrci~cd, our people may be sa\ c<l untol<l los::.cs. . \n insurance contract is one of a peculiar and deli­cate nature. 1t is a promise to pay t11l>ney conditioned on the happening of certain contingencies in the future. There must be something- behind the promise to pa) to guarantee its ful­fillment. ebe the contract holder may be paying out his money without haYing the protection which his contract calls for. The statutes of thi" State. recognizing the nature of an insur­ance contract, haYe ;,ct up certain standards of safct) and sol­\'<:ncy which all companies must comply with before being permitted to do bu:-iness in this State, and the State Treasurer, as an ex-officio Insurance Comrnission<:r, is charged with the duty o f s1:ci 11g that all companies seeking admission to the State and continuing to do business in the Stal~' shall maintain finanC"ial condition.,, up to the,;.:: standar<b.

l haYe held ever) company doing business in the State or seeking- admission to the State to a str ict accountability to the laws with the enforcement of which 1 am charged.

One of the most important subjects " hich will come before the Legislature will be that of insurance legislation. The de­velopments of the past two years in the life-insurance system h;we re,·ealed abti::.cs in that system upon which the restrain­ing hand of legislation should be laid. It is a matter of such great irnpo rtanec that I have deemed it ach i::;able to deal with it in a special report which I shall shortly lay before the Leg­islature. together w ith recommendations as to statutory enact-


ments. At the same time I shall discuss the fire-insurance sit­uation.


The Building and Loan Associations doing business 111 the State are under the supervision of the Treasurer. The law requires that he shall have an annual examination made of each association, and that he shall hold each association to a strict accountability for all funds held in trusl for sharehold­ers. During the past few years many associations have re­tired from business; only seventeen remain- in the State. and a few of these are not active in securing business, but are con­fining themselves to maturing contracts already made. The associations remaining have been examined as rer1uired, and their financial statements as verified are embraced in a sepa­rate annual report. published in accordance with law.

During the last two years there has been collected in taxes from this department and turned into the Treasury $6,222.50.

In this connection I desire to reiterate what was stated in my fonner reports concerning companies selling forms of stock, debentures, certificates, etc. All companies of this class were, by Act of the Legislature of 1897,. classed as building and loan associations, an<l required to conform to the building a.nd loan law. This coYers a larg-e class of corporations oper­ating largely in many other States. offering to the public forms of C(?lltracts promising to pay at the end of a period, ·usually covering several years, alluring sums, in consideration of which each holder of a contract is to pay monthly or period­ically amounts during the life of the contract: failure on his part to continue such payments causing the forfeiture of all or part of his previous payments. The alluring part of these contracts is based upon the probability of a re..,vard to persist­ent contract payers in the way .of benefits from the forfeitures accruing from lapsed contractb. ln many cases there is little

or no guarantee fund hekl by these concerns to protect · their

contracts, an<l in such ca!jes the contract holder must depend

upon the good intentions, morality. and business ability or ~uccess of the officers of the corporation for the fulfillment of


its promises. ?lfany of these concerns are operated on plans similar to the old marriage associations, with which a former decade was familiar, and are equally as unsafe. Of late many corporations have appeared seeking to sell what arc termed '·home contracts," whereby the contract holder agrees to pay a stipulated sum monthly or periodically until the corporation has acquired sufficient funds to purchase for him a home, his payments to wntinuc until the purchase money is fully dis­charged. These appear to have a worthy object in view and would doubtless be beneficial to a cretificate holder fortunate enough to secure. the loan for a home purchase, but the suc­cessful ones could only constitute a minority; the success of each contract holder in obtaining a loan depends upon a large number of subsequent contracts being sold. These corpora­tions arc, therefore. fraught with much danger unless their plans of operation and contracts are properly safeguarded. Some of these concerns are doubtless worthy. and some I know have excellent gentlemen as officers, but I am con­strained to the opinion that many arc little less than absolute frauds, having no assets of consequence and being primarily organized and operated for the benefit of the officers, and not the contract holders.

These companies, as well as the debenture companies first described, have overrun some of our neigh boring St.ates. There is not a single one of either description that has been authori7.ed to operate in Tennessee. It gives me pleasure to report this; for while some are doubtless worth), the plans upon which most of them operate are unsound. During the past few years a large number of these corporations have sought admission to the State, but in each case I have applied the rigid test of the safety requirements of the building an<i loan law, with the result that I have invariably denied applica­tion.

I recommend that the Legislature consider the matter as to whether it desires such companies, when organized on sound plans and when properly safeguarded, to operate in the State. If the matter should be considered affirmatively, I sug­gest that the amendatory Act of 1897 should be repealed, these


corporations being of so different a type from the regular building and loan associations, and a new law passed provid­ing a standard of safety calculated to guarantee full an~ ample pl'Otection to those with whom they make contracts: As in the case of insurance companies and building and loan associa­tions, they should be held to a strict accountability for all funds placed in their hands and should be required to invest funds only in proper securities. I suggest further that each abould be required to deposit with t his State or the Stale of its domicile a certain amount as a guarantee fund. I cannot dis­miss the subject, however, without saying that I have g rave doubts about the wisdom of these companies being admitted under any circumstances.


This sale took place in the spring of 1902 under the di­rection of a commission composed of the Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorneys-general, and t he three Peniten­tiary Commissioners, who were designated by law as a com­mission for this purpose.

The property was subdivided into lots and sold at public auction, the lerms of the sale being one-fifth cash and the bal­ance in one, two, three, four, and five years, at 5 per cent in­terest. The property netted over and above all expen ses $40,-866.(>6. There had been paid in up to December 19, 1904, in­cluding principal and interest, $29,900.42, the balance being in notes running in accordance with the terms, and held by me as trustee for the property. Some of these notes were paid off all together during the last period and during the period just ended. From December 20, 1904, up to December 19, 1906, there was paid on these notes $6,919.30, and there was col­lected during the same period in interest on these notes $626.58, making a total for the two years of $7,545.88. This makes a total up to elate of $37,446.30. The amount of notes on hand December 20, 1906, was $6,1 67.96.




J hold it to be my good fortune to have been associated dur­ing the past two years with a splendid set of fellow-public of­ficial::;. i\fy relations with them, both personally and officially, have at all times been most cordial.

To you. as Chief Executive, I \\ant to tender my cordial ac­knowledgments for uniform courtesy and consideration. ~o less heartily do I render acknowledgments to !Ion.

Frank Dibrell, State Comptroller, a nd lo Hon. John W. l'\for­ton, Secretary of State, with whom I have been thrown in close official relations.

I feel especially indd.>tcd to my assistants in the office in its various branches for their conscicntiou~ labors and for the effi­cient and faithfu l manner in which they have discharged their duties at all times.

:\ly books arc open at all times. and I cordially invite in­spection of them and of all my acts as Treasurer. I ho}d my­c:.elf ready at any time to cheerfully furnish the Legislature or any committee or member thereof any information from the records of this office concerning the fiscal affairs of the State or any matter coming within the scope of the Treasury De-partment. Respectfully submitted,

REAU E. For,K,




• Itemized Statement of Receipts and Disbursements by Months

from December 20, 1904, tQ December 19,

1906, Inclusive.




Recapitulation of Receipts from December 20, 1904, to January 1, 1905.

Trustees ................................ $ County Court Clerks ................... . Circuit Court Clerks . . . .............. . . . Chancery Court Clerks .................. . State tax, insurance agents .............. . Stale tax, insurance companies .......... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors ............... . Maintenance of convicts .........•....... State Board Mine Examiners .. .......... . Bureau of Agriculture .................. .

69 63 292 14 439 OS 425 94 422 50 229 21 367 96

3,828 11 10 ()()

7,916 00-$ 14,000 54

Balance in Treasury December 20, 1904 .... $1,129,928 53 Receipts from December 20, to 31, inclusive. 14,000 54--$1,143,929 07 Disbursements from Dec. 20 to 31, inclusive. 57,712 73

Balance in Treasury J anuary 1, 1905 ...... . $1,086,216 34

- 23-



Recapitulation of Disbursements from December 20, 1904, to January 1, 1905.

State prosecutions ............... . ....... $ . Interest on State debt ................... .

Salaries: Judicial ....................... . Assistant Librarian . ...... . .... . ...... . Supt. Hospital Insane, Middle Tennessee Coat Oil Inspectors ................... . Factory Inspector ............. ....... .

Ocrlt Hire: Supreme Court . .... : ....... . Elr:paise: Comptroller's office ...... .. ... .

Coal Oil Inspectors . . ................ . . Library ...... . ....... ........• ........ Funding ...................... ....... . Common schools .. . ....... .. ......... .

Roepital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for the Blind ........ .. . Tennessee Industrial School ......... . .. . State Normal College ............. .. .... . Sta~ Board of Mine Examiners .......... . State Board of H ealth .................. . Bureau of Agriculture .... . ............ : .. Pensions to disabled soldiers .. . ...... .... . Refunded re,·enue ...................... . Attorneys' fees ........ . .. . ....... -· .... . M~ntenaoce of convicts ................ . National Guard, State of Tennessee .... .. . Office of ~fine Inspector ... . . . .......... . Tax aggregate .. .. ......... . ......... ... . Tennessee Commission. World's Fair .. .. .

2,641 41 3 ()()

624 99 so ()()

475 ()() 325 ()() 100 ()() so ()() 25 83 60 37 4 2S

10 75 485 02

5,089 12 4,421 25 7,767 so

lS,082 22 2,462 50

32 35 8 25 5 25

4,425 ()() 1 36

500 ()() 11,423 00

308 71 229 30

10 50 1,090 80-$ 57,712 73


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for January, 1905.

Trustees ................ .. ..... .... ..... $ County Court Clerks ................ . .. . Circuit Court Clerks .................... . Chancery Court Clerks .................. . Law Court Clerk~ ......... . ............ . Criminal Court Clerks ..... . ........... . . Supreme Court Clerks ................. . . State tax, sewing machine agents ..... ... . State tax, insurance companies .. .. ...... . State tax, charters . .... . ................ . State tax, in~urance agents ........ . ..... . State tax, railroads ........... . . . ... .. .. . State tax, telephone companies ........... . Fees, insurance companies ........ .. .... . Fees. Coal Oil ln:.pector;; ............... . Fees, Secretary of State ..... .. .. . ...... . . Sale of old p<>nitentiary site .............. . l\Iaintcnance of C(Jnvicts ........ ... . .... . . Expense, funding ......... . ...... . ..... . . State pro~ecutions ...................... . Tennessee Commission, \Vorld's Fair .... .

87,239 17 38,249 07 10,231 77 2,371 47

212 06 l ,()C)2 98

978 24 5 00

59,281 70 7,556 25 4,057 50

23,986 36 463 48

4,().42 ~ 22 38

4,073 75 202 65

25,638 99 9 00

596 17 169 97 81 00 Supreme Court Reports .. . ............. . .

Ofli.ce of ~l i ne Inspector ........... ..... . 416 SO-$ 270,967 75

Balance in Treasury January 1, 1905 ....... $1,086,216 34 Receipts during January, 1905 . . . . . . . . . . . . 270,967 75-$1.357,184 ()C) Disbursements during January. 1905.. ..... 884,476 97

Balance in Treasury February l. 1905 ..... $ 472.707 12


Table No, !-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for January 1, 1905.

State prosecutions ....................... $ Interest on State debt .................. . Interest on school fund ................. . Salaries: Judicial ........................ .

.Executive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supt. of Public Instruction ............ . Pension Commissioners ..... .......... . Llbranan ........ .. .. ................ . A&sistant Librarian ................... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Supt. Hospital lnsanc, East Tenn1::ssce .. Supt. Hospital Insane, ':\'est Tennessee . . Adjutant General ......... . .. . ........ . Private Secretary to Governor ........ . Live Stock Commi:;sioner ... . . . ........ · Coal Oil l nspectors ........ .. .... : .... . Railroad Commissioner.. . ............. . Attorneys General .................... .

. Asii~t.ant Attorneys General .......... . Fa~tOIJ' J.nspector .. . .............. . . . .

Oerk liire; Comptroller's office ......... . Treasurer·s office ......... ............ . Secretary of State 's office ... . ......... . Supt. of Public l nHruction ·s office ..... . Governor's office ............ . ......... . Supreme Court ............ . .......... .

Expense: Comptroller·s 01T1ce ...... ..... . Secretary of State's office .............. . Railroad Commissioners .............. . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Capitol ....................... . ..... . Library .............................. . Funding ............................. . Common schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

Hospital for Insane. l\1 id tile Tenne;;see ... . Hospital for Insane, \Yest Tennessee .... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb .... . Tenne~see School for the Blind .......... . State X ormal College ................... . Sute Board of Health .. . . .. ........... . . Bureau of Agriculture .................. . Bureau of Pensions ................. . . . . . Confederate Soldiers' Home .. ..... . ..... . Pensions to disahled ,,oldiers ............ . Arresting fugitives ...................... . ~la1111enance of coll\·irt,, ....... . ........ . Supreme Court Reports ................. . Sinking Fund ........................... . Jackson's tomh and dwelling ........... . ~ational Guard, State of Tennessee ...... . Public printing .... ........ ........ ..... . Keeper of Archives ... . ............... . . . Office of Mine Inspector ................ . Tenne-;~ee Commission, \1\forld's Fair. ... . Tax aggregate .......................... . State Board of Law Examiners ........... . Volunteer Army of Tennessee ............ .

4.194 20 194,228 00 539,313 61

8,374 85 1,206 24

166 66 833 32

83 33 50 00

250 00 475 00 475 ()() 150 ()() . 150 ()() 125 ()() 134 38 624 98

3,166 61 366 66 100 ()() 601 66 210 ()() 335 00 160 ()() 60 ()()

482 00 155 75 24 83

191 so 92 05

102 ()() 57 30

131 38 1,287 40 5,132 25 6,058 10 9,445 62 3.895 18 3,74-0 62 2,462 50

266 66 670 44 103 40

2,915 88 1.410 00

200 00 23.706 78 1.237 44

61.063 81 150 ()()

. 872 77 1.408 88

60 ()() 699 ()() 390 89

13 50 202 78 ·11 76-$


884,476 97


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts from February 1, 1905, to February 17, Inclus ive.

Trustees ... ........... ........... .. ..... $ County Court Clerks .................... . Circuit Court Clerks . ........ . .......... . Chancery Court Clerks ... .... . .......... . State tax, insurance companies ........ .. . State tax, insurance agents ...... ........ . State tax, rail roads .... .. ... . ..... ...... . State tax, telegraph companies .......... . Fees, building and loan companies ....... . Maintenance of convicts ................. . Expense, funding . ...................... . State Board of Mine Examiners ... ....... . Office of Mine Inspector ..... ........... .

175,462 03 57,234 60

577 60 338 91

42,132 73 1,795 00 1,799 50 2,349 80

112 so 6,475 69

1 00 15 00

517 00-.$ 288,811 36

Balance in Treasury February 1, 1905 ..... $ 472,707 12 Receip ts from February 1 to 17, 1905. ..... 288,811 36-$ 761,518 48 Disbursements from February 1to17, 1905. 74,006 71

Balance in Treasury February 18, 1905 .... $ 687,511 77


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements from February 1, 1905, to February 17, Inclusive.

State prosecutions ..................... . . $ Interest on State debt .............. ..... . Interest on school fund ................. . Salaries: Judicial .. . ...... . ......... . .... .

E;icecutive ..... . .................... . . . Supt. of Public Instruction ............. . Prison Commissioners . . . ..... . ....... . Librarian ............................ . Assistant Librarian ... ..... ........... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Adjutant General . . ...... . . . . .... . .... . Private Secretary to Governor ......... . Live Stock Commissioners ............ . Railroad Commissioners . . ...... .. .... . Attorneys General .................... . Factory Inspector ..... ... ............ . Assistant Attorneys General .... .. .... .

Oerk Hire: Comptroller's office ......... . Treasurer's office ................ . .... . Secretary of State's office . ....... .. ... . Supt. of Public Instruction's office ..... . Governor's offi ce ........ .. ............ . Supreme Court ....... . .. . . ........... .

E;icpense: Comptroller's office ........ ... . Coal Oil Inspectors ....... . ........... . Railroad Commissioners .............. . Attorney General and Reporter .... .. .. . Library ............ . .........•.... . ... Funding .. . .......................... . Common schools ........ . ......... . .. .

State Board of Health .................. . Bureau of Agriculture .. . ... . . . ......... . Board of Pensions ...................... . Pensions of disabled soldiers ....... . .... . Refunded revenue .. ........ ... ......... . Publishing Governor's proclamation .. .. . . Maintenance of convicts ................ . Bank of Tenn. money, certificates, cancelled Sinking fund . ........................... . National Guard, State of Tennessee .. .... . Keeper of Archives .. . . ...... . ....... .. . . Volunteer Army of Tennessee . . .. .. ..... . Office of Mine Inspector .... . .... . .... .. .

171 92 2,221 50

17,671 38 8,166 52 1,206 24

166 66 416 66 83 33 50 00

250 00 150 00 150 00 125 00 624 98

2,958 28 100 00 366 66 601 66 210 00 335 00 160 00 60 00

292 ·35 272 50

1 00 70 00 70 95

236 75 125 00 156 35 266 66 756 35 365 30 210 00

2 66 14 00

8,798 13 1 00

24,532 '01 '019 04

60 00 9 31

640 70-$ 74,006 71


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts from February 18. 1905. to 28, Inclusive.

Trustee~ . ........... . .......... •.. ...... $ County Court Clerks ... .. .............. . Circmt Court Clerks .................... . Chancery Court Clerks .............. .. . . Supreme Court Clerk~ .... .. .... .... .... . Stah- Lax, sewing maclunc agents ........ . State.- tax. railroads ..................... . State.- tax. telephone companies .. ........ . Fees, Coal Oil Inspecto rs .... . ..... ..... . Maintenance o r convict:.> .... .. ..... . ..... . State Board of :\fine Examiners ....... :::. Offic\' or Mine Tnspector .. .. ............. .

3.460 00 4.306 54

519 16 2 44

994 so s 00

173,971 '2'l 3,522 13

144 64 33,780 49

10 00 251 50-$ 220,967 67

Balance in Treasury February 18, 1905 .... $ 687,511 77 Receipb from Feb. 18 to 28, inclush•e, 1905 . 220,967 67-$ 908,479 44 Disbursements from Feb. 18 to 28, inc., 1905. 44,394 27

Balance in Treasury March 1, 1905 .... ., .. $ 864,085 17


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Dishursements from February 18. 1905, to 28, Inclusive.

Interest on State debt. ... '. ............... $ Interest o n school fund .. ... ...... . ..... . Salaries: Judicial .. . .................. .. . Expense: Comptroller's office . .... ...... . Expense: Library ....................... . Expense: Common schools .............. ·. Clerk Hire: Supreme Court ............. . Hospital for Insane, Mi<ldle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee .. .. . Hospital for T nsanc, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb .. .. . State Xormal College .. .. ............... . State Board of Health ............ . ..... . Bureau of Agriculture ....... ." .. . .. ". ..... . Bureau of Pensions .... . ....... . ....... . . Fension~ to disabled soldiers .... .. . .... . . Maintenance of convicts ................ . National Guard, State of Tennessee ...... . Mobile & Ohio Railroad ........... . .... .

894 00 6,979 70

208 33 25 00 13 so Sl so so ()()

5,137 87 6,101 62 4,438 87 3,882 12 2,462 so

67 8S 22 7S so ()()

226 SS 10,378 21

28 90 3,375 00-$ 44,394 27


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts from March 1, 1905, to 18, Inclusive.

Trustees ....... . ....... . ................ $ County Court Clerks .......... . ......... . Circuit Court Clerks .................... . Chancery Court Clerks .................. . State tax, sewing machine agent:. ......... . State tax, news companies ............... . State tax, railroads ...................... . State tax, telephone companies .......... . State Board of Mine Examiners ......... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors ................ . Sale of old penitentiary site .............. . Maintenance of convicts ................ . Expense, funding ... ............. , ...... . Bureau of Agriculture ................... . Office of Mine Inspector . ......... . ..... . Tennessee Commission, \Vorld's Fair ... .

Balance in Treasury March 1, 1905 ........ $ Receipts from March 1 to 19, 1905, inclusive. Disbursements from Mar. 1 to 19, 1905, inc.

Balance in Treasury March 20, 1905 ...... .

641,960 02 47,964 63

439 97 26 81 45 00

500 00 3,143 64 1,278 80

10 00 12,290 15

207 06 9,860 09

5 00 2,789 85

22 50 150 58-$ 720,694 10

864,085 17 720,694 10--$1,584,779 '1:1

135,111 88

$1,449,667 39


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulatio n of Disbursements from March 1 to 18, 190S, Inclusive.

Interest on State debt ...... . ............. $ Salaries: J udicial .... ................... .

Executive . . . . . . . . .................... . Supt. of Public Instruction ............. . Prison Commissioners ......... ....... . Librarian .......... .... .............. . Assista nt Librarian ........ .. ......... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Adjutant General ............... ...... . Private Secretary to Governor .... .... . Liv~ Stock Commissioner .. ........... . Coal Oil Inspectors ...... ... . .. . . ..... . Railroad Commissioners ........... . . . . Attorneys General .................... . Assistant Attorneys General ........ . . . Fa~tory Inspector ............ ........ .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's office .. ....... . Treasurer's office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . Secretary of State's office ............. . Supt. o f Public I nstrnction's office ..... . Governor's office ..................... . Supreme Court .................. ..... .

Expense: Comptroller's office ... ........ . Coal Oil Inspecto rs .. . ................ . Railroad Commissioners ... ........... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Library ................ .. .......... . Funding . . . . . . . . ........ . ........ . Common schools ................... . . .

Tennessee School for the Blind .... ...... . State Normal College ... ..... ........... . State Board o f TT t-alth .................. . Bureau of Agriculture .......... .. ..... . . . Bureau of P ensions ....... .. . .. ......... . Pensions to ctisahled soldiers . ..... ...... . Arrei:;ting fugitives ........ .... .... ...... . Maintenance of convicts ................ . Bank o f T enn. money, certificates, cancelled Sinking fund ............. .... .......... . National Guard, State o f Tennessee. Keeper of Archives ..................... . C>fficc of ~fine Inspecto r ................ . Tennessee Commission, World's Fair .... . Mobile & O hio Railroad ................ .

567 00 8,166 S2 1,206 24

166 66 833 32 83 33 so 00

2SO 00 l SO 00 lSO 00 12S 00

2,00S S9 624 98

2,9S8 28 416 66 100 00 601 66 210 00 33S 00 160 00 60 00

31S 00 71 60 30 so 60 00

144 75 89 4S

12S 00 86 40

3,7S9 37 667 00

l ,14S 95 774 30 201 7S

45,181 66 150 00

14,872 9S 10 00

46,9S2 28 206 65

30 00 598 03 169 00 250 ()()........$ 135,111 88


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation o f Receipts from March 20 to 31, 1905, Inclus ive.

Trustees . . . . . . . . . ...................... $ County Court Clerks ...... . ............. . Circuit Court Clerks ........ . ........... . Chancery Court Clerks ................. . Sta te tax, telepho ne companies .......... . State tax, expre,,~ companies ............ . State Board of ~!inc Examiners .. ........ . Refunded revenue ... . . . ............... , . Delinquent tax .......... . ............... . .Maintenance of convict8 ... . ........ -. . . . .

8, 111 64 124 30 293 31

58 49 1,064 77 3.000 00

10 00 42

4,557 73 25,605 ~ 42,826 52

Balance in Treasury March 20. 1905 ....... $1,449,667 39 Receipts from Mar. 20 to 31, 1905, inclusive 42,826 52-$1,492,493 91 Disbursements from Mar. 20 to 31, 1905, inc. 64.758 88

Balance in Trca~ury April I , 1905 ........ . $1,427,735 03


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation 0£ Disbtir:;cments from March 20 to 31, 1905, Inclusive.

Intere~t on State debt ................... $ Salaries. Judicial ...................... .

Supt. 11 ospi tal I n~ane, Middle Tennessee. Supt. Hospital Insane, \Vest Tennessee .. Supt. Hospital Insane, East Tennt>ssee .. Coal Oil Inspectors . Attorneys General ... . .... . ........ . .

Clerk IT 1rc: Supreme Court .......... . , . • Expense. Comptroller's office ........ .. .

Railroad Commissioners ........... .. . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Lihrary . . . . . . . ......... . Common schools ................... .

Hospital £or Tnsane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, \Vest T ennessee .... . . Hospital for T nsane, East Tennessee. . . . . Tenlh'sscc School for Rlind ...... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb .... . Maintenance of C"Onvict~ ............... . Pensions to disabled soldiers . . .......... . National Guard. State of Tennessee ...... . Rurcau of Agriculture .................. . Tcnnessec Industrial School ...... .. ..... .

97 50 208 33 475 00 475 00 475 00 547 27 416 66 150 00 73 so 2 so

9S 00 112 15 121 00

S,149 so 6,136 12 9,469 62 3,758 12 3,87S 14

13,338 23 3,460 00 1,788 92

S65 15 13,969 17-$ 64.758 88


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for April. 1905.

Trustee~ . . . ..... ....... ...... $ County Court Clerk~ ................... . Circuit Court Clerk~ . . ... . ............. . Chancery Court Cluks ................. . Law Court Clerks ... . .................. . Criminal Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . Supreme C<JUrt Ckrks . . . . . . . . . . ... : ... . State tax , sewing machine agents ........ . State tax, charte rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . Stah: tax, telegraph companies ... . . .... . State tax, telephone companies .... ...... . Stat e tax, sleeping car companies ........ . Fees, Coal Oil Inspecto rs .... ........ . . Fees, S ecre tary oi Stale . . ............. . Sale o f oltl penitentiary si te ............ .. . l\Iaintt>nance of co1r•icts ...... . State prost"cution~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State" noard of :\l int: Examiners ......... . State Tloard 11£ ~l ecl ica l Examiners ....... .

145,424 00 51,974 88 8,235 28 1.345 36

58 60 63 38

640 96 5 00

10,309 40 2,780 00

66 05 2,500 00

161 75 4,198 60

S71 32 37,079 18

40 68 40 00

250 00

Bal:t11Ct' in Trc.-asury April 1, 1905 .. . . $1.427,735 03

$ 265.744 44

Receipts during April. 1905 ...... . Disbursem .. nt' during .\pri l, 1905

265,744 44-$1,693,479 47 230,849 90

Balance in Tn·asury :\fay I. 1905 .... . .... . $1,462,629 57


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for ApAl, 190S.

State prosecutions . ...................... $ lntercsl on Stale debt . . .... . .. . ......... . Salaries: Ju clicial .. . . . ... ... ............ . .

Executive ......................... .. . Supt of Public Ins truction ............ . Priso n Commi ... sioners . . ............. . Libraria11 . . . . . ..... . . ..... . ....... . Assis taut Librarian .. .............. ., .. . Atlorney General and Reporter ...... . . . Adjuta nt General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Private Secretary lo Governor ........ . Live Sl<Kk Commi%ioner ... ........ . Coal Oil I nspt".:tors ........ ........... . Railroad Commissioners .............. . Altorn.,ys Genc:ral . . . . . . . . . . ......... . Assis tant Attorneys General . . . . : . ... . Factory Inspector ... . ... .. . . .......... .

Clerk Hirt' : Comptroll.,r's Office .... ... . Trea~urer's office . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . Secretary o f State's office .......... ... . Supt. o f Public Instruction's office ..... . Governor's offi <:e . ....... . ........... . . Supreme Court . . . . . . ............. . . . Railroact Cnmm1ssioncrs . . . ... . ..... .

Exl?cnsc:: C:>mPt!oller's office .......... . . 1 reasurer s offi ce ................ . . .. . S1>nctary of State's office .... . . ....... . Coal Oil Inspectors .. .. . . ..... . ...... . Rail road Commissioners ........... . . . . Governor\ o ffice . . . .. ...... . .......... . Supreme Court ....... ~- ............. . T.ihra rv ... ............. . ...... . Funcli1ig ...................... ...... . I egi!\latin· misce llaneous ............ . Common ~c11onl-; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

H n ... pital for In::.a11t', :\fiddle Tt>nnessee .. . Hn.;pita l fo r I nsane, \Vest Tennessee . . .. . f lo ... pital for T nc:ane, East Tennessee ..... . State Roard of Health . .. .. .. ...... .. Bureau o f Al{riculture . . . ....... . ....... . Office of \!inc Inspector . . . . ......... . Confcderah: Soldiers· Home . . . . .......•. Pensio ns to disabled soldiers ........... . Mai ntenance of convicts ........ ........•. Sinking fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . }ack::.on's tomb and dwelling . . . • ...... . National Guard, State of Tennessee . . . . Puhlis hinR' Treasurer's quarterly report .. . Keeper of Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . V<1l11nteer Army of Tennessee .... .. . : ... . Publishing Acts . .. ............ .

46,230 OS 34,456 so 8,374 8S 1,206 24

166 66 416 66

83 33 so 00

2SO 00 ISO 00 150 00 12S 00 172 48 624 98

3,166 61 416 66 100 00 601 66 210 00 335 00 160 00 60 00

515 00 60 00 82 50

380 42 840 39

S3 00 114 lS 246 4S

2.201 28 1 50

136 30 6,398 91

81 25 S,1S4 7S 6,132 75 4,435 12

362 11 '171 60 622 11

2,738 13 1,814 7S

26,224 41 72,805 46

lSO 00 62S S7 250 00 90 00 9 31·

46 00-$ 230,849 90


Table No. 1-Continued.


Rec~pitulation oi Receipts for May, 1905.

Trustees . . . . . . ............ . ............ $ County Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit Court Clerks .... .. ... ... ........ . Chancery Court Clerks ............. . ... . Criminal Court Clerks ................ . Supreme Court Clerks .............. . ... . State tax, sewing machine companies .... . State tax, sewing machine agents ... . .... . State tax, insurance companie-s . . ... . .... . State tax, insurance agents ...... . .. . . . . . State tax, news companie& ............... . Sale of old penitentiary site ............. . Maintenance of convicts ............. . .. . State prosecutions . . ................... . Tennessee Industrial School ............ . Ilospatal for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee .... . Hospital for Insane, East TeJ1J1essee .. ... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb ... .

26.572 04 48,832 94

1,568 52 141 4-0 266 96 398 5-J 800 00 310 00

10,809 22 2,997 50

500 00 1,214 44

39,978 36 2,214 08 1,331 95 5,099 02

11,064 12 5,332 39

986 52 State Board of :\fine Examiners .......... . 30 00--$ 160,448 00

Balance in Treasury May l, 1905 .......... $1,462,629 57 Receipts during May. 1905 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160,448 00-$1,623,077 57 Disbursements during May, 1905 . . . . . . . . . . 221,928 86

Balance in Treasury June 1, 1905 ......... . $1,401,148 71


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for 1\l;y, 1905.

State prosecutions . . . . ................ • . $ lnterc::.t on State debt ................... . Salaries: ] ud1cial . . . . . . . ............. .

Executive . . . . . ....... • .... Supt. of Puhlic lnstruct1on ............ . Prison Commissioner" ....... ... ... . . . Lil>ra1 ian . . . . . . . .... ............... . Assistant Librarian . . . . . . . . . . Attorney General and Reporte r. . . . . . Assi,;tanl .\ttorncy General and Reporter Adjutant (icneral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Private Secretary to Governor .. ...... . Live Stock Co mmissioner . . . . . ....... . Railroad Commissioners .............. . Attorneys General . . . . . .. ......... . ,\ssistant .\ttorneys General .......... . Factory Inspector . . . . . ....... ... .. .

Clerk Il1re Comptroller's office ..... . ... . Treasurer's office . . . . . . . ... . .. ... ... . Secretary ,-, f State's office ....... . .... . . Supt ni Pul>l1c I 11.;truct1011·s offic<: .. . .. . Governo r".., ofT1cc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . Supreme Court ....... ... .. .. . . ....• .. . Ra ilroad Commi"s1oners . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

E~?ense : C~1mptrollcr"s office .......... . 1 reasurer s 1..iffict .. . . ................. . Secretary of State's office. . . . . . . . . . . . . Coal Oi l Inspectors .. ......... . ....... . Railroad Commissioners . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . Attorney General and Reporter. . . Go,·er11nr'~ uffice . ...... ....... .. .. ... . . Supreme Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capitol .... . . ........... .... . Library ............ . Fun<l111ic . . . . . . . . .. · ·. · · · · Legislat ive misct·llancous ...... . L egislati,·c pt'r dit'm and mileage . Common schnnl.; . Factor.v I n~pt«tor . . . . . ..... .

lio,;pital fnr Jn,anc. ~lid<.lle Tennes>"ec .. . Jlosp1ta l for lnsant.:. \\' est Tennessee ... .. . Ho,pital for Insane. East Tennessee ... .. . Tcnnes.;ec Scho11l for Deaf and Dumh . .. . Tenne"'"c Sd1t1ul for the Blind . . . . . .. . Tenncs,ee lndu5tn:il School ... ......... . State Hoard oi Equalizers ......... ... . .. . Sta ti' P.t.1r1 rci of H ea Ith . . ....... . Bureau of :\griculturc . . . . . . . . . . .. . Office oi ~J 11w l nspcctor . . . . . . . . . . . Conft>dcr;1k Soldiers" Home ....... : ..... . Pension~ lt) di..,ablt'd soldiers ..... .. .... . . R.-fundt<l rcvenut> . . ........... ...... . Mainteuance of convicts ... ........... • . Sinkinit fund . . . . . . . ...... . . . :>lational Guard, State of Tennessee.... . Publishing Trca'l1rer's quarterly report. .. . Public printing- .. .......... .... .. ..... .. . Keeper of Archives ........ ... .......... . Blind Girls" H ome . . ......... .... . Arranging Supreme Court Record" Pnhli,hing Art<: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .

23,146 12 11,841 so 9,436 58 l ,2M 32

200 uo 833 32 100 ()()

oO 00 250 00

55 55 ISO 00 lSO 00 141 66 621 98

3,199 19 416 <i6 100 00 601 66 225 OU 335 OU 160 00 60 00

360 uo 60 00

195 38 lS 93

1<11 55 1 00

SS 95 104 40 119 93

l ,S74 so 4,127 72

119 91 125 00

29,319 ·H 46.394 72

1,047 07 12 50

7.3~1 01 l.S09 84 2,200 ()() 4,049 21 3.735 00 9.046 04

271 60 279 59

1.909 oO 707 ~o

1.136 78 862 10

l.~0 05 26,439 31 22,866 52

396 9S 25 00 31 65 60 ()() 41 2~

200 ()() 9 00-$ 221,928 86


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for Juno::, 1905.

Trustees ......... ..... ................ . $ County Court Clerks .................... . Circuit Court Clerks . ....... .... ........ . Chancery Court Clerks ................. . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors . ...... ....... . . Sale of old penitentiary site ......... .... . Maintenance of convicts ....... ......... . Bureau of Agriculture ....... ... ......... . Hospital for Insane, 'Vest Tennessee ..... . Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee Industrial School . ........... . . Tennessee School for the Blind ...... ... . .

28,371 14 47,874 88

1,197 43 29 24

7,717 03 892 27

36,522 SS 4,769 60

472 46 1,187 73 1,062 69 1,073 05 2,291 21

State Board of Mine Examiners .. ........ . 25 00- 133,486 28

Balance in Treasury June 1, 1905 ......... $1,401,148 71 Receipts during June, 1905 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133,486 28-$1,534,634 99 Disbursements during June, 1905.......... 184,303 69

Balance in Treasury July 1, 1905 .. ... ... . . $1,350,331 30

- 39-

Table No. !-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for June, 1905.

State prosecutions ....... .. ............ . . $ Interest on State debt . ..... . ............ . Salaries: Judicial . ... ... .. ....... .... ... .

Executive . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ..... ... . Supt. of Public Instruction ....... .... . . Prison Commissioners ............. . .. . Librarian . ........... . ............... . Assistant Librarian . . .... .. ... ........ . Attorney General and Reporter .. ...... . Assis tant Attorney General and Reporter Adjutant General ..................... . Private Secretary to Governor . ... .. .. . Live Stock Commissioner ........... . . Coal Oil Inspecto rs .. .. ....... ..... ... . Railroad Commissioners . . . .. .... .... . . Attorneys General ................ .. .. . Assistant Attorneys General ........... . Factory Inspector . . ......... .... ...... . Supt. H ospital Insane, Middle Tertnessee Supt. Hospital Insane, West Tennessee .. Supt. Hospital Insane, East Tennessee ..

Clerk Hire: Comptroller 's office ......... . Treasurer's office ...... . ....... . ...... . Secretary of State's office ............. . Supt. of Public Instruction's office .. .. . . Governor's office ... .. .... ....... ...... . Supreme Court .. .. .. ...... .... ..... .. . Railroad Commissioners .............. .

Expense: Comptroller's office . ...... . .... . Secretary of State's office ............. . Coal Oil Inspectors ... . . ............. . . Railroad Commissioners . . .. ..... . .. .. . Attorney General and Reporter . ... .... . Governor's office ....... . ....... .... .. . . Supreme Court ..... .. ... . .. . ......... . Capitol ............................. . Library ............. .... . ............ . Funding .. . ..... . .... ........ ........ . Legislative miscellaneous ............. . Common schools .. .. ... .. .. ... . . . ... . .

Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee .. . Hospital for Insane, West Tennessee .... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee .... . . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb .... . Tennessee School for the Blind ...... .. . . . Tennessee Industrial School ............. . State Board of Health ... ... . ..... ...... . . Bureau of Agriculture ............... ... . Office of Mine Inspector .... ..... ....... . Confederate Soldiers' Home ... ... ...... . Pensions to disabled soldiers ... ... ..... . . Maintenance of convicts ................ . Supreme Court Reports .. ............ ... . Sinking fund ........................... . National Guard, State of Tennessee ... . . . Publishing Treasurer's quarterly report ... . Keeper of Archives ..... . ............... . Volunteer Army of Tennessee .... .... . . . Publishing Acts .... . .. .... ... .. ..... ... . Blind Girls' Home .. . ......... .. ...... .. .

15,913 53 118 50

9,416 so 1,208 32

200 00 416 66 100 00 60 00

250 00 166 66 150 00 150 00 141 66

2,711 45 624 98

3,399 94 416 66 100 00 475 00 47S 00 475 00 7Sl 66 225 00 33S 00 160 00 60 00

443 00 60 00

219 45 100 95 97 10 61 SS

119 SS 260 66 258 OR 690 74 167 19 12S 00

2,685 44 6,612 S2 S,493 13 8,633 64 8,347 11 3.4SS 01 4,524 90 5,772 73

268 01 1,459 21

600 65 1,117 30

52.974 62 27,145 81

1,191 36 12,046 %

478 00 25 00 60 00 43 12

223 00 41 38-$ 184,303 69


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for July, 1905.

Trustees .......... . .. . ........ .. ........ $ County Court Clerk, ............. , .. . .. . Circuit Court Clerks . . • ........ ... ..... . Chancery Court Clerks .. ......... , ..... . Criminal Court Clerks . . .............. . Supreme Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State tax, sewing machine agcnh . . .... .. . State tax, msurance companies . . . . . . . . . . State tax, charters ........ .............. . Stale tax, building and loan companies ... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fees, Secretary of State . . . ...... . . . .... . Sale of old penitentiary site ....... .. .. . .. . Maintenance of convicts . . . . . . . ...... . State noar<l of ~line Examiners . . . . . . ... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumh ... . TennesSt'e School for the Blind ......... . Hospital for T nsanc, Middle Tennessee ... . Ho~pital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee .. . .. . Ho~pital for Insane. East Tennessee . .. .. .

50,870 35 45,826 23 9,749 51 1,554 3l

768 34 1,012 62

45 00 44,211 78 13,993 60 1,285 00

219 87 8,555 00

150 93 47,741 i4

40 00 19 00 5 70

1,172 56 2,056 20 1,728 39

Tenne~see Industrial School ..... . . . . . .. . 3,023 50-$ 234,029 63

Balance in Treasury July l, 1905 ...... .... $1,350,331 30 Receipts during July, 1905 ........ , . . . . . . 234,029 63-$1,584,360 93 Disbur~ements during J uly, 1905 . . . 467,255 94

Balance in Treasury August 1, 1905 . .... $1,117,104 99


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for July, 1905.

State prosecutions ....................... $ Interest 011 State debt .................. . Interest on school fund ................ . . Salarit:&: J udieial ....................... .

Executive . . . . . . . . . ............... . .. . Supt. of Puhlic In~truction ............ . Prison Commissioners ................ . Librarian ............. ............... . Assistant Librarian ................... . Attorney General and Reporter .. ...... . Adjutant General ..................... . As::.1stant Attorney General and Reporter Privatt: Secretary to Governor ........ . Live Stock Commissioner ...... ... .. .. . Coal Oil Inspectors . .................. . Railroad Commi5sioners' .............. . Attorneys General .................... . ,\s~istant Attorneys General ........... . Factory In spector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's office ......... . Treasurer's office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary of State's office ............. . Supt. of Public ln!>truction's office . .... . Governor's office . . . . . .............. . Supreme Court ........ .. ............. . Railroad Commissioners .. .. .......... .

Expense: Comptroller's office . . . ....... . Treasurer's office ..................... . Secretary of State's office ... . ~ ....... . . . Coal Oil Inspectors . ................ .. . Railroad Commissioners .............. . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Governor's office ........... . ......... . Supreme Court ...... ... .............. . Capitol . . . . . . .... .. .... . ...... . . . .. . Library .............................. . Funding ............................. . Factory T nspector .................... . Legisla tivc mis eel laneous ............. . Common schools ..................... .

Ilosp1Lal for 11Hane, ~fiddle Tennessee ... . Hospital for In.~ane, 'Vest Tennessee ..... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for Deaf anrl Dumb ... . Tennessee School for the Blind .......... . T ennessee Industrial School . .... : ...... . State Board of Equalizers ............... . State Board of Health .................. . Bureau of Agriculture .. ... ............. . Office of Mine Inspector ................. . Confederate Solders' Home .... . ...... . . . Pensions to rlisahled soldiers ............ . Refunded revenue ...................... .

10,203 21 190,104 50 69,077 38

9,518 so 1,208 32

200 00 833 32 100 00 60 00

250 00 150 00 166 66 150 00 141 66 112 25 624 98

3,191 61 416 66 100 00 676 66 225 00 335 00 160 00 60 00

335 00 60 00

142 98 17 33 71 48 2 00

400 38 111 33 53 48

712 54 788 29 177 99 165 70 17 00

2,258 04 3,680 29 6,509 32 4,980 65 5,637 23 2,101 86 5.484 98 6.578 64

6 75 281 59 951 39 617 08

1,308 16 1,790 74

306 94

(Continued on page ~3.)


Table No. 1-Ccntinued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for J uly, 1905-Continued.

Balance in Treasury August 1, 1905 ...... . $1.117,104 9C)


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for July, 19()5-Continued.

~laintenance of convicts . . ................ $ Supreme Court Reports .......... ... .. .. . Sinking fund ...................... ..... . Jackson's tomb and dwelling ............ . National Guard, State of Tennessee ... ... . Publishing Treasurer's quarterly report ... . Public printing .. . .... ... . .. ............ . Keeper of Archives ................... .. . Volunteer Army of Tennessee .. . . ....... . S.tate Hoard of Law Examiners ...... . ... . Purchase o f lands ...................... . Publishing Acts ........................ . Emergency fund . ... .... ... . ............ . Blind Girls' Home . .. ............... . ... .

24,797 34 21 77

9,696 37 250 ()() 783 ()()

25 00 3,952 32

60 00 11 27

440 97 18,000 00

562 25 75,000 00

40 78-$ 467,255 94

Table No. 1-Con tinued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for Augt1'l, 1905.

Trustees ... ..................... $ County Court Clerks .. ................. . Circuit Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chancery Court Clerks .................. . State tax, insurance companies .. .. ...... . State tax, insurance agents ............. . State tax, sewing machine agents ... . .. .. . State tax, telt-graph companies .... ...... . State tax, building and loan companies ... . Fees, Coal Oi l T nspectors ............... . Sale of old pcnikntiary site ............ . Maintenance of convicts ............ .. . . State Board of .\lmc Examiners . ....... . Tennessee lndu~trial School... . . . . . . . . . . Hospital for l nsanc, :.riddle Tennessee ... . Hospital for lnsane, \Vest Tennessee .... .

29,301 21 44,229 41

9~9 50 31 69

45,645 18 2,537 so

30 00 1,000 ()() l ,<i.lS 00

527 77 436 20

32,503 49 145 00

1,186 37 2,389 80 l,204 17

H osptal for 1 nsane, Ea-;t Tennessee .... .. . 1,551 24-$ 165.303 53

Balance in Trea,ury .\ugust 1, 1905 .. .. ... $1.117.1~ 99 Receipt!. during A11g11~t. 1905 . . . . . . . 165.303 53-$1.28.?.408 52 Disbursements d11rinl{ August, 1905.. .. 138,935 62

Balance in Treasury September 1, 1905. $1,143,472 90


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for August, 1905.

State prosecutions . . ............... .. ... $ f ntcrest on State debt .................. . J ntercs t on S. T. Hunt fund ... . . . . . . . . . . Salaries Judicial . . . . ............ .... . .

Executi'c . . . . . . . . ....... . .... .. . Supt. of Public Ins truction ............ . Prison Commissioners ....... .. .. ..... . Librarian . . . . . . . . . ................. '. .. Assistant Libra nan . . . . . . . . . . . . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . A~siqant ._ttorney General and Reporter Adjutant General ..................... . Pri\-ate Secretary to Governor ... ... . . . Live Stock Commissioner . . . . . . . ..... . Coal Oil Inspectors . . . . ............ . Rai lroad Commissioners . . . . . . . . . . ... . Attorneys Gcm·ral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Attorneys General ........• Factory Inspector . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's o ffice ......... . Treasurer's office ........... ... ...... . Supt. of Public Instruction's office:- . .. . . Secretary of State', office. . . . . . . . ..... . Go"< ~1;or·s office . . . . . . .............. . Supreme Court . . . . . . . ...... ... ... . Railroad Co mmissioners ... ..... . ..... .

Expense: Comptroller's office . . . . . . . . ... . Treasurer's office ............. ..... ... . Secretary of State's office . . . . . .. . Railroacl Commissioners .. .' ........... . Attorney General and Reporter ... ... .. . Governor's office . .. .................. . Supreme Court .. . ..... .............. . Capitol . . .. . . ................. . . T.ibrary . . . . . .............. . Funding . . . . . . . . .. . ......... . Legislative miscellaneous ............. . Common ~chools ............... .

Hospital for T nsane, :'.Iiddle Tennessee .. . Hos pital for Tnsane, \Vest Tennessee ..... . Hospital for T nsane, East Tennessee. . .. . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb .. . . Tennessee School for the Blind. ...... . . . Tennes,:;ee Industrial School ............. . State Board of Equalizers . . . . . .... . .... . State Board of ~f inc Examiners .... .... . State Roard o f H<'alth .. .... . ........... . Bureau of Agriculture ...... ... ......... . Office of ~line Inspector ............... . Confederate Soldiers' Home . ... . .. . ..... . Pensions to disabled soldiers ........... . Arresting fugitives ........... .. .. .. .... . Refunded revenue . . . . . ................. .

13,360 76 2,154 00

259 21 9,416 so 1,208 32

200 00 624 99 100 00 60 00

250 00 166 66 150 00 150 00 141 66 133 32 624 98

3,816 60 416 66 100 00 676 66 225 00 160 00 335 00 60 00

450 00 60 00

247 10 76 20

130 05 114 90 77 ()() 74 05

1,391 15 739 79

19 62 623 80 739 65 449 46

5.257 30 4,623 70

11,109 95 3,948 75 3,220 71 7,422 30

19 75 302 75 267 96

3,734 60 734 57

1,251 83 1,215 51

300 00 155 42

(Continued on page 47.)


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for August, 1905-Continued.

Balance in Treasury September 1, 1905 .... $1,143,472 90


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for August, 1905-Continued.

~Iaintenance of convicts .................. $ Supreme Court Reports ......... . ..... . Sinking fund ..... . .............. . Jackson's tomb and dwelling . ... . National Guard, State of Tennessee . .. . Publishing Treasurer's quarterly report . Keeper of Archives ........ .... .... . .... . Volunteer Army of Tennessee ....... .... . Publ ishing Acts .... .. ........... ..... .. . Blind Girls' Home .. .. . ...... ..... : ..... .

33,359 54 49 92

18,628 78 433 95

2,072 25 25 00 66 70

637 97 72 so 40 82---$ 138,935 62


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for September, 1905.

Trustees .................. . ........... .. $ County Court Clerk~ ...... .. .......... .. . Circuit Court Clerks .................... . Chancery Court Clerks . .... .. ........... . State tax. sewing machine agenb . . . . ... . State tax, news companies . . . . . . . ..... ·. State tax, building an<l loan compame~ ... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors ... . .... . ..... . . Sale of old penitentiary site . ... . .... .... . . ?\'[ aintenancc of convkts . . . .. ...... ..... . Bureau of Agriculture ......... ... ...... . State Board of :\line Examiners ......... . Tennessee Industrial Sl'hool ..... . Hospital for Tn>-ane, ~lie.le.lie Tenne~!-.el . . Hospital for Insane. \Ve,,t Tennessee... . . Hospital for East Tennessee. . . . . . . . . . Stale prose1·11tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .

22,669 13 39,482 27

1,114 88 204 75 20 00

500 00 535 00

6.416 5.i 504 88

37,364 27 4,285 00

5 00 673 90

2,040 25 924 17 861 87

3,135 97 -$ 120,737 88

Balanet: in Treasury September 1, 1905 ... $1.143,472 90 Receipts <luring September, 1905. . . . . 120,737 88-$1,264,210 78 Dish11rscmenh <luring September, 190.:; 164,613 30

Balance in Treasury October 1, 1905 $1,099,597 48


Table No. ! - Continued.


Rccapitulat1on of Disbursements for September, 1905.

State prost·cution" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Interest on State debt ........... ·. .. .. . S. T. Hunt fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....•.. Salarie~· Judicial ....................... .

Executi, e . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . Supt. of Puhlic Instruction ............ . Prison Commi~s1oners ..... . .. ..... . Librarian . . . . . . . . . ................... . Assistant T.ihrarian ................. . Attorney Gt'nt'ral and Report<0r .. . Assistant Attnrncy General and Reporter Supt. TTo~pital Insane. ?\1iddle Tennessee Snot. Ho-.pital T n<;anc. East Tennessee .. Adjutant General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prfrate Secrt'l:try to Governor ........ . Lin: Stock Commissioner ... .......•. Co~l Oil Inspcctc.r.; .......... . Ra1lroa<I Co111mi,,,,ioners . . . . . . . . . . ... A ttornevs Gcnl·ral ........... . Assistant Attorneys General. ... . ..... . Factory lmµector ... . ....... .

Clt'rk Hire: Comptroller's office .. . ..... . Treasurer·~ offire . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary of St:i tt' ·~ office. . .... ...... . Supt of Public T 11,tructiou's office .... . Governor'-. office ............... . Supreme Court . . ... . ........•....• Railroad Commissioner,, ... . .......... .

J::xpe1he: Cornptroller"s offict . . ........ . Secretary of State's office .............. . Coal Oil Inspectors ....... ... .... .. ... . Railroad Commissioners . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Attornt'y General and Reporter ........ . Governor's office . . ................ . Supreme Court ....................•. .. Capitol . . . ........... . ........... . Librarv ....................•........ Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......• Common schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .

Hospital for Insane, ~1iddle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee ...•. Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee ... .•. Tcnne~sce School for Deaf and Dumb .... . Tenne~~ee School for the Blind ..... .. ... . Tennessee Industrial School . . . . .. . ... . State Board of Equalizers . . . . . . . . . . .... . State Board of Health .................. . Bureau of Agriculture . . . . . . .. .. . Office of Mine Inspector .......... ...... . Confederate Soldiers' Home . . . . . . . . . . . . Pensions to disabled :;oldiers ... .. Refunded revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . Publishing Governor·s proclamation ..... . Maintenance of convicts ................ . .

13,113 27 388 so 184 95

9.416 so 1.208 32

200 00 416 66 100 00 60 00

250 ()() 166 66 475 00 475 00 150 00 150 00 141 66

2.145 79 624 91{

3,399 94 416 (16 100 00 676 66 225 00 335 00 l(lfl 00 60 00

300 00 60 00

219 68 102 65 97 00

I 35 78 00

186 54 l 35

678 25 17 22

125 00 300 25

5,863 60 7,857 28 1,564 01 2,526 45 2,774 58 5,200 43

17 60 3,359 71 1,078 10

755 35 1.911 06

56,966 91 269 67

6 00 21,694 56

(Continued on page 51.)


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitula tion of Receipt~ for September, 1905-Continued.

Balance in Treasury October 1, 1905 .. .. .. . $1,099,597 48


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for September, 1905-Continued.

Bank of Tenn. money, certificates, canceled.$ Sinking fund . . . ......... . . .. ......... . Jackson's tomb and dwelling . ... .. ..... . National Guard, State of Tennessee ... . . . . Keeper of A rchives .. . .................. . Volunteer Army of Tennessee ....... .... . Publishing Acts ........................ . Blind Girls' Home . ............... . ..... .

74 ()() 13,280 ()()

116 05 1,615 09

66 so 323 73

33 so 42 28-$ 164,613 30


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for October, 1905.

Trustees . . . . . . . ................... . .... $ County Court Clerks ................... . Circuit Court Clerks ................... . Chancery Court Clerks ................. . Law Court Clerks . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Criminal Court Clerks ........... : ... . .. . Supreme Court Clerks . . . . . ............ . State tax, sewing- machine agents ....... . State tax, insurance con1panies .......... . State tax, charters ..................... . . State tax, insurance agents .............. . Delinquent tax .. .............. . . .... ... . Fees, Coal Oil Tn~pectors ....... . ... . . . . Fees. Secretary of State . ............... . Sale of <Jitl penitentiary site;- ............ . Maintenance of convicts .. ... ...... .. . .. . Expense, funding ... . ........ .......... . Stalf' prosecutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T ennessee School for Deaf and Dumb .. . Te:-nnessce industrial School . . . . . . ..... . Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, West Tennessee .... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee ..... .

2,606 00 40,656 89 8,278 98 1,450 83

92 62 35-l 81

3,361 68 30 ()()

15.570 86 12.33.t 30

482 50 49 15

221 57 3.631 00

972 50 64,482 06

50 00 2i 30

342 22 3,255 22 1,997 53 2,268 22 2,357 65

State Hoard of Equalizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27~ 00-$ 165,149 89

Balance in Treasury October 1, 1905 ..... . $1,099,597 48 Receipts during Odober, 1905 . . . . . . . . . . . . 165,149 89-$1,264,747 37 Disbursements during October, 1905 . . . . . . 169,175 13

Balance in Treasury November 1, 1905 ..... $1,095,572 24


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for October, 1905.

State prosecution" ...................... $ Interesl on State debt ....... . ...... . .. . Salar ies: Judicial ...................... .

Executive . . . . . . . . . ... .... ...... .. ... . Supt. of Public Instruction . . .. .... .. . Prison Commissioners . . . . .•.... . .... L ibrarian . . ...... ............ . ...... . . Assistant Librarian . . . . . . . . . ...... ... . A ttorm:y Gt>ueral and Reporter ... . Assistant Attorney General and Repor ter Supt. l1Q.1;pital !nsane, West Tennessee . . Adjutant General . . . . .. .... .... . . . ... . Private Secret:try to Governor .......•.. Live Stc1ck Commissioners ............ . Coal Oil In~pectors . ..... . ......... .. . . Railroad Commi,-.ioner" ............ . Atto rneys General . . . . . ........ ..... . Assistant Attorneys General .......... . Factory T n<:pector . . . . . ...... . ....... .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's office ......... . Treasurer"s office . . . .. .... . Secretary of State's office . . .. ......... . . ~upt. of fubl~l· l ns truction's office ..... . Governor .., office . . . . . . ........ ..... . . Supreme Court . . . . . . .. .. ..... . ... . . . Rail road Commissioners . . . . . ...... .. .

Expense: Comptroller's office . . ........ . Treasurer's oftice . . . . . . . . . ... . .. •.. Secretary of State's office . . . . ... .. .. . . Railroacl Commissioners .... .......... . Attorn~y General and Reporter . . ...... . Go' ernor's office ..................... . Supreme Court . ....... . ... ...... .... . . Capitol . . . . . . . ...... ........... . ... . Library . . . . . . . . ............ . .... . Fund ing ....... ... .... . . ..... . Common schonl~ ..................... .

Ho~pital fn r fn .. ane, :\lidclle Tennessee ... . Ho~pital for I n:;ane, \Vest Tennessee .. H ospital for Insane. East Tennessee . . Tenncssc1~ School for Deaf and Dumb.. . , Tennc-;sec School for the Blind .... . T1:n11..-s .. ce l 11d11 ... trial School . . ........ . State Roa rd oi Equalizers .. ........ ..... . State Board o f H ealth .................. . Rurc~au of Agriculture .... ............... . Office of :\line Iu .. pector . . . . . ........ . Confrdl"ratc Sc ·lcliers' TTomc ............ . Pensions to disabled soldiers . . ......... . Refunded revenue . . . . . . . . . .......... . i\r aintenauce of convicts . . . . . . ......... . Supreme Court Reports . . .............. . :\'ational Guard, State o f Tennessee ...... . Public printing . . . . . . . . ................ . Keeper o f Archives ............. . . .. .. , . Volunteer Army of Tennessee .. .. ....... . I nsurrectio u fun cl • . . . . . . . . . . .... . ...... . Rlind Girls' llomc ........... . . ......... . Tax aggregate . . . . .... .. ............... .

13,911 13 33,5~ 50 10,148 so 1,208 32

200 00 416 66 100 00 60 00

250 00 166 66 475 00 150 ()() 150 00 141 66 350 30 624 98

3,39<) 94 416 66 100 00 676 66 225 00 335 00 160 00 60 00

333 30 60 00

133 42 19 93 64 68 17 23 97 75 70 67

l,:191 64 1,071 33

179 56 131 I 5 233 75

6,.Wl 57 5.138 61

10,353 36 4.423 27 6,588 07 7,550 3X

190 00 7.513 52 1,025 30

898 10 1,378 19 1,865 28 2,701 95

32,480 37 1,253 10 1.953 69 1,673 00

60 00 88 79

4.552 20 32 so 28 SO-$ 169,175 13


Table No. 1-Continucd.


Recapitulation of Receipts for November, 1905.

Trustees .......................... . $ County Court Clerks . . ........... .. ... . Circuit Court Clerks ..... ............... . Chancery Court Clerks ..... .... ........ . Supreme Court Clerks ...... ... ......... . State tax, sewing machine agents ...... . . . State tax, express companies ..........•. . State tax, telephone companies .......... . Sale of old penitentiary site ............. . Maintenance of convicts ................ . Expense, funding ....................... . State Board of Mine Examiners ......... . Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee . .... . Hospital for Insane, 'Vest Tennessee ..... . Tennessee Industrial School . . . . . . . .... . Supreme Court Reports ...... ........ .

9,691 89 43,271 19

649 75 251 14 146 24

5 00 2,000 00

11,821 40 100 75

37,804 37 12 00 15 00

2,221 05 1,022 11 1,660 32

806 35 81 00-$ 111,559 56

Ralance in Treasury November 1, 1905 .$1,095.572 24 Receipts during November. 1905 . . . . . . . 111,559 56-$1,207,131 80 Disbursements during November, 1905 . . . . 132,134 44

Balanct' in Trtasury December 1, 1905 .... $1.074.997 36


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulat10n of Disbursements for November, 1905.

State prosecutions ..... . ..... . .......... . $ Interes t o n State debt ......... . ....... . Salaries: Judicial . . . . . . . . ............. . .

Executive ........................... . Supt. of Public Instruction ............ . Prison Commissioners .. .............. . Librarian .. . ... ................... . .. . Assistant Librarian ................... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Assistant Attorney General and Reporter Adjutant General .................. .. . . Private Secretary to Governor ...... ... . Lh·e Stock Commissioner ........ . . . .. . Coal Oil Inspectors ..... . ... ... . . . .. .. . Railroad Commissioners .............. . Attorneys General ... ............. . ... . Assistant Attorneys General ..... .... . . Factory Inspector .............. ... ... .

Clerk Hire: Co mptroller's office . ........ . Treasurer's office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . Secretary of State's office .............. . Supt. of Public Ins truction's office ..... . Governor's office ......... ... ......... . Supreme Court .... ....... ... ... ...... . Railroad Commissioners .... .. ........ .

Expense: Comptroller's office .. ..... .. .. . Secretary of State's office .... .. ... .. ... . Railroad Commissioners .. ......... . . . . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Governor's office ...................... . Supreme Court ...... . . . .......... .... . Capitol ...... . ..... . ............. ... . Library .. ............................ .

Fundinir .......................... .. ... . Legislative miscellaneous .. ........... . Common schools ..... ... ............ . .

Tlospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Ilospital for Insane, \Ves t Tennessee . . .. . Hospital for T nsane, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for Dear and Dumb . ... . Tennessee School for the Blind .......... . Tennessee Industrial School ...... . ...... . State Roar<l of Equalizers ................ . State Board o f Health ..... , ............ . Bureau of Agriculture ............ . ...... . Office o f 11ine Inspector .. .. .. .... .. .... . Confederate Soldiers' Home . .... .. ... ... . Pensions to disabled soldiers ............ . Refunded revenue ............ . .. ... . Maintenance of convicts ................. . Sinking fund ........................... . Jackson's tomb and dwelling . . .. ... . .. ... . National Guard, State of Tennessee ..... . Publishin~ Treasurer's quarterly report. .. . Keeper of Archive"S .. ........ ....... .... . Tax aggregate .. ....... .. . ... .. ......... . Volunteer Army of Tennessee . . . . .. .... . Blind Girls' Home ......... ... .......... . Insurrection fund ................ .. . .... .

7,817 12 14,589 00 9,208 17 1,208 32

200 00 1,041 65

100 ()() 60 ()()

250 00 166 66 150 ()() 150 ()() 141 66

54 25 624 98

3,333 28 416 66 100 00 676 66 225 ()() 335 00 160 ()() 60 ()()

455 00 60 ()()

124 85 62 75 11 30

122 25 45 61

226 15 736 00

25 33 152 so 43 14

102 14 6,465 47 4,173 03 4,391 03 3,236 45 5,364 39 5,706 21

65 278 65

1,462 71 862 78

1,318 77 1,122 75

776 06 30,693 30 18,404 14 so ()() 1,297 46

25 00 60 ()()

686 ()() SS 96

123 10 2,345 10---$ 132,134 44


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts from December 1 to 19, 1905, Inclusive.

Trustees ..................... .. ........ $ County Court Clerks ........ . . ... ...... . Ci rcuit Court Clerks .................... . Chancery Court Clerks .................. . State tax, sewing machine agents .. ...... . State tax, banks ........................ . State tax, news companies . . .. ........ ... . State tax, railroads ... . .... ........ ..... . State tax, telephone companies .......... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors .... .. .. .. ..... . Sale of old penitentiary site .... ... ... ... . Maintenance of convicts . ............... . Expense, funding ........................ . Bureau of Agriculture .................. . Confederate Soldiers' H ome ............. . State Board of Mine Examiners ......... . State tax, street railroads ............... .

31,073 82 4-0,957 68

2,382 89 17 50 15 00

3,000 00 500 00

8,082 49 312 79

11,858 35 24 60

84,656 64 75 00

7,211 80 8 05

110 00 2,144 78-$ 192,431 39

Balance in Treasury Decemher 1, 1905 .... $1,074,997 36 Receipts durinl{ December. 1905......... . 192,431 39-$1,267,428 75 Disbursements during December, 1905.. ... ' 144,860 4'1

Balance in Treasury December 20, 1905. . . $1,122,568 34


Table No. 1- Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements from December 1 to 19, 1905, Inclusive.

State prosecutions . ...................... $ Interest on State debt ................... . Salaries: Judicial ........................ .

Executive . _.... . .. . ................. . Supt. of Public Instruction .......... - .. Prison Commissioners .... .. . ........ . . Librarian . _ . . . . . ......... _ .......... . . As;.istant Librarian .. ....... , ... ..... . . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Assistant Attorney General and Reporter Adjutant General ... .. ......... .... . .. . Pri ,·ate Senetary to Governor ......... . Live Stock Commissioner ............. . Coal Oil Inspectors ................... . Railroad Commissioners ... .... . ..... . . Attorneys General ... .. ............... . Assic;tant Attorneys General .. .. ...... . Factory Inspector .................... .

Ckrk Hire: C<>mptroller's office ...... .. . . Treasurer's office . . . . . ... ..... ... .... . Secretary of State's office ............ . . Supt. of Public Instruction's office .... . Governor's office ................ ..... . Supreme Court ... . ................... . Railroad Commissioners ......... .... . .

Expen!;e: Comptroller's office ........ .. . . Secretary of State's office .............. . Coal Oil Inspectors ............ .... ... . Railroad Commissioners .. ............ . Attorney, Gen~ral and Reporter .. : ..... . Governor s office .. .. ....... . .......... . Supreme Court ....................... . Capitol .............. .. ... . .......... . Library . . . . . . . . . .................... . !:'uncling ... ...... .. .. ... ............. . Factory 1 nspcctor ...... . ... . ........ . . Legislative misccllaneou;. ............. . Common schools ....... . ............. .

Hospital for I nsanc, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospita l for Insane. \Vest Tennessee . ... . H ospita l for Insane, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb .... . Tennessee School for the Blind .. ..... : . . Tennessee Industrial School ............. . State Board of Health ... .... .. ... ...... . Bureau o f Agriculture ......... . ........ . Office of 1Iine Inspector ...... . ......... . Confederate Soldiers' Home ............. . Pensions to disabled soldier~ ..... - ...... . Maintenance of convicts ................ . National Guard, State of Tennessee .. .. .. . Publ ishinl! Treasurer's quarterly report ... . Public printing .. ., ..................... . Keepfr of Archives ............. . ....... . Volunteer Army o( Tennessee ........... . Insurrection fund ...................... . Rlind Girls' Home ................ . .... .. Pensions to Confederate widows ........ . Tax aggregate .......................... .

9,032 96 1,368 00 9,208 17 1,208 32

200 00 624 99 100 00 60 00

250 00 166 66 150 00 150 00 141 66

1,921 18 624 98

3,258 27 416 66 100 00 676 66 225 00 335 00 160 00 60 00

371 26 60 00

244 05 89 20 56 90 IO 55 76 25 58 95

175 80 761 63 38 93

128 60 12 75 50 00

224 95 3,758 00 8.598 11 8.907 30 3,654 75 2,170 97

411 32 267 % 884 80 793 46

1,618 79 55,175 75 17.731 80

1,226 26 25 00

1.305 88 60 00 49 51

2,177 OS 49 22

3,000 40 195 75-$ 144,860 41


Table No. !-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts from December 20 to 31, 1905, Inclusive.

Trustees ............................... $ County Court Clerks .................. . Circuit Court Clerks .................... . Chancery Court Clerks ................. . State tax, insurance agents .............. . State tax, railroads ..................... . State tax, telephone companies .......... . State tax, street railroads . ..... ... ...... . Fees, Coal Oil l nspectors .......... '. .... . Sale of old penitentiary site .............. . Maintenance of convicts .. .............. . State prosecutions ...................... . Tennessee Industrial School ............. . Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, West Tennessee ..... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee ..... . Bureau of Agriculture .................. .

778 51 769 10 453 62 105 37

1,300 00 135,531 56

1,058 84 13,758 73 1,502 06

12 23 4,286 38

99 20 552 70 861 55 130 75

1,221 66 14-0 43-$ 162,562 69

Balance in Treasury December 20, 1905 .... $1,122,568 34 Receipts from December 1 to 19. 1905. .... 162,562 69-$1,285,131 03 Disbursements from December 1 to 19, 1905 65,046 11

Balance in Treasury January 1, 1906.. . .. .. $1,220,084 92


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements from December 20 to 31, 1905, Inclus ive.

State prosecutions .. .. ... .............. . . $ Interes t o n State debt .............. .... . Salaries: Judicial .......... ............ .

Executive . . .................. . Supt. of Public Instruction ..... . ...... . Prison Commi:, ners .... . ........... . Librarian . . . . . . . . . ...... . ..... , ...... . Assistant Librarian ... . ............... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Assistant Attorney General and Reporter Supt. Hospital Insane. Middle Tennessee Supt. H ospital Tnsane, East Tennessee .. Live Stock Co!llmi,.sioner . . ........... . Coal Oil Inspectors .. ... .. ............ . Railroad Commissioners ........... . .. . Attorneys General .................... . Assistant Attorneys General .......... . Factory Inspecto r .................... .

Clerk Hire : Comptroller's office . ........ . Treasurer's office ..... . .. . ..... . Secretary of State's office .... ......... . Supt. of Public T nstruction's office . . .. . . Supreme Court ........... . ........... . Railroad Commissioners .. . ........... .

Expense : Comptroller's office ........... . Treasurer's office ........ .. ........... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Supreme Court .................. .. ... . Capitol ........ ...... ....... . ... ..... . L ibrary ... . . ........................ . Funding ... . ... .... ......... . ... . . ... . Common schools .. .... . . ... .. ........ .

Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee .... . . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee .. ... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb .. . . . Tennessee School for the Blind ......... . Tennessee Industrial School ....... ..... . State noard of Health .... . ........ .. . .. . Bureau of Agriculture ..... .. ........ . ... . Office of ~1ine Inspector ..... . ........ .. . . Confederate Soldiers' Home .. . .... ...... . Pensions to disabled soldiers ............ . Maintenance of convicts ... ... .. .. ...... . Sinking fund ................ . ... ..... . . . National Guard, State of Tennessee ..... . Keeper of Archives . ...... . ....... . ..... . Tax aggregate ........ .................. . Volunteer Army of Tennessee ...... .. ... . Publishing Acts ........... . ........... . . Insurrection fund . . ..................... . Pensions to Confederate widows ......... .

9,066 19 36 00

7,874 86 1,208 32

200 00 416 66 100 00 60 00

250 00 166 66 475 00 475 00 141 66 397 97 458 32

2,983 28 416 66 100 00 450 00 225 00 210 00 60 00

310 00 60 00 55 95 43 05 50 00

257 30 581 68 25 00

125 00 217 65

5,357 31 4,959 25

989 so 1,741 30

206 68 4,750 66 . 266 66 3,Z77 97

100 00 97 66

3,939 16 3,399 61 7,375 51

144 95 60 00 53 25 43 62 25 00

292 01 468 80-$ 65,046 11


Table No. 1-Continued.


Re<"apitulation of Receipts for January. 1906.

Trustees ...... . ... ... . . ............ .... . $ County Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . Chancery Court Clerks, ........ .... ..... . Law Court Clerks . . .. . ....... . . ..... . Criminal Cl)\Jrt Clerk~ ............. ..... . Supreme Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stak tax, sewing machine agent;; .. ... . .. . State tax, insurance companies ........ : .. State tax, charters ...................... . State tax, street railroads .......... .. .. . . Stale tax, railroad... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . State tax, telephone companies .......... . State tax, telegraph companies ........... . Delinquent tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspector-. ............... . Fees, Secretary of State ................. . Maintenance of convicts- ................ . Expense, funding . . .............. . .. . . .. . Office of Mine Inspector ................ . State Boa rel of ~line Examiners ......... . Hospital for, ~Iicldle Tenneso:;ee .. . Hospital for Insane. \Yest Tennessee .... . Ho~pital for T nsanc. East Tennessee .... . Tennessee Scbool for the Blind .......... . Tennessee T n<lustrial School .......... .. . State prosecu tions ...................... .

56.528 60 43.938 90 9,641 35 l,6U3 63

46 68 200 08 812 52

25 00 9,478 28

14,904 RO 68 39

880 60 257 38

2,6116 89 147 50 133 28

4,606 75 17,743 66

1 00 820 so

40 00 1.76() 36 1,854 79 1,503 45 1,502 51 3,420 80 2,107 63-$ 176,701 33

Balance in Trea~ury January 1, 1906 ...... $1,220,084 92 Receipts during ] anuary, 1906 . . . . . . . . . . . . 176,701 33-$1,396,786 25 Disbursements <lurinl! January, 1906...... 1,201,923 41

Balance in Treasury February 1, 1906...... $ 194,862 84


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for January, 1906.

State prosecutions .... .. ........ .. ...... $ Interest on State debt ............... : . . . Interest on school fund . .. .............. . Salaries. Judicial . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .

Prison Commissioner;; ..... .. ......... . Supt. Hospital Insane, \Vest Tennessee . . Adjutant General .................... . Private Secretary to Governor .. ....... . Coal Oil Inspectors .. .... . ........... . . Railroad Commissioners ... . .......... . Attorneys General .................... .

Clerk Hire · Comptroller's office . ........ . Secretary of State's office . .. .......... . Supt. o f Public Instruction's office .. : . . . Governor's office ............. ... .... . . Supreme Court .......... .. ......... . . .

Expense : Comptroller's office ......... . . . Trea ... urcr"s office ............. . Secretary of State's office .... ... ...... . Coal Oil Inspectors . ... . ..... . ........ . Railroad Commissioners . ......... .... . Attorney General and Reporter ...... .. . Governor's office . . ........... ... ...... . Supreme Court . . .................... . Capitol . . . . ..... ................. . Library . . . ................ .. .. . Fundmg .. . .. ...................... . . Common schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . Factory Inspector ..... . ............. . .

Hospital for Insane. Middle Tennessee .. . . Hospital for Tnsanc, \Vest Tennessee .... . Hospital for I nsanc, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb ... . . Tennessee "School for the Blind ......... . Tennessee Industrial School . ........... . State Board of Health . . . ............. . Bureau of Agriculture ......... ........ . . Office of Mine Inspector .............. . . . Confederate Soldiers' Home . . .......... . Pensions to disabled soldiers .... . ....... . Arresting fugitives ...... . .... .... ....... . Refunded revenue ...................... . Maintenance of convicts . ... ............ . Sinkin1r fund .. .... .... ..... . .......... . Jackson's tomb and d\velling ..... ..... . . . National Guard, State of Tennessee ...... . Tax aggregate . . . .... .. ..... ..... ... ... . Volunteer Army of Tennessee .... .. ..... . State Board of Law Examiners ..... ... .. . Insurrection fund . ........... .......... . . Pensions to Confederate widows ........ . Blind Girls' Home . .. ...... . . ........... .

15,347 29 192,071 00 3~.714 78

1,958 30 208 33 475 00 150 00 150 00 386 83 166 66 624 99 226 66 125 00 100 00 60 00

100 ()() 209 43 48 00 73 33

I 00 24 73 63 00

135 04 120 08 209 45 113 93

4 80 72 98 71 80

6,785 14 8,338 60 5,421 69 3,634 28 6,540 25 8,051 90

607 03 429 84

2,079 13 1,311 94 2,144 92

so 00 10 00

21,347 67 562,239 60

100 00 2,527 73

48 75 17 18

360 68 1,663 65

154 40 46 54-$1,201,923 41


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for February, 1906.

Trustees . . . . . . . .............. . ......... $ County Court Clerks .. . .......... . . • ..... Circuit Court Clerks .............. . ... . . Chancery Court Clerks ............... . . . . Criminal Court Clerks ............... . .. . State tax, SC\\ ing machine companies . . . . . State tax, sewing machine agents . . . . . . . State tax, insurant·e companies ........... . State tax, street railroads ............... . State tax, railroads ..................... . State tax, express companies ............ . State tax, telephone companies ... .... .. . . State tax, medicine companies . . . . . . . . Fees, Coal Oil J nspectors ... · .... . . ... ... . Maintt'nancc nf t•mwicts . .......... . .. . Bureau of .\c:riculture . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . Office of Mine Inspector .......... . . . . . State Board of lllinc Examiners ......... . Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for- Insane, \Vest Tennessee .... . Ho!.pital for I nsanc, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for the Blind . ..... . Confederate Soldiers' Home .... . . .. . .. .. .

240,429 94 47,833 59

1,359 64 78 62

153 08 200 00

5 00 95,653 37 10,664 85 82,539 44 2,000 00 6,435 11 1.000 00

254 85 27.976 52

30 36 296 so

10 00 1,811 76 1,910 71

822 08 992 30

14 90-$ 522,472 62

Balance in Treasury February 11 1906 .. . $ 194,862 84 Receipts during February, 1906 ...... . Disbursements during Fehruary, 1906 . . .

Balance in Treasury March 1, 1906 .. , . . ..

522,472 62-$ 717,3.55 46 194,417 37

$ 522,918 09


Table No. 1-Continucd.


Recapitulation o f Disburc;emcnts for Febrnary, 1906.

State prosecuuons . ... ... . . .. . ... . ....... $ Interest on Stale debt . . .. . . .. . ... • . . .... .. Interest on ..,cl)ool fund ..... ... ........ . Salaric" : J ud1cial ....... .......... . ..... .

Executive . . ... ...... . ... . . ... . ...... . Supt o f Public Ins truction . ... . . .. . ... . Prison Commis1:1ioners .. ..... . ........ . Lihranan . . .... . ... .. .... ... .. ....... . Assistant Librarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . A tturney General and Reporter. . . . . . . . Assistant Attorney General and Reporter Acljutant General ...... . ........ .... .. . I'rH ate St'r rl'tary to Governor . .. ... ... . Li\ c Sto ck Co mn11ssioner .. . . .. . ... . .. . Railroad Commissioners . . . . .. ..... . .. . Atcorneys Gt-neral . . . . . . . . . ........ . . .\ssistant \t torncys General ...... . , .. F :11:tnn lnspl:ctor . ...... . ... . ....... .

Clerk Hire : C• •mptrollcr·;; otn ce .. . ...... . Trca;.urer"s o ffice . . . . . . . . . . . . .••••... Secre ta1"y of State's office ... .. . ...... . . Su1>t. of Public 1 nstruction's office .. . .. . Governor's office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . Supreme Co urt . ............... . ...... . Rail road Co mmissioners . . . .. . .. . •.....

Ex1>e11se : C•1mptrnller's office .... . ...... . Treasurer·s o ffice . . . . . . . . • ..... . ...•. Secreta.ry of State 's office ............ . Railroad Commissioners . . . . . . . . . ... . Supremt' Co urt . ... ... ..... . ... . ..•. .. . Capitol .. . . .. .. ......... . .......... . Lihrary . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . ........ .. . . Fun.ding ...... .. . .... . ..... . Common schools .. ... . .. . . . . ... ... . .. .

Hospital for Insane. ~Iiddle Tennessee .. . H ospital for Insane, \\'est Tennessee .. . . H ospital for Insane, East Tennessee ... .. . Tennessee School fo r Deaf and Dumb . .. . Tennessee School for the Blind . . . . . .. . . Tenne,see I ndustnal School . . . • ...... . State Hoard o f Equalizers . . ... . ..... .. .. . State Ilr.ard of H ealth ............... . .. . Bureau of Ag-riculture . . . . . . . .. . .. . .... . Office of Mine Inspector .. .............. . Confederate Soldiers' Home . ...... . . . .. . . Pensions to dis;1bled «oldiers .. .....•..... Refunded r<.'venue ..... . .... . ..... . • . . . .. Atto rneys' fee:. . ... ........ . .......•.... Maintenance of convicts . . . . . • . . . . . . •.. Supreme Co urt Reporrc; .......... ... ... . . Sinking fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . National Guarcl, State of Tennessee .. . ... . P11hlishi11g Treasluer's quarterly report .. . PuMic printini;? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

15,569 04 1,120 50 7,001 97 9,416 50 1,208 32

200 00 624 99 100 00 60 00

250 00 166 66 150 00 150 00 141 66 624 98

3.399 94 416 66 100 00 510 00 225 00 335 00 160 00 60 00

315 00 60 00

112 59 36 35

363 19 21 03

399 41 1,000 55

115 30 131 20 226 09

6.330 19 4.615 64 8,822 67 4,060 43 6.607 64 5,586 84

4 35 271 40

2,197 01 817 81

1.496 42 892 62

6,893 64 750 00

29,327 57 68 00

40.895 76 460 07

75 00 29 33

(Continued on page 65.)


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for February, 1906- Continuecl .

Balance in Treasury March 1,.1906 . $ 522,918 09


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for February, 1906--Continued.

Keeper of Archives ...................... $ Volunteer Army of Tennessee ... . ... ... . In surrection fund ... . . . ..... . ...... . .... . Mobile & Ohio Railroad ................ . Pensions to Confederate widows ......... . University of Tennessee .. .. ... . .... . ... . Blind Girls' Home ...................... .

60 00 41 06

168 34 3,62S 00

42 60 2S,OOO 00

sos 99-$ 194,417 37


Table No. 1-Continucd.


Recapitulation for March, 1906.

Trustees . . . . . . . ................. ..... ..... $ County Court Clerks ........... . . Circuit Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . Chancery Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . State tax, sewing- machine agents ...... . . State tax, railroads ......... ... .... .. ... . State la", express companies .... · ... . .... . State tax. telephone companieR . . . . . . . . .. Salary. Coal Oil I n~pectors ........ . .. .. . . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors ............. . Sale of oltl penitentiary site ............. . Maintenance of convicts ... .. . .. . . .. ... . Bureau of Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . Offict' of Mine Inspector . . . . . . . . ...... . State prosecutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hospital for Insane, 1\1 iddle Tennessee ... . H ospital fo r Insane, \\'e~t T ennessee ..... . Hospital for Insane. East Tennessee . . .. . Tennt'~~ee School for Deaf and Dumb . ... . Tennc"•st'e School for the Blind . . . . . . . . Tt'nnt!s,.<!C I ndu!>trial School . . . . . . . . . .. . . State Board of l\f me Exam111ers ... ... ... .

Balance in Trea~ury March 1. 1906.. . ... $ Receipts during ;\farch, 1906 ...... . Disburscmenh during l\Iarch. 1906

Balance in Treasury April 1, 1906 .. ........ .

533,643 4-0 63,121 73

892 61 387 87

5 00 8,02.~ 12 2,000 00

614 45 25 00

10,770 69 762 85

42,236 96 3,565 00

91 50 2,985 00 1,226 00

704 63 1,924 48

83 63 178 12 803 80

20 OD-$ 674,065 84

522,918 09 674,065 84-$1,196,983 93

177,267 60

$1,019,716 33


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for March. 1906.

.State pro~ecutions . . . . ........•. ...... . $ Tnt~rcst on State debt .. ... ...........•. Salaries: Judicial .. .. .. . .. .. ........ .

Executive ........................... . Supt. of Public Instruction ........ .... . Prison Commissioners ................ . Librarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . Assistant Librarian ................... . Attorney General and Reporter .... . Ac;c;istant Attorney General and Reporter Supt. Hospital Insane, Middle Tennessee Adjutant General ...................... . Privatt- Sccrrtary to Governor .. I .in· Stol·k Commissioner . . . . . ...... . Co:il Oil T n;;pcctqr,; ............ ...... . Railroad Commi.;siom:rs . . . . . . . . . .. . Attorney" General ........... ......... . As-.i.;tant Attorneys General ......... . Factory lnspector . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. .

Cll'rk Hire: Comptroller's office ......... . Tna.,urcr\ office ..................... . ~ccretarv 11f Stati-'s office ..... . Supt. of Public Instruction's office ..... . Guvernor', offict: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . Supreme Court ....................... . Governor's office ..................... .

Expen~e: Comptroller's office .. .... ..... . Treasurer's office . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . Secretary of State's office ..... . ....... . Coal Oil Inspectors ......... .......... . Railroad Commissioners ........ ...... . A ttorncy General and Reporter ........ . Supreme Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . Capitol ....... .... ................. . Library . . . . . . . . ................... . Funding .. . ......................... . Factory Inspector .................... . C111nrnon schools ..................... .

Hospital for Insane, 2\liddle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane. East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb . .. . Tenne-:see School for the Blind ......... . Tennessee Industrial School ............. . State Board of Health . . ............... . Bureau of Agriculture . . ....... ... .... . ()ffice of ~fine Inspector ........... ..... . Confederate Soldiers' Home ..... .... ... . Pensions to disabled soldiers ............ . Maintenance of convicts ................ . Supreme Court Reports ...... . . .. . ...... . Jackson 's tomb and dwelling ............ . National Guard, State of Tennessee ..... . Keeper of Archives ...... . .. . .......... . . Volunteer Army of Tennessee .......... . Insurrectio n fund ....................... . Blind Girls' Home .... ... ............... . Publishing Acts ............. .. ..... .. .. . Pensions to Confederate widows. .... . . ..

14,829 18 126 00

9,416 so 1,208 32

200 00 624 99 100 00 60 00

250 00 166 66 47S 00 ISO 00 150 00 141 66

2,281 01 624 98

3,399 94 416 66 100 00 843 32 22S 00 335 00 160 00 60 00

36S 00 60 00

1S3 09 30 74

1S8 14 6S 30 12 43

161 80 679 33

1,479 68 141 72 128 33 47 20

475 17 6,805 62 9,006 19 8,685 Sl 3,778 66 1,497 14 5.615 15

268 34 906 52 927 53

1,080 36 60,664 49 30,513 12

1.180 00 100 00 936 06 60 00 23 52

959 79 39 95 19 so

3,898 00-$ 177 ~7 60


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for April, 1906.

Trustees ... ............................. $ County Court Clerks ................... . Circuit Court Clerks ....... ...... ....... . Chancery Court Clerks ....... . .. . ....... . Criminal Court Clerks .. .. .. ....... ..... . Supreme Court Clerks .................. . State tax, sewiug machine companies .... . State tax, sewing machine agents ... .. . .. . State tax, insurance companies ........ .. . State tax, insurance agents ... . .......... . State tax, charters ............... . ..... . . State tax, railroads .... .... . ..... • .. • .... State tax, telephone companies .......... . State tax, sleeping car companies . . ...... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors ............... . Fees, Secretary of State ................. . Sale of old penitentiary site ........... . . . Maintenance of convicts ........ . ....... . Office of Mine Inspector ............ .. .. . Expense: Comptroller's office ........... . State prosecutions ......... ........ . . .. . . State Board of Mine Examiners ........ . . Hospital fo r Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee ... . . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee . .... . Tennessee Industrial School .... ........ . .

232,790 78 50,961 44 8,846 15 1,247 60

787 66 1,514 03

200 ()() 5 ()()

14,709 99 8,272 50

23,998 ()() 211 Zl 482 46

2,500 ()() 2,528 71 4,541 ()()

154 75 57,791 43

35 ()() 10 ()()

2,177 42 235 ()()

2,745 17 2,984 64 1,261 97 3,716 58

Interest on school fund ..... . . .......... . 6,541 61--$ 431,250 16

Balance in Treasury April 1, 1906 ..... . ... $1,019,716 33 Receipts during April, 1906........... ... . 431,250 16-$1,450,966 49 Disbursements during April, 1906... ....... 251,229 80

Balance in Treasury May 1, 1906 ...... . .. . $1,199,736 69


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recap1t11lation of Disbursements for April, 1906.

State prosecutions .............. .. .. .. ... $ Interest on State debt ................... . Sa lanes: Judicial ....................... .

Executive . . . . . . . . . .................. . Supt. of Puhlic T nstruction ............ . Prison Commbsioncrs ................ . Librarian ............................ . Assistant Librarian ................... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Assistant Attorney General and Reporter Snpt. ITospttal Insane, East Tennessee .. Supt. Hospital Insane, \Vest Tennessee .. Adjutant General ..................... . Private Secretary to Governor ......... . T .ive Stock Commissioner ............. . Coal Oil I nspcctor ............... . ... . Railroad Conunis~ioners .. .. ...... . .... · Attorneys General .. .................. . Assistant Attorneys General ... . ...... . Fact0<y Inspector .................... .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's office ......... . Treasurer's office ...... . ....... . ...... . Secrctar)' of State's office ............. . Supt. of Public lnscruction's office ..... . Go\"crnor"s office ......... . ...... . .... . Supreme Court .................. . .... . Railroad Commissioners ......... . .... .

Expense: Comptroller's office ........... . Treasurer's office .................. . .. . Secretary of State's office ............. . Coal Oil Inspectors ..... . ............. . Railroad Commissioners ....... . ...... . Supreme Court ..... .. ................ . Capitol .............................. . Library ... . ........... .. ............ .

Funding ........... . ..... . ....... ... ... . Factory Tnspector ... ... .......... ... . . Common schools ..................... .

Hospital for Insane. :\liddle Tennessee .. . Tr ospital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee ..... . Hospital for Insani.-. East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb ... . Tennessee School for the Blind .......... . Tennessee Industrial School .. . ... . ..... . State Board of :\line Examiners ... . ..... . State Board of Health .. . ............... . Rureau of Agriculture ...... . . .. ......... . Office of :\fine T nspector ................ . Confederate Soldiers' Home .......... . .. . Pcn~ions to disabled soldiers ...... .. .... . Arresting fugitives ...... . . . ............. . M aintenancc of convicts ...... .. ......... . Sin km~ fund ..................... .. ..... . J ackson's tomb and dwelling ............ .

11.7~ 61 34,352 00 9,416 50 1,20H 32

200 00 624 99 100 00 60 00

250 ()() 166 66 475 00 475 ()() 150 00 ISO 00 141 66 328 50 624 98

3.333 28 416 66 100 ()() 676 66 225 ()() 335 ()() 160 00 60 00

315 00 60 ()()

114 88 2 40

234 07 59 20 31 44

241 41 264 73 168 54 127 85

9 00 5.156 09 6,029 70 5.378 59 2.153 23 3.876 54 2,998 93 8.214 08

209 94 489 25

1.062 38 827 Rl

1.262 12 2.005 99

300 00 28.019 64

112,632 49 50 ()()

(Continued on page 71.)


Table No. 1-Continued.


• Recapitulation of Receipts for April, 1906-Continued.

Balance in Treasury May 1, 1906 . ... ..... . $1,199,736 69


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for April, 1906-Continued.

National Guard, State of Tennessee ... ..... $ Public printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... , ..•.. Keeper of Archives ........... . ......... . Insurrection fund .............. . .. . ..... . Publishing Acts ......................... . Blind Girls' Home .......... . ........... . Pensions to Confederate widows .. ..... .. .

1,626 53 315 ()() 60 ()()

926 52 9 25

40 38 222 00-$ 251,229 80


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for May, 1906.

Trustees ................................ $ County Court Clerks ................... . Circuit Court Clerks .. . ................. . Chancery Court Clerks ................. . State tax, sewinK machine companies .... . State tax, sewing machine agents ........ . State tax, news companies ............... . Delinquent tax ............. ........... .. . Sale of old penitentiary site ............. . Maintenance of convicts ................ . Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee .. . Hospital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee .... . Hospital for Insane. East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee Indu"trial School ............ .

37,575 67 46 844 68

2,060 92 48 75

600 00 270 00 500 00 19 55

643 21 47,266 65

1,871 60 1,359 52 1.157 75

651 92 Office of Mine Inspector ................ . 8 50-$ 140.878 72

Balance in Treasury May 1, 1906 .......... $1,199,736 69 Receipts during l\iay, 1906 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140,878 72-$1,340,615 41 Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162,836 04

Balance in Treasury June 1, 1906 ......... . $1,177,779 37


Table No. !-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for May, 1906.

State prosecutions ....... . . . .... .. ....... $ Interest o n State debt ....... ... ......... . Salaries: Judicial ....... . ................ .

Executive .... .......... ........ ..... . Supt. of Public Instruction ........ . ... . Prison Commissioners .... . ....... . ... . Lib(arian ........ .. ................ . . . Assistant Librarian .. .. . ... , .......... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Assistant Attorney General and Reporter Adjutant General .. . ....... .. ......... . Private Secretary to Governor ......... . Live Stock Commissioner .......... . .. . Railroad Commissioners ......... ... .. . Attorneys General .................... . Assistant Attorneys General .......... . Fa.ctory Inspector .. .. .......... ...... .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's office ......... . Treasurer's offict ..................... . Secretary of State's office ............. . Supt. of Public Instruction's office .. . .. . Governor's office ................. .. .. . Railroad Commissioners ... . ......... . . Supreme Court ................ .. ... . . .

Expense: Comptroller's office . . ...... . .. . Treasurer's office ......... . ........... . Secretary of State's office ............. . Railroad Commissioners .............. . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Supreme Court ................... . ... . Capitol ..... . ...................... .. . Library .............................. . Funding ........... . ................. . Factory Inspector ... . ... . ............ . Common schools ..................... .

Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospi tal for Insane, West Tennessee . ... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb ... . . Tennessee School for the Blind ..... . .... . Tennessee Industrial School ..... .. ..... . State Board of Health ..... . ......... .. . . Bureau of Agriculture .. ..... . ........... . ()ffice of Mine Inspector . . .... . ......... . Confederate Soldiers' Home .... .. .. : . .. . Pensions to disabled soldiers .. ...... . ... . Arresting fugitives ...................... . Maintenance of convicts .. .............. . Sinking fund ............... .. ..... .. .... . National Guard, State of Tennessee ..... . Publishing Treasurer's quarterly report. .. . Keeper of Archives .. . ......... . .... .. .. . Volunteer Army of Tennessee ......... . . . Insu rrection fund ........... . ........... . Blind Girls' Home . .. .... ... ... . ........ . Pensio ns to Confederate widows ........ . Public printing ......................... .

13,676 94 12,600 .00 9,416 so 1,208 32

200 00 624 99 100 00 60 00

250 00 166 66 150 00 150 00 141 66

. 624 98 3,399 94

416 66 100 00 676 66 225 00 33S 00 160 00 60 00 60 00

36S 00 75 63 97 46 25 68 22 00 63 88

291 38 698 28

71 45 147 09 12 so

1,249 26 7,274 62 8,119 18 7,9S4 OS 3,626 36 2,934 46 S,413 33

283 67 994 32 762 03

1,204 24 1,311 49

100 00 33,829 26 37,345 87

2,941 36 50 00 60 00 11 76

269 40 262 53 90 00 75 19-$ 162,836 04

- 74-

T able No. 1-Contimied.


Recapitulation of Receipts for June, 1906.

Trustees . . . . . . . . . .... ...•.. ...... ...• _ . . $ County Court Cl~rks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Circuit Court Clerks . . .... . ....... . .. . Chancery Court Clerks . . . . ........ .. . . Criminal Court Clerks .................. . State tax, sewing machine a&ents ... . .... . State tax, insurance compa111es . . . . .. . . . State tax, insurance agents . .......... . . . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors .......•...... . . Sale of old penitentiary site ............. . :Maintenance of convicts . . . . . . . . ....... . Bureau of Agriculture .......... . ..... ... . Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, West Tennessee .... . Tennessee Industrial School .......... .. . Pensions to Confederate widows ......... .

16,522 88 53,268 21

841 18 73 12

134 07 30 00

300 00 1,970 00 7,678 36

256 94 61,976 06 5,105 00 1,724 27 1,195 73

697 02 15 00

Pensions to disabled soldiers . . ....... . 10 00-S 151.797 84

Balance in Treasury June 1, 1906 .......... $1,177,779 37 Receipts during June, 1906 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151,797 84-$1,329,577 21 Disbursements during June, 1906. ... . . . . . 175.916 89

Balance in Treasury July 1, 1906 .. $1,153,660 32



Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for J une. 1906.

State prosecutions . . .. ... ................ $ Interest on State debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Salaries: J udicial ....... .. ........... . · . . .

Executive .................. • •... , .. . Supt. of Public Instruction ............ . Prison Commissioners ........ . ....... . L ibrarian ......... . .. . ... . ........... . Assistant Librarian . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . Attorney General a nd Reporter ........ . Assistant Attorney General and Reporter Supt. Ilo~pital lnsanc, East Tennessee .. Adjutant General ...... , ......... . .... . Private Secretary to Grl\·ernor ... ... ... . Live Stock Commissioner .. . ......... • .

Coal Oil Inspectors ........ . . .......... . Ra1lroacl Comm1>sioners .............. . Attorneys Gentral ............. . .. . ... . Assistant Attorneys General ... .. ..... . Fact•)ry Inspector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .

Cl~.rk IT ire·. Comptroller's office . .. . ..... . I rt>asurer ~ office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .

St·erctary of State's office . . ..... •..... . S1111t oi l'uhh • I n,.truction"s office ..... . Governor's office ..................... . Ra:lroad Commissioners .............. . Supreme Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •..

Expense: C. ·mplroller's office . . . .. . ..... . Se<:rt·t:lry of State's office . .. . ......... , Coal Oil Inspectors .... .". . . . . ....... . Railroa<l Commissioners ..... . Attorney General an<l Repe>rte r ........ . Supreme Court . . . ....... . . Capitol . . . . .. .... . ...... . Librarv . . . ...... . .... ... ... . Functing. . ..... .. ... .. .... . Factory 1 nspcctor . _. .. . . . . Common ~chool~ ............ .

IT o•pital for I nsa1:c J\1 i<ldlt' Tennessee 1Io~p1tal fc. r Insane. \\'est Tenne~;;c-e ... . Hnspital for Insane. East Tennessee ..... . Tenncssc:e School for Dt'af and Dumb . .. . . Tenne"~ec Schonl for the Blind . . Tennessee T nclustrial School .... .. . . .. . . . State P.oanl r.1f F.qualiurs ...... . .... . State Board oi Health .... .... ... . .... .. . Burt"a11 of Acriculture . . . . . . ... . .. .. . . Offin· of ).[inc T nspcctor . .... . .. . . . . . Confederate Soldiers' Home . . . . Pen~ions tn cli,.ahlcd soldiers . . . .... .... . :M aintcnance of convicts ....... .... .. . . . . . Sinking- fnn<l . . . .......... . Jackson's tomh and dwell ing . . , . . ...... . Xa tional Gmi.rd. State of Tennessee .. ... . Publi-hin.,. Treasurer·~ quarterly report .. . Kccpt>r of Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . Vnlunker Army of T ennessee .......... . Bli ncl Girls' Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . I n~urrcction funci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . Pensions to Confoclc rate widows . . .... . . .

17,432 72 865 50

9,416 so 1,208 32

200 ()() 624 99 100 00 60 00

250 00 166 66 4i5 OU 150 00 150 w 141 66

2,101 53 624 98

3,466 60 416 66 100 00 6i6 66 225 00 335 ()() 160 00 60 00 60 00

665 00 55 07 21 89 77 75 58 22 83 33 77 41

660 54 34 42

125 25 25 10

858 12 5,131 17 6,402 30

823 34 3,776 51 3,949 38 5,153 44

22 00 266 91

1.140 32 776 71

1,306 22 60.401 01 25,728 86 9.361 20

JOO 00 1,078 12

25 00 60 00

4 90 175 55 361 07

7.663 00-$ 175,916 89


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for July, 1906.

Trustees ................... . ....... . .... $ County Court Clerks ................... . Circuit Court Clerks .................... . Chancery Court Clerks ................. . Law Court Clerks ....................... . Criminal Court Clerks .................. . Supreme Court Clerks ............. . .... . State tax, sewing machine agents ........ . State tax, charters ...................... . State tax, news companies . . . . ........ . .. . State tax, building and loan companies ... . Fees, building and loan companies ....... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors ..... . ..... . ... . Fees, Secretary of State .......... . ...... . Sale of old penitenti:Hy site ......... . ... . Maintenance of convicts . . ....... . ...... . Expense, funding ............ . .......... . State prosecutions ...................... . Hospital for Insane, .Middle Tennessee ... . Ho:.pital for fnsane, \Vest Tennessee .... . Hospital for Insane. East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee Industrial School ............ . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb .... . Confederate Soldiers· Home . . .......... .

49,891 33 48,128 57 9,299 09 1,427 91

121 87 453 18

1,044 35 80 ()()

16,309 12 500 00

1,762 so 107 50 194 94

3,959 50 176 90

36,795 97 3 ()()

2,071 40 1,995 62 2,352 16 2,-l-09 03 3,863 98

190 R8 2 SS-$ 183,141 38

Balance in Treasury July 1, 1906 .. .. . . .... $1,153,660 32 Receipts during July, 1906 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183,141 38-$1.336,801 70 Disbursements during July, 1906.......... 256,552 71

Balance in Treasury August 1, 1906........ $1,080,248 99


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for J uly, 1906.

State prosecutions .. . ... ... ......... . . .. . $ Interest on Slate debt .. .. ......... ...... . Interest on i.chool fund ........ . ........ . Salaries: J udicial ........... .. . .. ....... .

Executive ..................... . ..... . Supt. oi Public Instruction ... . .. . ..... . Prison Commissioners .... . .... . ...... . Librarian ...... . .... .. .... . .......... . Assistant L ibrarian ......... .. ....... . . Attorney General and Repor ter ....... . . Assistant Attorney Genera l and Reporter Supl. Ho~pital l nsane, :Middle Tennessee Supt. Hospital Insane. West Tennessee .. Adjutant General .............. . ...... . Private Secretary to Governor ......... . Li,·e Stock Commissioner ............. . Coal Oil Jn,pectors . . . ....... . ....... . Railroad Commissioners .............. . Attorneys General .................. . . . Assistant Attorneys General .... . .... : . Factory Inspector ............. . ...... .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's office ......... . Treasurer's office .... . . . ........ .. .... . Secretary of State's office .......... . .. . Supt. or Public Instruction's office ..... . Governor's office ..................... . Supreme Court ....................... . Rail road Commissioners . ... .. .. .. .... .

Expense: Comptroller's office . . .. .. ..... . Treasurer's office . . ................... . Coal Oil J nspectors .. ........... . ..... . Railroad Commissioners . .. .. .. . .. .... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Capitol ................ . ............ . Library ........................... . .. . Funding ....... . . . ........ .. ... .. .... . Common Schools ...... . . .. . . . ........ .

Hospital for Insane, :\fiddle Tennessee ... . Hospital for fn!'ane, \Vest Tennessee .... . Hospital ft1r T nsane, East Tennessee ..... . Tcnne>.see School for Deaf and Dumb .... . Tennessee School for the Blind ......... . . Tennessee T ndustrial School ..... .. ..... . State Hoard of Equalizers .... . ... .. .. . .. . State Board or Health .......... . . .. .... . Bureau of Agriculture ................... . Office of 'i\Iine Inspector .. . . ............ . Confederate Soldiers' Home . ........... . Arresting fugitives .... . ................. . Pensions to disabled soldiers ...... . ... . . . Maintenance of convicts . . .. .. .. ... . .... . Sinking fund .......... . ..... . .... . ..... . Jackson's tomb and dwelling ........... . .

3,255 32 88,407 50 71,002 37 9,513 72 1,208 32

200 00 624 99 100 00 60 00

250 00 166 66 475 00 475 00 150 00 150 00 141 66 350 00 624 98

3,399 94 416 66 100 00 676 66 225 00 335 00 160 00 60 00

315 00 60 00

190 05 10 52 1 00

43 73 83 33

704 90 31 02

144 55 99 96

5,509 30 7,325 94 9.188 07 2,500 31 2,776 49 8,572 92

2 00 284 29

1,102 03 757 45

1,308 18 200 00

2,085 46 19,778 19 8,982 17

50 00

(Co ntinued on page 79.)


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for July, 1906-Continued.

Balance in Treasury August 1-, 1906 .. .. ... . $1,080,248 99


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for J uly, 1906-Continued.

National Guard, State of Tennessee ........ $ Public printing ........... . .......... •... Keeper of Archives ... . ..... . ........... . Tax aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . Volunteer Army of Tennessee . .......... . Blind Girls' Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Insurrection fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . Pensions to Confederate widows ......... .

994 23 32 75 60 00 6 00

24 01 92 08

200 00 508 00--$ 256,552 71


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for ;\ugu,t, 1906.

Trustees . . . . . . . . . ....................... $ County Court Clerks ................... . Circuit Court Clerks ................... . Chancery Court Clerks _ ................ . Criminal Cnurt Clerks .................. . State tax, sewing machine agents ....... . State tax, insurance companies .......... . State tax, building and loan companies ... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors .. .. .. ......... . Volunteer Army of Tennessee .......... . Maintenance of convicts ................ . Expense, funding ....................... . Office of 1\1 inc I nsrector ................ . Hospital for Insane, ).fiddle Tennessee ... .

44,197 85 45,016 03

1,783 25 175 51 146 25 45 00

84.666 27 990 00 789 12 186 78

45,988 15 42 00

110 so 1,271 35

665 00 Hospital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee .... . Tennessee I ndustrial School .......... . . . 1,340 97-$ 227,414 03

Bal:tnce in Treasury August 1, 1906 ....... $1,080,248 99 Receipts durmg August, 1906............. 227,414 03 -$1,307.663 o;:: Disbur,.ements during August, 1906....... 210,oLO 62

Balance in Treasury September 1, 1906 .... $1,097,042 40


Table No. !-Continued.


Recapitu lation of Disbursements for August. 1906.

State prosecutions .. ...... .. ............. $ Interest on State debt . . .. ....... .. ..... . Salaries: Judicial .. . .............. . ..... .

Executive .............. . ............ . Supt. of Public Instruction ....... . .... . Prison Commi>:sioners ....... . ..... . .. . Librarian ............................ . Assistant Librarian .............. .. ... . Attorney General and Reporter .... . ... . Assistant Attorney General and Reporter Adjutant General ..................... . Private Secretary to Governor .... .. .. . . Live Stock Commissioner .. . .... . ..... . Coal Oil T nspectors ........ .. ........ . Railroad Commissioners .......... . ... . Attorneys General ............ . ....... . Assistant Attorneys General ........ .. . . Factory Inspector .... . ............... .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's office ...... . .. . Treasurer 's office ........... . ......... . Secretary of State's office . ............ . Supt. of Public Instruction's office ..... . Governor's office .. . . ..... ... . ... . .... . Supreme Court ........... . .. .. ... .... . Railroad Commissioners ....... . ... . .. .

Expense: Comptroller's office ......... . . . Treasurer's office ..................... . Railroa<l Commissioners .............. . Attorney General and Reporter .. . ..... . Capitol .... .. ................ . ...... . . Library .... . ......................... . Funding .... .... .................. .. . . Common schools . . ............. ...... .

Hospital for Tnsane, Mi<ldle Tennessee ... . Hospital fo r Insane. \Vest Tennessee ... . . Hospital ior Insane, East Tennessee ..... . Tennes!>ee School for Deaf and Dumb .... . Tennessee School for the Blind ....... . .. . Tennessee Industrial School ............ . State Board of Health .... .............. . Bureau of Agriculture ....... . .......... . Office of l\.i ine T nspector ... . ........... . Confederate Soldiers' Home ............. . Pensions to disabled soldiers ............ . Refunded revenue ............. .... .... . . State Hoard of Equalizers ........ . ...... . Maintenance of convicts ........ .. ...... . Supreme Court Reports .............. .. . . Sinking fund .. . ...... . ........ . .... . ... . Jackson's tomb and dwelling .... . ....... . 1\ational Guard, State of Tennessee .... . . Publishing Treasurer's quarterly report .. Keeper of Archi,·e~ ............. . ....... . Volunteer Army o f Tennessee ........... . Blind Girls' Home .......... . ........... . Pensions to Confederate widows ...... . . .

19,480 28 92,509 so

9,179 31 1,208 32

200 00 624 99 100 ()() 60 ()()

250 ()() 166 66 lSO 00 150 00 141 66

2S 00 624 98

3,333 28 416 66 100 ()() 676 66 22S 00 335 00 160 ()()

60 ()() 335 00 60 00 86 05

7 25 6 89

83 33 707 04

39 71 130 16 444 91

5,862 09 4,183 6S 1,723 37 2,024 25

462 69 6,072 90

29:1 :19 1,0S2 14

948 00 1,302 43 1,109 63 2,244 22

107 00 34,187 67 1,246 00

14,634 54 50 00

709 73 so ()() 60 00 10 78 37 so

171 00-$ 210,620 62


Table No. 1-Continued.


RecapitulatiOIJ of Receipts for September, 1906.

Trustees ... . ................... .. .. .. . . $ County Court Clerks .... ._ ........ ... ... . Circuit Court Clerks . . ...... .......... .. . Chancery Court Clerks . . . .· ............ . State tax, insurance companies .. ........ . State tax, building and loan companies .. . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors ............... . Maintenance of convicts . ....... ......... . Bureau of Agriculture ............. .... . . . Office of Mine Inspector ................ . State prosecutions ...... ................ . Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee . .. . Hospital for Insane, \Vest Tennessee .... . Hospital for lnsant". East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee Industrial School .. ... ....... . Confederate Soldiers' Home ............ .

23,441 61 53,753 06 3,298 83

182 55 32,481 25

15 ()() 5,752 95

48,176 70 4,567 ()()

77 ()() 11 ()()

1,153 94 1,877 84 2,729 47 1,694 20

627 69-$ 179,840 09

Balance in Treasury September 1, 1906· .... $1,097,042 40 Receipts cluring September, 1906.... .. ... 179,840 09-$1,276,882 49 Disbursements during September, 1906.. . 179,505 50

Balance in Treasury October 1, 1906 .... .. . $1,097,376 99


Table No. 1-Contiriucd.


Recapitul;tion of Disburse~ents .for September, 1906.

-State.-pro5.ecu tions .... . .......... .. .. ..... $ Interest on State debt ... ·. ·::. ·: .. . . · .. : .. . . Salaries; J ud1cial . . . . . ....... . ........ .

Executive .................. .. ....... . Supt. of Public Instruction .. . . ........ . Prison Commissioners ................ . Librarian ........................... . . Assistant Librarian . . ............ .. ... . Attorney General and Reporter ..... ... . Assistant Attornev General and Reporter Supt. Hospital Jnsanc, Middle Tennessee Supt. Hospital Insane, West Tennessee .. Supt. H ospital Insane, East T ennessee .. Adjutant General .. ........... . . ...... . Private Secretary to Governor ......... . Live Stock Commissioner .. ... ... . .. .. . Coal O il (nspectors .. .. ... ............ . Railroad Commissioners . . . . . ......... . Attornevs General .. ... ... . ..... · ...... . Assistant Attorneys General ........... . Factory Inspector .... . ....... .. ... ... .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's office .. ........ . Treasurer's office ............. .. . ..... . Secretary of State's office .... . . . . ... .. . . Supt. of Public lnstruction's office .. .... . Governor's office .... .. ............... . Supreme Court ... . ........... . ....... . Railroad Commissioners .. .... ... . .... .

Expense: Comptroller's office ........•... Treasurer's office .......... . .. .. ...... . Coal Oil Inspectors ....... .. .... ... ... . Railroad Commissioners ............ .. . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Capitol . ........... .... ........ . ... . Library . . . . . . . ............... . ... . Funding . ....... . . .......... ......... . Factory Inspector ........... . ........ . Commo n schools ........ . ........ . . .. .

Hospital for Insane. Middle Tennessee .. . . Hospital for Insane, \~7est Tennessee .... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee . . . .. . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb .... . Tennessee School fo r the Blind .. . . . ..... . Tennessee Industrial School . ............ . State Hoard of Equalizers ...... ..... ... . . State Board of Health .. ...... . ......... . Bureau of Agriculture .................. . Office of Mine Inspector .. .... . . . ....... . Confederate Soldiers' Home ... ..... ..... . Pensio ns to disabled soldiers ............ . Refunded revenue ... . .. . . . ............. . Maintenance of convicts .... ... . : . .... .. . Sinking fond . . . . ..... .... ....... .. ... .

(Continued on page 85.)

5,180 47 8 17 so

9,708 16 1,208 32

200 00 624 99 100 00 60 ()()

250 00 166 66 475 00 475 00 475 ()() 150 00 150 00 141 66

2,344 93 569 43

3,466 60 416 66 100 00 676 66 225 00 335 00 160 00 90 00

305 ()() 60 ()()

113 66 2 70

70 50 1 60

83 33 718 04

25 50 125 35

17 25 162 50

6,691 SI 7,869 42 8,225 56 2,481 83 2,232 47 5,236 09

425 27 268 26

1,141 37 452 98 978 77

61,097 29 4,366 64

16,929 93 18,142 58


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for September, 1906-Continued.

Balance in Treasury October l, 1906 ...... . $1,097,376 99


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for September, 1906-Continued.

National Guard, State of Tennessee ....... $ Publishing Treasurer's quarterly report .. . Public printing ................ ... ...... . Keeper of Archives ...... . .. . .......... . . Tax aggregate .. . .............. . ........ . Insurrection fund .................. . ... . . Blind Girls' Home ........... . .......... . Pensions to Confederate widows ......... .

1,893 08 25 ()() 22 so 60 ()() 3 ()()

1,458 60 44 88

9,206 00-$ 179,505 so

- 86-

Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for October, 1906. .

Trus tees ........... .. . .. ...... . ....... . . $ County Court Clerks ..... .... ... . ... . .. . Ci rcuit Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chancery Court ·Clerks ..•..... .... . ...... . Law Court Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criminal Court Clerks .... ... . . . ........ . Supreme Court Clerks ............... . . . . . State taic, sewing machine agents .... .. .. . S tate tax, charters ........ . .... . ....... . . State tax, news companies .. .. ... .. . .... . State tax, telephone companies . . ........ . Fees, Coal Oil In ,pcctors .. . ..... .. ..... . Fees, Secretary of State ... ....... .. ..... . Maintenance of convicts ... .......... . .. . Office o f M111e Inspector ........... ..... . State Board of Mine Examiners .. . . ...... . State prosccuhons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hospital for T11sane, Middle Tennessee .. . . Hospital for Tn ~ane, \Vest T ennessee . .... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee .. . .. . Tennessee Industria l School. ....... ..... .

3,683 6S 42,228 85 !l,080 S2 l,3iS 22

19 50 1,920 22

998 77 15 00

7,820 SS soo 00

12.iSO 80 807 82

3,817 00 S2,028 20

19 so 180 00 8~2 22

1,862 69 2,221 33

869 98 3,687 05-$ 146,728 87

Balance in Treasury October 1, 1906 .. ..... $1,097,376 99 Receipts du ring October, 1906 . . . . . . . . . 146.728 87-$1,244.105 86 Disbursenwnts clunnl!' October, 1906. . . . . 190,008 61

Balance 111 Treasury No,·ember 1, 1906 .. . . $1,054,097 2S

- 87-

Table No. 1-Continued.


Rccaµitulation of Disbursements for Octohcr, 1906.

State prosecutions ................... : . ~ Interest on State debt .......... : .. : : ... Sal~nes: .Judicial ......... : .... : .... , .... .

J::xecut1n~ . . . . . . . . ......... : . : ....... . Supt. of Puhlic lnstructioo ...... .. .... . Pri~on Commissioners .............. .. . Librarian . .. ...... . ........... . .. . ... . Assistant Lihrarian . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . Attorney Gent'ral and Reporter ... . .... . Assistant Attorney Genera l and Reporter Adjutant General ........ . : . . .. . , . . ... . P rivate Secretary to Governor ......... . Live Stock Commissioner ....... ...... . Coal ()if lnsp('rtor~ ............... . ... . Railroad C<>mmi~sioners .............. . Attorney~ Gt•ncral ...... : ...... . . ..... . Assistant :\ttorneys General ........... . Factory In,pt'ctor .. , .. .. ............. .

Ckrk TI ire: Comf)trvller's office ......... . Trca.;urt>r's nflh:, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary of State·~ office ...... .. .. . . .. . Supt. of P1•hl1c Instruction's office: .. . . . Gon:rnor's office ... .................. . Supremc Court . . . . . .. . . .... . Ra1lroacl Cornmi~sionen, .............. .

Expt'nst · Comptroller's office . . . . . . .... . Tn~as11rer's otlice ...... ............ . .. . Coal 011 Inspectors . . . . ......... . Railroad C.:immissioner~ ..... .. ... .. . Attorney Gl·ncral and Reportl:r . ..... . . . Capitol . . . . . . . . . . .............. .. . Library .. .......... ................. . Fundin~ ........ .. ..... ...... ... . . Legislative misccll;1ncous ............. . Common ~ehools ............ . . . ...... .

Hospital for T nsanc, 11iddlc Tennessee ... . llospit<tl for Insane, \Vest Tennessee .... . Tlo~p1tal for J nsane, East Tenne,;see. . . .. Tennessee Schr.ol for Deaf and Dumb ... . Tennessee School for the Blind .... ...... . Tenne;;see Tnd11,trial Srhool ............ . State noard of Equalizers ......... . ..... . State Roard of Health ......... . ........ . Bureau of :\~nculwre . . .. .. . . ...... ..... . Office of l\Jinc Inspector ................ . Confederate Soldier'>· Home ... .. ...... . Pension-. to disabled !>Oldiers ........... . . Arresting fugitive,, . . . . . . . . . . .. . Refund~<l rcn•nui: . . . . ............ . P ublishing Go,crnor's proclamation ..... . Maintenance of convicts . . .......... . .... . Sinking fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . J ackson's tomb and dwelling ............. . National Guard, S tate of Tennessee ...... . Public printing . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . Keeper v f Archive~ ....... . ............. . Tax aggregate . . . . . . ... : ............ . .. . Bl ind Gi rls' Home ...................... . Pensions to Confederate widows ........ .

17,481 38 44,579 00 9,656 50

916 66 200 00 624 99 100 00 60 00

250 ()() 166 66 150 00 150 00 141 66 255 60 62-1 98

3,399 94 416 06 100 ()() 510 00 225 ()() :\35 00 160 00 30 00

-1(,Q 00 60 00

103 15 26 62 2 00

24 93 83 33

774 78 97 18

129 14 5.000 00

512 82 9,330 30 9,129 02 4.735 92 3.788 27 3.857 05 9,233 07

84 492 23

1,000 35 835 48

1.479 2.2 2,389 94

200 00 255 .16

6 00 39.588 63 13.166 33

)()() 00 1.077 62

30 ()() 60 00

530 25 40 75

794 00-$ 190,008 61


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts for November, 1906.

Trustees ...................... . ......... $ County Court Clerks .................... . Circuit Court Clerks .................... . Chancery Court Clerks ................. . State tax, sewing machine agents ......... . State tax, express companies ............ . State tax, telephone companies .......... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors ............... . Sale of old penitentiary site .. . .......... . Maintenance of convicts ... . ............. . Expense, funding ....................... . I udicial salary .... .. .................... . Hospital for Insane, Middle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Insane, West Tennessee .... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee Industrial School ............. .

9,421 09 54,695 16

993 91 102 39

15 00 2,000 00 1,168 20

208 53 91 10

65,581 47 4 00

208 33 1,922 14

895 00 1,134 68

925 53-$ 139,366 53

Balance in Treasury November 1, 1906 .... $1,054,097 25 Receipts during Xovember, 1906 . . . . . . . . . . 139,366 53-$1,193,463 78 Disbursements during November, 1906.... 109,259 59

Balance in Treasury December 1, 1906..... $1,084,204 19


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements for November, 1906.

State prosecutions ....................... $ Interest on State debt . . ..... . ...... . . . . . . Salaries: ] udicial ... . ..... . . . .... . ...... . .

Executive .... . .......... . ... . ..... .. . Supt. of Public Instruction ........... . . Prison Commissioners ......... . ...... . Librarian ... . .... .. ....... ........ . . . . Assistant Librarian ............. . . . .. . . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Assistant Attorney General and Reporter Private Secretary to Governor ... . . .. .. . Live Stock Commissioner .. ..... . . .. .. . Coal Oil J nspectors ............... . .... • Railroad Commissioners .... . . ........ . Factory Inspector ....... . ... . ........ . Attorneys General .. . .. . ... . .......... . Assistant Attorneys General ..... . . .... . Adjutant General ........... . .. .. ... . . .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's office . .. ...... . Treasurer's office . ..... . .............. . Secretary of State"s office ..... .. ....... . Supt. of Public Instruction's office ...... , Governor's office .... . .... . .... . . ...... . Supreme Court ........ , .... . ......... . Railroad Commissioners .. . . . , ........ .

Expense: Comptroller's office .. , .. ...... . Treasurer's office ...... ............ . .. . Railroad Commissioners ............ , . . Attorney General and Reporter .... , ... . Capitol . . . ... .. ............... ..... .. . Library .... .... .. . .. .. . .. .... .... . ... . Funding .................... . . . ..... . . Shop and Factory Inspector ... ........ . Common schools ......... ....... . .. . . .

Hospital for Insane. Middle Tennessee .. . . Hospital for lnsanc, Vo.Test T ennessee . ... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee . . . .. . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb ... . Tennessee School for the Blind .......... . Tennessee Industrial School . . ........... . State Board of Equalizers ............... . State Board of .Mine Examiners . . ........ . State Board of Health ..... ... .......... . Bureau of }\griculture ..... .............. . Office of Mine Inspector ................ . Co nfederate Soldiers' H ome . . .......... . Pensions to disabled soldiers ............. . Refunded revenue ...... . ...... .. .. .. .... . Maintenance of convicts ..... ..... .. . .... . Sinking fund .. . .. ................ ...... . Jackson·s tomb and dwelling .... . . ...... . National Guard. S tate of Tennessee ...... . Publishing Treasurer's quarterly report. .. . Keeper of Archives ..... . .. . . .. . . . .... .. . Blind Girls" Home .................. . ... . Pensions to Confederate widows ........ . Tax aggregate ....... .•...... . ..... . .....

8,118 10 3,342 ()() 9,208 17 1,499 98

200 00 416 66 100 00 60 00

250 ()() 166 66 150 00 141 66 100 00 624 98 100 ()()

3,191. 61 416 66 150 00 843 32 225 00 335 00 160 00 60 00

440 00 60 00 79 72 49 70

- 1 60 83 33

742 84 48 49

135 43 18 75

596 86 8,338 12 7,827 83 6,546 52 3,895 83 1,476 45 5,720 60

3 60 208 30 269 04

1,145 16 715 97

1,840 48 958 65 591 56

27,080 04 9,470 06

50 00 475 36 so 00 60 ()() 42 25

156 00 221 25-$ 109,259 59


Table No. I-Continued.


Recapitulation of Receipts from December I to 20, 1906.

Trustees ............................ · · .$ County Court Clerks ............... . .... . Circuit Court Clerks .......... : . .. :. : . .. . Chancery Court Clerks . . ........ ...... .. . State tax, sewing machine agents ........ . State tax, insurance companies . . . ...... . State tax, insurance agents ........... ." .. . State tax, railroads .......... .... . .. . ... . State tax, telegraph companies ........... . State tax. telephone companies .... .... .. . State tax, street railway companies .. ..... . Fees, Coal Oil Inspectors ................ . Mobile & Ohio Railroad .... ...... .. .... . Sale of old penitentiary site ...... ." ...... . . 1'.faintenance of convicts ... ... .... ...... . Expense, funding ...... . ........ .. ... . : .. . Bureau of Agriculture .... . ............. . State prosecutions .... . ................. . Tennessee School for Deaf and Pumb .... .

29,954 18 46,366 11

426 11 182 64

15 00 604 31

1.385 00 7,674 54 4,129 54

284 28 5,077 07

15,728 43 7,000 ()()

170 30 95,618 69

27 00 6,497 75 1,308 06

491 06-$ 222,940 07

Balance in Treasury December I, 1906., ... $1,084.204 19 Receipts from December 1 to 20, 1906. . . . . . 222,940 07-$1,307,144 26 Disbursements from December 1 to 20, 1906 143,394 03

Balance in Treasury December 20, 1906.... $1,163,750 23


Table No. 1-Continued.


Recapitulation of Disbursements from December 1 to 20, 1906.

State prosec;utions .... .................. $ Interest on State debt ................... . Salaries: Judicial .... .... . .............. .

Executive . ..... . .................... . Supt. of Public instruction ............ . Prison Commissioners . . ..... ... ... ... . Librarian ............................ . Assistant Librarian ................... . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Assistant Attorney General and Reporter Private Secretary to Governor ...... ... . Adjutant General ..... . ............... . Live Stock Commissioner . . .......... . . Coal Oil r nspectors ... . ............... . Railroad Commissioners .......... .... . Attorneys General ............ ... ..... . Assistant Attorneys General ........... . Factory Tnspector .................... .

Clerk Hire: Comptroller's office .......... . Treasurer's office ..................... . Secretary of State's office ........ . . .... . Supt. of Public Instruction's office ..... . Go"ernor's office .......... . ..... ...... . Supreme Court .......... . ...... .... . . . Railroad Commissioners ... . .......... .

Expense : Comptroller's office ........... . Treasurer's office ............. .. ...... . Railroad Commissioners .............. . Attorney General and Reporter ........ . Capitol .. ....... . .... .......... ...... . Library . .... ......................... . Funding ............................. . Common schools ........... ..... ..... .

Iloi-;pital for I nsanc. J\Iiddle Tennessee ... . Hospital for Tnsant!, \Vest T ennessee .... . Hospital for Insane, East Tennessee ..... . Tennessee School for Deaf and Dumb". ... . Tennessee School for the Blind .. ....... . Tennessee Induqtrial School .. .......... . State Board nf Equalizers ............... . Stat<- Roa rd of Health .... ........ . ..... . Bureau of Agriculture .... . .. ........ ... . Offi re o f Mine Inspector ................ . Confederate Solcliers' Home ............. . Pensions tn disahle<I soldiers ............ . Refunded revenue .... . .................. . Maintenance of com·icts ................ . Sinkini.r fund ........................... . Jackson's tomh ancl dwelling ............ . Kational Guard, State of Tennessee .... : . . Publishing Treasurer's quarterly report. .. . Keeper of Archives ..................... . Tax aggregate ....... .......... ......... . Blincl Girls' ·1 lomc ...................... . Pensions to Confederate widows . ....•....

9,688 63 31 so

8,999 84 1,208 32

200 00 833 32 100 00 60 00

2SO 00 166 66 ISO 00 lSO 00 141 66

2,254 80 624 98

3,191 61 416 66 100 00 676 66 225 00 335 00 160 00 60 00

335 01 60 00

197 91 9 32

13 08 83 33

638 04 73 06

15S 43 21 11

526 35 6,390 02 2,475 40 3,777 11 1.01 s 16

168 25 7S 00

278 S9 910 84 718 88

1,118 10 S8,171 72

246 40 19,149 4-0 7,387 so

so 00 495 23

25 00 60 00

237 ()() 2S IS

8.482 00-$ 143,394 03


Summary of Receipts and Disbursements by Months from

December 20, 1904, to December 19,

1906, Inclusive.

- 94-



Summary of Receipts by Months, from December 20, 1904, to December 19, 1906, Inclusive.

Balance in Treasury December 20, 1904 .. .. Receipts from Dec. 20, 1904, to Jan. 1, 1905 .$ Receipts during January, 1905 ......... . Receipts during February, 1905 ........ . Receipts during ;\(arch, 1905 . . . ..... . Receipts during April. 1905 ............ . Receipts during May, 1905 ..... . ........ . Receipts during June, 1905 ... ... .. . ..... . Receipts during J uly, 1905 .............. . Receipts durinit Aul{ust. 1905 ......... .. . Receipts during September, 1905 ...... . Receipts durin~ October, 1905 . . . . . . .. . Receipts during .:\ovemher, 1905 .... Receipts from December 1 to 20, 1905 . ..

Receipts from Dec. 20, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1906. Receipts during January, 1906 .. . ....... . Receip ts during February, 1906 ........ . Receipts during :\farch. 19Q6 .... , ...... . Receipts during April, 1906 ...... ' ...•. · .. Receipts during :\I ay, 1906 . . . . . . . . . . .. Receipts during June, 1906 . . .. . .... . Receipts during July, 1906 .. .......... . Receipts during August, 1906 .......... . .. . Receipt~ during September, 1906 . . . . . . Receipts cluring Octohcr. 1906 .. -· .. . : .•. Receipts durinJ:' X o-.•ember, 1906 . . . . . ... Receipts from Dec. I, 1906, to Dec. 20, 1906.

Total rC'ceipt~ ......... .. ........... ... .. . Total dishnr~cments . . . . . . . ........... .

Balance in Trea~ury December 20, 1906 . ...

14,000 54 270,967 75 509,7i9 03 763,520 62 265,744 44 160,448 00 133,486 28 234,029 63 165.303 53 120,737 88 165,149 89 111,559 56 192.431 39

162.562 69 176,701 33 522.472 62 6i4.065 8-4 431.250 16 140,8i8 72

$1,129,928 53

·$3,107,158 54

151,i97 84 ·1:; 183,141 38 227,414 03 179,840 09 146.728 87 139,366 53 222,940 07-$3,359.160 17

$7,596,247 24 6,432,497 01

1,163,750 23




Summary of D1:,l.>Urscments by Months, from December 20, 1904, to December 19, 1906, Inclusive.

Disbursements, Dec. 20, 1904, to Jan. 1, 1905.$ Disbursc1rn:nts <luring January, 1905 .. ... . Disbursements during February, 1905 . .. . Disbur:;ements during ~1 arch, 1905 ..... . Disbursements during April, 1905 . . . . . .. . Disbursements <luring )fay, 1905 . Disbursements <luring June, 1905 . Disbursements during July, 1905 .. Disbun;t:ments during Auirust, 1905 Disbursements during St"pt1:mbcr, 1905 . . . Disbursements during October, 1905 .. . . . Disbursements during ~ overnb<."r, 1905 .. .

57,712 73 884,476 97 118,400 98 199,870 76 230,849 90 221,928 86 184J03 69 467.255 94 138.935 62 164,613 30 169,175 13 132.134 44

Disburst:mcnts from Dec. l to Dec. 20, 1905 144,860 41-$3,114,518 73

Disbursemt:nts, Dec. 20, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1906.$ 65,046 11 Disbursements during January. 1906 . .... 1,201,923 41 Disbursements during Fehruary, 1906 . . . 194.417 37 J>ishursements <luring March. 1906 177.267 60 Disburscmt"nts durin,I{ April , 1906 251.229 80 Di:;bursemenLs during May, 1906 . . . . . . . . . 162.836 04 Disbursements during June, 1906 175,916 89 D isbursements during July, 1906 . . . . . . . . . 256,552 71 Disbursements during August, 1906 . . . . . . . 210,620 62 Di~bursements during September, 1906 . . . 179,505 50 Disbursements during October, 1906 . . . . . 190.008 61 D isbursements during .November, 1906 . . . . 109,259 59 Disbursements from D ec. 1 to Dec. 20, 1906 143,394 03 -$3,317,978 28

T otal disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . $6,432,497 01


Itemized Statement of Receipts and Disbursements by Years

from December 20, 1904, to December 19,

1906, Inclusive.




Itemized Statement of Receipts by Y(:ars. from Dcc1:mhcr 20, 1904, to December 20, 1906.

- - -- -- ---- -- -ACCOt:XTi,.

I -;:;:-,r \.;; I coding l>e­

Ct'tnbcr J~.

~------------------~!~ I~

For Y~ar T\odioi: De­c:cmlxr Ill.


TotAI for 'fwo \'f'AIS

·rru~tt"c~ ...... •• . ·· ~. .. . •• . • •... .... . . .•• . .. 1

.~ l .:tt~:! .'''J 07 ~ l.~"i.'-l!• i~ '! ~ 0-11 ;u [;4)

trJ,t~~~r·~~~~i ~11::;; • : :: : : : : • • : ... : •• : : : . ~ • r7~ ~f :;:t 5~~ ~ t~ J 1 ~ ~:: ~~

Ch"11ct:r)· <:our\ Clerks . . . • . .. . .. .. . . . .. . • . .. . " ~'••:!' I I\ l'.11 J~ 16.:!11 lft ~uurt c1rrk~. ••. • .• • . • ·I ;~ .. ; ~ 1 ... 'i 41; r:.1 aa Cnuunal Cnurt Clerks.... . . .. ..... . .. . • ~ . .-dt't ff :-; j~U fi l O,!J..Jl OJ hupremcC.:01111 Clerks •.• .... ~ .......... • •. , 7.~:l~ 7~ 1 .:;1,~1117 ll.W2 1&. :-;tatc Tax. ~t:":in~ )fnch!tu.~ <.:ompnnies. .... .. . },lMl uo

1 l,401 ,,., J ,~~o t~•

::.tJl<" Tax. ;;c\\ '"" ;\!ad1111c Ag"ent>.. . . . . .. .•. .-.1r. ml r.Jfl llJI 1,1•.!ii m Slt<lc- Tu, H~nb, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•• I :; lll~I OI . . ••• • •• • ••••. :1.1•10 ()) Slate TRx, Medicme Compl\111~' •• .. . • • • •••. •••• • • •··I I IHI 10 J , 1lC1I w ~t.1tc- Tax. Jn!'tut;\nCe <..:ompau1e~- ••.• .. . . • •• • :!J';' ,,""1111 It' :!:;7\..,~q 171 -1?'.!i _77t J;l ~t;\te Tax, lu~ur.tuce Agent!I ••• .. ..... • . . .• • ••• l:!,:,.'\r.! !OI l:! .fr..'7 r,141 :!;) -~~Oil ~latcT:i.x.Ch.•rlt-r~- .................. ... , 11 n.:,(·!'1 n;ic ~:t i; Ju1:?:>t,t1t ~toitr: 'Lu:, ~"''·:-. C'nmp;uucs.. •• . .. • . . . • • .. . • :! tfi1 111 I rio.1 10 :;.nn 1.0 ~lnl~ Ta~. Rai1ro;id4ri ••. . •. . . . ... . •• • • . .•• • 210,!c\;; :..~ II ~:..1 ,~-,0 rjal tir. .~ta i!I MM!<' Tact. s.trccl Rn1lwny C~IUIJ'lllics .•• ••..•• ··1 ~ IH ;-.. ~~I (!°~I 01 :ll ,71:1 -~ ~lhtc ~a. )., .1.:x vrc~s Co~upa1ne~ ._. ... .•.• • • •• . .-t_1ffi cul ti tUJ (Jl ll , t:.111) (~ l>l:ll • IR'<, l el<KtA!'h ~0111plUllC~ •• ·•· • . • • ti , l~it ._) H 7\l!l 1:11 l~ , \r-~1 :!:\ !"t-•lC 'fnJl'. Tdc.:ph o ut- CompauiC'~ ..... .•. • • 1, f.2".I 4:! :!l.( ij~ u,:1o.u ~l ~lnte Ta~ . ~k~p~ns;.: Car C'nmµnnic~ : ·.· .. .. •• i t r.u• 1u :!_ !'~If t•I !lJIUJ (lJ Stale Tax. }hllh.hng :01d Loan A "-..;.oc13r:oas • !j l.i-.'""1 UI ~ jl~f ~11 l\ ,:!'!".! r10 n~liuq11c11t T14x ••• .• l 1•,ut ''tl 11;; (•.f 1.77a !ci p'-=~ ... U111ldi11t; au<l L,vau A~cood.'\tions. . .. 11:! 00 llfi !ill !t .. ....-1 flt Ff'l,.., Jn·,nuuce (Ompauir..:.. i,(lf:! ~fl l 4 ,04~ !.~I PrC's. coal Oil lnttpcctor... . .••.• • .. ... • .. .• ~ft~~'\ 111 ····.,f\,;i.w.f• " 5.:?'J7 i.l J·ct-... ~rcrc:tan· of ~tat~. • :~n . t:'"'-' M ltJ ,!r.!I :!-""• :37 1 :~ t'.CI Salt "9f <1ld l'ti•itcuti~r~· ~iLe • • · . .... .... r1.:!ii tl'j •>•'ft" 'h< 7, fi l~t '-1< )J:iiutcnan~e r,f tonvict~ . . . fl?.: :~1 ~~ t"Ci:itil\ ~1 1 11l2U .i~ ra f'u1Hhut:: 1-:xpt:U'!.t- .... •• .. • • t .... 2 iKI ii ••11 :!'" .. "11 fl'I H.U!l'a11 uf .-~~ricultnn:.. • • ••• • . .. . :M . tt,"~ :!:,1 Hl.{•lj fill -IU ,"fii" iO Oflu.:·~of :i.11:1f" l11 1ipt:Ctor... u I :.,'11, ro l , I~!• tllt :! .~ {.0 !'"ilR.t~ Jloo.lfrl of :\h:dical F.'t'.:Jmincrs . •• :_).',o oo • • • • • • :!!"JC) tu ~late U•JJHd of i:!';lnuli.nuiu~t ··~·· •••• ••• •• •••• i ::;~ 011f •••••••• :·· :.'i'tl C•l Stal~ Bt>:i.rd of )lJnt: F,xam1nc1" . ..... • • . . . Jt.~l t•l t'-• on !t,."!tl _., ;;1atc rni.ccu1io11, • . . . 11.011 ~'"j 11 . 1~11 m 1;.1m1 1:1 IJospllal Jn,anr , ,,liddl., T~un~•~ct!. ...... ltt , J117 Ill 2ll.~I:! Iii 311 :)'20 :Ill llu~pilal 111!-iauc: . \\.'c.·c:.t 'l'cnnc:; ... rc. ..... .... . HI t>lH tif~ 1.~ . J !',:l In ::r.' .~n 7G HO~)Jital I11"°'a.11t·. 1 ~.a!o<t Teunt·,,ec • . ... .. t;{ ,HIH ~ ~I J,) 11:1t !'.I\ l~.s.<10 Mt 'l"cnnc.;...,t.:l." SC'hl.)(":ol lur P~Af and Onmh . .. ...... , J ::ti 711 7t~~ f,j, 2, Jla al Tenn••~<' ~hool lor nhad . •••••• . ~~~•\Ill l . fl'ilt m

1 ;um 1il

"l'enoe•-t<: lndu•ln• I "<:hool. • •• • • ... . •••••• •• • 11 ,:nt :11 :!'! :1111 i.;; ;J;!.titli Ill Con(f'd\.rBte ~)hlirr~~ Home- •.•• . ~ CL'l1 tH~ 17,. r .... ,J ~2 Kf'fuudt!d Rc\'~nuc • 1:.?I •• •• • • l::? s.uvrem_c l'.0.1111 Ket":'' t• ·. . . . ..... : . . . .• . . •. •.. .u1~ !.":


· · I lt>2 I() 1 cn_n~·:-...,f-. c.: c..:on1. m1~~101.1 '\'\ orld s ,t;Air ... .........

1 .tlU '" •. . ··:· •,·• trJ.1 M

Jt1d1C1nl ~>lar~· .. . • . • . . ••. . •. • . .• • :)l'! .~J :ll ~ :~l }'ens.ion' tu nis~'hkd ...,old1~r... .... .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. ... •• ••• lO i(I, JU f\) 1•c11•1vu" to C.:unfc~<"f'.•l~ Widows .• .....•..• . •••

1. . ... .. . . .. I l!l UIJI 16 Ott

C°'<l Oil Jn>!>"~lor • .s..lary • • .•. .• ••• •••• • •.••• •• ...... • :!1111>1 2-' Oil M oh1kl\nd Ohio w_,ulruad • . •. . •.. . •. •• • • •• ••· • • • ••••• 1,IUI ltt'I 7 .WI llU \'oluutetr Army. Tcnuc~ ... cc ..... . ....... .. .... , .. •••• •• .. . 1 l"i 7'


1~ N Comptrol_lcr's office E"<pc:n'e .............. . ... •••. .. .•.••...

1 Ill•••, JO llU

Jatcr.-1 school Fund . • • • • . . ••• • .. . .... .. .. . :.:.::.:.:.:._· ·.:..:..:._· G,"11 !Il l G Ml Ill

Total ..•. •• •• •••••• ..•••.•• •••• .•... • ..•• ······I l>J,11.'i" p, :>4 ~.:'..'iU , HIU J7 p!01tjrl ;)JI< 71




Itt!mizcd Statement of Disbursements hy Years, from December 20, 1904, to December 20, 1906.


Stale Prosei:ulions .............................. . lnler<"st St:ite o~l>t.. . . ..... • ..... . .. . ........... Intere,t !'> T. Huut Funrl . . . ... •• •.. ....•.... lnlcr<:>l ~chvol Pun<l ..................... . . , • 5cbool Pnn<l, Surµlw, ....... ... ....... . ... . .. . 5alaric>. J u<lici<d .. . . .. . . . • . . . • . . . . • . . . . ••.• Salariei-1 Hxf:l'cutive . . . . • • . . . . . . . . ....... . SAlarit:s, Superiutc:11rle11t PulJhc ln~tn1<:tivu . . . Salari4..:g. Pcnite-utiary Lowtnis~iouer~. .. .. . .. . ti .. 1la1 irt!'oio, l.1Uru.ri:iu . . • . . .. .. .. .. . .. . Salarit-s, A-.;~i~l;lnt l,ihrarian . ................... , Sa lane,,, Allorney <;cncral aud Reporter... • Salarit::-.., .\e>~t. \ttorney Geu~ral anrl Reporter Salaries, ~upl . .H.ospilAl fn'\ane, .Mid<llc Teno .... Salarfos. Supt. Hospital Iu..ine, ~'l"Sl Teun .....• Sa.larie~. ~upt . .H.u~1J1ta1 lnsnnf", F.~~t Tenn .. ,,, .• ~alaric~, Adjutant <7c.:Jlend . . . . ...... . Salarie~ . .Private Secret~ry to (i.ovcrnor ..... . . . Salaries. l,ive ~tock. Cou11ni~c:.iv1u•1· ._ .... . . .... . . S-tlarieo;., Cu:il Oil Iuspectors .. _... . . .. . ....... , ~l:irie.3, Railr()ad Commi~1uners ..... .......... . 5ala.ries. Attornt!y~ Gc·ue1~l . . .. ... .......... . ~a1aries . ..-\'-~i.stanl 1\ttorney~ Gt:ueral ..... .... . . Salaries~ FA.ctory aud Shop ln.,pccior .. . ...... . Clerk Htrc, Com p1ron~r's Office ........ ; . . . . ... • Clerk. Hi 1 t-, Treasurt:r's Of'lice- ............ . Clerk Hirt. >;ccrdary <>f State'• Office .......... . Clerk Hite, 5upt Public In~trm.:liou's Office .... . Ckrk nir~, Gnvtrnor'::i Office .. .. . ··- ..... .. Clerk llln.:, Suµrcwe:- Coun ..... . ......... . . Clerk Hire. R•ilrood Commi..sioncrs• Office ... • Exµeo~. Comptroller'" Office ..... . ......... . F.xpen.,c. ~rn:a..,urer·s Office . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . lixµen"C', St<"r~t~ry of ~talc's Office ...... ... . . . lixpen~c.;. Coal U1l ln~pec:cnrs . . . ....... . . E~peu~e. J<.allt-oaci Commb .... ioners· Office ..... . Ez:pcnsf', Attnrney General 1.lr1d Rep<Jrkr ... . .. . F.xPCUSf", co,·ernor·s Office . . . . . ...... . .... . Expen:;t:. ~uµrcme Court ............... ... .. J:::xvcnc.t". C':..pitol . .. .. . . .. . . ............. . . T'.:Yp<.:D~I"". r~ihnHy ... Rxf)f-11!-.C, runtliug . . .......... . :Cxpen•e. Shnp an~ Facl!>ry In•pector ....... . Ex.pens~. L~g1.slal1vc, l\t1scellancous .. ......... . Erpense, f,egislati\'e. Per Oiem an<'t Mileage .. Exi,.v•u..,e, Cnm111on Schoolc:..... .. .. ... . Hospital f.,r lu,aue. Mi~nlc 'L'cnncssee ......... . Ho~pitnl for Tnsa.ue. \Vest Tennf"~see .......... . Ho~pital fur l11~n~. Fai;.t Ttnncs..,ee ......... . Tenness~c- School for Deaf anci Dumb ......... . Tennessee School for Blind ........... •• ... . • , Tennessee Inrlu•trial School . . . .. Slate Normal Coll~<!e.. .. . . . ...... . .• . .•. . ..... St.ate Ronni of Equalization .................... . StRte noarrl uf :IIiue Ex11111iners .........••..•• , . State l!oard of Ticatth . . . .............•........ . Rure:au of Agriculture:...... . ........ . .. ...... .. Offic<' of Jlline Inspector ..... . .... , ...... ....... . Dure:tu of P~n~ions....... . ............ . ..... . . . Confederate Soldiers• Home ......... .......... .. Pen•ions to Di•Rhlcrl Soldiers • ............••. P"nsions tn Confederate Widows .......... . .... . Arre<ting Fugitives • • . . • . . . . . . • . .• •......•• Refunded Revenue ......................... . .. . YUblishing G<>vernor's Pr-oclnmRtiou ......... .

For Year I Ending Ile· C~Ulbtl l\i,


For Y('~r I llnding D~· c<mhet 19,


Total for Two


3-Jll .f.~l.'i 'tl ll."1i .~H 00

1.j.i lt) :!l\7, tl\11 ll!l ·~ :~i1) 80 ~!:_;.(J7:; l'i :!';. ()111 ::u 1.tJt~l M

lii.~1(1>, '"J •) ·~ti 'l., j'.jw t•I 6.!ro 00 •j ·~··· 11!1 s:~)i oo :l,81.•l 00 3,l«l 00 :l,OOU (I() :: f~lO 00 $,SIJ;J :!O

21.1:!{1 43 14,IH;J Iii ~l.l!fR 16

(l,IJllll '>1 ii. r.oo 110

11;.rev "1 :>.:HO l•l ~.1\.1() 00 a,HIO (lO 1 ,410 I() !l,fi:ffl ~~2 l:!mm a r'fl n

i>.1 m 2 .5:!! -.::l

llifi ~2 I :r.:1 1 ~1 2,111 ?l 1,tr.1 !!I'! !\[~xi

JS "711 :;o l! .!ti(\ (ti R.7JJ 7tl

:!1:!% 1(\,4(!.I n1 ~ti,!JUI 72 25,012 KT

152,7'>1 31 15Q.4g\) OH 161! 11\.'i 30 1"2.000 "7 t-11.llJOO

li>4 .:'\;!II t17 h,llf>l 50 1.1~6 41

75:1 :u lll.1!7:1 53 32.~20 ~) 111, li8 71

720 1:; :r! !Kl M

484 .260 111 a.!. JIU 00 ) .b«I m

l'0,501 93 uuo


Table No. 3.



Attorneys• Fee•....... . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. Maintenance of Convicts ............. .. ... .. ... . Supreme Court Reports . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. ... .. Bank of Tcunesscc Money , Certificates canceled Sinking Fund ........... ···:" .................. .. Jackson'~ Tomb and Dwelhug ....... ...... .... .. National Guards, State o f Tennessee ........... . Publishing Trea~urer's Quarterly Report .. ..... . Public Printing ............. .... ................ .. Keeper of Archins ............................. .. Ta.x Aggregate . .. .. .. . .. .. ..... ..... .......... .. Mobile and Ohio Railroad ............ .. ......... . Slate Board o f Ex11miners ................ .. Volunteer Anny of Tenn~ ... ....... ..... ... . Purcha.~ o f J,and ............................... ..

~n:;,,·~:'rfs~'tl:;;,·:.~ ~~~'.".'.~~~~~~: -~~~~-~~-::: · Acts ......... .............. ....... . Tcnnc,....c.c Commission , World's Fair .......... . Insurrectlou Fund ...... ..... ... . ............... .. Emergency Fund ......... . ........... ......... .. . University o f Tenneuee ........................ ..

lt~or Year For Year ending ne. F.nding De­cemb<:r UI. cembc r Ill,

lllU"1 11106

500 00 7ro 00 lt!;l,18j 71 82'!.117\l w

lJ 71\11 fill 2.1~ 00 >'500 .......... .

:!00,277 19 SU ,tm Ill l 100 1).1 "~ 00 11.r.~ ~ rn .aoo m

ic•1 l•l !JOO IX ~.;J71 7ll :1()1 77

7ll:I l!O 7:.~I 00 IXl4 211 l , 0011 50

3,625 00 :l.~ 00 64-1 711 l~ 68

l,2107l! 176/tl l~,(X'() I~ .... .

200 fl() .. .. ~ll ~ l l!.i:l lir> ()4" :!.\ Mi.>

l ,l500 dV ............. . 11,(111 :Iii 6,290 ll!I

75,000 00 .......... . . . . .. .... . . 25.000 00 ---- for Two


l ,2Ji0 00 llM.003 ;j;j

6.247 5dl H500

1,1 11 ,DlO Ill l,hOO 00

211,M 33 700 00

l!,R7G 50 1 .453 ro 2,lW 75 7 ,2.50 C.l l ,OOI -13 l ,<ll7 511

18,000 00 llOO 00

l.7•:14 Ill 1.UXl 00 1 .6.~ tlll

Ui,373 73 75,IXX> ()() ~.IXXl 00

Total. ......................... .... .............. $.1 , tH ,/jl!! 7:1 SJ.317,m 211 $6.4-'l'.!,4li7 01


Classified Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements from

December 20, 1904, to December 19,

1906, Inclusive.




Classified Schedule of Receipts from December 20, 1904, to December 20, 1906.

· - - - - ----ACCOO:OTS

For Fi«:1tl I !'or 1-"iscal I Tota l f r Y~ll• Ending Y~ar Ending Two Vc~rs Dec 10. JUO:J Dec. HI, l!le)fl

- - -----Tkl"STEO:S "'"'CLERKS- I J

T.rll Slfl:t'~ ·• ·.··· . . .. .. . . ....... . .. . · · ·······- ~l.:!'1~.k~:! er, $1 -n .... ~5!) 4ff f'l,5H 7-11 00 Coun~y l:(_·urt Clerk~ .. ....... ... ... . ... ... . . .. r.:i 1 .:!ii1~ ~\J.) t,r.?[l J!f I 11~ .2' ~J M CttCllll Court Cl('t k• • . . ... . ....... ••••. •• , Ul lil o ·~ ~'<.\fi7 l~ · !'1i.ff.~I i8 ChAncery Cnurt Clerk.-,, ... ,...... .. .............. H ~.-,o :~1 tf \~IJ p~ l!i.~41 .Jd J,:nv Conn Clerks..... . . . . . . ................. · · ;J(~I 281 Ii>'! c•> ~>fil :~J <.:rimiMI Court Clerks............................ 2 .:;.ir, 47 :1 .71111;1 1);1-JI OJ Supr~mc Court Clerk.s . . . .. . . . . .••• . . . . . . . . . • . .. . ; .!;;12 7~ 4 &OO 1171 JJ.lllt! 1;i

l'otal .... 1-- 1- -1-•• .. . ..• • • •.. .•. • .. ~) k7tl . 4iCl 1:11 ~l.lllll , lflfi :;1. ;<;l .!ll\l ~7!; ll7

CoReow-\ no~s- . . / SlAt" Tux. b~wJnl{ .:\l;.tcluue Compa111e!·~ . . .. . . .. . . ), . ...,.l.l Oii ~ I ,OllO <•l ! 1. ~W) tll ~Wt< T ax., S~w. iog ~fachine Agent• ........ , . . . · 1 !il» 00 .>JU (Xl!.'i 00 Stale T•'r, Hank.s ..•... · ..... · • · · · • · .. · · · ·. • . •• · · · 8 .000 00 . . . . . .• . . . .• • a.000 !Xl SlRlC' Tax. rn~nti:inc~ Comµ~uie~ . : . . .••. .. . . ~Ji .1'"'11l f\lo( ~r; Rr~ t7 -i:>5,7.I 10 St.ate 1~ax I n surance Agcnt'1i. . • . ...... . ... . . 12.~ .. r.! :10 J:! .\r'.l7 l'Al ~.:!'.?H f(I Stnle Tar, l:harler~ . ... ..... .. . ...••. . .... 14 l\~I ;.,, t1:l.m·1 Ii 1"7 .:1"211 0'2 Seate Tai., News t:orupanie~ . ··· · ..... · · ··· ' 21K•I C" U\(lfl m! :l .fiCKl llCJ Slate TaY, Railro•cl• . .. . ••• • · ·•· · ~HI !"'I ~6 :!:II <,•jO r>1 ·If~ '<13 70 ~t:tte 'fax~ ~t1·eet Railway Comµanics . . . t.111 ;s ~· rr,!t ot !{J _fl:J t..-2 Stale Ta,, l!xpre,• Compauie~ fj 1011M•1 ti t.Ol CUI 11.U .. I m SlAI~ Tax, Tcleg rnph Corupan!cs ... . . ··· ···· G,l:J11 l'O 11 , 7!~ 1 1:; W, l>:!tl 23 Stale Tax reteµh oue Companie• )I< 5:1!l ~~ 2:1 ().3 1 5~ Jl .i'-0 1•1 Sta t e Tax, sk.epi11g C<trt: .. mpan.ic> ·: · · ••·• •• ...


. t.:~u CJJ 2 ;;m Cit) l'i.CKIO 1l0 .Stole 'J';u . . Ru1ld1n)( aud T.n:iu .As~1at10u . ·· · · · ;; 4~i t•I :? if)i ,'"jl) I) .... ~, fj)

Slat~ T a :r, Medicine Com1><wies •... ··•· ··· · ··· . ·· :..:..:..::.:.: .:.:· 1·-- l .trn '"I l :I.ti 01) Totnl . .............. ·· · · · ;;;:.~1,1~1 w :<t\:t.I 11_...,_11_•._s_1_._m_~_,_"-"3:_2_.i.1

lli~l~~~; Rnd r.oau A<socialions. . . . . . . . . . .... · l S 11~ ri0I ~ llli '.<1 i :!'.~1 00 Iu~uran('t' Lompnnie~... . . . . . .••. . . .. . . . t .Oel :..~ . . . . .. . . . J .042 ~' Coe I Oil ! 11•p<'"Clor• . • .••••. . . .. ... • ... . .. , 3!• .~~ Cll u; :J,.19 71 Nl.:!lli 76 Sf!cn:tt1.r)· nf Stalt: . ........ .. .... · · · ... .... · · 1- :!U, tr·" :i'l


1 tr, !r.H Z.l a7 l~'2 60

Total _·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_· _ _______ ~~-"-n_r._1 _1.; ~•L:Vil ~n 1 -:<J:!i' . ll.I~ ~

Ho<pitnl ln<an e. )Iiddk "fenne>set. . . . ... $16 iu; !» ~~l .2!2 ~r, $ P>\l :t.!O ;3',l CFI.-\. RJTABLE & .l:;DUC .-\"rIOSA.L lNSTITOTlONS-1 I

Ho~p1Lal Io""anc, l\'e!>o t T co11essee . . . Hl +i1n f~\ I~ 1.1:! 10 :r; '··Ol 7ti Hospital ln"'anf" . .1:£abl Tt-nnt..~~cc. I;J ~tit ~ ;-U rn.n:~1 .-..; ~"" \L°""M 1'\~f T School tor Ueaf a net Oum\>. l ;;.t7 ;.1 7f•'i 7-ri t lJ:J :ll School for the l:Hin<l .. . i .~16 Ul l l !oNl 1;.1 :.l,!tTi 51 l'cuncssc~ Tndu<trial School ...... . ...... . .• -. . 11 . ~'IO :u ~2 :rn1 80 ;~J C!Vi 19 Con feder.ttc Soldier<' H ome.... . .. .... ...•.. · · s Ct; c;t;; 17 •l-~I 22 J'ensious to l'.onfl'"<l~rak Soldier. ..• • •.. • · • • • •· •· l l1l CMl Ill m P ension• to Confederate Widows . . . . .. . . . . 15 ()l u; i.1

·1~otal . .. . . . ~~~~~'~ ~ ~7~ ~~a:? ~1.f;i.:i:JY ~) STATE T'K.ISON­

·Maiutenance of CotH'ictK


· · · · · · · · · · · · · ······· .... I $-"\:l:l.:tit ~91 ~®. ~1111 &I . $l,l:!tl.i~ 7'J

A C R.t CU l.TU"R.A.1 D£-PARTMENT­ I n_u_re_au_o_f Agricultur_e_. _·_·_· _ . • .:_:_:_ _ •. _._·_· ·-·-·---.,.--$2::....cC)c.:·c.97_1 ~-' -~·...,•':--_,$_HI_. _OC_.l5_-_~_17) __ $4_H_,s_r_,_79

COt:KT COSTS State Pro,ecutiou• • ..•. . . ..•. . .... •• ••........... Salaries, Judicial ...... • . ••.. . ..•. • .. . .. . ...• . ...

Total. . . . . ..........•.......•..•.... • . ·• ····

$1\,(•l 1 :JI)

1-1<). 014 :!I.I $11 ~!ll ~>ii

$1',Ul(l 1:1 ~ 3:l

$ olQ




Clas~ified Schedule of Di~bursements from Decemhcr 20, 1904, to D<."cemher 20, 1906.

I r•lr Fi.::. .. 1 I For J'iocal y.,ar liudinic Yc:ir :Cndini: Occ. 1\1 11•15 Ike. IV, l\(Jrl

Total for Two'

t,;11ow1- LfJS.To; State .Pro~C"Cutiuns ...... . • .... , judid:il S.!11\ri"' . . . • .••.•..•. Atlonu.:yti Gcocr~\I S)f;lark;~ . ......... . . , . ... , .. . Ac.;.'>i.~t:int A\t1)111t:yb Gcuernl Sals.ries .... . All1noey Gt"n\:ral and Reporter'~ Salary . .... . 1\-si,t;int Alluru.,y r.~n'I 1111'1 Reporter·~ '3alnryl ~ltorn(:y Cenerat. ancJ Rt" porter·~ J-o'.xpens~ .. ... . ~UilTcrn~ Court 1'.xpeu~e.. ... . .. . .. , ....... . Suµr ·mf" C..:ourt, Clt'lk lhre.. . .......••......

~lt~). "-"lll 1:, f!l:.'O f;I,'; ts:J ll!l.l~l ;Jtl :!.al.Iii!; 17 111.~9011,j l>O.:t.:iG w ~ l•W \\~ (1 ~119 "'1 :1. C'Kll• l•J i; 1ni oo 1 ~ft ~~ UN gi; :! OtiU :Jl 0.~ IH ~.1;23 01 9X~I \I~

_To"1 ...... ... ·.:.:...:..:..:.:.: .. : .. : .. :: ................... -I f;J;J'J 216 d---;:ii1 f\;"ltl O'J

'"TEREST P.-Y'411S'TS- I ' lntere>l. Stnle Ucbt ••.. •. . . •.. • •• f!~.i'S.l ••1 '1170.~"" I•• $9Si.~lll (JI) Iul"' .,,l, S "!' Huut Funt! . . . .. . HI !ti .. •• • • • •. . • lll lG

·ro1.,1 ••••. .... •••• .• .. ..................... !~~; ;:;;;- rnl ~ '"'l~ ..;i:;-jij '."CHOO!. 11l' NO ----- - --, - -- - I

Inter<st. Schuol T'un<I .. . .. . .... . • .. .. . .. . .. . .. :>lill .6i~ 77 1 >IX-! il9 J~. ~ 2117 !!Ill 89 Surplu'-. School Fund... . . .. . • ... . • • 1.. I~' tl"U :'.II :!VO C~Ml t.i 71"' :lN.l :lO

Total. .. • .. .. .. .... • .................. I $Ml l"I" 117 ~q2.i19 1:il $1 .~ UI

SAL.\.RIY-!--- I I ---i,;,tc·nll\'C •• . •••• . •.• •• ··- . . ... ...... ~H .o1mj~ $14 , 1111111·1 $:!1'.~\11311 Supcrhtt<"11rle~1t .l'uLhc Jnir.huction •••. . • .•.. •. •. :Ll."t_'.fl 1a :!,JOO tll)• .f,fitid t;.l .Pr1~)n Curnm1~s1ou~r~. .... • .... .. • ... .. . . 7 ,70"-i ~1 7. It~~~ Jft.~.tt1.o, 09 J,ihraria n .,......... .... • .. . ..... ...... ... J.1:1:1 l\2


l 21MI 001 ·• 3.~l ~2 .h>ISlAUt l,tl>ranw... ......... • • ... ... 7;!() oo · 1~~J{MI i ·~lfJ(l Surclint.,ndent 110,µ1lal In.,111e. Mi<idleTeun .. I.ill" on J ,IL(lO On 3 .'4•100 S11~rintend.,11t 11 0,µi lAl ln•ane. West l"cnn ... l ,\lm m I ,!IOO IMI a."00 l~I Superintendent Ho>pitnl Insane. J::,1•t Tct1J1 .... J !lt\I C~I l .l•MI 00 3.>-1111110 Adjutam Crncral. .. . • . . J ,,,.., 1•1 l,!-00 00 :l,tlflO 00 Pri\'Rle s~crctnry tu t;o""' nor . l,><llO m: I ,'i! IO m a oon Ofl ..,tock Commis•ioner .... .. . l .tci:I ~

1 1 ,1>\l!I II~ 8.R;l;l l!\J

Co•IOilluspector<.... ... ...... .. .... ........ 10 , •\l!l~ti Hl.><2•117 21 t:IV4!l Rnilroad \:0111missio11~1s .......... .... 7 ,111\l 71• 7.111 ~I JI.If.I~ !17 Factory J11>1><:ctor ... .... . .. ....... , __ 1 ;)Ill Cl() 1.~''° CW• ~ .. -;Ill 00

Tula I . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . • . .. ... . .. .. .. .... .. • . iM.675 !Ill' $~0.7110 0~ i'll8, lt\ll Ill

l.'LERJt llJRH- ~ Comptroller's Offic., . .. . . • .. .... . .. .... ..... .•. $ 7.111\l g~ · J •..i 19 O:! $ l~ l'11ll M Trea:;urrr'' Office. .. ... . .. .... .. • • • .. .. .. ~. •Ill) ti() :! 700 tlOI J,:!40 00 Sccrct:tr\' uf StAte'• Offic" ... . . . •• . . . . , , .. , 1.0~~1 CMI 4 lr!O Ott 8,010 00 Suµcriutrndeat of Public Iu,truction'> Office.... 1. ft2ll 1~1 1 , \1~\1 01 :l,'<10 00 Gov~rnur'' Of!lcc • , • • • • .. • .. .. • • ... . . .. .. .. .. 'i"~,ll••1 i:!l'I 1-1 I HO 00

R~:::d Com~~~i~•:~~:~.~~~-~ :::::: ::.::: ::::::1 Hi:~:~ ~.~: :~i· ~ ~ E:-::t•t-.:!\:SB· I ' Comµtrollrn Office.. ...... ... .... ............. I ~ . :?33 ;f.l $I ~7 18 $ a.7'<1 77

Trea•urer•s Office .. .... ... ........ .... .... . • flOll '-1 llY.J 19 R71 00 secretary or State'> Office. •••• ... ... ..... ..... l.~'- :;:ii -,;.; ao1 :! !i24 ~ Railroad Co111mi••io11.,r'11 Office. •• .. .. . . .... . .. I .Ill 31\ :?t~l &' 1 37:1 l>I Cn,•crnor's office . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . J . 1111 :11 1:15 1>11 I 2-~1 ~ Coal Oil ''"l><CtO<' . • .. . .. .... . . .. .. ..... m -,71 !!76 7,; 117U 62 Capitnl .. ..... ... ................. . ~ .w:. ;:; 11 1>-0 r>1 l..,,1;711 :io Lihrary. . .................. l.~001>


> o,;;:~~ 2:!11103

~l~~~~n~ ·r.-~·c·t~ry In"~clor. ··: ·: ::::::::::~::::: ~,J~ ~ 1 ~~ ~t 3 i~~ ~ Common ,..chools .•• .... .... ...... H OIQ :~~ _ 111.011a 52,~012 l5i

Total. .. . . .. . ........ .. .. . .. . • .. .. . .. . .. .. .. $3.'i Oil t>~ S2!\ ,;'13J 77 $00,67.1 45


Table No. 4-Continued.


Classified Schedule of Receipts from December 20, 1904, to December 20, 1906.


Mt!;C£LLA.NEOt•s-Deli.11que11t Tax . . .. . . . . . . . . . • . . •...•...••.• Sale of Old P • nltenliary Sile .....•.•.. .......... l'undh1rc Ex pen,.., ........ . . . . .... . . . ..... . Office of J\Iine lnspe<:tor .......... . .... . ........ . St<1te Bonrd o f Medical E xamine rs ...... • ... .. •.. Slale Board of P:9ualiza1io11 ..... . . . .. ..... ... . Stale Iloard of Mtne Examiners ......... .. .... . Refu nded Revenue . . ......••. Supreme Court Report,; . . ... . ...... , , . Teune-.sef' Commission. "'ortd'~ Pair ....... .

~;~;~1~!,i:n~~i~~~G~~::r :::: :.::-.·.:::::: Volunteer Anny of Ten'nes•ce •.......... Comptroll~r'• Office 1'xpen><: ......... . ... .. . .. l nterc•t School Fund.. . ......•... . •..•.

Tobi. ....

l'or Fio;cal l'or f'i'><:al \'ear Ending.Year E n rling

December D~cen1ber Jg, 19111; )g, Jl,l(lfj

$ 1,l'IN) M l $ 1117 IJI; i>.:!<i .~,. ~.l.'<\loi :!X

Ill:! f".:l' 77 Ill U!11i W l , 1r,111))

!ffi(I (XJ .••• " .• • , "•. 276 00 . . .. • . . .. 46.5 00 !!Iii •••

~t ............. . ~(j2 ~-: ••••••••••••• .l:!ll.-• .) •••••••• •• ••••

$1~ . 'il7 W>

:!:, tu ; ,tlJU ti)

l~O i"-111 IKI

0~1 Ill

Totnl for Two

Y car!i

f. I ,;;:; \Cj i .M.,~ mm

2,1\116W· :?,"~\ I~) :!in U) \Jljl) (11

4:! lfl:! 10 :1:.~1 :;.~ :!-.) ti)

7' ,JOI UJ NI i~

lll 4ll o.r.n u1

1$.\<li 117


ror 1-·iscal Por Pi5eal

ACCOU~TS Year EndinglYc• r F.ndinir Dttcmher llcc~mher

19, 1000 19, 19(-1

Total for Two Year ..

----------------- --1 -- - -·-----Trustees aod Clerks........ ....... . . . . .. . .• • Corporation-. ....... ... ....•••. . .................• Fct-< . . .. .•• .•••..•••.••.••••••.•..•.•.••.••• Charital>le and F,ducalional Institutions .....•• • Maimcnance o f Convicts ....... ....... ... ..... . A~riculturn.l U<::pnrtmcnt . . . . . ........•........ Court Co;;l< , . . . ................. , . . .....•.... Mis.eel ln11cous....... . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ......... .

Total. .. .. . .

i'l , '<711. lifl ):l $1 140 ' lt•'I !'>.! S:.~·.~~l !P!'I tt:":: , H~ 1d

IH .r~a I ii m :N •!I t'W. tJj~ ~ 'i~ ·"~ :t!

.~:?:l.!l~l 1'\I 11UJ.Jlj(} !<I ~'ti,W2 25 10.!•I!; f>I ll.011 t~I 11.l<HI 2'1 l~ , 717 (Ill l~ .~111 i2

~l.l<HI . !ii!i ITT J , lfi:! .~t2 t5

l:!7 ,!11:t t\t . u:J . r~m :io 1,lirl 7"" ~{

HI ~77 711 17 >.ti HI atum 111

$l , I07.1~ !;.I $l,ll5ll.l1WI 17 $6.41~ ~II\ 71



ACCOUN1"S I For F iscal I For FiS<:al I

Yt:ar E nniu g Year l!nding Dec. 19, 1906 Dec. Ill, 1!!06

AORIClJt.TUR..AL llEl'AltTMENT- I l.lnreau of Agriculture .................... , .... , .. $L6.(N) li:)I $16.4~o ~I

l,EClSLATl\' t•:-Per Die1u a u dMilenge, Regular 8ession ..... •• • &1iscellaneous, Regular Sl!ssiou . . . ............ .

$4-0.:m 12 ............. . 41 ,4\H 61 $0 ,000 00

Totnl ......... . $'-7 ,lili\! "i'J $.'i,000 00

Total for Two


~.520 llO

$16,<Jli.I 72 4-0,4\M 61


l\ftJ.JTARY DJ+:PARTMES1"-NaLiounl Guards, State of Tenne,see ... Volunteer Arm y of Ten nesst:t: .

Total .....

$14.5-'33 201 $In.MO rrr $29,!1113 33 l i·IO 71! l7ti II:{ l.417 00 --- ---- 1------

$13 .ii:i oo ~1;;.i;.1<1 oo :a1.a10 so ~--------'------

S11<Xn'G Fn•n Accou:<T- I Sinkrng Fund ................................ .. . .

STATE PRISON­:Ma.inlenance of Cou,•icts. ........ · . . ..... 1

Ctr.uu 1·,uiLE & ErH;<..'ATION.Ar~ (SSTITtn·toxs-nospilal InSRne, :\Iid<lle TeruJcssee ......... , .. l:lo•pitailnsane, West Tennes•ee ......... . .... . H ospital Jn~auc~ liast Tenn~:ssce .............. . 'l'cn nessec School for Deaf and Dumb .......... . Tennessee School for mind .......... .. ......... . Tennessee Indu•lrial School . . . . ....... .. , , ... St:itc Normal College . .. ....................... . Bureau of Peusion~ . . . . . . ...... .... . .. .. .. Coufedcmte Soldiers 1-iome. . . • . .• l'en~ions lo Disahled Soldiers . . . . . . .. .. ...... . Peu•ion~ to Confcclcrntc Widows ............... . Illind Girl"' Howe........ ... . . . . . ............ . University of Tennessee... . .. . . ............ .

Total. ....... .

MtSCELLA?-"EOUS-Stale Board of Equalization .......... .. ..•.. !\tote no:ird of Mrne F,xaruiuers ............. . Stute Board of Henll h . . .. . . . .. . . . ........... , •.. State noard of Law Exn111 iucrs . . ........•.•.. Oflke of :\line ln~~ctor. . . . . ............. .. Arresting r.ugiti\;C!t,... . . . . ..... , ••. Refunded Revt:nuc .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Publishing Go"·cmor's l'roclomation ........... . Publishing Treasurer's Quarterly Report ....... . Pnhlishing Acts . . ..................... . Attoraeys1 Fees Supreme Court Rep<lrt• . • ... H.aok. of Tcnnc-... c;ec ~Jon<:'", ~crtificnt~s Cancclccl Jackson·,, ' l'omh nnd Dwelling . . .. . Public Printing... . . .. . . . .. ...... ...... .. Keeper o f Archives ............................ . Tax Aggn~gat~s .... .. .......................... . Mobile and Ohio Railroad .. ... . . •••. •... . ..••.... rurchascot L<ln<ls ......................... . Incmrr~ction Ft111d . . ....... .... . Emergency f'und . . ... Arnrnging Su ore me Court Records jack.on Tennc,see Commi~"iion \Vorlr\ '"" Fair . . . ..... .

. . . ... -~ ....... .. . I Total. ............... .

$=300 ZT7 1g1

$3-JS. ()S.~ 741

$'l41,003 Ul $1,Hl.1110 tlO

.$ll:.'8.ttin !\Ill I

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8.05-1 50· ............ . 7l!O l~ ........... .

16 . till-! Sii l~ . 7'>6 JI 227 -~ b2 267 172 :l7

•t,Ul4 20 31.R.5S 8() 411 su. 1 ,l!f>3 r,;,

.............. , __ 25,000 m

~'>:{ . 7fltl f.7 }";'JD 73"3 H

$ !\00 !I.'\ $ &JO Oii ~ 10 411124

J l.fl.~1 ~7 4 ,;l:Jll CIQ C}la ;11 :160 KH

b. ir.15 93 JO. 71\t 7,, 6.<;0clO ~l'O

i>,S\li 11 1 J ,6<'7 ~2 ;)() ()() !100

100 oo aoo oo :i.; r..q 7il fiOO 00 7;,o \JO

a il):j 511 2,4M 00

I.I~~. .. "'ii,-.o oO 8,:J'jl 73 fi()! 77

7:l:\ ~ 720 00 ~34 % 1,099 l)O

3.625 00 :l.ti:!.'j 00

~00 110, ............ .. l ,•liO 69 ..... .

$ lfi2,7M :n 159,4&\) ()':S 1:>2, 165 00 112,0W 87 b'9.IU 00

l!H .628 (rT l!.0.'>1 00

721.1 45 !J2 . 4~1 t'C

JSI ,2tl0 19 :)r..470 00

1 7ff·l g1 25, 000 ()()

SI ,:l711 412 at

$ l ,Irn •JI 71):$ &I

ls,11;a i>a J ,001 43

l ~.47!.I 7 1 l fi()CI ()()

20.001 93 ~~I 00

700 00 1 ,000 ()() 1.2".iO 00 ll,247 5ll

00 ()() l ,800 00 S.!!76 60 I ,45:1 2Q 2,033 7!") 'j . 260 ()0

18.CIOO 00 1!; ,373 73 75.000 00

200 (I() l ,<!50 611

$204,:1()4 81

18 .00) 00 .... . ... . . ~ 074 :J:'> 6,200 AA

i5 c:oo c•l • • •. • . . . .. • 1

$loo.8ti6 771 $1>!. l ill! IH ---~-~~- ------'-------

- 106-


For I For Fiscal I Total Ve•r EnclinKjYcl\r P.udin)( for 'l'wo D~. 19. 1905 De'<: Ill, lllOU Years

-C-ou_rt_<.:-'o_"_t s-.--. . -.-.. -.-. -.. -.. -.-.-.. -.-.. -.-.-.-. -.. -.-.. -.-.. -.-.. -. .;-...-$- ~2, 440 111 $ 88"2, 2lll 62


Iutere~l Payments .......... . ... '.................. 4>.11 ,INJ !ti 170 <s58 (Ml School Fund...................................... 6:1:1.C)J2 07 4::'2.7111 12 Salarie~ ...... . . . .. . . .... . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... oo,1m; llll .'ill.700 O'l Clerk Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . .. . . . . . •. . . 17 . ~II D2 lS.1!1\1 lr2 F,xpen•c . .... ... .... ...... .. •. .... .... ... ... •... a.5,0ll tt.~ :!S .li.'31 77 Agricultural Dcpbrtment.. .. .. . • . .. . • ... . . ... .... 16,ll'"J M 16. H-O \!5 .Legislative............. .. ...... . . ..... ..... .. .... ~.,...~1l a:1 r;,ooo l°() Military DCp!lrtment ....... .... .... ...... •... . ... l:i,7W 911 l[>.lj;jl\ !lO Sinking l'und... .... ........ ... ....... .. . . . .• . . .. . :IOO.m tu f\.11 .t\.'I.~ ijl State Prison...................... ... ...... . . . . . . . . $'.!3,tJH:I 74 :~.8i0 all Charitableaud lldueatiooal Institutions.... ..... l\:~l 706 !{{ 72&,785 H :.\tiscellnncous. . . · . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 1:;:;;$tl'; 77 48,f:j!l 04 -- ---

$ 6M,f.106 09 111)7,!!88 16

1,00.'i, 761 Ill 5 112,466 01 $.'i,"59 Si 00,lf/3 46 ...,/ 8:!,r.20 80 1)'2,889 33 31,310 811

l .Hl,111080 U.51.116.~ :13

1,1170,412 31 !!1>1,3(}1 81

Total. ........................................... $3,111,618 71l $3_.317 1718 28 f.&,432,497 01 -- -- - ------




Emergency Fund (Drawing 3 Per Cent Interest).

Amount of Appropriation ...... .. ... .. ... $ Interest at 3 per cent to December, 20, 1906.



75,000 00 3,249 62-$

Emergency Fund (Drawing 3 Per Cent Interest).

Paid out on approved vouchers to Dec. 20 .. $ Balance to credit of Emergency fund ...... .

1,734 53 76,515 09-$

78,249 62

78,249 62

- 108-

List of Treasurers of the State of Tennessee.


Daniel Smith ............................................ 1790-1794 Howell Tatum (Mero District) ............................ 1794-1796 Landon Carter (Washington and Hamilton Districts) 1794-1796

Under Oonstittttion of 119G.


Landon Carter ........................................... 1796-1800 John :\laclln ................. . ........................... . 1800-1803 Thomas :\tcCorry ......................................... 1803-1813


William Black ......... ... ................................ 1796-1797 Robert Searcy ............................................ 1797-1803 Thomas Crutcher .......... . ......................... • .... 1803-1813

FOR E.\ST TEX:'it.::>S££.

Thomas l\frCorry ............. . ........ , .... ... ......•.... 1813-1815 Matthew Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1815-1827 Miller Francis ............................................ 1827·1836

FOR WEST T.l!:.X:'il::ss1::1:::.

Thomas Crutcher 1813-1836


James Caruthers 1827-1836

Unclcr Constitution of 183}.

Miller Francis . ...... ............................... .. .... 1836-1813 Matthew Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1843-ls.15 Robert B. Turner ................ . ........................ 1845-1847 Anthony Dibrell .................. ..... .......... ........ . 1847-1855 G. C. Torbett .......................................... .. . 1855·1S57 W. Z. McGregor .......................................... 18!i7-18ti5 R. L. Stanford ....................................... : . . . . 1865·1866 John H. Henry ................... ..•....... ..... . ........ 18fl6-181i8 W. H. Stillwell ........................................... 1868-186!1 .T. E. Hust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869-1871 William .Morrow ............................ .. ............ 1871-1877 ~1. T. Polk ............................................... 1877-1883 Atha Thomas ..... . ..... .. ................................. 1883·188f> J. \V. Thomas ..................... ......... .... ....... ... 1885·1886 Atha Thomas ............... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188fH8S9 1\1. F. House ................ ...... ....... . ................ 1889·1893 E. B. Craig ...... ... .' ............... . ..................... 1893-1901 Reau E. FOlli .......•. . ................................... 1901·

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