  • 8/7/2019 Stategic Plan_Saigon Children Charity


    Strategic PlanSaigon Childrens Charity

    Student : Dang My Ngoc s3246663

    Lecture : Ms. Doan Mai Anh

    Date of Submission : 14 January 2011

  • 8/7/2019 Stategic Plan_Saigon Children Charity



    Lack of education among young children is one of controversial issues in Vietnamese society

    today. As a result, Saigon Children s Charity (SCC) was founded in 1992 for a special vision of

    supporting disadvantaged children to get an education for a brighter future.

    Thang Long School is a project set up and funded by SCC. The school has opened various

    vocational programs which are particularly given for poor children who cannot do to school due

    to their poor living conditions. Although Thang Long School provides high quality trainings in

    free tuition fee, the enrolment rate is low. This possibly dues to three main reasons: (1) the

    school does not communicate well with target public about its benefits; (2) negative perception

    of parents that attending schools would reduce the amount of money earned by their children;and (3) local authorities and other stakeholders do not have a goodwill to actively promote

    information about the school and course among target audience.

    Consequently, PR strategies are employed that aim to fulfill the potential value of Thang Long

    School among target publics perception, leading to generate awareness of the importance of

    education as well as increase the enrolment rate. Based on deep understand of current

    situation and target publics, PR practitioners intend to design several messages, which is

    consistent with the core message, to get attention of target publics. Furthermore, controlled

    and uncontrolled tactics will be implemented to ensure the dissemination of information

    regarding Thang Long School and its course among target publics from April to July 2011. The

    tactics consist of specialized events for parents, local authorities and students as the main

    target publics in the campaign. Besides, the use of successful alumni as positive role models will

    inspire the belief about the high quality of Thang Long School and its programs ( Harrison 2008) .

    To make sure the effectiveness and consistency of individual tactics included in the campaign,

    the critical path plan is provided and explained. Finally, several evaluation methods will be

    presented to regularly measure the results and adjust the message and its placement as


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    Table of Contents

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................ ................................................ ................................2

    BACKGROUND .................................................................. ................................................ ..................4

    SITUATION ANALYSIS ................................. ................................................ .........................................4

    Key findings ............................................... ............................................... ......................................4

    Critical success factors ................................... ............................................... ..................................5

    Problem/ Opportunity Statement ............................................ ............................................... .........5

    OBJECTIVES ................................. ............................................... ................................................ ........5

    TARGET PUBLICS.................................................... ............................................ .................................6

    KEY MESSAGES ............................................................... ........................................ ............................7

    STRATEGY STATEMENT ................................................. ............................................... .......................8

    TACTICS .............................................................................................................................................81. Printed materials Flyers ................................................................ .........................................8

    2. Vocational Day talk shows in Continuing Education Centers ....................................................8

    3. Gratitude event for local authorities ................................................ .........................................9

    4. Speaking engagements Education for brighter futures ............................................................9

    5. Sharing knowledge, sharing love event for disadvantaged children ........................................10

    6. Endorsements ......................................... ................................................ ..............................11

    7. Media release................................................................ ............................................... .........12

    CRITICAL PATH PLAN........................................................................ .................................................12

    BUDGET ................................................ ............................................... ......................................... ...13

    EVALUATION ........... ................................................ ...................................... ...................................14

    APPENDIX ............................................ ................................................ ....................................... .....15

    REFERENCE LIST........................................... ................................................. ....................................17

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    Vocational training can be seen as one possible way for disadvantage children who cannot

    afford to finish their studying at high school or university to find a stable job. Thang Long School

    was established for that reason ( Saigon Childrens Charity 2010 ). However, the number of

    target audience acknowledging the opportunity of getting a high quality vocational t raining but

    free in Thang Long School has been low. The problem arises from lack of communication about

    the importance of education and the long term benefits of attending vocational trainings in

    Thang Long School. As a result, effective communication strategies will be acted as a liaison

    between the Thang Long School and the public, leading to raise the amount of publicity as well

    as increase the enrolment rate.


    Key findings

    Because of the increase of tuition fee in mainstream school currently, disadvantaged children

    are less likely to have opportunities to get a full education, in order to get stable and well -paid

    jobs. Thus, Thang Long School as a project of SCC offers high quality vocational trainings for

    disadvantaged children with free tuition fee. There is wide range of subjects such as

    hairdressing, IT, and Visual Communication. The school currently has about 300 students

    (Saigon Childrens Charity 2010 ). The target students of this school are children who cannot

    afford to study in mainstream school.

    However, the enrolment rate is still low. This possibly dues to the fact that SCC and Thang Long

    School do not communicate well with target publics about the importance of education in the

    current economy and the benefits of attending vocational programs in Thang Long School. As a

    result, target audience does not highly beware of the vocational trainings in the school.

    Moreover, parents of potential students still keep a negative perception that attending school

    could prevent their children earning money. Furthermore, local authorities and other

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    stakeholders do not acknowledge the importance of education in childrens futures, so they are

    not willing to promote information about the school and its course among target students.

    (See more about the SWOT and PEST analysis in appendix)

    Critical success factors

    In order to increase awareness toward the Thang Long School and its courses

    among target publics, we must communicate well about information about the school

    and its courses.

    In order to reassure the target publics that the Thang Long School would

    contribute to the success of ones future career and life, we must better communicate

    the benefits students would achieve when attending the school, including knowledge

    and skills gained from various vocational course, and personalities fulfillment through a

    good environment of learning and playing.

    In order to gain support from the target publics, we must better communicate

    the importance of education in one future success .

    Problem/ Opportunity Statement

    Problem: Target publics do not beware of educational benefits by attending Thang Long School

    that highly contribute to their futures success due to lack of communication and information

    from SCC and Thang Long School

    Opportunity : Vocational training provided by Thang Long School enables disadvantaged

    children to fulfill their knowledge and potential that is in demand for good quality employment.


    To increase awareness among 40% target publics about vocational program in Thang Long

    school by the beginning of July 2011

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    To increase the positive attitude Thang Long vocational school as the place to provide quality

    education and vocational trainings for disadvantaged children with free tuition fee among 25%

    target publics in July 2011

    To achieve a enrolment of 120 target students at Thang Long vocational school by the end of

    July 2011

    TARGET PUBLICSTarget publics Why we need to communicate with them

    PRIMARY TARGET PUBLICS 1. Disadvantaged children

    who are 10-25 years old who live

    mainly in District 4. They either

    do not study in mainstream

    schools or potentially drop out

    their current schools

    They do not know that Thang Long school currently

    offer various vocation trainings without paying any

    tuition fees. Moreover, they do not highly

    acknowledge the essential role of education for their

    better lives

    2. The family of these

    children , parents particularly.

    They are also living in poor

    conditions who potentially

    cannot afford money for their

    childrens higher studying.

    Because of financing their childrens education,

    parents have the most important decisions on those

    childrens education. However, the parents has held

    a negative perception that attending schools would

    decrease the income earned by these children for a

    uncertain future

    3. Local authorities (mainly

    in district 4 and other districts

    such as District 8, and District 7),

    They do not highly acknowledge the importance of

    education in community development, possibly

    reducing poverty and crime in the community. Thus,

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    including Units (to dan pho) and

    Unit Women Union. They are

    the ones who understand clearly

    about the circumstance in which

    people live in these areas.

    they are not willing to help SCC and Thang Long

    school to promote quality and free training programs

    for disadvantaged children.


    4. Potential sponsors and

    philanthropists . They are likely

    to raise fund or support SCC

    organization and its projects

    Effective campaign can lead to the high amount of

    publicity of SCC and Thang Long School, so more

    individuals or organization possibly want to help the

    disadvantaged children by donating money or gifts

    for SCC

    5. Future employers who

    potentially hire Thang Long

    students based on their skills,

    knowledge and experiences.

    Through voluntary works of Thang Long school in this

    campaign, future employers can evaluate the skills of

    these students and potentially hire them for suitable



    The core message : Attending vocational trainings in Thang Long school brings a brighter future

    for Vietnamese disadvantaged students

    For target publics 1: Attending vocational training at Thang Long School without paying

    anything enables them to reach fulfill their knowledge and skills, in order to get well-paid and

    stable career. Moreover, a happy environment for students play and learn would allow them

    improve their personalities.

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    For target audience 2: Education is fundamental for future success, so encouraging children to

    attend Thang Long schools would bring a bright future for their children.

    For target audience 3: Education can be seen as the only way to bring a better life for these

    children as well as contribute to the development of the community. As a result, they should

    promote information regarding to Thang Long School and its course among target publics as

    well as encourage the target children attending the school.


    Using the combination of uncontrolled and controlled communication tactics targeting

    students, their parents, and local authorities that emphasizes the important role of education in

    ones success as well as disseminate information regarding to long-term benefits of attending

    vocational trainings in Thang Long School.


    1. Printed m aterials Flyers

    These flyers will provide clearly (1) general information about Thang Long School and its

    vocational programs, (2) deadlines and information about enrolment, and (3) the key message

    and (4) the key visual regarding interesting learning and playing activities in Thang Long School.

    The information will inform and create interest among target audience about Thang Long

    School and its courses. These flyers will be distributed in various events in the campaign.

    2. Vocational Day talk shows in Continuing Education Centers

    Rationale: Many students in Continuing Education Center do not recognize the importance of

    education and have low learning outcomes (Ngoc Quang 2010). As a result, they have higher

    potential to drop out the school than others (Yen Anh 2010). Therefore, useful and interesting

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    information about various vocational programs in Thang Long School as well as potential jobs in

    the future will interest the target audience.

    SCC and Thang Long School will work in partnership with three Continuing Education Centers in

    District 4, 7 and 8 to organize Vocational Day talk shows .

    SCC and Thang Long Schools staff will present about the importance of education as well as

    inform about the various vocational programs in Thang Long School. Besides, the spoken

    person should emphasize the potential careers for students after graduating from the Thang

    Long School. Successful alumni of Thang Long School will talk about his/ her study and career

    path. The presentation should be short, clear and interesting, to attract the attention of


    3. Gratitude event for local authorities

    Rationale: The ceremony will emphasize the contribution of local authorities for encouraging

    disadvantaged children get fuller education by attending Thang Long School. This strategy will

    aim to encourage the help from local authorities by appreciating their current helps.

    Representatives of local authorities, mainly in District 4 and some are from District 8, Binh

    Chanh, District 7, will be invited to gratitude event held by SCC and Thang Long School.

    The top manager of SCC and principal of Thang long School, on behalf of the organization, show

    their gratitude to local authorities about how important are they for bring a bright future to

    disadvantaged children by promoting Thang Long school and its programs among target

    audience. Moreover, Thank you certific ates will be sent to local individuals or groups who

    have special goodwill to help SCC and Thang Long School in recent year.

    4. Speaking engagements Education for brighter futures

    Rationale: These events will target parents that highlight the importance of education in their

    children future.

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    SCC will hold approximately 10 speaking engagements, seven meetings hold in District 4 and

    three other meetings in other districts (district 8, 7 and Binh Chanh). SCC will select most

    appropriate venues to be convenient for target publics in each area. The venues can be meeting

    rooms of local authorities offices.

    The local authorities have detailed demographic data about people in the communities. As a

    result, SCC needs their help to invite and encourage parents living in poor conditions in these

    areas to attend these speaking panels. Participants will receive small gifts (e.g: notebook or pen

    with the logo of Thang Long School).

    Key staff from SCC and Thang Long School will give a short presentation about the school and

    its training programs, followed by questions and answers session. The presentation shouldtransfer the key message to the target publics. Moreover, flyers will be given for parents to take


    5. Sharing knowledge, sharing love event for disadvantaged children

    Rationale: The event will target disadvantaged children (mainly in District 4 and some are from

    District 8, Binh Chanh, District 7). Through activities in the event, audience can partly

    understand about vocational programs in Thang Long School. Moreover, students can fulfill

    their own skills and personalities through this playing and learning environment. Moreover, this

    event will potentially attract future employers.

    The event is about Thang Long students using their knowledge and their skills to voluntarily

    help disadvantaged children. Specifically, there will be some main compelling and interesting



    Drawing pictures of participants

    Taking portray photos (children who participates in this activities can register

    their name and address, so SCC staff will send mails, including their photo and Thang

    Long schools flyer, to these children s home)

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    Singing and dancing performances

    Three guest speakers who are alumni of Thang Long School. They are currently

    working in big companies. They will share different stories about their educational and

    career path.

    SCC staff and Thang Long teachers will encourage the students actively contributing to this

    event. This event will bring to the current students a learning and playing environment.

    Word-of-mouth communication will be employed to get more participants. Due to interesting

    activities in the event, Thang Long students will potentially be the main source to spread the

    news widely. Specifically, they can tell their friends who are living in the same areas or are

    studying in the same mainstream school. In fact, their friends are likely to live in the same

    conditions poor and lack of education. Furthermore, local authorities can help to promote the

    event among target children.

    6. Endorsements

    Rationale: Successful alumni of Thang Long School are best role models who can influence

    attitude and behavior target audience.

    Alumni who are currently working for HSBC Vietnam, Premier Oil or Unilever will be invited to

    voluntarily take part in the campaign. They will take a charge of guest speaker in events

    included in the campaign. Depend on the timetable of these alumni, SCC and Thang Long staff

    should arrange one guest speaker in each event.

    Three Vocational Day talk shows

    One Sharing knowledge, sharing love event

    Ten speaking engagements Education for brighter futures

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    7. Media release

    Rationale: The media releases can attract the attention of spons ors or philanthropists who

    want to support SCC and its projects. Moreover, potential employers will possibly perceive

    Thang Long students as suitable candidate for their job position.

    Several media release regarding to events in the campaign will be sent to mainstream media

    (e.g: Tuoi Tre and Thanh Nien, Giao duc & Thoi Dai newspaper) and will be post the SCC

    newsletter and SCC website. Depend on the target audience of each channel, these media

    release will have different angels along with compelling photos and graphs.


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    Most works included in the campaign will be implemented by SCC staff and volunteer with the

    help from Thang Long schools teachers and students. As a result, the expenses of this project

    will be minimal that will perfectly fit in the allocated budget. The budget mainly allocates for

    consulting hours and some for catering and stationery.

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    SWOT Analysis

    STRENGTHS WEAKNESSESProvide high quality education fordisadvantaged children with free tuition feeOffer a wide range of subjects (e.g art, photo,hairdressing)

    Low enrolment rateDid not communicate well about the benefitsof attending the school and its courses

    OPPORTUNITIES THREATSThank to the development of the Internet,many people can access to the website of SCCto know about Thang Long School and other

    project, so they can raise fund or becomevolunteers for these projects. (Pham Anh2007)

    Negative perception of parents that attendingschools will make children cannot earn moremoney for the family

    Local authorities and other stakeholders arenot willing to help Thang Long School topromote the information about the school andits courses



    Vietnamese government has not highly appreciated the significant contribution of NGOs in

    developing the community (Da Yen 2010). Thus, they has not strongly support these NGOs in

    term of financial as well as human resources. Specifically, local authorities have not perceived

    the importance of TLS project in providing education for disadvantaged students as a way to

    improve the development of the community.


    Poor children account for 28.9% the population of Vietnamese children (Ngoc Minh 2010). They

    do not receive enough living conditions, including education, health, accommodation,

    entertainment, social protection.

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    The Government already has a plan to increase the tuition fee by more than two times in all

    education programs (Thanh Ha 2009). As a result, disadvantaged children have low potentially

    capabilities to pay the fees.


    Parents keep a negative perception that their children who attend schools cannot earn more

    money for the family (Yen Anh 2010).

    Moreover, disadvantaged children are easily influenced by their family and their friends who

    usually encourage them to earn money rather than go to school (Huu Tru 2010).


    The development of communication technologies allows SCC can promote itself via the

    homepage. Thus, there are higher chances people can know about the charity, and possibly

    they can raise money and become a volunteer to help the poor children via the charity (Pham

    Anh 2007). However, disadvantaged children as the main target audience of this campaign do

    not have high opportunities to access to the Internet.

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    Da Yen 2010, Cac to chuc Phi Chinh Phu Viet Nam: Can moi san choi binh dang, Dai Doan Ket,

    viewed 28 December 2010,

    Harrison, K 2008, Strategic Public Relations: a practical guide to success, edn 5 th , Century

    Consulting Group, Australia.

    Huu Tru 2010, Kho ngan hoc sinh bo hoc, Nguoi Lao Dong, viewed 11 January 2011,

    Ngoc Minh 2010, Tre em ngheo, Thanh Nien, viewed 12 January 2011,

    Ngoc Quang 2010, Nhieu trung tam giao duc thuong xuyen vuot chi tieu, Giao Duc, viewed 10

    January 2011, <

    thuong-xuyen-tuyen-vuot-chi-tieu-147556.aspx >

    Pham Anh 2007, 10 nam Internet Viet Nam: toc do phat trien dung dau the gioi, Vietbao,

    viewed 13 January 2011, <

    phat-trien-dung-dau-the-gioi/55169575/217/ >

    Saigon Childrens Charity 2010, viewed 12 January 2011, < >

    Thanh Ha 2009, Nam 2010: tiep tuc tang hoc phi, Tuoi Tre, viewed 3 January,

    Yen Anh 2010, Hoc sinh bo hoc: can su quan tam cua chinh quyen, Ben Tre, viewed 10 January


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