



Asm crkÂarr wkÂøEk#Ât eneDÂr A™úgvt 2013-2014 cnr AaR^r eb„ER^ ›¶ebÂXÂrN

( Rupees in lakhs )

(laK fkÂat)

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]


rajh eLtan


saDÂarN ÎsXa

(a) Organs of State

raejYk ›¶Lasn Rú±

2795.25 2795.25 3628.23 3628.23 3656.23 3656.23 1 2011 State Legislature 3456.92 3456.92

raejYk ebÂDÂan sBa

412.93 412.93 571.08 0.30 571.38 571.08 0.30 571.38 2012 Governor 578.07 0.30 578.37


687.60 687.60 1260.50 2.00 1262.50 1391.62 2.00 1393.62 2 2013 Council of Ministers 1340.70 1340.70

mú±E perSd

12564.24 29.66 12593.90 23205.59 45.36 23250.95 24317.07 45.36 24362.43 3 2014 Administration of Justice 26195.87 208.97 26404.84

nYaR^ ݦLasn

10.65 10.65 10.65 10.65 70 2014 Administration of Justice, Hill Areas 6.68 6.68

nYaR^ ›¶Lasn, pabÂvtY AÌl

7267.27 971.18 8238.45 4689.44 1224.94 5914.38 4689.44 1224.94 5914.38 4 2015 Elections 10008.15 10008.15


70 2015 Elections


72.96 72.96 110.18 110.18 110.18 110.18 56 2015 Elections 123.88 123.88


AFS - 13

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

23800.25 1000.84 24801.09 33465.02 1283.25 34748.27 34735.62 1283.25 36018.87 Total (a) Organs of State 41703.59 215.95 41919.54

muF raejYk ›¶Lasn Rú±

(b) Fiscal Services

rajh ÎsXa

(i) Collection of Taxes on Income and Expenditure

AaR^-bÂYR^r oprt kÂr sZ¢¶hÂ

5 2020 Collection of Taxes, Income and Expenditure

AaR^-bÂYR^r oprt kÂr sZ¢¶hÂ

Total (i) Collection of Taxes on Income and Expenditure

muF AaR^-bÂYR^r oprt kÂr sZ¢¶hÂ

(ii) Collection of Taxes on Property and Capital


13435.03 13435.03 21150.61 21150.61 21209.82 21209.82 6 2029 Land Revenue 21589.74 21589.74

Buem rajhÂ

70 2029 Land Revenue

Buem rajhÂ

1525.30 0.25 1525.55 1956.99 1956.99 1956.99 1956.99 7 2030 Stamps and Registration 2212.50 2212.50

efkÂf Aar_ p·ER^n

70 2030 Stamps and Registration

efkÂf Aar_ p·ER^n

14960.33 0.25 14960.58 23107.60 23107.60 23166.81 23166.81 Total (ii) Collection of Taxes on Property etc. 23802.24 23802.24


(iii) Collection of Taxes on Commodities and


2060.37 2060.37 2990.84 2990.84 3070.84 3070.84 8 2039 State Excise 3252.95 3252.95

raejYk AaXkÂarE

70 2039 State Excise

raejYk AaXkÂarE

6702.66 92.90 6795.56 8245.54 142.80 8388.34 8707.63 142.80 8850.43 5 2040 Sales Tax 10121.79 137.45 10259.24

AFS - 14

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]


70 2040 Sales Tax


1424.10 45.51 1469.61 1698.85 49.32 1748.17 1838.85 55.92 1894.77 9 2041 Taxes on Vehicles 1925.76 84.41 2010.17

Ran-bÂahÂbÂr oprt kÂr

70 2041 Taxes on Vehicles

Ran-bÂahÂbÂr oprt kÂr

178.52 178.52 319.99 319.99 329.99 329.99 3 2041 Taxes on Vehicles 377.49 377.49

Ran-bÂahÂbÂr oprt kÂr

2045 Other Taxes and Duties on Commodities &


5 i) Finance Department

eb„ ebÂBag

322.25 322.25 485.54 485.54 485.54 485.54 62 ii) Inspectorate of Electricity 610.97 610.97

10687.90 138.41 10826.31 13740.76 192.12 13932.88 14432.85 198.72 14631.57 Total (iii) Collection of Taxes on Commodities & 16288.96 221.86 16510.82

muF Services

(iv) Other Fiscal Services

AnYanY ATvQnetk ÎsXa

10 2047 Other Fiscal Services

AnYanY ATvQnetk ÎsXa

58.86 58.86 70.32 70.32 73.57 73.57 i) Small Savings 80.58 80.58

Vuì sÌR^

86.48 86.48 118.23 118.23 118.23 118.23 ii) Director of Finance Inspection 128.29 128.29

145.34 145.34 188.55 188.55 191.80 191.80 Total (iv) Other Fiscal Services 208.87 208.87

muF AnYanY ATvQnetk ÎsXa

25793.57 138.66 25932.23 37036.91 192.12 37229.03 37791.46 198.72 37990.18 Total (b) Fiscal Services 40300.07 221.86 40521.93

muF ATvQnetk ÎsXa

(c) Interest Payment and Dervicing of Debt

sud perqLaD Aar_ MN ›¶dan

AFS - 15

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

13300.00 13300.00 13400.00 13400.00 13400.00 13400.00 2048 Appropriation for reduction or avoidance of 14265.00 14265.00


207449.57 207449.57 211994.98 211994.98 218163.08 218163.08 2049 Interest Payments 226425.58 226425.58

sud perqLaDÂ

220749.57 220749.57 225394.98 225394.98 231563.08 231563.08 Total (c) Interest Payments and servicing of Debt 240690.58 240690.58

muF sud perqLaD Aar_ MN ›¶dan

(d)Administrative Services

pyLasnER^ ÎsXa

653.34 653.34 783.73 783.73 1071.78 1071.78 2051 Public Service Commission 978.08 978.08

qlak ÎsXa AaqR^ag

102355.11 102355.11 91921.61 91921.61 93097.69 93097.69 11 2052 Secretariat General Services 58420.29 58420.29

secbÂalR^ saDÂarn ÎsXa

9543.38 686.89 10230.27 9844.37 1613.60 11457.97 10428.21 1648.60 12076.81 12 2053 District Administration 11387.20 1814.60 13201.80

ejla ݦLasn

70 2053 District Administration

ejla ݦLasn

5699.53 196.55 5896.08 9515.47 425.94 9941.41 9688.48 426.64 10115.12 13 2054 Treasury and Accounts Administration 6426.50 462.81 6889.31

qkÂaSagar Aar_ ehÂcap ›¶Lasn

70 2054 Treasury and Accounts Administration

qkÂaSagar Aar_ ehÂcap ›¶Lasn

175228.18 4652.79 179880.97 253714.86 253714.86 259624.47 259624.47 14 2055 Police 277634.17 277634.17


70 2055 Police


4629.01 212.06 4841.07 6033.69 257.28 6290.97 6353.69 293.28 6646.97 15 2056 Jails 6052.73 282.96 6335.69


70 2056 Jails


AFS - 16

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

2058 Stationery and Printing

qlKn Aar_ muìn

2430.49 2430.49 2910.55 2910.55 3433.55 3433.55 16 i) Stationery and Printing Department 3161.69 3161.69

18.92 18.92 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 1 ii) Stationery and Printing 20.00 20.00

2059 Public Works


22200.37 22200.37 20801.19 20801.19 20879.19 20879.19 17 i) Public Works Department 30583.15 30583.15

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBag

70 i) Public Works Department

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBag

270.45 270.45 130.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 1 ii) Legislative Assembly 120.00 120.00

ebÂDÂan sBa

2070 Other Administrative Services

AnYanY ›¶LasnER^ ÎsXa

8118.61 408.56 8527.17 9804.46 637.46 10441.92 10350.99 652.96 11003.95 18 i) Fire Protection and Control 11884.33 783.41 12667.74

3973.23 2.23 3975.46 5825.10 51.44 5876.54 7089.15 53.70 7142.85 19 ii) Vigilance and Special Commissions 7005.94 53.76 7059.70

enrEVÂ o ebÂqLS Anusáan AaqR^ag

12992.99 161.75 13154.74 16665.02 285.37 16950.39 16665.02 285.37 16950.39 20 iii) Civil Defence and Home Guards 17558.59 301.67 17860.26

Asamerk ›¶etrVÂa

198.52 198.52 198.98 198.98 198.98 198.98 9 iv) Motor Garages 256.19 256.19

1245.02 31.52 1276.54 1259.90 80.23 1340.13 1379.55 81.73 1461.28 21 v) Guest Houses 1449.00 85.13 1534.13

ejrnE Gr

867.46 867.46 1076.07 1076.07 1128.18 1128.18 22 vi) Training 1060.69 1060.69


24.39 24.39 33.09 33.09 37.61 37.61 25 vii) State Lotteries 36.14 36.14

raejYk lfarE

AFS - 17

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

12.29 12.29 96.35 96.35 96.35 96.35 12 viii) Citizenship Act 26.00 26.00

3247.81 3247.81 6621.09 6621.09 6621.09 6621.09 42 (ix) O. A. S.(Char Area) 3219.48 3219.48

AnYanY pyLasnER^ ÎsXa

70 (ix) O. A. S.(Char Area)

353709.10 6352.35 360061.45 437255.53 3351.32 440606.85 448293.98 3442.28 451736.26 Total (d) Administrative Services 437280.17 3784.34 441064.51

muF pyLasnER^ ÎsXa

(e) Pensions and Miscellaneous General


qpÌn Aar_ AnYanY ebÂebÂDÂ saDÂarN ÎsXa

2071 Pension and Other Retirement benifit

qpÌn Aar_ AnYanY suebÂDÂa

306415.04 5958.25 312373.29 250341.00 6678.00 257019.00 264341.00 6678.00 271019.00 23 i) Pension and Public Grivences 305992.15 7679.70 313671.85

70 i) Pension and Public Grivences

1214.75 18.76 1233.51 1868.00 1868.00 1868.00 19.01 1887.01 1 ii) Legislators 1812.00 20.00 1832.00

2075 Miscellaneous General Services

ebÂebÂDÂ saDÂarN ÎsXa

24583.65 897.25 25480.90 36062.00 36062.00 36062.00 36062.00 25 i) Finance Department 1000.00 1000.00

eb„ ebÂBag

4.12 4.12 78.94 78.94 78.94 78.94 26 ii) Education Department 169.44 169.44

eLVÂa ebÂBag

26 iii) Sports

19 iv) Political Department

rajnEet ebÂBag

135.28 1.56 136.84 27 v) Cultural Affairs Department 150.00 2.00 152.00

AFS - 18

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

70 vi) Hill Areas

332352.84 6875.82 339228.66 288349.94 6678.00 295027.94 302349.94 6697.01 309046.95 Total (e) Pensions and Other Services 309123.59 7701.70 316825.29

muF qpÌn Aar_ AnYanY suebÂDÂa

956405.33 14367.67 970773.00 1021502.38 11504.69 1033007.07 1054734.08 11621.26 1066355.34 Total A- General Services 1069098.00 11923.85 1081021.85

muF saDÂarN ÎsXa


samaejk ÎsXa

(a) Education, Sports, Art and Culture

eLVÂa, ø$Ei^a, kÂla Aar_ sZ>¨#Âet

84176.39 84176.39 151985.25 151985.25 151998.47 151998.47 26 2202 Education (i) Higher Education 147779.66 147779.66

eLVa, iH•c eLVÂa

70 2202 Education (i) Higher Education

eLVa, iH•c eLVÂa

509757.07 509757.07 696457.91 696457.91 699473.84 699473.84 71 2202 General Education (ii) (Elementary , 744412.58 744412.58

Secondary, SCERT, Non formal and Adult)

2203 Technical Education

kÂaerkÂrE eLVÂa

10210.81 10210.81 44034.90 44034.90 44034.90 44034.90 26 i) Education Department 40335.15 40335.15

eLVÂa ebÂBag

70 i) Education Department

eLVÂa ebÂBag

30 ii) Public Health Engineering Department

3997.60 3997.60 5970.81 5970.81 6757.63 6757.63 74 2204 Sports and Youth Welfare 6732.74 6732.74

ø$Ei^a Aar_ RuX kÂlYaN

70 2204 Sports and Youth Welfare

ø$Ei^a Aar_ RuX kÂlYaN

2205 Art and Culture

AFS - 19

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

kÂla Aar_ sZ>¨#Âet

5025.57 5025.57 11887.44 11887.44 11887.44 11887.44 27 I) Education 12560.54 12560.54

eLVÂa ebÂBag

70 II) Education

eLVÂa ebÂBag

96.55 96.55 117.10 117.10 148.38 148.38 28 (v) Sectt. Administration Department 188.36 188.36

saDÂarN ›¶LasenR^ ÎsXa

613263.99 613263.99 910453.41 910453.41 914300.66 914300.66 Total (a) Education, Sports, Art and Culture 952009.03 952009.03

muF eLVÂa, ø$Ei^a, kÂla Aar_ sZ>¨#Âet

(b) Health and Family Welfare

>¤a>šY Aar_ perR^al kÂlYaN

2210 Medical and Public Health

ecekÂzsa Aar_ perR^al kÂlYaN

128273.46 128273.46 147474.40 147474.40 151164.81 151164.81 29 I) Health & P. H. 161978.71 161978.71

>¤a>šY Aar_ perR^al kÂlYaN

70 11 Health & P. H.

803.61 803.61 1273.81 1273.81 1273.81 1273.81 36 ii) Labour Department 2150.23 2150.23

å¶m ebÂBag

17023.73 17023.73 25541.97 25541.97 25541.97 25541.97 29 2211 Family Welfare 25867.98 25867.98

perR^al kÂlYaN ebÂBag

70 ii) Family Welfare

perR^al kÂlYaN ebÂBag

146100.80 146100.80 174290.18 174290.18 177980.59 177980.59 Total (b) Health and Family Welfare 189996.92 189996.92

muF >¤a>šY Aar_ pebrR^al kÂlYaN

(c) Water Supply, Sanitation, Housing and

Urban Development

2215 Water Supply and Sanitation

AFS - 20

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

panE ÎRagan Aar_ AnamR^

27660.23 27660.23 32143.26 32143.26 32529.26 32529.26 30 (i) Public Health Engineering Department 35667.61 35667.61

794.73 794.73 628.49 628.49 678.49 678.49 29 (i) Health and Family Welfare Department 681.36 681.36

>¤a>šY Aar_ perR^al kÂlYaN ebÂBag

110.50 110.50 153.59 153.59 153.59 153.59 31 (i) Town and Country Planning Department 168.84 168.84

70 (i) Town and Country Planning Department

34 iv) Municipal Administrative Department

2216 Housing

g#h enmvan

32.00 32.00 43 i) Co-operation Department

418.47 418.47 665.90 665.90 665.90 665.90 32 ii) Town and Country Planning 566.37 566.37

1036.63 1036.63 725.00 725.00 755.00 755.00 33 (i) Public Works Department 781.03 781.03

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBag

70 ii) Town and Country Planning

2217 Urban Development

ngr iHë§R^n

2217 Urban Development

ngr iHë§R^n

6265.15 6265.15 18483.81 18483.81 18483.81 18483.81 31 i) Town and Country Planning Department 19028.65 19028.65

28225.67 28225.67 65625.90 65625.90 65625.90 65625.90 73 2217 Urban Development (GDD) 47617.70 47617.70

ngr iHë§R^n

70 2217 Urban Development (GDD)

AFS - 21

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

ngr iHë§R^n

1474.99 1474.99 8349.22 8349.22 8349.22 8349.22 34 (i) Municipal Administration Department 7688.10 7688.10

66018.37 66018.37 126775.17 126775.17 127241.17 127241.17 Total (c) Water Supply, Sanitation, Housing etc. 112199.66 112199.66

muF panE ÎRagan Aar_ AnamR^

(d) Information & Broadcasting

2311.37 2311.37 2799.27 2799.27 3475.83 3475.83 35 2220 Information and Publicity 3118.91 3118.91

tTY Aar_ ݦcar

70 2220 Information and Publicity

2311.37 2311.37 2799.27 2799.27 3475.83 3475.83 Total (d) Information and Broadcasting 3118.91 3118.91


(e) Welfare of Scheduled Castes Scheduled

Tribes and Other Backward Classes

AnusUcEt jaet, AnusUcEt jn-jaet Aaru AnYanY

epCpra qLyNEr klYaNr bÂaqb MN

2225 Welfare of SC, ST and OBC

AnusUcEt jaet, AnusUcEt jn-jaet Aaru AnYanY

epCpra qLyNEr klYaNr bÂaqb MN

243.40 243.40 70 i) Hill Areas Department

pabÂvtY AÌl ebÂBag

43 ii) Co-operation Department

50702.86 14.37 50717.23 75487.69 26.95 75514.64 75971.08 26.95 75998.03 38 iii) W.P. T & B.C. Department 71480.50 27.75 71508.25

50702.86 14.37 50717.23 75487.69 26.95 75514.64 75971.08 270.35 76241.43 Total (e) Welfare of SC, ST and OBC 71480.50 27.75 71508.25


(f) Labour and Labour Welfare

Lym Aar_ enqR^ag kÂlYaN

AFS - 22

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

171.75 171.75 297.46 297.46 350.49 350.49 3 2230 Labour and Employment 264.18 264.18

9835.26 366.77 10202.03 16687.09 545.30 17232.39 17117.13 545.30 17662.43 36 2230 Labour and Employment 14759.18 560.24 15319.42

Lym Aar_ enqR^ag

70 2230 Labour and Employment

10007.01 366.77 10373.78 16984.55 545.30 17529.85 17467.62 545.30 18012.92 Total (f) Labour and Labour Welfare 15023.36 560.24 15583.60

muF Lym Aar_ enqR^ag

(g) Social Welfare and Nutrition

smaj kÂlYaN Aar_ pue†saDÂn

2235 Social Security and Welfare

samaejk enrap„a Aar_ kÂlYaN

64840.61 64840.61 100285.07 100285.07 100387.55 100387.55 39 (i) Social Welfare Department 156609.37 156609.37

samaejk enrap„v ebÂBag

70 (v) Hill Areas Department

pabÂvtY AÌl ebÂBag

963.57 963.57 1359.22 1359.22 1359.22 1359.22 8 (vi) Excise Department 1531.97 1531.97

AaXkÂarE ebÂBag

385.10 385.10 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 25 (vii) Finance Department 400.00 400.00

eb„ ebÂBag

595.15 21.90 617.05 623.51 45.88 669.39 638.43 45.88 684.31 12 Social Security & Welfare 678.03 47.46 725.49

samaejk enrap„a Aar_ kÂlYaN

2429.70 2.31 2432.01 3186.33 96.15 3282.48 3186.33 96.15 3282.48 40 Social Security & Welfare (Other) 3232.43 48.05 3280.48

samaejk enrap„a Aar_ kÂlYaN

1366.51 45.63 1412.14 4286.96 4286.96 5086.96 5086.96 72 Other Rehilitation Schemes 5502.54 5502.54

2236 Nutrition


5.84 5.84 8.95 8.95 8.95 8.95 56 (i) Panchayat & Rural Development Department 10.51 10.51

AFS - 23

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

37673.48 37673.48 49165.73 49165.73 49165.73 49165.73 39 (i) Social Welfare Department 45223.45 45223.45

samaejk enrap„a ebÂBag

70 (i) Social Welfare Department

samaejk enrap„a ebÂBag

28119.95 242.35 28362.30 30481.00 30481.00 77155.42 77155.42 41 2245 Relief on Natural Calamities 32144.70 32144.70

136379.91 312.19 136692.10 189796.77 142.03 189938.80 237388.59 142.03 237530.62 Total (g) Social Welfare and Nutrition 245333.00 95.51 245428.51

muF samaejk enrap„a ebÂBag

(h) Others


0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 12 2250 Other Social Service 0.69 0.12 0.81

1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 6 2250 Other Social Service 1.15 1.15

38 2250 Other Social Service

40 2250 Other Social Service

60.85 60.85 99.10 99.10 99.10 99.10 42 2250 Other Social Service 177.21 177.21

2178.63 2178.63 2615.68 2615.68 2615.68 2615.68 11 2251 Secretariat - Social & Community Services 3208.31 3208.31

2239.48 2239.48 2716.60 2716.60 2716.60 2716.60 Total (h) Others 3387.36 0.12 3387.48

muF AnYanY

1027023.79 693.33 1027717.12 1499303.64 714.28 1500017.92 1556542.14 957.68 1557499.82 Total B-Social Services 1592548.74 683.62 1593232.36

muF samaejk ÎsXa


ATvQnetk ÎsXa

(a) Agricultural and Allied Activities

AFS - 24

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

2401 Crop Husbandry

50044.24 50044.24 75045.12 75045.12 75175.51 75175.51 48 i) Agriculture Department 86605.69 86605.69

kÂ#eS ebÂBag

70 i) Agriculture Department

kÂ#eS ebÂBag

601.57 601.57 1177.62 1177.62 1177.62 1177.62 67 ii) Horticulture Department 904.24 904.24

16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 43 (vi) Co-operation Department

3554.66 3554.66 5079.08 5079.08 5093.02 5093.02 51 2402 Soil and Water Conversation 4954.34 4954.34

70 2402 Soil and Water Conversation

2403 Animal Husbandry

pË paln

18962.19 18962.19 26449.10 26449.10 27406.45 27406.45 52 i) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department 27063.10 27063.10

70 i) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 43 (v) Co-operation Department

70 (v) Co-operation Department

2872.17 2872.17 3924.37 3924.37 3924.37 3924.37 53 2404 Dairy Development 4331.89 4331.89

53 (v) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary

10.00 10.00 46.00 46.00 46.00 46.00 43 (vi) Co-operation

2405 Fisheries

mEn paln

AFS - 25

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

5401.75 5401.75 9080.57 9080.57 9538.57 9538.57 54 i) Fishery 8230.46 8230.46

mEn paln

20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 43 (v) Co-operation

70 (v) Co-operation

25381.43 25381.43 56301.70 56301.70 56301.70 56301.70 55 2406 Forestry and Wild Life 51639.33 51639.33

70 2406 Forestry and Wild Life

bÂn Aar_ bÂnY›¶anE

10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 51 2407 Plantations 10.00 10.00

bÂ#VÂ qrapn

2408 Food Storage and Warehousing

-8835.97 -8835.97 15713.80 15713.80 15834.29 15834.29 37 i) Food and Civil Supplies 15093.73 15093.73

KadY Aar_ ÎRagan

43 (v) Co-operation

70 (v) Co-operation

2415 Agricultural Research and Education

14494.43 14494.43 15352.75 15352.75 15352.75 15352.75 48 i) Agriculture 16650.00 16650.00


52 (v) Veterinary

pË paln

183.02 183.02 213.09 213.09 213.09 213.09 51 iii) Soil Conservation 234.34 234.34

Buem sZrVÂn

628.67 628.67 923.13 923.13 923.13 923.13 55 iv) Forestry and Wild Life 847.25 847.25

bÂn Aar_ bÂnY›¶anE

120.08 120.08 159.21 159.21 159.21 159.21 54 v) Fisheries 154.00 154.00

70 v) Fisheries

AFS - 26

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

mEn paln

53 vi) Dairy Development

duèLala iHë§R^n

5239.92 5239.92 12550.63 12550.63 13070.63 13070.63 43 2425 Co-operation 8896.20 8896.20

70 2425 Co-operation


523.36 523.36 621.86 621.86 2015.54 2015.54 48 2435 Other Agricultural Programmes 666.41 666.41

70 2435 Other Agricultural Programmes

AnYanY k#ÂeR Aac~en

119181.52 119181.52 222686.03 222686.03 226279.88 226279.88 Total (a) Agriculture and Allied Activities 226280.98 226280.98


(b) Rural Development

ngr iHë§R^n

31156.42 31156.42 48750.26 48750.26 48975.50 48975.50 57 2501 Spl. Programmes for Rural Dev. (P & R D) 48026.18 48026.18

70 2501 Spl. Programmes for Rural Dev. (P & R D)

69 2501 Spl. Programmes for Rural Dev. (S&T)

ebÂqSL ngr iHë§R^n Aacen

70 2501 Spl. Programmes for Rural Dev. (Hills)

ebÂqSL ngr iHë§R^n Aacen

50030.00 50030.00 64850.26 64850.26 64930.26 64930.26 56 2515 Other Rural Development Programmes 72546.05 72546.05

AnYanY ngr iHë§R^n Aacen

70 2515 Other Rural Development Programmes

AnYanY ngr iHë§R^n Aacen

81186.42 81186.42 113600.52 113600.52 113905.76 113905.76 Total (b) Rural Development 120572.23 120572.23

muF ngr iHë§R^n

(c) Special Areas Programmes

ebÂqLS AÌl iHë§R^n

608.81 608.81 44358.93 44358.93 44458.93 44458.93 44 2552 North Eastern Areas 4367.56 4367.56

iH„r pUbÂvaÌl

3014.99 3014.99 16109.41 16109.41 16109.41 16109.41 50 2575 Other Special Areas Programmes 18414.63 18414.63

AFS - 27

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

AnYanY ebÂqLS AÌl iHë§R^n

14936.93 14936.93 36055.19 36055.19 36061.19 36061.19 42 2575 Other Special Areas Programmes (Char Area) 45996.85 45996.85

AnYanY ebÂqLS AÌl iHë§R^n

18560.73 18560.73 96523.53 96523.53 96629.53 96629.53 Total (c) Special Area Programmes 68779.04 68779.04

muF ebÂqLS AÌl iHë§R^n

(d) Irrigation and Flood Control

jlesÌn Aar_ bÂan enR^ú±n

5965.48 5965.48 10220.14 10220.14 10220.14 10220.14 49 2701 Major and Medium Irrigation 10704.00 10704.00

VÂì Aar_ mjlER^a jlesÌn

70 2701 Major and Medium Irrigation

VÂì Aar_ mjlER^a jlesÌn

23463.10 23463.10 41417.87 41417.87 41419.35 41419.35 49 2702 Minor Irrigation 38796.38 38796.38

VÂì jlesÌn

70 2702 Minor Irrigation

265.46 265.46 343.05 343.05 343.05 343.05 49 2705 Command Area Development 349.73 349.73

19540.23 19540.23 22492.57 22492.57 22492.57 22492.57 63 2711 Flood Control and Drainage 25034.20 25034.20

70 2711 Flood Control and Drainage

49234.27 49234.27 74473.63 74473.63 74475.11 74475.11 Total (d) Irrigation and Flood Control 74884.31 74884.31

muF jlesÌn Aar_ bÂan enR^ú±n

(e) Energy


10157.16 10157.16 202.14 202.14 2102.14 2102.14 62 2801 Power 11444.26 11444.26


34.88 34.88 40.23 8.00 48.23 40.23 8.00 48.23 69 2810 Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 56.65 56.65

10192.04 10192.04 242.37 8.00 250.37 2142.37 8.00 2150.37 Total (e) Energy 11500.91 11500.91

muF Le„$

(f) Industry & Minerals

AFS - 28

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

iHqdYag Aar_ Ken

2851 Village and Small Industries

¢¶amY Aar_ VuÂì iHqdYag

200.00 200.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 43 i) Co-operation Department

70 i) Co-operation Department

5359.24 5359.24 10151.04 10151.04 10151.04 10151.04 59 ii) Sericulture Department 10952.15 10952.15

10160.21 10160.21 15102.72 15102.72 15807.94 15807.94 59 iii) Handloom and Textiles Department 25831.44 246.25 26077.69

4232.63 4232.63 7177.40 7177.40 7248.60 7248.60 60 iv) Industries Department 7659.41 7659.41

iHqdYag ebÂBag

2852 Industries


7233.28 7233.28 5375.41 5375.41 7303.81 7303.81 58 i) Industries Department 9114.98 9114.98

iHqdYag ebÂBag

3668.51 3668.51 525.00 525.00 525.00 525.00 75 ii) Information Technology 425.00 425.00

iHqdYag ebÂBag

50.00 50.00 43 ii) Co-operation Department

smbÂaR^ ebÂBag

977.57 27.30 1004.87 1278.28 44.40 1322.68 1278.28 44.40 1322.68 61 2853 Non-ferrous Mining & Metallurgical Industries 1447.71 44.40 1492.11

31881.44 27.30 31908.74 39624.85 44.40 39669.25 42329.67 44.40 42374.07 Total (f) Industry and Minerals 55430.69 290.65 55721.34

muF iHqdYag Aar_ Ken

(g) Transport


3054 Roads and Bridges

pT Aar_ dlZ

61900.03 61900.03 77121.33 77121.33 78447.26 78447.26 64 i) Public Works Department 86041.33 86041.33

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBag

AFS - 29

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

70 i) Public Works Department

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBag

8.50 8.50 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 34 ii) Municipal Administration Department 8.68 8.68

2535.80 2535.80 3409.87 21.09 3430.96 3409.87 21.09 3430.96 9 3055 Road Transport 3432.95 21.09 3454.04

pT perbÂhÂn

8161.36 8161.36 9800.95 9800.95 10485.54 10485.54 9 3056 Inland Water Transport 11084.36 11084.36

72605.69 72605.69 90340.74 21.09 90361.83 92351.26 21.09 92372.35 Total (g) Transport 100567.32 21.09 100588.41

muF perbÂhÂn

(i) Science Technology & Environment

1302.13 1302.13 1731.31 3.10 1734.41 1731.31 3.10 1734.41 69 3425 Other Scientific Research 1551.08 11.10 1562.18

AnYanY eb·an gqbÂSna

1302.13 1302.13 1731.31 3.10 1734.41 1731.31 3.10 1734.41 Total (i) Science Technology and Environment 1551.08 11.10 1562.18


(j) General Economic Services

saDÂarN ATvQnetk ÎsXa

3451 Secretariat - Economic Services

secbÂalR^ ATvQnetk ÎsXa

17374.39 17374.39 42628.51 42628.51 42636.42 42636.42 11 i) Secretariat and Attached Offices (General 49511.16 49511.16


156.97 156.97 7455.18 7455.18 7455.18 7455.18 70 ii) Hills Areas 6389.65 6389.65

pabÂvtY AÌl

1586.45 1586.45 4248.74 4248.74 4617.52 4617.52 65 3452 Tourism 5719.07 5719.07


70 3452 Tourism

AFS - 30

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

3454 Census Surveys and Statistics

3400.57 182.71 3583.28 6681.20 277.00 6958.20 6681.20 277.00 6958.20 45 i) Planning and Development Department 5812.14 290.60 6102.74

107.15 107.15 107.15 107.15 12 ii) General Administrastion Department 104.94 104.94

70 ii) General Administrastion Department

3456 Civil Supplies

Asamerk ÎRagan

31.31 31.31 66.45 66.45 66.45 66.45 37 i) Food and Civil Supplies Department 70.61 70.61

KadY Aaru Asamerk ÎRagan

3.00 3.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 43 ii) Co-operation Department

3475 Other General Economic Services

saDÂarn ATvQnetk ÎsXa

697.30 697.30 1303.40 1303.40 1303.40 1303.40 46 i) Weights and Measures 1426.28 1426.28

2088.05 2088.05 1455.22 1455.22 1455.22 1455.22 6 ii) Land Revenue and Land Ceiling etc. 1239.09 1239.09

101.38 101.38 103.07 103.07 105.07 105.07 47 iii) Trade Adviser 103.91 103.91

17.27 17.27 23.71 23.71 23.71 23.71 7 iv) Stamps and Registration 32.26 32.26

70 iv) Stamps and Registration

25456.69 182.71 25639.40 56635.45 7732.18 64367.63 57014.14 7732.18 64746.32 Total (j) General Economic Services 64019.46 6680.25 70699.71

muF saDÂarN ATvQnetk ÎsXa

409600.93 210.01 409810.94 695858.43 7808.77 703667.20 706859.03 7808.77 714667.80 Total C. Economic Services 723586.02 7003.09 730589.11

muF ATvQnetk ÎsXa


AFS - 31

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

63449.92 2132.35 65582.27 158810.01 8569.07 167379.08 165660.01 8569.07 174229.08 66 3604 Compensation and Assignment to Local 164274.35 10540.72 174815.07

Bodies and Panchayati Raj Institutions

63449.92 2132.35 65582.27 158810.01 8569.07 167379.08 165660.01 8569.07 174229.08 Total D. Grants-in-aid 164274.35 10540.72 174815.07

muF shÂaR^k Anudan

Hill Areas Department

48656.70 48656.70 71854.17 71854.17 72603.17 72603.17 76 (Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council) 72916.00 72916.00

27471.57 27471.57 33391.86 33391.86 33608.17 33608.17 77 Hill Areas Department 34716.31 34716.31

(N.C. Hills Autonomous Council)

102843.68 102843.68 120569.00 120569.00 121136.34 121136.34 78 Department of WPT & BC 131089.56 131089.56

(Bodoland Territorial Council)

2456479.97 196375.31 2652855.28 3375474.46 254411.84 3629886.30 3483795.26 256304.46 3740099.72 Total Expenditure from Revenue 3549507.11 268873.15 3818380.26



mUlDÂn eLtan



1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 11 4047 Capital Outlay on Other Fiscal Services 50.00 50.00

17 4058 Capital Outlay on Stationery and Printing

6 4059 Capital Outlay on P.W.D (Revenue)

6470.65 6470.65 22546.56 22546.56 23046.56 23046.56 17 4059 Capital Outlay on Public Works 17049.65 17049.65

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBagr bÂÂaqb mUlDÂn bÂYR^

AFS - 32

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

9 4059 Capital Outlay on Public Works 190.00 190.00

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBagr bÂÂaqb mUlDÂn bÂYR^

70 4059 Capital Outlay on Public Works

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBagr bÂÂaqb mUlDÂn bÂYR^

6470.65 6470.65 23546.56 23546.56 24046.56 24046.56 Total A- Capital Outlay on General Services 17289.65 17289.65




(a) Education, Sports, Art and Culture

eLVÂa, ø$Ei^a, kÂla Aar_ sZ>kÂet

17.57 17.57 17 4202 Capital Outlay on Education Sports Art and


70 4202 Capital Outlay on Education Sports Art and


27 4202 Capital Outlay on Education Sports Art and


17.57 17.57 Total (a) Education, Sports, Art and Culture

muF eLVÂa, ø$Ei^a, kÂla Aar_ sZ>kÂet

(b) Health and Family Welfare

>bÂa>hÂY Aar_ pebrR^al kÂlYaN

984.54 984.54 1616.00 1616.00 1616.00 1616.00 17 4210 Capital Outlay on Medical & Public Health 2356.00 2356.00

70 4210 Capital Outlay on Medical & Public Health

17 4211 Capital Outlay on Family Welfare

pebrR^al kÂlYaNr kÂaqb mUlDÂnE bÂYR^

984.54 984.54 1616.00 1616.00 1616.00 1616.00 Total (b) Health and Family Welfare 2356.00 2356.00

muF >bÂa>hÂY Aar_ pebrR^al kÂlYaN

AFS - 33

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

(c) Water Supply, Sanitation, Housing and

Urban Development

panE Îragan, g#h enmvan Aar_ AnamR^

11151.54 11151.54 9900.00 9900.00 9900.00 9900.00 30 4215 Capital Outlay on Water Supply & Sanitation 45500.00 45500.00

70 4216 Capital Outlay on Housing

g#h enmvanr bÂaqb mUlDÂnE bÂYR^

747.41 747.41 1780.00 1780.00 1780.00 1780.00 33 i) Public Works Department 4630.00 4630.00

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBagr

570.16 570.16 2579.72 2579.72 2579.72 2579.72 14 ii) Home Department 6329.92 6329.92

g#h rVÂE ebÂBag

109.90 109.90 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 43 iii) Co-operation Department

67 4217 Capital Outaly on Urban Development

ngr iHë§R^nr bÂaqb mUlDÂnE bÂYR^

2041.13 2041.13 5610.50 5610.50 5610.51 5610.51 1 4217 Construction by Assembly 4814.80 4814.80

34 4217 Capital Outaly on Urban Development

ngr iHë§R^nr bÂaqb mUlDÂnE bÂYR^

497.62 497.62 1170.00 1170.00 1170.00 1170.00 73 4217 Capital Outlay on Urban Dev. (GDD) 1600.00 1600.00

ngr iHë§R^nr bÂaqb mUlDÂnE bÂYR^

15117.76 15117.76 21100.22 21100.22 21100.23 21100.23 Total (c) Water Supply, Sanitation, Housing etc. 62874.72 62874.72

muF panE Îragan, g#h enmvan Aar_ AnamR^

(e) Welfare of SC, ST & OBC

4225 Capital Outaly on Welfare of SC, ST & OBC

37 i) Social Welfare Department

smaj kÂlYaN ebÂBag

35.00 35.00 69.05 69.05 69.05 69.05 38 ii) W. P.T. & B.C . Department 69.05 69.05

70 ii) W. P.T. & B.C . Department

AFS - 34

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

35.00 35.00 69.05 69.05 69.05 69.05 Total (e) Welfare of SC, ST & OBC 69.05 69.05


(g) Social Welfare and Nutrition

10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 39 4235 Capital Outlay on Social Security & Welfare 10.00 10.00

39 4236 Capital Outlay on Nutrition

10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Total (g) Social Welfare and Nutrition 10.00 10.00


(h) Others


5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 17 4250 Capital Outlay on Other Social Services

smaj ÎsXar bÂaqb mUlDÂnE bÂYR^

5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Total (h) Others

muF AnYanY

16159.87 16159.87 22800.27 22800.27 22800.28 22800.28 Total B- Capital Outlay on Social Services 65309.77 65309.77

muF smaj ÎsXar bÂaqb mUlDÂnE bÂYR^



ATvQnetk ÎsXa

(a) Capital Account of Agriculture

and Allied Activities

43 4401 Capital Outlay on Crop Husbandary


48 4401 Capital Outlay on Crop Husbandary

AFS - 35

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

838.91 838.91 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 52 4403 Capital Outlay on Animal Husbandry 2490.00 2490.00

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 43 i) Co-operation Department

17 ii) ii) Public Works Department

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBagr

60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 43 4404 Capital Outlay on Dairy Development

43 4405 Capital Outlay on Fisheries

54 i) Fisheries Department

mEn paln ebÂBagr

15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 43 ii) Co-operation Department

62.66 62.66 55 4406 Capital Outlay on Forestry and Wild life

1550.00 1550.00 1575.00 1575.00 1575.00 1575.00 43 4408 C.O. on Food Storage & Warehousing (Co-op) 575.00 575.00

37 4408 C.O. on Food Storage & Warehousing (FS & WH)

54 4415 Capital Outlay on Agriculture Research &


124.00 124.00 203.00 203.00 203.00 203.00 43 4425 Capital Outlay on Co-operation

34757.03 34757.03 117713.70 117713.70 154521.14 154521.14 44 4552 Capital Outlay on North Eastern Areas 184845.18 184845.18

70 4552 Capital Outlay on North Eastern Areas

5548.44 5548.44 16636.00 16636.00 16636.00 16636.00 49 4701 Capital Outlay on Major & Medium Irrigation 38349.00 38349.00

70 4701 Capital Outlay on Major & Medium Irrigation

AFS - 36

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

35143.02 35143.02 22911.90 22911.90 22911.90 22911.90 49 4702 Capital Outlay on Minor Irrigation 26755.90 26755.90

70 4702 Capital Outlay on Minor Irrigation

291.99 291.99 1978.00 1978.00 1978.00 1978.00 49 4705 Capital Outlay on Command Areas Dev. 3483.00 3483.00

70 4705 Capital Outlay on Command Areas Dev.

28492.20 28492.20 81107.47 81107.47 81107.47 81107.47 63 4711 Capital Outlay on Flood Control 120058.20 120058.20

70 4711 Capital Outlay on Flood Control

4575 Capital Outlay on Other Social Service

11716.97 11716.97 29200.00 29200.00 29200.00 29200.00 62 4801 Capital Outlay on Power Project 37078.30 37078.30

4851 Capital Outlay on Village and Small Industries

59 i) Sericulture and Weaving Department

17.00 17.00 1734.00 1734.00 1734.00 1734.00 60 ii) Industries Department 1258.00 1258.00

59 iii) Handloom & Textile Department

20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 43 iv) Co-operation Department

378.00 378.00 61 4853 Capital Outlay on Mining and Metallurgical


58 4859 Capital Outlay on Telecommunication and

Electronic Inds.

1495.97 1495.97 5356.00 5356.00 5356.00 5356.00 75 4859 Capital Outlay on Telecommunication and 4947.00 4947.00

Electronic Inds.

AFS - 37

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

43 4860 Capital Outlay on Consumer Industries (Co-op)

6832.83 6832.83 5263.94 5263.94 5263.94 5263.94 58 4885 Capital Outlay on Industries and Minerals 4775.11 4775.11

58092.59 58092.59 116822.92 116822.92 116822.92 116822.92 64 5054 Capital Outlay on Roads and Bridges 120396.96 120396.96

70 5054 Capital Outlay on Roads and Bridges

5055 Capital Outlay on Road Transport

5442.00 5442.00 5532.00 5532.00 5532.00 5532.00 9 i) Transport Department 5532.00 5532.00

perbÂhÂn ebÂBag

17 ii) Public Works Department

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBag

5452 Capital Outlay on Tourism

3010.84 3010.84 2141.00 2141.00 2141.00 2141.00 65 i) Tourism Department 1891.00 1891.00

17 ii) Public Works Department

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBag

11 5465 Investment in General & Financial Trading


5475 Capital Outlay on General Economic Services


30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 43 i) Co-operation Department

17 ii) Public Works Department

gi^kÂa¸anE ebÂBag

AFS - 38

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

193809.45 193809.45 410096.93 410096.93 446904.37 446904.37 Total C- Capital Outlay on Economic Services 552434.65 552434.65


8960.15 8960.15 10596.35 10596.35 10596.35 10596.35 76 Hill Areas Department 10610.35 10610.35

(Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council)

3595.11 3595.11 3992.99 3992.99 3992.99 3992.99 77 Hill Areas Department 4073.72 4073.72

(N.C. Hills Autonomous Council)

21605.69 21605.69 78 Department of WPT & BC

(Bodoland Territorial Council)

34160.95 34160.95 14589.34 14589.34 14589.34 14589.34 Total Hill Areas 14684.07 14684.07


102081.67 102081.67 143515.44 143515.44 145636.42 145636.42 6003 Internal debt of the State Government 105589.24 105589.24

12527.01 12527.01 13632.35 13632.35 13632.49 13632.49 6004 Loans and Advance from the Central Govt. 13893.12 13893.12

114608.68 114608.68 157147.79 157147.79 159268.91 159268.91 Total E- Public debt 119482.36 119482.36



MN Aar_ Ae¢¶m

20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 26 6202 Loans for Education Sports etc. 20.00 20.00

34 6215 Loans for Water Supply & Sanitation (MAD)

124.00 124.00 147.60 147.60 147.60 147.60 32 6216 Loans for Housing (T&CP) 147.60 147.60

AFS - 39

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

73 6217 Loans for Urban Development (GDD)

6217 Loan for U.D. (TCP)

31 i) Town and Country Planning Department

1013.25 1013.25 1255.00 1255.00 1255.00 1255.00 34 ii) Urban Development (MAD) 505.00 505.00

33.30 33.30 33.30 33.30 70 6225 Loans for Welfare of SC, ST and OBC (H.A) 33.30 33.30

38 6225 Loans for Welfare of SC, ST and OBC (H.A)

39 Loans for Social Security and Welfare

72 6235 Loans for Social Security and Welfare

48 6401 Loans for Crop Husbandary

43 6401 Loans for Crop Husbandry (Co-operation)

43 6403 Loans for Animal Husbandary (Co-operation)

52 6403 Loans for Animal Husbandry

43 6404 Loans for Dairy Development (Co-operation)

43 6405 Loans for Fisheries

43 6408 Loans for Food Storage and Warehousing


70.48 70.48 37 6408 Loans for Food Storage & Warehousing

43 6416 Loans to Agriculture Financial Institutions


AFS - 40

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

43 6425 Loans for Co-operation

49 6702 Loans for Minor Irri. for repayment of loan by


6410.00 6410.00 50459.00 50459.00 50459.00 50459.00 62 6801 Loans for Power Projects 15840.00 15840.00

6851 Loans for Village and Small Industries

60 i) Industries Department

164.00 164.00 182.04 182.04 182.04 182.04 70 ii) Hill Areas Department 282.04 282.04

59 iii) Handloom and Textile Department

43 iv) Co-operation Department

149.40 149.40 58 6860 Loans for Consumer Industries 175.00 175.00

43 6860 Loans for Consumer Industries

300.00 300.00 4600.00 4600.00 4600.00 4600.00 11 7465 Loans for General Financial & Trading Ints. 250420.00 250420.00

43 7475 Loans for Other General Economic Services

637.65 637.65 375.00 375.00 400.16 400.16 1 7610 Loans to M.L.A.s 300.00 300.00

70 7610 Loans to M.L.A.s

8.99 0.24 9.23 38.50 1.50 40.00 38.50 1.50 40.00 68 7610 Loans to Government Servants etc. 38.50 1.50 40.00

20.00 20.00 76 Hill Areas Department 20.00 20.00

(Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council)

77 Hill Areas Department

AFS - 41

Actuals 2011-2012 Budget Estimates, 2012-2013 Revised Estimates, 2012-2013 Grant Budget Estimates, 2013-2014

pyk#Ât AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln sZqLaeDÂt ›¶akÂ`kÂln No. Major Heads of Expenditure AaR^-bÂYR^r ›¶akÂ`kÂln

General Sixth Total General Sixth Total General Sixth Total m·uer bÂYR^r mUl eLtan General Sixth Total

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled

saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF nZ saDÂarN S‡ AnusUcE muF

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

(N.C. Hills Autonomous Council)

78 Department of WPT & BC

(Bodoland Territorial Council)

8807.29 20.24 8827.53 56895.10 216.84 57111.94 56990.74 216.84 57207.58 Total F. Loans and Advances 267446.10 336.84 267782.94

muF MN Aar_ Ae¢¶m


7810 Inter State Settlement

Total G. Inter-State Settlement



7999 App. to Contingency Fund

Total H. Transfer to Contingency Fund


339855.94 34181.19 374037.13 670486.65 14806.18 685292.83 710010.86 14806.18 724817.04 Total Capital Expenditure 1021962.53 15020.91 1036983.44


2796335.91 230556.50 3026892.41 4045961.11 269218.02 4315179.13 4193806.12 271110.64 4464916.76 Total EXPENDITURE FROM 4571469.64 283894.06 4855363.70


AFS - 42

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